Jodi Arias Travis Alexander Murder Trial Day 8: Sex, Lies and Duct Tape Causing Jury Doubt

Phoenix, AZ- As the beginning of the second full week of testimony in the State of Arizona v Jodi Arias unfolds we learn some of the most damning evidence against Arias. We also learned that there are clearly holes in the prosecution’s case.   Not referring to the  holes on visual display  last week-in HD, unfortunately.

The very intimate and anatomical chronology of the afternoon of June 4th 2008 leading to the brutal and merciless murder of Travis Victor Alexander included the very carnal and the very barbaric.

Travis shaving shower door open to right

A few frames of images deleted from Travis’s camera and a few minutes of time stamped consternation and Alexander ends up stuffed in his own shower.

Kill or be killed was the impetus for this tragedy Arias’s defense promises us in their opening curtsy.

There can be no doubt that Jodi Arias was present the day of the murder, and by her own admission she killed Travis in self defense.  By my rough calculations, that would mean under one stab wound per minute plus a gunshot and near decapitation.   Travis was 5’9” tall and 189 lbs after nearly total blood loss.

Dr.  Kevin Horn Is No Dr. G

Alexander projectile xray

The fact that Dr. Horn, forensic pathologist for Maricopa County looks freakishly like Robe Lowe with facial hair aside- he now says that Travis Alexander could not have been shot first.  According To Detective Esteban Flores, lead investigator in the case, he was told differently by Horn in telephonic conversations in August 2009.  Horn denies he ever said this and Flores gets hung out to dry.  A rinse and repeat will not help the prosecution.  Horn went on to say that since the bullet passed through the front lobe of Alexander’s brain that he would likely have been rendered unconscious and it may have occurred after his death.

There is no medical evidence to substantiate this.  There is no physical evidence to corroborate this, and in fact, it WILL be argued that evidence contradicts this opinion.   Dr. Horn could produce no findings of the projectile pathway outside of its final location in the left maxilla.   This was definitely not a close contact wound and it produced no star-shaped entry, soot or stippling.   The casing of a .25 caliber bullet was found on the floor of the bathroom in a pool of blood believed to be deposited there prior.

Is this opinion outside the scope of submitted evidence AND theory?  Horn was an effective witness as to autopsy and wound identification.   Travis Alexander fought for his life at least for a few seconds and the gaping wounds to his hands indicate he grabbed for the knife at some point.  I found it particularly interesting that he was not asked to speculate on what type of sharp blade might fit the incised wound approximations.   Travis Alexander was stabbed 29 times, shot and his throat was slashed.

Editor’s Note: Jodi Arias is left-handed as is Travis Alexander.  There is much in the way of fodder to feed incident reconstruction in his report as well as the blood spatter and pooling evidence neither Horn nor Perry were ever asked about.


Esteban Flores Does His Own Stunts

Detective Flores played his own stunt man in this case.  His phone interviews and interrogations of Jodi Arias are impressive.

He brought his A game.   A for Alexander as he would tell you himself.

His case interrogation skills in this case might ultimately be what convicts this woman and his lessons in patience and diligence should be topics in investigative training for homicide detectives everywhere.

So why the stunt man status?

Because he came into the case on 2 wheels based on the Medical Examiner testimony which I happen to believe accurately shaped the detectives testimony in both the Conus hearing and this trial.   Defense counsel Nurmi as well as Prosecutor Martinez eviscerated Flores on his previous testimony regarding Travis’ wound sequencing and Flores was accused of perjuring himself in a motion that is still before the court.  Ouch.

Jody line up after booking

  Rarely do you see a detective take a cross examination and subsequent motion for dismissal containing the words “perjury” on such a sturdy chin.  He took one for the team and he took one for Alexander and the Mesa Police Department is lucky to have him.

And NO, his name does not sound like all other Hispanic names (how offensive was that?)  Unfortunately after his testimony this afternoon the shine is off the penny a bit.  The jurors submitted questions to Flores while on the stand today through Judge Stephens and it was clear by the tone of them this jury is not eating what the prosecution is serving.

Flores was dejected and sullen when answering the juror questions.  He knew.


Juan In The Box

Prosecutor Juan Martinez has an excellent tailor.  He is excitable and apparently not a fan of cross examination of state witnesses.    By re-direct he is out of the box the defense has been winding up and pop goes the weasel is in the form of evidence he tossed on the floor.

This actually happened.

In his Ad hoc  demonstrative aid or improper display as alleged by defense attorney Jennifer Wilmott, Martinez tosses the camera on the floor to the collective spectator reaction “ What the snap??”

Martinez Camera Chuck

Pun intended.   Juan Martinez  is an effective prosecutor who knows his case well.  Where the problem comes in is that his own witnesses are not sure what he is asking them, and he is not putting the issues he already knows will be in contention with the defense out there first.   If that scene does not find its way to an auto tune I will be surprised.

Editors Note: Arias is lefty.  The button that broke during examination by Detective Melendez and if it had not been already, definitely by Martinez, is located on the right of the camera.   It is more likely Arias changed the mode to auto on the camera and that began the successive picture taking.  Was it on the strap so she was then hands free?  The shower door opens to the right and the person snapping the images at the time Alexander first becomes wounded is very close to his level.   Point is- there is much in the way of probative value in the operation of this camera and a simultaneous attack or altercation.  Arias receives a cut to her left finger at some point.

A well- intentioned but intransigent message to Mr. Martinez: Pre-emptive is the new appellate repellent.

With daily motions for dismissal and mistrial alleging prosecutorial misconduct and the prosecutor firing a piece of material evidence into the podium- is the writing on the wall on this one?

Martinez is wearing a pace pattern into the carpet in front of the prosecution’s table and the defense is wearing matching hues daily.

To borrow the words of Sweet Brown, “Ain’t Nobody Got Time For Dat”.

Taking a page out of the book of The State of Florida V Casey M Anthony would benefit Mr. Martinez immensely  .   That said, Mr. Martinez has been known to change it up with a lesser included in that “other” Mormon murder.


Hello…… N U R M I

Say it like Seinfeld would.   Kirk Nurmi , while not big on the fashion forward movement,  belies his posture and gets  the no slouch designation in this trial.

Nurmi misses nothing and his assessment of The Honorable Sherri K Stephens and her courtroom etiquette are spot on.

Nurmi  is artful and deliberate.  If there is a credible defense to this case he is establishing the predicate for it or a weighty appeal.   He is ambi-lawyerous.   One senses he sees the holes and knows it is also his job to backfill.  In a trial involving such a heinous murder and downright chilling images, the fact that he refuses to tuck the tail of his shirt in the back gives us a necessary chuckle when he is at the podium.

Jennifer Wilmott, the public defender’s representative  is intentionally disarming to witnesses for the first few minutes but gave herself away when she corrected Dr. Horn by reminding him of a puncture to the Vena Cava sustained by Alexander.  She enunciated it perfectly and with feeling- as if the boots had not given her away earlier.

She leaves her Coach satchel in plain view next to the bailiff door all day.  She knows the drill.

Death On a Reel

There was video of the sexual encounter between Travis and Jodi on June 4, 2008.  It was deleted according to her and not recoverable per Detective Flores.

What was recovered in both the flash drive and un-allocated space on the SD card of Travis’s camera were like a Kubrick draft.   Lust, contentment,  fear, crescendo,  gore.    Did I just see that?

It is all there to view as if one is having some sort of synapse misfire that only allows brief images.

There is a clear and distinct mutual trust between Arias and Alexander before 2 PM on June 4, 2008.

What changed and for whom?

Explicit and sexually graphic images were displayed in open court.  Noteworthy items would include that Ms. Arias has had breast augmentation and a very recent pseudo-invasive waxing.  Mr. Alexander is apparently not fond of body hair himself.  It appeared Travis was less comfortable posing nude for Arias then she for him.

Nothing Says Bonding Like Duct Tape

Travis Alexander clearly has duct tape around his right arm in the explicit pics.   Although the shower images are approximately 4 hours later- the marks from it are fresh.   Not that the medical examiner nor the prosecution has bothered to reference it or it’s possible connection to the events.

Alexander duct tape photo 40

The duct tape found on the tile floor , evidence marker #40  may just be the clue from the glue that provides motive in this case .

Outside Marriage, Sex’s Emotional Bond:
However, outside of marriage, this bond still occurs. The emotional bond is a part of sex, it’s always present, whether we like it or not. But, this extremely tight emotional bond is not such a good thing outside of marriage. Here’s why…(DO NOT remove the duct tape until you describe the break-up of the relationship)

Relationship Examples:
So let’s say that I’m 16 years old (use yourself as an example, not the volunteer) and I choose to ignore God’s plan for sex and chastity and decide that since my boyfriend and I are in love and we’re a serious couple, we’ll have sex. (rub the duct tape in even more, as you continue to talk). Things are going real well, are hearts are real close – like this duct tape here – and then…he starts to get on my nerves, so, we break up. (quickly tear off the tape)


I am not one to believe in coincidence and this case is no different.  When Casey Anthony was leading OCSO detectives to her imaginary office at Universal,   Arias we being booked.  Anthony was arrested the next day.   It does make the case for simultaneous  bi-coastal mind control.   Watching and listening to Arias spin her detailed faux-fession was surreal in comparison.

White Knit-Rental Guy

Enterprise agent columbo

Raphael Columbo took the only opportunity to ever where a bulky knit in Arizona.  During direct examination by Martinez we learned that Arias may have been with a gentleman while renting the vehicle.  Columbo also testified the floor mats to the new-ish vehicle were missing when Arias returned it late and that he personally cleaned what he thought was kool-aid stains from the passenger and rear seats.

Yes- he legitimately stated he saw and cleaned kool aid stains in the rental vehicle used by a woman accused of stabbing and shooting a man and neither the prosecutor nor the defense attorney asked him what kind of kool-aid stains they were.  Lime?  Fruit Punch? Grape?  Would seem germane to the discussion, no?

Martinez also neglected to ask him about the notation of a heavy smoke smell.

Arias does not smoke.  But she did buy kerosene on June 3rd at Walmart.  She dyed her hair brown sometime between the evening of June 2nd and the morning of June 3rd.

Me thinks Mr. Columbo is going have another chance to don that turtleneck again before this trial is over.

Following the excuse of the jury this afternoon Nurmi raised the issue yet again, of possible Brady violations in the case by Martinez for not producing the contact information for the woman who was allegedly dating Alexander and received a John  Doe email from Arias.   It is believed Julie Andrews was aware of at least the allegation that Arias followed the couple on a date and subsequently slashed his tires.   Andrews was not on the list of state witnesses.

The State of Arizona V Jodi Arias continues tomorrow.


Jacqueline Beaufort, contributing editor


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  1. Mom3.0 says:

    Nice work blink-
    there was duct tape on his wrist? hmm that certainly could lead one to have a knife in the bedroom and it could also lead someone to wash it off in the sink to make sure all residue was cleaned away.

    But why not say that Blink why not tell LE that?

    WHich pic is it and where is the roll of duct tape?

    The juries questions today- it seemed to me they were trying to rule out anyone helping her murder him-
    many of us have asked the question of whether she acted alone- that does not mean we are leaning toward believing the defense it just may mean they are leaning toward NOT believing her latest version of the truth.

    I will never again claim to think I know how a jury will decide a case or how the evidence is being interpreted.

    For all I know they are buying into the whole she couldnt have done it even though she says yeah I did it

    Your piece is very compelling and I too think both sides are doing their jobs-
    For the life of me I cant understand why the prosecution is so gung ho on the gun shot-

    So what if it came first clearly Travis suffered.

    and I cant understand why the defense is so gung ho on the gun shot either- If she shot him first so what she wasnt satisfied until she had stabbed him and slit his throat- how is that self defense?

    My prayers go out to Travis’ family and friends


    It was wrapped tightly around his right arm, bicep area. It can be seen on the image of him on the bed and the image of him in the shower with a line of demarkation on the right arm.

    I truly believe this was ceremonial in some way, and I truly believe it pissed Jodi off.

    I can’t tell you why this prosecutor is not presenting a forensic case forensically. I just know from the questions I heard today he had better start.


  2. JR says:

    Great coverage thank-you. My days of court TV have come to an end as I’m back writing again. This is definitely another sociopath, perhaps with a touch of borderline personality disorder. Its obvious from her first phone call with the detective, she was very attached and tracked Travis’s every move. She would try to act vague “Um I think we last spoke that Tuesday night maybe…” then within minutes “Well the week before he was supposed to call me because he said a month before we’d be going on a trip to oregon and i didnt hear from him so I called and emailed and….” you could tell immediately her everything revolved around him.

    but..perhaps he shouldn’t have been f**ing someone he had everyone else believe he clearly gotten rid of months before. not that he deserved any of this whatsoever, I just don’t believe he was as pious as he’s been made out to be, a bit of a player I’d say…and playing someone’s heart is very abusive. but not the kind of abuse where its gonna fly claiming self defense. the defendant is still a balls out liar without missing a beat and another one of those Casey Anthony-esque “snakopaths” hiding amongst us. Funny how they’re suddenly so fascinating to everyone once they get caught.

    my only question is how did someone her sixe

    I think you submitted prior to finishing your post JR- can I guess about how someone her size drug him and got him into the shower?

    I think this woman is very fascinating from a professional clinical perspective because she is rare in the sense of the rage aspect of this murder. Also there is no history of violence or problematic behavior in former relationships. I have not yet figured out if all those in her past are terrified of her and that is the reason so much is not known of her early years, but I suspect that is the case.

  3. JR says:

    whoops…my last question at the end….how did someone her size drag or “whip” a big guy’s much heavier and dead body all through the house at top speed (as the prosecution’s animated re-enactment claims)?

    Xactly- I believe the defense will state that Travis lunged at her for taking pics in the shower, and the altercation ensued there, he chased her into the bedroom and found her in the closet, blah blah.

    I don’t buy it, but they have done a less than stellar laying the forensic predicates for this case it could go either way.

    Do normal people realize how much blood we are talking about here and how difficult it is to work through that, the psyche and adrenaline reaction, fear of being caught, cleanup so as not to get caught, I could go on.

    It is really unbelievable and how she got out of that house without vomiting is amazing. I can tell you that the blood and gore at this scene would produce a cellular imprint that would never leave a normal person. I would fail at describing it except to say it smells like heavy blood (metals) body odor, urine and dirty.


  4. JR says:

    it is very interesting that we know NOTHING about JA compared to you know who’s life becoming as familiar to us as the kardashians (both the pop culture #1′s during that time).

    it may have been that she didn’t really create an impression on anyone through her life, maybe one those people in high school who was just kind of there or people maybe knew of her but never really knew her….pretty much the non-impression she left on Travis’s friends. No one really knew her except what they knew from him.

    i could be wrong but she seems like someone who may have discovered her looks/power later in life and perhaps never really fit in or felt accepted through out her life…hence the dabbling in mormanism or maybe it was all the ruse to get a man (either way is pretty odd)

    she reminds me of betty broderick…kinda driven to do it from being played and unable to handle it…and seeming actually more content with the decision even behind bars than having to see that person live on, happy with someone else. except she didn’t raise his four kids…

  5. JR says:

    Yes, my friend sat on glass a few years ago and bled ALL over the bathroom. a tiny bathroom covered in dark red blood and I cleaned it for him as he went to get stitches…even from that I will never forget that awful METAL smell and then the mental reminder that it was his blood…i remember wanting to puke or pass out the whole time. i was so pale by the end you would of thought it was my blood lost all over the floor…so yeah Jodi is some other kind of being.

    even if you hadn’t killed him, even if he hadnt died and you are talking about someone you loved but were no longer with, there would be some sadness or emotion recounting your time with that person. nothing with her. nothing but words and stories

    To your point, Arias would also be covered in his blood.

  6. Ragdoll says:

    Duct tape?! Here we go, again. This feels like the second rodeo. This time, I won’t make the mistake of being so sure, regardless of damning evidence (even without the evidence which was overlooked, missed….the holes as B explains).

    So, Mr. Flores basis his investigation on expert opinions, including Rob Lowe’s doppelganger, Dr. Horn. Why the 360 on his testimony? There’s so much in this case that doesn’t make sense. Why would he change his testimony?

    Relationship Examples:

    I’m so happy you had the courage to bring that up. This is the perfect example of what happens when we turn our backs against the plans our Maker has for us. You NEVER know the dangers of multiple relationships before marriage. This is bar none, one of the worst possibilities besides unwanted pregnancy, std’s, AIDS, etc. The enemy feeds off of defiance and he has made himself very visible in this case. Travis, having the unstable childhood, still hadn’t grown into his faith. He suffered from rejection, abandonment, physical and psychological abuse. I could certainly understand if he was struggling with low self esteem and a lack of self worth. He knew Jodi wasn’t right for him. He saw the signs. He knew she was sexually aggressive in nature (putting it mildly). Regardless, it may have felt good to feel desired and wanted. Someone who lacked affection and security in his developing years, may have found that aspect to their relationship, difficult to resist. It temporarily filled a void for Travis, imo. I stress temporarily, as it was unfulfilling and shallow affection. He wanted heart and soul, too. It’s like….’I'll take what I can get until the real thing comes along’, type of mentality.

    I found a fascinating quote. I don’t know who made it, but it does give a great analogy of describing a psychopath and a sociopath. Jabbing Jodi and Creature Anthony = Scoiopaths, imho.

    ‘A psychopath thinks 2+2=5 rather than 2+2=4. A sociopath knows 2+2=4, but hates to admit it’. (source unknown)

    The interrogation….where Jabbin Jodi does that ‘lean back and stretch’ on the chair…. am I the only one who sees it as an attempt to use her sexuality on Mr. Flores? She KNOWS he saw her XXX pictures. He leaves the interrogation room and she KNOWS she’s being observed. It struck me as a deliberate attempt @ seduction. ‘I know you liked what you saw’. She knows those pictures are fresh in his mind. I’m surprised she didn’t undress for the show. She was working it as much as she could.

    Ari@$$ is a demon. No man would want THAT as a mother of his children.

  7. Ode says:

    Thank you so much Blink for bringing up the duct tape. I have seen it in the online pictures but have never heard anyone explain or even mention it. I also think that Travis did not know those pictures were being taken of him in the shower. I have tried to find exactly which pictures were “attempted to be erased” and which were not. My opinion today…subject to change…is that Travis thought Jodi was gone. I also think he may have attempted to delete those pictures after Jodi left. What I am trying to say is…why would she first delete those pictures and then start taking more of him in the shower.
    We know, correct me if I am wrong, that Jodi had answered messages from another girl sent to Travis posing as if she were him to throw that girl off of Travis’ track earlier in their relationship. Was she planning to send those pictures taken the day of the murder to the girl who was suppose to go to Mexico with him? Travis knowing JA history may have decided these pictures need to go before something or someone else could see them?

    The gun, the gun, the gun, the gun….I can not help but think of the song from “Chicago”. In JA’s second story of Ninja attack she says that Travis was first shot…”I remember a ringing sound” she says and then she could not really see what happened because the female Ninja was chasing her and wanted to kill her. If I was trying to blame someone else for the murder wouldn’t I want to keep the details of the killing as close to what really happened for forensic purposes? I think she shot him first.
    My last thought, I heard that JA was found with a gun and 2 knives when she was arrested and possibly trying to make a run for it. It appears to me that she felt comfortable with knives having now had a little practice with same.

    JA was not found with any weapons and the murder impliment and firearm in this case have never been recovered. I believe he was shot first and for the life of me I have no idea ( I do understand the cruelty factor as an aggravator) however he suffered either way as addressed by Judge Duncan.

    As far as matching evidence, this case is overcharged, as was Anthony- and that is hugely concerning to me and should be to the state. This woman belongs in prison for the rest of her natural life, in my opinion and I am tired of seeing this prosecutorial hubris BS. Playing games or fast and loose gets people acquitted.

  8. ChristY says:

    B– I know AZ is having money issues, but its driving me nuts that this jury isn’t sequestered.

    What do you make of the questions submitted after Flores’ testimony?
    I think they are trying to exclude any doubt, of an assistant, but I want to know who her buddy was at the rental car place.

    This case frustrates me beyond belief.

    I think the jury is letting everyone know the series of events as it has been presented so far is incongruent to them. There is a strong foreperson and this jury understands forensics. I don’t think they believe Jodi could have done this by herself.

  9. Löni says:

    Blink did JA have a car on her own at her home when she went to rent one 90 miles away? For These plates being upside down, i think she wanted to make sure no one could remember the plates as she left Travis house after the murder. Exelent report Blink.

    She was actually buying Travis’s old car from him, making payments. I am not clear on why she rented a car given that fact, though.


  10. Löni says:

    As she had no history of special disorder or aggressiv attitude in the past, you can read here and there she gave the impression to not have emotions, that as she had to keep the cat from a friend she put the cat for two weeks in a dark room with food and water without looking at him, she kicked a dog just so because she didn’t like him. And one person she dated once was not surprised at all to hear JA killed her boyfriend. So i know it ist hearsay but there is never smoke without a fire…and such a demenaor toward animals is not the one of a normal gently balanced young Lady. For me i can see tendencies to sociophatie if not psychopathie

    I would not be surprised to hear Jodi did not have strong connects as a child. One of the things I would like to point out is that every person interviewed had immediate guttural reactions to this woman.

    Does that mean they thought her capable of this? Of course not, but it does go back to my “play on a loop” recommendation to listen to our satellites.

    Was it customary for Travis to pray in the shower? Is that the kind of disturbance she was looking to effect?


  11. Löni says:

    Blink this car information could be relevant to figure out the premeditation?

    Are you referring to the rental specifically?

  12. Christy says:

    God forbid if anyone jumps in a facebook discussion on the ‘Travis Alexander’ page.
    Those people can’t see past their nose and if I see one more person compare her to CA, I will flip a table.

    They keep calling the jury dumb and stupid and the attorneys dumb and stupid.

    Lol. Thus the article. I am really kind of over people thinking they know how a jury will respond at trial- do give those not in this work a clue- if the attorney’s can never predict them- why would one feel they could?

  13. Christy says:

    And, someone actually posted a link to a “National Enquirer” article.

    flipping tables.

  14. Mom3.0 says:

    Blink I viewed the pics I did not have a chance to really read your links the first time around but the duct tape chasity demo-

    Wow yeah I totally understand your comment of this whole thing being ceremonial-

    But I think it was Jodi calling the shots- all of the shots

    She seems to have been hell bent on telling the story symbolically artistically the duct tape ritual the mimiking of the “blood atonement ceremony

    all of it
    One has to ask why Jodi sang the song she did the way she did
    O Holy Night?

    O Holy Night
    The stars are brightly shining
    It is the night of our dear Savior’s birth
    Long lay the world in sin and error pining
    Till he appeared
    And the soul felt it’s worth
    A thrill of hope
    The weary world rejoices
    For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn
    Fall on your knees
    O hear the angel voices
    O night divine
    O night when Christ was born
    O night divine
    O night, o night divine

    Everything Jodi does seems to be thought out- Was that night all part of some sort of cleansing ritual in her mind?#Was it a Holy experience?

    She says she knows Travis is in a better place I think to her she was saving him not hurting him and she was saving herself too

    Ps I agree the Prosecution has top stop presenting her case its like they are playing defense right now not presenting their case a forensic case of murder-but instead working to show she is a liar we know she is a liar they have to prove she killed him we all know what happened in the Ca trial with proving Casey as a liar and leaving doubt about the murderer

    Good work Blink

    Thank you Mom 3.0, I would also like to give more props to BOC contributing editor Jacqueline Beaufort- her research on this case and her ability to stay on top of it were some of her best work. I just re-read my own piece and realized editing dropped off a paragraph so I am updating it now.

    It is important. Jodi is a lefty.

    Behind the scenes there is a lot going on as a matter of law I did not even bother to go into.

    I have never seen such a docket and minutes in a case as this.

    I am still in disbelief Martinez whipped that camera as he did and I would pay cash to know what went through Melendez’s mind on the stand.

  15. GeorgiaDad says:

    The prosecutor’s strategy seems similar to that used against Scott Peterson – demonstrate to the jury that the defendant is a pathological liar to such an extent that the defense cannot put up much of an argument. It worked in that case because SP was not a particularly likable guy. In this case, it may not be effective, since JA seems like a likable person (ignoring the murder of course).

    My attraction to this case has always been the fact that something is “missing”, that neither the prosecution or defense descriptions are correct. JA may be a sociopath, but even sociopaths have motivations and reasoning, it may be different from ours, but there is still some logic there. In this case why have a gruesome murder scene, but no bloody footprints leaving the apartment. She cleaned up the rest of the apartment meticulously, but left the camera and sd card. The victim’s room-mates lived in the house 4 days not suspecting anything.

    Finally, I hesitate to label JA as a “sociopath” based on media reports and anecdotal evidence, it is not an objective diagnosis. Also, once someone is labelled this way, people tend to look at the evidence differently. (stepping off soapbox now).

  16. Löni says:

    Blink as i am a catholic Christ myself i can tell you that i am not surprised if Travis praid in the shower as i do this often myself. It is in fact a great possibility that she used this very moment to affect or attack him. She was mormon but under the circomstances Travis would not have maried her also because of his faith ( for him this woman was not good enough she was a s….t and a w…e)
    from the psychological point of wiew, it is also possible she was jalous of his faith. Surely this was not the cause of her trade but symbolic for her. Only speculation for her state of mind.

  17. Jane says:

    If the jury is thinking there is no way JA could have committed this heinous crime on her own, is there a way to disprove that and erase any doubt? Also, didn’t I see she is left handed? There wouldn’t be any upcoming surprise like all knife wounds were made by a right hander? I’d love to know what she is writing/doodling while sitting in the court room.

    Good point and in fact my thoughts on that fell off this edited piece ( ok, truth is I submitted the wrong version, lol, so I have updated it in editors notes.) I feel strongly that Martinez has to call Horn again if he is in a position to testify as to whether or not he can determine if the wounds were inflicted by a left or right handed person. I don’t think I am comfortable he could based on his early testimony.

    If that is correct, you can bet he will be called by the defense.

    I am not sure I understand Martinez’s strategy except to say that it is common to leave things out of the prosecutions case if they can be heavily refuted or impeached by the defense.

  18. Löni says:

    Yes i think if she had a functional car at home why go and rent a car 90 miles away and pay money for it , if not to cover up her tracks a little better than to risk to be seen with her car. This would show me premeditation.( the same for the plates upside down)

    I think it lends to the overall theory, yes, but premeditation can be seconds, real-time if you will where one has the presence of mind to know what they are about to do ill reasonably end the victim’s life.

    In other words, she could have planned this entire thing to the nth, changed her mind, argument ensues, she applies equal force to defend herself- so not pre-meditated. Not what I believe happened, but as a matter of law.

  19. Christy says:

    She converted to Mormonism FOR him, correct??
    But, if he was a ‘devout’ Mormon…hell no would he marry her.

    (pardon my french here…but y’all know what I’m saying)
    Guys want a s..t in the bed. A religious person looking for a wife, is not going to marry said s..t.

    Reminding myself NOT to look at the facebook page/comments, it’s seriously a disappointment in society.

  20. Ragdoll says:

    @ Mom3.0 says:
    January 17, 2013 at 10:47 am

    I made a comment about the choice of song, on the other thread. I feel validated someone like you picked up on that, too. It’s my favourite Christmas hymn. I even put down part of the lyrics, too. Whenever I sing that song…summer included…a wave of grave always washed over me and I’m in tears.

    Watching her sing it without any kind of feeling or emotion in her voice or body language sounds like Satan’s wife, attempting a ‘stab’ (no pun intended) at worshiping. ***GONNNNNNNGGGGGGGG!*** Her eyes were open and she just stared into oblivion. A singer feels the music, closes their eyes, and emanates genuine emotion.

    Fall on your knees, sista! The song says so, dammit.

    I didn’t buy it.

  21. Ragdoll says:

    grave = grace.

    I’m not ready for a wave of grave.

  22. lyla says:

    “As far as matching evidence, this case is overcharged, as was Anthony-and that is hugely concerning to me and should be to the state. This woman belongs in prison for the rest of her natural life, in my opinion and I am tired of seeing this prosecutorial hubris BS. Playing games or fast and loose gets people acquitted.
    I agree…this is my biggest fear.

  23. Ragdoll says:

    SIDE BAR: The jury knows they can find her guilty of 1st degree without the death penalty, or lesser 2nd degree, no? At least the jury is taking this trial seriously. I’m actually encouraged that they’re asking questions, even if it favours the defense.

    Which brings me to ask (sorry Christy, cover your eyes), can she be charged for lying to LE? Was she even indicted for lying?

    No- Casey filed that report, that made her subject to those charges. Right now the only options to the jury are first degree and felony murder. This is a problem, imo.

  24. Christy says:

    LOL..Ragdoll, I <3 you for warning me. lol.

    While on the subject of the 'American Idol of Joe A' contest, have you guys seen the other contestants?
    LOL, I had some time to kill (PARDON THE PUN) and watched Joe A's channel.

    Seriously, Jodi is a cray cray b+++h. But, if my money were on it, I think she had someone helping in some capacity. Even if it dare not mentioned to any of Travis' supporters.

  25. My Red Pony says:

    Re 5 – JR, Jan. 17 @ 3:30 am
    “To your point, Arias would also be covered in his blood.”
    Excellent point. We’ve all seen photos of rooms in Travis’ house and know he was killed in the master bathroom, but how many other bathrooms did he have? Did LE test bathtubs and showers in other bathrooms in the house? Were they positive for human blood? One would think that if Jodi’s DNA was found in one of those bathrooms we would have known about it by now. Then there’s the rental car with all the ‘Kool-Aid stains.’ I absolutely agree that he should have been asked what kind of Kool-Aid it was and what he used to get the stains out. Was that car tested forensically? Is there going to be some bombshell evidence later in the trial that tells us that the car was tested with Luminal and glowed like a nuclear plant? Again, you’d think we’d know about that by now, and if it wasn’t tested, I’d call it sloppy detective work. What about the missing floor mats? What effort was made to find those?
    I also don’t understand what difference it makes as to whether Travis was shot or stabbed first. (The gorgeous ME) Dr. Horn said that Travis wasn’t shot first because the bullet went through the front lobe and would have left Travis unconscious but the COD was exsanguination. Obviously Travis fought back. So if someone can please explain why the sequence of injuries is so important I’d appreciate it.
    Re 6 – Ragdoll, Jan. 17 @ 5:31 am

    “No man would want THAT as a mother of his children.” You are right on the money! I don’t care how religious you are and how much you believe that sex before marriage is a sin, Arias knows one thing with certainty: that she can use her sexual wiles to get any man to desire her sexually and she will absolutely own him. Her make-out session with Ryan the day after the murder didn’t end up as a sexual romp under the covers because Arias didn’t want it to end that way. She needed him to be a character witness for her; “Jodi is such a good girl, she won’t have sex before she is married.” But because Travis not only wouldn’t want her to be the mother of his children, he also didn’t want his friends knowing that he was still seeing her AND he was seeing other women. For Jodi, that was the triad that led her to a murderous rage. I can almost hear her screaming at him with each plunge of the knife (which I believe was 27 times, not 29) “You – will – not – say – no – to – me – I – have – given – you – every – thing – and – you – will – not – turn – me – out – after – all – I – have – done – for – you!” The only thing that’s missing from this case is a rabbit boiling in a pot on the stove. Rage affects adrenaline. A man drove off the road into a ditch while he was taking his wife to the hospital to deliver their child. He single-handedly lifted that car back onto the road. There are many examples of this online. I don’t believe there was anyone helping Jodi, it was simply her rage induced adrenaline that allowed her to stab him so many times and to drag him back to the shower.

    Re 9 = Löni, Jan. 17 @ 10:06 am

    I think she rented the car so she would have an alibi. Her car wasn’t seen in the area of Travis’ home. She even asked Flores if he had checked red light cameras for her license plate. And I think she put the plates on upside down on the rental car for the same reason: she knew that would get a cop’s attention, and what better alibi than from a cop who stopped her in Utah, especially when she was so “pleasant” to the cop? How could she possibly have killed Travis when there is irrefutable evidence that she was in Utah? That’s ridiculous! The camera was Jodi’s undoing. She never suspected that they would be able to retrieve the photos, especially deleted photos.

    I’m sorry this is so long. I’m the only one of my friends following the trial, and it feels good to talk about it with others.

  26. A Texas Grandfather says:

    I don’t believe that the prosecution has presented evidence in a maeaningful sequence to get the juries attention on the right thoughts.

    They need to buld a story of Jodie’s behavior that could be logically linked to the behavior that led to this crime. Then build the forensics findings into the presentation that are really important.

    The one thing to remember about people with sociopathic tendencies is that they have few friends in life. Most people cannot abide the constant “drama” created by these people and will just avoid them when possible.

    The fact that Jodie expresses zero emotion regarding the music and lyrics in the song rendition is because she does not feel emotion. Any emotion shown by a person such as jodie is specifically manufactured in order to gain an advantage.

    How did the felony murder charge develope? I don’t remember her specifically stealing or attempting to steal something at the time of the crime? I supposed as a supplement to assault- which would be a felony. For that to stick they must prove she committed a crime and the murder came “in the commission” of that crime. If you cannot tell a jury how this woman comes to stab a man twice her size 29 times and drag him through the bathroom and hall while doing so you are asking for an acquittal or a hung jury, imo.


  27. BlackPearl says:

    This is such a ghastly murder (not that they all aren’t), but so ruthless and extreme. Blink’s assessment and critique of the prosecution’s approach thus far makes me really nervous about the outcome of the trial. Blink, don’t you have the power and/or connections to call them and tell them this? It seems that prosecutions could actually benefit from feedback on their performance from select professionals in the field so that they can adjust/compensate as they move forward during an important trial.

    Thinking about the fact that Jodi is left handed… Looking at one of the sketches made by the ME in which he is noting the various wounds on Travis… photo 52 on Huffington Post (warning, graphic photos there)… the stab wounds to the center of the back all seem to slant to the right, like this: ///. It seems that the direction/slant of Travis’ wounds suggest that they were made by a left handed person.

    Try this at home: Pretend you’re holding a knife. Then make a stabbing motion with the target being directly in front of you approximately at your own chest height. When your arm is raised in preparation, the arm and knife are raised across your body and the imaginary knife in your hand is brought down in a diagonal motion from roughly the center of the upper forehead down towards the hand you’re holding your imaginary knife in (which is also your dominant hand or the one you likely use to write). Based on this, it would seem that back-stabbing wounds from a left-handed person would look like this /// — like Travis’ wounds– while those of a right-handed person would look more like this \\\.

    Just more evidence that supports that Jodi, a lefty, seemingly stabbed Travis in the back…an action that is part of an offensive attack, not a defensive attack.

    Link to Huffington Post’s images:

    There is some truth to that BP, yes, but a word of caution that entry and trajectory also take into consideration all the other variables including locations of victim and assailant to each other, depth of wound, force, etc. Travis was fairly autolytic by the time he was recovered so in this case it is a lot harder to plug those in and we must consider the crime scene equally.


  28. Jden says:

    Live streaming. Not sure how this works. Every time I click on the Radaronline link, all I see are ad’s for ABC15. Help?

  29. Löni says:

    Yes Blink i unterstand your argumetation in matter of the premeditation, and i know you are right.

  30. Ode says:

    I apologize for the refrence that JA was found with knives and a gun. I think I heard that last nite on either JV or NG’s show. After searching today I see it is tied to a Natn’l Enq…article which I have not read. I would never quote a Natn’l Enq article, sorry.

  31. Löni says:

    @ GeorgiaDad i want to explain to you why i see tendencies to sociopathie regarding the state of mind from JA. A normal person being treated by her ex boy friend doesn’t make a thousand mile to meet her ex, stalk him all along since they broke up. A normal person leave this relationship. A normal person does not butcher another person. Taking a gun with her, she would know that if he was not willing to change his mind about their relationship, he was going to die. She had no issues before this killing but shows empathy in her attitude. Aside being the liar that she is, keeping so cool liyng and manipulating people i think she is not abble to feel any normal emotions. That is why i think her being a sociopath. Taking pictures from her dead friend makes me wonder if she is not more than a sociopath if not a psychopath. GiorgiaDad even if Travis was not correct to her and used her, she didn’t let him go.

  32. kat says:

    Jodi is actually ambidextrous, and she ADMITTED killing Travis! Also, if someone else helped” her, why would she not say so. Why would she want to take the entire fall for the crime and let the other person go scott-free!

    That may be but we know she had cuts on her left hand and I have studied her movements and her art somewhat, I would disagree she is a true “ambidext”.

    I will tell you exactly why she would not say who helped her- because then that person would get a deal and testify against her. All she needs to do is impart doubt into one juror.

  33. Löni says:

    @ to My Red Pony. Yes you may be right as for the alibi! I didn’t think about that…

  34. JR says:

    Just want to say, so glad to be back reading and posting on my fav. site of “insiteful” peeps :)

  35. Jane says:

    I think I recall seeing a shot of Travis’s house with LE and investigators’ vehicles parked out front. Those homes appear to be very close to one other. Out of all of those neighbors noone saw or heard anyone or anything unusual? JA was able to pull in and park in the garage? Also, I know she mentioned her car and its GPS at some point. Was there any way to retrieve her comings and goings in that particular vehicle?

    Her car did not have GPS- the detective lied to her on that.

  36. Patricia says:

    @ Ode. You seriously got me thinking about Travis being the one that tried to delete the pictures. Also, is it possible that when she was cleaning up the camera got inadvertently in the washer with the bedding. Like the cammera was scooped up with the sheets. I just cannot figure the mindset of taking pictures and then leaving the camera there.

  37. My Red Pony says:

    Blink, I have a few of questions. First, do you think it’s likely that Judge Stephens will grant the motion for a directed verdict or is it a fairly standard thing for the defense to do? Also, is it normal in Arizona for there to be such a long period of time from the prosecution resting until the defense begins its case? It’s almost 2 weeks, with the defense slated to start on January 29. Are trials in AZ different than other states? Or will the defense put on their case, rest, prosecution rebuttal, and closing arguments with the prosecution going before and after the defense? Thanks in advance.

    You are not going to like my answers.

    1. She has yet to rule on the mistrial motion and now a directed verdict and I have a strong feeling the prosecution rested today because he thinks it likely it may be granted and would not want to put more of his case on for future trials.

    2. It is ridiculous to think this jury will be able to avoid media coverage on this case and delay the defense for a week.

    3. I think Arias killed Alexander and she may have planned it, but I do not think the prosecution has met their burden for which she is charged. As an example- where is the premeditation? They never even said positively it was her on the “death pics” nor did they call the friends to the stand to confirm they were not home- the jury already picked up on this.

    This is a bad showing for the prosecution in this case I am sorry to say.


  38. ChristY says:

    **by Blink…”I will tell you exactly why she would not say who helped her-because then that person would get a deal and testify against her…”

    BOOM…there you go.

    Why, why, why are we not knowing who was at rental car office with her??

    Also, excuse me here, but she seems like much, too much, of an idiot to have carried out a lot of what she did during and after the murder.

    why does an accomplice freak everyone out in this case?? We know she’s bats**t crazy, but why would her having a partner in this change that??

  39. Ragdoll says:

    If we were to weigh the ‘totality’ of evidence (we know she’s theres, the lies, the phone call after the murder, pics placing her there) against reasonable doubt, is an acquital in her favour?

    Also, if there was someone else involved and the defense is aware of it, are they obliged to provide that information to the state?

    Honestly, if I was on that jury, reasonable double wouldn’t be an issue. I didn’t even know about this case until the trial started. I wouldn’t have a guilty conscience finding her guilty. I could go home, and sleep knowing I put a killer away.


  40. Ragdoll says:

    Truly, did I actually type reasonable double?

  41. Löni says:

    I bet someone had to travel her to the rental car sevice as she may have let her own car in her home.

    Actually she was in Redding, about 90 miles from her home. I am wondering if her dad was there.

  42. Eloise says:

    I am going to be so upset if this goes the way it appears it is going to go>
    Geez- what is up with ppl- what was the Prosecutor too busy to plan thoroughly- over confident or what?

    I did read somewhere that a friend was to have driven her to the airport/car rental and that ‘what a friend it must have been’, due to the miles involved- but who knows.

    When is the Judge due to get back to them regarding her decision on this nail biting issue?

    When she is comfortable she understands Judge Duncan’s missive I guess- I found it odd she ruled instantly a few times and then went to “advisement”.

  43. Ragdoll says:

    Ok….I was just reading about burden or proof and reasonable doubt.

    Preponderance. Is it possible to establish guilt if the prosecution has favourable evidence against the defense? Jodi clearly says she killed him. Her argument is self defense and surely, this is not a self defense case.

    Ragdoll, it has not been defended yet, lol, but technically, the entire burden rests on the prosecution, that is just our system. I don’t think Nurmi would take the gamble, but it would not shock me to learn that the defense decides to just go to closing arguments and argue that the prosecution has never met it’s burden and therefore can only be a finding of not guilty as she is charged.
    That’s if a direct verdict is not ordered or a mistrial.

    With much respect to Mr. Martinez, he can’t feel good about this effort.

  44. Ragdoll says:

    @ ATG

    We agree! That’s the point I was trying to established, but perhaps failed to. She’s as cold as a fish. Creepy, even.

  45. Ragdoll says:

    Christy says:
    January 17, 2013 at 12:12 pm

    I just <3 you and everyone speaking up @ BOC. As always, amazing perspectives are planted here.

    (((((GROUP HUGS)))))

  46. kat says:

    Isn’t planning the murder the premeditation? Ragdoll, excellent question about whether the defense, IF she has told them there was someone else involved, are obligated to share the info with the prosecution. But whether there was or was not anyone else, SHE still did it, and admits this. Also, she is such a liar, she could just SAY someone else helped her. As far as blood being on her, no doubt there was. She undoubtedly stepped in the shower and rinsed off over his dead body as she rinsed him off (or maybe HER showering is what rinsed him off). JMO

  47. Lara Martinez says:

    Thanks for the analysis, Blink.

    I do think that the prosecution has presented evidence for premeditation with the phony “burglary” of the gun from Jodi’s grandparent’s home (the home she was living in at the time).

    BTW: Have you seen the pic of her room from the photos taken at the burglary investigation? It is shabby, cheap and small. The house is old and cluttered, unkempt in places.

    It occurred to me when I saw Jodi’s living arrangements in Yreka, it must have been quite an ego blow to have to give up her fantasy of life with Travis to go back to the middle of nowhere. She takes great pains in portraying a busy, interesting, exciting façade–and Yreka is just not fitting in with that.
    The rage exhibited on Travis could be fueled by Jodi having to move back to a rural, boring town like Yreka, CA where she is a high school drop-out and seemingly has no friends or history that anyone has brought out during the years before this trial started.

    She met Travis Alexander and obviously fell in love/lust with his charisma and his upwardly mobile trajectory in life. Perhaps she thought by lavishing all the kinky sex and attention on him that she had “caught” him. The fact that she converted to Mormonism says to me that she was on a husband hunt.

    It also seems to me that all this emotion, energy and planning took place after only a 5 MONTH ROMANCE!! There is something really unbalanced about Jodi (besides the blood lust slaying).

    She is fixated on Travis, and she decides that he’s going to pay for dumping her. It’s possible she has borderline/narcissistic traits–the obsession with her self-portraits is a little weird to me. She’s an “aspiring photographer” who seems to only take her own picture. And poses for unflattering hard-core sex pics for Travis. (That pic displaying her “attributes” and all the mentions of the proclivity these two had for anal sex is almost as sickening as the overkill. I like to keep my sexual habits between me & my hubby–but then that’s just me).

    I know that the borderline/narcissistic woman is going to be *enraged* by rejection–and we know that Travis rejected her as a “good girl” and someone he was not going to marry. I’m a woman, and this would be devastating to me to hear! Not only is my fixation man no longer interested in having uncomplicated, uncommitted kinky sex with me with (it seems to him) no strings attached–in fact, I’m just not going to cut it with his friends and Church as “wife-material”–in other words, I’m just a whore to him. Ouch!

    Concerning the crime scene:

    The fact that she would be covered in blood would explain why she made such an effort to drag Travis’s corpse back into the shower–the shower was probably running the entire time–perhaps for hours. The box in the linen closet was soaked in watered-down blood from the floor. She no doubt had ample time to stand in that shower.

    The fact that the camera and damning pics were in the washer I think could be attributed to her just grabbing the clothing and towel items up and the camera being in that pile without her knowledge. Why wouldn’t she just take the camera? She couldn’t find it.

    The disposal of the weapons is not a mystery, either since she went on a MASSIVE road trip that added up to be enough to take her across the entire US. Disposing of her grandpa’s gun and her knife along the entire stretch of CA is not difficult.

    The defense said that this was a case of “self defense”–that Travis posed such a threat to Jodi as he “lunged” at her, naked, from taking a shower, that she had to stab him 29 times, AND in the heart, AND slit his throat to the spine AND put a bullet in his head before dumping him back into the shower. That’s ABSURD. Isn’t that all the prosecutor needs to prove? Arizona requires a person killing in self-defense to prove that the person killed was an EQUAL THREAT. Clearly, this was not the case.

  48. Eloise says:

    One more thing,

    What was the intended point on the last Prosecution witness? What I am seeing on HLN right now, doesn’t appear to have worked out quite well, wth?

  49. John says:

    With regard to the confession whereby Jodi admitted to LE that she killed T. I want to know why they did not also get her to tell them where she put the gun, and where she put the knife. IF she did kill T., then she would know this. If she did not kill T., then she would need to get LE to tell her where the gun and knife were, before she could retrieve them or confess to hiding them. Why not confeww as to the placement of the weapons if you confessed to the murder anyway, what difference would it make….Why did we not see them asking her where the gun was?

    She has not testified yet.

  50. BlackPearl says:

    Is the man who may have been with JA at the auto rental place not important to the overall case? Because otherwise wouldn’t the investigators have been able to request security tapes from the rental place and/or show the owner a photo line-up comprised of various men in JA’s life at that time– friends, family, other paramours…?

    On another note. It’s mind boggling to think that a woman could overpower a man with a knife and kill him (several times over). However, there was so much evidence that Jodi was there– the hair mixed into the blood, the palm print, etc. that if someone else were involved I would think that (a) his DNA and evidence would be all over the place like hers was, and/or (b) that if someone else was doing most of the work, then evidence of JA’s presence might have been less abundant than it actually was.

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