Susan Powell Disappearance: Sources Say Arrest Imminent, Father In Law Is A Perv

Posted by BOC Staff | Josh Powell,Michael Powell,Steven Powell,Susan Powell | Thursday 25 August 2011 11:15 pm

Puyallup, WA- This afternoon, search warrants were served on the home in Puyallup  Josh Powell and his two young sons with Susan Cox Powell share  with his  Dad, Steven Powell.

Josh alleges Susan disappeared on December 9, 2009 when he took the couples children on an impromptu camping trip, 2 hours away, in a blizzard, with a generator, while forgetting to call his employer when he did not show up two days later.

He admitted that Susan stayed behind to clean a red stain on the carpet, which police witnessed two fans drying, three days later.

This is all the factual data I can write prior to breaking into the editorial portion of our program.


This woman’s father in law, Steven Powell, is describing her sexuality?

courtesy abc news

He is stating they were very sexual with one another?  With all due respect,  if this dear woman was not already deceased,  she is dying all over again at such a sadistic and  malicious comment.

A friend of Susan’s tells the real story here.

He went on to say he was falling in love with her.

Air sickness bags located in the seat pocket in front of you.   If you don’t use yours, save it.

In this case, you will need it before it is over.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a witness to Josh Powell’s whereabouts the early morning hours of December 9, 2009,  has confirmed to, that an arrest is imminent in this case.

Our source cannot confirm however, that an arrest is forthcoming in Susan’s actual disappearance.

Check back to for updates.

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  1. Sammy says:

    Ragdoll says:
    August 26, 2011 at 7:04 pm
    Well slap my @$$ and call me Billy.
    @ Ragdoll …
    Always enjoy your perspectives and opinions on BOC … and once again a chance for a needed chuckle in the middle of another horrendous story.
    Oh woman, you’re one smart cookie – and a hoot too.
    B-Biscuit’s … hehehe
    Thank you friendy!!

    @ Blink.
    Time to batten down the hatches!!
    Geez – an earthquake and hurricane Irene all in one week.

    Great to hear that Anne Bremner is working with the Cox Family.
    Sloth Josh and Skeeve Steve have had almost 2 years to work their story and lies – they need Ms Bremner to stand with them and fight for their daughter and their grand-babies.

    Everyone in Irene’s path … please be safe !!

  2. Ode says:

    Kleat says:
    August 27, 2011 at 9:33 am
    If Blink is right about Josh nearing breaking point, this may be why this is happening now– orchestration.
    So true in many ways. Fortunately Susan’s journals actually played a huge role in LE’s favor. It gave them a reason to enter the Powell home in WA. Nice how they let Steve be away when they came to search. They took 5 computer towers out. Interesting? I think the most immediate need is to get those children to a safe place. I would not even care if it were not the Cox’s yet but someplace safe away from these oddballs. Grandpa has exhibited very strange behavior recently in his claims of inappropriate actions with these children’s missing mother. Daddy just acts as if all is normal.

  3. connie says:

    To all Atlantic Coast Friends- Be careful from Miss Irene and Blink take care!

  4. Edward says:

    I am glad to see this fool talk.. It does make one wonder who disappeared Susan or if it was a TEAM effort.

    You read my mind, a la Scott Morris and Dad Jimmy Morris, who I maintain to this day should have been charged in that case.

  5. Ragdoll says:

    @ Sammy says:

    August 27, 2011 at 9:47 am

    Good bless your heart, sweet friendy of mine. I wish, with all my heart, the whole world could share a laugh together. <3

    Be strong east coast! Perpetual prayers for complete safety. Love Love Love <3

  6. Ragdoll says:

    @ Word Girl says:

    August 26, 2011 at 9:02 pm

    I am NOT reading that diary at any cost. I won’t give the pig dogs the satisfaction. I hope the media will be respectful…but I’m not betting on it.

    For Susan and her little men <3

  7. Ragdoll says:

    @ Word Girl says:

    August 26, 2011 at 8:39 pm

    Missed this and I couldn’t be more estatic!!!!! Thank you for posting the ‘linky links’ (love it!!!!!) WG. I hope the attempt to publish back fires <—-may lead and gun powder stain their skin.

  8. Ragdoll says:

    If I wasn’t so angry, I’d be roflmbo. Who in their right mind is going to believe Josh would move in with the man, aka Big Daddy Powell, who had flirtatious/sexual relations with his wife?

    Get Jackie Collins on the line. This screams best seller.

  9. Word Girl says:

    That’s pretty dang funny, Ragdoll. Jackie C, indeed. They’ve been working their defense for quite a while now. It’s always the perverts who project their slimey thoughts onto others. I’ve known a few.

  10. jamie says:

    Blink, please spend some time on your grammar and sentence structure. I have read your blog for years, loved it, but recently it seems as if you/ your team have become sloppy and unprofessional. I am leaving the site because of it. Its hard to take your comments and statements seriously with such poor use of the English language. It’s a shame, I think you do good investigative work, but the delivery….you’re losing readers.

    Jamie, thanks for the feedback. This post was put up in haste, to update readers when I was suffering from a sinus infection I let get so serious I had a 102 degree fever and my right eye was pasted shut.

    That said, I make no misrepresentations I am a literary savant when I am perfectly lucid.

    I like to consider my style as a more conversational and narrative approach to my relationship with my readers. It helps when I get posts like yours, considerably.*

    I promise to use my copy editor more and I will resist the urge to use my snarkolepsy powers in response to your criticism.


    * I intentionally botched that sentence structure because I know it just made your eye twitch, blink to clear it. Heh, heh. (also not a sentence!)

  11. Jeff D says:

    Blink, please spend some time on your grammar and sentence structure. I have read your blog for years, loved it, but recently it seems as if you/ your team have become sloppy and unprofessional. I am leaving the site because of it. Its hard to take your comments and statements seriously with such poor use of the English language. It’s a shame, I think you do good investigative work, but the delivery….you’re losing readers.

    Jamie, thanks for the feedback. This post was put up in haste, to update readers when I was suffering from a sinus infection I let get so serious I had a 102 degree fever and my right eye was pasted shut.

    That said, I make no misrepresentations I am a literary savant when I am perfectly lucid.

    I like to consider my style as a more conversational and narrative approach to my relationship with my readers. It helps when I get posts like yours, considerably.*

    I promise to use my copy editor more and I will resist the urge to use my snarkolepsy powers in response to your criticism.


    * I intentionally botched that sentence structure because I know it just made your eye twitch, blink to clear it. Heh, heh. (also not a sentence!

    I thoroughly enjoy the challenge of filling in the (mostly intentional) blanks. Much of the message must be cryptic and understandably so. I choose to ‘listen’ to Blinks words as opposed to reading. I am also certain that I have ended sentences with a prepositonal phrase or two, without doubt.:)…

    Hang in there Blink…both figuratively and literally..

    First earth…then wind…be alert for fire!

  12. connie says:

    Blink- Hope you are feeling better! As a chronic sinus sufferer, my prayers are with you.

    I am perfectly fine now thanks, it was my fault.

  13. Sammy says:

    Jeff D says:
    August 28, 2011 at 10:32 am
    Hang in there Blink…both figuratively and literally..
    First earth…then wind…be alert for fire!

    What’s next … Locust’s ?? :)

  14. BullyGoatGruff says:

    I would like to address the English teacher “wannabe”. I found several errors in your post. An ellipsis, for example, is THREE periods. You also used a “forward slash (/) incorrectly. Punctuation is obviously not your strong point. There are more errors, but I’m bored with you. Please think about the old saying about people that live in glass houses and leave Blink alone.

    What did you just call me?

    Lol, teasing, thanks for the kind words and your first post apparently. Your hat is priceless, and frankly, I am envious of your creativity.

    Heart u

  15. Oh. My. God. Is this chick just effing with us? Yeah, We’re all running for the hills because Blink doesn’t always use your vs. you’re correctly. We can’t look past her occasional grammatical errors to marvel at her brilliance. Puh-lease.
    Sorry this is my first post and it’s so “snarky”, (love that term)but after reading Blink’s blog for years now and not having slept because our power is out and we’re sweating like pigs due to our lack of AC or fans (thanks Irene), Jamie’s post just irked the hell out of me.
    I understand Miss Blink (whom I admire for her beauty both inside and out) if you’d rather not post my b**chy message. ;)
    Aaaanyway, I agree with all of you wonderful posters – Gramps is one skeavy dude! And Josh is a tool to say the least. Can’t wait to see where this investigation leads. I desperately hope it’s to a living mother who can’t wait to be reunited with her sweet babies.
    I have a soft spot for those little guys ’cause my 2 children are little guys too. I have to believe they’re ok and things will work out for them one way or another because otherwise I can’t sleep at night.
    Here’s hoping everyone on this side of the U.S. weathered the storm as well as we did… stay safe everyone, no matter where you are on the earth!

  16. Ragdoll says:

    LMBO @ snarkolepsy! Blink is a self professed snarkoleptic. WHO KNEW????!!!!

    <3 <3 <3

  17. GriffyMom says:

    Blink, the majority of us are here for the content, not the grammar/sentence structure. Keep up the great investigative work and feel better.

    Thank you kindly to all.

  18. zeus says:

    I totally understand Jamie-recently my doctor said I was dying and needed immediate treatment–but his English was so poor I chose NOT to listen to him.

    I mean, after all, he could not have possibly been accurate in his diagnosis-right?

    If he wanted his patients to take him seriously-he should take some English courses-because everyone knows that is WAY more important than his entire medical education-right?


    Snark alert! I’m not dying, of course!

    For Zeus:


  19. Word Girl says:

    BullyGoat, Sammy, Jeff D.=Yea for Blinkspeak! Or should it be ‘yay’?

    And, BullyG.G.. does that period land inside your quotations on ‘wannabe’(e) (sic?)?

    Don’t get Ode or some of those other Engleesh peeps going on our grammer. Man, they are tuff! I think there might be quite a few of them around this blog. (See why I’m so guite?)

    Actually, after my first effort to get Blink to only change her standard–whatchacallit? banner/header? which she wouldn’t do (cuz she’s so affectionately attached to her its and it’s) I just had to laugh and enjoy!

    You are a wonderful challenge Blink. Sometimes I think I don’t understand something you wrote; after a few seconds of blonde-delay, though, I have a Blink-moment and tada! je comprend(s?).

    It’s the big picture we’re after. I don’t know that literacy gets in the way of our message. Is the medium more than the message?

    Jamie, I hope you’ll stay. You seem to be a loyal and careful reader who might be a help in getting out the word–and grammatically correct, at that! (There are lots of letters to write and we often need a prototype. ‘Say ‘yes’?)

  20. daydreamer says:

    jamie says:
    August 28, 2011 at 12:43 am

    Blink, please spend some time on your grammar and sentence structure. I have read your blog for years, loved it, but recently it seems as if you/ your team have become sloppy and unprofessional. I am leaving the site because of it. Its hard to take your comments and statements seriously with such poor use of the English language. It’s a shame, I think you do good investigative work, but the delivery….you’re losing readers.

    Thanks so much for your input it is so unappreciated.Blink does not have to explain her style of writing on her own website,if you are not happy here….just click the X at the top of your browser.As far as losing readers,well how would you know? I enjoy Blinks style of writing, her content is so informative and expressive.Blink is never sloppy or unprofessional.I suspect a wee bit of jealousy here.Oh and what website or blog do you manage? I am very happy to be a member of Blink readers.I am not leaving and you can write that on your little notepad,since you’re keeping count.To Blink:Keep on rolling and hope
    you feel better,I have suffered all my life with sinus infections.They

  21. daydreamer says:

    Oh Blink this is one sick pair and I hope justice will come soon.I would love to see them both arrested and put in the same cell to rot away.I bet their is a lot of dirt on their computers.Blink do you know if Steven Powell has ever been convicted before? There is a website with his songs he wrote and photo’s.His ex-girlfriend claimed he wrote them for Susan.Pervert does not even begin to describe him and Josh is living with him? You could not make this one up if you tried.

    PS:I am a survivor of the earthquake and hurricane 2011

  22. Blink says:

    @ Word Girl

  23. lizzy says:

    Blink, I do admit that sometimes I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to mark up your blog with a red pen and send it back to you. I’m so used to marking student writing as I read that it is hard to resist; I had to quit reading BOC on the tablet PC I use for teaching/grading. LOL But it is part of your charm, and leaves me to feel free to post here without proofreading my own words. : )

  24. Ode says:

    Jeff D says:
    August 28, 2011 at 10:32 am
    Hang in there Blink…both figuratively and literally..
    First earth…then wind…be alert for fire!
    Followed closely by the Grammar Police. Lordy folks we have discussed this before. I stink at grammar. I love Blink’s writing, I have said before it is as if she is actually talking to us. If your interest here is grammar, then you just don’t get it. Sorry Blink I am moving on but not from you.

  25. Word Girl says:

    Teehee…I tole ya Ode and Lizz would rise up in defense! Glad you like the snark, B.
    Seriously, we need all the goodwill hunting and gathering we can get here. I learn so much from everyone. (Say you’ll stay, Jamie?)

    I also make many mistakes in writing and know I won’t be hung out to drip-dry. The hardest part for me is the THINKING.
    That’s what language allows me to do. I feel challenged to use it to my best advantage.

    Let’s move on folks. Nuttin’ to see here!

  26. Löni says:

    Woah i hope it is allright for me to write something, sometimes in BOC being a stranger ( Europe ) and making lots of gram. synt. and punct. errors doing to the fact that i forgot the most of my school english.
    Anyway i like the way Blink writes so…

  27. BeTheChange says:

    Jamie, I have been reading here since i stumbled here i think about 2 years ago…I was accused of being so many different things, but that didn’t change or define who i really am.. I was a newbie. Although my delivery wasnt what everyone else was wanting to see or hear, it didnt change the fact i believe din BLINKS cause. I am not a troll. I do not suppor tth enimies of these victims. I beelive in Blink and her website and what they do here.. they are advocated for victims…grammer or lack of proper grammer doesnt change the mission. I just sit back and dont say anything….i dont have to comment or be in the limelight to support the cause…i like to think of my self as a silent partner….LOL…if i can at least have credit for that. Being silent has never been one of my specialities..i am loud and proud most of the time…I am from Texas…but i mean well and sometime sin translation it isnt broadcasted that way.. I have learned to be appreciated by what i do not say. I am sorry of this may offend you…But I need to tell you No one is perfect. Blink and how she writes or speaks is welcomes by most here i have found (not speaking of yourself)it breaks the ice sort of without taking the light off of the (not so nice circumstances sometimes with which she has to work under). Gezz give her a break, look at what kind of topics she has to discuss…she is working with subjects of great difficulty…with children i think would be the most ddicult topics to discuss. These cases she brings to her forum are all very sensitive subjects and matters…Please be gracious and kind when you speak to this advocate. She is doing her best! She does a great job. I say all of this with great compassion for what she does…when i first came here, i commented without any regard… i was beat on my first time posting. They sensed messages, i couldnt understand how they got a message that was so far fromthe truth…so i went silent…continued to read and support them… Blink has taught me alot. (listen more, talk less).God gave us two ears and one mouth… Hear more, talk less….That is my message to you…Listen to these victims, hear they crys and screams….their stories would go under the radar if it want for people like Blink…Who cares about a few mistakes…that is what makes us human….i dont want to be desensitized…Thank you Blink for all u do…Back to lurking and learning.

  28. BeTheChange says:

    yes, I read here everyday. Supporting in silence. Just becasue someone doesnt understand my delivery of my messages doesnt make what the casue is any less important. I have found my messages ar enot important, but What this forum does is! It keep the victim in the news, it helps the communities and society aware of what is happening without regulations and desensitized information. I appreciate that so much. Mistakes and homurous notations in a editors comments is what keep speople reading and interested. they are those little reminders, to remember the important things…hug your children, kiss your husband and LOCK your door kind of kindness. Appreciate the blessings in our lives and dont sweat the small stuff. No matter how educated (and i do beleive Blink is educated and a very smart person) I like the fact she makes mistakes….keeps it “Real” for me. Reminds me no matter how often we make one, we are still equally important in making mistakes as we are in correcting them or doing things right! It’s just a mistake. That is so important to me (i was a victim of child abuse all of my childhood years.) So she is kind of an advocate for me too in a less important way. She does great work, knows what she is doing and her heart is in the right place. That speaks volumes over someone trying to tear it down by corrections and politcal/verbal/punctuational correctiveness…(are those even words) and this that we are discussing (mistakes and blinks grammer) has nothing to do with
    the victim that is the TOPIC..sorry i almost feel like i desecrated a grave sight…my sincerest apologies… Back to lurking now i promise. ;o)

  29. Al says:

    No worries Loni, I live in the US and I’ve forgotten much of my school english. :)

  30. GeorgiaDad says:

    I am very concerned about the kids’ welfare.

    A “big red stain” in the carpet suggests a violent and unplanned crime motivated by anger. It would appear that someone in that house has anger management issues, and the kids are at risk.

  31. gigi says:

    We are not here for grammar lessons. We are here to listen, learn and advocate. We are investigators, educators, detectives, just people who were lucky enough to find BOC in passing and could not give her up…she is the best and has some of the best in her crowd. If everything Blink or any of her followers said was perfect….it would take the flavor out of the conversations.
    Anticipating new post about arrest in Powell case…just when you think nothing can get any sicker…it does. It seems that at least the sister/daughter has got sense enough to know this doesn’t wash. What in the world could have the environment been in that household once Josh moved back in with Steve…with the kids…Blink…is this a hoax well planned in the past two years by Josh and Steve..or the real deal…yuk…ugh…sick sack..please…

  32. Bam from Mississippi says:

    WHOA…. I hope “Jamie” did find a new home to dwell AT. B’cuz gosh forbid she/he ever make a mistake on this blog again… It’ll be pointed out like “C word” in public!!!!! I aint too good at English neither even tho it was by bestest subject.

    Blink….. coming from those WHO count…. Dont change a thang! PAH”LEEEEEZE!!!!!!!?

    Love you oooodles!
    Feel better!

    Tis all good y’all. Thanks for the kind words.

  33. Ragdoll says:

    @ BeTheChange says:

    August 29, 2011 at 9:48 am

    Your name says it all! Please don’t stay in lurking too long. Your heart is in the right place. Much love to you! XO

  34. Twinkletoes says:

    I so badly want justice for Susan. Josh’s father is pretty disgusting, but why is that not surprising to me? Those poor boys . . .

  35. bethechange says:

    I do have concerns about this case too…i will go ahead and put it out there…hopefully ever1 will look past my haste and mistakes.. thanks in advance…I want to know why Josh has not banned Steven from commenting about his wife. That is Joshes wife, how can someone put up with that kind of commenting– his childs grandfather…not using refrain…My gosh, If my father in law really had that kind of dynamic going on with me…YUCK (dont even want to think like that). My husband would have something to say about that, and if it was to come out that something actually happened between a father in law and a daughter in law, wouldnt that put a wedge between Josh and Steven…Unless this latest is untrue and just a ploy of some kind between them two, to deter the real truth coming out, who in the world would beleive it enough to orchestrate it and not be so embarressed, let alone let it out and be known for all the world to pick apart??? If she is in fact alive and ran off, what in the world is she to think about the people that is taking care of her kids (her husband and father in law) My gosh.. for them to turn their backs on her and come out with stuff like this about her….how upsetting..Listen to me Steven and Josh…any mother in her right mind enough to run off from the traps of whatever you have going on in your households and family life would have taken her kids with her.. or better yet, handed them over to her family….you paint an ugly picture about a women that never seen it coming, i beleive she was ambushed..One of you double crossed her, now all we have to figure out is who is double crossing who now….just sayin….

    another question-Why is steven going by two different last names powell and the other name for the singing and music career…is that normal. having split identities…what is going on here? egos, identity, narccistic tendancies?? i have learned over the course of the few years i been reading-alot of things come out about these cases that seem irrelavent, and in all actuality have a main purpose for all the going ons and such. It is like the epi-center of their universe. Does Steven have a dark side?… I can’t bring myself to ask the actually question i want to ask? I just cant? He seems to thrive on the destruction and he likes the limelight of tarnishing her reputation. What is the purpose, Who is he trying to hurt?
    Just my two cents. I am not the professional investigator or seasoned advocate, so ever1 go easy please…. thanks.

  36. connie says:

    I have viewed the “Steve Chantrey” website or whatever it is, and the biograghical information is extremely odd to say the least.
    I hope the police are checking into all aspects of the Powells’ life. Steve certainly thinks he is special!

  37. lizzy says:

    Blink, I know you are working hard, but I very much need a new article on top. Every time I open BOC, the picture on top is of the skeevy FIL. For whatever reason, from the first time I saw a photo of him last year (on the Steve Chantry page), he has made my skin crawl. As a relative measure, I would be much more comfortable with a big photo of Damien Echols popping up. Why is that do you think?

    Because he wreaks inappropriate, and he wreaks deviant. He just does. Our satellites, when we listen, tell us what we need to know. I apologize, I got pulled away into some developments in a cold case today, I am trying and failing to multi-task.


  38. NancyS says:

    I cannot believe there have been no arrest and these children are not with their maternal grandparents? I hope to God they get to live.
    I will believe anything after C words trial. still in emotional shock over that one and my PTSD keeps getting uprooted with every time they are mentioned on TV. I have boycotted HLN, JVM, NG, and PD. If any other channels mentions the name, well they get blocked too. SO far my soap opera is still viewed by me.
    I just know that if the news did not show these people, they would fade into nowhere land.
    I was told by both of my journaliam professors, that my writing was just how I talked instead of a statistical conglamaration of words that no one wants to read or can understand. I mean I understand Ketchup a lot better than catsup? geesh I think someone is getting cranky and judgemental as the walls may be closing in?

    I love you all and need prayers, my son that is in the Air Force is getting deployed for the 5th time in 4 years and I just don’t know if I have one more deployment in me. I love and need you all dearly.

  39. Mary says:

    NancyS., Prayers being said for you and your son. Stay strong, and God Bless!

  40. lizzy says:

    Can I tell you I had 14 messages on my cell today asking for confirmation?

    One of her Exec producers was in the Ortho with Blinkette today, I know her fairly well. Unfortunately the dental asst. did not know that, and publicly asked me my opinion about my “friend.”

    Oye vey. Small world.

  41. Tar Heel Gal says:

    Sinus infection info for Ms. Blink, please!!
    Dear lady, glad you all survived Irene, we had a long day on Sat. here in Central/NW NC as well.
    As a FORMER chronic sinus-infection sufferer, I wanted to share with you the miracle that cured me! After repeated (failed) bouts of antibiotics every couple of months, a new PA at my Dr.’s office, said, “Why have they never tried you on Ceftin?” I said, “I ain’t the Dr.! I don’t know why!)” We started on Ceftin and gradually my infections got to be 3 months apart, then 6-8 months apart, then once a year and now only every other year or so, seriously! Also, using a netti pot on a regular basis (saline rinse) helped, too. Hope you find this helpful! Gotta keep you healthy so you can continue to do your amazing work. Hugs from NC

  42. Tar Heel Gal says:

    DOH! Hit send before my AM coffee kicked in! Meant to offer that the PA said Ceftin works so well on sinus infections because the stuff in it is very specific to going after the bad critters in sinus infections. After 10-15 years, I’m proof it works. Plus it isn’t hard on the tummy like many antibiotics. Dr. Tar Heel Gal out!

  43. Blink says:

    @ thg
    Ty so much. Will look into that

  44. BeTheChange says:

    Thank you Ragdoll. Coming from any of you and any veteran I have watched in action over the last few years here….That means alot to me. I appreciate the kind words and sentiments….a few years back, my comments were taking as implications…I denied them and that was taken as a implication too……My reaction was WOW, that is how it is done….i was impressed and shocked all at the same time…These people in this forum dont miss a beat, some of the best people in an advocate forum i could possibly imagine. I had to separate my self from the situation and THINK, “Okay these people are an advocate group….I have to think like they do, they are hear to protect the integrity of a person that has been violated and may be continued to be voilated by stangers not knowing how to talk as well as family members of the perpetrator trying to shed light on their own castle…..I Literally had to listen to WHAT YA’ll were NOT SAYING and NOT LET WHAT WAS SAID DIRECTLY TO ME INTERFER WITH WHAT I needed to hear ..I GOT IT, it was the first thang that made sense in a long time…. SOLD, I am buying whatever BOC is selling, because BOC has my undivided attention…seen too much Blink says come to light and be right on target! All of you just never left any stone unturned on Chistine Sheddy case and Morgan’s case and Little cute Kyron…and little sweet Sandra Cantu, YES I been right here watching and reading them all…. So I know first hand how you all do what you do…Blink even paid me a Hoe down ad`due….texas style if I can remember correctly with boots and all or two step or something of the sort….LOL..I took it as a polite way (blinks way) to tell me to “SHUT UP, I can find you!” I sat here trying to find a way to tell everyone I really am just this Stupid/niave Texan girl that wants to be just like ya’ll.. Bu tthen i had to think again….Its not my story that is important, it is how What I take away from this forum to help others in saving others lives…This forum is the living breathing fruits of what happens in society…..I have lived out in the sticks all my life and lived a pretty shelters abusive childhood. I am not acclimated to the city life until I was grown, it is a struggle constantly…I manage, but am still picked on for my non-refinements….. when I first came here to BOC, I had to first listen to my heart and soul and SHUT UP, and channel this energy… anyways…Thank you for the kind words.I appreciate the welcome….I promise I will not take advantage of it either…I know my place,….I really do enjoy watching and learning and being able to “SEE” things with my EYES wide open..I have every advocate here to thank for that, and a special thanks to Blink and crew for allowing me to stay and learn….I have also learned in my silence, when your mouth is shut …ur seeing/hearing senses are magnified a great deal…never knew that existed…I have learned alot.. to listen to my inner voice, hear what my intuition is telling me. It has helped a great deal in my personal life as well. I think I almost saved a friends life too,not too long ago.. I dunno how close she was to actually being in a real death defying moment. Nobody wants to believe in that split second that they are about to be snuffed off the face of the earth…she explained it to me after it was all over…she never thought it was real, she was in denial….it all happened when i called a friend one day- i knew something wasnt right when she was at home all day and not at work when I called her, when she told me on the phone she was perfectly fine….that told me something…(OKAY why aren’t you at work if you’re perfectly fine)..I didn’t say that over the phone to her in case he was listening….I just said well I was checking on you, and since your fine….I will let you go……well turns out when I went to check…there was a man holding her at knife point in her home and he was allowing her to pick up her cell phone and answer it….he didn’t catch the one comment that stood out the most….he thought her telling me everythings perfectly fine would set me at ease….NOPE, it set my RADAR ROARING..I FLEW OVER THERE, after I called the cops..(me going over there was stupid I later realized, he could have got us both)(but I didnt want to believe I was right for some reason) turns out after the cops got there…he was wanted on a warrent for assault and battery of a girlfriend… No telling how far he could have taken this with my friend …he had held her there all day…slamming her around all day…raped her, when she asked him to leave….It was someone my friend had just met…..we are still not over it. It happened 3 months ago… we moved her….thank god for intuition and thank you for helping me hone in on my skills of listening….(Later when we were chatting about what happened-she hadn’t even realized she had told me that, she said she seriously thought he wouldn’t harm her)(this tells me a victim can easily tell you, they are alright)(u have to hear what they don’t say,i want to get the word to everyone i know,generalized populations in society are trusting….but there are predators among us that pray on our trusting, loyal abilities to see good in everyone….when we make a mistake or become so complacent in our lives is their chance and opportunity to strike AND THEY DO….and most of the time it is someone YOU KNOW or HAVE MET. I cant tell my friends enough– SO HEAR THE THINGS YOUR INNER VOICE TELLS YOU.

    Just please know, I appreciate all you do and say here in BOC, everything you share here is important. These victims are our lessons,it hurts my heart to know someone bled for me to hear the bigger message….As Jesus died on the cross for all of us and ….it has been going on since the beginning of time, when The Lord told Adam and Eve not to eat the apple….She did it anyways, she didnt listen..So therefore someone had to die for our sins…Please educate you family and friends…stop the perpetrators of our trust that persuade us to trust people against our intuiton….. it happens to everyone, any social economic status, any educational background and KNOW—”Good People” are capable of horrible crimes too. Motive, chance and opportunity brings out the worst in individuals. I am not saying Good people are Bad.. I am saying Bad people can be disguished as good… we all have to listen to our intuiton and listen to our heart…Thank you for seeing my heart.. I love you all! ;o)

    (sorry my comment is so long,I felt I owe BOC a sincere explaination of my thoughts and what BOC does for victims and the prevention of)

  45. lizzy says:

    Is this for real? Steven Powell says that Josh took off with the two kids at about midnight last Friday to go camping.

    Honestly, I think he is effing with LE. They both are.

  46. MJ says:

    Well, well, well….joshie almost at his breaking point….boofreakinhoo.
    Thanks SO much for this update, I stumbled on this article quite by accident but am hoping there is an arrest (s) coming soon.
    Creepy, creepy,weirdos. The poor kids, a couple of years immersed in the Powell Perversion chamber, God help ‘em.

  47. connie says:

    Dear Nancy S. and family,
    I will say special prayers for you and your son! Keep the faith!

  48. Carol says:

    How much do I want to punch Steve Powell in the face?

  49. MJ says:

    lizzy~ re: the link about another “midnight camping trip”, my, that crazy kid & his spur of the moment smores, blazing campfires and midnight romps to abandoned mine shafts…whatev daddy Perv and groundwork layer.
    I don’t believe a word coming from the Powell camp.

  50. MKAY says:

    MKAY- thank you kindly for that advice, and you did great. As much as I hate to admit this, because I really hate discussing any kryptonite of any kind, lol-

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