Kyron Horman Missing: New Years Eve Settlement Ends Horman Marriage

Portland, OR- In a surprise court hearing,  Judge Henry Kantor signed off on the agreement between Kaine Horman and Terri Moulton Horman to end their marriage this afternoon.

Details of the agreement have not been released publicly, but according to KGW,  a financial settlement to include child support and a lump payment to Terri Horman has been reached.

In what can only be described as a bitter family court feud-  the divorce matter was last in court on December 16th to decide if the Horman landscaper,  Rodolfo Sanchez Estrada -who alleges Terri Horman tried to hire him to murder Kaine Horman at a lunch meeting – would testify.

Judge Kantor has not yet filed an order from that hearing but Attorneys for Terri Horman were granted a continuance from the pending temporary custody motion scheduled for December 19th and 20th.



BOC Associate Editor Tarin Kenley contributed to this report.




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  1. RedRose says:

    Has anyone ever talked about Intel being involved in steroid activities (like higher-ups who don’t want to lose their power)? Was Kaine maybe only one of the expendable ‘little fish’?

  2. GeorgiaDad says:

    Teaching the lids sign language may well be related to TMH’s possible hearing loss. On the other hand, the idea of teaching infants sign language was extremely popular 15 years ago. The idea was that children develop the intellect to communicate verbally before their vocal cords are able to create the appropriate sounds. Parents would teach their kids common signs in order to communicate. I remember seeing a television report about this and subsequently bought the book and video. Unfortunately, I was so busy with other things, that by the time I could teach my daughter sign language, she was already talking.

    In most cases, the sign language was abandoned when the children started talking and was promptly forgotten.

    If TMH does have severe hearing loss, this raises questions about her interaction with the Mexican landscaper. Someone with hearing loss (and possibly a related accent) could have a lot of difficulty speaking with someone with a strong foreign accent for whom English was a poorly-spoken second language.

  3. Rose says:

    @RedRose. have you inside knowledge?
    I’ve never read steroids were an Intel issue.
    If they were, wouldn’t Kaine buy there, not a gym?

  4. vwoolf says:

    Oh, Oh, it did it again, Blink.

    Please change previous comment’s ‘name’.

    I see now what to do.


  5. vwoolf says:


    “Woolf, Can you explain:
    vwrevisionstheNW etc is silent;
    missingpiece/autism is retired
    anotherkyronblog is ctrl/alt Delete

    How is it Warrior Soldiers’ multiple
    stalking sites sail on with wanted posters of
    2 ladies and ongoing threats and three “good guys”
    have folded em?”

    Rose: I’m sure you are aware that ‘knowledge’ and exposure of data is seen as ‘betrayal’ of the grieving parents in this case. And that haters make it their mission to to attack the messengers of data, facts, and opinions. To expose their children, family histories and occupations – even to claim to petition their employers.

    In fact, in many cases herein this case, it is their raison d’être.

    Still, many court documents, perused, call into question hitherto allegations that are unfounded (i.e. the ‘problem’ of Rudy’s deposition vs. the ‘facts’ originally reported by Maxine, etc.), or the ‘agreements’ in the divorces.

    Whether it would make any difference in the scheme of things to explore these docs more….is something I’ve put on the burner, i suppose. Other political issues in Oregon have most of my attention, most days. :-)

  6. MockingbirdSings says:

    Rose says:
    May 11, 2015 at 2:08 am
    @mbs. Any theories on hiw Kristina Porter got a 15 year teaching award in 2014-15
    (p 8 of 18)?
    In Spring 2010 she finished a 3rd yr of probationary teaching & got tenure.
    So she should have finished her 8th year in PPS. .

    @Rose – The awards say years of service. She may have worked in some capacity other than teacher while finishing her degree or waiting to be hired as a teacher – the job shown is what she has now, but she could have been employed by PPS for the additional years before that – maybe as a para educator, cafeteria worker, or any other PPS job. It also does not say continuous years of service. I recognize some names on the list that I know have taken time off and returned to PPS.

    I’m not sure how old she is or when she graduated from a teaching program – but this is my best guess for now.

  7. T. Ruth says:

    Hope you all had a happy Mother’s Day!

    @RedRose, yes we’ve discussed the possibility of an INTEL steroid connection many times here. Unfortunately, mainly just speculation, as we have no information of a connection.

  8. T. Ruth says:

    I found this interesting: (I removed poster’s name, because this person, though a teenager is still a minor.)

    Desiree, I know that this is a difficult day for you. I’d like to share a little story with you about your spectacular son, Kyron. I went to school with him in the 2009-2010 school year, I was in fifth grade and he was in second grade. My class room was right next to Ms. Porter’s, and sometimes I’d walk by to get a drink of water or to escape class for a bit. The door to Ms. Porter’s room was always ajar, and so I’d peek in to see what they were learning.

    Every single time I looked in, Kyron always had his hand up. He was always saying something, and I can remember that even by the age of 10, Kyron’s eloquence and intellect surprised me. He was by far, the smartest kid of the second grade.

    Your son is a truly remarkable kid. I use the present tense because he still is a remarkable kid. Kyron’s out there- let me know what I can do to spread the word of his search so that we can bring him home.

  9. T. Ruth says:

    Portland salary database: Why a fired administrator earned $371,353


    2) Part-time/seasonal: The city’s numbers are heavily skewed by Portland Parks & Recreation, which lists more than 3,200 employees. Of those, nearly 2,000 are part time or seasonal recreation leaders.

    O/T report sort of, but I was amazed to see just how many people work in the Parks & Recreation department.

    It appears Stenson, as of 2014, is still employed as Turf Maintenance Technician, somehow I thought he’d retired, (second link above.)

    Anywho, it made me wonder who would have mowed Skyline’s turf, if Dave Stenson had maybe called in sick or otherwise could not make it to work? Still thinking about people who were familiar with that school. I wonder if there is such a list available for the 2010 year?

  10. cd2 says:

    Rose says:
    May 11, 2015 at 2:25 pm
    I don’t think Staton would notice his navel if it ruptured.
    And we know O’Donnell has zero credibility.

  11. Rose says:

    wondering when was birth mother’s
    last spoken word in print or orally &
    what was the content?
    Stacey whosits (1 or the other) has a pic
    up of Houze with Terri, captioned.
    Rather daring imo.

  12. MockingbirdSings says:

    GeorgiaDad says:
    May 11, 2015 at 3:41 pm
    Teaching the lids sign language may well be related to TMH’s possible hearing loss. On the other hand, the idea of teaching infants sign language was extremely popular 15 years ago. The idea was that children develop the intellect to communicate verbally before their vocal cords are able to create the appropriate sounds. Parents would teach their kids common signs in order to communicate. I remember seeing a television report about this and subsequently bought the book and video. Unfortunately, I was so busy with other things, that by the time I could teach my daughter sign language, she was already talking.
    In most cases, the sign language was abandoned when the children started talking and was promptly forgotten.
    If TMH does have severe hearing loss, this raises questions about her interaction with the Mexican landscaper. Someone with hearing loss (and possibly a related accent) could have a lot of difficulty speaking with someone with a strong foreign accent for whom English was a poorly-spoken second language.

    @GeorgiaDad – We have a number of preschools and kindergartens around the Portland area, as well as private schools, which continue the signing or teach it to those who haven’t learned. But you are right – it can be like the few words of Spanish or French that pop up in kids’ books and shows like Sesame Street, then fade from memory. Ultimately, the parents have to decide whether to keep the skill going.

    I have a question relating to your mention of the landscaper. I do not lip-read more than a few words. My question is for those who do – how difficult is it to lip-read with someone speaking English poorly with a heavy accent? Would you know there was an accent or would the words appear generally as they would anyway?

    I keep thinking about misunderstandings, not just of what she thought she heard or saw (read), but also those misunderstandings leading to responses from her but based on what she incorrectly thought the other person was saying. Impossible to prove true, but not impossible to provide doubt.

    Lip-reading is a skill which is useful even if you can hear. I know someone with an auditory processing delay who relies on lip-reading in noisy rooms or when other distractions occur. I think when you have mastered it, the skill kicks in when needed – you don’t always stop and say “I think I’ll lip-read now.”

  13. Rose says:

    the Admin for Eugene hates Terri FB posts on behalf of Kelly’s fund:
    ” because of laws or not having the proper funding to bring in the right people. Imagine having to deal with this for 5 whole years. Imagine having to ask strangers for donations to help bring your child home. No mother or no family should have to do this! But the reality of the matter is, if they want to find their child, this is what has to be done. ”
    just imagine laws standing in the way of finding Kyron.
    Why haven’t they petitioned the State legislature to make new laws?
    And where is that elusive $80,000 or $60,000 or $50,000 the public previously
    donated to “search” to a bank?

    I’m confused- what “laws” are in the way according to this misguided individual?

    Wanna be clear on this issue- Desiree Young was paid by the Dr. Phil show and could afford to fund her own search a few times.

  14. Rose says:


    He is no longer with police, and has apparently been without Union defense & appeals, so criminal activity on that laptop is sure imo. And throwing out the case, rather than being merely righteous (and it was), without publicity as to the charge(s), guarantees a coverup.

    Apparently this is the only State LE group that could have been involved in the tech side of Kyron’s case.

  15. Malty says:

    Have the car washers posted ant pic or talked about this last car wash in KFalls
    They have always done this before after a car wash
    I have been looking
    So far I haven’t found a pic or a word
    Was it called off
    Or what?

  16. Amys Sister says:

    T. Ruth says:
    May 12, 2015 at 11:37 am

    I thought the post was ‘interesting’, also TRuth.

    I hope the upcoming searches are successful. Would be such a boon if evidence were uncovered.

    My son, who is Kyron’s age, still asks about the case once in while. He still mentions Kyron on the rare occasion Fireflies comes on the radio. I look at my boys accomplishments, how different he is than in 2010, the ways he has grown, and Kyron’s disappearance is almost more sad today than it was five years ago.

    This missing little sweetheart deserves closure. So do his parents.

  17. cd2 says:

    T. Ruth says:
    May 12, 2015 at 11:37
    ” He was always saying something, and I can remember that even by the age of 10, Kyron’s eloquence and intellect surprised me.”

    Wasn’t Kyron 7 not 10 when he disappeared, does anyone know if there was a 5th grade class next to Ms Porter’s class.

    This post sounds a little off to me for a 14-15 year old to have written. It just does not sound like typical teenager speak.
    5th grade in 2010 would be around 10 years old, + 5(years Kyron has been missing) would make this poster 15.

    “Desiree, I know that this is a difficult day for you. I’d like to share a little story with you about your spectacular son.”

    (when was the last time you heard a teenager was heard using the word spectacular in conversation) just saying.

    On the internet you can say you are any age you want to be.

    IMO Maybe it’s just me but the post just doesn’t sound right to me. i don’t know why someone would make something up like that so who knows.

  18. RedRose says:

    okay – thanks T.Ruth. I’ve been in and out and not caught up on some discussions. (Rose asked, too)

    I was just thinking that “if” someone with lots of power and connections at Intel would be involved in any of this, it would be in their interest and keeping their jobs if nothing was found out. I think the gyms are just tip-of-the-iceberg. There has to be some reason (besides stupidity or poor detective work) that a lot of information and people are being glossed over.

    I always wonder why little Kyron was made to pay, unless “they” were teaching his dad a lesson about something. However, I also fit him into the category as those doing the detecting. He seems only interested in getting rid of one wife and looking for another.

    Too bad, I always thought she really loved those little kiddies and she seemed to be like a really good mommy (and step mommy) for them.

    T. Ruth says: May 12, 2015 at 11:33 am

    @RedRose, yes we’ve discussed the possibility of an INTEL steroid connection many times here. Unfortunately, mainly just speculation, as we have no information of a connection.

  19. Rose says:

    wrt “I’m confused- what “laws” are in the way according to this misguided individual?”
    My guess, when I read that, was the law you can’t beat Terri to death to extract Kyron’s whereabouts which
    this crew firmly believes Terri knows.

    Ignorance- sheer ignorance.

  20. Rose says:

    Malty. They have posted the local KF kdrv TV film repeatedly.
    They seemed to be better organized with more car traffic there
    than previously, thanks to local talent on camera. The
    “Message” part to me did not focus on Kyron & the circumstanes of his
    disappearance but stalking DDS in her hometown complete with a stack of wanted fliers they
    were handling out with her picture. That is, imo, the worker bees were misleading the public
    at the gofundme owner’s direction imo.

  21. cd2 says:

    Rose says:
    May 13, 2015 at 1:53 pm
    the Admin for Eugene hates Terri FB posts on behalf of Kelly’s fund:
    ” because of laws or not having the proper funding to bring in the right people. Imagine having to deal with this for 5 whole years. Imagine having to ask strangers for donations to help bring your child home. No mother or no family should have to do this! But the reality of the matter is, if they want to find their child, this is what has to be done. ”
    just imagine laws standing in the way of finding Kyron.
    Why haven’t they petitioned the State legislature to make new laws?
    And where is that elusive $80,000 or $60,000 or $50,000 the public previously
    donated to “search” to a bank?
    Maybe someone should tell her MCSO did search for Kyron and spent millions of dollars.

    The places where DY searches are areas already been covered multiple time by MCSO and DY (costs more than $1.4 million).

    There are other missing persons that need to searched for as well as Kyron. The families of these people would like to know what happened to/where are their loved ones too.

    Over the past year, investigators have compiled 68 four-inch binders of information, and conducted more than 3,500 interviews, collecting more than 4,500 leads. They’ve invested more than 26,650 hours on the case, and search and rescue officials and volunteers have put in 24,638 hours toward looking for Kyron. The case has cost more than $1.4 million.

  22. Malty says:

    DDS seems just to ignore them I see those hand outs but can’t read what they say
    A waste of donated money to print up flyers on DDS LOL

    Have you noticed there have been more kidnappings in the news lately
    Attempted kidnappings Nothing like Kyron Most are found safe So far

  23. Malty says:

    I was upset about the way DDS was treated but now I think they are just wasting search money and time on harassing her
    She seems to be able to just ignore them and do her own thing

    I continue to be upset for her. I think the DA has an obligation to publicly clear her considering they named her in the first place. I have no first hand knowledge of this, but if I were a betting person if Dede ever does decide to take a stand it will be in civil litigation.

  24. Rose says:

    attempt on boy in Wyomissing

    I would be interested in the race of the intended victims.

  25. Rose says:

    Did the DA name her? or MCSO?
    I thought mother Young did.

  26. Rose says:

    contriving suggestive showups reminds me of DA & MCSO
    posters with Terri & the vehicle she drove.
    good precedent & maybe a Supr Ct case in Houze’s future
    if the 9th Circ rules differently wrt a civil suit
    against Frink, Underhill, & Staton some day.

  27. Sunshine_4me says:

    Over 10,000 posts on this current thread..again..and still no Kyron or leads..sad that nothing changes.

  28. thatkewlgirl says:

    @ about that Intel connection….

    Just a thought and IMO something to ponder… it would make a lot of sense (the coverup and protections) if Kaine was the connection from the gym TO Intel…. if he was the middle man dealer of steroids. That would explain the quick legal gag from Intel, as well as his ongoing relationship with Briede’s network at Xtreme Edge.

  29. Malty says:

    i was watching TV and suddenly my phone was making all kinds of loud sounds and boucning around
    It was an Amber alert on the little 3 year old taken this week
    I had forgotten I had set it to notify me of Amber alerts What a neat idea
    The little girl is safe
    That Amber alert sure got my attention

  30. Malty says:

    I do worry one day one of these unstable people will go to far and someone will get hurt or worse

  31. erose says:

    The bottom line is that when someone is given immunity (and the DA has never contested her claim) it is usually because LE or the DA believe that person has information that will lead to another person’s arrest. Almost 2 years later and no arrest, so obviously to thinking people, DDS had no information wrt Kyron Horman that would lead to the arrest of TH. DUH.

    If LE and the DA had any evidence that TH was involved in the disappearance, they would have leaked something substantial by now, IMO, if only to progress the case. Their silence speaks volumes. What is frustrating is it is possible they are sitting on a real lead or leads that will never be explored because anything that leads away from TH will reveal that they were on the wrong track.

    It is inexcusable that they shattered a family and destroyed a person’s life in the process, but it is utterly inconceivable that they would let this perp roam free.


    In an online article, Dede Spicher claims she has passed a polygraph, signed an immunity deal with prosecutors, and agreed to tell all before the grand jury investigating the case.

    Those new details were first reported in the online blog

    Spicher spoke exclusively to the website s editor-in-chief but KGW independently confirmed the interview took place.

    In the article, Spicher says she’s been unfairly portrayed and that she has been cooperative with investigators. She says her only request was that her attorney be present during police interviews, and that her account has never wavered.

    Spicher claims she had nothing to do with Kyron’s disappearance and she was at work the day he disappeared from Skyline School on June 4, 2010. Spicher told People Magazine in 2010 she and Terri had nothing to hide.

  32. Amys Sister says:

    I cannot see steroids being the impetus behind Kyron’s disappearance. Steroids are simply not a sought after crime on the part of law enforcement.

    Only taken in the context of law enforcement officers who are already crooked and feel threatened if their own personal use is exposed would I personally consider it to be a factor and even then it would have to include other more serious crimes which could potentially be exposed under the pretext of illegal steroid use and distribution.

    Steroids are readily available at any given moment with very little fear of prosecution. I personally cannot see a child being abducted as a result.

    AS- in theory, small potatoes, I agree. Personally, as you know, I believe Kyron’s abduction is sexually motivated and has nothing whatsoever to do with steroids, but to date, I cannot rule out the facts in evidence and the major, major busts that take place ( part of an ongoing federal probe) of people that Kaine knew, and in some cases, as I understand it, were important enough to receive subpoenas to prove just that in the divorce case. My point is- we do not know how the criminal activity COULD have increased Kyron’s risk from a criminology study. Similarly- we really have had to rely on LE discretion to conclude RSE was not behind it.

    What I can say is that steroid sales and use have impacted the criminal investigation as well as the civil proceedings to date. As an example- what if it were to come to light that steroid usage was discussed openly at the Horman residence by officers who admitted to their usage- in front of other officers.

    I won’t be able to provide further context of that, but it came from a highly credible source. Keep in mind also, that I don’t think anyone can say with certainty in the face of the potential of losing their livelyhood, their family, social status and liberty if that prospect might not cause them to panic and make rash decisions to try to thwart it. I can tell you as a fact, that Kaine Horman made the claims he did, and stuck to them.

  33. Rose says:

    true tkg.

    I am liking more and more the idea of Terri as his midday gym mule tho,
    which imo would be in character for him (her doing his work). .
    motive for
    1) him to disable & distance from her,
    2) her to have a poly Question while she was still protecting him
    3) enable him to show as truthful on poly, if he did
    4) potentially incriminating her for something.

  34. Rose says:

    if she did his mule work, on nonschool days it would mean
    Kyron was with her, thus coming to a Bad Guy’s attention.

    jmo, but I do not believe TH would have been involved in that whatsoever after turning in a dealer. I believe the steroid use occuring when Ky went missing was hidden from her, thus why he was at the gym at 5 am daily.

  35. RedRose says:

    That’s kind of what I was thinking. Intel is being SO “low profile” and so much attention is pointing to the gyms, and Kaine also seems to have somebody carefully covering his patootie for him.

    @thatkewlgirl says:May 15, 2015 at 4:05 pm
    @ about that Intel connection….

  36. erose says:

    He had been on the run since 2002, when he was originally wanted for sexually assaulting a child.

  37. T. Ruth says:


    The poster was referring to herself as 10 YOA (5th grade), not Kyron. However, I agree with you a million percent, that post and the words used, do not sound like a post of someone who would now be only 15 or 16. That is one of the reasons I found it interesting, btw, as well as the door “always” being open, as well as, this child stepping out to get a drink or whatever. Interesting post to me on many levels, interesting as well here we have a poster who was noting Kyron’s ability to please and his intelligence. I hope LE is still monitoring and is on to this sort of on-line posting. Sigh, probably too much internet to monitor. (Hey, maybe that’s where we come in? IDK, but I’d like to think we’ve done nothing to hinder the case, and only by discussion have possibly stepped it up. Who knows?)


    Yes we have discussed this possiblity, and it makes sense, but without any other knowledge, it’s just speculation on our part, but would explain KH’s letter and a most necessitated BIG MONEY coverup.
    I have asked since day 1, when that memo was absolutely meant to be an “INTER-OFFICE” memo was leaked…….who leaked it? Certainly was not KH. First time I saw the link, it linked back to some legal firm.

  38. T. Ruth says:

    Adding to my last post, Who in the hell writes a check for illegal steroids?

    Answer…..someone who thinks they are above the law.


  39. Rose says:

    5 am DAILY? injections?

    People who seriously work out do it every other day.

    I mean, why limit it to steroids, then?

  40. Rose says:

    @AS ” Steroids are simply not a sought after crime on the part of law enforcement”
    This is a time frame when DEA etc was actively going after steroid dealors, particularly those
    shipping from overseas (Asia, Mex, Canada). Terri had just turned over the name of a
    dealor in the food chain.

  41. Rose says:

    @cd/TRuth. agree no teen wrote that. reminds me of a poster on an ILiveKyron type site, can’t remember who.
    Maybe a bleeding psychic. Someone with a rich fantasy life.

  42. Rose says:

    “of people that Kaine knew, and in some cases, as I understand it, were important enough to receive subpoenas to prove just that in the divorce case” He seemed male friendless but for Rotan (motorcycles), Glen of Bottoms Up fame (& some sports team he loved), and the Calif Intel man who led Octoberfest groups to Germany/also car factory tours. Maybe this relates to “Who is yr Supervisor?” in the depo?

  43. T. Ruth says:

    Date wise, can anyone tell me who the first person to *publicly* implicate Terri as even a suspect was? I thought it was TY in the Dateline production, but which story came first? Was it, DY’s *I knew it when I hung up the phone*, or was the first story Dateline’s interview with TY when he said he was just explaining everything to all of them and knew something wasn’t right, because (he said) Terri started acting weird, or whatever??? Just trying to sort this out. (Of course we have no idea of the date those Dateline interviews were actually done, but Dateline does.)

  44. erose says:

    Apologies for the length of this post. The steroid issue is complex as you can see by the research below. Possession is a federal offense, though the DEA does not prioritize enforcement. The DEA was present at the sting on TH with a buff RSE and the DEA was on the list of supporting agencies for MCSO in the search for Kyron, why exactly? And did KH seek out Rackner for her prior relationship with the DEA?

    I inserted a lot of ****** where I thought these articles were relevant to the Hormans, such as people who discontinue steroids use alcohol as a substitute. Could this have been the impetus of TH’s DUI? Could she have been a user in ’05, under the tutelage of Briede? The fact is if KH was involved in steroid abuse, it is possible the people in and out of the Horman household were unhinged, as described below.

    Who knows if steroids have a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g to do with Kyron’s abduction, however why would DY be so upset over TH’s alleged alcohol abuse and not seem to give a wit about the schedule III substance abuse going on in the same home? and all the potential characters, drugs and crimes that could have accompanied those needles and cancelled checks, or did she look the other way because steroids are a cop thang anyway.


    Federal and most state laws dictate that the sales of anabolic steroids, possession of steroids, or possession of steroids with intent to sell, are all classified as ****felonies.******* Any individual who is convicted of the sale of steroids, or possesses steroids unlawfully with intent to sell, may be penalized by up to five years in prison under federal law. That same individual may face more than 5 years of punishment, depending on their states law. Almost every state has sanctioned various laws placing anabolic steroids in the Controlled Substance category.

    Recent statistics estimate as many as 6 million Americans have used or currently do use steroids. While the vast majority of users do not get caught, the penalties are steep for ones that do. The legal consequences of possession of anabolic steroids may be a felony criminal charge in state or federal court. The enactment of the Federal Anabolic Steroid Control Acts of 1990, which was expanded by Congress in 2004, places steroids in the ******Schedule III****** legal class, along with barbiturates, LSD precursors, veterinary tranquilizers, and narcotic painkillers. This would make simple unlawful possession a federal offence, punishable by up to one year in prison and/or a minimum fine of $1,000 for a first offense.

    Arrests for personal steroid possession are occurring at a more frequent rate. *******Personal possession may be discovered through searches with warrants at a person’s residence or gym.********* A person may also find himself or herself searched without a warrant in situations such as traffic stops, border crossings, mail order discovery, and personal searches.

    Even if a prison sentence is ultimately avoided, the consequences of just being arrested for steroid possession are likely to result in legal expenses and even seizure or forfeiture of assets. A criminal conviction may hinder employment opportunities, require fines and include incarceration. An individual possessing a professional license may find that a conviction could be reported to their state licensing authority, placing their current employment in jeopardy. A Schedule III drug conviction may result in the suspension of a person’s drivers license and restrict their ability to purchase or own a firearm.

    “The whole system is one big, ugly mess,” said Gene Haislip, a former high-ranking official with the Drug Enforcement Administration.

    The system starts with the DEA, the agency that was put in charge of the national law enforcement effort with enactment of the 1990 Anabolic Steroids Control Act. Despite evidence that the steroids trade is booming, the DEA made only 67 arrests this year, the lowest haul since the federal law went into place. So far, 36 have been convicted.

    “Steroids aren’t even on the DEA’s radar screen anymore,” said Phil Halpern, a federal prosecutor in San Diego.

    It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Congress specifically put the DEA in charge of the effort to send the message that it was serious about cracking down on steroids traffic.

    The use of anabolic androgenic steroids may be associated with an antisocial lifestyle involving several types of crime, including weapons offenses and fraud, but did not appear to be associated with violent crimes or crimes against property, according to an article in the November issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

    Non-prescription steroid use has been linked to a number of psychiatric conditions and changes in behavior, according to background information in the article. “Case reports or survey studies of groups using anabolic androgenic steroids (e.g., bodybuilders) have described hypomania or manic episodes, depression or suicide, psychotic episodes and increased aggressiveness and hostility,” the authors write. “This aggressiveness appears to occasionally trigger violent behavior, sometimes even including homicide.”

    Research also indicates that some users might turn to other drugs to alleviate some of the negative effects of anabolic steroids. For example, a study of 227 men admitted in 1999 to a private treatment center for addiction to heroin or other opioids found that 9.3 percent had abused anabolic steroids before trying any other illicit drug. Of these 9.3 percent, 86 percent first used opioids to counteract insomnia and irritability resulting from anabolic steroids.

    It has been shown that steroid use has negative side affects on its users, such as causing increased libido, irritability, forgetfulness, hostility, severe mood swings and violent outbursts.

    Individuals who used steroids were twice as likely to be convicted of a weapons charge as those who never used steroids. One explanation for this finding is that, with steroidal use, offenders are more heavily built, bulked and physically more capable of carry out these violent crimes. Also, those who abuse steroids are clinically shown to have a *********lower level of empathy.**********

    Personality disorders have also been linked to steroidal abuse. And, when steroid abusers **************discontinue the use of steroids, they are more likely to develop drinking problems.*********** Also, when abusing steroids and using other illegal drugs, fraud crimes spiked. *******Opiate drug abuse was a secondary drug of choice for steroid addicts.*********

    ************Sex crimes are also prevalent with steroid use due to the fact that, as stated earlier, with steroid use there is lower impulse control, high aggressiveness, and an increase in libido.************

    see Case Illustration H

    Thank you for that research erose- clearly it is as serious a consideration, imo

  45. erose says:

    May 2015 FBI “Operation Juice Box”

    As you will read, at least one of the steroid distributors was also dealing in oxys and coke. Just like Traverso, who had the house that the cops wouldn’t touch, even when the neighbors complained about the drug traffic.

  46. Rose says:

    @TRuth. The question is not who writes a check for steroids but who accepts a check made out in his name for steroids? (KH would probably think everyone does it (in his circles) and not worry.) It’s the sellor with the worry.

    So, imo, Whoever accepted a check in his name probably sells other goods & mdse & could always claim it was for a legitimate business sale.

    There was a PA lawyer who pled guilty & was disbarred for receiving in the mail from a friend in CA some marijuana & oxy for personal use (back injury); his problem was use of the US mail. Maybe the gym-based sellor received his product by mail. who else was at 24 hour daily in 2009 at 5 am receiving checks?
    And then changed base of operations to 5 am on June 4 at Edge?

    Someone in bodybldg who traveled internationally perhaps and also sold legal nutrition products?

  47. Rose says:

    overlapping interest: cars, cars, cars
    did these guys work out?

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