The following article is written “Onion Style”, I could not take covering it any other way.

Orlando, FL– It would seem the denial of the removal of items from the makeshift memorial site where the remains of Caylee Marie Anthony were found, by her grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony was, well, caca.

On Monday evening, when two women attempted to replace the cross that was recently removed, they were stunned to see a woman appear out of the shadows and place the cross in a dark colored vehicle. As that vehicle left the scene, one of the women snapped a picture of the driver.

Apparently the maneuvers George Anthony had been practicing mentally  from his earlier (since abandoned) recount about a high speed chase with his daughter Casey did not fail him.

Witnesses from the scene, who declined to be identified, said Anthony nearly had the “Georginator” on 2 wheels as he pulled a “360” to ensue hot pursuit of the ferocious flashing females. One woman stated she actually saw George’s silver signature pompadour part as they whizzed past on their creepy cross caper. 


As the women attempted to leave the scene, footage in tow, the glare of flashing “strobe” lights in their rear view mirror granted them a brief sigh of relief that perhaps an OCSO patrolman had intervened. This moment was short lived however, when the women formerly on friendly terms with the Anthony’s, recognized the figure in the night vision goggles flashing his big boy lights behind them was none other than Dennis Milstead. (editors note: This dude was convicted for impersonating a police officer peeps, I chit you not.)

At this point in the dangerous drama, whereby speeds reportedly reached in excess of 23 MPH; The Femme Flashalists were cornered in front of a gated community.

Dennis and Sherri Milstead, convicted felons and founders of KidFinders Network were on the left. Platinum Frequent Flyer Patrons and Ritz Carlton crab puff officianados George and Cindy Anthony on the right.

Dennis Milstead, still wearing his Sonnys bib from his earlier slather platter feast (hold the salt) got out first according to witness accounts.

When his spurs hit the asphault, you could hear a pin drop.

“It’s Five-O Bitches” Hand it Over or else I’m takin yuins In.”

Cindy Anthony gets out of the car next, she is wearing the newly designed for the Scamthony foundation; shamrock lanyard with miniature hammer amulet. She shakes her bottled water at them.

“If you maggots wanna do something for our grandaughter, you can PURCHASE one of our Limited Edition, for discarded baby remains only, life-like crosses from our foundation, dedicated to finding missing kids like Caylee. Pre-market price of $19.95, comes with a shamwow.”

Milstead is heard to respond:

“Whoa, that was not the plan. How the French are we going to get our house off the auction block on June 25th if you give that thing away? I’m not gonna keep humpin that damn sign all over and besides, you better remember who has copies of the transactions from the first 4 days of your OTHER “Foundation”.

With that, a curiously familiar looking man with a black cowboy hat appeared on a white horse from the tendrils of the night.

YO! Ladies, just turn around. They are in front of you, not in back, just put your car in reverse. I just bought this Gen U Wine rattler belt and if I have to use it to open a can in these here parts, I reckon I’ll call Rob down here and we’ll get to tusselin’ . Would not be the first time I proved Orlawn do is not big enough for the both of us.

The ladies thanked Leonard and indeed backed out of the jaws of peril.

When they asked Leonard when they would see him again, he replied:

“Thanks to you, probably tomorrow night on Nancy Grace.”

And with a tip of his hat and an “Evenin Ma’am”, he was gone.

Lois Peter and Denise Hill, called 911 but hung up when they spotted a FHP Officer.

Officer Richard Cain’s cousin told them all to “Go Home, that cross has been there for months, you can see roots growing through it, and I saw a snake behind you.” The officer was still spotted this morning not completing his report of the incident, prompting the Diva Detective Squad to file a report with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office yesterday morning.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office has confirmed they are currently investigating the complaint filed by the women.

The Big Man upstairs is investigating the people that will keep the ashes of their grandchild in a box while they steal and destroy gifts and crosses left on private property in memorium of Caylee Marie Anthony.


Red Ranger contributed to the research of this article

Image courtesy of Klaasend

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  1. Kleat says:

    Ok, Tony helped Casey break into the shed to ‘steal’ the cans… (is that testimony wrong?) I got the idea that Casey did not want Tony to handle the cans or help her fill the car tank– protecting him from getting his fingers in this pie.

    Or are we talking about ‘returning the cans’ to the house?

    I’m going to take up a collection of pennies to send to Blink for another clue…

    No, your mostly right. Casey did not break into the shed, TonE did. But keep in mind, that information was not forthcoming to OCSO until September. You know, we never really learned how he brought 2 cans out, did not get near the car, she poured it into the tank, where did the 2nd one go? Also food for thought, one of the cans contained a oil/gas mixture. Why did she take that one she could not put in the tank?

  2. Kleat says:

    What the heck, the gas cans mean nothing afterall!!! ;)

    (august 6,

    “It’s irrelevant to this case,” Cindy Anthony said. “There’s no reason to bring (the theft) up. Previously, (Casey) had used the gas cans. There’s other people’s fingerprints on them besides us, and that’s what they’re looking at.”

    (so, Casey did take the cans before, so that was why the granparents hid the shed keys and she needed to borrow the shovel… for the bamboo grass… various varieties in Anthony back yard… to keep Caylee safe…)

  3. Kleat says:

    Anything further about a waitress at Houston’s Restaurant knew something re Mallory saying something about Casey had confessed to having killed the child? (David Portwood interview)

    Nothing other than the Rozzie Franco and her BF statement. Mal is now a benefactor to the “Foundation”

  4. Tracey says:

    Can someone tell me how I can contact Blink? I am visit here all the time. However, I do not know how to contact her. I have some Anthony Saga” emails, I would like to share and see if I can get some information from her. I will verify and give all my information to show this is actually true and “REAL” information. I do not want to just post the info here as the words “slander” and “defamation” seem to be flying around from the A’s and Milstead’s. Yes, I’m serious. LOL!
    Tracey, you can post them here, only I will see them first and decide if it can stay, if I need something else, I’ll email you

  5. westsidehudson says:

    Kleat, I’ve been out of the loop for a couple of days. Where did you hear or read about the waitress and Casey’s alleged confession? And Blink who is Rozzie Franco?

  6. nickel says:

    Oh Blink…please tell us how George got the gas cans back. Do you think Tony was involved in some way?? I can’t get past the middle of the night phone call between Casey and Tony on June 15th. Think there is anyhting to that?? Also, i remember asking you awhile back about Mallory. I never did find her police interview. Do you think she knows important information? Also, do you know if she is pregnant?? I have more qeustions then ever now, sorry:) Thanks for your patience..

  7. IVOIRE says:


    “To cover up for the fact that at the time of the statement he had his gas cans back. You wont find that anywhere.
    He first admitted that during the FBI interview, thus why detectives drove him out to the house while Cindy was in another area of OCSO to retrieve them.”






  8. Kleat says:

    Hi WSHudson, that was new to me too, check the Casey Anthony link on for the list of interviews and docs, and there is an LE interview with David Portwood. Probably not so much info in it, bet Mallory will tow the Anthony boat line. But if LE put ears on someone with Lee, you can bet they did the same with Mallory, who knows, maybe even in the restaurant that very day and this Portwood interview was just some tidy-up of loose ends with people who might have heard what others heard. If Mallory would had ever spoken out against Casey, she would not have her boyfriend long though, so why would she do that.

  9. Kleat says:

    WSH, here’s the direct link to docs listed at cfnews13: Look under April 6th docs released. The Portwood interview mentions Rozzie Franco.

  10. westsidehudson says:

    Thanks Kleat. It was tough reading that guy’s interview with all of the “uhs and uhms” throughout. He made it sound as if this was the waitress’ (Sp?) opinion, when he was pushed to clarify. There was a connection between the two women because they worked together, but I think he initially took a leap that she had inside information. I would love to read an interview with her. But this would be hearsay anyway, wouldn’t it? Unless, as you said, Mallory got it from the horse’s mouth and shared it with LE. (and as you also said-HIGHLY DOUBTFUL) However, I think that even if Mallory knew that info, she probably found out through Lee and not directly from Casey. It didn’t seem like they were all that close.

  11. nickel says:

    In george’s interview regarding June 16th the last time he said he saw the girls, he says Casey told him she would be working late and Caylee and her would stay at the nanny’s house that evening. Is this not the same day she told LE that she went to pick up Caylee “after work” at 5pm and they were not there??
    If your referring to the 24th BAM! Another 24th story?

  12. Annals says:

    I read that interview a while ago and dismissed it; I remember thinking; This is nothin’.

  13. nickel says: are brilliant! Thanks for opening up my eyes to many, many things i had missed before. Granted, my boss is probably not happy that i have spent practically the whole day reading transcripts and such. Now i have so much more to look at. The more things make sense, the more confused i am somehow..

  14. nickel says:

    As for comment #161, i was referring to the “last time” George said saw Casey and Caylee on the 16th. He stated that Casey told him that she and Caylee would be staying at the nanny’s because she would be “working late” that night..meanwhile she told LE that the June 16th is when she went to get Caylee at 5pm “after work” at Sawgrass and they were gone. Guess she did not have to work late afterall(enter sarcasm)From this and other things..I now am convinced that George never saw them on the 16th at all….

    GOLD STAR for nickel.
    Lastly, what 34 mo. old stays in their bedroom til then with no breakfast or lunch? Be for real.

  15. nickel says:

    One more from me..last one i promise for today..sorry! Do we know for sure one way or another if the Pontiac was truly out of gas when George and Cindy went to pick it up on July 15th?? If it was out of gas, where did the gas that they put in the tank come from (cans)??
    Back to school you go nickel. If you were studying transcripts all day than you would know the answer!
    Lol, but because I am a kind “buster” I will give you a hint. It is in Simon Burch interview.

  16. nickel says:

    Yeah!! I got a gold star! Thanks for going easy on me Blink…off i go to more transcripts.

  17. Kleat says:

    Yes… the gas cans were WITH George as he somehow figured he would need to put gas in the car. I checked the Burtch interview yesterday. I don’t think the tow yard people were used to people being prepared to put gas in cars after they had been towed– now WHY on earth would George bring the cans? Why would he assume the car had been out of gas for what, two weeks?? With Casey not going to pick it up if legitimately she had run it out of gas? Wouldn’t ex-cop George worry about his child and grandchild’s car found ‘abandoned’ with wallet, food garbage in the back seat, empty child’s car seat, shoes etc? What parent wouldn’t freak out???? Unless they knew Casey was safe because she was seen recently, and knew that the baby was maybe safe, because Casey said so.

    (Blink’s question of what baby would sleep in, miss breakfast and lunch– well an incapacitated one)

    Ok, I’ll throw out one more bone cause you guys are so stellar!
    Recall the text received by Will Watters on 7/10 he felt was random and not meant for him?
    “getting a rental”.
    Who was renting a car for her?

  18. Kleat says:

    and if the gas guage was faulty (wasn’t IIRR), that could be a very serious problem for a young mother driving alone with a baby in Florida– stuck on the side of a busy highway (easily rear-ended on the shoulder) or stuck out in the heat between Orlando and wherever (all over God’s country, as Cindy said they didnt’ want Casey driving with the car needing a brake job or whatever it was– don’t recall the gas guage as being one reason)

  19. lin says:

    So, can anyone organize a write in campaign on this? Anyone? Anyone?


  20. Annals says:

    Campaign for what?

  21. lin says:

    I dunno… maybe asking exactly what George and sindy have to do to be charged? Or maybe why don’t the laws that apply to me also apply to them? Or whatever… I’m not all that fussy. I just believe in equal protection under the law and that ‘grief’ shouldn’t have a whole lot to do with it, in most cases. Even ‘extra special grief.’

  22. Kleat says:

    we are ‘writing in’!!! (on Blink’s comment page– she’s SOOOOOOO patient with us!!! And she’s giving out stickers, gold coloured today!!!)

    We surely do not want to ‘write in’ to the judge– anyone paying attention to Judge Rodriguez or was it Strickland– doesn’t much matter ;) , will remember his comments on ‘gratuitous emails’ from the public– ie: ‘UNWELCOME’ and they are on file now!!! Oops…. they will go on the record guys!! Makes no sense to ‘write in’ to the judicial system, makes no sense to write in to the media, cause we are already here with the best! (just nobody buy Blink a commercial video camera and airtime ’cause that will really change the format and she won’t remember us!! ;0 (just kidding Blink)

    lol, too late Kleat :)

  23. Kleat says:

    renting a car… hmmm…. that’s a hole in my reading…

  24. Kleat says:

    still a hole… read the Will Waters interview, saw the refs to Casey texting about a rental car out of the blue, and she mentioned it to him too, but no mention of her getting help to actually rent a car. Was she trying to use this guy to help her out to get one? He was pretty taken with her so she might have asked for help and got it, he seemed like a helpful sort of guy, LE commented on that.

  25. nickel says:

    From Will Waters interview– He, Amy and Casey went together to get beer/wine for the July 4th party …they went to Target, etc..then had to go back to liquor store for a bucket they forgot but he says they would not sell to Casey because she did not have id on her..Then who bought the beer/wine?? Probably not important..just odd
    Also, Blink am i wasting my time trying to find out how George knew he would need to bring gas with him to pick up the Pontiac on July 15th??That speaks volumes to me! I just can’t get past that…Will i find the answer if i look hard enough??

  26. Steadychick says:

    Did George try to rent a car for her? Is there some unreleased discovery that points to this? If he did, then he knew about the car being impounded before he got notice at home. Also, it has always bothered me that George reported the theft of the gas cans to the police — why??? — Casey had taken them before and he had to know that it was her this time. So many questions. And I think Blink knows the answers! Come-on, pleeeeaaasssse, tell us before we go crazy!

  27. Kleat says:

    nickel, no id is a great observation!!– because that should have reminded Casey to go back to her car at Amscot where she left her wallet!! Why didn’t she go back for her ID– if innocently ran out of gas and left the wallet there or thought she ‘lost’ her wallet, that would be the one place to look since she obviously knew where she saw the car last.

    Of course, she might have wanted someone else to pay for the booze (go figure that!!). Who would rent a car for someone who lost their ID (ie: Driver’s Licence) and be driving the rented car ‘without’?? No reasonable person of course.

    George HAD to figure if the gas cans were gone, first person to suspect is Casey as she had taken them in the past and she was not allowed to have a shed key or know where the parents hid the shed key. Why did he report it? To document a theft for some reason– hmmm.

    I still think Cindy’s ‘try’ to put a date on the child going missing a week earlier, was a failed attempt to avoid the Father’s Day date with the fight between herself and Casey linked to the disappearance. It failed because of the 31 days missing statement and because of the care home video and ‘sign in’ sheet for the 15th. Cindy does not forget dates– not that one and she would have checked a calendar quickly before stating the date because a missing child last seen date is extremely important if they wanted to help find the child.

  28. TallyHo says:

    Nickel – the “no ID” thing is very interesting. If I remember correctly she also failed to have her ID on her when she and TonE went to look at an apartment. Can’t remember the date on that – will have to go look it up. I suspect that the purse she left in the car was not her main purse, and she was in possession of her ID, etc all along. It seems to me that for some reason she was reluctant to show her ID around people that knew her. Hhmm…

  29. nickel says:

    Thanks Kleat! I was just rereading some things and picked up on that. I still wonder who had the id to purchase the beer and wine. Why didn’t that person go back in for the bucket?? That just didn’t fit (as with soooo much in this terrible case).
    Anyone.. theories on how George got the gas cans back if he did not really see Casey on the 24th??
    One last thing..When Tony had to pick Casey up after running out of gas on June 23rd, this was when he helped her break into the shed, he told LE where the car ran out of this close to the location sweet Caylee was eventually found?? I was not sure..

  30. Kleat says:

    nickel, well either Casey had walked home with the gas cans and put them in the garage (right!!) or she had a rented car that no one would recognize, OR, she was driving Tony’s jeep alone, OR someone drove her home with the gas cans. Or, someone went to pick them up from somewhere/someone, or these were not at all the same gas cans (but they had old duct tape stuck on them consistent with the Anthony home tape rolls I think).

    I wonder whose fingerprints were on those cans– that Cindy and crew might want to link to the ‘abduction-that-never-was’.

  31. Kleat says:

    Casey did have ID, the same wallet and ID as left at Tony’s when Cindy picked her up with Amy’s help. Why didn’t Casey take that wallet along with her (as Cindy said ‘numerous’ times, a woman would never leave her purse anywhere) when she went home with Cindy that night. Because then Cindy might look inside it to get some cash back for herself (which is what Cindy did before caught by LE with her hand on the credit cards and “ID” that Casey had in her possession).

  32. Felicity says:

    Blink: The woman that took off for Colorado, or Phoenix with a pedophile: Her little girl is oirl is only 3 years old. The ped and mom were at a campground…the child wasn’t seen. Something has GOT to be done to change the laws.

    Thank God for people like you, Mark Klass, John Walsh,Tim Miller!!

  33. Kleat says:

    Felicity, ditto… and headlines from Canada tonight, police have gone public with a warning of a kidnap threat to a young child, problem is, they do not have a name for the target. So every parent is warned. Talk about ‘terrorism-like’ threat.

    You might not want to read this… better not to…
    I read on scaredmonkeys, about an 8 month old male baby who (or gosh, was it a nighmare instead of real story….) was killed by his 17 year old male babysitter, who first raped the baby who could not stop crying (of course in pain) and so he beat the child, said it fell down stairs (so itself to blame of course that’s possible NOT) and the baby died. What torture for a child and the mother left the baby with this 17 year old to rape and kill and the mother must have known this babysitter’s violent and criminal past.

  34. Kleat says:


    BLINK IS A GUEST ON DANA’s RADIO in 1 minute— oops right now the show starts!!!!! gotta run and turn the ‘radio on’. (that’s 9 pm est, 6 pm pst)

    :) :) :)

    10:15ish EST

  35. Red Ranger says:

    George and Cindy are going to have to commit a very heinous crime to get arrested for anything. The SA wants their testimony in Casey’s case and is walking on eggshells around them.

    I listened to the 911 call of the elderly ladies. Some of it was hard to understand due to a large cat being tortured in the backseat, by demonic banshees. Knowing the character, or lack thereof of the offending parties in this chase would be enough for me to convict. Especially when a frightened old lady is making the call while in transit with the earths entire howler monkey population in the vehicle.

    Is there a reason that the Milsteads with their flashing lights could not be arrested? It isn’t his first time pulling the flashing light stunt.

    Second to last, Has the 911 operator been living in a cave with Osama Bin Laden for the last year? How many times does the elderly lady need to say that it is George and Cindy Anthony chasing them and they are driving George’s black vehicle? The operator played oblivious and asked again and again. By her fourth or fifth time I was screeching with the screech owl flock that accompanied the Grandma on her big adventure. In the operators defense, the noises coming through her headset are going to played through loudspeakers as psychological warfare the next time we are trying to dethrone a dictator.

    And last, I know the inhabitants of at least two of the vehicles are as crazy as Paul-a Ab-dul after “free samples in the dumpster day” behind the psychiatrists office. I should cut some of them some slack so I do. I should cut some for the others but I don’t like them on so many levels that I just can’t, or won’t.

  36. Kleat says:

    Oh… if you don’t know, it’s at top’o the page

  37. Kleat says:

    Re: post 151, thanks Blink,

    If there was a mixed gas/oil, the lawnmower must have been a 2 cycle or whatever (my mower is a plain jane with the old fashioned oil tank). So I better go back to the tow yard interviews to see if they said George brought ‘cans’ or ‘can’. Would George even tell Casey that one was a mixture? Why, unless she cut the lawn and needed to refill. If there was a gas can with mixture, it wouldn’t be a big one, not 50 bucks worth for sure in one can. That weight is not that portable or safe to keep at home.

    Yeah, a boyfriend would be hard to keep ‘hands off’ the auto ‘parts’ to help his girl, even if she insisted, he’d try help out and grab a can unless she told him he could not do it or physically blocked him with a serious tone. That would seem strange.

  38. Kleat says:

    Hey… Dana’s going to talk about the crime stories in Canada.

  39. Kleat says:

    re: Sept OSCO notice of the Tony-gas can-break in etc, isn’t it possible that OSCO would keep quiet on co-operation of Tony because of the ongoing investigation using Tony, ie: undercover with Lee.

  40. Kleat says:

    got you on now, Blink… but I’ve missed some of it already as ‘interruption’ between 10:15 ish to 10:26 ish


  41. Kleat says:

    Blink Quote of the Day: “Sociopaths are sociopaths ALL the time– they don’t take a break!”

    Pretzer thanks you and your group for the good work you are doing… to give a voice …. for those who are still missing.

    Pretzer Quote of the Day: “We are an awesome bunch, aren’t we!!” (Blink, Dana and crews)

    Great job, Blink!! :)

    Dana’s doing a ‘shoutout’ now of thanks to everyone, Blink, Scaredmonkeys and everyone, including those who share ideas on the blogs, and says ‘we are all here for each other’. He says this is making a difference and that’s something ‘that the mainstream media can’t say’.

    TY Kleat for your contribution and support. My kanuk friend and all of you should pat yourselves on the back for me, as said, without you, the missing stay missing, and the victims stay victims.

  42. Kleat says:

    LOL Red Ranger!!! But have you thought that calling the ASPCA might have been a better idea… for the poor large cat and other creatures of the night howling in the backseat??? (hey and Banshee’s are an Irish idea!! Bet that didn’t get past you!)

  43. NancyS says:

    Oh now you all have me wondering about the gas cans all the time and my mom thinks I am REALLY crazy as I brought it up to her.
    This case is really confusing her as the only thing she reads on it is Nancy Grace. I tried to tell her that is nothing!.. hehe
    she is going to be 80 years old and it is funny to watch her to try to solve it.

    OH well I am going to see if someone can tell me where to look at that one guys statement about the gas cans… yikes another day in confusion over this case.

  44. westsidehudson says:

    I wonder if some of this digging into PI Casey’s phone records via the criminal case motions by Baez, is a backdoor way to determine what, if any, goods Casey has on Baez in the FL BAR complaint. Thoughts? Anyone have an update on the status of that investigation? Nothing to lose at this point, right?

    Otherwise, it’s probably a very direct attempt to implicate Cindy, George or Lee Anthony….

    I think Baez knows exactly what the Bar has on him, at least the complaints. But yes, Baez and Lyon et al have the A’s firmly in the crosshairs, make no mistake.

  45. Felicity says:

    Kleat,dear God, this is beyond horror! The pain this little baby endured had to be excruciating. I pray that Canada has HARD LABOR,and life without parole. I also pray that this evil monster is put in general population so other prisoners can “have at him.” SO MUCH EVIL, and it appears to be getting worse. The sickest of the sick appear to be coming out of the woodwork. This is so heartbreaking. I feel sick.

  46. nickel says:

    George (in LE interview) mentions a $4400 or $4000 deposit Casey made into Cindy’s bank account. He also talks about Casey telling him (while working at Sports Authority) about a supposed robbery at gunpoint for $4000?? Did she rob herself for that money?? This is also the same amount Baez told George Casey had saved to pay him. Has to be a link between all this. Can anyone enlighten me…

    She actually never deposited that money. She made up a fake deposit slip.
    She made up the robbery to account for the fact she stole it from her parents. She NEVER worked there.

  47. nickel says:

    Also trying to find anything Cindy has said regarding the 24th gas can incident. I recall her just blowing it off, saying to ask George about that. That seems like a pretty important event to just put aside..Seems she actually has kept her mouth shut on this one(why??)…or i just have not found her statements.

  48. nickel says:

    Oh thanks Blink! I thought she had actually worked there briefly. The money she stole, was it from the car George mentions he sold?? How did she get her hands on that?? Was she using the fake slip to try and make Cindy and George believe she was paying back what she stole?? Obviously they would know the money was never truly deposited..Did George ever contact anyone (LE) regarding the “robbery” or did he know that was all another lie?? Seems like a robbery at gunpoint would be something any father would be VERY concerned about!

  49. nickel says:

    Blink,Is there a link so i can hear you on the radio:)

    It will be up as soon as I get it, technical difficulties, lol

  50. Kleat says:

    Felicity, that baby story was from New Orleans, Jefferson Parrish. (not that we haven’t had our share of strange murders recently). Better down there than here, we (our system) just let the man who beheaded the innocent young man on the Greyhound Bus, off with not guilty by reason of insanity. That is ok in this case EXCEPT that there is no way to ensure the mental facility, vs criminal facility, will not let him out in the future with no controls. He might be doing well now ‘inside’ and he does have legitimate mental disease but who knows what will happen down the line with him.

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