Kyron Horman Missing Case Breaking News: Remains Believed To Be Human Located Off Sauvie Island

Sauvie Island, Oregon-There are unconfirmed reports that a teenage boy fishing off of Sauvie Island located a human skull, and potentially other human body parts.


Update 1:  As referenced on KOIN,  a teenage fisherman believes he snagged a scalp with human hair attached, which he originally thought was horse hair.  Columbia County detectives cordoned off the scene last evening and MCSO dive teams entered the water but found nothing.  The possible “hair” was sent for testing.

Multnomah County Sheriff Office will not comment on the find, or confirm  whether their office has facilitated the removal of same, or forwarded any items to the medical examiner for testing.

Following the disappearance of Kyron Horman,  Sauvie Island has been the subject of repeated searchers for the missing Skyline second grader with no results.

It is also the former home of a man considered to be  Federal fugitive following a confrontation with a Lincoln City officer with nearly fatal results.  Officer Steven Dodds was able to return to duty after extensive rehabilitation.

Durham was a Sauvie Island resident for over 6 years and a volunteer fire fighter until he was removed from duty 6 months prior to the shooting.

David Durham’s dog was recovered injured following what appeared to be an accident in the suspects vehicle  and is being cared for by a friend of the family.  Mr. Durham has not been seen since his vehicle was recovered in the bay town of Waldport, Oregon.

Please check back to for updates to this breaking story.


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  1. MockingbirdSings says:

    T. Ruth says:
    September 2, 2012 at 1:32 pm

    How do we know that Kaine Horman did not “offload” Desiree? Maybe even because he didn’t want a child.

    We don’t know, I agree – and while we are at it, IF he didn’t want children, either both times or just the second time, he needed to get himself off to the snip snip doctor. In any case, as many parents have, it appears he has had a change of heart about accepting that responsibility and I hope none of the children in this group of families has ever felt or will feel unwanted. Lord knows, by now, most of us would make room for Kyron in a heartbeat!

  2. cd says:

    The above was a quote from Kaine (one of the reasons the O was almost thrown off *Kaine’s team*, I believe), which, pretty much substantiates Terri’s own email sent to some friend:

    In the April 6 e-mail obtained by KATU News, Terri writes the following about Kaine: “I have to ask him before I go out to meet anyone. I have no money because I stayed home with Kyron at birth since his natural mom wouldn’t – spent all of my 30k to do so. …

    “I am The one who was able to get him glasses (I noticed at 6 months when I was working with him but
    T. Ruth says:
    September 2, 2012 at 1:22 pm

    Kaine wouldn’t go in to a doc until he was 2 years – yeah – he’s farsighted 750)). He’s on me about being fat. Wants me to do another show. Makes me pay $1000 a month to him for bills although it’s my child support and unemployment. I do all the yard work, house work, mowing the lawn, cleaning the gutters.”

    What do we make of him wanting her to do another show? Was there financial benefits to that?

    I think Kaine wanted Terri to lose weight and he wanted bragging rights for having a good looking weight lifter wife. I believe that the training/preparation for another show would have cost more money then it would have generated.

    Do any of you eagle-fingered research savants have any links to the piece about the FBI looking for a recently moved family via GPS coordinates and speaking to a homeowner named Roger?

    I would think the training and prep would have absolutely been a financial burden, however, I know many times there are sponsors.


  3. Falstaff says:

    Terri is always right, trying to fix everyone and everything. No one ever listens to her. Did she know almost all babies are very far sighted, it is normal. Eye doctors give the infants/ toddlers time to mature before putting glasses on them for far sightness, almost all children grow out of it. So big deal Terri noted Kyron had a vision issue, ALL babies do. Now, if baby is premature, in incubator, or has parents with a genetic eye issue specialized eye testing may be advised. Again, ALL babies are born very far sighted. Terri didn’t make any startling discovery noting that Kyron had a vision disorder.

    Falstaff- you know I am a fan, but on this one, I have to disagree with you. With a +7 or greater for toddlers that age it is often caught via the eye crossing or other ways that could cause a significant problem if not corrected. All babies have a degree of farsightedness, correct, but frequently markers for issues in need of treatment are real, as was Kyron’s. Neither of my children ever had vision problems, I asked a family member who is an opto.

    I am not sure where you get the Terri is “always right” feeling, but I have seen you to be pretty quick to correct or critique things that may be true of her as a loving “bonus” mom. At the time she wrote that, it was clear she felt taken advantage of and unappreciated.

    Even Desiree has been very open to say that she never had any concerns and felt Ky was well taken care of by Terri. Just trying to be fair about the facts.


  4. January says:

    IMO, if Terri was into a “sexting business” she would have been taking care of herself physically to look her best. I also think that if it was “a business” she wouldn’t necessarily be doing it with people she knew. At the first presser with Kaine, Terri, Desiree and Tony, Terri looked like a woman who didn’t care about herself. Looking at all the previous pictures of her on her Facebook page, she looked pretty (not talking about her weight lifting days) and happy. The pictures depict an involved mom who enjoyed doing things with Kyron and Kaira. IMO Terri was frustrated, and possibly depressed. After moving to Roseburg, when we saw footage of her first court appearance, she looked good again, I thought. It was as if living with Kaine was toxic, and removing herself brought her back to a healthy and somewhat strong looking person again.

    IMO, the sexting between her and MC had more to do with being hurt and getting back at Kaine… maybe she knew MC would share the texts with Kaine. She also sent similar texts to Rudy; she wasn’t happy at home or with her marriage for sure.

    The part that surprised and sickened me was that she was sexting MC so soon after Kyron went missing AND that Dede was there (an active participant?) while she was doing it. Neither one of them seem to be worrying the least bit about Kyron.

    I think Dede’s deposition will be extremely telling. As others have said here, this civil suit is more about getting answers, more clues, and sifting out the sand to find the gold..

    None of us knows if Terri was involved. However, I think we’ve surmised that Kaine was probably not a loving husband she could lean on. We have also have surmised that at some point Terri (snapped?) couldn’t take it anymore.. Terri let herself go; started drinking way too much, James moved and Kyron went missing. Dysfunctional and dangerous household for children; I understand why Desiree would be LIVID with Kaine.

    The thing that has bothered me, is that if TH was drinking so much, how was she making it to the gym so often, volunteering at the school, raising 2 kids and James at a distance all while completing her masters and getting her teaching cert. I admit I am no substance abuse specialist, and I do understand the levels of “functioning” associated with same, but at the risk of sounding glib, I am sure there are a few of her friends that said if that is true, “I will have what she is having”.


  5. January says:

    Blink, my guess is that things started going downhill about 6 months before Kyron went missing. Doesn’t mean that Terri had anything to do with it, maybe just a coincidence. Up until recent months before his disappearance she was able to do all of the things you mentioned.

    Maybe she was beginning to panic when the fruit of her labor and her marriage started going south. I mean, she put a bunch of effort into being a “good mom” to Kyron. Then Kyron started having problems at school, and it didn’t sound like Kaine gave her any credence for noticing. I mean it took him over a year to believe her when she said that Kyron couldn’t see. Maybe her “over strictness” about the cards at school was a sign that she was slipping. Her emails about Kyron may have been generated by frustration that she, an educated and accredited teacher wasn’t getting the respect from Kyron and/or Kaine, which she thought she deserved.

    At the same time something was going on with James; why he left is still not clear. Did Kaine or Terri want him gone? Either way, Terri’s dream of having this wonderful united family (shown in her FB page pictures) was slipping.

    On top all this she wasn’t getting hired as a teacher. She made comments about being able to do a better job than at least one teacher at Skyline. Maybe she felt that Kaine didn’t see her as someone worthy of being hired. Could he have casually mentioned something like this to Terri during an argument at some point? I’ve heard Kaine dismiss some of Terri’s observations more than once.

    Did she have some internal pressure to be heard and respected, that just wasn’t be fulfilled by anyone?

    Of course none of this means Terri hurt Kyron. It may, however, mean that she started doing really stupid things. Sexting (to fill a void?) among other activities that might have indirectly brought her and her family into the eye of dangerous people.

    I would like to believe that Terri didn’t snap badly enough to intentionally hurt Kyron.. but I can’t help but believe this wasn’t completely random…

  6. NelMel says:

    T. Ruth says:
    September 2, 2012 at 1:32 pm

    @NelMel says:
    September 1, 2012 at 2:10 pm

    Again I’ll note that this hints to me how very, very different DY and TH are as women. DY seemed to not hesitate to offload KH once she realized the kind of person he is. TH stuck it out, and probably just didn’t have the self-respect or self-confidence to stand up for herself.

    Hi NelMel, do you know something I don’t? Do you know that Desiree Young “offloaded” Kaine Horman? Kaine says they were already living apart when he had his affair with Terri. How do we know that Kaine Horman did not “offload” Desiree? Maybe even because he didn’t want a child. Are you just assuming because she was the one who filed for divorce, that she threw Kaine out? IDK, but I’m thinking Kaine Horman just up and left a very pregnant Desiree Horman, which explains her crying for months and then divorcing his sorry butt. Just wondering.

    I do totally agree with you that Desiree & Terri are very different people. Although I bet they have more in common than they ever thought they would, as indicated by Desiree’s last letter to Terri.

    I had read in several rehashed articles that KH had always claimed that, while living in the same house, he and DY had started living “separate lives.” For me that means “I was dating and she was home pregnant.” My interpretation. DY took the step to file for divorce. The person who does that — for me — is the action person.

    I confess openly and without shame that I get bad, bad vibes from KH, always have, and how he has treated both wives opens up the door to discussion — as a man who was, IMO, not a good husband to either woman (providing lots of stuff and money is great, but what about the kindness, sense of partnership, respecting women, etc.), I feel he could have easily been one of the parties directly responsible for having a vampire enter the Horman’s family life. If he and TH were in a lousy relationship, and both focused on only their adult needs, I think that is highly relevant to Kyron’s case. I also think KH’s personal history — having NEVER been blasted all over the news the way TH’s was — should be out there too for all to see. The couple — the entire dynamic in that marriage — should be studied.

    Something went terribly wrong, twice, in KH’s marriages. In DY’s case, is she so different from TH that she did not have a social life with KH the way he had with TH? That too could be relevent to Kyron’s fate.

    Let’s just put out a what-if story line to think about.

    What if KH always wanted to ham it up, party hard, and maybe play with “adult” oriented social activities? What if DY basically recoiled from that, and this might have had the couple split up? Or, at least been one reason for their split.

    Next, move ahead and TH is with KH, and she likes to party with him the way he likes to party. She does “things” that DY would have never done. Enter: Ick people into the Horman’s life.

    These are just my musings, and I do feel that my personal history of being about 90% correct when I get the hinkies about someone will stay with me until this case is solved.

    I just hope that Kyron is alive someplace on some misguided yanking from a bad home situation. I know that is unlikely. But I keep hoping that is what occurred.

    Otherwise, under KH’s watch, as well as TH’s, Kyron disappeared. Something going on, perhaps for a long time, in the Horman home, I am convinced caused Kyron’s abduction, and I do not think that means that TH killed him. In fact that has never been what I have suspected. She’s associated with his abduction in some strange way, but I can never believe she murdered him herself and from the very beginning of this case, I have looked as much to KH’s history as to TH’s. The problem is that his history is nearly invisible.

    Why? ALL parents are scrutinized when a child is missing in my neck of the woods. Even the perfect ones — nothing is kept hidden. I don’t get it about this case. Secrecy concerning 3 parents, but not the one stepmother, HAS NOT FOUND THIS LITTLE BOY.

    I certainly seek to know what allowed LE to exclude everyone but TH, but was never enough to charge her with anything. One thing is certain, should the civil suit progress, we are going to know at LEAST what Desiree feels is so incriminating beyond a doubt.


  7. lc says:

    “The thing that has bothered me, is that if TH was drinking so much, how was she making it to the gym so often, volunteering at the school, raising 2 kids and James at a distance all while completing her masters and getting her teaching cert. I admit I am no substance abuse specialist, and I do understand the levels of “functioning” associated with same, but at the risk of sounding glib, I am sure there are a few of her friends that said if that is true, “I will have what she is having”.


    That is an absolutely superb comment. I don’t believe Kaine about Terri’s drinking. If it’s true, then he’s got to be the worst father ever — not doing anything while his wife is passed out and his toddler is running around the house unsupervised.

    He lost me when he claimed to be the children’s main caregiver, although some men think, if they change three diapers a year, they’re sharing child-rearing duties.

  8. January says:

    Today seems to be “down on Kaine” day… so, while we’re at it.. lol,
    What occured to me while looking at all the pictures on Terri’s FB page was this:… The house full of toys, most fun educational toys. Lots of outings.. and almost every picture (and there were many) depicts the children with over-the-top smiles! Kaine was in a lot of the pictures, which means Terri was most likely taking them. I noticed during Easter egg painting pictures how the kitchen had been set up for the activites, and Christmas pictures too.. among others. My guess is that Terri did all the work to make these wonderful experiences for the kids.. Kaine, well he popped in to say cheese! Not saying Kaine didn’t enjoy this stuff, but from the pictures it looks like Kaine was super involved.. when in reality, my guess is Terri knocked herself out making everything happen.

  9. Lauren says:

    Do any of you eagle-fingered research savants have any links to the piece about the FBI looking for a recently moved family via GPS coordinates and speaking to a homeowner named Roger?

    I would think the training and prep would have absolutely been a financial burden, however, I know many times there are sponsors.


    Blink and all,

    Thank you Lauren.


  10. Cindy says:

    Maybe, just maybe TH’s early body language was that of a verbally abused wife. I am close to this subject, but think about her eyes, her shrinking body language, kind of a frightened animal look to her. Living and loving someone that no matter what you did it was neveg good enough. Maybe my thoughts are overkill, but that’s what made her stand out to the court of public opinion. One never knows what goes on behind closed doors. And yes, add me to the list of “Down on Kaine” day.

    Kaine is the father of a missing and I believe deceased child. He deserves our compassion, and as you are seeing, as advocates, the entire situation deserves scrutiny in the sincere hopes it does not occur again.

    Y’all have read my thoughts on Kaine, I have trouble repeating things that sound negative given the situation, but I really wonder how much of that behavior went into LE “theory”.

    Battered or abused wife reaching out and all- don’t they always arrange a kidnapping?

    No, no, they really do not.


  11. wpg says:

    ehhhh . . . video of Rog video from the best file keeper/compiler I’ve ever seen, crankycrankerson:


    Thanks and thanks to crankster, I agree.


  12. Malty says:

    I guess none of us say out right what we think of Kaine
    Mostly out of respect for him being Kyron’s father
    all I have to say is I do not believe most of his talk
    So I rarely even read what he says anymore
    Until someone puts him under oath to testify
    I ignore him

  13. Leslie Alexander says:

    No Kaine bashing here.God bless him and his anguish over his lost son no matter what the reasons may be.

  14. T. Ruth says:

    So, here’s a thought, what if both Terri & Kaine were doing steroids? What if she got into them when she went into her body building, found an suppier and Kaine tried them as well? What if Terri became a distributor or runner of said drugs, but then she got pregnant with Kiara and quit. Meantime maybe Kaine was addicted to them and therefore wanted her to go back into her old roid routine?

    IDK, but would explain a few things.

  15. Jden says:

    Family. Lives (lived) near Skyline. GPS coordinates. Owns a truck.
    I recall Blink telling us to pay attention to who left the area after Kyron disappeared. And of importance is a stolen GPS the same day, GPS reported in the news stolen from Lake Oswego, same block as gym owner’s home.



  16. Rose says:

    interesting article. note date of reclassification

  17. MockingbirdSings says:

    T. Ruth says:
    September 2, 2012 at 1:22 pm

    “I have no idea whether or not it has anything to do with Kyron gone missing, but when a husband makes a public comment about his wife out “spending all HIS money”, as opposed to our money, something is very wrong with that marriage. She was required to check with him first before she spent anything. (See both quotes below.) What’s that old saying? What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine too.”

    Terri also told friends that Kaine tried to control her spending.

    “Controlling with my money — yeah,” Kaine said, “because she was spending all of it. She was going out and spending it like water and not checking with me where we should be spending our money.”


    The above was a quote from Kaine (one of the reasons the O was almost thrown off *Kaine’s team*, I believe), which, pretty much substantiates Terri’s own email sent to some friend:

    In the April 6 e-mail obtained by KATU News, Terri writes the following about Kaine: “I have to ask him before I go out to meet anyone. I have no money because I stayed home with Kyron at birth since his natural mom wouldn’t – spent all of my 30k to do so. …

    “I am The one who was able to get him glasses (I noticed at 6 months when I was working with him but Kaine wouldn’t go in to a doc until he was 2 years – yeah – he’s farsighted 750)). He’s on me about being fat. Wants me to do another show. Makes me pay $1000 a month to him for bills although it’s my child support and unemployment. I do all the yard work, house work, mowing the lawn, cleaning the gutters.”

    What do we make of him wanting her to do another show? Was there financial benefits to that?


    Things change in a marriage. Sometimes we write as though the attitudes and arguments were the same through all the years they were married, but that seems unlikely to me. Other factors here and there changed the perspectives of both parties from time to time. For example, Terri got unemployment money for awhile. When that ended, monthly income was lower, but perhaps the budgeting didn’t change. The bottom line is that it appears the 2 of them could not sit down and make a fair budget and both commit to keeping it.

    The fact that Terri didn’t get hired as a teacher (even though she complained that she was much better at the job than Mrs. Porter) may have contributed to why she was at home full time, whether she enjoyed being there or not. Also regarding her volunteer work at school, I came across this part of a post I did in August of 2010, FWIW – (quoting myself) “Very early in the case, someone [well] connected to LE told me (and that was the last thing I heard from him) that when the parents who were frequent volunteers were asked about her, they said “Who?” – and didn’t seem to know who she was. Hard to get references that way.”

    Terri wrote: “I have no money because I stayed home with Kyron at birth since his natural mom wouldn’t – spent all of my 30k to do so. …” This from Terri makes no sense to me. Why would she say Desiree “wouldn’t” stay home with Kyron when she obviously had to work to support herself and Kyron (even if she got support from Kaine) and then had medical issues and bills, and why would it cost Terri $30,000 to stay home with Kyron – actually Kyron was in day care a large part of the time, wasn’t he, and Terri went to Pacific University – a much more expensive school than Portland State University, for example. If she paid for it herself, it was her choice to spend that much, not a career necessity. Perhaps it’s a coincidence, but I found it odd that the amount Terri says she lost staying home with Kyron is the same amount Desiree’s medical bills were said to be after her trip to Canada. Therefore, I ask the following question -

    Does anyone know where Terri’s $30,000 came from? Was she claiming she had that much in savings from working at restaurant jobs, etc. Or did she still have money from past divorce settlements or from the suit re Chubby’s franchise?

    (from OregonLive 8-19-10) “The couple [Tarver and Terri] moved to Albany and ran a storage facility for a while before buying into a Chubby’s restaurant franchise with money from Horman’s parents.”

    “That venture did not go well. In 1994, the couple and Horman’s parents sued Chubby’s, saying the company misrepresented the investment needed to make the franchise work. The lawsuit ended with a $250,000 settlement, Tarver said.”

    The $250,000 should have gone back to Terri’s parents to repay their loan after whatever bills came up, but they may have given her some. Would it have been exactly $30,000?

    Re drinking – I suspect Terri was drinking for an unknown period of time before the DUI, and then stopped or cut way back and treatment helped. I have never thought she was drinking during pregnancy or soon after Kiara was born. My sense was that she had started drinking again secretly sometime during the year before June 4th and knew how to hide it, excuse it, and take breaks if caught. I have always thought James either knew and tried to get her to stop, or suspected – he knew her and her drinking behavior better than anyone. He may even have covered for her – we sometimes do that for people we love.

    I could go on, but I really just wanted to make the point that we are looking at a long timeline here and timelines are, by their nature, never the same from start to finish. Any of us could be right at a particular moment, or most all of us could be right if we knew how to line ourselves up in the right order.

    @GraceintheHills – am I making sense to you?


    I agree with the overall tone of your post of course. We are all really evaluating “sections” of timelines and they would certainly be affected by every conceivable factor and non-static.

    I would like to point out however, that Desiree did not return to work after having Kyron.

    Desiree did not return to work until after being out of the country 2004 and to my knowledge that was only for about 6 months. It was in March 2004 she relinquished physical custody of Kyron and Quinn and moved to Canada, although I think it likely she was staying in Seattle and possibly seeking treatment across the border as if memory serves, one would have needed a visa for an extended stay there.

    That said, one would also need residency to have benefits under the Canadian healthcare system, so to be honest, I have no clue what that arrangement was, and should the suit progress, you can bet it will be discussed. I also have no idea where the notion that she incurred $30K of medical bills upon return, in fact, she did not claim a single dollar of medical care on her 2005 bktcy petition and she would have been required to claim all of her debt.

    After being awarded primary physical custody, Kaine incurred, or claimed to incur daycare expenses at the rate of $675 per month. Again, I want to say that he never attended full time daycare, only part time, and that TH picked up that slack.

    I think I recall somewhere Kaine describing his initial live-in situation with TH to the neighbors or publicly as that of a nanny or care-giver to Ky. The inference was that the arrangement was somewhat professional or agreement based, and the relationship grew from there. I think we all know that is untrue.

    Wouldn’t it be lovely if knowing all these factoids, and who is telling the truth, who is telling partial truth and who is full of chit led to this little man?


  18. quizzical says:

    Recently, I stopped by Fred Meyer Imbrie/Corn Pass to verify the second Starbucks. And, yes, there is a Starbucks on an outside corner of that Fred Meyer building. They said they were totally unrelated to the inside Starbucks.

    I went inside to confirm that Sherry Griswold did work there at the time of Kyron’s disappearance. She did and still does work, but is on temporary leave. I talked briefly to the very nice lady working there. She also was working there at the time Kyron went missing and did remember Terri and her daughter coming in quite often and portrayed them positively. I got the feeling I could have gotten quite a bit of information out of her but given the customer service situation and my lack of a badge or media credentials I preferred to keep our conversation in the timeframe of my purchase of a chocolate smoothie, which was quite good.

  19. Cindy says:

    No. 10 – To further MOO, I do not believe that Kaine or Terri abducted Kyron. I think it was someone with ties to the school through an employee, family of an employee. someone who had business there, and possibly an ex-student. I am unsure if the abductor knew TH or KH, but possibly as it is a small town. MOO, but I think it was a pedophile who looked for an opportunity to snatch a defenseless child, someone aware that the science fair was that day, and that the school did not have their i’s dotted and t’s crossed as far as student safety was concerned, otherwise a chaotic morning.

    Why would LE buy into the theory that the “abused” wife would arrange for the disappearance of the child to get back at her husband – WTH?? All of this conjecture about TH being a mastermind let the abductor vanish with an innocent child.

  20. T. Ruth says:

    Cindy says:
    September 3, 2012 at 9:01 am

    “Why would LE buy into the theory that the “abused” wife would arrange for the disappearance of the child to get back at her husband – WTH?? All of this conjecture about TH being a mastermind let the abductor vanish with an innocent child.”

    Ah yes Cindy, the question of the day. Why indeed? And FWIW I agree, something fishy about this school hush-hush.


    The last we heard from LE about ruling anyone out, was that no one had been ruled out. Also that there have been as many as 60 persons of interests. Further, though earlier on, when Captain Jason Gates was asked about a stranger abduction, his answer was:

    “I can’t say for certainty that it wasn’t stranger to stranger. I can’t,” Gates said. “But I also can tell you that the need for the public to be alarmed is very low.”

    So, yes, why on earth did the police focus on Terri Horman, when they admitted they could not rule out a stranger abduction?

    If these civil attorneys are going forward with discovery, won’t it be interesting to hear the answer to this question. JMO, but I’m guessing the above statement by Mr. Gates opens up one heck of a defense for Terri Horman. Doesn’t it?

  21. T. Ruth says:

    quizzical says:
    September 3, 2012 at 2:01 am

    Thanks for the info, quizz. I was never clear about which Starbucks was the one that the employed the girls that went before the GJ. So does SG work at the Starbucks inside FM or another position within FM? Just curious.

  22. Jden says:

    Is it possible, that if LE knows who SZ is, that TY may not be privy to that information? Would he be able to get classified open case information of another district? I have a feeling that LE knows who SZ is but is not coming forth with his ID for Kyron’s safety. Possibly TH is in hiding for her own safety.
    Someone in Oswego knew all first responders were preoccupied that day, at a funeral.
    I believe SZ did as well.
    GPS was stolen in Oswego on same street as gym owners house. I cannot remember the vehicle type from which it was taken. If someone was seen in the Horman truck that morning while TH was inside with Kyron, could they have been switching the GPS units?
    So, LE went back to homes near skyline later on a tip, in GPS coordinates… possibly the stolen GPS.
    Why would LE question Roger about a family seemingly living in his home? And, in the video Roger made no further statement about that family. Is Roger a single man? Can someone local check public records to ascertain which house belongs to Roger? A street name flashes on the video listed above, from Cranky.

  23. Jden says:

    NW Plainview Road (a dead end) is the street that flashed right before Roger was interview.

  24. @jaden. Never lived with Roger

  25. lyla says:

    I wonder if RS has told the truth and nothing but the truth regarding the depth of his affair with TH. It’s not inconceivable to me that he shared some of the intimate details of the affair with his workers and perhaps some of his workers were of dubious character. I also believe Kaine about Terri’s drinking and passing out on the couch. She probably suffered from anxiety and guilt if she did set into motion events that led to Kyron’s disappearance. Who else would want to make KH’s life miserable other than his very unhappy wife who became increasingly disenchanted with every aspect of their marriage. Oh to have been a “fly on the wall” to see the emails she supposedly sent regarding her hatred of Kyron and her disintegrating marriage to Kaine. Did she set the wheels in motion to have Kyron removed from the school….I think it’s entirely possible.

  26. jden says:

    Alyson L. Burns-Glover PhD, professor of Psychology at Pacific University, OR. Did someone say TH attended that school?
    In 1993 Ms. Burns-Glover wrote an evaluation of animal outreach programs to schools, along with a Roger Yerke.
    That is the same name of a person residing on NW Plainview, closest intersection being Skyline Blvd and NW Cornelius Pass. The publication is entitled “Annual Proceedings of the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums”. Not sure if these two RY are related.
    Jul 18, 2010 – “They always seem to not read the important stuff,” said Roger Yerke, manager of education programs at the Oregon Zoo. “

  27. jden says:

    @Christina Stoy, I’m not sure what you mean by this:

    @jaden. Never lived with Roger

  28. jden says:

    Is this the same RY that was interviewed and lives on NW Plainview? If so, he is manager of educational programs at the zoo.

  29. jden says:

    Re-visit Tarver’s account of why James left the Horman house:

  30. jden says:

    Lest we not forget MD, brother of DAD that took numerous photographs at the Oregon Zoo including red-eyed tree frogs.

  31. T. Ruth says:

    Where are we getting that GPS coordinates are the reason that LE was checking the NW Plainview Rd. area?

    (Note the story says that the area was searched twice at Roger’s place but even more at other neighbors.)

    What does a GPS stolen in LO have to do with Kyron? GPS’s are stolen all the time. Can someone enlighten me about the significance, even if it’s just a what if?

  32. Sunshine_4me says:

    Interview of KH tonight at 7EDT on HLN

    “I believe she was involved.” – Kaine response when directly asked if he felt TH was responsible for Kyron’s disappearance. That was not a yes, that was an “involved”.


  33. Malty says:

    Thanks for the post about FM

  34. Malty says:

    IMO and in fairness to a grieving Kaine
    I feel his so called friends fed him a lot of rumor and gossip
    Like the bottle of booze that disapeared after a visit
    Did anyone actually see this
    Or did someone just dump it tired of drinking
    As far as I know none of these friends have been IDed

  35. erose says:

    Here is a place to start, where that family may have lived –

    Allegra Storm aka Flores, NW Plainview, nude model interested in erotica and fetish projects. Lived for a few years on Rockaway Beach, about 60 miles north of location where DAD shot Officer Dodd. I would post the link, but it may not be appropriate, just Google. Lives with 11 other people (according to 411) with the last names of Storm, Goldfarb, and Major.

  36. erose says:

    Blink, I may have posted in haste. The nude “model” claims to be 25 and Veromi has the Portland resident at age 36. Perhaps two women with the same name, or one woman not willing to admit her age.

  37. Malty says:

    Does this post have anything to do with Logan Storm

  38. T. Ruth says:

    Some of the people who own property on NW Plainview. So far, I don’t see anyone has moved from these locations, but it could be the sakes history isn’t out there. I would love to know what the tip was that made LE look at these places two and three times. But, in any case, I guess they found nothing.

  39. Monkeybunny says:

    I do not know how these poor people go on. It would be horrific to be in a permanent state of desperation for over two years. The idea of not knowing where your child is for that long is something I cannot wrap my head around. Knowing that there is a person who knows all the answers and not being able to get them from her, would turn me inside-out with rage.

  40. wpg says:

    “I believe she was involved.” – Kaine response when directly asked if he felt TH was responsible for Kyron’s disappearance. That was not a yes, that was an “involved”.


    The snippet may have come across like that, but I watched the entire TV segment tonight.

    KH went on with true conviction in his belief.

    Believes :

    TH took Kyron from school and did something with/to him
    or . . .
    TH took Kyron from school and handed him off to somebody.

    KH also said the abatement comes of in November.

    I will watch again, but as we all know Ky did not leave with her, and so does he, you can imagine my concern over the wording of that statement. There is just no disputing that fact and I want to know why he is trying to. Except, I already have a belief in that area. Not going to be a popular stance.


  41. wpg says:

    oops . . . “abatement comes OFF in November” (not OF)

  42. Jden says:

    The home that Ms. Flores allegedly lives(d) in is listed for sale on for $675,000. Not sure if this is current but I would imagine the site would take it down if it wasn’t. There are interior shots and it looks like a lovely home… But if there are 11 people living there it certainly does not show.
    11233 NW Plainview

  43. Jden says:

    Logan Storm fled the country end of July 2010 after his girlfriend reported child porn on his computer. To Ireland. Former math teacher in Beaverton, OR.
    Is Logan related to or would he have lived with Mr Storm, the owner of 11233 NW Plainview?

  44. wpg says:

    Just to note, the HLN video snippet shows only OLD/PAST footage of KH talking about 3 scenarios.

    Tonight, KH spoke only of 2 (not 3), and that he believes more today/now than ever.

    Appears to support, imo, the “growing evidence” words he spoke last month.

    Do hope tonight’s full segment will be available somewhere.

  45. Jden says:

    Sincere apologies, Logan Storms flight was from Amsterdam.
    I believe that Logan could eerily pass for KH in an environment where you did not know him well and were not paying close attention.

  46. jden says:

    LS was found with child pornographic images on his computer. The thumb drive was Geek Squad brand and his roommate was tech savvy. Recall Blink’s SZ profile.

    Former math teacher. Photos, apparently of LS at Skyline school with the Horman family, assisting Kyron. Click on this and scroll down for the photos:

    1) Left the country within 45 days of Kyron’s disappearance.
    2) Child pornography, minor rape and photos of his previous students/porn found on his thumb drive.
    3) Former math teacher with possible access and previous presence at Skyline school and also to school records.
    4) Resembles KH enough to blend in at SF.
    5) In Amsterdam, allegedly for 7 months.
    6) Possibly (looks identical to him) seen in photograph(s) with Kyron, allegedly from TH page on FB.
    7) Tie to Mr. Storm, residing on NW Plainview in area of questioning by LE and GPS positioning?
    This, from, indicates that (L Storm) was residing at the 11233 NW Plainview address:

    L Storm
    11233 NW Plainview Rd Portland, OR 97231-2523
    (503) 614-9897

    Associated: Timothy M Goldfarb, Sally J Storm, Joseph I Storm, Terry M Storm, Moriah C Goldfarb, Jack T Major, Tovah Goldfarb, Laura T Goldfarb, Allegra A Storm, Allegra A Flores

    Here is his indictment. Of note is that Multnomah County DA’s office is noted here as requesting federal assistance.

    What was Mr. Storm’s vehicle of choice before he left the country in July, 2010?

  47. wpg says:

    Not sure, I am just not sure yet :)


  48. erose says:

    Jack T Major registered SO living in Hillsboro, OR

    Current Address: Out of State Hillsboro, OR 97123-7463 Washington COUNTY

    (don’t know why it says Florida and Oregon)

    Jack T Major

    Jack T Major associated with the address of Allegra Storm on NW Plainsview Dr.

  49. erose says:

    correction: NW Plainsview Road

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