Kyron Horman Missing Case: Terri Horman Breaks Her Silence In People Magazine Interview

New York, NY-  For nearly five and a half years Terri Horman has refused to speak publicly about her step-sons case.  Outside of one assertion of her innocence while on the stand in a name change hearing she ultimately was denied, Horman did not speak to any reporters or answer any of their questions regarding Kyron Hormans disappearance. Until Now.

Horman courtesy of People

Horman was interviewed by People Magazines Elaine Aradillas for both the print and online editions,  and will be doing a series of personal interviews over the next week, to include

In the brief online video excerpt , the second part to air on ABC’s Good Morning America Friday morning,  Horman  maintains she is deaf in her left ear, a critical factor in the outcome of her first polygraph.

“… At what point are Kyron’s biological parents going to realize I don’t have the answers, they need to change this thing around…”

“…There is so much the public is not being told about this investigation, that’s why I am doing this- nobody is looking for Kyron…”

Horman’s interview drew sharp reactions from Kaine Horman and Desiree Young, Kyron’s parents.

“…Why is she silent for 5 1/2 years if she is innocent.  I want her to tell me where Kyron is.  If she is innocent she should call Multnomah County Sheriffs Office and sit down for an interview…”-  Desiree Young

“Hi friends. Yes I am well aware of the tabloid journalism piece in the media today. FYI – there will be more of the same coming Friday
We have a HOST of MCSO and FBI investigators STILL standing by with interviews and polygraphs when someone actually wants to cooperate. FEEL FREE TO STOP BY THEY ARE WAITING!! STILL!! Until then we’ll stick with the scores of people with valid/accurate information and the failed polygraphs as the only actual actions taken to-date.  To all of you: how about not linking the article/interview?
REMEMBER KYRON?!?!? This is what we need to be focused on!!
Love you Kyron!!” – Kaine Horman post on his Facebook Page

Christina Stoy, Editor In Chief was able to confirm with Ms. Horman directly that she has been willing to meet with Kyron’s investigators both previously and in the future with the sole provision that it be conducted in the presence of her Attorney,  Portland criminal defense lawyer Stephen Houze.

Horman went on to say that investigators with the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office have been well aware of “that” over the last five and a half years and they have never requested an interview.  Um, What?

Horman reveals some shocking details about the subsequent polygraphs examinations referenced by Kaine Horman and Desiree Young and other allegations of improper tactics on behalf of MCSO in the second half of her interview to air tomorrow morning on abc’s GMA and on Nightline.

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  1. Rose says:

    it’s that predecessor Gardner’s DC job site that’s sent $ to successor
    Avakian for the upcoming Sec of State primary.

  2. Rose says:

    reviewing my summary of mcso happenings at
    (Rose says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    March 20, 2016 at 6:04 pm)
    My opinion is whoever was assigned this beat by the Oregonian
    (not looking it up) in June 2009-June 2010 was negligant in the extreme
    or perhaps just smoking weed with the Chair.

  3. Rose says:
    tiny print at bottom has a 2007, but that’s not necessarily when this published

    Gates is still a Lt and this moment (pre Lindstrand), he’s a “spokesperson.”
    He said SIU had busted 40 meth labs that year alone.

    this is the Unit that MCSO said in summer 2009 they’d lay off deputies from to make up the Budget shortfall? What an empty threat, but Enforcement Union members believed it and voted to can their COLA. Happened under Ted Wheeler Chair; shame on him (altho all other Cty Commissioners appeared clueless as well.)

    the work in this article was typical of SIU.
    BTW imo any FBI CARD team would look at Kyron, his family, & social systems. But, Imo there is no likelihood those personnel were trained to include local LE dysfunctional agency’s social systems’ and their individual personnel’ risk or impact, nor other County/City agencies and personnel. Imo in this case, that myopic professional vision mattered.

    btw that meth lab maven Ted had a decade long prior hx of same, but by 2013 & 14 he’s mentioned as being in Bend. Not looking too much, but he was about 55 in 2010. He’s the disorganized type tho. (Which is an argument against an habitual drug user or mentally ill person as abductor).
    I obviously got to this page due to “Lt Gates’” blurb, but the many examples of WOW as a opening to child predation reminds me Blink if you queried her re the role all family members (self, KH, JM, QMcC) of use, if any, of that site–might have let a vampire in?

    odd:, a translation wrt Gates & meth labs by a “student”

    2008 point of contact with Wood Village:

    2007: public contact, Guisto SAR media event

    2012 Spokesperson re Desiree’s suit. erroneously called a Lt.

    2006 Spokesperson for Sheriff Office

    thruout 2006-8 he’s called a spokesman for the Office.
    What merited making Captn in 12/09 then?
    Not Correctionor Enforcement experience.
    Why was Lindstrand so often called spokesman in the Horman investigation?

    So as I read press back facilely and briefly, up until his promotion to Captn in 12/09, Gates was primarily the reigning Sheriff’s public liaison (Guisto, Skipper, Slyter, Staton) and press spokesperson. Not deep detective or enforcement creds. Bet he was DDY’s contact.

  4. A Texas Grandfather says:


    Your question in post 44 on this page is a good one. Most of us on this site would like to have that question answered. Skyline is outside the city limits of Portland, but if the procedure manuals set-out that PPB was lead agency for problems at any school in the district that raises a very large red flag for me.

    I have always thought that lax supervision at the school created the opportunity for the abduction. I also believe that someone at the school on a regular basis is either totally or partially responsible.

  5. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Chief Jason Gates is one smart guy.(Sarc.)

    Calling principal Keefer’s remarks a “grammatical error” tells me that he doesn’t know what he is talking about. He probably heard that statement made somewhere and thought it sounded good. Ignorance abounds among the MCSO people.

  6. Rose says:

    @ATG. What amazed me was it appears now-Commander Gates regular mcso responsibility dating back to 2006 anyway was to be mcso’ spokesman and public liason contact point. When Staton took over at least 5 yrs at that gig.

  7. MockingbirdSings says:

    @Rose – I do appreciate your work. You must read at an incredible speed. :)
    At first I thought trying to track all these MCSO people and relationships and decisions was impossible, then that it was interesting but not necessarily important to the case, but now I’m looking at it as how the h- could these people expect to discover the ingredients in a bowl of chili, let alone do a criminal investigation of any kind?
    Mercy me!

  8. Rose says:

    OT I guess these campaigners, Bill next, must go to vancouver–
    Portland’s city across the border– for this headline below because
    Oregon, except for its tea party sheriffs, is the ne plus ultra of the complained of establishment politics:

    “Bernie Sanders attracts thousands to Vancouver rally, decrying ‘establishment politics”

  9. Rose says:

    OT when I briefly googled city of portland portland police bureau interagency agreement 2009, I realized the City has so many of these IAs, it is impossibke. Idk why it popped up so easily for me in 2010 as I would nit have kniwn that IA term then. It must have been the key word in the document, jurisdiction along with pps.

    Anyhow I learned these LE agencies have so many of these little IAs as budget shifting of monies devices between agencies, I was reminded why didn’t mcso and Troutdale PD simply have one of these IAs for patrol services in tandom with a rental agreement with the County for their new police bldg? That was the way to do it. There could have only been 2 reasons to not use an IA for patrol services imo, but rather to entirely dissolve that PD. 1) it is a liability shifting of onus in the event of tort suits from Troutdale to the County. 2) It shifts the Troutdale personnel to the County payroll, greatly enriching them for the same work. No wonder Yankee was having a professional hissy fit. Slyter btw ran for Troutdale city council in 2012, and I bet he would’ve fixed their PD’s finances. The elderly gentleman was thoroughly trounced by 2 young ging ho and reasonably attractive men. Too bad for Troutdale voters imo.

  10. Rose says:

    OT @mbs. thank you. incredibly fast reading plus photo-type memory of what I read got me thru school, but hasn’t otherwise helped me, yet it has hurt to see my kids (adoptive) suffer in school as they have the 2 polar opposite as weaknesses. You and someone with TMH’s training would understand that. it’s just the google age, and I would never have finished ANY NYTimes crossword puzzles in the days without google on a phone.

  11. Rose says:

    @mbs. There was a perfect storm of turnover and dysfunction in May 2010 (when he planned) among: County Comm’s & new Chair, at the State level (Gov had many new high level appointees), in the City of Portland (Mayor etc), PPB new Chief & his chosen, MCSO new Sheriff & his many chosen and UNchosen–far more dusfunctional than PPB as an agency, PPS newish Supt & her leadership.
    Then figure in that the abductor CHOSE a school he thought was in MCSO’ jurisdictionally and was the most isolated rought terrain school in Portland.
    my conclusion is this white male of a certain age range
    was a local, probably a County native.
    He was well-read of local newspapers and
    well aware of all agency and City / County political doings and
    the leadership employees’ weaknesses and challenges.
    He is brilliant.
    He probably fits Blink’s profile, but while self-gratification and the more she has hinted at,
    were primary gratifiers, he was also likely motivated by resentment and/or vengeance on
    MCSO, PPS, or both OR on aspects of the City-County “political establishment” as Bernie likes
    to call it.
    I am betting he is financially well off with secure private home spaces and has played a role
    at least prior to the abduction in some aspect of the political life of the area.
    He may also have been an employee of a city or county agency whose career or income had been
    adversely affected in the preceding couple years.
    The “detectives” should have been looking at those types of white males.

  12. Rose says:

    Portland seems to have had a lot of those political type male hangers on, and a lot of
    employees in these agencies who reasonably could have grudges. Needle in haystack.

  13. Rose says:

    Hales’ 2013 budget proposal.
    p 2 under Emphasize Intergovernmental Cooperation,
    there’s a hx of IAs between PPB and (separately) PPS, MCDA, Dept of Community Justice.
    p4,5 Reese and Hales propose to eliminate most if not all of these IA LE and MCDA positions and programs.
    Idk how it turned out, but if Hales didn’t succeed, I betcha Wheeler, who tightened mcso’s belt severely in 2009, would. So I predict LE and pps’ unions jumped on Bailey’s bandwagon early.

  14. A Texas Grandfather says:


    A bowl of chili is a complex mixture. Way over the capabilities of these people to examine.

    IMO the MCSO organization is not about looking after their responsibilities to the people, but furthering their own advancement and finding a way to make more money for themselves. I would also put the County Commissioners in the same classification.

  15. T. Ruth says:

    @Rose says:
    March 20, 2016 at 7:02 pm

    “We know now from several high level employees Staton only allowed thise in “spokesperson” roles who said what he directed AND WHOM HE TRUSTED whether to the public, Commissioners, or County staff. Here is a clearcut example of Gates being an untruthful spokesperson on this issue wrt information Keefer had been told.”


    Bingo. The question remains as to why? Why not admit there is a criminal investigation? I thought it was the 11th when they admitted it, but looking back it wasn’t until the 13th, here’s the statement issued by Cpt. Monte Resier:


    Good afternoon. I am Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office Captain Monte Reiser. We’re here today with Kyron’s family. Again, they are not prepared to answer questions today — but they wanted to show their support for the ongoing operations.

    Kyron’s family has received a large shipment of Kyron’s missing-person T-shirts that they would like to provide to the community. The shirts will be available on a first-come, first-served basis at the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office Hansen Building, located at 12240 NE Glisan Street in Portland, Oregon. T-shirts will be available at 3 p.m. today.

    Also, Sheriff Dan Staton is going to make a statement shortly — but I want to start with an update on the logistics of the search for Kyron.

    We are on Day 10 of the search. As of this afternoon, the search-and-rescue crews will have completed the mission that we set out for them. And that mission was to search — and in many cases search two or three or more times — EVERY location of interest. That includes an extremely wide area of land around the school, around the home and the land in-between. It also includes a number of individual locations that have come up as a result of tips and investigative leads that we have been working.


    With the search-and-rescue mission completed at this time, we are moving operations toward the criminal investigative end of the spectrum. While we still are keeping all options open, it is a natural progression to move the overall focus to a criminal case.

    Also, I recall some officer, whether it was Gates, Reiser, or Staton, I can’t remember, but when asked by a reporter why it had become a criminal case, the answer was something along the lines of *because his family has been without him for X # of days*.

    So “natural progression” or not, we know now that there was a criminal investigation going on early on in the first place, because Blink tells us those being interviewed in the early days were already being told TDI, which wold be a custodial crime if nothing else. So why were they lying about it? IDK.

  16. T. Ruth says:

    @MockingbirdSings says:
    March 21, 2016 at 2:48 am


    ” but now I’m looking at it as how the h- could these people expect to discover the ingredients in a bowl of chili, let alone do a criminal investigation of any kind?
    Mercy me!”

    Let me guess, because they used SAR dogs? It’s been said they can smell every ingredient in a dish, so maybe they thought they were safe. LMAO

  17. Rose says:

    @TRuth. wrt “So why were they lying about it? IDK.”
    (it being whether a criminal investigation wasExistant on 6/8 as Keefer was aware of).

    I go with
    1) mcso not wanting to fess up a pps
    gave permission for K to go to a truck with an unknown male, and
    2) mcso stalling so Enforcement side Union employees (incl patrol & SAR)
    had a few more days to recoup that cola loss thru overtime pay after
    interviews and film established both Esther Mathew’s last sighting into
    unknown male hands, and Terri’s whereabouts/timeline.

    Keefer was aware it was a criminal matter on 6:8 imo
    because by that date it was known
    it was Keefer’s K teacher Supervisee who
    had the last school sighting of
    Kyron with an “unknown” male who took
    him outside against pps policy.

  18. Rose says:

    Blink you may wisely judge not post-worthy.

    but, this one’s for Malty’s election entertainment.

    imo the wall cost is to donald as this investigation’s cost is to Staton’s Nov 2010 actual election.

    Interestingly, in 2014 the Corrections’ Union had buyer’s remorse.

  19. Ode says:

    Rose I feel like you are always there to show us things we would never look at and to be honest most of it floats by and then today I feel you almost slapped us saying…look for this…this is who mystery man (?woman) is. The most declarative post yet. Blink is my teacher, you are her complement. What a fabulous lesson this is. I love this place. Now to look stupid…does you description fit DAD?

  20. erose says:

    Two articles stating that the case was upgraded to criminal investigation overnight. Also, one articles states that PPB “handed” the case to MCSO.

    Police are looking for a second grader from Skyline Elementary who did not come home from school Friday.

    Story Published: Jun 4, 2010 at 8:42 PM PDT

    Story Updated: Jun 5, 2010 at 12:42 PM PDT

    Late Friday night the search for 7-year-old Kyron Horman was upgraded to a major crimes team investigation which brings in the FBI. Officials said the search was upgraded because the FBI has more resources.

    Authorities upgrade search for missing Portland boy to major crimes investigation
    By Allan Brettman, The Oregonian
    June 05, 2010, 9:37AM

    Detectives were going door to door in a rural part of Northwest Portland Saturday after the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office upgraded the search for a missing 7-year-old boy to a Major Crimes Team investigation, employing more than 150 personnel from several metro-area law enforcement agencies and the FBI.

    Portland police responded to initial reports of the missing boy, then handed the case to the sheriff’s office, which has jurisdiction in unincorporated areas of the county.

  21. Rose says:

    pardon my ignorance. Troutdale & Mult County did do this takover by Intergovernmental Agreement

  22. Rose says:

    the 6/13/10 announcement by Staton it’s a criminal investigation. (pinned down by TRuth)
    Occasion is to explain Search resource downsizing & offer a reward

    for 3 days, gates & Reiser are at odds over who is named incident commander:;

    In a 6/12/10 mcso media release, Reiser called himself the “Incident Commander” for the preceding period.

    6/11/10, the day before, when Reiser & Gates were both on record, the reporter used the anonymous term “imcident commanders” (plural).

    On 6/10/10 Gates claims to be “the Incident Commander for today”:
    “News Release from: Multnomah Co. Sheriff’s Office DAY 7 1200 MCSO BRIEFING REGARDING THE CONTINUING SEARCH FOR KYRON HORMAN
    Posted: June 10th, 2010 1:53 PM
    Good Afternoon. I’m Capt. Jason Gates, and I am the Incident Commander for today in the continuing search for Kyron.”
    misc, the tag team of Gates and Reiser:
    in 12/09 Gates has previously moved up from river patrol to in charge of patrol generally (therefore Patrol Olson’s supervisor) and remains there after his promo to Captn. Reiser is moved from heading the Investigations Div to be an “Administrative Captn”.

    in 4/15, Reiser’s still a Captn & his portfolio includes Logistics Evidence.

    in 6/13 Reiser: For budget purposes, he is the SAR program contact

    remember under threat of losing
    the SIU (major special drug
    enforcement team), the 6/2009
    Herron led the Enfircement Union
    to forego colas?

    Well, that was not a new threat.
    Same SIU threat was made in the
    same month in 2007:
    Apparently a recurring ploy to get more budget $. in my earlier url Lt Gates was the mcso public liason/spokesman to Wood Village. This time we see Moore, Elliott, Gates, & Reiser as a team at Wood Village.
    In 6/10 Reiser was in charge of communicating to SAR to go home.

    Back in Oct 2009, Reiser is head of Investigations Div.
    Reiser is the person whom Elliott, his supervisee, in early 2009 said allegedly falsely signed Moore’s certification work that tasks had been done properly.

    In June 2008 Reiser writes on SIU to the public as Chief of Investigation Div

    in 2004 Gates was mentioned on this ifish thread as River Patrol Sgt, and Reisor as a Lt. Been together a long time.

    last pic, April 17, 2010, just before the abduction, Gates was id’d as a Captn with River Patrol. However it was my impression in 12/09 he was in charge of land patrol as well.‘tip’-law-enforcement-folks-–-but-don’t-get-arrested-for-bribery/

    May 2010 Upcoming budget lists Captn Gates as River Patrol.

    This was the abduction “incident commander?” This was the MCSO spokesman mistaken by some press as lead investigator? Captn of Patrol?
    Blink, the college degree requirement instituted in 1965 by Sheriff Clark – in

    this is a puzzling document:
    In Oct 2010, Rather than a Captn being in charge of the Investigations Div, a Sgt (unidentified) is in charge of the Investigations Div (Background, paragraph 2). That’s a big supervisory jump down from a Captn to a Sgt identified publically as in charge of the Investigations Division and must have happened in 12/09 when Reiser was moved to Administrative Captn. This Div detective sgt may or may not be the Task Force sgt; it’s not clear to me. He reported to an Investigations Lt (Walls), who reported to an operations captn (who?) who reported to a chief Deputy (Moore).
    Same paragr affirms during the preceding 5 months, every member of the SIU and Warrant Strike Force was detailed to Horman, and none of that SIU drug bust (hi level mfgr) work transpired.

    Last page, Personnel, is interesting.
    point 9. muzzles all of them wrt public communications not approved by Sheriff.

    An example of a lustrious member of the investigations division, E Major Cty Crimes team (on detail ffom troutdale) during the time period in question, now with mcso in the community resource deputy program that began in late 2015:

  23. Rose says:

    So in Clackamus the DA prosecutes, and in Multnomah, the DA punts to the State?

  24. Rose says:

    OT this story reminded me of He Who Refused To Be Named,
    despite his prolific online comments on DDS, and his father, uncle or whoever re their
    Mexican orphanage forays:
    If these old white guys socially shouldn’t
    grab the shoulders of 12 yo strangers at say Skyline School
    on a clean up workday, why are they imposing on children abroad?

  25. Rose says:

    @Ode. Thank you. The only reason I feel freeish to offer my often untethered media regurgitations with trying to fit puzzle pieces together is Blink’s hosted site, her detailed moderation, a safety net for us all, and her professional perspective & knowledge. I wouldn’t do this anywhere else or likely for any other set of children. And there are so many here I am in awe of, you included.

  26. Rose says:

    re whether my SZ speculative suggestions fit DAD.
    leaving SZ and DAD to Blink for her professional opinion.
    iirc she described SZ as “organized.” &
    imo he was on the disorganized spectrum. So it
    depends on if you buy her profile. I do.
    A wise local on here knew DAD; she’s one best situated with Blink to comment.
    To me, imo DAD had many things on his mind, swirling, but less likely to
    be a boy. At his age, he had no published history, at the time of his collapse or afterwards, of
    interest in boys. And, like publicized priests, if there were incidents, imo they
    would have come forward.

  27. Rose says:

    This transferee from Troutdale in 2015 really gained heft after he joined mcso and became the Community Resource Officer assigned to the Skyline ridge area last fall:
    and near the end of a 5 yr term as Union VP, one gets to be a detective on MCSO’s E Cty Major Crimes team.

    pictured before the move to mcso:

    imo mcso employment seems to have an adverse impact on physique across the board.

  28. Rose says:

    Another Q for TMH interview if not done. Their
    Gym – (not Edge but 24 hr where Hormans went preabduction)
    Did she or KH know mcso deputies who worked out there?
    I mean a lot of these deputies worked out somewhere or needed to,

  29. T. Ruth says:


    Thanks for reiterating the “handed the case over to MCSO” info. I missed that in your first links. What an odd term for a reporter to use. Being as we know that “jurisdiction” did not apply when it was involving a crime, any crime, committed on PPS property, then what is this telling us?

    Was it actually more like PPS *surrendered* the case to MCSO? Why? I think the reasoning behind this move may just be far more relevant than I ever considered it might be:

    surrender (redirected from surrendered)
    Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
    sur·ren·der (sə-rĕn′dər)
    v. sur·ren·dered, sur·ren·der·ing, sur·ren·ders

    1. To relinquish possession or control of (something) to another because of demand or compulsion: surrendered the city to the enemy. See Synonyms at relinquish.

  30. Rose says:

    I don’t understand mcso managerially at all from what I get from google juice docs as Blink calls ir.

    Decided to look at Shults. Didn’t Blink say he was the in-house Horman deputy (imo aka sitter and spy)?

    Here in 6/09 Shults was CC contact for a River Patrol budget program.

    Hiw many folks did Skipper (absent tho so Slyter was Acting) have running River Patrol anyway. There was Reiser and Gates.

    Reiser should have been chief of Investigations Div in 2009; and Gates had promoted to Patrol (land and river both) before 12/09. So does this mean Shults was following in Gates’ footsteps and in 2009 was over River Patrol?

    I guess if Reiser and Gates were “incident commander(s)” in 6/10, it would be natural
    for them to turn to the deputy climbing the promotional ladder directly behind Gates as their trusted inhome Horman handler.

    my head aches.
    By March 2011, Shults has been rewarded with Chief Deputy Corrections.
    That is unsurprising.
    While the former Chief Deputy Business Ron Bishop was booted to Inverness in 12/08, he then retired, so he was no merit-based competition to Shults’ promotion over hus Inverness spot in 2010. And same article, poor Brosh, kicked upstairs to replace Bishop as a Chief Deputy, has to deal with Business.

    as recently as 3/09 Shults was a mere Lt:
    He sure jumped 3 ranks fast (over Captn, new rank of Commander, to Chief Deputy)

    and by Nov 2010 what “payoffs”…
    Brosh Captn Business by No 10, and Shults Chief Deputy Corrections (cf B-2) (Note: Kafourey (the myopic) was present; no questions re where do these mcso mgrs disappear and appear from?)

    it is fitting the soon to be Chief of Corrections was the stake out only 4 months before in Terri’s home….

    and in 2008, Shults was just one of the River Patrol deputies:
    “Pirates,’ said Shults, who serves in the River Patrol Division.
    Shults knows that no one is seizing boats or kidnapping hostages in Portland’s waterways. At the same time, Schults and other law enforcement officers who patrol the rivers know that criminals live on and along them – criminals who use the rivers to help them break the law.
    ‘Portland has a lot of pirates,’ said Shults.
    Crime has long been a problem along Portland waterways. Scrap metal thieves – like the ones Mekelburg was looking for – are just part of the problem. River Patrol Deputy Sheriff Mark Herron has a clipboard brimming with recent reports of items stolen from riverside properties. They include outboard motors, barbecues, storage lockers – just about anything that can be carried away in a boat.
    ‘It’s just constant,’ Herron said of the reports that come in.”

    Loyalty to Staton seems to override wrt promotions.
    and river patrol cliques promoting up in lockstep ie Reiser, Gates, Shults, Herron

  31. A Texas Grandfather says:


    Thanks for reminding us of the actual facts that surround the liability of PPS by a teacher giving permission for Kyron to assist a male with a supposed item in the truck. This IMO is one of the things that Terri should use in a legal action against the school and MCSO. It was a cover up to protect the teacher’s and school’s liability. The next question is where did this originate PPS or PPB or MCSO?

    Terri was not the last person to see Kyron. Kyron followed the directions of the teacher to go with the man, even though it violated school policies for such a thing to occur.

    Troutdale may have bought a real pig with that contract. The only thing I saw was Troutdale managed to get twenty thousand dollars each for eight existing patrol cars. They may have saved some administrative expense, but the overall cost was nearly eight thousand per day. For two patrol officers per shift and 950 hrs of river beach patrol during the summer. I find the salaries of Oregon LE people about 2.5 times the pay of Texas officers.

    Every time I read such a simplistic but pivotal comment it still stops me in my tracks. Through a variety of verified statements to include her own attorney, who subsequently deposed witnesses, there can be no refuting Terri Horman was NOT the LAST person seen with Kyron. Anyone asserting that with alternative knowledge is simply spreading a falsehood- and when done so maliciously- it is actionable. Never mind that however, how about the effect the lack of clarity in that area has had on the inability to locate this child or progress this investigation. No getting around it- if LE still believes TMH is involved they must believe Ky left the school with that unsub, period.


  32. MockingbirdSings says:

    Ode says:
    March 21, 2016 at 8:14 pm
    Rose I feel like you are always there to show us things we would never look at and to be honest most of it floats by and then today I feel you almost slapped us saying…look for this…this is who mystery man (?woman) is. The most declarative post yet. Blink is my teacher, you are her complement. What a fabulous lesson this is. I love this place. Now to look stupid…does you description fit DAD?
    @Ode – I agree with you except for one thing – there is no “looking stupid”, there is only “try” and “try harder”. :)

  33. MockingbirdSings says:

    Rose says:
    March 22, 2016 at 10:09 am
    pardon my ignorance. Troutdale & Mult County did do this takover by Intergovernmental Agreement
    @Rose – and while I am on a counseling streak . . . I can’t fathom the word “ignorance” as it would apply to you in any way. I prefer something like “previously undiscovered information.” :)
    If facts are available through research, I believe you’re gonna find them sooner or later.

  34. Rose says:

    OT example of Staton as master politician:
    Cogen’s end game becomes known in July 2013.
    Sheriff opens a sustainable jail garden with major PR in the same month. Green being a lead platform for his next Chair, Kafoury.
    You were right Blink re Moore having been called an undersheriff, here one mention is: 1st picture, titles.
    unless the Green Hornet copy deputy made a mistake, after eliminating the Undersheriff position in 12/09 to get rid of rival Slyter, Staton appears to have revived it for Tim Moore.
    in Fall 2011, river patrol alums Gates & Shults have already each made Chief Deputy, & Lindstrand has made Captn. First year of the Horman investigation 2010-11 proved mighty productive for some careers.
    Same issue, unlike Yankee, female Chief Deputy Corrections retires quietly to Staton’s fanfare, making room for another promotional alum from the river.

  35. Rose says:

    Oh snap.
    That rocketeer Lindstrand, given a Captaincy in 2011 and sent to Corrections, a stepping stone to promotion, has made it to Chief Deputy (Acting). suggesting Staton always planned to replace Yankee with her.

    In Feb 2016 she’s testifying as “Acting Chief Deputy” to the Commissioners!!
    on training (Business cone, so one assumes in lieu of Yankee).

    Smith and her colleagues don’t even know the right questions to ask Lindstrand
    (management of the Chief Deputies by Staton), just political grandstanding
    soundbites for the media.

  36. Rose says:

    owned(s?) a nursery
    Skipper took over in July 2008
    At that time,
    –Shults was Lt manager of River Patrol (marine mgr award that Fall)
    –Gates was one of 2 Sgts under him (note to self, who was the other)

    in Apr 2015 Captn Reiser is in charge of Patrol (Commander Gates’ old gig)
    Why did Staton kick him down the ladder?
    In June 2010 he was superior to Gates.
    Maybe he was not persuasive enough with GJ1.

    That Feb 2016 Commissioners’ mtg still disturbs me.
    Lindstrom, presenting on training, just left Corrections.
    Who better for Smith to grill about use of force in the jail but Lindstrand?
    Smith probably didn’t even know the jail had been Lindstrand’s resonsibility til she made “Acting Chief.”
    Instead of questioning Lindstrand, Smith whines I want Staton.

    What Kafourey and Smith et al might have done in Feb was send the Green Sheriff a letter saying we will hear from no member of your agency on any issue, including expenditure requests until you appear personally before us to address multiple management provesses. and they shoukd have a meaty list of ussues. To include progress on the investigation of the abductor of Horman.

  37. first-time says:

    Ode says:
    March 21, 2016 at 8:14 pm
    Rose I feel like you are always there to show us things we would never look at and to be honest most of it floats by and then today I feel you almost slapped us saying…look for this…this is who mystery man (?woman) is. The most declarative post yet. Blink is my teacher, you are her complement. What a fabulous lesson this is. I love this place. Now to look stupid…does you description fit DAD
    I AGREE! Rose, you are a bull dog. I’m not sure if you are on the right track, but your outside-the-box thinking propels us on! I sure hope those actually looking for Kyron will follow your lead.

    TMH – Thank you for acknowledging us and our ideas. Stand strong. Best wishes for you and your daughter.

    ….still here, everyday…..

  38. Rose says:

    the problem seems to be SZ DID leave tracks on June 4:

    a path thru the school (probably in pics)
    eyewitnesses in Mathews’ room
    had to have been witnesses outside
    a vehicle description
    picked a boy of a certain age, CSI shirt, & vulnerabilities
    choice of location and time (familiarity with area)
    theoretical motivations
    probable egress road pathway

    BUT the MSCO persons Staton had moved up and around beginning in Nov 2009
    (Shults, Gates, etc) were mostly river men and “patrol” without a history of “tracking” on land.

  39. Rose says:

    We’ve seen thru mcso personnel breaking ranks recently, and
    public statements like Gates in 06/10 denying a criminal investigation when it was known internally, that Staton’s MO
    is to not be truthful or candid with fellow govt agency employees or the public.

    The question is whether his obfuscations about the quality and target(s) of the investigation are just that secretive “loner” management style, or an even more serious kind of a coverup of a suspected, but not proveable, abductor related to the turmoil in County leadership, and specifically in mcso, beginning with the investigation and resignation of Guisto, moving thru Skipper’s era 7/08-11/09, and then into the major–and often atypical–staffing changes Staton made.

  40. Rose says:

    Someone remind me why the Youngs are enamored
    of mcso?

  41. Rose says:

    Iirc my own ramblings, Captn Reiser was previously in charge of the Investigations Division.
    So why is he now stuck with “Patrol”?

    I remember some comment from Staton about rotating deputies ( ie: detectives back to patrol) but I have only ever seen that in other agencies via demotion for job performance reasons. I truly do not understand the MCSO career track and not having an agency manual does not simplify my understanding, lol.

  42. T. Ruth says:

    @Rose says:
    March 21, 2016 at 9:51 am

    What “certain age group”? Do we have one now? 20-30ish 40-50ish? 50-60ish?

  43. Malty says:

    @Rose. O/T I am enjoying all the different personalities In this election I think the scope is covered
    I am surprised at the lack ot loyality. One day friends next day no longer
    I am amazed some one who has had a successful life has a great family could retire. Takes on being an outsider
    In politics A whole different life And is accepted by many when this person don’t even know what is going on LOL
    I should be so lucky.

    I am here just quiet I like your ideas on SZ Since TMH reads here I want to do my part to add something useful
    But my mind is kind of occupied As long as she knows I never believed she even had a motive There for
    It was some one else I guess that’s enough for now

    I only dive into politics every 4years I am still here tho reading

  44. Rose says:

    OT Now we know why Staton was at Jules’ benefit in January, endorsing him: If he’s not the new Mayor, I hope his first term as a County Commissioner is not repeated when it is over.
    Kafoury is crazy if she thinks, as the WW article implies, that citizens will vote for an appointive Sheriff based on the Corrections’ Budget, disparate racial use of force, or any ethical matter. The average voter doesn’t care about folks in jail other than being glad they’re there and not next door.

    Voters will only go appointive if she makes the case the Enforcement wing has been so dysfunctional in several Sheriff’s management that the Enforcement side needs a professional rather than a crony politician in charge.
    Uniquely that argument is easily made under Guisto, Skipper2/Slyter, and Staton. That is the argument to be made, not money or racial disparity, but it would take much detail and a lot of synthesis, and imo she hasn’t even looked at it. It seems to me the average mcso has succeeded over time in what they know to do despite their Sheriffs.

  45. T. Ruth says:

    @Rose says:
    March 21, 2016 at 9:51 am


    “Then figure in that the abductor CHOSE a school he thought was in MCSO’ jurisdictionally and was the most isolated rought terrain school in Portland.
    my conclusion is this white male of a certain age range
    was a local, probably a County native.
    He was well-read of local newspapers and
    well aware of all agency and City / County political doings and
    the leadership employees’ weaknesses and challenges.
    He is brilliant.
    He probably fits Blink’s profile, but while self-gratification and the more she has hinted at,
    were primary gratifiers, he was also likely motivated by resentment and/or vengeance on
    MCSO, PPS, or both OR on aspects of the City-County “political establishment” as Bernie likes
    to call it.
    I am betting he is financially well off with secure private home spaces and has played a role
    at least prior to the abduction in some aspect of the political life of the area.
    He may also have been an employee of a city or county agency whose career or income had been
    adversely affected in the preceding couple years.
    The “detectives” should have been looking at those types of white males.”

    What if SZ had been previously arrested by MCSO for something, say child porn and had been released either early or as scheduled (or possibly even out on bail, for a crime he KNEW he would be pleading guilty to and going to jail). And what if that certain someone, prior to such arrest, had a stellar reputation which was then ruined by the arrest? Now there would be someone who would hold a grudge, and delight in MCSO’s incompetency.

    Just thinkin’.

  46. T. Ruth says:

    Oh gosh, don’t bring me back to looking at he who shall not be named again! I had not realized that this dude was posting on SM as “slaphappypappy”. Being as he’s no “pappy”, do you think possibly he was referring to a violent father?

  47. January says:

    Re: A Texas Grandfather says: March 22, 2016 at 11:14 pm
    “actual facts that surround the liability of PPS by a teacher giving permission for Kyron to assist a male with a supposed item in the truck. This IMO is one of the things that Terri should use in a legal action against the school and MCSO. It was a cover up to protect the teacher’s and school’s liability. The next question is where did this originate PPS or PPB or MCSO?”


    I believe I read here long ago that the statue of liability to sue the school district had expired; Do I remember this correctly? If correct, and pps cannot be sued, how likely would a successful lawsuit against MCSO be? There is much information that hasn’t been released to the public, so I am hesitant to so sound too dumfounded by Kaine and DY’s lack of anger and action against LE., but I just am. I hope Terri grabs this bull by the horn!!

    Kaine had no choice in my view in terms of a negligence suit. He was potentially going to be charged with a felony and lose his job. The thing that everyone keeps missing is that if they TRULY believed Terri took Kyron from the school- the case against the school is actually stronger. More on that later.

    So- given that, who really believes Terri left with Kyron and the State themselves moved to intervene in a case that would have been a direct tributary to a criminal action? They know he did not.

  48. Rose says:

    There were 3 Guisto Investigations
    (content explaining how Guisto got off with only a resignation)
    1. Jan 2008 A DPSST imvestigation, not State AG, under Minnus
    p 8, B.1. lists All the things a DPSST investigation does not cover (all of Guisto’s foibles imo & all if Staton’s–allegedly)
    B.2. What an AG investigation covers (crime only)

    clearly the outfit to investigate Guisto should have been the Labor Commissioner (now Avakian), but the County Commissioners did not refer to that agency.

    p 45 Olson was Id’d as misusing leave way back to 2003 – and put up an expensive (to the Agency) fight.

    Doc 1 lists Gates as “Sgt promoted to Lt.”
    So his second promotion was up and out of the River Patrol Unit in early 2008 during the DPSST Guisto investigation.
    His Lt job is Public Info Officer (per p 141). That explains why he was an mcso mouthpiece for several years. Until 12/09 when Staton made him a Captn, when the press said he’d been Mgr of Patrol for awhile; so that was (land) Patrol, not River. So Gates was PIO for say 18 months.

    2. Jan 2008 DPSST issues

    3. April 2008 p 12 DPSST reviewers of Investigations 1 and 2 found no punjshment on all the allegations but merely wanted to clarify a subissue (goldschmidt)

    Anyhoo as TRuth says, in retrospect the O’Donnell/Ritchie contretemps over the lovely Laura (now married to Ritchie) was per Investigations a teapot storm.
    What is relevant to O’Donnell’s participation in the Horman investigation is Staton’s Oct 2010 Task Force organization statement. He said he’d put all investigators from all sources fulltime on Horman. That SIU & other investigatory units and detailees had dropped all drug mfgr/importer investigations in their tracks for 5 months. (motive for those bad guys)

    That meant O’Donnell was not made a Horman abduction investigator because he was on Portland’s CAU (suggesting that Charlene & other CAUers were similarly involved), but that he’d simply been pulled from that detail to contribute to the Horman investigation. Likely, he’d been replaced on the CAU, so when the Task Force was formed in 10/10, he needed a new slot, and Patrol/K9 worked. (and likely helped him heal from the CAU). What going to Patrol alludes is some professional relationship with Gates, Patrol head.

    Bobby O’Donnell had been removed from CAT prior to Kyron’s disappearance and to my knowledge no member of MCSO was ever put in his place to date.

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