Jodi Arias Prepares To Die Or Rot In Jail For The Murder Of Travis Alexander

Posted by BOC Staff | C word,Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,George Anthony,Jodi Arias,Nancy Grace,Travis Alexander | Thursday 3 January 2013 4:14 am

Phoenix, Arizona- Today began the first day of the first degree or felony murder trial of Jodi Arias for the murder of her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander.

Image courtesy Arias

Image courtesy Arias

Arias is accused of viciously stabbing and shooting her former boyfriend in his home after a romantic afternoon which included footage of the couples rendezvous taken on Alexander’s camera.

Alexander broke off ties with Arias  several months before according to his close friends, but not so much- according to cell and other electronic communications shared between the two.   The phrase “He’s just not that into you” and Ms. Arias are apparently strangers.

courtesy myspace

courtesy myspace

Travis was a young and successful entrepreneur with a 5 bedroom home.  Arias was a High School drop out content to take pictures of the two globetrotting on Alexander’s dime.

Arias converted to the Mormon faith in her efforts to win the wedded affections of the handsome upstart she moved to Mesa from her hometown of Yreka, CA for.

Travis decided he wanted a Mormon do-over with a suitable young woman and asked Arias to move out.     Arias returned to her family home (or pretended to) and diligently stalked her way through waiting out the *friends with benefits* routine she was sure to cure Travis of.

When Arias learned Travis was headed to Cancun with a woman he had just begun dating it was clear Jodi was not fond of giving up what she considered her earned frequent flyer spot.

Maria Hall was the first witness for the prosecution.  She testified that although she went on a few dates with Alexander, there was no spark for her and the two decided to vacation as friends.  She was made aware that Travis had a female stalker who slit his tires but never knew her name.  Hall ultimately called police after not being able to reach Alexander for days and she and two friends who had the garage key code found his body.

Images of a deceased Travis Alexander depicting 27 stab wounds and a .25 gunshot to the cheek were seen by the jury while Arias looked down dabbing a tissue at dry eyes.  Alexander had a gaping hole in his throat from ear to ear.

With a palm print made in blood and hair belonging to Arias in blood at the scene,  one would have thought that would have been enough for her to admit her presence to police.

It was not until the images of Travis’s camera, where one can see a shot of the ceiling one second and the next picture shows him bleeding and Arias attempting to drag him,  did Arias update her version of events.  The camera was found in the washer with the bedding but the SD card was unharmed.  The pictures were recovered from the unallocated space indicating Arias had deleted them.   There are pictures of Travis Alexander’s lifeless body including defensive wounds.

It is believed Arias shot Alexander first,  rendering him mostly incapacitated as he tried to fight off her knife attack, although the prosecution has seemed to change it’s earlier findings on the wound chronology.

She now claims she killed Travis Alexander in self defense.  I want to personally thank her for not accusing George Anthony of finding Alexander in the shower and claiming he was dead from some lethal water pressure mishap he found online surfing the web.

This woman,  the prison caroling songstress of 2010, will have all the permanent acoustics she can handle.

“No jury is going to convict me … because I am innocent and you can mark my words on that,” 

“No jury is going to convict me.”    -Jodi Arias

And Ms. Arias can mark my words on this.   You are never getting out of the joint alive.   You know what? I don’t think you care in the least.    At least your crazytown azz does not have to watch a kind and successful young man struggling with the application of his fundamental religious teachings while you invade the mans doggy door and squat at his pad while he is out trying to earn a living.   You just swapped one prison for another.



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  1. Ode says:

    I have to say for as skewed as I feel this case is right now, Jodi will have to take the stand for this to have a chance, and it will be a disaster.
    A disaster for the defense or the prosecution? It could be argued that Travis already had the gun. If he felt that JA was stalking him and he knew she had access to the gun he may have taken it from her on an earlier date…just in case. She may have thought it was stolen. It is interesting that she had plans to meet another man either the day of the murder or the next day. Did she plan to use this as a ” are you sure you want me to see others? Let’s have one last roll in the hay”. When this tactic did not work she flipped. Travis may have gone for the gun to defend himself after he was stabbed. Also is it possible she dragged the body while it laid on a sheet? Maybe she had some “magic sliders” in her purse, lol.

    Here is the problem- she is admitting she killed him, but in self defense. She was wounded and her blood was found at the scene. A large crop of her hair was found mixed with his blood and she dies her hair brown immediately.

    A few weeks before this he blogs about trying to locate a wife and the fear that there is an axe murderer inside one potentially-

    In my mind, there is no way they can prove pre- meditation and the only other choice is felony murder ( means murder committed during the commission of another crime) The blood spatter and pooling clearly show whoever bled all over that sink was standing if the allegation is it was Travis. The scene does not show that. A strong rebuttal expert can handle this and I have to believe they have one lined up.

    I am an abundance of caution person these days with juries.

    Lol at the magic sliders in the purse.

  2. Ode says:


  3. Ode says:

    Blink have you seen pictures of the bathroom and did they show anytype of vanity chair. I know it was a man’s bathroom but if it was a master suite it could have had one.

    Not that I saw, no

  4. Ode says:

    I also wonder how close the “loo” was to the sink with the blood?

  5. Jack says:

    Was the knife ever found? Did she bring both a gun and a knife to his house?

    To my knowledge neither weapon was located, but it is presumed the knife came from the residence.

  6. Christy says:

    I’ve been paying attention to this case now, and the Facebook page for the case.
    of course, there’s the people screaming for her to die now. And, I get that, I totally do. BUT…pay attention to what Blink is saying here, watch the renactment and tell me how she did all that dragging??
    She appears in all the pictures to be petite. He appears to be a tad bigger than my husband. There is no way I could drag his weight. Maybe adrenaline factors in??
    And she shot him after multiple stabbings?
    The amount of blood on the counters is mindblowing to me.

    I’m getting a slight feeling she had help. Could her other partner be a suspect?

    She is definitely the conductor of her crazy train, and he Travis probably had enough of her and she wasn’t about to let that happen so easily. I mean, have you seen all their photos of their travels? She didn’t want anyone else to enjoy that.

    I can’t access if their are stipulations at trial that have been filed so I don’t know exactly what the defense is planning and how this moved from intruders not me to intruders to yes me, but in defense outside of what she learned about evidence along the way.

    That said, I am 5’6 1/2″ 140lbs ( who admits that, lol) Hubby is 6′ 215.

    A hypothetical to protect the innocent and maybe an inappropriately hilarious comparison but you will get the gist:

    Some years ago when we decided Mr. B would have that small surgical procedure as we were no longer going to be adding to our brood- he misread the directions on the valium bottle when we got home, went into the downstairs bathroom after taking 3 at once instead of every 4 hours. I hear this loud bang I knew immediately was him taking a nose dive and bouncing off the tub. I run to the door and he had locked it because he was likely checking out his business and did not want the kids to open the door without knocking as appropriate, mom’s- you can relate to the non-existance of privacy when kids want us, lol.

    So I am banging on the door, and he is not moving or making a sound. I run outside, traverse the flower bed, realize I can’t reach the window to see in, run to the basement, get the ladder, the flashlight, trip over the flagstone and smack my head on the cherry blossom. I digress.

    I manage to see in the bathroom and sure enough he is on the floor, pants on the ground, lol.

    In my panic I forgot I can open that damn door with a knife point. I try, it unlocks, but he is laying in front of it and he is out like those cartoons with the x’s over the eyes. I wedge the door just far enough to get in and unlock the window. I head back outside, crawl in that way, and attempt to pull him to the other side of the room so I can open the door and drag him out.

    At the time, I was probably 130 and running 20 miles a week- good shape. I could have starred in my own Lucille Ball show, I had one foot one the wall, one arm , both arms, I could not budge him. No leverage and even if I could there is just no way in hell I would have got him more than a few feet without help.

    After I restored his dignity if I needed to call someone, lol, I took the door off the hinges and put an old baby monitor in there so I could hear him breathing after I called the doc and he said put a pillow under his head and try to wake him when he stirs, otherwise the dose was not going to kill him and he had no signs he hit his head or anything.

    My point- there is no chance this little thing drug this man the way the presentation interprets and frankly, I have a concern showing that at all can amount to a constitutional error unless the reason it was not challenged is what I suspect and that is she is going to say he was the one chasing and dragging her and it ended finally when she shot him.

    -Concerned in NJ

  7. Christy says:

    excuse my typos, I’m still not a great typer on a tablet.

  8. Christy says:

    See, that’s exactly what I’m saying. And…your hubby zonked on valium is…well…hilarious.

    I just read someone on the Facebook page barely mentioned she could not have done it alone, weight/mass/etc. And of course they are being crucified for daring to mention it.

    I suppose if she did drag him all over (and someone mentioned a sheet was used)she may not have been up for her little tryst she had following this. I think she stabbed him, he chased her, etc, etc.

    Maybe she weakened him enough where he didn’t or couldn’t physically fight her. Was there toxicology reports?
    (thinking to Mr B and the valium )

    I’m interested to see what the defense uses.

    There was bedding in the wash so I assume that the prosecution might use that- but then we need the fiber experts to corroborate. This became a forensics case.

  9. A Texas Grandfather says:

    I am laughing so hard about Mr. B that I can hardly write this. Two hundred or more lbs. of limp human is a load. Then it becomes even more funny with you taking the door off the hinges in order to watch him. Dad or poppa taught you some things about tools.

    Having experienced this with one of our boys when mom misread the instructions for a powerful antibiotic that knocked him out on the way to the bathroom at 3:00 AM, I could visualize all the “Max Senate” routines. These are comedy routines from silent films. Our boy was lucky, he was sixteen and six feet at 170 lbs. Mom could not have moved him being 5’3″ and 120 lbs, so I did it.

    It is a known fact that the human body is quite capable of lifting and moving much more weight than we normally think we can. The mind prevents us from damaging ourselves, so we don’t do it. However, under extreme stress and a load of adrenalin, it is possible that this small woman was able to move Travis. A big load of uppers would override the brain’s protective signals and she could have moved him.

    Using a sheet or blanket as a skid device is very possible. I often use this method to move a queen or king size matress by myself.

    The best line ever- the next morning Blink Jr says at breakfast- “Daddy, that was pretty smart of you to figure out that if you sleep in the bathroom you can go to bed right after brushing your teeth and if you have to go potty you are already right there. Then in the morning, same thing-that’s half the stuff Mommy makes me do everyday right in that room.” Blinkette chimes in- Yeah, and you could eat that cereal Mom throws in the toilet for you to pee on for breakfast, too.

    “I’m not going to eat cereal out of the potty- YOU eat cereal out of the potty.”

    No silly, I meant, keep it in something in there and use it for both.

    “O, then good idea.”


    Back to topic- I agree that adrenaline or some drugs can elevate one’s strength and resolve in a panic situation, absolutely. There is room for that theory here considering I believe there IS a pic of her dragging him at one point that was attempted to be erased. I am referring to the graphic presentation itself, which might actually be a media tool and not presented by the prosecution as I can’t find it again. As an overall statement I do agreee the prosecution must fill in as many holes as they can to avoid the jury doing that for them- especially as this case is charged in conjunction with the physical items present.

    There was an altercation of a physical kind at that crime scene between those two people, and ONE of them is alive and knows what happened. Ergo- while assisting in her own defense, if the prosecutions theory of the order of events is wrong- which I do believe it is, EVEN THOUGH I believe Arias may very well have gone there to kill Travis- there is no way they can prove that charge.

    That said, much of this falls on her lawyer’s skills and resources, the one’s she fired for a time.

    If the jury does not believe her and they do not like her, this is all over anyway- however, it only takes one. In a capital case that concerns me greatly- if y’all will pardon my broken record.

    My first thought when I saw that picture of Travis was that he was wounded outside of the view of the image, and sitting on the floor. I believe the prosecution will close will the full image.


  10. Mom3.0 says:

    Hello Blinky
    Ive been gone for awhile … just when I think I am out you pull me back in-

    Your coverage of this case- yikes, glad to see you back in snark mode.

    You and others have compared this case or at least the perp to C—-

    I do see the similarities in all the lies and I didnt do its… only to change the story as more & more evidence is shown then the love of photography or at least the love of photographing themselves and their escapades and “property.”

    I am worried about the jury too- and I must say the prosecution may have already lost them -

    Who are the jurors what is the makeup? That will play a HUGE part in whether she gets life or death or ______

    I have never followed this case prior to your coverage- so after reading your piece I went on a read about- and I found myself sympathizing more with her then i wanted too-

    Opening statements:

    Martinez said Alexander was a motivational speaker and a devout Mormon, and that Arias “stuck a knife in his chest.”

    “She slit his throat as a reward for being a good man,” Martinez said.

    Blink, the guy may have been a Mormon and he may have been trying to be a great one but clearly he was not a devout Mormon as he seemed to have no problem in enjoying time with Jodi although afterward he probably felt guilty at least until the next time he wanted to forget he was devout

    And as for being a good man, well I am sure he was- and like all of us he was trying his best but he was faltering along the way- Jodi didnt get to the place where she was baptized in the faith with Travis as a witness by thinking they were just friends- they were only together for 5 months yet clearly she was under the impression there was hope for their relationship…and who was giving her that false hope? She wasnt just deluding herself-it seems alot of little white lies and promises were whispered in the dark and over the phone and in texts…

    You wrote something that made me feel for her too Blink :
    “Travis was a young and successful entrepreneur with a 5 bedroom home. Arias was a High School drop out content to take pictures of the two globetrotting on Alexander’s dime.”

    yes Travis was successful Blink but he wasnt always and unlike C-word Jodi WAS actually gainfully employed and met Travis through work, although I have no doubt she liked Travis’ generosities

    From a Time article snipped:

    “Jodi, an aspiring photographer, was working as a representative for Pre-Paid Legal while launching her photography business.”

    –My point is as gruesome and sickening as this murder is and it is- I think it is a mistake for the prosecution to try and paint Travis as without faults

    It seems obvious that she did it, and it seems obvious she did it for the same reason most murders like this occur because if she couldnt have him no one would…
    but I am worried that if prosecutors paint him as too much of a “good guy” they are setting the case up to fail because anyone can clearly see that for as much as Travis and his friends claim he wasnt “that into her”—He clearly wasnt NOT into her when he wanted to be into her.. you know, and that means he wasnt always a good guy, or devout Mormon

    –Now just because I said that does not mean I think she was the victim and fought him off in self defense nor do I think he deserved to die or suffer or to be punished in anyway-

    Its all part of life and love sadly and obviously she is a killer and a liar and all the rest and
    HE is clearly the victim and he and his family and friends deserve justice and my prayers go out to them -but again I worry about those on the jury who will feel for her and her predicament ..and maybe want to let her off or give her a lighter sentence because he wasnt always a “good guy”… know what Im trying to say?


    Well I never think of you as out my dear Mom3.0 so good to hear. I agree with you it is a mistake to cannonize Travis, although, in contrast to Jodi’s behavior it is important to the case. I actually see this a bit differently than most. I know what I wrote because it is substantiated by friends and witnesses, but I also believe at one time Travis at least thought he loved Jodi.

    I think he had a bit of that mentor compassion of someone who did not have the best upbringing and had no idea how to really turn that around as he clearly did. I think he then realizes she has traits that remind him of moods or behaviors of his own childhood (Mother). I will be the first to say that I have no earthly idea what it must be like to grow up as he did ( I read his book excerpt on his blog and cried).

    I would like to see exploration of the stalking that was going on- something is still not sitting right with me overall- captain obvious award goes to blink, lol.

  11. Mom3.0 says:

    Another longwinded post by yours truly
    thanks for reading

    Blink I am not as concerned as you seem to be with the movement of his body-although I agree she most certainly could have had help-but I think she could have done it all by her itty bitty self too.

    I appreciate your story of trying to move your husband…I hope you got his okay before you posted your tale of that very heroic attempt to save him Blinky as he might not like the images your writing put into all of our minds…ha ha at least let him know I pictured him with a cute butt..LOL

    Anyhoo, The difference between your inability to move your husband and her ability to drag her victim could be clear though Blink—
    as you were concerned for his welfare you did not want to harm him you were trying to SAVE him – not kill him and you were NOT concerned with yourself- where as she was certainly was and she was concerned with the killing then the moving and the hiding him and getting out and off to her other boyfriends home…


    What makes me think this is because the killing was brutal it was rage and a whole lot of it his throat was slit from ear to ear and it severed his windpipe and all…think extreme rage/passion think Nicole Brown.

    We know she dragged him the camera has it on film so is it so hard to believe that the slickness of the blood, the thickness of the carpet and her will to succeed drove her to accomplish the act? IDK the one thing that does give me pause about her being the one to drag him back to the bathroom and pose him in the shower…she HAD to LIFT him over the lip of the shower…she couldnt drag him in the shower IT is small…if she did that she would have almost surely have been stuck behind his body….again IDK

    The gun
    Its thought to be “her” gun at least the gun that her grandparents reported stolen in the weeks before- have they no .25 bullets in their possession for comparison or were all the bullets taken too? Was the grandparents gun loaded was there only one bullet?

    If she took this gun because she planned to kill him then why only shoot him once and why not shoot to kill- straight through the forehead or straight through the heart?

    If she was into making him suffer which he sadly did, why bother to shoot him at all? The last live photo of him his horribly sad- and if I were on the jury that would be the nail in her coffin because it is truly haunting-

    The pic- Cant they enhance the mirror image in his pupils?

    Man that photo So sad. Poor Travis is already scrunched down sitting in that tiny shower- his nose seems to be running as if he had been crying-he seems to begging the photographer with his eyes ..please no…stop.. heartless IMO yep that pic for me would do it.

    If the stab wound to the heart came first then why the gun- he was on his back she stabbed and slit his throat why shoot?
    The gun was held at very close range right?

    As for the sink she used a towel to clean up alot of the blood right? either on her self or on the floor- what if the towel was used to sop up the copious amounts of blood and she put it in the sink or wrung it out in the sink so it dripped into the sink and Travis was never upright near the sink alive or dying bleeding…

    The rest of the home was clean as the roommate did not even realize after 5 days that he was dead… he didnt see the blood on the washer or the sheets towels and camera inside…

    After seeing the layout of the rooms (from HLN) the hallway the bathroom…it doesnt appear to be all that big of an area to traverse Blink. I could be wrong and often am…. photos can be deceiving
    if you know what were the measurements of the rooms?


    For those that are interested this HLN reenactment shows the layout of the rooms and what might have happened.


    The scene encompasses 3 different areas and 2 different bathrooms. Having watched that again, I can state for certain that there is no way she shoots him last, no way now how. It is stating that she nearly decapitated him in the BR hallway. The person shot in that BR was standing.

  12. Ode says:–abc-news-topstories.html+jodi+arias+dog+door&cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

    Hall testified that Alexander told her that he had had his tires slashed several times, had been sent threatening emails, followed on dates with other women, had his bank accounts broken into, and that Arias snuck through his doggy door and slept on his couch at night. None of these alleged incidents were reported to the police.
    OMG she really did crawl through the doggy door.

  13. lyla says:

    What have I missed? How in the world did her camera capture images during the commission of this crime?

  14. MandyVZ says:

    LOL at the description of your husband’s mishap, Blink. I would ask how on earth someone could misread the instructions on the Valium bottle to say to take 3 at once, but clearly Sally Karioth has done that as well, at least once. : )

  15. John says:

    something is still not sitting right with me overall..says B….same here…..if I were on the jury with the knowledge I have right now, I would not vote guilty on anything, even though I guess she did it, I am not sure that one of their “friends” or his friends did not do it, and then make her think she did it….sounds goofy, perhaps, but I do believe she has some kind of disassociated problem, and could be made to believe anything….and crazy as it sounds, she might now like the attention. What if his innocent, oh soooo innocent looking, and sounding friends actually murdered him? ((((clue number one….she said two people killed him, and she saw it))))

  16. Classygal says:

    Did anyone see this animation of how they THINK the crime took place? It also states a picture was accidentally taken when he was being drug…… seems like an awful far distance for such a small women….

  17. A Texas Grandfather says:

    After viewing some pictures of the two together, I realize that he is not that big of a guy. Maybe 5′ 8″ and 155 lbs. She could very well have moved him.

    Remember that the Mormans were originally poligamists and some were pedaphiles. Joseph Smith for one. This behavior was what caused the sect to be driven out of NY State and Steubenville, Ohio before the movement to Missouri and the subsequent treck to Utah territory. There are still groups of Mormans that believe in that behavior. Maybe this was something he was experimenting with and she didn’t like it.

    There appeared to be Mexican tile on the floor and walls. These tiles have a slick surface and would make moving a body easier. Most people can move someone who is their weight plus fifty lbs without a lot of trouble. Beyond that, as Blink discovered, it is difficult. She had about 35 lbs of weight more than her capacity.

    I really believe, until proven different, that she stabbed Travis with a kitchen knife near the heart and the shock put him on the floor in a sitting position and more or less helpless. She wanted him dead so she shot him in the face with the little 25 cal. gun and then drug him down the hall and cut his throat and gave him the multiple stab wounds. By that time she was giving complete control to her anger and managed to cut her hand on the knife while administering the stab wounds.

    The children’s story in precious B. You have a very good memory to be able to recall it that well. These are the kinds of things that Art Linkletter made millions from during the show “kids say the darndist things”. I hope you have some kind of record of this on-going exchange to show them when they are adults. It is so typical of a little guy to try and make something sensible out of an event and big sister turn it into an opportunity to express her dislike of something she was doing at mom’s direction.

    To your point ATG, that is not the prosecution’s theory- they believe he was shot last- I am almost prepared to call that impossible in the context of the known evidence to date.

    The defense filed a motion for mistrial today based on prosecutorial witness perjury allegations. It was denied, but Wilmott just lost a big case in Maricopa county after deadlocking a jury the first time-

    Lots of things to consider with what I would call very subjective evidence.

    o/t: yes, I keep track of those lovely milestones although I admit as teens it bores the hell out of them, lol.

  18. Mom3.0 says:

    correction that should have read that Travis was on his stomach not back…

    Blink I am not sure if you will want to post this link but it shows the hall the bathroom etc

    WARNING it has EXTREMELY graphic crime scene photos.(includes body)

    I noticed that the hallwall has two different wall blood smear patterns on high and one low- It seems to me that Travis was either alive and trying to get away and made it to the end of the hallway- bedroom area before being dragged back. The blood smear is low down but too high to be from dragging Travis in a lying position.

    the area of the hallway which police cut away is up high further as if Travis was in a standing position … There seens to be dripping of blood to the floor…

    It seems whomever put him back in the bathroom shower only needed to drag him one way.

    Travis hands show signs of defensive wounds what they dont show is signs of having hit anyone-

    I think she is lying again about Travis pushing her down. Most guys will first punch a wall or something else before they ever get to the pushing down or hitting of a girl – and there was no evidence Travis punched a wall- or inflicted any injury on himself in anger to curb his wanting to lash out at her… In fact there is no evidence that Travis did anything even in self defense besides hold his hands up and try to get away…

    After looking through the photos I have to say that it does appear that blood dripped from som one in a standing position at the sink…splatter seems to be from the wound- so was the sink blood from the gun shot wound or from a knife wound or what?
    Where was the entrance and exit wound of the bullet Blink? If he was shot first his hands would have went immediately to the wound I doubt that he would have defensively held his hands up to stop the knife blows….I think he was wounded first with the knife then somewhere in the middle was shot then the stabbing continued…

    After seeing the photos could the wound from his neck have started because she was dragging him by the camera and the cord cut through> Then after moving him she finished him off?

    There was no hesitation marks…IDk Blink are they sure that his neck was cut with the knife?

    The camera shots of the ceiling- they bother me- it is as if Travis was capturing these shots as he was dragged-

    oh you mentioned JA firing her team for awhile-

    yeah i just read that she then tried to forge letters from him about having sex with kids they were proven to be lies so she backed off? What>>>> who forged these and if it was her why is she not being charged with that crime too.

    The more i hear/see read about her the more i do not like her and the more i think Travis never had a chance…I do think it was premeditated and I think so because instead of renting a car near her to travel she rented one from twice as far away…Why? and what of her flipping the license plates?

    The girl is real bad news and I too think they need to delve deeper into her stalking and all the rest.
    They have to be able to take any sympathy for her and turn it into disgust-

    where did the knife and gun come from ? whenever it was it wasnt in sight until she used it…so she actively went and decided to use them…

    Why not just leave if it was self defense threaten him with the gun and leave ???? she didnt and she didnt stop stabbing him and many of the stab wounds are from behind- She stabbed him when clearly he was either down or running away- So the self defense lie is OUT IMO


    I have reviewed the non-published autopsy photos this evening in conjunction with some non-published crime scene photos.

    According to his sister, Travis definitely made it known Jodi slit his tires not once, but twice. No idea if she actually did that, just repeating Tunisha’s words.

    Mom 3.0, you are also agreeing that in your review, it does not match the prosecutors presentation in terms of chronology.

    I may be giving Wilmott way too much credit, but there are bus-lane sized holes in this theory, imo.

  19. Eloise says:

    RE: which wounds were first, last or other:

    I wonder if the thought or part of the thought is that according to the defensive wound photos of JA’s hands vs what we are hearing of Jodi’s hands, he must have been greatly incapacitated during the knife wielding for her to have been the winner in that fight? Also, the grotesque shower photo of him deceased, really shows no blood, yet in the close up of his facial photo, you can see spatter at the neck, so maybe incomplete rinsing? I thought I had read, heard he was shot with entry via eyebrow area with lodging in the cheek bone region- no exit? Anyone have that handy?
    Her bedroom pic at home- gave me a very strange vibe- cant tell of course what has been done to it since she had been there but seemed more of an older mans room vs a young gals, imo.

  20. Löni says:

    Hello Blink and blinksters. If i understood correctly there was an entrance wound upper the right eyebrow but no exit wound because the bullet got stucked in the left cheek. I thought first she shot at him and stabbed him then but the autopsy doctor explained that the shot in the head as the slit in his throat would have made him unconscious in a very short frame of time and so it would have been impossible for him to defend himself. So he must have been stabbed first. It begun mostly in his bedroom.He tried to defend himself dragged himself to the bathroom where she continued to stab him, and finished his life sliting his throat and shooting at him. She then dragged him into the shower. That is my only explaination about how it could have happened. Because for me as you say Blink it is not very possible JA could have dragged Travis the hallway down to the bath all by herself…

  21. Löni says:

    I would be interested what JA says about the whereabouts of the gun and the knife. If she took the gun from her grandparents to go and meet Travis then she must have premetidated this attack on him. It is not that she carried always a weapon with her to be abble to defend herself when she was traveling if i understood correctly. I think she hoped meeting him she could persuade him to not travel with this other girl to Cancun and to win him back for her.They slept together posed for the photos and then he asked her to leave. She flipped out. Only speculation and my opinion as for my understanding as to the case timeline at the crime scene. Please Blink if i am wrong and there is something that explain that the attack occured then first in the bathroom explain it to me because of my poor knowledeges in englisch i have a hard time to understand it all very accurately. Thank you in advance for that.

  22. Mom3.0 says:

    I am still trying to catch up on this case so I am learning as I go.

    Blink I can not say for certain if I agree with the prosecutions presentation- it is my understanding that LE changed their thoughts on the chronology..
    and i didnt hear the States OS in ints entirety…can you recap?

    if it is as HLNs reenactment depicts then they are acting as if they are certain- If I learned anything from the
    C- – - – trial it is that the State should never propose to know exactly how a crime was committed if they dont have the exact evidence to back it up- that just allows a defense to come in and tell a better story for the proposed holes in any given theory-

    Having said that-
    The blood evidence is Not squaring with either side..but she did try to clean up so…that may be the why

    So not knowing i think it might be Possible that the murder happened with the gun shot coming last- why because it was Jodis finishing touch – and the bullet was in the bathroom found in blood- – and the tragectory seems to fit Travis sitting or already in the shower…why because it is down through the temple and out through his left cheek…how can Jodi have shot him in a downward tragectory she is shorter…unless she shot him as he was trying to tend to a different wound and leaning over the sink…

    I went and found the audio of the defenses opening statements- and their theory does not add up -

    First i take utter and total offense to them portraying this relationship this murder to a case of domestic violence-

    was it a toxic relationship yep- was it healthy- nope

    but it definitely was not Jodi was a victim of domestic violence verbal or otherwise and ultimately snapped and defended herself ala a burning bed scenario…no way-

    Not to be crass but some men and women like to be called derogatory names and some get off on the school girl pig tails and naughty pics and french maid outfits and all the rest none of it automatically has to mean that someone was victimizing someone else…

    I mean lots of people are into different “scenes” and lots of people hide their sex lives from their families and friends

    According to the D opening statement Jodi was taking “tasteful” pics of Travis in the shower because he wanted them to show how much weight he lost..

    57 seconds in the defense discusses “the rope”
    actually a curtain tie used to tie jodi up to the bed- travis cut the rope with a knife and then tied jodi to the bed—

    LIES it was a sleigh bed pic 72 (same graphic link warning)

    there was no where to tie Jodi up – no posts and if travis was such a brut only out for his own satisfaction then why would he concern himself with the softness of “the rope” and jodis comfort??

    Second how did the “rope” innocently find its way into the bathroom according to opening statements Jodi was downstairs with Travis and they were lovingly looking at old photos on a disc- because of a virus on the computer Travis became enraged and the only way to talk him out of his rage was to have sex- so Travis bent jodi over the desk and took her forcefully…okay no mention of the curtain ties…. next Jodi is “allowed” to clean up in the bathroom okay no mention of the tie….next thing is

    according to her defense
    Jodi was taking “tasteful” pics of Travis in the shower because he wanted them to show how much weight he lost..

    (pp) there was one photo taken of him cant tell if he is sitting or standing in the shower…but you can tell his shoulder is pointing out the next picture taken of him has him sitting with his arms on his knees…next minute is
    the ceiling pic taken when Jodi accidentally dropped the camera so as its in midair travis becomes enraged and lunges knocking Jodi down in the bathroom where there was a struggle…
    then we go to the next picture travis’ body he is already clearly injured in a minute….
    that very brief moment of time a Minute.. is not the result of premeditation….

    SAY WHAT we havent seen all the pictures there is one of travis in the bathroom injured timestamped one minute after the “alive” and well shower pics??????

    back to vid
    one minute from the camera falling till you see travis with blood….

    So we are to believe that the rope the curtain ties the camera the knife and the gun were all just oh so handy so Jodi could protect herself in one minute time?

    We are to believe Jodi after being knocked down miraculously gets the upper hand and stabs him 29 times cuts his throat and shoots him in self defense? Then took sh the knife the gun and the curtain tie (except the pieces that were left on the stairs and bloody in the bathroom) with her when she left… showing no signs of injury no swollen lip- no black eyes no rope burns-no injuries except the cuts on her fingers which could have resulted in the knife slipping as she stabbed travis..

    He was mad she dropped the camera? well what of that camera? why was it still taking photos if it dropped and was “broke” why was it washed? Why not take it with her like the ties and the gun and the knife?

    Why were the pictures erased if they clearly show what Jodi claims?

    well They dont- an innocent person acting in self defense does not brutally attack anyone and they dont hide the evidence and erase the evidence and launder the evidence and lie and lie and they dont NOT call police—- that is until the body is found then calls and calmly lies and lies and lies without even breaking a sweat.

    Jodi Arias from all evidence I have seen heard and read murdered travis and should be found guilty of premeditated murder

    That one minute alone = premeditation she kept attacking until Travis was dead and rotting in that tiny shower –
    then she took evidence and ruined evidence and went merrily on her way.

    Unless she gets on that stand and answers the hows and whys – I cant imagine her doing any of this in self defense.


  23. Löni says:

    I remember hearing a sad story about a joung men not far away where i live. He was out with his friends in a bar holding his drink in his hand as someone pushed him to make his way trough the crowd. The glass he was holding cut his jugular veine. He bled to death within 3 to 5 minutes. There was no help nor rescue possible because of this lapse of time. Travis could definitivly not have moved after the blessure to his to the shot in the head the bullet got through the brain to stop in his cheek. This must have incapacitated him immediately. The Stab to the heart was deadly but it could have left him however more time to live. I think she assaulted him from behind in the bedroom as he wanted to put his clothes on, stabbed him first in the back incapacating as much that he could not fight back properly…

  24. Mom3.0 says:

    rope discussion begins at 57:50 not seconds

  25. Löni says:

    The big amount of blood before the hallway could come from the wound to the heart as he tried to fight back…Please Blink explain me if i am thinking wrong as i want to understand correctly.

  26. Löni says:

    What i do not understand is why did she go to the Kitchen to pic a knife if she have a gun in her bag.After the shower has she tried first to tie him in the bedroom with some rope and he tells her to go in the kitchen to get a knife to cut the rope off. She does and then as he turns her his back to get his clothes she assaulted him from behind??? The timeline at the crime scene does not add up nor from what defense is telling (selfdefense) nor from what prosecution is presenting. They oversee something as to the happenings of…

  27. Löni says:

    How many time were in between the last picture from Travis alive and the one when she dragged him over the floor and the camera took a picture accidentally? How is it possible for her to have the camera in one hand and to fight Travis to death with the other hand? Was the camera hanging around her neck?

  28. Löni says:

    Having a gun in her bag but stabbing him to death does not add up for the selfdense theory and her dragging an unconscious or dying Travis all the hallway to the shower does not add up for the prosecution… just my opinion. Can you explain Blink?

  29. John says:

    was just talking with some devout mormon ladies about this trial, and interestingly, they blame him and not her…..they state that he is in more trouble with God than she for his behaviour and for baptising her and manipulating her. All sympathy goes her way…..just relaying what was said to me. (((she may not be found guilty….I hope not))))

  30. Peggy Hammontree says:

    A Texas Grandfathers comments about mormonism has nothing to do with this killing. Not every persons religion is a factor when they are murdered.
    I find it in terrible taste to publish texas granpas slanderous account of LDS faith. Just saying

    I do not agree that on some level LDS issues are not attributable discussion to this case because the reality is, in the very short time they knew each other, she converted, he sponsored, and Travis was very much at odds with his own faith. The couple had mutual friends in the faith that have spoken out publicly. I support faith of any kind in people, but regardless of the diety- it is often used or is a factor in cases- does not make it wrong.


  31. Ragdoll says:

    Travis’ secret shame, so she claims.

    If he was truly hiding this relationship, the photo album tells a whole different story. He looks genuinely interested in her. In fact, the pics looks ‘typical’ of a couple in a relationship. Some are sweet. Some are romantic. Some are goofy. If he was hiding her, I doubt he’d be enthusiastic about participating in random photos of their relationship.

    First set of stabs….’groupings’ were on the back. This suggests he was unprepared and not expecting an attack. I’ve thought of other ‘theories’, but this seems most logical. She had that knife in her hand and was ready to attack. 29 stab wounds. Self defense usually involves the attempt to outsmart your attadcker, disabling him/her and/or running for the hills. She stuck around long enough for him to bleed out.

    I can’t rule out another person being involved. How on earth did she manage to pull his body around? Did y’all note his size compared to hers? WTH.

    …and why has it taken so long for this case to come to trial? Anyone? It practically coincides with Caylee Marie’s murder….June, 2008.

  32. Mom3.0 says:

    Eloise says:
    January 12, 2013 at 1:12 am

    RE: which wounds were first, last or other:

    I wonder if the thought or part of the thought is that according to the defensive wound photos of JA’s hands vs what we are hearing of Jodi’s hands, he must have been greatly incapacitated during the knife wielding for her to have been the winner in that fight?

    Hi Eloise- According to the prosecutions opening statmrent, the part i was able to hear- Martinez tells of Jodis recollection of what happened this was the time she said two intruders did it-
    Although she lies and lies some more i think just like with C___ she incorapes or builds of parts of the truth-
    Martinez recounts what she said (pp) She may have been knocked unconscious she cant remember but they were after travis not her she tried disparately to save him but he couldnt get up he was on fours he was bleeding – she fought with the female Travis was screaming for help, trying to get to the neighbors for help- but he couldnt make it he just couldnt get up- She had to leave him because they looked through her purse and found her address and threatened her and her family if she called police she ran out never to return tried desperately to help Travis she never called police that day while he was alive because her phone wasnt charged…

    So my take on the truth in her lies is that travis was trying to get away screaming for help from the neighbor and Jodi did incapacitate him and there wasnt a fight… AJMO

    You wrote-
    Also, the grotesque shower photo of him deceased, really shows no blood, yet in the close up of his facial photo, you can see spatter at the neck, so maybe incomplete rinsing?

    Eloise in having just listened to day ones testimony a first responding officer details what he saw in the bathroom- (pp) The neck wound was blackened nearest Travis/ ear was where gasses were escaping from the body it was still bubbling and spattering – the inside of the wound was still “wet”.

    You and others inquired about the shot:

    I thought I had read, heard he was shot with entry via eyebrow area with lodging in the cheek bone region- no exit? Anyone have that handy?

    I am unclear as well- temple near eyebrow or up further…seems again to imply downward trajectory MOO but I do know that the bullet stay lodged in his left cheek

    AJMO peace

    Definitely at least 2 – 3 feet away, downward trajectory.

  33. Ragdoll says:

    @ B


    The scene encompasses 3 different areas and 2 different bathrooms. Having watched that again, I can state for certain that there is no way she shoots him last, no way now how. It is stating that she nearly decapitated him in the BR hallway. The person shot in that BR was standing.


    …yet the medical examiner testified the shot probably came last, as there was no brain hemorrhaging from the bullet wound. In short, the greatest blood loss already occurred.

    Could the throat have been slit at the sink? I can imagine Travis becoming overwhelmed by his wounds, using the sink for leverage or to hold himself up, somehow. That, or I’ve watched too many murder mysteries :P

    I believe the throat slashing is inadvertantly caught in an image at 5:38PM in the hallway, and it occurs on the floor if correct.

    This ME is extending testimony he cannot substantiate, imo. The brain was in a serious stage of autolys.
    He does not know for sure what parts of the brain the bullet path took and imo he went out of scope for what his medical evidence can prove. This may or may not effect his credibility on the jury but it definitely puts the defense in a position to present one- and a strong expert.

  34. Ragdoll says:

    I must read before posting. APOLLIES for my cheap knock off of Blink’s comment.


    My point- there is no chance this little thing drug this man the way the presentation interprets and frankly, I have a concern showing that at all can amount to a constitutional error unless the reason it was not challenged is what I suspect and that is she is going to say he was the one chasing and dragging her and it ended finally when she shot him.


    So, I’ll just say….I 110% concur! :D

  35. Mom3.0 says:

    Whoa sorry for all typos Eloise I hope you can decipher that mess

    Peggy Hammontree, Hi I am sorry you were hurt I am sure TGF meant no harm.

    You wrote in part:

    Not every persons religion is a factor when they are murdered.

    Peggy from watching the trial it is my opinion that the Mormon religion is going to be front and center in this trial.

    The defense seems to be putting LDS on trial as much as it trying to put Mr. Alexander on trial.

    Little comments have been made by Jodi/the defense already that point toward them doing this-

    For instance the lying forged letters of Jodi where she has Travis into pedophilia-
    The innuendos of Travis’ comment during a recorded phone conversation in which Jodi fakes an orgasm and Travis says something like (pp) you sound like a twelve year old….and I like when you moan- and the whole talk of Travis wanting Jodi to wear pig tails insinuating that Travis was into little girls.

    – Peggy it is a shame that this is how its going to be played- but I do think LDS and Travis will be further victimized before this trial is over for Jodi is counting on being seen as the only victim and according to her Travis used his religion to further victimize her-

    AJMO Peace.

  36. Mom3.0 says:

    Sorry for being a board hog but like I said Blink your coverage of this case has pulled me back into following along& posting more.

    Blink in watching the trial on youtube i have a question-

    The Judge asks the jury after every witness if they have any questions for them- they then write down the question and the Judge then has council /witness address the question- Is this only in Arizona? Or can this be done in every trial every where in America?

    Observation- This trial this judge these lawyers this courtroom is so far removed from the sensationalism and pandering and camera hogging of the Anthony trial- i find it refreshing- having said that- the evidence taking packaging and photographing is sub par IMO-

    What is with bagging all the evidence bedding and then washer contents in one bag?

    And the photos taken- why on Earth isnt that part of the process more like on the crime dramas and less like in the WM3 case- the photos are dark and not taken from all angels- It is mind boggling.

    Next-it should be illegal for the defense to try and pull a fast one on the juries by trying to minimize the stature of the defendant-
    JA is NOT a tiny little girl- She was almost the same size as her victim TGF is right ive seen photos-

    Her defense lawyer the female is wearing 4 inch heels and JA STILL towers over her- but wait – when sitting the lawyer is so much bigger than her why? because they pulled the old lower the perps seat to the point where she is almost sitting on the floor–


  37. Mom3.0 says:

    me again-

    I know you all are screaming shut up shut up- but i cant help it- once i start trying to figure things out I just keep going on and on

    Loni Hi I find myself with some of the same concerns & asking the same questions.

    “the rope”
    This rope seems to be really important to the defense i gueess it goes to try and show travis as depraved sexually-

    I think the truth of this lie is again supplied by JA herself-
    In the phone interview with police they ask her about a rope/tassel the pillows etc- She states that she thinks she remembers the pillows having a trim like rope- these pillows are the pillows that are pictured on the chay lounge- (sorry not french)
    When discussing the lounge and the cleaning she did for travis in this convo she mentions this chair has a cover but makes a point to tell the officer that she couldnt remove this cover on her own or replace it on her own that travis had to help her…

    The prosecutions theory seems to be that this material- not a rope came from the pillows- they do allow for the possibility that the “rope” if there was one was taken by her in the cleanup though-

    The defense counters the pillow theory with does those pillows on that lounge appear to be disturbed in any way- answer no—-

    the lady forensic person is called to the stand she goes through the contents of both what was found in the washer and the dryer

    low and behold there is the chaise cover- and it has no trim that i can see- My theory is that in Jodis attempt to clean up and remove DNA of a sexual nature she washed and dried all the bedding I think she ripped off the lounge covering which used to have some trim and used this to bundle all of the bloody/dirty items from the bedroom and bathroom hence the remnants of the trim found in the bathroom- So dear defense just because the pillows are “undisturbed” does not mean JA didnt replace them – once she took off that cover with once trim to carry her mess.


  38. Ragdoll says:

    My boys are out. I got time to myself!

    Found these and wanted to share. It’s kinda hard not to find Travis imperfectly endearing and sweet after reading these. He’s not afraid to share his brokenness and his development of sense of self.

    The difference between a Stumbling Block and Stepping Stone is the Character of the individual walking the path.

    ~In remembrance of Travis Alexander~

  39. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Peggy Hammontree

    I am sorry you misunderstood my position on LDS. They had a terrible early history and were out of step with most of the behavior of their peers.

    The main Morman group in Salt Lake City, Logan and other towns in Utah have long since ceased the behavior of the early group. Many of them are fine people. However, there are still some breakaway groups who continue the original concepts of multiple wives and pedaphelia with young girls. We have one group in Texas and if you have kept up with the cases surrounding this group, Warren Jeffs is in prison with a life sentence for pedaphelia.

    If you are of the Morman faith, you well know that many of other faiths have questions about behavior. My whole position was the posibility that Travis was in the process of setting up a situation of multiple girl friends instead of multiple wives.

    Yes, I know my history and have read the story of the trek of Joseph Smith and the early Mormans from the time of their founding until the building of the tabernacle in Salt Lake City. Modern Mormans have done a lot of good work, but some have failed to advance.

  40. Joan T. says:

    Jane says: Boy, I’d hate to be dating anyone these days. Lots of anger and crazy out there.

    Seriously. I would be showing up with a polygrapher and CODIS expert, lol.

    LOL Blink. That would be one romantic date. But these stalkers are frightening!

    Jodi Arias is truly scary. Such an angelic face. I’m afraid that the prosecution may be trying to explain too much, and it’s creating more questions.

    Mom3.0 I thought what you said about the blood evidence in the hall (the blood being so high up on the wall) and that it doesn’t match the prosecution’s explanation that she dragged him down the hall made perfect sense to me. Also, the blood on the floor and on the baseboard doesn’t seem smeared at all as it would be if he were dragged. The blood seems to be in large droplets.

    The other thing I noticed that doesn’t fit is the photo of Travis in the shower while he’s still very alive. He’s looking at the camera and the expression on his face is heartbreaking. But I wonder if he wasn’t already wounded at that point because right below each eye it looks like the skin is turning black and blue.

    So I’m wondering if the attack began in the bedroom, and continued with Travis stumbling down the hall to the bathroom to get away from her, and then ended with the shot and the attack on his throat in the bathroom?

    And there’s one other thing that comes to mind that I’m wondering about and that is that she slashed his throat??? First, it just doesn’t seem to be the way women commit murder. I mean, it’s just so VIOLENT. Nicole Brown Simpson was killed in a very similar way, and during that trial, I remember a discussion about the strength and training it takes to kill someone that way, and I wonder if JA had the strength to do that? I don’t know, maybe she did have help in this. The New Hampshire case of the school teacher whose students killed her husband comes to mind. She told the kids that her husband abused her, and asked them to kill him, and they did. It doesn’t make her any less guilty if she had help. But I don’t think there’s evidence of any other person being present, so it had to be her.

  41. Joan T. says:

    Is she a psychopath? The new boyfriend she met with right after the murder said she didn’t seem upset at all. She seemed perfectly fine.

    I suspect she may be. I don’t think we know enough about her background to be sure. It certainly would be consistent with this event and the others that led up to it.
    Her conversation on the phone with detectives where I would classify her demeanor as actually “chipper” and helpful is startling.


  42. Live by the Sword .
    Die by the Sword.

    A young an talented artist voice of an Angell.
    Heart an souless as a Demon.
    Like another pyco biatch we know claimed to be a talented photographer..
    Brought to justice an exposed by your own photo diary of your handy work


    Everyday she will curse herself for not removeing that camra from the crime scence.
    An being stupid enough to think a cycle wash an rinse would wash away her guilt an evidence .
    If only she had spent a bit less time gloating an a wee bit more in wipeing away incriminateing evidence.
    An destoyed that camera .
    She would be probly stalking an killing the next poor Guy whom broke her heart?

    I find the act itself incongruent with the rest of the evidence- no weapons were found so she had the piece of mind to disregard them- why leave the bloody mess and camera even though certain pics were deleted she would HAVE to know they could be retrieved regardless. I almost wonder if she did not bundle up the bedding or wash stuff and not realize it was in there. I don’t think that was accidental.

    The metadata should also tell us when they were deleted.

  43. Word Girl says:

    There would not be the left hand-finger-drippings of blood at the bathroom sink if Travis had been shot first. Wouldn’t be standing to make it that far, I don’t think.

    The story of the man who fell with his glass and slit his own throat…This is a common factor with a lot of intoxicated people. Some live and some don’t. The difference is in where they are cut and how they (and how hard, on what) they fall.

    Slitting a throat doesn’t always exude a lot of blood at once. Depth (Travis’ cut was 3-4″ deep, “to the spine,” according to the M.E, location, and position of victim make up the differences.

    I think Jodi stabbed once and Travis began to fight her off as she stabbed again…He got to the sink and she stabbed his back. From there a few other scenarios could occur…I do think she used the towel to partially drag him on.

    I think they know she stabbed him first in the shower- this entire nightmare is over in 15 minutes and she is clothed. I believe he thought she left.

  44. Joan T. says:

    Peggy Hammontree says:
    January 12, 2013 at 4:38 pm

    A Texas Grandfathers comments about mormonism has nothing to do with this killing. Not every persons religion is a factor when they are murdered.
    I find it in terrible taste to publish texas granpas slanderous account of LDS faith. Just saying

    Hi Peggy,

    I think Mormonism is a major part of the motive in this case. Travis’ religion was very important to him and it was clear that he wanted to marry a Mormon. She converted for him, but it seems she did that hoping he would marry her but her heart was not in it. When he broke up with her, her beliefs and behavior were major reasons. And the breakup turned into a stalker situation. Like Fatal Attraction.

    I wish he had paid attention to his gut feelings about her. She was dangerous. Is dangerous. I wish he had reported his tires being slashed and changed his locks and security codes, got rid of the doggy door, and installed a top rate alarm system.

  45. osu says:

    Re: her dragging him. Why did she bother if in fact she did? Why not leave him in the hallway?

  46. Eloise says:

    Whew! I had to get up to speed and watch the trial via you tube- really helps to know what really happened-lol.

    Jumping to a different area- apparently there were naked pics shown of the two of them earlier on the day of the 8th. I am assuming both the defense and pros. are not disputing that the two, TA & JA were together consensually? I say this as we have not seen the original naked pics and cannot tell what kind of poses they are in and if someone can take them of themselves. So that aside then, Blink states above she believes the State may hypothesize that Travis may have thought she(JA) left? Is this after the assault or could it be before he actually began his shower and she the creeper, came back in as a surprise while he was showering? I find it hard without all the pics in sequence- I am a visual sort-lol.

    Re the laundry- did anyone else think the gal- name escapes me- I like her- evidence girl- who removed all the bedding and asked about where to place it- and Martinez told her to put it in her chair! That was likely out of her protocol and nasty- but, hadn’t Arias told the Det. something about a duvet cover? So was the duvet really for the chair? I may be confused on this. On top of the bed appears to be innards of what would go into a duvet covering no? I have very similar tussle and such I used in making a window covering years back- I think it might be fair to say it was in the home related to the furnishings- not the sandals as the Det speculated upon at one point. They should have tested this material.

  47. Eloise says:

    Oh, and I also wanted to say, it seems to me, Travis was attempting to make his move to escape the door to his bedroom and thus exit the H out of there. And was then maybe drug back to the shower, bc there is that “clean” path down that hall with blood just along the edges of the tile floor. Does that make sense to anyone else? ( Wish I could post an accompanying pic)

  48. GeorgiaDad says:

    Sometimes I feel like the “2 men” story has some element of truth and that she had help. On the other hand, the timing would be difficult. Her accomplice would have to show up at just the right time, or would have to be waiting somewhere where she could signal him. I also cannot come up with a reasonable motive for a helper to assist with this type of messy personal killing.

    I personally doubt that she will testify (or at least not before the penalty phase). It would be next to impossible to get a self-defense acquital without her testimony, but I suspect the defense strategy is to get her self-defense story out there by her lawyers statements and then go for a reasonable doubt acquital. Despite any judges orders, it is impossible for jurors to “unhear” what they have heard.

    If she does testify, it would be very difficult to explain self-defense in a killing that involves three different mechanisms of injury (shooting, stabbing, and slashing)

    You are on my cheese GeorgiaDad.

  49. Eloise says:

    not tussle- lol- tassle.

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