Dr. Phil Show Hosts Missing Portland Child Kyron Horman’s Step Mom Terri Horman Over Two Episodes

I have been covering this case since Kyron Horman disappeared from Skyline School in June, 2010.    Like most missing persons cases I have covered in the past,  I am of the strong opinion that best efforts at the truth are the only way to propel investigations that, similarly to Kyron’s, have gone cold for one reason or another.   This approach has worked in resolving some of my previous cases.    I am proud of that.  I remain steadfast to the integrity involved in those and future cases.

Over the past 10 months (or so) I have been developing an updated series on Kyron’s case to include my multiple interviews with Kyron’s step-mom,  Terri Horman.   Needless to say as she was the subject of at least three simultaneous cases before an Oregon court and remains a person of interest by the agency investigating her sons disappearance, this has been an arduous and sometimes delicate journey.    Ms. Horman’s experiences during the ongoing investigation of the disappearance of Kyron Horman are critically important to propelling his case and with great hope- finding the truth about what happened to this cherubic and innocent child.    There are dozens of sources,  collateral interviews, forensic experts and legal analysts that also contribute to my series and have done so because of their belief that my motivation is to bring to light information and opinions in such a way that would almost “require” a focused review of Kyron’s case and the likely shaking of that proverbial tree everyone talks about.

Set to publish about 6-ish weeks ago I was asked to postpone the first installment of the series, which I did.  I subsequently learned Ms. Horman was participating in the Dr. Phil program after she completed taping.  Dr. Phils producers were well aware that Ms. Horman had interviewed with me extensively, and anticipated my series would be publishing information that was not known to the public previously in the days prior to her scheduled episode.    When Ms. Horman conveyed to me that she feels obligated to speak out about “her son” in any national medium that will have her,   I most certainly respected that.  I still do.

While Dr. Phil seems like a gregarious fellow for sure,   I have zero interest in being associated with his program, nor do I believe his shows content is designed to do any furtherance of investigation or truth.  There is much concern (although I have no affiliation to the show whatsoever) that the timing of the publication of my series on the Kyron Horman matter might be interpreted differently or inadvertently contribute to the programs content or audience reactions.     Not what I signed on for.   A missing 7 year old boy six years running is not a framework for entertaining a target audience.   He is not fodder for online social media bully campaigns- yet it occurs.

I will be publishing my series on Kyron’s case at a later date, in it’s entirety with no editing adjustments as a result of any of the appearances on Dr. Phil.   I appreciate your patience and your understanding.   Feel free to discuss the show below.


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  1. Rose says:

    Hah. Gates was the “designated successor” to Staton.
    imo Gates was (& is?) the most powerful man in mcso after Staton from 2010-2016.
    imo when appointed, Reese would need to win Gates over to extinguish potential
    internecine agency rivalry.

    imo that has Included putting the unphotogenic Gates on numerous recruiting & public info spots(youtubed).
    Not to mention not interfering with his Investigations or the work of men under Gates that Gates supervises.
    Reese is after all just riding out the clock for a double-agency pension.

    “Gates was until recently Staton’s designated successor until the sheriff last month named former Portland Police Chief Mike Reese his new designee.”

  2. Rose says:

    “He says his top managers were in “collusion” to remove him after he questioned their performance.”
    Gates was one of 3 top managers.
    I’d like to know what elements in Gates’ performance
    Staton criticized & was the criticism related to
    his Investigations?

    I thought he eventually offered the job to Gates, though. But yes ma’am. I don’t care what anyone says or believes- the fact that Balizan was hired on and no outside agency has ever reviewed the case independently tells me everything I need to know that Kyron’s unsolved disappearance was definitely a factor of some kind in the implosion of MCSO. Of that, I have no doubt.

  3. Rose says:

    Blink, has anyone tried to interview Staton about “investigations” since he retired?
    Ever asked what he criticized his chief deputies about that led to their public coup d’etat?
    I find nothing on line.

    I believe there are a few pending legal matters that might preclude him from discussing those issues at the moment- and I have no doubt if they settle (they will) the terms will preclude him from discussing most. :(

  4. erose says:

    I went to the wiki page on Kyron, I like to look at revisions, etc. It occurred to me that DY claimed to have dropped the civil lawsuit because she didn’t want the civil case to interfere with the criminal case,so how many years later, does this still hold true? She needs the police file. How long is she willing to wait for that file?


    On June 1, 2012, Kyron’s mother (Desiree Young) filed a lawsuit against Terri Horman claiming that she was “responsible for the disappearance of Kyron.” The civil lawsuit attempted to prove that Horman had kidnapped Kyron. Young sought $10,000,000 in damages from Horman.[11] On August 15, 2012, a federal court judge denied a motion by Terri Horman to delay the lawsuit.[12]

    On July 30, 2013, it was announced that Desiree Young had dropped the lawsuit against Terri Horman:

    With “great disappointment,” the mother of Kyron Horman said Tuesday she is dropping a civil suit against Terri Horman because she doesn’t want it to jeopardize the police investigation. “Because my civil case can’t go forward without the police criminal investigation file, it’s with great disappointment I make this difficult decision,” Desiree Young told reporters. Young was tearful as she spoke at the press conference outside the Multnomah County Courthouse in downtown Portland. She said in order for her lawyers to move forward with the suit, they need the police file — which they can’t have during an active police investigation.”[13]

    erose, sorry if the following seems redundant to my earlier thoughts on the civil suit-
    If that were the real reason (it never was, in fact, many of Rosenthal’s initial public comments address this directly at the onset and in subsequent rulings by the court) the suit could have been held in abeyance to protect her right to the action and the statute of limitations. The fact was that their entire legal theory was based on chief involvement of someone MCSO had just cleared of any involvement whatsoever with full immunity and the DA’s office let Rosenthal know that Spicher was certainly free to (with no fear of self incrimination)participate in the pending motion to compel… At which time DY should develop a serious concern that she would likely become a defendant because her suit was meritless to begin with. I believe this is why Houze basically gave the open call to the media to scrutinize its merit in the first place. There is a reason DY was required to make the announcement as opposed to her paid counsel, jus’sayin. To say that a civil suit cannot proceed without a police file, legally speaking, is just silly, and well, untrue factually. The burden of anything that MCSO wanted to consider exempt “investigatively” rested solely on them and is/was extremely limited in scope.

    That said, I for one, certainly wished then and now it had proceeded. I think it would have forced MCSO and the parents to escalate the case outside the agency, at a minimum.

  5. A Texas Grandfather says:

    A Happy Independence Day to all. Our 242nd.

    Have a great day of being with family and friends to celebrate with good food, conversation and entertainment.

    I will be playing with the Community Band for the public celebration at Marble Falls beginning at 7:00 P.M . Our program will be as follows:

    Warm-up & Tune-up
    Nessun Dorma by Puccini from Turandot


    Star Spangle Spectacular- George M. Cohan
    76 Trombones- Meridith Wilson
    Beach Boys Greatest Hits- arr. Michael Brown
    American Patrol- F.W. Meecham
    A Tribute to Harry James
    Disney at the Movies-an arrangement of seven themes
    A Tribute to Steven Foster-arr. Sammy Nestico-
    Ever Braver, Ever Stronger-Gordon Goodwin
    Armed Forces ’72- Service songs from U.S. Marine Band Library
    God Bless the U.S.A- Lee Greenwood-arr. by band mbr. Mac McCutchen
    The Stars & Stripes Forever-Sousa- arr. Kieth Brion
    America the Beautiful-Ward- arr. by Carmon Dragon

    Thank You and to You and Yours also. I am sure it was amazing. I am a proud and humble American!

  6. Rose Red says:

    ..I haven’t been following here too closely, but does anybody think Kaine is totally responsible for Kyron’s disappearance: would he have hired someone to do this?
    Would he be considered a sociopath?
    What must he have done or who did he “owe” to let his own son be the victim?

    I do not. I have never been able to exclude that something in his lifestyle choices or criminal associates was not involved, though.

    Why in the name of anything would Terri, who was pretty much the “real mom” to Kyron listen to a lawyer and stay quiet for so long (even now)? I know he’s supposed to be a good lawyer, but is everything in law about just getting someone off??

    No. In criminal defense law the task of representation is based on the clients “instant” circumstance. WRT to Terri, once it was clear and unambiguous she was the target of MCSO (sting) and she retained Houze- I can assure you and everyone else reading here it was believed that Terri was going to be indicted and/or arrested based on the botched sting but also based on Terri’s own recollection of events to counsel. For me, information I have had access to and interviews conducted convince me unequivocally that MCSO fully expected to take Terri into custody following that RSE sting, period. The coordinated effort between LE and Kaine’s counsel simply corroborates that- the residence was not excluded. No Family counsel working with/through FAPA ever excludes that most especially based on its allegations within. Terri called 911, and the words she expressed during that call and during the interior recording (house bugged) are the only reason she was not arrested then. You can imagine it is the reason there is a standing court order precluding the release of that call.

    I mention this because this introduction to the case (enter Steve Houze) set the criteria for his representation. His job going forward was to protect her interests (liberty, really) in the face of what was pending criminal and multiple civil matters. I realize this can be less than enlightening response- but in my view, Steve Houze has done his job and continues to.

    I just don’t understand why she didn’t speak up sooner, unless she knew what Kaine had done (besides Kyron) and was afraid of his nasty streak.

    I don’t deny that at times I have questioned some of Terri’s choices of the legal variety. What I am completely sure of was that she listened to her attorney’s advice and took it without question. Without being privy to that exact information, I make no judgements on it. I would add it is pretty unheard of to have the same Judge in multiple cases with the same defendant- and that is only my general viewpoint. There are orders and Atty appearances in this case I had never seen before nor since, and neither have some very seasoned legal minds I consort with. My point- there are way more moving parts and decisions/legal reasons that make that ole “Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda most unusable, imo.

    –and all this time, all I can think of is that little boy and how terribly frightened he must have been just before he was killed. Those “parents” –all three, or four, of them deserve to rot in you-know-where…

    Rose Red- my responses to you in bold- no doubt I may be a minority opinion.

  7. T. Ruth says:

    RE: Ode’s post above,
    IIRC, there was a post on that alleged former FBI guy’s site, True Nelson, where someone posted that they either had the same, or knew David Durham’s doctor and/or had been friends with DAD himself (can’t recall which). Said poster, IIRC, indicated that DAD had *witnessed* not necessarily been involved with, someone in LE, along with another, disposing of something into the Columbia River from the trunk of a LE vehicle. The post went on to say something about the doctor being very concerned about DAD because of this paranoia that was escalating. Unfortunately, it seems the post is *history*! (Where does all the google cache disappear to and why?) It was an interesting post, because it made sense of at least one thing: Dad’s apparent paranoia of LE.
    Did he really witness LE committing some sort of crime? We’ll probably never know.

    Happy Independence Day to you all! Thought you might enjoy this little read:


  8. T. Ruth says:

    “To your question about who ran the show re media- absolutely it was Kaine, and there was input by Frink’s office and MCSO.”

    That is interesting to me. Where did Kaine Horman learn to manipulate the media? Why was he “in bed with” Frink and MCSO, so early on in an unsolved child’s abduction case? Was he not looked at as suspect….ever?
    I would have thought Tony Young would have been calling the shots, as he seemed to be doling out his advice from the get go. Btw, did TMH have any insight as to why TY, a recently new step-dad to Kyron, became the first parent to speak to the public about Kyron? Whose idea was that?

    I used to think that KH was in charge of all the interviews he and DY did together, that is until I read one article that referenced TY was sitting off another corner of the room, not participating in the interview itself. Bizarre.

    TY led that press conf (as I recall, Kaine took the mic on his own) at the request of the FBI for 2 reasons. One- because it was unclear if Kyron’s disappearance could be related to a parent or the dislike of a parent in some way (theory is, if one does not know the motivation for the abduction in the first place and there has been no ransom demand, the public appearance/persona of the parent could impact the victims situation or abductor negatively). The second was to observe the body language and demeanor of the parties- hopefully in a sympathetic and non-threat way to stimulate leads. Kaine had absolutely no input to this, but you did notice how he took control.

  9. erose says:

    o/t ATG, Yes, no real solution. There are log pilings from old docks stuck in the bay. They can’t be removed or it will release the toxic “jelly” substance into the water. So no one is removing them, but you and I know these logs will eventually rot in the water. Then what?

    A Texas Grandfather says:
    June 28, 2018 at 11:48 am

  10. Red Rose says:

    sent comment yesterday; was it posted?

    Yes ma’am, with my response so far.

  11. A Texas Grandfather says:

    There is a way to get the old logs out of the bay erose.

    The solution is to drive new steel pilings and build a coffer dam in front of the existing pilings, pump out the water into tankage and pull the old pilings and muck for disposal and treatment. Not difficult to do if the EPA used smart engineers rather than smart chemists.

  12. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Red Rose

    I don’t know what constitutes a minority opinion as Blink stated.

    However, This was a difficult case because it involved so many situations. I agree with Blink that Kyron was probably kidnapped as retribution for exposing Kaine’s steroid buddies that also included some LE people.

    This involved the school and it’s lack of proper safety procedures during the science fair and before. An inexperienced sheriff and his department regarding kidnapping. This also includes an insular criminal justice system built on the “good old boy/girl” syndrome in Multnomah county. This case exposed them all.

    IMO Kyron was probably deceased by the time the school bus ran that afternoon and the parents discovered he was not on it.

    I agree, or at least 24-48 hours if removed from the area. I do not think this horrific case is going to go outside a sexually motivated pedophile abduction “statistic”.

  13. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Thanks for the link to the Trump story T.Ruth

    The writer needs to study history a lot more. Yes, the great German and other immigrants from Europe wave occurred between 1880 and 1910. However, schools for children world wide were mostly grammar schools with grades one through seven with a few communities having a high school with grades eight through ten.

    Youths graduating from a grammar school were thirteen or fourteen. In that time, they were considered youths that could work and not minors. They were only minors is the sense that they could not vote.

    My mother graduated from Texarkana high school as a tenth grader in 1912. She was sixteen and immediately went to work in a “dry goods” store in the town. She had previously worked in her fathers store while going to school. In the culture of the time, she was not considered a minor child.

    It was the great child labor movement later in the 1920′s and 30′s that created the concept of youths not being adults and able to work until they were sixteen. The eleventh grade was added to the school year following WWI with the twelfth grade being added in 1943 or 1944.

    It was the federal governments Workman’s Compensation insurance that put the lock on age sixteen. That left the businesses stuck with possible liability for anyone they hired under sixteen. This cut off a lot of youth jobs in every type of business.

  14. Rose says:

    “ no doubt I may be a minority opinion.” Likely not minority,
    to we diehard Kyron supporters here. Terri’s capacity behaviorally
    to follow Houze’ advice to the nth (until a year or so ago maybe when she was more
    distant from her structural supports of parents, it seems) distinguished
    her as heads & tails above the psychological weaknesses of the bios imo.


  15. Red Rose says:

    Thank you, Blink. I understand better now (you explained well) how/why her lawyer acted.
    Every now and then, even these years later, I think about that little boy and hope there will be justice for him.

    Red Rose says: July 5, 2018 at 5:33 pm
    sent comment yesterday; was it posted?

    Yes ma’am, with my response so far.

    Your welcome Red Rose. You and me both. This little guy stays with me too.

  16. erose says:

    Thanks Blink. I know your thoughts on the civil suit and agree. I see the fact that DY hasn’t pursued the criminal case so that she can get that file for the civil case as a tell on her intent in the first place. She set out to destroy TH and in many way has, but she hasn’t found Kyron, so what did that accomplish? Nada. And she or KH are not going to regroup.

    Back to my thoughts on wishing she had proper advisors- imo, they are playing to her vulnerability.

  17. erose says:

    ATG, Wish I could have heard and seen the show. I remember the on base air shows, the music and the fireworks on the 4th. Your post makes me home sick for Oklahoma, even though I know you’re in Texas.

  18. Tarheel says:

    T Ruth and Ode, I remember that article/comment about David Durham and the trunk too.

  19. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Thank you erose

    The show ran over an hour. All the arrangements are level four or above and tough to play. My breathing and blowing muscles were tender the next day. One of our boys was stationed in oklahoma during the early 90′s as a electronics maintenance troop on AWACS aircraft.

    I would like to see and hear the production performed in you post rose. A lot of musicians double on instruments and also have good voices.

  20. erose says:

    I think this is the crux of the problem


    ” Again and again, authorities trusted the parents more than they did the kids.”

    And I think the follow up of adoption success is important to either validate or negate the system in the first place.


    “In our system, once a child is adopted, we equate it with success and there is very little follow-up,” said University of Michigan law professor Vivek Sankaram, who advocates for children’s rights. “We actually know very little about the well-being of how kids from foster care do after they are adopted.”


    I know there are (unfortunately) too many examples. Grace Packer is an egregious example for me, that to date the failures of the system and holding anyone accountable for what she endured during life and then death remain some sort of secret or private information in itself should be subject to criminal action.

  21. Rose says:

    ot followup on Harts

    Thank you Rose, I am posting the link to the Post article as well for anyone who may not use twitter:

    o/t: I just want to say that I don’t think anyone is saying here that there are not very legitimate reasons for termination of parental rights involving some children and subsequent adoption. Very often times that very act can save the life and/or well being of a child and their safety and best interests must be the standard, period. The problem as I see it, is an egregious lack of oversight and follow up. Not only that- wrt the Hart children, sufficient evidence exists that the parents were familiar with the failures of the system over state lines and complaints appeared to be ignored.

    Not o/t: it continues to irk me how easily that FAPA order was granted and renewed, effectively terminating Kiara’s right to be with her Mother. Once again, it is an element to this case I had not seen before nor have I seen again.


  22. T. Ruth says:

    After 30 years, police say they’ve captured a child-killer who left a sickening trail of taunts

    Investigators in northern Indiana arrested John D. Miller, 59, July 15 in connection with the 1988 death of 8-year-old April Tinsley.

    (snipped, more @link)


    I continue to be so impressed with the work of these DNA Genealogist folks! Yay DNA!

    It’s thrilling to see cold cases get solved with forensics- I support that 1000%. But to say in that piece that public interest/media renewal played no part is disingenuous. We all know had it not been for several tech breakthroughs that solved cases in the news that many LE cases would sit still if it did not realize people were paying attention to what investigations were utilizing current successful methods. I mention this because I believe in vigilant and compassionate people contributing to solving cases and this continues to prove true. That said, as you will see, this was a solveable case for years.


  23. Ode says:

    I have to wonder about the timing of the arrest. Paula Zahn had April’s story on last night on ID. I did not see the show yet. When the 2 girls were murdered in Delphi last year April’s story became of interest again in Indiana. I know they released a parabon DNA profile and sketch for April’s killer just months after the murders in Delphi. I think public interest may have progressed April’s case.

    I just watched it. I want to reiterate that imo this case has been solved and a very dangerous predator is off the street.
    The problem I have is that it was solveable long ago- and I will not be at all surprised to learn this offender continued to offend in some manner over the last 30 years. I am concerned that the overall non-trained and unqualified LE (through no fault of their own individually) do not benefit from learning from investigative errors. Why do we care? It can identify threats and be used to solve cases reducing the threat to public safety. Constructive criticism is essential to growth.

    In 2009 CARD reviewed the case file and developed this “profile”

    Disclosure: I am trained by FBI BAU protocol in motivations and behavioral profiling and analysis of this type of offender as well as updated research and literature.

    For me, there are some noteworthy cues in hindsight that were missed- as an example, there were multiple exemplars of this guy’s handwriting in addition to the barn scrawl (which I do not see any analysis from a forensic linguistics perspective either- seriously missed oppty there) that in my view, should have been released publicly to solicit leads. Perhaps privately, that component CLEARLY points to an adult individual with learning or developmental deficits. This is going to put this guy in the category of someone both kids and grown ups are going to notice outwardly. After dormant for several years, he takes nude pics of himself on a polaroid and hand writes notes to little girls he clearly watched for a time and left those notes undetected.

    There is a trigger point for this- a precipitous event that motivated this offender to risk detection in a big way- this guy is not hanging out where he can access young little girls- he believes (and hes right) he sticks out like a prospective textbook pedophile would. He is working the night shift and lives as a basic recluse/shut in to avoid detection.

    His parabon profile was developed 2015-2016, and was only submitted to the genealogy site in May, following the GSK announcement. So to say that media or public interest was not a factor in solving a 30 year old case by use of a tech development that seems to be solving cases almost daily, is just not accurate, imo.

  24. erose says:

    I watched April’s story. Not only did he send the girls the threatening notes, but he enclosed a used condom with a DNA profile that matched the DNA sample taken from April’s body after he assaulted her, and he wanted to know if they had found her other shoe, a fact investigators had not released publicly. I believe that DNA, on the used condom eliminated their main suspect at the time. He essentially flaunted his DNA.


    Very true. Additionally creepy is that they confirmed his DNA against the crime scene(s) DNA and genealogy match ( I have not seen the actual analysis so I am uncertain if I can use the word match or phrase “consistent with”) with discarded condoms in his garbage. Why is a 59 yo male living alone using condoms presumably without a partner? Not intending to be crass in any way, my point is this is yet another form of behavior for analysis. It may be “fantasy” related.

  25. A Texas Grandfather says:

    In regard to Blink’s reply to erose as “yet another form of behavior for analysis”- I agree that this guy was reliving the entire episode of his crime multiple times. That was his fantasy partner.

    People who do these crimes often have a deep desire for the world to know about them resulting in multiple ways of showing it. LE should have a database that is shared to assist in finding the deviant criminal by their method of announcement.

  26. Rose says:

    With the big car show at hand, one wonders why
    Desiree doesn’t ask for an accounting of the KHF’s
    yearly income and disbursements.

    She has no standing to do so is the reason, imo. Speculation on my part, and she has never formed a non profit of her own.

  27. erose says:

    Blink, Any insight on Bill Cosby?

    That Guy.

    I am not sure the range of insight you are looking for, lol, erose. Professionally, the case is a legal and political maelstrom ’round these parts I have managed to dodge effectively and I would like to keep it that way. Personally, I think anyone interested in a measure of justice here will likely have to be content with the verdict and subsequent offender classifications as opposed to actually seeing Mr. Cosby behind the iron bars.

    He was classified as a sexually violent predator yesterday (anticipated and part of the pre sentencing assessment process). Because of his age and medical condition (and the courts previous position) I think its highly possible Judge O’neill will allow him to remain on bond pending his appeal. His new legal team is top notch, but I have my doubts as to how that relationship is going to “marinate”. Mr. Cosby and his very vocal support continue to learn nothing from what has been very succinctly instructed by his last two lawyers – to end their public commentary and righteous indignation sessions.

    In the eyes of the law and by his peers- Mr. Cosby is a sexually violent sex offender awaiting sentencing and like it or not, that type of behavior will only serve Mr. Cosby negatively. I think by the time his appellate opportunities are exhausted Cosby will need a type of palliative/hospice care that will put him right in the compassionate release category. His appeal will be denied- in my view he will die with his current status.

    Again, on a personal level, I think it was courageous that Kevin Steele et al prosecuted Cosby in the first place given the whole Castor sentiment and civil settlement. It was clean and fair, imo. I believe every one of those courageous women slash victim-survivors.


  28. Tarheel says:

    No comments since the 18th? Blink are you okay, or has the conversation just slowed?

    Slowed and I am playing catch up after being out of commission for a few days- thank you for asking Tarheel.

  29. A Texas Grandfather says:


    I hope that Blink and any others living in the recent flood zone are safe with little or no damage to property or family.

    That big force of weather-the jet stream-is the cause. It moves its position on the earth’s surface daily. This time it moved East across the Northern tier of states, then took a dive South down the states of Minnesota,Iowa,Kansas,Missouri,Arkansas and Louisiana into the Gulf of Mexico scooping up a load of moisture and returning North all the way to New York.

    Plenty safe here ATG, thank you for asking. It is certainly the most rain/storming of recent memory over the Summer I can recall, but the growing season is off by a month here across the board also. Hale to the sump pumps, lol.

  30. T. Ruth says:

    Didn’t get to see the story. Let’s face it April’s killer was just plain creepy. Don’t know if he looked that creepy back then, as I’ve yet to see a younger photo of him. But I’m pretty sure that anyone living near this man probably thought the same thing…..”creeps me out”. Still makes me wonder to this day about the *rumors* that kids in Kyron’s school mentioned a creepy, beardy guy or something. People ought to listen to people, especially children. And people, including children, ought to listen to their own internal warning system. Creepy is as creepy does.

    Just found some earlier photos. Here’s some info with earlier photo and the brother’s reaction:

    The brother says John was born a little slow, and never had a girlfriend.
    He says John has worked at the Kendallville Walmart for about a dozen years, stocking the electronics department on overnight shifts.
    He also says in the early 70′s, when he was a young teenager, John Miller spent time at Wood Youth Center, then a reform school, but he doesn’t know why.
    His mom told him some information.
    “I don’t know if she knew for fact, but she said he got molested in there. If that happened, maybe that triggered something in him that he thought was all right or something. I don’t know,” he said.
    He says John’s always had a temper, but he never imagined he might be involved in this case.
    “What he did is just sick… I’m done with him. Like I said, his arraignment was today, I didn’t go to that. If they want me for a witness or something in court, they’re going to have to subpoena me or something because I don’t have any intentions of going and seeing him or anything,” he said.
    The brother says in hindsight, he should have picked up on an important detail years ago, but didn’t.
    “The handwriting on the paper that I seen on the news yesterday, that’s his handwriting,” he said.
    He says he’s glad their parents didn’t live to see this, adding that, like everyone else, they both knew about the TInsley case.
    And he says the whole thing makes him sick to his stomach.
    “Whatever he gets, he deserves. I just wish he would have got caught a long time ago… He’s going to have to pay for what he did. Even if that’s the death penalty? That little girl died, didn’t she?” he asked.


    (Makes me wonder if the time spent at the youth detention center was for “him” molesting someone at a young age.)


    Yep, Blink, I agree, sure seems like someone(s) wasn’t doing their job(s) very well back then. I pray LE learns from this stuff.

  31. Rose says:

    His tax exempt nonprofit is on file w/the State & Fed
    as a charity. Can’t Desiree get it from either of them?

    I believe she would need to request that from the foundation directly- but I would need to research the specifics. There is a difference between a standard 501c3 and private foundation as far as public access to information but I don’t trust my memory, lol.

  32. Rose says:

    ot @ATG. Thank you for asking. This rain is getting old, & I mostly worry about kids driving in it. For myself (not to get too political but) the rain has really crimped my nightly plans. I have been driven away from Lafayette Sq on these rainy nites & am missing the 10 Sharks tonite, tho I made the mariachis & hip hop. I’m getting used to flood warnings on the cell & the latest was 10 min ago. I was rearended while stopped at a red lite 5 days ago by an 86 yo on the only clear sunny day.

    Heart u lady. Truly, lol.
    You ok?

  33. Rose says:

    OT What makes someone who’s been sitting at a red light awhile suddenly accelerate into the car in front when the light is not changing for another few minutes? And then say “you’re a liar” when you ask if they are aware of hitting you? I thank god for the iPhone and the perspicacity to take good shots of both cars and the location. Lots of my paint on her bumper. I learned police refuse to come if there are no physical injuries even if one party is difficult. At age 86, she looked better than I do….

    o/t: You humble me constantly, lol. I mean that in the most sincere and complimentary way.
    For others in a similar mindset:

    Not legal advice of course, but you already know what I am going to say. In the first place, if you call the cops and they do not come or refuse to come, simply suggest that you yourself are not a LEO so unless it was their intent to deputize you to write the actor a ticket, they should head on over. If you have taken good care of yourself by taking several photos and getting the proper information from the driver, leave it to your insurance as that is what they get paid to do. I work with insurance investigators constantly and frankly they are some of the best. Not all, but the majority.

    Mr. Blink was hit in our brand new SUV at a red light, stopped, in a left turn lane, from behind at about 45 mph. The airbags deployed, but he was ok. It was an elderly gentleman who literally had a laptop installed to the console of his vehicle. He was cited but I can tell you there was never any good reason as to “why”. We were at an early am soccer tourney and he ran out for coffee about 4 blocks away and we heard the crash at the game. Somehow I just knew.

    noun: perspicacity- the quality of having a ready insight into things; shrewdness.

  34. A Texas Grandfather says:


    Rear end accidents happen all the time because drivers do not pay attention or become distracted. Age makes no difference as to the cause of such an accident.

    I am glad that Rose and Mr.B were not hurt although there is always damage to the vehicles.

    I always try to leave at least a half car length between me and the vehicle ahead so I can escape if necessary and I watch the approaching traffic in my rear view mirrors. This has allowed me to avoid two such accidents. One in a new Buick that was just eight days old in 1958 and another in 1984 on the outskirts of Lancaster Pa. that would have been fatal as there was a grain hauler, an eighteen wheeler, following. However, traffic may make escape impossible.

    Be safe and allow extra stopping distance on wet roads.

  35. erose says:

    Blink, Thanks for the input. I brought it up because of the board’s decision to classify him as a “violent sexual predator.” Why do you think he received the “violent” classification. His MO, I thought, was drugging his victims and having sex with them. Is it the rape component (and I do consider all rape criminal, just not sure if rape is always considered violent) of his crime that classifies him as violent, or did they discover more while analyzing him? I wondered if he was more in line with necrophilia, which is hard for me to say. My whole family was huge Cosby fans from the I Spy days. I was hoping he just wanted his victims subdued because of his fame, not because they were essentially lifeless. (Something I came to understand thru the Dahmer documentary). Cosby reminds me of Sandusky in a lot of ways which is hard enough, just don’t like that there might be some Dahmer in him, too.

    erose says:
    July 24, 2018 at 8:30 pm

    Blink, Any insight on Bill Cosby?


    That Guy…

    Under PA SORNA law (disclosure, I have not worked on the criminal defense team of any person subject to this possible assessment)the SOAB is the “body” required to assess/evaluate Cosby as it relates to this classification. They must find that he “has mental abnormality or personality disorder the makes the person likely to engage in predatory sexually violent offenses.”

    I will be the first to say the Supreme Court has recently ruled aspects of SORNA and the registration/designation unconstitutional as applied in (Butler) but I really don’t see any opportunity for Cosby to argue pre-registration because the court technically must apply SOAB recommendation and I believe Steele has already filed the praecipe for the hearing at sentencing. So long way around to answer your question, but without reading the actual report leading to the classification, I can only surmise that the specifics related to his conviction that triggered this were the use of drugs to impair the victim, and the premeditation or predatory nature of the crime.

    It seems to be that drugging his victims was indeed the common denominator, and to my knowledge several of them consented to taking the pill/pills but were not told or were misled as to what they were- considering he would have had no way of knowing (or qualification) to know if there could be a risk of contrandication or other medical issue nor did he care, apparently.

    Going out on a limb here, as I have never interviewed him or analyzed his records- the fact that he incapacitates his victims with a drug so as to also impair memory- I do think that gratification stems from a desire to defile incapacitated women and all that comes with such a deviance.

  36. erose says:

    noun: perspicacity- the quality of having a ready insight into things; shrewdness.

    Alex, What is Rose in a nutshell?

    LOL. Word.

  37. Rose says:

    In a nutshell?
    a Nut.

    LOL. You guys are killing it in the laughs dept lately.

  38. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Humor is important for everyone. A quote that I don’t remember the source of is -”humor is the devine antidote for the exaltation of ego”.

    Humor helps keep all who use it grounded in reality.

  39. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Well I see my humor word became hummer. LOL Fat fingers and brain not coordinated. Not once, but three times.

  40. Rose says:

    7th year
    says Kaine now styles himself “CEO.”

    Not a lawyer, but one would tell you that is an ill-advised title of a foundation unless one is seeking to have more PERSONAL liability than other board members. That said, its clear to me that a “volunteer”, not a foundation or tech content writer created the wording on that site. I hope the foundation achieves its goals but I certainly wish one of them was to progress the investigation into the disappearance of Kyron Horman over 8 years ago.

  41. T. Ruth says:


    This is not looking good:

    Missing 14-year-old vanished after chat on popular gaming app, family says

    OLIVE BRANCH, Miss. — A 14-year-old Mississippi boy has been missing for days, and his family fears he may have been lured by someone he met on a popular gaming app.

    Alicia and John Aubrey Peal II say they haven’t slept in days and check the front door constantly for any signs of their son, John Aubrey Peal III, who disappeared sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.

    “I keep going into his bedroom to try to see if he came in,” his mother said.

    His younger sister Kimberly was the last person to see him. She says he was in his room Tuesday night on the phone chatting with someone via the Discord app — an app his parents knew nothing about.


    I hope they find this child. Damn chat rooms anyway!

    Oh my- I will pray for him and his family. Parents have GOT to know the webprint of the kids in their home- no exceptions. How else can we protect them?

  42. Rose says:

    what happens when a PPS teacher repeatedly reports physically unsafe teaching settings to PPS mgmt: fired for insubordination https://portlandtribune.com/pt/9-news/402587-299348-former-pps-employee-says-she-was-fired-after-whistleblowing-on-the-rebuilding-center

  43. Rose says:

    Did Discord exist in 2010?
    Unfortunate Kaine’s electronics were never searched.
    Were they mirror imaged?

  44. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Olive Branch is in very North Mississippi near Memphis. Less than 20 minutes to the Tennessee line.

  45. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Thanks for the link regarding the PPS firing of the teacher at the Rebuilding center. There is nothing in your link nor in the link to the actual complaint linked in the news article regarding the skill levels required for instructors or supervisors. PPS apparently conducts wood shop classes at the high school level. These classes were for twelve or thirteen year old students at the Rebuilding Center.

    These type of classes have been tried all over the United States for the last 70 years and the results are usually similar.Someone looses a finger or two before the administration is forced to admit that the classes are staffed too thin or too many students are in a class for the instructors to properly monitor their activities.

    This center apparently allows boys and girls to be mixed in a class and to wear improper clothing such a shorts.

    Most wood shops have an 18″ or 20″ band saw, a large commercial grade shop saw (circular)and other motorized tools that are dangerous for beginners to use. They talked about a nail gun for this group. To me that would be an absolute no no. Improper use could kill someone.

    They should be learning to use hand tools proficiently prior to using motorized equipment. Hand saws of various types, chisels,and proper use of hammers of various types.

    IMO this is a foolish program to put these aged youths into and should be closed. There is a maturity problem and experience problem to be considered. Just because some adult that lacks experience wants to do something like the big boys and girls participate in, does not make it possible.

    Based on the information in the complaint, I think the lady will win her case. However, it is Portland so we don’t know until the trial.

  46. Rose says:

    initial release 2015
    “It’s time to ditch Skype and Teamspeak. Discord is the only free and secure voice, video, and text app designed for gamers that works on your desktop and phone.”

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