Jodi Arias Prepares To Die Or Rot In Jail For The Murder Of Travis Alexander

Posted by BOC Staff | C word,Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,George Anthony,Jodi Arias,Nancy Grace,Travis Alexander | Thursday 3 January 2013 4:14 am

Phoenix, Arizona- Today began the first day of the first degree or felony murder trial of Jodi Arias for the murder of her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander.

Image courtesy Arias

Image courtesy Arias

Arias is accused of viciously stabbing and shooting her former boyfriend in his home after a romantic afternoon which included footage of the couples rendezvous taken on Alexander’s camera.

Alexander broke off ties with Arias  several months before according to his close friends, but not so much- according to cell and other electronic communications shared between the two.   The phrase “He’s just not that into you” and Ms. Arias are apparently strangers.

courtesy myspace

courtesy myspace

Travis was a young and successful entrepreneur with a 5 bedroom home.  Arias was a High School drop out content to take pictures of the two globetrotting on Alexander’s dime.

Arias converted to the Mormon faith in her efforts to win the wedded affections of the handsome upstart she moved to Mesa from her hometown of Yreka, CA for.

Travis decided he wanted a Mormon do-over with a suitable young woman and asked Arias to move out.     Arias returned to her family home (or pretended to) and diligently stalked her way through waiting out the *friends with benefits* routine she was sure to cure Travis of.

When Arias learned Travis was headed to Cancun with a woman he had just begun dating it was clear Jodi was not fond of giving up what she considered her earned frequent flyer spot.

Maria Hall was the first witness for the prosecution.  She testified that although she went on a few dates with Alexander, there was no spark for her and the two decided to vacation as friends.  She was made aware that Travis had a female stalker who slit his tires but never knew her name.  Hall ultimately called police after not being able to reach Alexander for days and she and two friends who had the garage key code found his body.

Images of a deceased Travis Alexander depicting 27 stab wounds and a .25 gunshot to the cheek were seen by the jury while Arias looked down dabbing a tissue at dry eyes.  Alexander had a gaping hole in his throat from ear to ear.

With a palm print made in blood and hair belonging to Arias in blood at the scene,  one would have thought that would have been enough for her to admit her presence to police.

It was not until the images of Travis’s camera, where one can see a shot of the ceiling one second and the next picture shows him bleeding and Arias attempting to drag him,  did Arias update her version of events.  The camera was found in the washer with the bedding but the SD card was unharmed.  The pictures were recovered from the unallocated space indicating Arias had deleted them.   There are pictures of Travis Alexander’s lifeless body including defensive wounds.

It is believed Arias shot Alexander first,  rendering him mostly incapacitated as he tried to fight off her knife attack, although the prosecution has seemed to change it’s earlier findings on the wound chronology.

She now claims she killed Travis Alexander in self defense.  I want to personally thank her for not accusing George Anthony of finding Alexander in the shower and claiming he was dead from some lethal water pressure mishap he found online surfing the web.

This woman,  the prison caroling songstress of 2010, will have all the permanent acoustics she can handle.

“No jury is going to convict me … because I am innocent and you can mark my words on that,” 

“No jury is going to convict me.”    -Jodi Arias

And Ms. Arias can mark my words on this.   You are never getting out of the joint alive.   You know what? I don’t think you care in the least.    At least your crazytown azz does not have to watch a kind and successful young man struggling with the application of his fundamental religious teachings while you invade the mans doggy door and squat at his pad while he is out trying to earn a living.   You just swapped one prison for another.



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  1. GeorgiaDad says:

    I’ve read up on this case before.

    These kinds of trials worry me. It seems like an open and shut case, but you put a pretty young women smiling at the jury for hours each day, and sometimes testosterone leads male jurors to want to protect the poor sweet thing.

    What is the make up of the jury (male/female)? The presence of the deleted photos should be proof enough that this was not self defense. SD cards are designed to spread the data around on the card and generally will write data to parts of the card that haven’t been used lately and therefore most photos are easily recoverable

    I could not agree more, that is why I wrote the piece the way I did. I believe they recovered everything from the card. This defense is the gamble of a lifetime. If the decision was made not to mount a mental defect defense the State must have a seriously tight case.


  2. Liam says:

    Was Mr Alexander murdered in the shower? I`ve seen a crime scene photo and there is a lot of blood in that shower. If that is where the attack happened then the defence theory of self defence is very very dodgy to say the least. She could have left while he was in the shower. Who owned the gun? I think the only decision to be made in this case is whether or not this woman should die for the crime she has committed. With all due respect this case has no similarities to Casey Anthony, the cause of death was obviously brutal and there is no question it was an intentional act. I`ll be watching and listening with an open mind as always…

    The gun has not been recovered but it is believed to be from her home, she allegedly reported it stolen PRIOR to the murder. If that is corroborated that is a very serious premeditative motive, imo.

  3. Löni says:

    Dear Blink,
    I love your sense of humor : allusion to Georges Anthony :-) ))
    Arias a creepy crazy woman. What a Story. May justice believe served this time.
    The only thing i find false from Alexander is that he kept a relationship with Arias although
    he didn”t want her as girlfriend no more . But that is not a reason for her to kill him(over killing)
    She is just such a selfish lying woman. she reminds me of casey Anthony.

  4. Ragdoll says:

    I’m not placing any bets either, Georgia Dad. We know how it should be, but she’s pretty and that CAN work very much in her favour. No way she’ll get the dp. She’s far more attractive than Anthony, even w/o makeup. She looks like the girl next door. Praying the jury sees past it.

    I have 3 problems about the self defense theory….a slash on the throat from ear to ear; stab would to the heart; shot in the head. While I’m at it, any defense wounds on the perp? Did she suffer any injuries from the alleged attack against her? The one pic of Travis in the shower looks like he might be ‘surprised’. It gave me the shivers.

    These are very ‘controlled’ typed injuries designed to kill. He didn’t stand a chance! How did she pull this off alone? I also think the victim was lured into a sexual encounter. Could one girl pull this off, alone? Hmmmmmmmmm………

    I’d also have to say, the amount of stab wounds would indicate a very enraged perp; very personal.

    I’d like to know if she was in the shower with him….she’d have to have been wet too, in order to inflict such assaults on the victim’s body…..AND WHY THE PICS?????? That makes zero sense to me.

    No jury would convict her? How brazen and psychopathic. She appears to have a stalking history and I hope, there’s evidence to prove it.

    Happy New Year ankle biters and rug rats!

    I agree. I wonder if she dropped the camera, the gun spilled out of her purse and he realized what was going to happen.


  5. Ragdoll says:

    PS….I learned on CNN that there were 29 stab wounds. The coroner missed 2 b/c the body was so badly covered.

  6. Ragdoll says:

    PSS…the photo you used of Arias is spookier than those pesky mosquitoes Bugs Bunny smacked around at the Count’s ‘hotel’.

    Laaa la da dee dee da da da abra ca pocusssssss.

  7. Ragdoll says:

    Missed the link to previous post…for good measure.

    Speaking of fat-ee-gued……

  8. Jane says:

    Gosh…what overkill. She must have just been crazy to have carried out such a wicked crime. I think I heard the trial is scheduled to go on til April. Why so long? I was curious if it’s known if she’s ever attacked/harmed anyone in the past. That’s a lot of damn rage. Best wishes for a happy, healthy and safe New Year.

  9. Löni says:

    I think she took those pictures before the killing and the after the killing in an act of rage: you slept with me but you want me no more look now what hapoened to you! Then she realized this pictures would revealed her and she tried to wash the evidence away…

  10. Löni says:

    You do not overkill someone in an act of self defense or maybe only if you defend yourself before someone wich mistread you over years. This was an act of overkillling was a act of rage and wounded pride. Only my opinion

  11. Lori says:

    Self Defense my azzzz….how many stab wounds on his back? 10 I believe is what I read. How is that self defense.?

  12. Gypsy DD says:

    Happy New Year Blink!

    I hope you and yours are having a great time and doing well.

    All I can say about this article is that this is one crazy b*tch..hope that doesn’t get edited because there are no other words to appropriately and accurately describe this woman..crazy b*tch says it all. And there are so many out there like her..we’ve all met a few in our time… and yes Casey Anthony is one of them…

    Heart you …best wishes for the New Year..Gypsy.

    Heart u, Happy New Year and I am only going to add an asterisk- as you can tell from the piece I share the sentiment. Casey never scared me, she is textbook. This one deserves more pause, imo.


  13. Word Girl says:

    This source isn’t so hot, but does this background check out for you?

    “A Tragic Loss

    It would take months for many of Travis’ close friends to fully comprehend the senseless loss. It was an unspeakable tragedy. Travis was only 30 years old and so full of life—so driven, so accomplished.

    Tall, broad-shouldered with bright green eyes and dark hair, Travis was a handsome, young entrepreneur who appeared to have the world at his feet—a lifetime away from his impoverished beginnings. Growing up in the slums of Riverside, California, his childhood had been rough. Travis was one of seven children born to parents who were addicted to crystal meth. For years, the family lived in a tent. At other times home was a dilapidated camper in his aunt’s backyard. Often, the children went to bed hungry.

    Eventually, Travis and his siblings were taken in by their grandmother, Norma, who introduced them to the Mormon community. For Travis, his faith became his salvation. He was devoted to the church and strictly adhered to Mormon values.”

    It does. I excluded it from my piece in the hopes of keeping it balanced and short as I committed to myself I would write on this case years ago but found myself embroiled in a major series I am working on and my gut. This woman is disturbed beyond comprehension.

    Ladies if you find yourself dating an ahole (no disrespect to Travis, this was a bad situation) listen to a Taylor Swift song and move the eff on. This young man did nothing to deserve this fate. Haunting.

    O/T: Mom’s of teen girls if your daughter is into her, great fun in the car and good lessons. Or find some music you agree on and spend the time. Adele- Limited window and I admit we are the mobile Von Trapps lol.

    Even I turn off Sirius news row in the car.


  14. A Texas Grandfather says:

    It is amazing how well a defense team can clean up the appearance of a defendant. They will try to make her appear as the beautiful girl next door that really didn’t do the deed.

    This is very similar to 1980s case of a wild child in Houston that took an axe to several people. She got the death penality, but it took almost twenty years for it to happen.

    Sigh ATG. I can work and peel back layers without batting an eye- I do struggle with the moral here that does end with she is evil and a moonbat. The satellites were there-

  15. lyla says:

    Ain’t Jodi a dandy? She’s lied since day one.
    I agree with Blink. “If the decision was made not to mount a mental defect defense the State must have a seriously tight case.”
    God, I hope they throw the book at her.

  16. Sammy says:

    Great to see you are covering this case Ms B.

    I agree with GeorgiaDad Ragdoll. (as usual :) )
    From what I’ve been able to read about the case – should be a slam dunk for the prosecution. But, unfortunately, we all witnessed the injustice that occurred in Pinellas County Florida with the C-word creature. I don’t know that my faith in our justice system could accept another blow such as that.
    No doubt the defense will dress this evil b*tch up in ruffles and lace and paint her as being some kind of victim that was ‘used’. Bull Hockey!!

    What I don’t get … If she went to the trouble of attempting to delete pix from the SD card (stupid woman – forensic experts can retrieve just about anything these days) —-> why did she not simply remove and destroy the incriminating SD card from the camera?? Strange that she went to the trouble of deleting pix, would have been easier to remove/destroy/throw in a dumpster the teeny SD card instead. Odd.

    Bonne Année to Blink and all the wonderful Blinksters contributing here. Wishing you all good health, happiness, and peace in the New Year.

  17. Word Girl says:

    Since this is the beginning of a new year, we might want to think about how we assess the sociopaths in our midst, as well as those who are very troubled and have warned us they will do damage.

    “The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.”
    ― Maya Angelou

    Truer words never spoken- author escapes me but I butcher the quote frequently.

    TY WG

  18. christy says:

    Moonbat for sure.
    & This seems to have been going on forever! seems I had seen a news piece on her after she had killed Travis very recently to it.
    I hope the delay does not signify that she has a great team. Ugh. She’s crazy!

  19. Liam says:

    It`s seems this woman could not handle rejection and had an unhealthy obsession with Mr Alexander. With that in mind this guy was certainly no gentleman either, some of the language he used when communicating with her was to my mind cruel and degrading. He used this woman for his own pleasure when he felt like it and although there is no evidence of physical abuse, yet, mental abuse can certainly be argued. Even so, he did not deserve his ultimate fate.

    The fact that there was blood at the scene from Ms Arias will give some weight to the argument of self defence, she obviously suffered some sort of injury although the how, when and why has yet to be explained.

    Ultimately I think the evidence will show that Mr Alexander was shot in the face AFTER he was stabbed multiple times and was already incapacitated and therefore no threat to her anymore. This will seal her fate.

  20. GeorgiaDad says:

    “In a series of jailhouse interviews since her 2008 arrest, Arias repeatedly changed her story. First she denied being at Alexander’s house the night of the murder, but two weeks later, she told the TV show “Inside Edition” she was there.

    “I witnessed Travis being attacked by two other individuals,” she said, “Who were they? I don’t know.”

    Now she admits to killing Alexander, but says she had to after he attacked her when she dropped his new camera.”

    The above is why IMHO she cannot persue an insanity defense, as she was obviously intentionally misleading the police.

    I am not convinced she actually planned to murder him when she went to his house. Apparently the camera has photos of the two of them engaged in sexual activity earlier in the day (what kind of dumb criminal takes photos placing her at the murder scene?). I suspect that she wanted something lasting and he wanted a “booty call”, and at some point in the visit they argued and she flipped out.

    She is crazy, not “insane” but crazy, and her actions are completely indefensible. This feels a lot like the movie “Fatal Attraction”.

    The victim’s action in this case, like the actions of battered women, is something I intellectually understand, but can’t grasp on a visceral level: i.e., why maintain a sexual relationship with your stalker. Actually I think we all know what he got out of the deal, and I assume he thought she was relatively harmless.

    Based on the reports of photographed sexual activities and the press reports of his “Mormon values”, I suspect that this was the girlfriend you never take home to momma and never marry, and she had become aware of this. My intention is not to denegrate Mormons, as for all of us “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.”

    Unfortunately, I feel this trial will consists of the defense slandering the victim who is unable to defend himself. There was a recent trial like this in south Georgia where a woman murdered her husband in cold blood and then testified that his male organ was small, he popped viagra constantly and forced her to have sex during which she rarely climaxed and therefore she was forced to shoot him. Fortunately, she is spending the rest of her life in jail.

  21. Ode says:

    The gun has not been recovered but it is believed to be from her home, she allegedly reported it stolen PRIOR to the murder. If that is corroborated that is a very serious premeditative motive, imo.
    Blink do you know if only the gun was reported missing by JA or were any other items taken? I have to say I luv the doggie door reference yet I see a “snake” like from Eden slithering through that door rather than a sweet girl doggie. This little brat couldn’t have what she wanted so she destroyed it.

  22. @ ode. Was not able to confirm that yet

  23. Survivor says:

    @ Blink – I had the exact same thoughts last night on the way home with my youngest, her singing Begin Again in her beautiful songbird fashion. She loves TS and I think she is a great role model for her.

    Some things in this case do not add up for me. In the article linked, there are two stories regarding the photos. If he was killed in self defense because she dropped the camera, why the after-photos that were supposedly snapped when she dropped the camera? Did she drop it twice? How does the defense argue that?

    Are there any witnesses that heard the gunshot?

    I haven’t seen anything that says they lived together in fact HE asked her to move out – not the action of an abusive and controlling man. I read that she is a known stalker although I can’t recall if that was solely based on friend accounts or if there is something more formal against another person(s). Women who are abused are much more easily controlled when under the same roof. If he was so controlling and/or abusive to her, why not just block or ignore his calls and refuse to see him? Get a restraining order? Move? Stop being the aggressor? If she really murdered him in self-defense, why hide it and lie about it? He was dead. She was scared behind bars?

    Her story isn’t logical. I hope the jury sees it straight and is not afraid to do the right thing.

  24. Eloise says:

    This is an extremely interesting case to me- the psychology behind this woman. I have to admit I must have been under my proverbial rock as I never heard or recalled hearing about this until posted here. lol
    But, other than it being obvious that she killed this young man, I am interested in seeing what each side intends to present other than what we normally would predict. I am particularly interested in Jody’s background- did this pathology just surface out of nowhere or has there been a pattern, what about her childhood/family-life?
    I may have missed this- but was it common knowledge that Travis was going to Mexico with another woman, or did Jody uncover that from snoopy in his home? While I don’t think she has a claim to kill him based on the innuendo this far, I don’t think it would be a leap for me to believe he did use her sexually and may have psychologically abused her- along with her own demons she already had- this all being why I think this will be an interesting case. She is very well spoken- crafty little cookie-sicko really- but you all know what I mean. And I guess she wants to be on American Idol or the like. LOL if it wasn’t so sad.

    I agree. I think Jodi AND the relationship in “religion” issues deserve further scrutiny and have a significant learning value. I went a bit harsh in this piece, but this is ultimately a forensics case.

    I looked at the crime scene pics today- this is not as airtight as I would like, and I do have concerns.

    Here is where a prosecution needs to get a clue. You know what I am getting at.

    The crime scene is like a blank canvas and when that happens you leave jurors open to interpretation.

    Bad Idea.

  25. Löni says:

    J.Arias will loose her case. For me no doubts. The defense knows it. They are only intenting to reduce the sentence to the less they can.

  26. Jane says:

    Nancy Grace touched on this case last night. That woman is cool as a cucumber. She seems totally unrattled about Travis’s murder and her trial. She is so petite, soft/well spoken and attractive that I hope she’s not able to persuade the jury in any way. I still am curious as to why so much time has been set aside for this trial if there is so much evidence. Also, what about Jody’s family, childhood and background. Travis’s murder was so extreme and vicious I wondered if she’d ever had any problems with rage/anger in her past. Boy, I’d hate to be dating anyone these days. Lots of anger and crazy out there.

    Seriously. I would be showing up with a polygrapher and CODIS expert, lol.

  27. John says:

    Some people may not appreciate what I have to say here. A young man is dead, and that is not right. A young woman probably killed him.
    First, I do not think Travis “deserved” to die, but I wish to give you the reasons in my opinion why he did die. If you look at all the photos you see a young woman leaning into a young man who is looking away. Jodi is obviously in love with him, and he is not in love, but is “with” her anyway. He is intimate with her and she gives him her “all”. He then greatly disrespects her in writing and talking with others, by calling her a slut and whore and referring to himself as a dildo. He is arrogant and self contained and thinks he can use her and throw her away and marry a virgin, and all is right with God. What he did not count on, is that he had turned the happiest, sweetest girl/child into an enraged crazy fiend. Remember the song……”you always take the sweetest rose, and squeeze it till the petals fall” Young men, let this be a lesson to you all. If you are being intimate with a girl, she deserves nothing less than your comlete respect and attention. There are kind, acceptable ways of departing /breaking up with someone which do not involve being a complete disrespectful prick. All JMOO

    I hope that readers will respect the intention of your post. I know you can be a tad obtuse at times, but since I am used to your tone, I know this to be respectful and heartfelt.

    I am the mother of a baby girl ( I know, she hates that I call her that) who will be a young woman someday and I pray that she will have the benefit of a gentleman who treats her accordingly- and probably the only time someone should fear her Father more than they do her Mother.

    This tragedy was preventable, yet again and it makes me ill.

  28. John says:

    an additional thought….most young girls when treated in the manner in which jodi was treated take it out on themselves instead and can be seen puking in buckets in ER rooms all across the country, after swallowing an overdose. Boys are not there doing this, just the girls. Mothers need to teach their sons how to treat young women.

  29. Löni says:

    Good morning Blink. I have a son and he never treated girls in a bad way. Yes i think it has something to do with education. Travis didn’t have this sort of normal education. His parents were drugadicts. He worked hard and was succesful. But he should have separate from Jodi. It looks like he didn’t want her as girlfriend but could not resist her sexually. A very attraktiv friend of mine was in a similar situation few years ago. She loved someone that didn’t mean this relationship seriously.Although i often spoke with her she kept 2 years in this relationship. And i could not understand why But fact is she gave up sometime with a broken heart but DID NOT KILL the man who was not honest to her . And that is the point. Even if Travis made a mistake to keep a sexual relationship to Jodi and she felt abused she could have left him anytime!!! We have to make choices in life and take the responsability for.

    Agreed. How do we help those that seem to have difficulty see the signs?

  30. Löni says:

    In knowledge that is it proven that mental abuse can sometimes be as hurtful and destructiv as physical abuse, nevertheless i do not understand after the manner how Jodi overreacted that there weren’t signs of personal disorder in her past . I can just not imagine that a balanced joung lady turns out to a complete psychopath in a short frame of time because of a broken heart or a wounded pride…

  31. GeorgiaDad says:

    I agree in priciple with John, but would tone things down a bit. I suspect the victim in this case was struggling with his sex drive which was in opposition to his religious beliefs. How could something so good be so wrong? I don’t think he ever really came to terms with his own sexuality. He broke off the relationship and drove her away, but every time she came stalking, he gave in to his desires.

    As the father of a daughter, I have little control over educating young men about how to treat young ladies. Boys will be boys. But, I do have a role in educating my daughter. My general rules are:
    1) You don’t have to have to be part of a couple to be important (I know a number of women incapable of being unattached for more that a week or so – it is a learned behavior which leads to bad outcomes.)
    2) If you feel uncomfortable with someone – leave. You don’t owe anybody anything.
    3) If someone doesn’t feel for you – move on.
    4) If you want to be treated like a lady, act like a lady and dress like a lady. If you dress and act like a “ho”, you will be treated like a “ho”.

    Unfortunately, we live in a society where media teaches our children the you must be part of a couple to be important (although guys who are “players” can be OK), young women should dress in a sexy fashion (look at the outfits on the Disney channel, for example), and sex is fun and everybody does it.

    I don’t blame the media for this tragedy, as this woman “ain’t right in the head”, and behaved completely inappropriately.

    Good Lessons.

  32. A Texas Grandfather says:

    I think both the victim and the perp had some things in their life that prevented them from becoming the type of people that behave properly.

    Girls need a real dad and boys need a mother who shoots straight about their good or bad behavior. A real dad does exactly what GeogiaDad sets out in his rules. When my girls were that age, I also did not hesitate to sit the boys down and have a man to man talk with them regarding how I expected them to behave towards my girls and all women.

    And Blink’s “baby girl” endearment to her child ,although disliked at the present, is exactly what my girls hear from me from time to time and they both qualify for senior citizen status. They just smile and know that they are loved when they hear it.

  33. Christy says:

    wow!! I must have been under the rock spoken of above also!!

    I read lots on the *justice 4 Travis* Facebook today after reading Blinks post.

    Then you can follow assorted links to Jodis families pages, etc.

    Blink, the crime scene photos were taken how long after his murder?
    And the camera tossed in the washer?? *derp*

    I believe as many do, she’s a ‘pretty’ girl. Batsh** crazy, and totally wrapped herself in his life. He doesn’t appear to truly be ‘with’ her in terms of body language in many photos.

    The defense is going to dress her up to be matronly and homely.
    God I hope the jury sees through.

    Blink and everyone, happy New year!! My hockey season is back, so I’ve another diversion for awhile.

  34. Löni says:

    Good morning Blink. I think the best way to help those that seem to have difficulties to see the signs are to listen to their worries and to be honest with our answers.(Wich is sometimes difficult because they don ‘ t want to hear nor to see the truth.)

  35. Liam says:

    I think at this stage it is unfair to say how good or bad Travis had treated this girl, for all we know she may have pleaded with him to be more intimate than he normally would have allowed himself to be. Using somebody for sex is a dangerous game to play and certainly not the way a gentleman should behave but sadly this is the 21st century and you would be suprised how common this behavious is. Friends with benefits, f*** buddies and booty calls are all products of the latest generation and it goes both ways too, both male and female “benefit” from these type of arrangements. It can be fun and dangerous but there are also the few who cannot distance themselves emotionally after being intimate with somebody.

    That said, the question at hand is whether Jodi Arias was genuinely in fear of her life and legally defended herself. If the defence can prove that Travis was the initial aggressor then I think she has every chance of walking…

  36. Ragdoll says:

    @ John

    I truly get what you’re saying. I respect your opinion and thank you for sharing it with BOC.

    We are all responsible and accountable for the choices and decisions we make. First, Jodi’s either terribly co-dependent, narcissistic or both. She ACTS disconnected. I’m not sure if the disassociation is genuine or not. That will be a factor in this case, but she’s certainly working it.

    When I see her sing s’O Holy Night’, for the prison contest, I see absolutely no emotion. That song brings me to my knees every time I hear it. It is, my all time favourite Christmas hymn for that reason.

    ‘Fall on your knees. Oh hear the angels voices. Oh night devine. Oh night, when Christ is born’.

    I find it disturbing that she can sing such a joyous, glorious song without showing an ounce of emotion. Intentional? AND WHY OH WHY, a Christian hymn of all things to sing? For me, it doesn’t add up. I know of no one who worships without ‘feeling’ it. Since that clip has made the media, I can’t help but wonder if it wasn’t a staged performance. Worked for the Creature.

    The main point I want to make is that she made a decision to pursue this man, despite hints of playing the field. We’re past the prologue of ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’. Religion may be a part of this, but a lack of self respect will make you a vulnerable target when it comes to affairs of the heart. Queue Nancy Sinatra, ‘These Boots Were Made For Walking’.

    Can you imagine if every woman scorned murdered their heartbreakers? Lord have mercy. It’s time for self control, self respect and making decisions that build ourselves up. Besides, if it’s meant to be, there’s no chasing or disrespecting. As for Miss Jodi, I believe she’s where she belongs. She made a decision, followed through and brings life to ‘victimized’.

    Thou shall not murder. God meant that and its for the ages.

  37. @Liam
    I have concerns about the interpretation of the crime scene. If this came into my office I can tell you this is a defensible case.

  38. Jack says:

    Blink – can you elaborate on your concerns with the crime scene? Can you speculate on why she didn’t get rid of the camera but (apparently) got rid of the gun?

    She deleted images from the camera, or someone did, so I suspect she had limited knowledge of SD function or retention and overwriting. The camera bag is on the floor nowhere near the scene where Travis is ultimately recovered. I could drive a bus through the holes here, figuratively speaking.

    The rest is not speculative.

    My concerns with the crime scene are because it is abundantly clear to me that a victim of Travis’s stature and wound inflictions stood over a sink for an extended period and the fixtures were retrieved for evidence but not the sink bowl. The blood patterns tell a story I feel supports a defense position and if this came across my desk I would advise the prosecution accordingly. I do not have macros in this case, but if I did, I would not publish my findings anyway.

    I have a serious concern that this case, which should be straightforward, becomes defensible.

    Imo, this defense did not shift because of pics or DNA from hair on the wall- it shifted on crime scene interps, as we call them. I hope I am overshooting preparation, but I doubt it.

    Disclaimer: Does not change the fact this woman shows up with a .25 caliber by her own admission goes missing. Murder or the potential of it was on her mind, period.


  39. hervness says:

    You’re spot on in some of your points. I dealt with this with a former friend of mine, and I struggle to understand men (and women for that matter) who behave in such a cavalier fashion in regards to others feelings. He (the former friend) ended up dating a co-worker (we all worked together) who ended up crying to me about it. One day (when she was professing her love for him, crying at my desk) I finally had to just be brutually honest with her. “You don’t love him, you love what you think he is.” It took her about a year of back and forth, but she finally “got it.”
    My husband is like this is as well, with relationships with others. His kids, his friendships . . . he seems to ignore the signs that people aren’t going to do what they say. Part of me thinks it’s optimistic, but the other part of me marvels at the apparent lack of insight. I deal with it by lessening the blow, but letting the lessons come to him. In the beginning of our relationship I would point out the signs to him, make sure he understand that he was about to get screwed. It just led to a weird resentment and him viewing me as negative. Well, after about 2 years of various blow ups with others (where he would inevitably get his feelings hurt) he’s now starting to look for the signs in others and starting to understand that all people aren’t like him (insanely honest and caring). It’s weird, one of the reasons I fell in love with him was one of the biggest issues in our first years of marriage.
    After this most recent relationship (a friend who he had met, who I had seen MAJOR red flags with) blow up, he’s either going to 1. start listening to his clearly more intuitive wife, or 2. he’s going to start listening to himself. Either way, there’s not much that can be done from an outsider perspective with these people who either can’t, or refuse to see the signs.

  40. Löni says:

    To @ A Texas Grandfather says : January 7 , at 11H 21 pm
    Well said :-)

  41. Jane says:

    I don’t know a lot about cameras but thought she was into photography. Wouldn’t she have known about the camera’s capabilities. Also, the french maid outfit and a shirt I’ve seen that says something like “Travis Alexander’s” (as if she’s his possession)…how do we know she didn’t purchase those? For some reason I feel as though she thinks this is one big game.

  42. Jnpgh says:

    WOW – so many great comments!!

    And this case troubles me greatly because for whatever faults Travis may have had – he DID NOT deserve 29 knife wounds and a bullet to the head.

    I am a Senior Citizen – but, my enlightened mother in the 1960′s – gave me my first lesson about dating: a kiss is not a contract.

    These days, the first few “dates” go WAY BEYOND kisses …so translated this means: repeated intercourse (by whatever orifice) is not a marriage proposal, let alone a marriage.

    Jodi Arias is a carbon copy of the C-word – only C-word killed her two-year old child and was able to fiendishly hide the evidence (of course with the help of Tropical Storm Fay). Jodi just left the evidence (Travis and all his blood) at the site of the crime.

    I’ll be curious to see if the jury in this case is any more serious and intelligent than the 12 village idiots who were on the C-word case. …Time will tell. Added to this , of course, is that – at least so far, Jodi doesn’t have the enablers (read liars) that C-word had: Cindy and George.

    I loved the Maya Angelou quote in Word Girl’s post on Jan. 3rd at 9:57:

    The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.

    So, the first time Travis [ALLEGDLY] denigrated Jodi, let alone hit her …she should have just left. Abusers never rehabilitate themselves …they will repeat and repeat and repeat. I am a victim, and I know of what I speak.

    I do not believe Jodi’s assertions. She was not abused – but Travis just didn’t want her anymore ….so to Jodi – that was WORSE.

    Jodi is a sick person – and she deserves to be held accountable for what she did.

  43. GeorgiaDad says:

    The camera had been used earlier to take a naked photograph of Miss Sunshine so the location of the case may not be important.

    I read that the prosecution is advancing a case that she planned all of this. Obviously, bringing a gun to a “date” suggests pre-planning. But, the events of the day do not appear well-planned.

    Apparently they have sex. He later takes a picture of her naked in bed. The picture hasn’t been circulated for obvious reasons, but it would help our understanding to know if it was 1) candid, 2) she was posing, or 3) she was trying to hide from the camera. Things seem to be going OK at this point.

    Then, she takes a picture of him in the shower, and suddenly all hell breaks lose. Within minutes, he is stabbed 27 times both in the front and in the back, his throat is slit, he bleeds all over the bathroom, and then he is shot (if he was shot first then I wouldn’t expect much blood on the counters and sink). Then other photos are taken and erased.

    She argues that she dropped his camera and he attacked her, and luckily she just happened to have a knife and gun on her to defend herself.

    I am an amateur photographer, but never carry a gun and knife when taking photographs (I don’t take pictures of naked men in showers, though).

    The evidence suggests that something caused her to flip out immediately after the shower photo. Maybe he got mad and said something that set her off, she went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife …

    My concern is that if the prosecution tries to lay out a case that this was all preplanned, the jury may see “reasonable doubt” about the preplanning. I suspect this was a crime of passion. I also suspect that if the victim had wished to harm this small woman she would have had great difficulty defending herself.

  44. Ragdoll says:

    If this was self defense, as Jodi Arias is not claiming, did she suffer defense wounds, herself? According to Travis’ best friend, she was at the funeral. You’d think someone would remark about bruises, cuts, etc. The only thing noticed was that she went from a blonde to a brunette.

    After seeing the photos of the crime scene, I’m sickened by the thought of how Travis died. I pray he didn’t suffer, but my instincts tell me differently.

    Also, if he was nearly decapitated, that would require someone holding him up from behind, for the knife to penetrate so deeply. She looks like a petite girl. How could she possibly have done so much damage to the victim, who appeared to have had an athletic body, and come out unscathed. This poor man was practically butchered.

    This broad had help, imo. How do you kill and take photos at the same time?

    She participated but no way, all by herself.

    -record scratch borrowed from Blink- I admit, not nearly (understatment) the same effect a friendLY’s.

    I think this could have been a ‘hit’ and she wanted pics of the murder. I think she wanted to be there to see him suffer.

    ….but then again, I’ve been wrong before.

    You highlight the biggest problem with this case. It is underinvestigated as to the findings at the crime scene. I apologize for repeating myself, but the charges do not match the crime scene and evidence I am aware of and we all know the last time that happened.

  45. Ragdoll says:

    EDIT…..should read *…,as Jodi Arias is NOW claming*.

  46. A Texas Grandfather says:


    There are a multitude of people who take photos. That does not mean that they know how all the systems on modern digital cameras work.

    SD cards are a form of non-volital memory. They have various storage capacities. Because they are made with rewritable elements that have a finite number of writes, the memory firmware (firmware is software that is embeded in read-only memory that is a permanent part of the camera) is designed to move the beginning of a picture write to a section of the memory that has not been used in a while to make the card have a longer life.

    The picture is stored in a file format with a good deal of header information. To erase a file just takes a change to the header information to make it unavaliable. It does not change the actual bit structure in the file. The picture is still there to people who do computer or electronic forensics. The only way to remove data from such devices is to have a program that will write all ones or all zeros over the entire storage device. This cannot be done in most cameras and would require a computer to accomplish it.

    She would have been smart to take the SD card and mechanically destroy it.

    I agree with Georgiadad regarding the source for the knife. She may have been carrying the gun in her purse. We also have no knowledge of just how strong he was. I have known some men that were really not strong at all.

  47. Jane says:

    I wanted to know about the dog door and dog. I had seen pictures of a small dog. What happened to Travis’s dog? If at the crime scene, I would think the dog could have had a lot of evidence on its paws and fur?

    His bedroom suite was locked- the dog did not have access. I have seen the alleged re-enactment.
    It is impossible. This girl is just not dragging this man at dead weight all over the house.

    The blood evidence does not match. Bizarre.

  48. N. Cahela says:

    Sorry, if this has already been answered but once Jodi confessed to killing Travis who did she say that the gun belonged to and has she said where it’s at now? If she said it belonged to her, what was her reason for having it with her if it wasn’t premeditated?

    Also, when does Jodi say the supposed attack on her by Travis happened? Before he got in the shower and then she waited to defend herself when he least expected it? Because, he doesn’t look like he is in the middle of doling out a brutal attack in that last photo taken by Jodi while he was still alive.

    I have to say for as skewed as I feel this case is right now, Jodi will have to take the stand for this to have a chance, and it will be a disaster.

  49. Kristy says:

    If this trial took place in TX…..Man would she get it.

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