Jodi Arias Travis Alexander Murder Trial Day 8: Sex, Lies and Duct Tape Causing Jury Doubt

Phoenix, AZ- As the beginning of the second full week of testimony in the State of Arizona v Jodi Arias unfolds we learn some of the most damning evidence against Arias. We also learned that there are clearly holes in the prosecution’s case.   Not referring to the  holes on visual display  last week-in HD, unfortunately.

The very intimate and anatomical chronology of the afternoon of June 4th 2008 leading to the brutal and merciless murder of Travis Victor Alexander included the very carnal and the very barbaric.

Travis shaving shower door open to right

A few frames of images deleted from Travis’s camera and a few minutes of time stamped consternation and Alexander ends up stuffed in his own shower.

Kill or be killed was the impetus for this tragedy Arias’s defense promises us in their opening curtsy.

There can be no doubt that Jodi Arias was present the day of the murder, and by her own admission she killed Travis in self defense.  By my rough calculations, that would mean under one stab wound per minute plus a gunshot and near decapitation.   Travis was 5’9” tall and 189 lbs after nearly total blood loss.

Dr.  Kevin Horn Is No Dr. G

Alexander projectile xray

The fact that Dr. Horn, forensic pathologist for Maricopa County looks freakishly like Robe Lowe with facial hair aside- he now says that Travis Alexander could not have been shot first.  According To Detective Esteban Flores, lead investigator in the case, he was told differently by Horn in telephonic conversations in August 2009.  Horn denies he ever said this and Flores gets hung out to dry.  A rinse and repeat will not help the prosecution.  Horn went on to say that since the bullet passed through the front lobe of Alexander’s brain that he would likely have been rendered unconscious and it may have occurred after his death.

There is no medical evidence to substantiate this.  There is no physical evidence to corroborate this, and in fact, it WILL be argued that evidence contradicts this opinion.   Dr. Horn could produce no findings of the projectile pathway outside of its final location in the left maxilla.   This was definitely not a close contact wound and it produced no star-shaped entry, soot or stippling.   The casing of a .25 caliber bullet was found on the floor of the bathroom in a pool of blood believed to be deposited there prior.

Is this opinion outside the scope of submitted evidence AND theory?  Horn was an effective witness as to autopsy and wound identification.   Travis Alexander fought for his life at least for a few seconds and the gaping wounds to his hands indicate he grabbed for the knife at some point.  I found it particularly interesting that he was not asked to speculate on what type of sharp blade might fit the incised wound approximations.   Travis Alexander was stabbed 29 times, shot and his throat was slashed.

Editor’s Note: Jodi Arias is left-handed as is Travis Alexander.  There is much in the way of fodder to feed incident reconstruction in his report as well as the blood spatter and pooling evidence neither Horn nor Perry were ever asked about.


Esteban Flores Does His Own Stunts

Detective Flores played his own stunt man in this case.  His phone interviews and interrogations of Jodi Arias are impressive.

He brought his A game.   A for Alexander as he would tell you himself.

His case interrogation skills in this case might ultimately be what convicts this woman and his lessons in patience and diligence should be topics in investigative training for homicide detectives everywhere.

So why the stunt man status?

Because he came into the case on 2 wheels based on the Medical Examiner testimony which I happen to believe accurately shaped the detectives testimony in both the Conus hearing and this trial.   Defense counsel Nurmi as well as Prosecutor Martinez eviscerated Flores on his previous testimony regarding Travis’ wound sequencing and Flores was accused of perjuring himself in a motion that is still before the court.  Ouch.

Jody line up after booking

  Rarely do you see a detective take a cross examination and subsequent motion for dismissal containing the words “perjury” on such a sturdy chin.  He took one for the team and he took one for Alexander and the Mesa Police Department is lucky to have him.

And NO, his name does not sound like all other Hispanic names (how offensive was that?)  Unfortunately after his testimony this afternoon the shine is off the penny a bit.  The jurors submitted questions to Flores while on the stand today through Judge Stephens and it was clear by the tone of them this jury is not eating what the prosecution is serving.

Flores was dejected and sullen when answering the juror questions.  He knew.


Juan In The Box

Prosecutor Juan Martinez has an excellent tailor.  He is excitable and apparently not a fan of cross examination of state witnesses.    By re-direct he is out of the box the defense has been winding up and pop goes the weasel is in the form of evidence he tossed on the floor.

This actually happened.

In his Ad hoc  demonstrative aid or improper display as alleged by defense attorney Jennifer Wilmott, Martinez tosses the camera on the floor to the collective spectator reaction “ What the snap??”

Martinez Camera Chuck

Pun intended.   Juan Martinez  is an effective prosecutor who knows his case well.  Where the problem comes in is that his own witnesses are not sure what he is asking them, and he is not putting the issues he already knows will be in contention with the defense out there first.   If that scene does not find its way to an auto tune I will be surprised.

Editors Note: Arias is lefty.  The button that broke during examination by Detective Melendez and if it had not been already, definitely by Martinez, is located on the right of the camera.   It is more likely Arias changed the mode to auto on the camera and that began the successive picture taking.  Was it on the strap so she was then hands free?  The shower door opens to the right and the person snapping the images at the time Alexander first becomes wounded is very close to his level.   Point is- there is much in the way of probative value in the operation of this camera and a simultaneous attack or altercation.  Arias receives a cut to her left finger at some point.

A well- intentioned but intransigent message to Mr. Martinez: Pre-emptive is the new appellate repellent.

With daily motions for dismissal and mistrial alleging prosecutorial misconduct and the prosecutor firing a piece of material evidence into the podium- is the writing on the wall on this one?

Martinez is wearing a pace pattern into the carpet in front of the prosecution’s table and the defense is wearing matching hues daily.

To borrow the words of Sweet Brown, “Ain’t Nobody Got Time For Dat”.

Taking a page out of the book of The State of Florida V Casey M Anthony would benefit Mr. Martinez immensely  .   That said, Mr. Martinez has been known to change it up with a lesser included in that “other” Mormon murder.


Hello…… N U R M I

Say it like Seinfeld would.   Kirk Nurmi , while not big on the fashion forward movement,  belies his posture and gets  the no slouch designation in this trial.

Nurmi misses nothing and his assessment of The Honorable Sherri K Stephens and her courtroom etiquette are spot on.

Nurmi  is artful and deliberate.  If there is a credible defense to this case he is establishing the predicate for it or a weighty appeal.   He is ambi-lawyerous.   One senses he sees the holes and knows it is also his job to backfill.  In a trial involving such a heinous murder and downright chilling images, the fact that he refuses to tuck the tail of his shirt in the back gives us a necessary chuckle when he is at the podium.

Jennifer Wilmott, the public defender’s representative  is intentionally disarming to witnesses for the first few minutes but gave herself away when she corrected Dr. Horn by reminding him of a puncture to the Vena Cava sustained by Alexander.  She enunciated it perfectly and with feeling- as if the boots had not given her away earlier.

She leaves her Coach satchel in plain view next to the bailiff door all day.  She knows the drill.

Death On a Reel

There was video of the sexual encounter between Travis and Jodi on June 4, 2008.  It was deleted according to her and not recoverable per Detective Flores.

What was recovered in both the flash drive and un-allocated space on the SD card of Travis’s camera were like a Kubrick draft.   Lust, contentment,  fear, crescendo,  gore.    Did I just see that?

It is all there to view as if one is having some sort of synapse misfire that only allows brief images.

There is a clear and distinct mutual trust between Arias and Alexander before 2 PM on June 4, 2008.

What changed and for whom?

Explicit and sexually graphic images were displayed in open court.  Noteworthy items would include that Ms. Arias has had breast augmentation and a very recent pseudo-invasive waxing.  Mr. Alexander is apparently not fond of body hair himself.  It appeared Travis was less comfortable posing nude for Arias then she for him.

Nothing Says Bonding Like Duct Tape

Travis Alexander clearly has duct tape around his right arm in the explicit pics.   Although the shower images are approximately 4 hours later- the marks from it are fresh.   Not that the medical examiner nor the prosecution has bothered to reference it or it’s possible connection to the events.

Alexander duct tape photo 40

The duct tape found on the tile floor , evidence marker #40  may just be the clue from the glue that provides motive in this case .

Outside Marriage, Sex’s Emotional Bond:
However, outside of marriage, this bond still occurs. The emotional bond is a part of sex, it’s always present, whether we like it or not. But, this extremely tight emotional bond is not such a good thing outside of marriage. Here’s why…(DO NOT remove the duct tape until you describe the break-up of the relationship)

Relationship Examples:
So let’s say that I’m 16 years old (use yourself as an example, not the volunteer) and I choose to ignore God’s plan for sex and chastity and decide that since my boyfriend and I are in love and we’re a serious couple, we’ll have sex. (rub the duct tape in even more, as you continue to talk). Things are going real well, are hearts are real close – like this duct tape here – and then…he starts to get on my nerves, so, we break up. (quickly tear off the tape)


I am not one to believe in coincidence and this case is no different.  When Casey Anthony was leading OCSO detectives to her imaginary office at Universal,   Arias we being booked.  Anthony was arrested the next day.   It does make the case for simultaneous  bi-coastal mind control.   Watching and listening to Arias spin her detailed faux-fession was surreal in comparison.

White Knit-Rental Guy

Enterprise agent columbo

Raphael Columbo took the only opportunity to ever where a bulky knit in Arizona.  During direct examination by Martinez we learned that Arias may have been with a gentleman while renting the vehicle.  Columbo also testified the floor mats to the new-ish vehicle were missing when Arias returned it late and that he personally cleaned what he thought was kool-aid stains from the passenger and rear seats.

Yes- he legitimately stated he saw and cleaned kool aid stains in the rental vehicle used by a woman accused of stabbing and shooting a man and neither the prosecutor nor the defense attorney asked him what kind of kool-aid stains they were.  Lime?  Fruit Punch? Grape?  Would seem germane to the discussion, no?

Martinez also neglected to ask him about the notation of a heavy smoke smell.

Arias does not smoke.  But she did buy kerosene on June 3rd at Walmart.  She dyed her hair brown sometime between the evening of June 2nd and the morning of June 3rd.

Me thinks Mr. Columbo is going have another chance to don that turtleneck again before this trial is over.

Following the excuse of the jury this afternoon Nurmi raised the issue yet again, of possible Brady violations in the case by Martinez for not producing the contact information for the woman who was allegedly dating Alexander and received a John  Doe email from Arias.   It is believed Julie Andrews was aware of at least the allegation that Arias followed the couple on a date and subsequently slashed his tires.   Andrews was not on the list of state witnesses.

The State of Arizona V Jodi Arias continues tomorrow.


Jacqueline Beaufort, contributing editor


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  1. John says:

    Seems there are a lot of LDS going to Mexico to Cancun….except for T and A. Are the Mexican drug cartels that fond of the Mormons? Really? I think not!

  2. BlackPearl says:

    Blink, the smell of smoke in the rental car is mentioned in your recent article. You said that the prosecutor failed to ask “about the notation of a heavy smoke smell.” Was that notation in the intake paperwork from when then car was returned to the rental place? Or was it mentioned by the owner, as an observation, during a previous interview? You said that JA doesn’t smoke but that she did but kerosene from a Walmart around the time of the murder. So did the smoke smell like cigarette smoke or other smoke– which one should be able to differentiate between. And if we pretend for a minute that Jodi used that kerosene to burn something, what was she burning? The murder weapons– gun and knife– wouldn’t have burned. But maybe the clothes she wore at the time of the murder got burned? Or how about those floor mats from the rental car?

    It was on the paperwork in the notes when the prosecutor put it on the overhead I screenshot it.

    Just says heavy smoke.

    This is a rabbit hole.

  3. Mom3.0 says:

    JA said she killed him she said she did it-

    She killed him-

    No other Forensic evidence supports anyoneelse being there- noone

    No hair no blood

    But there is ample evidence to support her being there her hair her blood her pics

    She admitted to killing him

    The jury is supposed to only consider the evidence presented-

    Premeditation can happen in a moments time
    the time it took 2.5 seconds between each stab wound -the time it took to drop the gun and reach for the knife- the time it took to slit his throat from ear to ear- the time it took to stab him in the heart
    The time it took to walk away and never call paramedics -all of these brief intervals of time are suffice to prove premeditation—at any point if Jodi was not intent on killing him she would have stopped and called for help.

    She never did

    A couple of questions were asked yesterday by the jury we are all speculating what made them think to ask these questions—but we dont know

    Jodi admitted to killing Travis she says in self defense

    The prosecution does not have to prove she did it- and it doesnt have to prove she was alone it doesnt even have to offer a motive for the killing

    The jury is there to decide whether the killing she ADMITTED to, was premeditated or not- and if it warrants the death penalty.

    The prosecution presented a succinct case-

    Did they meet the burden of premeditation? Based on the above thought process yes

    Did they meet the burden of Death penalty through cruelty?
    I think so, based upon the # of weapons used and the number of wounds the severity of the attack –and through Jodis own words that this murder was heinous and not humane and certainly not quick-

    will the jury decide on the evidence presented…. or will it decide by which lawyer was more likable or whether or not they WANT to believe she is innocent or too small to commit the murder/cleanup by herself… will they stick to their beliefs regardless of the evidence presented or despite the LAcK of evidence to support their beliefs. IDK

    IMO there is no evidence that she had help in anyway none.

    Having said all that- I do not know what the judge will decide via the mistrial motions she very well may be erring on the side of caution and Martinez may recognize this.

    and again I do not know whether or not the judge will grant a directed verdict – she may

    I have learned to never try and figure out how a case is going I cant see things through the eyes of the jury nor the judge-

    Anything is possible


  4. Mom3.0 says:

    ragdoll Hey Im sorry I missed your earlier post-

    You dont need me to validate your thoughts Ragdoll- you are smart as a whip-

    - The songis beautiful the words song by her bother me-

    In the 48 hours special alot of what she said seems to play into this murder being a ceremony of sorts of correction- discpline-separating

    1725 We both know we needed to correct our behavior for spiritual reasons but neither of us we both lacked the discipline to do it….
    1755 the only way it was gonna change is if we physically separated

    I didnt harm travis…yes I will be held accountable for the other activities tht we engaged in nd the other things i have done but when i stand before that day when i am judged for all the things I have done theres a really a seep sense of comfort to know that ultimately its Gods opinion that counts Ultimately its His justice system that nobody can escape and He knows and I know and Travis knows

    Watch the way she says that last part and Travis gives me the creeps

    ajmo Peace

  5. A Texas Grandfather says:


    There has been a colony of mormans in Mexico for over one hundred years. Mit Romney’s father was born in Mexico as a part of a Morman mission there. They later moved back to the USA.

    There are many left-handed people who have been taught to use their right hand. The objects in our world that we use every day are designed for a right handed person. A few address the handedness of left and right. Anyone with a little practice can teach themselves how to use either hand in many activities.

    My twin is left handed, but she can write with either hand and do a lot of things other than write with both hands. I taught myself to throw a baseball with either hand and bat either right or left handed. However, I don’t think that anyone would not use their dominant hand in the heat of an altercation.

    Would the wounds reveal the hand that delivered the knife? How long after death would those wounds remain visible enough to identify the hand that delivered them? The body was not found for four or five days. Makes one really wonder about the type of people the home was shared with.

    Technically if you cannot approximate a wound, and there is not way of approximating the throat wound anyway, no.


  6. A Texas Grandfather says:

    The questions that the jury are presenting tell me that they are trying to find the truth, but the prosecution is not addressing the issues in a way to help them. If the jury finds the prosecution trying to fast step something by them, they will choose to acquit rather than convict.

    This is a very real fear- this young man died a gruesome death at the hands of this woman, and imo once again we have the detectives and prosecutors hi-fiving each other.


  7. JR says:

    The detective himself said at one point Travis was a big guy and it would’ve taken more than one person to do this, but if I remember correctly he had said that in a phone conversation with Jodi -played in court….so he couldve easily been f****g with her. I still find it hard to believe she moved his body around the entire home herself, yet as Blink brought up – with pure adrenaline you never know.

    My questions are first, if anyone else was there, there was no forensic sign of them left behind…correct?

    I didn’t hear everything about her doing laundry, but cops found the camera in the washing machine and I saw a snippet of trial the day they were pulling up bleach marked clothes for the jury….if travis was naked in the shower when he died, were these clothes laying around and got splattered or already in the washing machine?

    last, does anyone know how many roomates he had at the time and whether or not Jodi wouldve still had enough knowledge of everyone’s schedules and routines? It would be very hard to premeditate a violent murder like without knowing whether the roomates were going to be home or not or suddenly show up….or maybe Travis only allowed her in the house when noone was around to see and she at least knew to count on that much.

    It is believed the clothes Jodi was wearing were put in the washer-
    He had 2 other roomies, and technically one would normally have been home at this time- she had no way of knowing his bus route would be late

  8. Mom3.0 says:


    I Am I seeing what I think Im seeing??

    Is that the barrel of a gun in the bottom right of pic # 18 of 149 ?

    It sure looks like a gun-

    Could LE have missed it…I wouldnt think so but that looks like a gun

    Blink is that a gun?


    Nope, I will post your next comment right away.

  9. Mom3.0 says:

    WAIT Blink NO

    I think it could be THE duct tape that was found on the tile floor

    It IS isnt it?

    So Travis kept the duct tape on for 4 hours you were right!!!!

    I do believe youre right the duct tape could be the motive

    At the very least it played a huge part

    My mind is reeling –

    What happened?


    My belief-

    Travis thought she left. He went into the shower, and was praying for forgiveness- as the excerpt I posted suggests- he tears off the duct tape while announcing the finality and recommits to his faith and she wigs the hell out.

    This scenario weighs strongly for the premeditation theory because if she wounds him in that shower she would have had to have come in with a weapon.

    I have reviewed and analyzed tens of thousands of autopsy pics in my work, both public and private, and I have to say that the look on this man’s face is truly haunting. He knows he is going to die.

    That girl is one sadistic being, imo.

  10. susanm says:

    i havent studied all of this case ,just browsed, but my first thought immediately was that it doesnt seem she did it alone , but as i read a little bit more , and a little bit more ( or did she try to make it seem like she didnt do it alone) ,—-her left-handedness–am i understanding correctly, she is in court writing with her left hand —making it obvious that she is left handed & forensics hasnt claimed the stab wounds were made by a lefty—– bet she’s ambidexterous,she’s playing this like a violin.

  11. Mom3.0 says:

    Travis thought she left. He went into the shower, and was praying for forgiveness- as the excerpt I posted suggests- he tears off the duct tape while announcing the finality and recommits to his faith and she wigs the hell out.

    This scenario weighs strongly for the premeditation theory because if she wounds him in that shower she would have had to have come in with a weapon.

    I have reviewed and analyzed tens of thousands of autopsy pics in my work, both public and private, and I have to say that the look on this man’s face is truly haunting. He knows he is going to die.

    That girl is one sadistic being, imo.

    Im with you totally now Blink

    …”that day when i am judged for all the things I have done theres a really a deep sense of comfort to know that ultimately its Gods opinion that counts Ultimately its His justice system that nobody can escape and He knows and I know and Travis knows”

    O Holy Night… in sin and error pining….Fall on your knees….

    My deepest prayers of sympathy and comfort for his loved ones.

    AJMO Peace

  12. John says:

    ATG says…”John

    There has been a colony of mormans in Mexico for over one hundred years. Mit Romney’s father was born in Mexico as a part of a Morman mission there. They later moved back to the USA.”
    ATG, yes, of course, they have been there since 1885. I am talking about the war between the Mormons and the drug cartels, not about the mormon presence there.
    Drug Cartels Target Mormon Clans in Mexico

    By William Booth
    Washington Post Foreign Service
    “The northeast of Chihuahua is now a zone of devastation,” said Victor Quintana, a state lawmaker, who reports an exodus of business people fleeing kidnappers and farmers refusing to plant their crops because of extortion.

    The columnist Alberto Aziz Nassif wrote in El Universal newspaper, “Chihuahua today is the emblem of a failed state, run by incompetent authorities who have little ability to protect the citizens.”

    Many of the Mormons have fled north to the United States, and Julian LeBaron said he fears for his life. He has reason. In Ciudad Juarez, a three-hour drive to the north, hand-painted banners were hung from overpasses last week threatening the extended clan.
    This is going on to this day, and I only mention it because the mormons, including T. and J. were supposed to be visiting Mexico with business interests and partners, and because of the co-incidence that J. is half Spanish (Mexican)…..could there be a connection? IDK

    Travis won a recreational trip to Cancun as a sales prize- he was not meeting with any business interests.
    Prepaid legal does not operate internationally.

  13. John says:

    With regard to the confession whereby Jodi admitted to LE that she killed T. I want to know why they did not also get her to tell them where she put the gun, and where she put the knife. IF she did kill T., then she would know this. If she did not kill T., then she would need to get LE to tell her where the gun and knife were, before she could retrieve them or confess to hiding them. Why not confeww as to the placement of the weapons if you confessed to the murder anyway, what difference would it make….Why did we not see them asking her where the gun was?

    She has not testified yet.
    She has not testified yet, but she was interviewed a few times by LE who had the oportunity to find out where she put the gun……testifying will not make her tell anything else, or will it? she just might take placing her hand on the bible, and giving her oath seriously, but I have my doubts considering her connections to witchcraft. I still want to know who was with her when she rented car, and who killed Travis, and why she confessed. Everything they have said so far could be explained away….for example, her palm print could be put there by the murderer forcing it, and she could have been threatened into complying with the murderers. I want to know who turned her plate upside down to make sure she was stopped by Le, and who took the pictures (I do not believe the camera took them all by itself) and where his roomates were, and if someone thought J would be better off in heaven if he were dead than if he continued to have sex ….. (this is in fact part of belief system)….it gets complicated, including cutting throat from ear to ear and washing body after death and baptism after death etc.
    (((if I think about these things, you can be sure at least some of the jury does….and I am not saying she is innocent….I just have lots of questions that have not been answered))) The more people like JVM and NG get on their high horse and say ridiculous things about her nude photos and compare her to CA….that part really bugs me….WTH does CA have to do with anything, except that she was equally hated. Make no mistake everyone is loving this case and is very excited by it. Lets all band to-gether and stone a mentally ill girl/woman.

  14. Ragdoll says:

    @ Blink and Mom3.0


    Brilliant. Not that it adds value, but this ‘theory’ rests well with me.

    I know this is a repeated question, but how can the prosecution miss this?

    By the grace of God, may this woman be convicted.

    We have established that the silver object in the shower may be Martinez’s pen, but the duct tape relevance does not change for me.

    I do believe the prosecution missed this because – they miss things. I don’t understand how that happens in a 5 year old case. The second I saw that duct tape on the floor I knew it had to be tied to the incident and proceeded to go through every image magnified until it was found- then research.

    A crime scene that is 5 days old, is said to be undisturbed until then, and the prosecutor never calls the roomates? WTH?

  15. Ragdoll says:


    Ragdoll, it has not been defended yet, lol, but technically, the entire burden rests on the prosecution, that is just our system.


    Just like my mother calling me by my first and middle name when I was in trouble….LOL. I picked up on the queue, friendLY. My bad.

    Yours and mine both FriendLY. I totally get the emotion in this case- in fact, I am no different except fear of this girl getting out is driving mine as well as frustration with the system not realizing our jury system in a case like this is in full CSI effect mode.


  16. JR says:

    hmmm…thanks blink. her clothes and camera left in washing machine, her not knowing roommate would be gone…two very unpremeditated factors it seems.

    Again, she may have planned this, or planned for it, as it were, and frankly under AZ law she is only entitled to defend herself with equal force- so the state is required to show that she did not. These are the holes in the prosecutions case to date. There IS of course the possibility that the prosecution is resting on the fact that it knows the defense is going to sink it’s own client- because through discovery they know what their defense contains, but for me, that was a really lukewarm approach.


    That should have been obvious when the questions from the jury were posited.


  17. Löni says:

    As Travis would live in a conflict situation between his faith to God and JA who is for him representative for the sin as to the pictures taken where Travis hold his hands on his chest or the one with his inclined head , it is more than likely that he was praying then, under the shower.
    Blink i agree totally with your theory about the chronology of the events at the crime scene wich adhere completely with all the backround Information that we have .

  18. Mom3.0 says:



    Blink I found a better copy of that pic and lightened it

    That is NOT a Gun
    It is NOT the duct tape
    It is the prosecutes pen


    I made the mistake of forgetting these werent originals

    I apologize to all

    I hope my mistake does not distract from your hardwork -

    Your theory/belief is STILL sound

    if my mistake proves anything besides i am an idiot its that these photos are very open to interpretation… and I am not even talking about the “accidental” pics which are a whole different story.

    —I am now writing 500 x
    I am sorry
    I will not look at evidence photos when tired I will not post without triple checking and then checking again

    cont prayers to Travis family and friends

    LOl, no need to apologize, it is his pen, JB emailed me this morning with our scan, it does not alter my theory whatsoever- which is just a theory, but I stand behind it’s relevance- one can see the lines of demarkation on his right arm. The clue from the glue stands.

  19. Löni says:

    Blink in one of the Photo of Travis under the shower we can see some fingers . Did you see those?

    Indeed, if you are referring to the one with his fists closed on his chest, that is the one that led me to believe he was praying in some form.

  20. John says:

    re…Travis won a recreational trip to Cancun as a sales prize- he was not meeting with any business interests.
    Prepaid legal does not operate internationally.
    Yes, he won the trip, and so did Jodi BFF who also wanted sex with her and could not get it, I guess. (he said on Dr. Drew that he went on the trip)…also Two of Travis other friends said they took the trip, but T. did not show up. Travis’s friends also won a trip.
    A lot of these friends of Travis all worked for the same company he did. He signed them up. In MLM companies, the more people you sign up the more money you make, you make commission off your own sales and a lot more commission off their sales than they do. T. motivated them with his speeches to make HIM money. Perhaps he pissed someone off.
    Ryan Burns said Jodi would help Travis get leads or sign people up. Jodi helped him win the trip.

    Who is this BFF who wanted to have sex with Jodi you keep referencing? I think you are mistaken.

    Jodi’s own words: “… The trip makes me roll my eyes a bit. I had known about the trip for a year and it was never discussed that I would ever go…”

    I do agree with you that it set her off. I am not sure I understand your position on this case?


  21. Eloise says:

    Löni says:
    January 18, 2013 at 9:31 am

    Blink in one of the Photo of Travis under the shower we can see some fingers . Did you see those?

    Loni- I think alot of those things along the bottom might be Mr Marinez and his hands showing the pictures under the viewer.

  22. John says:

    and prepaid legal also operates in Canada, and has problems in both countries

    prepaid legal is not more.

  23. Löni says:

    Are those the fingers of someone who works for the criminal laboratory or are those finger in the picture?

    They are Mr. Martinez fingers adjusting the pic under the overhead viewer- you were right to question it.

  24. mayhem says:

    I think Loni may be referring to this photo? Been wondering myself.

    I cannot post that link mayhem- too graphic for public, but it is the prosecutors hand positioning the image for the overhead.

  25. Jden says:

    B, I have tried to find reference to the duct tape ceremonial meaning… to no avail. Would you kindly give a clue as to the name of this particular practice?

    The snips are in the piece and the hyperlink to the source on duct tape.

  26. I M O J.A. Wanted to talk Travis into a bondage session.
    When she had him tottally defenceless an tied up the torture would have begun.
    She didnt want to go the blitz attack mode to messy an to quick.

    However Travis wouldnt go for it he comprimised useing a wee bit duct tape to give the illusion but not reality of being bound an helpless.
    That was what the rope was for in J A plan she wanted him bound an helpless .
    She had lots of things he needed to hear before his life ended.

  27. lyla says:

    (snipped) “It was on the paperwork in the notes when the prosecutor put it on the overhead I screenshot it.

    Just says heavy smoke.

    This is a rabbit hole.”
    The smell of smoke in a rental car doesn’t seem unusual to me. I see folks driving and smoking all the time. The smell is hard to get rid of to boot!

    Except Jodi does not smoke. How did the car get smokey?

  28. A Texas Grandfather says:

    The part about the praying is why I am doing some investigation into the “rituals” associated with the Morman religion. Every sect has its rituals and understanding what they are and the meaning is important to get at the truth.

    Before anyone gets any ideas that I am Morman, I want to dispell this idea. I have spent a lot of time studying the various religions of the world beginning as a teen. My children and now my grandchildren have all been encouraged to explore religion for themselves.

    As a relative newby, Travis may not have the authority to “baptize” anyone into the religion. This may have some bearing on the anger of the attack. Jodi may have realized this and knowing she had been used decided to destroy Travis.

    A four plus year old case and there are this many holes in the narative the prosection is presenting is troubling. Maybe they need to spend some time writing the story and letting someone else read their work for the purpose of closing the gaping holes.

  29. sunshine12 says:

    I find this prosecutor to be extremely unlikeable but unfortunately I feel that’s the least of the states problems right now :(

    Agreed. I can live with unlikable- I can’t with wreckless. I feel like he goes home and kicks his dog when nobody is looking- and I am not trying to be an ass- I am just floored at the faux hubris- FUBRIS.


  30. Liam says:

    This was a brutal murder and in my opinion the pictures tell a story in themselves. Correct me if i`m wrong but there is an eight minute or so gap between the photos of Travis taking a shower seemingly in perfect health and then with him slumped on the floor with blood pouring from his upper body. Is there any evidence which suggests where the initial injuries were inflicted? Is it inconceivable that Travis became enraged at something and did indeed get physical with Jodi? It troubles me that there is no evidence outlining any sequence of events as to where and how the initial injuries were inflicted. If Travis received the first of his injuries outside the bathroom then the prosecution are going to have a big problem…

    I believe it is a 4 minute gap between what is perceived as the struggle outside of the shower when the pics start again, which is believed to be because the camera was dropped.

    Exactly. Everyone can be as convinced as I am of the woman’s guilt, but that is not the law.


  31. Is Sandy Jodis Mothers name?
    Sounds as if she complained about jury misconduct..
    After the State rested its case.
    All jurours had to be voi dired again.

    1:31 p.m. Court reconvenes with Defendant and respective counsel all present in Chambers.

    Court Reporter, Barbara Stockford, is present.

    Case agent, Detective Flores, is present.

    Sandy Arias is present and informs the Court she was told information regarding possible juror misconduct. Sandy Arias leaves Chambers.

    Discussion is held as stated on the record. Each Juror will be brought in individually and questioned.

    yes, this occurred on the 15th, all jurors were vior dired and returned to court. I am way more concerned about yesterday and the ex parte hearing.

    This judge needs to rule on the outstanding motions already.


  32. lyla says:

    I’m watching trial reruns. Am I getting this right…JA washed and dryed the bedding/towels after he was murdered? She could have spent close to an hour and a half cleaning up the crime scene. Was she not considering his roommates could have walked in OR was she aware they were out of town? The smell…I cannot imagine considering the gore she wreaked upon this man.

    Nope, she just threw them in the wash cycle and left. I personally believe she forgot about the camera and it was under some bedding and scooped up.

    The smell of a crime scene that bloody and that “large” is indescribable when you couple the visual elements, reality and the odor. I am telling you this had to be one of the worst.

  33. Lara Martinez says:

    Blink: Why do you think the gunshot to the head was the first attack? Dr. Rob Lowe (lol) stated that Travis would have been incapacitated/unconscious due to shock to the brain. Do you think Jodi shot him first, then stabbed him in the shower while he was unconscious? Maybe the pain of the stabbings would jolt him awake.

    The evidence of the struggle does seem to suggest the gun was first. If Jodi started the stabbing first I just don’t understand how Travis did not physically overpower her. He was grabbing at the knife–why didn’t he just hit/kick/punch Jodi to stop the attack. It seems he was rendered helpless from the gunshot, which the ME said would have damaged his frontal lobe.

    I don’t think the gun was first- I believe he was stabbed in the shower or shower area first. To your point I do believe the gsw disabled him or compromised him and I believe that he was still fighting. I think she held the gun on him next or she shot him in the scuffle, and the rest is history with the exception of that gaping neck wound. You remember that big bloody smear on the wall, much higher up?

    I wonder if that was not from the neck wound? Someone better show me evidence of that kind of spatter pattern which can reach 12 ft or more depending on the other variables, but if not, the neck wound is perimortem- There is also new biochem tests if you can believe it- that allow for testing on the wound ages for certain enzymes that proportedly lead to a PMI outside of the other factors.

    I do NOT agree that Dr. St. Elmo’s Fire can saw with medical certainty that the bullet passed through the frontal lobe – but it may have. The problem is the over-step. If you can’t show the wound trajectory through the brain- you can’t have that finding, period.

    Another thing he said- …”I cant tell, maybe it was deflected by the bone…” I was like, waa? Yes, you most certainly would see if a projectile, which is found intact, btw, nicked a bone.

    I honestly think it was idiotic to press this issue by the prosecution- it only served to confuse and add doubt to an issue that did not matter after she admitted self defense.

  34. Looks like someone named Sandy is out to cause destruction an carnage.
    Thought she would have rested on her laurels haveing birthed this monster.

  35. first-time says:

    I may be dense (or just not following this closely enough) – I think I get what you are saying about the tape around his bicept. But WHY was it there originally?

  36. nanshin says:

    All I can say today is WOW ! I thought I knew quite a bit about this case. Didn’t know about duct tape or smoke smell. Going back to review your commentary.

  37. nanshin says:

    John @ 3:08 a.m. Jodi did not confess to LE that she killed Travis. She never confessed. She was incarcerated for 2 yrs. when her defense put forth she killed him but it was self defense. I believe that “plea” and or confession was prompted by a prosecution pre trial motion. I don’t know legal mumbo jumbo, but I think a person has to put forth a plea in a timely fashion.

  38. first-time says:

    Ummm. Confession here. I am not a “smoker” or at least that what people think. I sometimes smoke, however, when I am under a lot of stress, and most of the time its in a car. Just saying.

    I agree to the possibility of course, but their is no evidence she ever purchased a pack of cigs or anyone that has ever known her to smoke.

    Everyone that smokes casually thinks nobody knows, lol, they do.

    Please quit my friend, it killed my beloved Mum who quit when I was in HS.

    Please forgive me for asking you to- I feel it is my duty as a result.


  39. first-time says:

    Please forgive me for asking you to- I feel it is my duty as a result.


    I know….it’s a nasty habit.

    We all have nasty habits of some kind, that one in particular is unforgiving.

  40. Cadillac says:

    Are there Mormons on the jury?

  41. Cadillac says:

    Just because a rental car is labeled as having a heavy smoke smell when it is returned does not mean that it didn’t go out as having a heavy smoke smell? I think that point is moot. JMO

    I am sure the car was In a lot when she picked it up and some OTHER person checked it in.

    I don’t see the relevance unless there was a second person with her on renting it and returning it.

    The chick is guilty.

    The whole point of the notes is to note the condition of the vehicle when it is RETURNED. Let me say again, she bought kerosene, and extra gas . There was someone with her when she rented it.

    I think you missed Columbo’s testimony which I based that part of the piece on.

    Your right, I agree she is guilty, but holding to the standard of reasonable doubt, this case has problems.

  42. nanshin says:

    Does any one know about the bogus letters supposedly written by Travis? I heard reports (sorry don’t know the link) but Jodi’s mother allegedly gave to the National Enquirer (scary i know). and that possibly Jodi’s ex was involved. I don’t want to spread a rumor, don’t know if this has been verified. There is more but I won’t continue. I will understand perfectly if this post is not accepted.

    All I know is that they were precluded from using them, and in the midst of this Arias won an order to represent herself and then backed out of it (short version). I believe they were shown to be bogus.


  43. Ode says:

    Jden says:

    January 18, 2013 at 10:35 am

    B, I have tried to find reference to the duct tape ceremonial meaning… to no avail. Would you kindly give a clue as to the name of this particular practice?

    The snips are in the piece and the hyperlink to the source on duct tape.
    I am freaking out a bit Blink…OMG do you think this is what she did. Just an FYI to readers here, you have to click on this portion of Blink’s article to see what she is referring to. I had been thinking all day why is tape wrapped around Travis’ did not seem a bondage type picture (50 shades of gray duct tape) wrapped around just one bicep. I think she put this poor guy through hours of torture. She was directing her own little fantasy clip of time.

  44. My Red Pony says:

    @ Eloise, Jan 17 at 6:55 pm

    I think I got the point the prosecution was trying to make. This person was Arias’ BFF. As women, our BFFs mean everything to us. We can all relate to Oprah and Gayle. We can’t tell our families our deepest, darkest secrets, that wouldn’t be right, and in some cases, it would be just plain creepy. We couldn’t tell our family that our boyfriend was beating the crap out of us, there’s no telling what they would do. But we can tell our BFF. The fact that Arias told her that she wasn’t seeing Travis any more but they were still friends, and the fact that this woman didn’t know that Arias was afraid of Travis goes to prove that Arias can’t even be trusted to tell the truth to her best friend … or that those things were just lies anyway. Either way, Arias is a first class liar. That’s what I think anyway.

  45. Ragdoll says:

    I’ve read a lot about the Mormon faith, how it came to be (Joseph Smith). It is NOT a Christian based faith. Interestingly enough, there is some old practices involving blood atonement. In Christianity, we are covered and washed clean by the blood of Christ. Sin is wiped clean and debt is paid by the shedding of the crucified and resurrected Christ. To affirm and accept His gift, we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, repent and seek reconcilation.

    This was an enlightening read for me. It sheds light on what may explain the ‘blood shed’ of Travis….or….it may not.

    I don’t believe this is a recognized practice in modern day Mormonism.

    Please, no chopping off my head. I want to emphasize that when I post, it’s because I believe it’s an honest question to ask. I was always told the dumbest question is the one not asked. It may be relevant. It may be completely non sense, but it’s genuine. I ALWAYS post from the heart, believing it MIGHT add insight. If it doesn’t, I know it’ll be quietly discarded.

    I sense there is great frustration upon all of us at BOC. The thought of another acquittal of the guilty and no justice for the victim, is horrifically taxing for all of us.

    I know some of my posts aren’t dumb since B has shared the same sentiments I’ve posted prior to this piece being put up. Therefore, I’m either right on the money or I’m not.

    I’m not the criminal. Just an advocate trying her best. Like all of you. Can we agree the majority of us are on the same page on many levels?

    I’m feeling like I was sucker punched for a post that wasn’t meant to create agitation or irritation, for that matter.

    I needed to confess and express. I appreciate y’all hearing me out. It’s ALWAYS posted with love. Only love, because I’m here, on this earth, to serve the Lord, to seek the truth and to not judge.

    Lulzat a post, is not acceptable. However, all is forgiven because I won’t allow anger to fester and attack the peace I have in my resurrected King.

    Peace be with you, all.

  46. Mom3.0 says:

    Okay Ill admit it that there are many questions that the prosecution left up in the air–

    not necessarily that they did not do enough to prove the case but these questions may nag at the juries minds just as they are nagging all of us and they may not feel comfortable in deciding that Jodi must lose her life either by death or in prison forever..

    the unasked questions are bothering us obviously as shown by their submitted questions they are bothering the jury too.

    The prosecution seems to be counting on their rebuttal to delve further into these witnesses and unasked questions

    what if the defense rests?

    Those pics are bothering us- I think they will bother the jury.
    The showerpics are strange

    The shower pics seem to pick up at a strange point- and then continue in a strange way…why is there so much time between pics why is Travis suddenly sitting why is his leg crossed over the other in such a strange manner in # 18

    why is Jodi suddenly taking pics of Travis sitting down but not of his face from strange angles then to go back and take the face pic…

    it makes no sense.

    I realize the State says that one picture of Travis the first with blood shows jodis pants and her foot

    How does that prove she WANTED to kill him …

    Jodi admits to killing him and nooneelse could have in the time it took for the picture to be taken…it seems that the gun and the knife had to be in the bathroom already
    and the # of wounds seem to depict overkill and her wanting him dead

    SHe says it was self defense

    Since she lied so much and cleaned the scene and slaughtered him there is no way this could have been self defense, right?

    She isnt really claiming self defense in the sense that it was do or die

    Travis wasnt savagely beating her or threatening her with the knife or gun but she is claiming that due to Travis treatment of her prior and his temperament she thought this rage over a dropped camera would mean her immediate death or extreme bodily harm..

    I dont buy it

    but if the defense puts on a good enough case

    if they present the unasked unanswered questions in Jodis best light…then i do believe Jodi Arias will walk free…..


  47. Ragdoll says:

    Cadillac says:
    January 18, 2013 at 6:49 pm

    Not sure if there are any Mormon’s on the jury, but a heck of a lot of testosterone (men)

  48. MandyVZ says:

    Don’t know if It’s been mentioned here or in the other thread but 48 Hours is covering this case tomorrow night. CBS at 9 CST.

    Thank you MandyVZ- I got confirmation of that today.

  49. She bought a gerry can o gasoline.
    Always a grain of truth.
    After esceaptng the ninjas she fled to the dessert.
    She dispossed of the gun an knife an burnt the bloody clothing an car mats an any other incriminateing evidence never to be found,
    Camra was also to be part of the bonfire of her vanity,
    But as Blink indicated she could have inadvertantly scooped it up with.
    The bloody sheets towells an Travis Mormon underwear.
    As she had deleted everything an probably didnt realise it had a memory card in it already.
    Just thought it only had the camras memory an those images were gone forever.

    Jody was an amateur photographer, she absolutely knew the difference between erasing the hard drive memory of a camera and the SD card- she actually admitted this several times. What I do not think she knew, which most do not, is how to use ENCASE- as those of us in the field do.

    No such thing as erasing anything without overwriting it.


  50. Jeff D says:

    ****way off topic…private if you choose***

    24days without smokes…just an fyi as you once said much the same to me

    Please quit my friend, it killed my beloved Mum who quit when I was in HS.

    Please forgive me for asking you to- I feel it is my duty as a result.



    I will never *not* post a comment like this on any thread at any time, unless I am asked to keep it private- you gave me the option :)

    I am so ridiculously proud of you JeffD- You better be as well, and know something from me- YOU CAN DO THIS.

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