Morgan Harrington Case: An Appeal To * You Know Who*

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Charlottesville, VA–The disappearance of Morgan Harrington, missing since October 17, 2009 is exhibiting the potential to reach a temperature that is currenlty encompassing the Northeast: VERY COLD.


Through the thousands of posts at and numerous articles covering Morgan, it is clear that frustration in the lack of lead generation and ambiguous statements from the Virginia State Police are causing some to lack conviction Morgan will be found.

 In a recent press conference by VSP, LE provided NO NEW information or progress regarding Morgan’s case. In a shift of posture by the Harrington family, Dr. Harrington has begun participating in online chat and sponsored an additional facebook site to help the efforts to find his daughter.

In fact, for the first time in 2.5 months, we know what kind of camera Morgan had with her the evening of the Metallica concert from his research. 

AmymaggieIn contrast, we have viewed footage and photos of her dear friends that have clearly moved on without the knowledge of their friends plight.

Girls will  be girls you say? Before one person comes on here to tell me I am being too critical of these young women you should know that due to a fortunate Facebook update, describing these girls as Morgan’s friends is entirely generous. 

Furthermore, if you happen to be one of the parents that has provided booze for underage minors captured on digital for all to see you may wish to take a peek at what is on your daughter’s social sites.

Have you thought about what it would be like to be Gil or Dan while your linin’ it up and throwin’ em back WITH your kids?

Fortunately, this is not the focus today. I do not feel Morgan’s friends did anything to directly cause her fate.  They are more “ME” than frienemy, that is evident.


Gil Harrington, posting on the families site, wrote one of the most eloquent and courageous posts from the Mother of a missing child I have ever read.

The snowfall is beautiful but still disturbing – melancholy.  Wonder if Morgan is cold – is snow falling on her face – or is her face covered by leaves in a shallow grave being hidden by the snow.  I glance out the window and see the crimson blaze of a cardinal at the bird feeder – my heart leaps for a second at the beauty – then I think its feathers look like blood in the snow.  Is that what Morgan’s blood looks like in the snow?  See how the pitfalls are everywhere – even at the bird feeder.

In a somewhat angst-ridden moment, a poster on suggested any and all witnesses in this case should be subject to repeated Barry Manilow songs until they confess.


It jogged a memory for me that reminded me that I am proudly my Father’s daughter. Morgan is Dan Harrington’s daughter.

Maybe someone, somewhere, has just not approached that perspective.

In response to the MAN-i-low dis-

Blink prefacing below to say: yes, off topic, and yes, I am on cold meds, but y’all went after the “MAN ilow”.  < ?xml:namespace prefix ="" o />

Barry holds a special place in the heart of my family. When I was a kid I used to play dress up with my Mom’s clothes. If a pair of her way-too-big-for-me heels was “done”, she would let me cut off the ankle straps and dance around in them as slides.

One afternoon, when I should have been doing my homework, I was blaring Copa Cabana in my Parents study dressed like a thriftshop showgirl and  when ” Who could ask for more…at the Copa” part came on, I kicked like a 12 year old Rockette and launched my “slide/RPG” into the ceiling.

There it stayed.

I threw everything I could find at that shoe to dislodge it. Nothing.

Except for the new marks on the scalloped ceiling.

Later, when unbeknownst to me, my Dad was reading his 12 daily newspapers in the study, I thought I might try another idea.

I jumped as hard as I could at the spot upstairs above where the slutslipper was lodged.

It worked on the 3rd try.

How do I know?

I heard a “S o n o f  a …..”  , then something that sounded like a combination of my first and middle names with a swear word interjected that was rising in tone and volume, and now coming my way.

As I hit the hallway to head to the other direction or squeeze myself unnaturally under something, there He was

My Dad, evidence in hand, smiling wryly form ear to ear.

“Yours I presume, young lady,”  his forearm outstretched gently with the nail to my coffin in his palm. 

I responded .. “What makes you say that?

Could be ketchup or mustards..”

(Lame editors note: do NOT ask, my sisters and I had bathing suits that matched when we were little that were red, yellow and white, respectively, it stuck to this day, I was Mayo)

He replied .. ” Because I know, this weekend, when you fish out your overalls and help me fix the ceiling before your Mother notices, you would rather do that than whatever she comes up with  so we can be all done here. The End. ( Blink dad making the wipe hands clean gesture)

She has been talking about repainting the Family room for months, I would LOVE some help with that…”

“Yes Sir.”  I muttered with a matching grimace.

“Can I have it back?” I asked.

“I would say your dancing days are on hold, dear daughter, for the foreseeable future, as are your TV privliges.”

“Anything else? ” I asked.

“Why yes, there is. If you choose to dance through the house with wreckless abandon, next time, do it when your homework is finished and in your tennis shoes. And can you please try to be more like your Mother and less like me?”

“Doubtfull Deets, doubtful.” 

With that carefully measured tween rhetort I skipped down the hall, crisis averted and I am still Dad’s fave.

I can live with the painting. Wonder if I can pick the color??


I chose to share this very personal exchange with my Daddy because it dawned on me that maybe someone that reads this does not understand what Morgan’ s Father (and family, but this reference is strictly male) needs from them.

He was her protector.   He is her ceiling fixer.

You have to give him back what you took so he can fix it for her and their family.

He does not care who you are or what you may have done. 

You can do this for them now. Have faith that anything can be fixed. Anything.

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  1. SCHokie says:

    Hi to all,

    I truly admire the deductive reasoning of so many posters on this site and urge to keep up your efforts as sooner or later I believe we will figure out what has happened.

    Morgan’s Dad is posting much more frequently on the FindMorgan site and is answering direct questions regarding her disappearance. I sense a frustration with LE and feel like he and Gil are trying a new tactic – releasing what they know to Joe public to try to help matters. I can’t imagine their pain but respect their actions. They will do whatever it takes to find their daughter.

    Here is a recent post from Morgan’s Dad explaining how he was notified re: the found purse and calls to her friends:

    Morgan’s Dad Morgan’s Dad is offline

    Join Date: Nov 2009
    Posts: 70
    # 2 is closer to the truth. I am not sure what time the purse was found I was not called till 11:to 11:30. I thought “boy is she going to be angry this morning when her purse is missing” At 12:30 when she was not home I called friends and then UVA police to report her missing.

  2. SCHokie says:

    More answers:

    Morgan’s Dad Morgan’s Dad is offline

    Join Date: Nov 2009
    Posts: 70
    First of all thank you for your answers! I don’t think you know how much your participation in this forum means to all of us! I feel special just being a part of this forum!

    On another note, I posted some questions in another thread that I was wondering if you would answer for us? I think the answers will help clear some things up for all of us armchair detectives. I appreciate your input and answers! Thanks so much Dan! (Big hugs and prayers for you and your family)

    More questions that need answers….

    1. What, if anything was found in the car? (I know it hasn’t been processed by LE…but I mean things found by the Harringtons?) No her car was clean.

    2. Was the necklace recovered? No it has not been

    3. Was the cell battery ever recovered? No it has not been

    4. Have any of the witnesses taken a Lie Detector Test? and if so, the results? Don’t know

    5. Did Morgan have a spare key to the car either on her or hidden on the car somewhere? Not to my knowledge

    6. Was there credit or debit card activity on Morgan’s accounts after she disappeared? Cannot answer thaat
    Reply With Quote

  3. alexandra says:

    6 months has been mentioned several times
    6 months ago bought Metallica tickets
    6 months ago there was a change in Morgan, she matured and became closer to parents. Why don’t we know who she was dating 6 months ago? why the secrecy? I kind of got a weird feeling when skyler said she tried to take a picture at RV lot and a (rock-star) wouldn’t let her take a picture.

  4. redly says:

    Going to write this delicately so as not to bring another name into it (someone who clearly has nothing to do with what happened to morgan). The SD who had the a & b complaint against JT (and dropped it) in 2008 was his ex girlfriend and quite gifted poetically. I think she ran track for UVA. It looks like they had relationship issues for quite a while maybe lasting as long as September 2009. This is all from comparing their face book notes postings.


  5. Judi says:

    OT: It seems as though all you read about these days is people vanishing, husbands killing wives, mothers killing their children, women trying to cut babies out of other womens stomaches and passing them off as their own (a local trial going on in my area right now is one of these cases), violent acts against the elderly and/or children, rape, abductions, women giving or selling their children to pedaphiles. UGH!!! What is going on in the world, with people???

    A mother’s instinct is to LOVE and PROTECT their chldren. A mother wants their children to have better lives than their own and to be happy. How could a mother harm a hair on their child’s head? How could ANYBODY hurt ANY child – children are so innocent, trusting, loving, forgiving, PRECIOUS! Where is the bond? where is the motherly instincts?

    Why kill your spouse? Why not get a divorce, walk away and move on with your life? If you share children, how could these a**holes take their children’s mother away from them? Better yet, what gives people the right or make them think that they have that right to?

    Don’t understand how anyone could hurt the elderly or do anything but help them. They are unable to defend themselves – they can’t run, can’t fight. Alot of them have been through hell already in their lives and don’t deserve having this happen to them. They deserve our respect – they are the generations before us, who because of them, our generations wouldn’t be where it is or we as people who we are. They are often lonely becuase their loved ones have passed on, limited on fixed incomes and just trying to live out the rest of their lives as peacefully as they can.

    And, as far as rapes and/or abductions, what makes someone think that they have the right to take something or someone as theirs just because they want it?

    Sorry for the rant, it just frustrates the heck out of me. I really don’t understand how the minds of these people work. I wonder, do they even have a conscience?

  6. susanm says:

    where in town would she be headed? bb players,her friends and maybe family and maybe fb,myspace,and cell records are the answer to that ,but seems she didnt make it.if she was just going to business area section to hang,she wouldnt be looking for a ride.

  7. redly says:

    another post from Dr. Harrington from the findmorgan site in response to a question on what areas had been searched.

    Morgan’s Dad Morgan’s Dad is offline

    Join Date: Nov 2009
    Posts: 70
    The police have done a number of sweeps of the UVA grounds area as well as “for cause” searches. The laura Recovery Center did the community search with 1700 volunteers that spread the area about 1 and 1/2 miles from the bridge area. We have Roanoek friends that are also doing searched. Areas that I think need to be searched are off of US 29 south, quite a rural area , mountainous. as well as the reservior areas.

  8. redly says:

    and some more answers to questions from Dr. Harrington from the same site. The questions posed by a poster are listed, then his answers. I find the answer to No. 6 the most interesting.

    1. What, if anything was found in the car? (I know it hasn’t been processed by LE…but I mean things found by the Harringtons?) No her car was clean.

    2. Was the necklace recovered? No it has not been

    3. Was the cell battery ever recovered? No it has not been

    4. Have any of the witnesses taken a Lie Detector Test? and if so, the results? Don’t know

    5. Did Morgan have a spare key to the car either on her or hidden on the car somewhere? Not to my knowledge

    6. Was there credit or debit card activity on Morgan’s accounts after she disappeared? Cannot answer thaat

  9. skyler says:

    Clem, these are all Metallica — that’s James Hetfield and Kurt Hammond and see the giant black beach balls — Dee was carrying one out of the arena — and I’ve got one in the door side pocket of my car — supposedly, Morgan was out of the arena by the time Metallica hit the stage at or about 9:10 to 9:15 —


  10. susanm says:

    why hasnt the person she was texting been revealed,dr. h. said that person wasnt was in the charlottesville area at that time.Was dan cass. the intended receipiant of the mettalica ticket or was he last minute replacement?

  11. skyler says:

    Last post, I promise, and I’m going to go watch Sandra Lee cook cheap on Food Network — I laughed when I clicked on this link — I was questioning my child (best way to get your kid to talk, strap them in the car and have the “she who makes the car pymnt, gets to control the stereo” rule) — I was asking him if there were LOG members from California, that this guy was talking about CA. He said, no, he was saying Metallica came “all the way from California, give it up for Metallica” — and this was the first time I understood a single word LOG said when I watched this video — ROT*S*L *S = sofa

    This “Redneck” song apparently is what made LOG famous — it is their “anthem” of sorts and that’s why the “crowd goes wild”

  12. fish says:

    Comment by wpgmouse — January 24, 2010 @ 1:18 am
    Couple of questions on the JT court records.
    Nothing after 09/10/2009?
    Anything on the attorney of record of late?

    WPG, on Albemarle County General District CIVIL Court, there is no attorney listed. I will search for an attorney names.

    Albemarle County General CRIMINAL Court, there is only listed a ***Public Defender! No name given.

    Charlottesville General CIVIL Court, same thing. No name given.

    Mr. Tucker seemed to have a bit of bad luck during the last few years. That would put anyone under pressure. Doesn’t UVA offer help to their athletes? He seemed to be a star on their basketball team yet seemed to be in over his head in his daily life. I guess it is all just “business, no offense”.

  13. tarheelfan says:

    Just a quick comment regarding all the videos/pics/etc from JPJ. I attended the Metallica show in Charlotte, NC the very next night, 10/18 and we had downstairs seats…not floor…lower level…like the seats seen in some of these videos.

    Morgan was in secton 312 which is upper level. IMO there is no way she was downstairs by the stage, absolutely no way at all. Security was tight in Charlotte as I’m sure was the case in Charlottesville the previous night. If you’re saying this might be Morgan, how do you propose she got down there? A friend sitting in upper level seating (like Morgan’s seats) attemped to get on the floor to be near the stage and couldn’t get there. I might add this is a 30something guy with many concerts under his belt and many times of trying and then making it to the floor from upper level. Not this time though, security tight he said.

    We had good seats, so close we could see Metallica VERY well, eyes blinking, stubble beard, etc…CLOSE…. and we saw a few people try to get past security, but nobody did. Security is tight at most of these shows….now more than ever I think just because of the time we live in and all that has ensued these last 10 or so years. Security was EVERYWHERE as were Charlotte LE. They stood around each and every entrance/opening to sections of seats…which are many…on every level. They were also standing around the bathrooms, stands, and were on the smoking balcony. They were even just walking the halls. We’ve been to lots of shows and it’s sometimes easy to spot the undercover, :) , but we saw lots of them too.

    I honestly don’t think she got on the floor from upper level. I’m also wondering at this point, if she got there at all. That many people, that many security, that many LE….there would be air tight eye witnesses and sightings. Guess I’m beginning to change my thoughts on this situation as I look back on OCT 18. Something just “ain’t right with this picture.”

  14. rabbit19 says:

    Swiss Miss: For a while there possibly oye (poye) was all about morgan and 241-ing it up for a while there…

    Chad, mom3.0, wpgmouse, and all those still interested in oye: HOWEVER,fwiw, I just filtered poye’s wall and she has not said anything in reference to morgan since 12/7/09.

  15. Word Girl says:

    Perhaps it’s just too early on a Sunday morning, but your attempt to analyze and critique one of our fellow posters here made me feel truly nauseated. Maybe it’s local humor that I don’t get, but I found your ramble more of a passive-aggressive rant.

    Would you consider asking Blink to take it down? IBefore too many more people read it?
    It’s not really the way we play here.

  16. clementine says:

    *From Find Morgan, posted by Eclipse33:


    First of all thank you for your answers! I don’t think you know how much your participation in this forum means to all of us! I feel special just being a part of this forum!

    On another note, I posted some questions in another thread that I was wondering if you would answer for us? I think the answers will help clear some things up for all of us armchair detectives. I appreciate your input and answers! Thanks so much Dan! (Big hugs and prayers for you and your family)

    More questions that need answers…

    1. What, if anything was found in the car? (I know it hasn’t been processed by LE…but I mean things found by the Harringtons?)

    2. Was the necklace recovered?

    3. Was the cell battery ever recovered?

    4. Have any of the witnesses taken a Lie Detector Test? and if so, the results?

    5. Did Morgan have a spare key to the car either on her or hidden on the car somewhere?

    6. Was there credit or debit card activity on Morgan’s accounts after she disappeared?

    *From Find Morgan, posted by Morgan’s Dad

    1. What, if anything was found in the car? (I know it hasn’t been processed by LE…but I mean things found by the Harringtons?)

    @ No her car was clean.

    2. Was the necklace recovered?

    @ No it has not been

    3. Was the cell battery ever recovered?

    @ No it has not been

    4. Have any of the witnesses taken a Lie Detector Test? and if so, the results?

    @ Don’t know

    5. Did Morgan have a spare key to the car either on her or hidden on the car somewhere?

    @ Not to my knowledge

    6. Was there credit or debit card activity on Morgan’s accounts after she disappeared?

    @ Cannot answer thaat

  17. cvillenative says:

    Comment by belika — January 23, 2010 @ 6:07 pm
    Hi there, I just wanted to make some remarks..

    First, I just did a search on facebook’s comments about Morgan Harrington, and look what:

    No results found for morgan HARRINGTON.
    Check your spelling or try another term.

    Dustin Dodge
    Dustin Dodge a friend of mine just stated to me that he saw this morning on TV that the police have “very credible information” to prove that Morgan Harrington(the missing VT student from the Metallica concert)is in or within the immediate area of Portsmouth(VA)
    I caught that too, Dar, and wondered if everyone else missed it. Definitely worth pointing out. I would love to know more.

    Regarding JT, as someone else mentioned he was still enrolled in school during his suspension from the BB team, and therefore still in Charlottesville at least through December. I remember we talked about this pretty extensively on a previous thread where he was under the microscope. Also, I have no way of knowing if this is really true or not, but the local “buzz” I am hearing is that he is still enrolled in UVA and trying to complete his degree this spring. Has anyone with real inside knowledge on this heard anything?

  18. Mary L. says:


    Why are you looking ay Metallica footage when we already know Morgan was outside of the arena by that time?


  19. cvillenative says:

    Comment by katesro — January 24, 2010 @ 10:56 am
    I was just reading through the posts and found something that stuck out to me.

    WT and friends met up at Buffalo Wild Wings that night. Rumor has it Morgan’s scent was last picked up behind the Wings place.
    katesro – Buffalo Wild Wings (also called BW3) is located in Barrack’s Road Shopping Center, next to the JPJ. A lot of people will park at Barrack’s Road and walk to the JPJ for events.

    Rumors were that Morgan’s scent was picked up at Wild Wing Cafe, which is located at the Amtrak Train Station between the University and Downtown.

    These are two seperate restaurants, in two completely different directions from the JPJ.

  20. belika says:

    :) )
    Nice, and very thoughtful essay… full of suggestions…

    ““My Philosophy of Life” by Morgan Harrington

    Friday, November 20, 2009 at 4:22am
    Morgan Harrington

    Zeek- English 111

    Reader’s Journal #3

    11 September 2006

    “My Philosophy of Life”

    This weekend, my mom told me that my chores would involve outdoor

    work instead of the usual indoor vacuuming. I was not thrilled about this change

    from my typical routine and had a bad attitude when I first knelt down to begin

    gardening. Once my body finally adjusted to the heat and my hand movements

    developed a circular pattern to spread the soil, I grew comfortable in nature next

    to my mom. As I thumped the earth around the roots of the flowers, my mind

    began to wander. It was then that I realized how plants are very similar to


    Just as people need certain things to survive, plants do as well. A young

    plant needs serious attention from a gardener until it grows strong enough to

    thrive on its own. A gardener must position the plant in an area where the sprout

    will receive just the right amount of sunlight; however, too much sun will cause

    the plant’s leaves to shrivel up and eventually it will die. Regular water is also a

    necessity required for plant survival but too much water will wash the roots right

    out of the ground and kill the plant. After the plant has been placed, and

    nurtured, the gardener has to step back and let nature run its course. The plant

    still requires some nurturing and care, but survival is up to the plant. Some

    seeds never sprout, some blooms shrivel up and die unexplainably, and some

    plants never seem to grow to the expected size and splendor. There is only so

    much tending a gardener can do and the rest is up to nature and the plant.

    A person must be carefully nurtured and have good values instilled in him

    when he is young and begins maturing. Childhood is a “make or break it” stage

    in development where the individual is very fragile; therefore, parents must raise

    their kids with the best intentions. Parents must introduce tools for success to

    their children at a young age, for example, stressing the value of a good

    education. If a parent is overly emphatic and insistent about school, though, a

    child might reject learning altogether. Informing kids about the hardships in life is

    also something that a parent must do; however, if the parent reveals too much

    about suffering, the child could become overwhelmed and fearful of the world.

    Protection from overexposure to danger is necessary to a certain extent to

    maintain innocence, but there is a fine line between being protective and

    smothering the individual one tries to protect. Parents lay a foundation for their

    children, but after a certain point, it is truly up to the child whether or not he wants

    to thrive. Some kids have many opportunities presented to them but never take

    advantage of them, some kids drop out of high school, and some kids fail to

    reach their full potential. There is only so much a parent can do and it is really up

    to each child to lift his head up and reach for the sun.

    I watched my mom clip dead basil leaves and I felt even more confident

    that my newly discovered philosophy of life was correct. My mom taught me

    about life and raised me to uphold certain values, but now I’m a senior in high

    school and I’m starting to make decisions for myself and emerge as my own

    person. I will always remember what she taught me and keep that knowledge in

    mind as I make independent decisions. Now I can only hope that the flowers we

    planted will do the same – but even if they don’t, I still have experienced a growth

    of insight as well as greater closeness with my mom through this simple

    gardening project. “

  21. Mary L. says:

    1978 Comment by Dar — January 24, 2010 @ 11:03 am
    RE: #1963 Comment by Momof3*AKA*Mom3.0 — January 24, 2010 @ 2:50 am

    *** Comment by M. — January 21, 2010 @ 9:20 am
    This case is very interesting for a number of reasons. I have intimate knowledge of the Harrington family. I used to work in pharmaceuticals and psychiatry in the Radford . . .

    Wow, where did this come from? I must have completely missed it. Could you post the link?


  22. Momof3*AKA*Mom3.0 says:

    Hi Clementine. Very nice work thanks.

    It seems as though we can eliminate the group with /by the baseball cap wearing guys and fist pumper.

    I must say these photos have just added to my confusion. Where is the HBB? Where is the group of 3 near the stage left of the drum kit during LOG?

    Where did the blonde in light color shirt go(one standing near tall longhaired guy)?

    I certainly have a new respect for LE. Looking at these pics just confuses me. The drum kit or band members are in my way! They are obscuring the exact spot I want to look. Is it wrong to scream at my screen:


    Clementine, thank you for your hard work, I will try again later to see what you see.

  23. Catch says:

    RE: Comment by smythe — January 24, 2010 @ 10:53 am
    When/where is this from?????????

    Dustin Dodge
    Dustin Dodge a friend of mine just stated to me that he saw this morning on TV that the police have “very credible information” to prove that Morgan Harrington(the missing VT student from the Metallica concert)is in or within the immediate area of Portsmouth(VA)


    I asked myself that question and went searching. Its from Dustin Dodge’s Facebook WALL at

    I’d sure like to know where his friend got his information. I looked throught the Tidewater area’s news and found nothing related.

    FWIW, I’m a Portsmouth native and if anything more comes up about this I would be happy to help with locations, etc., plus still have relatives in the area who could help if needed.

  24. Momof3*AKA*Mom3.0 says:

    Dar thanks for the response. I thought it was weird- Why didn’t they mention Alex?

    smythe, I don’t know where that sighting/conversation came from or when. If you figure it out let us know. STRANGE.

    Belika welcome, I think there is no video because 1 she was never there or 2 LE isnt releasing it.

    At this point I feel like I don’t remember any facts if there ever were any, and the facts I did think I knew seem to keep changing………There only thing that remains unchanged is Morgan is missing.

  25. J2K says:

    Georgie (re: 1953) re: MH’s car timeline

    First, my sympathies on the passing of your mother, Georgie.
    As to your question:
    “… In your Jan 22, 2010 @12.40am you say: ‘AM drove to MH’s parents place instead…. AM left her car there, and she and MH drove to JMU in MH’s car. I assume this because AM drove MH’s car back down from JMU to the Harrington’s dropped off MH’s car, and drove home to Blacksburg.’ What time are you assuming AM dropped MH’s car back at her parents? If it was in the middle of the night, don’t you think her parents would have noticed she didn’t come in the house?…”

    G, I meant that AM drove her roommates’ car to the Harringtons Sunday afternoon, as (just my guess) I believe AM’s car was there overnight. There have been conflicting reports on where MH’s car was finally left – Blacksburg or Roanoke at the ‘rents – but my point in that post was it makes sense for AM to have met MH at her parents’ place at noon Saturday, from which they drove up to JMU, where they were expected to spend the night, with the plan being to drive back the next day to Roanoke so MH could meet her dad at noon, at which point AM would leave the Harringtons’ and ostensibly drive herself home to Blacksburg. The change-up was that AM had to drive back alone in MH’s car to her parents’ house.
    Not that this aspect of the that weekend is that significant, but I wanted to clarify the details per your question.

    RNmom – Sorry to hear about your home! You certainly seem to be taking the situation in stride; I just freaked on my significant other for washing some of my dry-clean-only sweaters with the towels (in hot water, no less, with. the. towels. argh!) Your situation certainly puts my partner’s domestic deficiencies in perspective. (Although, I’d likely be the one to accidently burn the house down.) Good luck, and kudos on your dedication to posting here despite unexpected upheaval.

    alexandra, B re: friends searching for MH in Cville the next day -
    I read those posts from JerZ, who claims to have been told by one of the Friends that on the morning after the concert, AM – and maybe SS – drove from JMU back to Cville in hopes of finding MH. To me, that move (if true) underscores how confused these people were the night before. Perhaps they had a few ideas of where she might have gone, or they thought she’d be waiting where her car was parked during rhe show – who knows?
    If anything, it implies the Friends weren’t really sure where she could have gone, if not back to JMU. I also think that by that time DH had likely been calling AM and SS all morning about his daughter, after receiving the discovered-purse call, and perhaps they wanted to make sure she hadn’t done the Walk of Shame back to the JPJ lot before connecting with him about what had transpired. Driving around the arena/UVA campus just hoping to come across MH seems a bit desperate and futile, but AM likely felt she needed to make the effort before returning DH’s call(?) and returning MH’s car to her parent’s home without her in it.

    Which leads me to my next comment: the cavalier attitude MH’s friends had upon learning she was stuck outside the concert was likely followed by some degree of fear and/or guilt (one can only assume) the next day, upon learning an MP report was being filed by her parents and that they had a role in a very real, very scary, very bad situation involving their lifelong friend. But. These feelings were either short-lived, or have manifested themselves (like on Halloween) in hard-partying.
    Courtesy of the incredibly resourceful, public-record-reeling fish:

    Case Number: GC09005451-00 File Date: 12/07/2009 Complainant: LOFLIN, HPD Locality: CITY OF HARRISONBURG
    Defendant: SNEAD, SARAH ELIZABETH Defendant Status: Released On Summons Defense Attorney:
    Address: HARRISONBURG, VA 22801
    Sex: Female Race:

    This citation was for a noise violation. Must have been one helluva shin-dig they threw…

    B – I know you’re getting greened up for the 3 o’ clock, but wanted to let you know that the “Sixth Borough” is rootin’ for Manning and his ponies to get taken down today.
    This is hard, uh, for me to say, but…[gulp]… J E T S …!
    (just for today though!)
    Also, sorry it got all Lord of the Flies here in your absence. It’s hard for me to byte my type-face tongue.

    TY monfrier from the 6th borough, I say proudly. You know I would wear the green for your “hood” as well. (and have :)

  26. ohiomom says:

    Skyler – I am so delighted that your employers came to their senses! It seems they should owe you hazard pay for the tremendous scare they gave you. I hope your border collie is recovering nicely. I laughed out loud when I read about the “stick” she brought home. You have such a wealth of great stories – please keep your book ideas front and center.

    I have a quick question: I have read in several places that when there is a big event at JPJ, large portable lights are bought in and used in the various parking lots and also on the road just before the bridge. Did you see these lights? Also did you see security, either stationed outside or in cars, when you drove by the arena after 9:00pm?

    I know you got caught in that downpour after you left the movie. When you got back to the vicinity of JPJ, did it seem to you that it had rained that hard there? How far do you think it is from downtown to JPJ?

    Even three months later no one has said and none of us are sure how Morgan ended up outside. If security did not cause her to leave, why isn’t that made public? It would just take a simple statement from JPJ that security was not involved in Morgan leaving the arena. If security was involved, I have to believe that it was caught on camera and that is how they know for sure that Morgan was there.

    And if security made her leave and they have tapes, this is where I believe the University and JPJ are looking out for their own interests and are withholding information from the public, with the assistance of the VSP.

    Observer, do you think security asked Morgan to leave?

  27. M. says:

    Are there 2 M.s posting? Momof3akamom3.0, in her Post 1963, refers to a post on 1/21 at 9:20 a.m. from an “M.”, but it’s not me. I tried to find the original post, but don’t see it.

    I don’t post often, but that was not I.

  28. J2K says:

    Morgan’s Dad is answering a few questions on the FMH site:

    Poster: “… I cannot imagine him waiting til noon so I am thinking 2 is correct.
    Anybody know just what happened that morning?”

    DH: “I am not sure what time the purse was found I was not called till 11:to 11:30. I thought ‘boy is she going to be angry this morning when her purse is missing’ At 12:30 when she was not home I called friends and then UVA police to report her missing.”


    1. What, if anything was found in the car? (I know it hasn’t been processed by LE…but I mean things found by the Harringtons?) No her car was clean.

    2. Was the necklace recovered? No it has not been

    3. Was the cell battery ever recovered? No it has not been

    4. Have any of the witnesses taken a Lie Detector Test? and if so, the results? Don’t know

    5. Did Morgan have a spare key to the car either on her or hidden on the car somewhere? Not to my knowledge

    6. Was there credit or debit card activity on Morgan’s accounts after she disappeared? Cannot answer thaat.”

    Lastly, in regard to pics from that night:

    “I don’t know of any but will ask her friends.”

    Hmmmm. The only item that piques my interest in #6.

    That is a resounding yes.

  29. J2K says:

    Morgan’s Dad is answering a few questions on the FMH site:

    Poster: “… I cannot imagine him waiting til noon so I am thinking 2 is correct.
    Anybody know just what happened that morning?”

    DH: “I am not sure what time the purse was found I was not called till 11:to 11:30. I thought ‘boy is she going to be angry this morning when her purse is missing’ At 12:30 when she was not home I called friends and then UVA police to report her missing.”


    1. What, if anything was found in the car? (I know it hasn’t been processed by LE…but I mean things found by the Harringtons?) No her car was clean.

    2. Was the necklace recovered? No it has not been

    3. Was the cell battery ever recovered? No it has not been

    4. Have any of the witnesses taken a Lie Detector Test? and if so, the results? Don’t know

    5. Did Morgan have a spare key to the car either on her or hidden on the car somewhere? Not to my knowledge

    6. Was there credit or debit card activity on Morgan’s accounts after she disappeared? Cannot answer thaat.”

    Lastly, in regard to pics from that night:

    “I don’t know of any but will ask her friends.”

    Hmmmm. The only item that piques my interest in #6.

    That is a resounding yes.

  30. Catch says:

    ****Blink, if this post is inappropriate, please delete it.****

    I meant to comment to RNMom regarding the house fire…

    RNMom, I’m so thankful that everyone in your family was safe.
    So sorry for the damage to your home. Has happened to be as well, and I have a few suggestions to pass on to you. : )

    First of all, expect the euphoria of things being no worse than they are to fade, and be replaced by a depression, especially in the kids. Please watch for it and educate them on ways to avoid home fires and what they should do and not do. Focus on the pluses.

    If there are items which seem ruined by the smoke and smell, count them as lost on the insurance but do your best to hang onto anything that has sentimental value. I learned that after many months of airing out, the smoke odor disappeared, and I was able to clean things an recover them. I was so amazed. We’d lost everything except the pajamas on our backs when my kids were 1, 4 & 5. It was a miracle we got out at all.

    To everyone, a bit of advice: Every year in January if possible, video tape or photograph (with date stamp &/or newspaper headline) every room in your home from several angles, as well as any collections, jewelry, coins, weapons, heirlooms, closets and drawers. Keep a copy in your attorney’s safe. This will remind you of many more things that you will struggle to remember without this help. It will also be proof of ownership for insurance purposes, for many items that will be lost in the shuffle. Make a copy Sad but true. Having the photos of ‘how things were’ will provide comfort for all family members.

    Keep a set of keys hidden outside your home for all house doors and all vehicles, so they can be accessed and moved if necessary.
    The best extinguisher for a small fire on the stove is a wet hand towel Apply it calmly to smother the flames. Practice doing this, involve the kids and have fire drills regularly.

    Keep fire extinguishers handy throughout your home, and practice using them, change the batteries in fire alarms yearly, install CO2 alarms. Have a set place that everyone meets at outside, with a bucket containing flashlights, chem-lights, a leash for all cats and dogs, drinking water, sheets, shoes, corded phone & screwdriver that can be used at the outside phone connection to call for help if needed.

    Remember that most house fires are started by candles. Educate yourself and your kids… make Home Safety a Family Affair. Call your local fire dept and request a no-charge inspection of your home for fire and safety hazards. If you want more helpful information on this and other common dangers and potential disasters, click on my username at the beginning of this comment for a helpful website. I’ll see you there as ‘CountryLady’

    Please involve all of your children in your family’s Fire Safety Plan.
    I ask this of each of you as a former professional Firefighter III/EMT, Minister and Mom, so that there is less likelyhood of any child going missing in a home fire.

    Thank you,

  31. Tarheel says:

    Post #1940, Mosaic said “until…I pulled up the team roster and found out it’s a woman’s team!” That is too funny!

    With the info. you provided that Mr. Tucker was still in the area during the time of his leave of absence makes me question whether he is in fact who Dr. Harrington was referring to. I guess it is still possible and something we should consider further especially after being reminded by katesro, post #1980, of a previous statement from Dr. Harrington…

    **Earlier this month Mr. Harrington stated the basketball players were a concern for him. They have always been a concern for him.

    I hate to only concentrtate on Mr. Tucker, but unfortunately we have no idea who the other BB players are that were in contact with Morgan that night. How that has managed to remain secretive is beyond me. I really expected some loose lips by now.

  32. roageo says:

    >>> Momof3*AKA*Mom3.0 — January 24, 2010 @ 2:50 am

    On what thread did you see the post by ‘M’?

    *** Comment by M. — January 21, 2010 @ 9:20 am
    “This case is very interesting for a number of reasons. I have intimate knowledge of the Harrington family. I used to work in pharmaceuticals and psychiatry in the Radford, VA area…………..”

  33. luvblink says:

    This was on

    LE confirmed to press (WSLS, Meagan Farley) that they have no leads or sightings of any vehicle Morgan might have gotten into. I got this info when I emailed the reporter and asked her. Here is a copy/paste of the email:

    Police never confirmed to us they saw her hitchhiking..they said whatever happened to her was against her will. They don’t believe she ran away. They confirmed she disappeared btwn 9:20 and 9:30 because that is the window when no contact was made. They do not have any specific car spotted that she got into. According to them, that is the problem. That is what they told us after all.

    O/T Blink I saw The Lovely Bones, I cried so much that day but it lead to a really good conversation with my 13yr old daughter. I have to buy the book now. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

  34. wpgmouse says:


    Don’t know about DC and AM in the pics. DC is 6’4″, so even seated I think his height would show next to the seated girl?
    SS at that time was blonde, so not sure if that could be her behind.

    However, what I noticed in the first pic you posted and in most of them actually, is the older gentleman (estimate 65+) in the white long sleeved shirt/top, wearing glasses, and what appears to be a plastic card of sorts, maybe a pass, hanging from a cord around his neck. He just seems so out of place from the crowd. Cant miss him, especially with the long sleeved white top. He seems to be looking towards the left (our left) most of the time. Sometimes seated next to a fairly young lady, sometimes without, (sometimes standing)?
    At one point he appears to be going up the stairs.

    Nothing wrong with a die-hard metal fan at that age whatsoever, but I wouldn’t expect one to be wearing pristine white, you know?

    Probably means nothing, but he did stand out (to me).
    Can be seen to the right and just above the “pit patrons”.

    clementine, these close ups you provided are great:

  35. wpgmouse says:

    I am equally “surprised” at Dan H.’s response regarding asking the friends (at this time) if they have any photos from the concert.

    This revelation has completely stopped me in my tracks.

    Right. Her camera is missing and all-
    Also, I believe I have seen him quoted somewhere saying he was concerened at the lack of photos from that evening.

    K peeps, I am back to thinking maybe the purse was dumped after the fact.
    Translation hypothetical: She was HH because her card was used by someone who says she was with them?

    Remember when I said I thought it odd Dr. Harrington would disclose her account was overdrawn, and speculated it might be more pre-emptive, as in.. She has no money so give it up?

  36. Judi says:

    3 VERY interesting things that came out today

    1) They are talking about steam tunnels that run by UVA that students have been known to venture in over on Here is a map. Anyone local able to look at the map and see if there are any entrance points by where Morgan was last seen?


    2) Can tghis be confirmed….

    RE: Comment by smythe — January 24, 2010 @ 10:53 am
    When/where is this from?????????

    Dustin Dodge
    Dustin Dodge a friend of mine just stated to me that he saw this morning on TV that the police have “very credible information” to prove that Morgan Harrington(the missing VT student from the Metallica concert)is in or within the immediate area of Portsmouth(VA)

    3) Dr Harrington cannot comment on if her card was used – that tells me yes – just my opinion

  37. momof*aka*mom3.0 says:

    Hi, Guys, just have a minute, be back later…

    Dr. Harrington, answered #6 in an interview also,early on, I think it was on Today? the one where it looked to be taken from inside there home, I believe. He answered I can not say or something to that effect when asked if there was any activity on the cards from “a store”.

    roageo, M.,Mary L., The thread link to “M.” posting is: #258

    *** Comment by M. — January 21, 2010 @ 9:20 am
    This case is very interesting for a number of reasons. I have intimate knowledge of the Harrington family. I used to work in pharmaceuticals and psychiatry in the Radford, VA area.

    I do not trust Dan Harrington or his wife at all. There is something extremely fishy with that whole family. Mrs Harrington is the worst type of person imaginable. She is vindictive and bitter. I equate her entire attitude to a Jezebel type of woman — extremely manipulative. Dan has always been shady, and has had several financial dealings that really raise an eyebrow.

    That said, I remember Morgan as a little girl; but in a terrible family situation. I wouldn’t be surprised if she just ran away. I really think she is alive. The friends know something, and the family knows a lot more than they are letting on. It is their Modus Operandi.***

  38. Judi says:

    BLINK – Can you clarify this as I think it may be crucial? I know in the press release, they say it was confimed but see below…

    I posted on post #1903 the below which I pulled from over at the website…

    From the findmorgan website (link included) –

    “FYI…Police have never confirmed to anyone that Morgan was actually “seen” hitchhiking, this was told to me by Meagan Farley, WSLS reporter covering this case. It’s a theory of LE, since she allegedly told her friends inside the arena via phone that she would find a ride “home.” There have been no reports to LE that confirm that she was HH.
    Also, no one has confirmed that Morgan was going “home” to Roanoke, I’ve not seen this stated anywhere. For all we know, she could have been going back to her apartment in Blacksburg (home).”

    Post #25 by Amby

  39. lizzy says:

    1. What, if anything was found in the car? (I know it hasn’t been processed by LE…but I mean things found by the Harringtons?)

    DH:@ No her car was clean.

    “Clean,” huh? How clean?

  40. Dakota says:

    R U KIDDING ME ….note just read back to another response , I must say I am dumbfounded !

    QUOTE from Blink

    I am posting this because I have been somewhat out of the loop and on location. If this was over my head, and your slamming my friend Observer, I’m coming back to it.

    If your doing what I suspect, ok.B

    No need to threaten me Blink . First and foremost I would like to know what I have ever said or did to slam ANYONE on this website much less “your” friend’s with exception to someone whom reference Virginia’s as uneducated in so many word’s . What have I ever said for you to justify a comment as you did in the 3 month’s I have joined you and the others in conversation . With that said I was attempting to stop the damn trianwreck that was coming down on Observer that I did and still do feel was unfair and unwarranted . I also attempted to joke around with Observer a bit and hopefully change the dialogue toward Observer so people would back up and realize NOTHING Observer has said was meant to be condescending and was misconstrued as such .

    With that said , I found it a little unsettling you would post what you did to sit out there to be misconstrued as if was a damn child waiting to be scolded by YOU .

    If you didn’t understand what I said all you have to do is ask , setting me up with your post as if I have a habit of treating people without respect was both unfair and unexpected .

    OBSERVER I can assure you from the bottom of my soul there was nor would there ever be any malice toward you from me ! I ALSO consider you both a friend of Morgan’s and a friend and neighbor of mine . HUGS

    NOTE : I was working on this post and went back to reference the post about something and see BLINK has further shocked me ????????? I will respond more later

    Threaten you? Surely you jest. A thought about “humility.”
    Nobody but you- got your post. I gave it latitude incorrectly. I never said Observer and I were friends, cause if we were, I would obviously disclose same. I apologized for posting it, you made it about you.

    I respect the efforts of others, even when I disagree, and when I am wrong, or inadvertently offend a well-intentioned person, I have no problem apologizing.

    There is a woman, same age as 2 of my nieces, who is missing, and I believe has met her end at the hands of a BG.
    That is our focus. Set you up? For the second time today I have no idea what your talking about.

    This is my house. Get a tissue for your issue or move on.

  41. lizzy says:

    Regarding Mr. Harrington saying her account was overdrawn, and they were going to study for the math test and go over her account. That was the SECOND version of the plans for that day. The first version was that (besides the test) she was going to need to register for the spring semester that week, and she wanted to go over her schedule with him. That made more sense to me.

  42. fish says:

    J2K: just doing what i can. record searching that is. sorry about your “EAGLES”, my husband’s team you know!
    btw, i’m getting a bit down about all this though but i will keep at it for a little while longer! the dog is in his kennel and well, i should be in mine but here it goes…(heavy and tired sigh)

    “”"Comment by rabbit19 — January 24, 2010 @ 1:56 pm
    Swiss Miss: For a while there possibly oye (poye) was all about morgan and 241-ing it up for a while there…

    Chad, mom3.0, wpgmouse, and all those still interested in oye: HOWEVER,fwiw, I just filtered poye’s wall and she has not said anything in reference to morgan since 12/7/09.”"”

    Hello rabbit19! Thanks for the input.

    could oye have been silenced after the big shin-dig in “the burg” on december 5, 2009?? would oye have been at the party of the century?? maybe they are all starting to come unglued. one could only hope! i would love, love, love to talk to “MISS OYE if your nasty”, if she wants!

    hey rabbit, on a side note, are you a golfer?

    btw, clementine, thanks a million times over for the photos. they have been a great addition to our case!! let us all try to find “Waldo”, i mean sarah, dan and amy, if we can. i am now to the point where i just want to see the three of them at this concert!!!!

    ready, set, go………………….

  43. wpgmouse says:

    (Comment by redly — January 24, 2010 @ 12:49 pm
    “Going to write this delicately so as not to bring another name into it (someone who clearly has nothing to do with what happened to morgan).”

    Totally agree redly. It took me over 24 hours to submit my question to fish, for the very reason you expressed. I was truly conflicted. Ultimately for me, the fact that a 20 year-old girl is missing and a young man may falsely be pointed at, made my “submit comment” decision.
    I want no details other than who was/is the legal representation for JT.
    If I recall, this young man has posted words something to the effect that he is being wrongly accused of something.

  44. lee says:

    …good afternoon Jets fans :-) ….just as an FYI, when I spoke recently to UVA campus police regarding the comment by Dr. Harrington of an event/person in the C’ville area in Nov (I was concerned for my daughter’s safety, as always, and fearing I did not have the straight scoop), I was told that he was probably referring to the report of the missing UVA student that turned out to be a false alarm….I have spoken to them numerous time and feel they are being truthful….my opinion.

  45. fish says:

    The Captain [DEN] Love you Steph, R.I.P.
    Feb 28 2009 5:00 PM
    I’m doing good, busy busy, but good! Yea working, flying, and going to school. It’s keeping me out of trouble lol.
    How you doing? Still in the Burg?

    Just to clarify, I do not know if the above post is the same friend as the post below!! It just perked my attention when the above askes “still in the burg”, as in Harrisonburg??

    “Dustin Dodge
    Dustin Dodge a friend of mine just stated to me that he saw this morning on TV that the police have “very credible information” to prove that Morgan Harrington(the missing VT student from the Metallica concert)is in or within the immediate area of Portsmouth(VA)

    So, does the above post on Dustin Dodge’s MYspace lead us to believe that he was in harrisonburg for a time. maybe someone should ask this FB poster if he cleared it with Mr. Dodge whether he wanted to state this sighting of Morgan as fact. I cannot find it anywhere!!

    Does anyone else find this news worthy item?????

    FWIW: i don’t know what to think about this posting.

  46. Swiss Miss says:

    Regarding Mr. Harrington’s comment regarding credit/debit card activity on Morgan’s account(s) after she disappeared, I also take that to mean there was.

    If so, why not make that information public? In many other missing person cases, it’s quickly shared to help jog people’s memories. Often security-camera video also is provided. Why not with Morgan? Why the secrecy? It doesn’t make sense.

  47. skyler says:

    >>I kind of got a weird feeling when skyler said she tried to take a picture at RV lot and a (rock-star) wouldn’t let her take a picture.<<<

    Please bear in mind, this was a LOG person and the same one who started the conversation w/: which way do I go to see something ?

    He was getting ready to jog — the little parking guy looked at me and I looked at him — and we asked: what do you want to see ? “Something,” he replied. That’s when I noticed his LOG insignia on his little jogging jacket and I said: are you w/ the band and that’s when he freaked: no pix, no pix —

    His hair was pulled back and he looked a little normal — maybe didn’t want to blur his “rock star” image — ha — and there was a group of people over to the right and there was a young girl — late teens/early 20′s — and they obviously recognized him — maybe he just wanted to go jog, have some personal time to look at college girls and stretch his legs after the bus trip from Ohio w/out a bunch of screaming fans following him ???

  48. fish says:

    “Right. Her camera is missing and all-
    Also, I believe I have seen him quoted somewhere saying he was concerened at the lack of photos from that evening.

    K peeps, I am back to thinking maybe the purse was dumped after the fact.
    Translation hypothetical: She was HH because her card was used by someone who says she was with them?

    Remember when I said I thought it odd Dr. Harrington would disclose her account was overdrawn, and speculated it might be more pre-emptive, as in.. She has no money so give it up?”

    Blink: This sounds like a complete THUG to me! A missing camera and a missing blinky necklace. Well, like I said a THUG with no scrupples.

    I am going to say this loud and clear. I believe there are photos from that night! I believe those children MAY HAVE deleted in the morning after they realized that Morgan was missing. It’s called CYA when Dr. Harrington started calling around trying to find his daughter. As Morgan’s friends, they should be printing those photos in triplicate!!! The fact that there are no photos from such a huge concert, when there are photos before, documenting every event and photos after, documenting every event, i.e. Halloween, tell me that these kids did indeed have them. Have they fessed them up and do LE have any photos from that day, let alone that night??? Like I said to clementine, lets find sarah, dan and amy at this concert!

    When did the basketball players leave the practice arena???

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