Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Brad, Baez and Baden Can’t Read

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 Discovery Review Part I

Orlando, FL– In the last 2 weeks in the case against infamous tot-mom Casey Anthony, The defense appears to be in an all out media blitz to support their recent motions for dismissal. Most legal analysts feel they have  missed the deadline for such tactics, and that could very well be the reason for the affront on public opinion recently.

The editors have been scouring the recent discovery release. 

There are some very compelling facts the Spin Twins de Baez have conveniently overlooked.

The Duct Tape


Reported exclusively  at last June, the Henkel Duck tape industrial grade was located on the skull of Caylee Marie, the  gas can and the shed at the Anthony residence. Today, WFTV after rifiling through some old footage, reminds us what we already knew.

Caylee Tape

(Editors note: Say what you will about Kathy Belich, that Dom Casey cheat sheet with her picture and “disseminating hatred towards the family” remark had her in that news room with a whip and a hot iron all day until they found it– I don’t blame her.)

Yesterday at Brad Conway’s client driven press conference, he specifically referenced there are no fingerprints on the duct tape. I heard it again this morning by Linda Kenney Baden.

Brad Conway

Let’s break this down folks, shall we?

On NO document, that we have seen, does it state anywhere that there are no prints on that duct tape. Specifically, I am referring to FBI Evidence ID Q62, Q63 and Q64.

In fairness to the defense, with a combined experience mean of 2o years in the “expert” fields, less Jose “” Baezs’ token 3 years, I can see how such academics could come to that conclusion for the time being.Jose

Within the response to Kenney Baden’s discovery request from the FBI, this statement appears:


It does not say “latent impressions”, which in the forensic “speak” means all friction ridge detail images.

Seriously? With a woman’s very life hanging in the balance we are expected to believe such a panel does not know the difference between a latent lift and a friction ridge image in 2009? Not to be glib, but as a practical matter, as a layperson, just imagine when your scotch tape slips off the cutter and you stand there for 10 minutes trying to thread it again with your fingernail. If that did not immediately furrow your brow, you will be wrapping all the christmas presents this year.


 These assertions by the defense team are nothing more than an attempt to double dare the State to open their Kimono. Insert euphamisms at will. 

As a matter of fact, a close look at the examination protocol used by the FBI,  tells a very, very different story. 

Tape Q62, Q63, Q64 is originally presented  NOT to be tested for DNA. Who gets it first? Latent Print U and Chem. Why is this important? Because the two work together when we are talking about applying chemically based “lifting” techniques such as sticky powder, for example.  

Yes, before you ask, this is where the heart sticker residue is seen by LPU on the NON ADHESIVE side prior to it’s own testing procedures. That residue is consumed and no longer visible in this phase. You can assume LPU saw that image under ALS, not visible to the evidence collection unit or ECU. 

Occurring simultaneously, lets also assume a conscious decision is made to procure the latent images on the adhesive side of Q63, even at the risk of the consumption or ruin of residue of the alleged heart sticker that everyone already knew would not yield DNA. 

Who thinks there are no other digital originals of the duct tape, bearing the sticker residue from the Medical Examiners Officer or CSI in the field? While I agree the residue chemistry itself may have been probative, this was  not the woopsie the defense would lead you to believe.

LPU was assigned to do visual oversight when the Trace evidence unit, or TEU receives the samples next.  Ms. Fontaine has a T shirt she wears under her lab coat for just such an occasion.

It reads: DONT BE SWABBIN ON MY PRINT on the front, on the back it reads: I’LL JUST WAIT TO BE SURE.

Is that so that their friction ridge was not destroyed? OF COURSE.

Next stop The Questioned Documents Unit, or QDU. For those unfamiliar, this is another “ARod” Jose Baez so astutely coined the analogy when referring to Dr. Neal Haskell being on the State’s expert list.  This is where the mysterious “contamination” occurs. Brad Conway went as far as to say yesterday that this was a mysteryperson, a possible unsub if you will. Ms. Baden said it could be an alternative culprit. Yeesh.

It is clearly stated in the report that CONWAY released, that the ID from the partial profile, is Lorie Gottesman, of the QDU.

I am quite sure Ms. Gottesman has an alibis for June 16th. Perhaps this is a good thing as I hear Ms. Gottesman is well versed in expert testimony.

Ppppssst. There are 2 other samples of the duct tape, all 3 latent results have not been released except to say that George, Lee and Cindy have been excluded.

Wouldn’t you have to have a control latent to compare them to in order to exclude  A N Y O N E?

Their ARE prints, folks. Eazy Peazy.

While we are on the subject of the tape, textile fibers WERE recovered from Q62 and Q64 and Q66 (house duct tape) and preserved for future testing.

It was not true to say there was no transfer evidence whatsoever, how would they know when those tests have not either been preformed or the results completed? Ms. Baden feels the public is being misled?

I would offer the misleading is being orchestrated by misinterpretation.

The decision was made to consider testing the tape for DNA after an initial pre-amplified DNA result came back from Baby Caylees tibia (I apologize for the graphic).

To be continued,

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  1. Todd in Tulsa says:

    Blink, on the subject of George. Forgive me if you’ve already addressed this. In your response to Kleat’s #76, I am wondering, in your opinion, if he did seem like a straight arrow, why has he turned into a puppet for the defense, and moreover, for Cindy? Now in light of the tape relevance, seeing that the very tape that was found with innocent Caylee, could very well be the same tape they used to hang missing person posters, shouldn’t red flags be going off all around him, telling him that what he probably doesn’t want to accept as truth, is the truth? I would realize how difficult it would be for a father in that situation, but it just seems that the more he tries to cover all of this up, the more disrespect and illjustice he is showing Caylee. I’m just thinking that two wrongs do not make a right

  2. Debidoll129 says:

    Blink, I did not understand the phrase “Bench Notes”, so I goggled in the words and guess brought up a motion Baez did on 1/28/09..He is asking the same thinks his motion requests.but he speaks about the prints..this motion is a far cry from Linda Baden’s…

    Please check this out!

  3. melissa says:

    Oh no Blink, I meant no harm or to invade anyones privacy. I know M had mentioned the other site before and thought if anyone knew the two by email or im to just check on them. I know anonymity and the right to privacy rules and all but…the posters and you especially aren’t just words on my computer! I really care about you guys! I don’t go to bed or work and forget about the people here or Christine or HaLeigh or Caylee, etc. you know what I mean. AND no, I didn’t forget RED! My apologies to all and never any harm meant.

    in no way did that require an apology. Your a kind soul.

  4. OnASeriousNote says:

    Awesome stuff (<–the limit of my scientific knowledge)! You’ll find my name on the huge thank you card, Blink.

    This is a little off topic from this enlightening thread, but as the nails keep pounding on his sister’s fate, I’m thinking it’s time for someone to reach out to Lee. I’m a little on the fence about him. His silence is deafening, if you hear what I’m saying, and I think it’s the most appropriate help he can be to his sister right now, if he even cares about her dilemma anymore at all. I think that he’s the closest in that family to being normal, though I wonder how he’s managed. I’ve know those who have risen above their circumstances, and if he hasn’t yet, now would be a good time. He can’t be real happy with his parents lately, or he’d be at the podium with them. I think he knows the deal, as we all do, hence his silence and his withdrawal from the limelight. It shows he has some wherewithal in drawing a line in the sand, if I’m right.

    I’ve never blamed him for his actions during all this. The truth is, nobody’s perfect and nobody really, really knows how they’d react in his situation. As my halo tilts precariously above my head, I’ll shamefully admit that I think it’d be easy for me to tell a lie if I thought it would keep me out of jail. I would also give those in my family the benefit of the doubt as long and as hard as I could possibly muster, no matter what they were accused of. Being an obsessively private person myself, I, like Lee, would take exception to interference in my life unless it was dire, or under my control. I know he took his support of the family to the extreme limits, but he did, eventually, settle down and has for now faded into the sunset.

    He tried to be the big brother, and initially he sounded like the voice of reason in explaining to Casey, in true big-brother form, how her situation was not going to go away without the presence of Caylee, period. I don’t think this is the first time he’s been relied on to play mediator in his family’s dysfunction. It didn’t take many of Casey’s lies to throw the entire family into offensive mode, and when one’s not used to being taken to task, as none of them seemed to be, it wasn’t long before they all became (literally) offensive, some more than others.

    I think Lee knows the limits of his ability to help his sister though, and I’m hoping his decency and morals are not too deep beneath the surface. I want to think he’s realized the truth and, like many of us, he’s at a loss for what to say or how to defend the behavior of his sibling and parents. Practically, he’s shown that he’s an average twenty-something who has finished high school, gone to college, moved out of the parents house, landed a job that can support him, found a girl…there are many out there who are still struggling for independence at much older ages. And he’s managed to not become estranged from his family, which would be optimal if his family wasn’t so strange. I’m sure I’m showing my age here, but he is just a kid in his twenties, and from what I remember of my twenties, I’m afraid to think how I would have processed what he’s faced.

    If he had written to me for advice, I’d tell him how unimaginable it is to be forced to choose between loyalty to his family and to loyalty to himself, and then tell him that it’s his duty to set things straight on behalf of his family, since they clearly cannot do it on their own. He needs to own up to what he knows, and accept that the chips will fall as they will. He can’t be blamed for what Casey did. Even if he was complicit after the fact (Gawd, I pray he didn’t pick the location to dump the body), he’s one that could possibly argue temporary insanity, as I know in finding out my sibling did something like this, I’d go completely over the edge and who know what insanity I’d wreak. He needs to set an example for his sister and parents though, and show them the meaning of ‘temporary’, as in, you can’t keep on, forever and ever, living the delusion that your sister is telling the truth, especially when you really, REALLY know the truth yourself. It’s not healthy, and if he does have decency and morals, the rest of his long, long life will seem miserable and pathetic. And I think, and not so deep down, he does. I hope the vow of silence he seems to have adopted is so he can reflect on his own well-being and future. And finally, I’d send him one of my favorite poems.

    The Man In The Mirror.

    When you get all you want and you struggle for self
    and the world makes you king for a day,
    then go to the mirror and look at yourself
    and see what that man has to say.
    For it isn’t your mother, your father or wife
    whose judgment upon you must pass,
    but the man, whose verdict counts most in your life,
    is the one staring back from the glass.
    He’s the fellow to please
    never mind all the rest.
    For he’s with you right to the end,
    and you’ve passed your most difficult test
    if the man in the glass is your friend.
    You can fool the whole world
    down the highway of years
    and take pats on the back as you pass.
    But your final reward will be heartache and tears
    if you’ve cheated the man in the glass.

    I’m pulling for Lee to do the right thing. If he’s on the fence too maybe this will be the encouragement he need. I hope so.

    Profound. Resonating.

  5. Kleat says:

    Debidoll, the bench notes are the technician or scientist’s notes taken at the time the testing is being done, vs a formal report using those notes. Linda K-B wanted to know precisely what was going on during the testing– vs just the formal typed up report because she is hoping to find something to question, show a discrepency, she’s making sure everything in the bench notes fits with the report, and if there’s something in the notes that’s not needed in the report, she’s prepared to question it.

    Like someone seeing a crime, taking down a tag number of the perp on a scrap of paper in their car, then at home, transferring that number to a notebook. Identical… but if the defense learns this, and the original scrap of paper is gone, oops, there’s a question the defense can raise about an error in transcribing the licence number to another paper.

    Defense is looking for that same type of thing.

  6. Ragdoll says:

    #99 Interesting comment Blink. I googled the term malignant narcissist. One thing stands out and somewhat contradicts Casey’s behaviour……

    “Using complex defence mechanisms, such as projective identification, the narcissist forces his victims – spouse, mate, friend, colleague – to “play a role” assigned to him by “God” – the narcissist”.

    Jesse Grund stated that Casey was a chameleon (not verbatim). She was the role player within her relationships. Also, I never really perceived Casey as having a ‘God complex’. Definitely narcisstic traits but then again, I’m no expert.

    Just an observation.

  7. Debidoll says:

    Post # 103
    Go here open up page 4 and be wowed about the fingerprints..
    I have noted that this is the same motion filed on 1/28/09 and is Linda Baden motion filed 8/20/09…except here is more intense…How can you file two motions for the same thing 8 months apart? You can really see how vague Baez is.

  8. Debidoll says:

    Post 104…my message was for you..I was just so taken by the wonderful writing of 103, she locked into my brain…

    So post #103…please read the book “The Four Agreements”,…Lee has learned his values and his morals from his parents..I can not help to feel that they let him down in so many ways…I loved your post!

  9. Debidoll says:

    This Casey…

    Factor1: “Aggressive narcissism”

    Glibness/superficial charm
    Grandiose sense of self-worth
    Pathological lying
    Lack of remorse or guilt
    Shallow affect
    Callous/lack of empathy
    Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
    Promiscuous sexual behavior
    Factor2: “Socially deviant lifestyle”

    Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
    Parasitic lifestyle
    Poor behavioral control
    Lack of realistic, long-term goals
    Juvenile delinquency
    Early behavior problems
    Revocation of conditional release

  10. Debidoll says:

    The post # 108 is a combination of both[edit] Malignant narcissism on the spectrum of pathological narcissism and psychopathy..this is Casey as was Diane Downs.

  11. Kleat says:

    Cindy did an interview on November 26, 2008 with a WFTV reporter while standing along the dark street, presumably outside the Anthony home. With camera lights on her, cars with lights heading towards them on the street, now with what we know about possible drug dealers/gun runners/money launderers and the fear of physical harm to the Anthony family, even with Casey safely tucked in her jailcell, looking at this video now, seems to be a very risky position to be in. Easily a car could drive along and put an end to the interview with a bullet spray, easily a car could speed up and ram the people under bright lights for the camera.

    1. Cindy had, only ten days prior to this interview, sent ‘men to search those woods’, and she may have known by this date, that Caylee had been killed and her body dumped in those woods near their home. If not Casey, then the risk to be outside in the dark, blinded by camera lights, setting themselves up as a target. Note the car lights behind the interview– easily could have driven by. It seemed a risk that Cindy at least, did not take seriously.

    2. About Kathi Belich– I beg you not to listen to the WHOLE thing– at least do so at your own peril of minute after minute of non-stop talking. BUT, let it load and start it at 8 minutes and listen to what Cindy has to say about Kathi Belich after talking about problems with Larry Garrison, and his email about the wrong brush etc etc.

    Cindy says: “… if he thinks he can get back at…with me by calling Kathi a friend… which, he’s been telling me for a month now not to trust Kathi Belich and I’ve got nothing against Kathi… Kathi knows that. We buried the hatchet the other day… and you kno… I respect Kathi for what she does. I just wish I woulda got Kathi’s email before she came out with all this paperwork tonight…but unfortunately I was out at dinner. It’s been a long day and I hadn’t eaten since yesterday at noon.”

    Cindy goes on to the relationship between the cops and herself, after said ‘brush’ incident and says about the cops and FBI “… no animosity there… especially now that Mark’s not our attorney”.

    She blames Mark for being in the way of an open connection to investigators.

    So, the baby’s body had not yet been found, the memorial not yet planned…. so it was after this hatchet burying that Cindy’s PI wrote that “Kathi Belich disseminated hatred towards the family”.

    The hatchet must have been unburied between this interview and the memorial!

    Now I’ll go watch the film Vertigo– can’t get much more dizzying than watching these people go in circles– round and around– back and forth….

  12. SUSANM says:

    thank you for presenting that blink,it was over my head,LOVE the poster tape find also,(that’s more up my alley),NOW iirc (and i am sure i read it ,just cant be sure i’ll find it again,fast(really busy,but been reading everyday): in one of tony’s interview’s he states he found duct tape in his jeep and arranges to turn over to le

    Hmm, that I do not recall, I thought it was receipts- Anyone?

  13. Todd in Tulsa says:

    Blink, if it ends up being that this doesn’t go to trial and a plea deal is brokered, what do you think the options will be for Baez?

  14. suz says:

    Wait, Blink, WHAT tape was taken from the house on 12/11/08? There’s the gas can tape of course, and i’m pretty sure LE saw tape stuck to shelves or something in the garage (sometimes i think that’s where casey got the pieces of tape she used), but i never read about any other tape, except that from the gas can and remains site, going into evidence. Are you saying they took a roll, or what?
    is it in discovery somewhere?

    You may have me on that one, I thought the tape plus the metal hook thingie it was hanging on were removed from the garage.

  15. Gina says:

    Was anyone else surprised to learn of the Rev. Richard Grund’s 30 year involvement with the occult? Nothing against him, there’s an attempt to frame his family but wow, that was unexpected & a little disturbing. I’ve always supported Jesse & Richard still do but talk about going from one extreme to the other.

    I was not “surprised” as we checked him out and found all of that from day one. Not my particular cup of tea with the occult thing, but I believe strongly he and his family loved Casey and Caylee very much. I find some of his beliefs “out there”, but when that is your business per se, one has to consider how much of that is advertising in a way.
    I met him, he seemed like a genuine dad and poppa.

  16. gloriadelamanana says:


    Thank you for taking the time to give us such an educating post. I get the impression you were just as pissed off as Kathy B. and the rest of us with this last media blast of El Bullcheveeque.

    Yes, I would say the public was being mislead statement by Kenney Baden sent me over the edge.

  17. Teri says:

    Re: The 18 fingerprints in the motion spoke of in an above post:

    I read on another site that these fingerprints pertain to prints taken off of the hairbrush, video tapes, etc – and not from the duct tape. Apparently they were looking for prints, on these items, from someone other than Casey – so they could implicate an unknown party.

    Does anyone else have any info on this?

    Thats correct, Baden got it wrong, it is in part 2

  18. westsidehudson says:

    # 110_KLEAT_
    “Cindy goes on to the relationship between the cops and herself, after said ‘brush’ incident and says about the cops and FBI “… no animosity there… especially now that Mark’s not our attorney”.
    She blames Mark for being in the way of an open connection to investigators.”


    That is a bold faced lie. Where is that?

    Have a great day all.

  19. westsidehudson says:

    I have to add that it appeared to me, at least, in the time when NeJame was ‘repping’ the Anthonys, he was trying to keep them quiet, for the most part, in press conferences, etc. They just kept piling on more inconsistent statements, I believe he was trying to put a stop to that, WHICH WOULD ACTUALLY HAVE HELPED THEM.

    I wonder if there is any regret, now, that they didn’t heed that advice.

    Although I can not know what really transpired between them, NeJame made it clear that he didn’t represent Casey.

    This is not going to be popular. I disclose my friendship with Mr. Nejame as you know. There is zero doubt in my mind that Casey Anthony would have plead out this case by now if the Anthony’s would not have blown it with his counsel.

  20. Norm says:

    i have a quesiton from the motion that 106 posted anyone:)

    why did biazz ask for all contracts, records of payment,documents, memo’s or any written itemss, including but not limited to drafts proposals or otherwise involving andy MEDIA Shows by with and or between Orange County Office of Chief medical examiner Dr. Jan Garavalglia or her agents or related media entitles including but not limited to Discovery Channel, Discover Health, or it’s media company that produces on behalf of the same? what is he pulliing at here…all becouse she has a media show that she is not qualified? i remember a week or 2 ago Wesh’s Bob Keiling tried to interview her about Caylee’s autopsy and she did not want to speek about it a whole lot..actually didn’t speak much of it? so is this a way for him to try to discredit her finds?

  21. Susan 2 says:

    First let me say “Thank You” for all you have done for Caylee. I am in awe with this article and with you. That is why I have followed you from Websleuths, to scared monkeys, to here. No fear, I’m not a stalker, you have impressed me from the beginning with your knowledge and ability to point out those things some of us just don’t see. I am confused about one thing. You have said you think this case will plead out, but on post #15 you say, ” It does not matter because I do not believe her attorney will”. What am I missing?

    1. I do not believe this defense team will stay intact for the duration, should the case make it to trial.
    2. I do not believe it has been explained to her that the overwhelming odds that she will spend the rest of her life in prison far outweigh any delusions that she can beat this. I think we are watching the reality of the size of your wallet is equal to the defense one can mount.

    All of which, do nothing to memoralize a 34 month old baby that was discarded in a swamp, where apparently many meter readers go to pee.
    TY for your kind words.

  22. Kleat says:

    I’ve tried 5 times to post the link with the comments (quoted) by Cindy about Mark being the problem in the communication between ‘them’ and the investigators… not one comment, but two…

    I’ll keep trying, but this is not taking my posts this morning… I have the link for you Blink!!

  23. Kleat says:

    my post REFUSES to be accepted!

    This will be the 7th time–

    westsidehudson and Blink and all to my post #110 above:
    (and boy do I have a newly found APPRECIATION for the unsung heros of the court system– COURT REPORTERS and TRANSCRIPTIONISTS!!!)

    Here’s what Cindy said about Mark NeJame, giving him the blame for– well this speaks for itself:

    WFTV Reporter’s Question: “Are you concerned investigators could take this as… [Cindy interrupts and answers over him at this point] …as you are trying to deceive them?”

    Cindy: “NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT, you know I think if…I think if there’s a problem… you know, in fact, after tonigh-today when we were at the uhm…ahh… at the hearing today in Judge Strichh–Strickland’s chamber… or courtroom, I went over to Nick Savage, FBI, and we’re planning a pow-wow next week.

    I mean there’s no animosity there. OK?

    They know that at anytime, they can pick up the phone especially now that Mark’s not our attorney, and you know… saying “don’t talk to them” uhm we…I certainly have no problem.

    I’ve reached out to them for a long time… they have been unable to speak to us because of Mark…for the last couple months and I think that’s where there’s been some down communication with them.”

    just before 8:00 minutes in point– get the Kathi Belich part, followed by the comments about Mark Nejame around 10 seconds later.

  24. Kleat says:

    My post just won’t work– I have the transcribed part of Cindy’s conversation about blaming Mark’s involvement as a problem in their communication with investigators. I’ll try to post that again sometime, maybe just the link will work for now:

    8 min mark for Cindy talking about Kathi Belich, another 10 seconds or so, for the Mark comments…

  25. Kleat says:

    well that posted I will try the link for the 9th time– maybe the ‘link’ is interferring with my posts:

    Now I have lost my transcribed conversation from that– darn–

  26. Joan says:

    Blink!!! I add to the chorus of so many others (including kameronj #96) in commenting on this latest of your posts: WOW – you are AWESOME!!

    I lost it when LKB stated in the media blitz with Baez on Today Show that “nothing links my client to the crime scene.” WHAT CRIME SCENE??!! The wooded area was only the dump site.

    Also – I know that I’ve asked this before perhaps on another site… what about that curious “old ID card” that Lee mentions in his initial interview with OCSO …Is that a fake drivers license that Casey had in Zenaida Gonazlez’ name?? Will we ever know what that ID taken from Casey’s wallet the night police were called ever was – and wouldn’t that information already have to be part of disclosure?

    Thanks so for all you do!

  27. Kleat says:

    Question– what changed with Brad entering the picture as part of the so-called ‘joint defense’ that allowed the Anthony’s to speak to investigators when with Mark NeJame, there was no ‘joint defense’ with him and they could NOT speak to investigators!? Makes no sense.

  28. chitownlady says:

    I just read every post and reply with it Blink….WOW! I truly do not know what to make of all this insanity. Funny how high priced lawyers and prints apparently do not mix. I read read and reread all the papers that come out and I get lost in it all. What the defense tries to dispprove all already without even being in a trial is amazing and amusing at the same time. Maybe some of this evidence should NOT be made public. This is sad to say being tried in the public forum right now. Whether they move the trial or not, just where would they want it moved to the fricken moon? This is a very very high profile case. People have been following it for months. I do not even think the moon would be a good option. I have long agreed with you, that if her lawyers were really smart, my god, by the evidence we have all already read SHES GUILTY as all hell. JUNK SCIENCE? The only thing here that is junk is their half assed theory that she is INNONCENT! We all know that her crack defense team know she is guilty…Grandpa Munster and Grandma dearest can not be this stupid to think she didn’t do it. Im suprised thay haven’t blames the butler….HA HA ! This whole darn murder case is in BLACK and WHITE for all to see. She is as guilty as the day is longgggg….It is amusing to see the defense scream “junk science” when they themselves have used the very same science before. I am sure the longer this drags out….the more proof comes out….they are gonna need to face Casey’s demise…..They are gonna have to sit her the heck down and explain to her (or try too) that she needs to fess up to her killing her daughter……They need to cop a plea. PERIOD! There has got to be one rational lawyer on the defense team who is starting to think this is not looking good……One thing that needs to be done is to keep ALL DEFENSE LAWYERS the heck off of TV…SHUT Cindy and George mouths (with duct tape) and keep these two nit wits off TV as well. Lee is the key…I pray he will do the right thing…..As well as thess high priced lawyers…….Thanks blink…..Sorry for kinda rambling….but this case has dragged on way too long….too much public knowledge of issues and I for one would lust like her to either fo to trial or COP a PLEA deal……Thanks

  29. peggy says:

    Blink- Could you elaborate on why you think she would have attempted to plead this case out? In order to plea she would have to admit to some sort of culpability and from everything we’ve seen she has denied any involvement.

    Not sure I understand your question Peggy, would you mind clarifying?

  30. ada says:

    I went through the documents released in February to see if I could find duct tape removed from the Anthony’s house. LE didn’t take a roll but there was duct tape on metal brackets that they entered in evidence. LE labeled a piece of duct tape from the woods at Q-100 and mentioned it was Henckle duct tape.

    Two other things caught my eye. Maybe this has been discussed before but these things were labelled as Q-133 and Art#3. I noticed that a lot of evidence were not labelled as such, so I think they may be more significant?

    One object was found inside the “World of Disney” bag found within inches of the skull. In it was a Gatorade bottle “with unknown liquid substance with white sediment, possible toilet paper roll cardboard, and unknown item(possible syringe in wrapper)!! inside of roll within bottle, (Item was inside ‘world of disney’ bag”).

    The other was a pregnancy test!

  31. Kleat says:

    oh oh!! They missing posts appeared! Blink is a magician!!

    Q: Whose FAULT is it then??? ….. A: ABSOLUTELY not MY fault!!!! ;) (the subject of the coming ‘theme song’ for this Anthony family saga)

    hehe… sorry about that, but I maybe the links go into a separate hold netherfile… ahhh… I was seeing the ‘non link containing posts and that Sports Connection page was confuddling.

    Kleat- we are moderated, not instamatic, and Blink was mommying this morn :)

  32. Susan 2 says:

    Thank you Blink (#121). Now I understand. Did I also mention that in addition to your “mind blowing knowledge”, you are also very funny?

    TY Susan 2.
    I am here all week, try the veal.

  33. wpgmouse says:

    Oh, Kleat, I can so feel your posting frustration and having to type out the contents of a link as a last resort, that I am laughing so hard out of sheer “been there” camaraderie.
    If I didn’t install a Bette Davis seatbelt on my cheese I would be ROTFL. Wait, I have to wipe my eyes.

    Okay, seriously now, it was about 2pmCT when your morning posts appeared on here for me to see (and with all your links working, too).
    Perhaps the links don’t work until posts actually “get posted” upon moderation. (?)

  34. ProvokingPoirot says:

    Peggy, I feel almost like you are the type person who knows a lot about a lot of things.

    Your posts are very interesting. You certainly give me pause and make me wonder…

  35. Debidoll129 says:

    IMO, Casey will make a plea deal after the first of the year. Andrea Lyons new book will be released and she can receive part of the glory of the case and of course the golden cash egg! Baez will not look so bad and will have made a name for himself. His gollden cash egg will come too!

    I agree when her motions fail there is nothing in it for her, and I think she is a very capable attorney, so Baez will hold no further interest for her.

  36. wpgmouse says:

    Kleat and Blink

    ooops, your (132) post wasn’t up when I took way too long to post my comments to Kleat.

  37. peggy says:

    Sorry about that,I was commenting on your response to question # 119.

    Here’s the quote:

    “There is zero doubt in my mind that Casey Anthony would have plead out this case by now if the Anthony’s would not have blown it with his counsel.” -Blink

    My question to you is- Why do you think that Casey would ever try to work out a plea agreement with the state? In order to do that the defendant has to admit to some sort of responsibility or culpability in the crime and from what I’ve seen she’s never once come close to doing so, it’s actually been just the opposite, she’s denied everything. She’s waivered once that I can think of and that is when she was in the hallway at Universal, she actually admitted a lie but it was only a wobble of sorts b/c she started right back with the crazy story about ZG.

    Thank you and good question.

    Casey was indicted prior to Caylee being found. I dont think the possibility of her going to prison for the rest of her life was ever in play for her. She was indicted prior to Caylee being found, then she was. What are the chances Baez put the screeching hault on their strategy and explained to her her chances of dying in prison or dying in prison were now?


  38. ProvokingPoirot says:

    Kleat, LOLOL…I just posted one and poof there it is! Then I post another one and it’s gone too, so when it shows up, just forget that “pop-up blocker” stuff. Sometimes, if it’s under 25 words, it shows for me instantly. Other times, when MommyB is multi-tasking, it takes a while and still other times….there are gremlins or maybe some whodovoodoo but theyjustbegone!

    Blink, I think Todd should go first….then LKB…then AL…then the others but I do think they will go one by one and Jose will stay till the end, proclaiming her innocence and blaming everyone and their sister, mother, brother and dad because he is doing and will have done such a bang-up, great job, being The Queen’s Counsel, Chief Pettifogger!!

  39. I’m wondering if the reason Lyons wants the Anthony’s to have visits with Casey is to try and convince her to take a plea deal?????…….and why they don’t want the visits video taped and released to the public….

    I think Ms. Lyon needs to hear from her mouth that she is aware of the consequences and odds, astute observation.

  40. ProvokingPoirot says:

    Kleat…calm down before you have a cow, LOL! Try turning your pop up blocker off for blinkoncrime because that is how I have lost post before.
    Cindy does, in fact say that Mark was the obstacle between them and LE. She says Mark wouldn’t let them talk to FBI and now finally, they are going to be able to work with Nick Savage since Mark is no longer representing them. She blames everyone else for all the problems and Mark probably thanks his Lord everyday that he is “done with her”.

    You know what really struck me watching this 11:27 minutes of double-talking, bs-walking, excuse-making, coverherazz-raking, duo-speaking, spoiled bologna-stinking DIATRIBE? There was no fear in her. I mean, I would be feeling extreme fear over Caylee, over the lies I may have told, over those evil kidnappers coming to kill us all. But not Cindy; no fear of the dark, no fear of the Feds, no fear of anyone or anything. Spewing castigation for everyone. Folks, there is only one perfect person in this woman’s world…her own self. She starves herself for others, and tries to defend and fight for all of us who are just plain beneath her intellect and glory, she walks amongst mere mortals when she is by her own accounts and statements, a SAINT. Yes, she is a saint, a wonderful mother, nurse, daughter…never giving herself the time love and energy she “knows” she should give herself but nay-nay…she “bleeds” all of the following which i copied and pasted from…
    perfection; perfectness; indefectibility; impeccancy, impeccability., pink, beau ideal, phenix, paragon; pink of perfection, acme of perfection; ne plus ultra; summit., cygne noir; philosopher’s stone; chrysolite, Koh-i-noor., model, standard, pattern, mirror, admirable Crichton; trump, very prince of., masterpiece, superexcellence(goodness); transcendence (superiority).

  41. ProvokingPoirot says:

    Sweetest Blink, who I admire so greatly
    Please delete duplicate posts I might have made lately!

  42. NGfromBoston says:

    Blink- Re: Post #130 & Plea Bargain question….. I have often wondered the same thing….

    Can you elaborate on why you believe a plea will be entered? IMO, this is correct since the DP is on the table and the former is a better option than the result of the latter.

    Is this also why you contend and state that this case is not going to make it to trial? Because someone on Baez’s team is finally going to do the right thing and save the taxpayers thousands of $$$ …..I seriously don’t think that Baez & Co., or George & Cindy want the gravy train to dry up. How sad, they will suck it dry to the end. Every time one thinks of that innocent little baby girl, it’s enough to bring tears to your eyes and a pang in your heart all over again.

    I believe prints on the tape will ring more like premeditation, because honestly, giving Casey the benefit of the doubt is no longer an option if they are there. Who would take that gamble?

  43. ProvokingPoirot says:

    #137 Peggy,

    You have made me think seriously about being “justified” in my belief of guilt, though I matter not…only the jury and God matter in that decision, and I thank you for that but I do disagree with your statement, “She’s waivered once that I can think of and that is when she was in the hallway at Universal, she actually admitted a lie but it was only a wobble of sorts b/c she started right back with the crazy story about ZG.” She has waivered so many times I have lost count. There was a post done not too long ago by Maura, I think, and it listed all the wobbling and waivering and there were many small, medium and large changes in her stories. The change from the stairs at Sawgrass to JBP and being held down by a firm grasp on her arm by Zaneida is a large one to me.

  44. suz says:

    I kind of wonder what passes for ‘occult’ for the good Rev Richard Grund. Was it thirty years of reading his horoscope in the newspaper every day, topped off by enjoying Harry Potter? Or was it the real deal (whatever the real deal is)?

  45. SuzeeB says:

    Blink, I have a question. I was going over some of the Results of Examination. This is from last paragraph on page 9587

    No apparent transfer of textile fibers was detected between specimens from the remains/crime scene Then is goes on to list the specific speciments by Identity letter/number such as Q59,Q60, etc..

    My question is….. Am I to assume the 8 items/specimens that they Left Out of that sequence in this statement DID have a transfer of textile fibers detected.

    I can only speak to the textile evidence I quoted in the piece, other than that I would be speculating

  46. peggy says:

    Per Florida law JB is not qualified to handle a DP case…if AL leaves this case he’d have to get another DP attorney to take her place.

    Yes, he would, not a big issue.

  47. melissa says:

    Blink you know I’m trying to light a whole room with a 40 watt bulb so are you saying that Baez might have hoodwinked Casey into believing she has a chance on earth to get out of this? That would only be for his own financial gain, right? Help. I know this creep in custody is smart enough to know what is going on but could he be lying to her about what they have until it’s time to say bye bye see ya on tha row. Fl death row that is.
    Not lying, omitting.

  48. Janice says:

    This may be out of place, except there seems to be a very thoughtful group of people on this site. Is there any collected data for voice analysis done on recorded 911 calls? Remember there were not one, but three called into LE thirty one days after the last day CMA was seen on video tape.

  49. PINK says:

    Unfortunately, I’m not in the least convinced that there were any latent print or ridge prints discernable on the duct tape that was on Caylee’s mouth after so many months of being exposed to the elements. I, like everyone else here, hope that there were, but I don’t believe so at this point. I DO hope that you’re right Blink – simply because they would make a simple matter simpler but despite reading everything here and everything everywhere else, I’m not convinced of this in the least.
    Fair asessment Pink

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