Casey Anthony Placed On Supervised Probation- Motion to Quash Denied

Posted by BOC Staff | Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,Cheney Mason,Jose Baez | Friday 12 August 2011 12:03 pm

In an 18 page ruling this afternoon, Chief Judge Perry denied Casey Anthony’s requests through her counsel Jose Baez and Cheney Mason.

She must report to probation in Orlando at the Department of Corrections by August 26.

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  1. MsEnscene says:

    MJ…as to the C-Word Pandora complex. Good analogy. I would like to add that Felony Anthony also reminds me of that little character Pig Pen in the cartoon “Peanuts” who forever roamed with a dust cloud surrounding him spreading dirt and grime to everyone he encountered.

    Of course, Pig Pen was a benign figure of fun. A more appropriate and appalling figure in history to compare to the C-Word would be Typhoid Mary who killed where she cooked.

    No amount of explanations or warnings or an arrest in a clinic for 3 years could stay Mary from her appointed cooking rounds. Sinally, through her lawyers claiming she was denied her civil rights, she was let go only if she promised not to work as a cook again. Mary simply changed her name to Mary Brown and began cooking and killing once more.

    Mary’s excuse was that she had to earn a living and since she never got sick from the disease herself, she was not the culprit. She couldn’t understand her role as carrier.

    Mary was suspicious of authority, extremely stubborn, and ignorant of science and under duress to make an honest living the only way she knew how.

    The C-Word doesn’t bother with excuses; she has never said a thing to account for her daughter’s death, except more and more very fanciful lies. Her lawyers and mama will make up any excuses for Miz Ant which drifts by them in the wind.

  2. nana2 says:

    Don’t watch Dr Phil so I guess this is the new & enhanced version of events to keep the story in the news otherwise we’ll loose the big bucks mantra..

    These people make me ill they can’t even keep their lies straight..

  3. Ragdoll says:

    Ragdoll says:

    September 9, 2011 at 12:35 am

    Regarding my link on the Amber Alert for little Kienan. He’s been found, alive!!!!!! He was taken from his bed in the middle of the night. AFter a plea from the family this w/e, he was returned to his HOME. The suspect is a sexual offender.

    This is the second time an Amber Alert resulted in the perp dropping off their abductee to safety in 1 year.

  4. Ragdoll says:


    With only love, I encourage you to not post links to any story regarding the Scams and c word. If we continue to read, we continue to buy into their lies. <3

    I prolly should have addressed that, sorry, thanks Ragdoll, my bad. Paraphrasing is ok by way of information, which is the direct opposite of what I preach any other time.. lol


  5. Ragdoll says:

    Found this on twitter. So far, it’s true!

    If #CaseyAnthony & Michele #Bachmann have taught us anything, it’s this: You can never trust a woman without eyebrows.

  6. nana2 says:

    @ Ragdoll says:
    September 12, 2011 at 12:26 pm


    With only love, I encourage you to not post links to any story regarding the Scams and c word. If we continue to read, we continue to buy into their lies. <3

    I prolly should have addressed that, sorry, thanks Ragdoll, my bad. Paraphrasing is ok by way of information, which is the direct opposite of what I preach any other time.. lol


    My apologies on that link but I was always under the impression that links needed to be provided with articles or info.. Being a former NY'er the NYPost is one of my many daily reads & there it was big as life today along with many other articles to peruse.. Fair & balanced as some station states..

    No apolly necessary, that was a flaw in my direction and I apologize. You did nothing wrong.
    In this situation, I am working in reverese and contradicting everything I preach here, lol.

    Keep up, will ya? :)


  7. pale rider says:

    Ragdoll says:
    September 12, 2011 at 12:26 pm

    With only love, I encourage you to not post links to any story regarding the Scams and c word. If we continue to read, we continue to buy into their lies. <3

    I prolly should have addressed that, sorry, thanks Ragdoll, my bad. Paraphrasing is ok by way of information, which is the direct opposite of what I preach any other time.. lol

    So, B, will you be our appointed watcher to fill us in on the Dr. pfttILL show, cuz I aint a gonna watch! ;-)

    Sorry Mon frier, no I will not. I would not watch those 2 enabling, obstructing individuals if they had instructions for breathing air. I have given the green light for paraphrasing, but honestly, nothing new to see when your dealing with lies, right?

  8. pale rider says:

    MJ, Pandora – excellent analogy!!!!!

    MSEnscene – Typhoid Mary – another GUT one!!!!!

  9. Ragdoll says:

    We know these sorry Scams are con artists. They’ll never amount to anything more than Ma and Pa Barker. What they do well, very well, is lie, embellish those lies and slather on more big fat juicy lies. That’s who they are. This very interview will reveal their lack of empathy for Caylee, family values, integrity and honesty. Vultures.

    Dr. P has lost all credibility with me. He has maintained for years, a chronic liar is lying when their lips are moving. So what’s different about this? NOTHING except now Dr. P is a complete jackass.

  10. Ragdoll says:

    …..and I will NEVER subject myself to Sindy’s nauseating, annunciated tone of voice. If anything makes me postal, it’s listening to THAT.

  11. MsEnscene says:

    Whenever I see Cindy or hear her voice, my skin crawls and I need strong libation! As a diabetic, I cannot take that chance!

    Also, I don’t get the “softness” toward good ol’ George. Cindy is reviled by almost all and deserves it, but George…well poor George…blah, blah…controlled by Cindy, the evil ventriliquist

    No! Drama Queen George plays his part to a “T”. He enjoys being the dummy on Cindy’s knee. A pox on both of them.

    I am convinced that everything the Weird Couple do is to feather their nest and PROTECT the Felonious Ms.C-Word.

    Dollars to dougnuts…Cindy is, at this very moment, in close contact with her thugee of a daughter scheming on how to bring her home so mamaCindy, world-class liar and spinner of fiction, can enjoy her life. George, after all, is no substitute for the love of her life, her alter ego, MsCreant.

    She tells Dr. Phil she hopes the felonious one can “have a happy life and more children.”

    Cindy is certifiable.

  12. MJ says:

    ” A happy life and more children” ?????? WTF is wrong with Sindy? She just got through giving her fantastical medical diagnosis (s), all of which are to ‘splain why her thieving/murdering daughter lies, steals and threw her own CHILD in a swamp down the street…….and Sindy wants her to have more?
    A brain tumor? Grand Mal seizure? Post partum schizophrenia ( whatever that is)? Why yes, any good grams would be wise to encourage her obviously severely impaired, mentaly ill and un-cured child to give birth to another helpless baby.
    I didn’t watch but from what I read, I predict that one day ole G Marie will fly the coop and try to cash in on his poor pitiful me routine. Right now, he’s coasting on the skid marks that cindy lays down but once they’ve got enough resources and he’s established his supportive ( ie; equal under the law)role as dutiful husband …BAM! watch the screen door slam. He’ll be on all the shows, write a book all by his lonesome. Wait for it, his wifey is confirming for the record that what Baez said per kc was hogwash so when he goes out on his own, she can’t come rolling along with support of the molester stories or the GA disposed of the body story.
    I wish they’d just go away forever and shut up.

  13. Ragdoll says:

    Please….is this titmouse for real?

    Jose Baez
    Casey’s Lawyer Now Defending
    Aruba Suspect Gary Giordano

    Yes, please, save the killers of this world. We need it like we need a global enima.

    He is not licensed to practice Intl law, or in any state other than Florida, so he is either consulting or pro hac vice.

  14. MsEnscene says:

    I didn’t watch, but there are enough people who did. I read where Phil’s ratings trumped Anderson Cooper’s show on Amy Winehouse. Two tabloid programs competing with each other! I did watch NG who will never change her pity party for the Anthonys…”They are such warm and wonderful people.”

    Jean Casarus on NG did say what I’ve been thinking…Jean said “Cindy wants to welcome Casey back into their home.” She said George doesn’t want her back in the home, but I take that part with a grain of salt. He does what Cindy tells him to do. He’s linked with Cindy financially…he’s not going anywhere.

    I watched NG because my friend Drew Kesse was on, unless I missed the first few minutes, his topic was supposed to be his thoughts on the Anthony’s foundation being paid for the appearance and I think she let him say 3 sentences. Disappointing.


  15. myers says:

    I get nauseated at the thought of hearing these disgusting people. These people have no shame. I did not and will not watch Dr Phil ever again. He has ruined it for me. If he sat there and did not ask the questions and drill these SOB for the truth like he drills everyone else, then he is a failure. I am hearing that the disgusting grandmother wants more children for her daughter, WTF planet is this disgusting creature from. What will be there downfall. When will they finally give up there bulls#@# story and just accept the fact that the world looks at them with disgust and that will never change, no way, no how. Are they that stupid??? Even though they know she killed Caylee, they will continue to lie as long as it brings a buck, and that right there tells a story about a person. Cindy has convinced herself that she is the queen.

  16. Ragdoll says:

    Affirmative. He can advice but cannot argue in court. One case he won only because the stars are aligned and the guy thinks he’s a savior.

    …..c words so called grand mal seizures were probably nothing more than xanax withdrawals.

  17. PA Valley Girl says:

    What??? Cindy hopes that the C-word will have more children??? For what purpose…so she can accidentally/on purpose eliminate those babies for more financial gain??? These “people” (and I use that term loosely) continuously sink to new lows.

    And as for Jose representing that other murderer…Gawd, what BS story will he come up with for that defense? “Your honor, my client Gary could not possibly have murdered Robyn! He suffered a grand mal seizure while snorkeling, and that’s why she drowned!”

    Jose to Cindy: “Thanks for that defense tip!!!”

  18. Slowroller says:

    Alright I watched it, and plan to watch part 2 this afternoon…

    FWIW, DP started the show by acknowledging the public’s disdain for the A’s, and said they are not being paid, and that they will receive a donation to the Caylee Fund, of which DP then asked if they take a salary from that fund, and they answered NO…like taking candy from a baby after lying under oath, in front of the whole world…

    I thought DP did ask some relatively tough questions, and as usual, the answers were less than fulfilling for me…

    The 31 days…say they still didnt have an inkling that anything was wrong…?!?

    I have no compassion for any of the A’s, but G looked frustrated at some points, and even admitted that he and C disagree on a lot of their “beliefs”…

    G again seemed to take the bullet. They brought up the A’s near divorce, and how G gambled away 30 grand. AND that C*word*T was staunchly against them “getting back together”, and did NOT want G living back in the house…

    G says C was enabling C*word*T just like she enable him during their marriage trouble…

    Complete BS on the GM seizure, not that she suffered from one, but that it is an indication that she has become a child killer…

    I like, everyone else, will not be satisfied, until the whole lot of them are water boarded on national TV…that way if they still lie, I have seen them water boarded on national TV…

  19. Ragdoll says:


    I watched NG because my friend Drew Kesse was on, unless I missed the first few minutes, his topic was supposed to be his thoughts on the Anthony’s foundation being paid for the appearance and I think she let him say 3 sentences. Disappointing.

    Of course he was shut down by NG…as if she’d let him go there. At least someone is watching this fraud charity. He needs to go on a non pro Scamthony program to create awareness about how these con artists run.


  20. Ragdoll says:

    @ Slowroller says:

    September 14, 2011 at 11:50 am

    I would entertain watching George being interviewed…..alone! I bet he has a lot more he’s dying to get off his chest. The man is going to implode if he doesn’t leave this family. He’d do just fine on his own without the 2 ..ahem C*word*T! He’s dying to tell the truth. JMHO

  21. lizzy says:

    “Ragdoll says:
    September 14, 2011 at 1:16 am
    Please….is this titmouse for real?

    Jose Baez
    Casey’s Lawyer Now Defending
    Aruba Suspect Gary Giordano

    Yes, please, save the killers of this world. We need it like we need a global enima.

    He is not licensed to practice Intl law, or in any state other than Florida, so he is either consulting or pro hac vice.

    Supposed consulting on the forensic evidence? He’s an expert now? Well, I guess he is . . . he can advise them on how to pick a jury that is too clueless to pay any attention to the evidence.

  22. Sue says:

    Hi Blink and All!

    Possible Human Remains Found in Susan Powell Search

    I know off topic, but they’ve got human bones.

  23. MsEnscene says:

    George appears to come off as the “good guy” , again. I’m not buying his latter-day conversion to reality. He’s saying someone helped Casey do this. he can’t admit that he even thinks she could do it alone.

    He, as well as Cindy, accused other people of kidnapping and then killing Caylee and he’s effectively still doing it. Sure, Cindy plotted with Baez and Dominic Casey to extend the “Caylee sightings” when the Anthonys surely knew that child was “in the woods”, as Cindy strangely denied. And she headlined the campaign with Baez and Dom Casey to find culprits among Casey’s acquaintences, but Georgie Porgie played his part as well, communicating these ideas many times to the media and public.

    Why didn’t Dr. Phil ask the Anthonys why they accused innocent people of taking Caylee? Why didn’t he ask them why they destroyed evidence and obstructed the investigation and lied in interviews and depositions?

    “Hardball” questions from Dr. Phil? Pffffttt!

  24. MsEnscene says:

    Cindy is saying that she suspected from July 16th that Caylee drowned and tried to tell LE of her suspicions. “But they didn’t even ask Casey about that.” Like hell! We know they did ask her if there had been an accident, and how they talked to parents all the time who’ve lost their children from drowning in a pool.

    Cindy said she knows now it was an accident. God set her daughter free.

    “Justice for Caylee is when her mother walked.”

    There are no words…

  25. marlene says:

    accident or not…what kind of loving good mother would toss her baby’s remains into a swamp to be torn apart by animals? God did not set her daughter free, laws that protect the criminal and some @#!%&# jurors did. justice for caylee is still to come.

  26. Slowroller says:

    …after watching part two, and I know there is “evidence” that she didnt have opportunity, but I am toying with the idea CA was involved…

    1st of all, as we all know, she is frightening…

    …she taught C*word*T by example how to lie…

    …C*word*T has this over her head, thus the beyond BLIND loyalty…

  27. everyone's a suspect says:

    Mark Nejame tweeted on 9/3…he had lunch with JA…says book will tell a lot of what needs told…a good read.!/MarkNeJame

  28. MsEnscene says:

    I’ll bet the C-Word is fuming that her mother did another “cameo” and and the big C is telling her minders, “Get ME an interview! If they want Cindy, they’d want ME more! Get off your arses and get me Matt Lauer! Anderson Cooper! Barbara Walters! Where’s Jose! In Aruba? Get him on the phone, NOW, do I make myself f—kin’ CLEAR!”

  29. Ragdoll says:

    I’m encouraged that George is finally speaking his own mind! His opinions are not even remotely close to what Spindy would have us believe. I’m not totally buying into what he said either (for the record, I didn’t watch the gong show but their are clips all over the place).

    Interesting….a brief clip has Cindy stating that she’s never heard that come out of his mouth (George said he believes Caylee died from a drug over dose so Casey could party).

    No kidding Cindy? You never let the man talk…b/c you knew the truth. For that matter, I still believe George is bending the truth and knows Casey murdered Caylee. They both knew at some point but apparently, some people have breaking points while others have no problems living with their lies.

  30. Ragdoll says:

    @ marlene says:

    September 15, 2011 at 4:38 am

    If it was an accident, she would have called 911. She wouldn’t have gone to great lengths to cover up Caylee’s murder. Dr. G.’s testimony, regardless of the verdict, blew an accidental death right out of the water.

  31. Ragdoll says:

    @ MsEnscene says:

    September 15, 2011 at 12:12 am

    Her interviews with LE were about the nanny. Not once did she bring up a drowning. What Cindy is forgetting is that all of this is on the net. It’s on the record, so to speak.

    This woman needs help. She is not in touch with any kind of reality.

  32. pale rider says:

    And let’s not forget the duct tape over little Caylee’s mouth and nose. Why would an accidental anything need duct tape to cover the airways???

  33. MJ says:

    It appears CA is operating in high psychopathic gear. She continues to weave lie after lie and wants everyone to believe them, fortunately, like Ragdoll said, all of the former lies and evidence is public knowledge.
    I really can’t decide of I think she’s running in fix-it mode for her apple or if this is her deep psychosis or if it’s the next charade, the encore from the trial.
    The pay for bray is annoying for sure but her no holds barred expose’ of her insanity is fascinating. Life with her must be horribly frustrating.
    Bet ole GA longs for the days when he could fire up the Find Caylee poster truck and hide out. sure the Bahamas are nice but when your companion is the village lunatic and your own daughter is FCA ???

  34. MsEnscene says:

    I don’t believe Cindy is in anyway crazy, out of reality, or in denial. She knows exactly what she is doing as anyone who has read her texts to Jose and Dominic Casey know when Cindy continually tried to find an innocent to pin Caylee’s murder on. People in denial do not do this.

    Cindy is a plotter and a schemer. She changes her stories all the time to keep up with the current evidence or opinion. That she doesn’t always remember what she’s said before or that there may be witnesses that she is lying (Leonard Padilla’s guards), doesn’t bother her one iota.

    She is, she thinks, so much smarter and cleverer than the average person, and like Jose, she likes to throw stuff out there and see what sticks. And always, always, the grieving grandmother to fall back on if she gets any really hard questions. And the change in meds!

    This last appearance and nest of lies on Dr. Phil is to make George’s “new” revelations seem more palatable by comparison to her outlandish tales. He can’t make nuch headway getting donations for their scam foundation as a CHILD MOLESTER! So the pity party for George, is as before the trial, in full progress.

    And many are saying how honest George is being (yes comparatively speaking) and how at least he’s sptting it all out with Cindy looking shocked and saying, “Oh, I’ve never heard that from you before! I am shocked!” Cindy can barely escape showing her evil Cindy smirk several times as Dr. Phil tried to shake her with his rather softball approach. “She is in deep denial.” Oh, Dr. Phil, aren’t you full of it! You ain’t so smart.

    She’s shocked at George’s opinions. Yeah, right. In three years, neither has ever expressed the belief that Casey might have drugged Caylee to go out partying. Ahem! Never occurred to them! Did the pool drowning? Nah, Caylee was with Zanny who took her to NY, NJ, TX, CA, PR.All the while, George tells us he’s “watching the kidnappers”!

    The George and Cindy act goes on and on…and many believe that we can now put faith in George who has lied and lied all along. He tells the small lies about every facet of this case and all through the investigation. Cindy tells the whoppers about the important things. Together they are an unbeatable team.

    What an act! And now the peeps who fall for George’s act are saying, “Well, that’s it! A divorce is now coming! George is finally being honest” Oh, I don’t think so. Together there is money…apart, not so much.

    Besides which, this interview was done the first week in August, I think, so they are still hand ‘n hand strolling and shopping. Cindy doesn’t look too shocked at George’s revelations. After all, his rep. is becoming steadier, and poor George is somewhat back in the public fold. Up from child molester and dumper of bodies.

  35. FCA is the epitomy of the old adage, “the apple doesnt fall far
    from the tree”. What a screwed up family they all were. So sad
    for a precious Caylee to be born into.

  36. MJ says:

    Ah yes, George has been rehabilitated somewhat and the heirarchy of the fraudation seems strong and committed but someday the prodigal daughter will come back like a pox.
    FCA is/was a coddled narcissist enabled by the dominatrix family narcissist not used to making her own way or cleaning up her her own messes. The benevolent devoted DT will eventually tire of “raising” her, unless she manages to find a guy willing to play house with her…I do think she’ll burrow her way back into the family, she is the princess after all. Even if she’s financially able to have her own digs I think she needs that emotional adoration from momster…where will poor GA fit in that scene?

  37. MsEnscene says:

    MJ…the two narcissists cannot long endure their separation from each other. They compete with one another and feed off one another. They’re not a whole entity without each other.

    The DT cannot forever take on the care and feeding of Mistress Ego.

    BTW, are George and Cindy moving up in the world?
    The old Hopeless Homestead appears to be on Zillow offered for sale.
    I dunno!

  38. MJ says:

    Maybe the proud parents will be giving their house to Lee & Mallory as a wedding gift. They’re wallowing in granddollars now so an upgrade is due, perhaps a nice lake house with a granny unit for their ‘amazing daughter’?

  39. MsEnscene says:

    I agree that a nice house in a gated community would be the perfect place to welcome home their “awesome” MOTY. (Cindy picked up that word from Mallory who, in her deposition, admitted that she had spent very little time around Casey.) A house with a gardener’s cottage for GA would be ideal. George’s princess would not want to share the big house with her “molester” and in a utility cottage George could be near his lawn equipment and gas cans. Cindy and Casey could “cuddle” everynight over their fave TV programs.

  40. MJ says:

    I do believe the Ant circus is becoming passe’. Going down in the history books as the most dysfunctional family ever is their legacy.
    Caylee will not be forgotten but God willing, the rest of them will. buhbye.

  41. MsEnscene says:

    The Headliner Ant is on the cover of PEOPLE this week. I believe she is on it alone and not sharing with any other “celeb”. So she, at least, isn’t passe’ with any of the media still trying to make a buck off of the tot-momster. And the word is going around that in the article Casey is expressing sorrow that she lied about what happened to Casey. Just a feeler to see how the public will react to the lastest shim-sham from the world-class liar. I think Miz C-Word is prepping for her debut on a national interview. “Barbara, are you ready for me?” “Matt, here I come!” “Cindy, your cameos were nuthin’; get a load of mine!”

    I was not aware that PEOPLE had descended into Wonderland.

  42. MsEnscene says:

    Okay, correction. I’ve seen two covers of PEOPLE with the thing on the cover. One is of her alone and one has her sharing space. Don’t know which they are going to use. The one where she is alone says “Outrage” across her body.

  43. MJ says:

    MsE~ the magazine piece is the stage setter I think. The parental units have stolen her thunder and she’s not quite ready for prime time. The “team” hasn’t honed her image as frightened, grief stricken yet boldly ready to move on yet so they have their “sources” define the new kc for us. Little snippets at a time, like poison.

    Now that the spokesperson is revealing the princess’ innermost feelings and thoughts and goals when interviewed she won’t really have to elaborate (that’s dangerous for a killer). She can parrot the question and a yes or no answer. PR and image creation at it’s finest, it worked for the trial so I think they don’t want to risk letting her pull a cindy.

  44. Valley Girl says:

    Disgusting that this 3 ring circus continues, isn’t it??? Makes one wonder who on this planet would buy/read this rubbish. I for one have made it a point to not watch news programs, click on links to articles, etc. etc. pertaining to any of that group. Turned off GMA the other day when they were going to interview Jose on his newest client (Giordano). Sorry, but I refuse to contribute so much as a penny to this pack of thieves. No interest=no income. No worries, this will fade quickly into obscurity.

    At least until the Cword commits another crime. And we all know that is only a matter of “when” not “if”.

  45. MsEnscene says:

    In my ire at the injustice done to Caylee and the continuing media monetary support for the people who failed her most, I think it’s difficult to have any “closure” (Cindy’s word). I was watching a bit of the movie “Chicago” today and at the end, two murderesses in 20′s Chicago get off scott free due to their lawyer’s “razzle-dazzlement” of their respective juries. The duo team up and go on to “star” as a duet in a nightclub act to the cheers and applause of their audience. I’m seeing Casey and Cindy in the future as a socko-boffo mother-daughter interview team. I wonder if they can sing and dance.

  46. Ragdoll says:

    @ MsEnscene says:

    September 22, 2011 at 4:14 pm


    I wonder if they can sing and dance.

    As a matter of fact, they can sing and dance….around the truth.

  47. lizzy says:

    Cword’s bill is now up to $219k!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Progress.

    Lol, no, the total is now $294K ( add Fed Tax levy of $75K) and that does not include whatever judgements may result in her civil suit. OR what assets might be uncovered in same.

    If you could market a talent for costing more than you could ever make in three lifetimes, she would win.


  48. MsEnscene says:

    Responding to Ragdoll’s “As a matter of fact, they can sing and dance…arond the truth.”

    Good one, Rags! Both have an enormous amount of tunes in their repertoires!

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