Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Andrea Lyon “She Didn’t Kill HER KID”

Posted by BOC Staff | Andrea Lyon,Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,Jose Baez,Murdered | Thursday 7 January 2010 10:22 am

New York NY– In what was to be the kick off of the promotion tour for the release of her new book, Andrea Lyon quips the flub of the year:



Ms. Lyon.. That “KID” has a name. It is Caylee Marie Anthony.

Ms. Lyon appeared this morning on the Today Show this to promote her new book: Angel of Death Row: My Life as a Death Penalty Defense Lawyer and was interviewed by Today host Meredith Viera.

“The intense media scrutiny here has made it, as far as I can see, virtually impossible to get a fair trial,” Lyon told Meredith Vieira.< ?xml:namespace prefix ="" o />

 She goes on to compare her clients case to that of the Salem Witch Trials.


“The fact that she’s been pilloried in the press … I would liken this, Meredith, to the Salem witch trials,” Lyon said. The attorney went on to describe the mass hysteria that inflamed Salem.  

“..that the death penalty puts a lot of pressure on a defendant even when they haven’t commitLyon acknowledged ted a murder. “She didn’t kill her kid,” Lyon said of Anthony.

It is unclear from her statements if her reference was a clue, or tantamount to a confession from her client Casey Anthony as to how and who murdered her daughter, Caylee Anthony .

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  1. claudia says:


    Ramping up, you were right George just did an interview with
    fox 35 here in Orlando. I did not read it but I understand they
    have it on their web. Just caught the tail end of it.

  2. westsidehudson says:

    Comment by Momof3 — January 7, 2010 @ 5:36 pm”they were NOT burned at the stake.”

    Mom: I didn’t hear that from Lyons (did she say that?). On my post, it was my own take from being subjected to way too many Vincent Price, Lon Channey (sp?), Boris Karloff and vintage monster movie rentals insisted upon by my brother.

    I combined witch hunts with ‘storming the castle’ to get the monster (and a bit of Joan of Arc). Everyone else in the case is utilizing dramatic liberties/ license, so I figured why not me. Just wanted to clear that up, lol.

  3. WendyLee says:

    I agree, Granmomma.

  4. westsidehudson says:

    But I agree with the rest of what you said about the witch hunts. Essentially what started out as bored girls, ignorant of other cultures turned, into a continuing blame game, like an escalating domino effect.
    It’s not me, it’s Blink that’s the witch, in other words….hehehe

    Again?? Why do I always have to be the witch? Cant someone else take a turn?

  5. westsidehudson says:

    Wow, punctuation gone wild in my last post.

  6. KameronJ says:

    Wow. What a day. Everything from Lyon’s Today interview to the lifer’s letter that “O-Town’s Finest” was carrying around a half a kilo of coke and 25K in a duffle bag while staying at a Hilton and allowed someone to “rund” off with the bag and drugs and money and that this same lifer was offered drugs once but wouldn’t “except” them.

    My biggest question is why was Caylee playing the the wheel of Casey’s car the FIRST time the drug dealer partner of “Krunk” tracked her down to her house and saw her getting “hi” through the window? That is just wrong. You don’t let your two year old outside to play by your car while you are inside getting hi.

    Anyway – there are just so many things wrong with that letter and Andrea Lyon’s “defense” of Casey, it really isn’t funny.

    I am actually a tad bit ashamed I live in Chicago!

  7. Sal says:

    “Living Under a Microscope” by George Anthony

    ONLY ON FOX: What you haven’t heard about Casey Anthony. Casey’s father George Anthony reached out to FOX 35 wanting to tell us about living life under a microscope.

    George Anthony shared this letter that he wrote before Thanksgiving exclusively with FOX 35


    Thanks for posting.

    Blink, thanks for (redact)


  8. cindeefromwisconsin says:

    my last time stamp is 5:59 pm is that correct?

  9. Magdalena says:

    Hey, Angel of Death Row – pretty impersonal flippant remark about “she didn’t kill her kid”. I’m surprised you didn’t call her “snot nose” like your client did. You might score a 10 in legal circles for deflecting sympathy from the victim. But for the blog people and the ones watching the news releases it’s like a minus one million. See, to us she’s Caylee Marie. A precious, innocent, vibrant little human being who only knew how to love and trust people. She was killed and discarded like trash and then abandoned till there was nothing left but scattered bones. Since those she loved and trusted turned their backs on her there was a backlash of bloggers dedicated to demanding justice for their adopted angel. So, tell your team it’s a BIG mistake to minimize or marginalize the murder of Caylee Marie Anthony. Just makes us hoppin’ mad.

  10. Mariann says:

    Let’s all just be thankful that WE are not AL’s children!

  11. Todd in Tulsa says:

    72.Comment by dee — January 7, 2010 @ 3:59 pm
    “Comment by Todd in Tulsa — January 7, 2010 @ 3:18 pm
    I wonder if this was Lyon’s way of setting the stage for her exit…..”


    Remember you 2 who called this… She had one foot in the cab at the last hearing

    Blink, pleading on the mercy of the plagiarism court, I completely remember you making that statement, how Lyons was going to be shown the door eventually!!!

  12. Kleat says:

    Jesse’s fighting still, to keep the defense from getting his cell phone records from March 2008 through into 2009– except he’s given them the summer months already, he doesn’t want to give the rest.

    What are they trying to do? Dirt digging.

  13. shyloh says:

    # 889 Comment by KameronJ — January 7, 2010 @ 8:07 pm

    Oh I am not ashamed to live in Chicago. Andrea is on her own here haha.

    I LOVE LOVE your town, as most are probably sick of hearing. I saw her footage and new exactly where she was on “The mile”.
    I thought, o no.


  14. artgal16 says:

    Bill Sheaffer being interviewed by Kathy Belich about Lyons
    statements on Today show called Lyons a whiner! Ha. Kathi Belich
    went after these statements by Lyons with a vengeance. She asked
    does Lyons think she is such a genius? Belich also reiterated what I put in my post above, that Casey never ever reported her daughter missing. Also that Lyons comparing the witch trials to Caseys case
    was ridiculous. has the whole interview.

  15. gloriadelamanana says:

    Blink, Just wanted to tell you this and not out of criticism. Sort of like walking around with a big black spot on your face all day and no one letting you know. In your article, please proof read. There are a few extra words in a couple of the paragraphs that are errors and just wanted to make you aware. No, it is not pick on Blink day. lol

    Lol, everyday is pick on Blink day, haven’t you heard? It is “code” and is a result of using multiple programs that include the embed video… More than you wanted to know, I know, but thanks for pointing it out.

  16. westsidehudson says:

    Blink said:”Again?? Why do I always have to be the witch? Cant someone else take a turn?

    Snorting noise, laugh…..HAHAHA!
    just kiddin’witchya…Get it ?- kidding “witch”-ya!

    (I want to input the music when Dot is on her bike ant Toto is in the basket.”


  17. gloriadelamanana says:

    they haven’t commitLyon acknowledged ted a murder.>>>>>>>>pointing out

  18. claudia says:

    Blink, don’t know if my post went through the first time. So again
    George did a interview with Fox 35 today. Oh man, is all I can
    say. (SAPPY)
    when you said this is crunch week, How right you were!

    Y’all, am working on 100 posts in a few. I will get there

    YES crunch week- right?

  19. cindeefromwisconsin says:

    Blink, do you have any thoughts on my post #90?


    Cindee- post numbers may change as they are moderated, but I believe this is you:

    Blink, Good Grief! If Ms. Lyons quits or gets fired and that leaves them without a DP lawyer will Judge Strickland have to AGAIN DELAY the trial until Baez can get a new DP lawyer on board, who then would have to be brought up to speed on everything that has happened so that the new DP lawyer could effectively defend Casey? If that would happen how many times can a defense team be allowed to delay a murder trial before the Judge actually says, enough is enough.

    It is my belief they will attempt to delay nothing. They will retain a new DP attorney.

  20. lily says:

    shyloh – Chicago one of my most favorite cities EVER!

    gloriadelamanana – I have to resist the urge to tell Blink when the ‘code’ breaks sometimes on her posts too! Usually I’m just so dang happy to have a new post (and I don’t mean that you don’t post enough, Blink).

    I can’t make this sound like I’m not picking on you Blink! I’m not! I love everything you write. You already know that.

    lol, I can hang. Thanks friends

  21. gloriadelamanana says:

    It seems like it has been pick on Blink day, especially around x-mas. So glad that negativity is gone. As for Andrea L. obviously, using her own taught tactics. Using the word “Kill” and minimizing Caylee being a beautiful child,by saying “Her Kid”. I’ve noticed Jose B. also has put the word into his vocabulary. They are “see thru” and we are not buying their tactics. I haven’t read all the comments here yet. Just wanted to post this letter that was submitted by a prisoner to Judge Strickland for those that haven’t seen it.

  22. GRANDMOTHER OF 4 says:

    Blink, what date was the photo taken of casey and caylee when she was playing the guitar hero game? Just wondering because in the photo of them Caylee had the shirt on that said big trouble, but after reviewing the items listed at the site where she was found there were no shoes on it, also in the picture she had no shoes on. Could this be a connection?

  23. Momof3 says:

    Hi westsidehudson,

    Yes Lyons did say that. Her direct quote:

    “the test was to throw her in water if she floated if she could swim she was a witch she was guilty and she was killed, burned at the stake if she drowned she was innocent either way she’s dead”

    And actually she was wrong on all accounts. The accused was not just thrown in water, but thrown in with rocks/boulders tied to them.
    They had no chance of swimming or floating. It was just a sick ruse for those in power to get their kicks. As I stated before, in the Salem Trials no one died from this test. No one was burned at the stake. They were hung.

    What irks me about Lyons is she is so condescending. Her whole -let me explain it to you the uneducated masses- is sickening. Then she changes the facts to suit her self serving ploy. (I do not believe she cares about Casey, or Caylee or even about the moral wrongness of the Death penalty. It seems as if she is on a crusade to abolish the practice, and it matters not to her who the people involved are, neither the accused nor the victim, as long as she wins. MOO)

    IMO She purposely skewed things to manipulate the audience into believing this is about an innocent young woman. Innocent Casey is being sent to the stake. Not because she is guilty, but because she did not behave in the manner expected of her which is reported by the bias media and embraced by the mob out to get her.

  24. Joan (Canada) says:

    I just listened to George’s interview on Fox 35. He wrote a letter which he read about living under a microscope. He also admitted to the tatto (did it for Caylee) and the ear piercing was for Casey.
    Re-instated that he is “just George” and wants to see Casey just to tell her that he loves her. He never wanted to be famous, just do good by others. They were just a very normal family before this happened.

    O.K Blink, I am really trying to keep the New Year’s resolution, but any more of this B.S. and I will have to get out the punching bag again.

    Thank you for your attempt to abstain.

    I say that because I have not read it. I am not sure I can.

  25. FairWitness says:

    Blink, Andrea Lyon’s reference to Caylee as “her kid” was deliberate and calculated. It’s part of her defense strategy to keep Casey from the death penalty, by devaluing, debasing, diminishing and dehumanizing the value of Caylee and her life. The less important Ms. Lyon is able to make Caylee, the less likely her murder will warrant the death penalty.

    The strategy won’t work, imho, though. Caylee was an enchanting child. She had a magical aura of sweetness about her. It shines through in every photo of her.

    This defense team is disgusting. So are the victim’s relatives. I hate this case!!!

    She had and she HAS my friend.
    Stay the enchanted avocate you have always been, or call me to role play as needed :)

  26. Debi says:

    Well I can only assume that Andrea has listened soooo long, to CASEY say..”I did not kill that KID”, that she got used to her phrase herself…bad move Ms. Lyon’s….Casey…” I loved that kid”.

  27. kortni says:

    Just adding my two cents here. I had my daughter when I was nineteen and I had no idea what to do. Thank God I was able to live at home and learn from my Mom. One day I referred to my daughter as “my kid”. My Mom told my she was not a baby goat and to never call her that again. I understood immediately how “bad” that sounded. But, I have heard (and cringed) many people refer to their babies as kids. I think once these little ones reach a certain age, it becomes more appropriate. But, babies are not kids and deceased children are not kids. “Kids” to me means happy, playing, regular children. I am 40 and when my sister, brother and I go to my Grandma’s for Christmas she ALWAYS says, “I bought some 7-UP for you kids, it’s in the fridge”. It makes me love her so much, but WTH Grandma? Who drinks 7-Up? I’ll stick to white wine thank you, as much as that two liter of 7-Up is tempting me. I guess “kids” is okay when refering to more than one, but “kid” is never really okay and rather disrespectful especially when the “kid” in question is deceased.

    Tell Your Mom Blink says, atta girl.

    There is nothing wrong with it, but I agree in context.

  28. shyloh says:

    Hey Blink, I home schooled two children and I have very bad spelling and my grammar sucks big time. But my children are now teaching me. I have always said thank god for teacher’s manuals or…. I don’t even want to go there. My kids are very smart in all the do. My daughter edits my poetry for me. Or I would be lost. I am a hooked on PHONIX haha, and believe me I spell it the way I hear it.

  29. Kleat says:

    This is an excerpt from a WESH version of this morning’s Lyon interview:

    “It does put a lot of pressure on her to plea bargain,” Lyon said.
    Lyon wouldn’t reveal details of the defense case, but she said “there’s no evidence this was a homicide let alone any evidence tying her to it.”

    First, there’s no evidence of homicide, and no evidence tying Casey to a homicide (that is not a homicide to begin with).

    Second, how does someone plea bargain– don’t they have to speak to what happened and be convincing? She is saying that Casey has a lot of pressure to plea bargain but we’ve heard repeatedly that Casey is innocent– what does Casey do, make something up to say she did something or knows something about what happened? How can she plead without telling the truth about what happened, and can she try a ‘low culpability’ scenario first to see if that goes? She’s going to have to make it work in all the details, so can the lawyers help her construct, if not, at least proof and edit her story?

  30. kortni says:

    I have heard George refer to Caylee as “that little girl”. This I understand. George wants us to understand and feel his anquish. He is emphasizing exactly who Caylee is and was to him. She was more than just “Caylee”. It is beyond obvious to me that he loved her dearly. I believe he refrains from saying her name not on purpose. Caylee is “my Grand daughter” or “that little girl”. It is/was probably just too painful to mention her by name knowing what had happened. Saying her name would force him to accept something that he wasn’t able to at that point. It put a bit of distance between what he knew and what he was still trying to grasp? Poor George.

  31. mclayton says:

    I am from the South, but I still find her words so disrespectful of Caylee. It really hurts my heart to hear this precious little girl called “that child” or “her kid” like she was just a possession that was disposable. Thanks so much for this informative site–I have followed this case since the beginning and pray each day for justice for Caylee.

  32. Midwest Mom says:

    I admit up front,that I have not watched the interview,and I don’t know what lyons agenda is.however if we look at how many times we have repeated what she said or a version of what she said,it would be a safe bet that her interview worked out very well for her. It goes back to what GypsyDD said along time ago about repeat repeat repeat.
    I often wonder about who is paying the defense,and do they want casey found innocent or guilty? If it was a network,or media outlet that has something to gain afterward,which would pay more?

  33. kortni says:

    Kleat, who is putting the pressure on her to cop a plea feel (oops I mean deal)? Wouldn’t her lawyers be the ones to pressure her into this? But, if what AL says is true and they have no evidence of homicide or evidence tying her to it, why would they wan’t her to take a plea bargain? Just prove her innocent like they said from the beginning. Are they scared we (okay, the jury) won’t believe “the truth”? IMO this case has aleady been solved. The murderer is in jail, and we will never know exactly what happened. I believe Casey will be sentenced to LWOP, and we will never solve this mystery. It’s a win for AL, it’s a win for Casey (because she can go to prison thinking some people believe her BS and it’s LE’s and it’s Cindy’s fault cause she only needed one more day to make a happy ending), it’s a win for the Ant’s (because they can say MOTY never got a fair trial).

  34. MJ says:

    I’m so sorry to change the subject in here but the letter from George on FoxOrlando News is about ready to make me burst a blood vessel.


    Nobody gives a flying flip why you got an earing or a tat. Reading your letter cannot ever change the facts. Your warm and fuzzy time with John Q Public has past and since the suicide angle has already been used you’ve got no other cards to play. Why don’t you try to salvage what is left of your dignity and family, but do it behind closed doors, hey I’ve got an idea, do it out in the back yard on your new patio pavers.
    Morgan Harrington’s mother writes letters please don’t try and copy her heartfelt effort to deal with loss. Go back to doing what is unique to your family. Lying, manipulating and denying. It’s the special thing that sets you apart from real grieving people. If you feel that the lawyers are one upping your tv facetime why don’t you visit your daughter, give her that good old Anthony high five and maybe another “who’s in charge” pep talk, that should get you some air time. The many who used to sympathize with you have had to reluctantly gag down that you are as deceitful and weak as your daughter. If you really want to tell us something of value, tell us that you will do everything in your power to celebrate Caylee and preserve her legacy by helping her killer be accountable. That would be real love.

    I guess I can say my New Years Resolution for them to be honest was an unsuccessful initiative.

  35. Word Girl says:

    Kortni, let Word Girl weigh in on the word “kid.” I like the word. It’s familiar and fun and embraces the ebullient joy of children. But. When someone outside of the family refers to our KIDS, uh, well, the fighting face comes on. Better to say ‘child’ offspring, daughter, Namehere, rather ‘kid” (sry J that the punctuation went astray. Lost in the gob, maybe.) Andrea just should take her lips of our Caylee Marie. Period.

    As for the 7-Up, we ‘kids’ know it’s spicy and gets in your nose. So, no, unless you’ve got some vodka laying around.

  36. Kleat says:

    maybe Lyon was breaking the ice again with the ‘plea’ subject, just to get it out there for some reason. (the pressure was from the state with the dp, according to Lyon)

  37. dee says:

    “Comment by FairWitness — January 7, 2010 @ 11:08 pm
    Blink, Andrea Lyon’s reference to Caylee as “her kid” was deliberate and calculated. It’s part of her defense strategy to keep Casey from the death penalty, by devaluing, debasing, diminishing and dehumanizing the value of Caylee and her life. The less important Ms. Lyon is able to make Caylee, the less likely her murder will warrant the death penalty.”

    FairW that post made me cry, I think your right and that is what makes me so sad.

  38. dee says:

    for a moment I felt saddness for GEO, I feel saddness for his beloved grandchild being taken from him, I will never bash him for that I will only pray for peace for him.

    What I am not sad about is his statement of living under a microscope, himself, Cindy, Casey and her lawyer created that mess, they are soley to blame. Never once should any of those protesters been at their home, never should they have been attacked like that, but when they go on TV and lie and maliciously blame innocent people, it is gloves off. How ever they choose to support Casey who am I to say, but for them to blame the innocent and forget about thier granddaughter outrages many, they could support Casey without dis-honoring Caylee and they never have, I would repsect them if they did but they won’t.

    what has happened in this case is dirty and wrong and I am not certain if it will ever be right….time will tell, I am going to leave the A’s, Baez, Lion, and everyone else envoloved in the case alone, all I care about from this day forward is the evidence, and I am going to try to stick with can’t understand these folks and their actions the only thing that makes sense in this case is the evidence and that is my sole focus from here on out.

    Peace be with you GEORGE, I truly hope one day you find it but you will never find it if you don’t remove the Denial Blinders from your eyes.

    Justice for Caylee

    I am going to do my level best to not coment on this further. I have a fear that if I do, it will turn into a very long front pager.

  39. Boz says:

    Yes George Anthony, it will take a “God like gesture” to resolve your problems. You need to stop living off the granddollars. You need to accept the fact that you are one of the worst grandfathers ever. You let your little Caylee down miserably. Admit it. Go on with your life and we might feel some sympathy for you. All you have to do is stop the BS. Go back and look at the early statements your daughter made. She is a very sick person and killed your granddaughter. Stand up for little Caylee. Stop the pity party. Be a man George Anthony!

    Blink: Definition of a virginin – part of the body a redneck hillbilly has never seen, only dreams about. Thinks his cell-mate has one.

    Granddollars- broke my heart to see that in writing, that’s a keeper. You articulated my biggest issue in this case from day one. I have a message for George. Beg God for a dignity and integrity transplant because you got in the wrong line the first time. These people.

    virginin: lol


  40. Boz says:

    Thank you Blink. You know I feel terrible about this wronged little baby. It’s right up there with the Jessica Marie Lunsford murder.

    She is my #2 hauntingest case, and I believe #1 to SA Scott Bolin, FBI.

  41. Boz says:

    Tell me world. Why does anyone want to come to Florida? Now we have a beautiful young woman burned beyond recognition and a boyfriend in denial. I know, I know it’s very early but what else can we think?

    It’s him.

  42. Sister says:

    Blink, do yourself a favor, don’t read GA’s letter as it is only day 9 of the new year’s resolution and you may break it. He actually believes (?) he can give “life changing advice or being there to help them up when they fall. . . God like gestures . . .”
    He/they are repugnant and have not understood love at all. One of the basic foundations of love is respect and honor and they have exhibited none of these characteristics in regard to the memory of Caylee. “God like gestures” — I think they need to actually read the Good Book and not tote it around like a talisman.

    lol, too late, but I am holding comment on it for now.. trying..

  43. Boz says:

    George Anthony said, “People who don’t know the facts re-victimize the victims”

    George, we know the facts. Please, please give us ONE fact to change our minds. Just ONE George.

  44. Steadychick says:

    Blink — Call me dense, but I’ve read and reread all the posts, plus much more material, and I still do not understand the logic of why some think AL will quit. If I’m not seeing it, I’m sure there are others. Can someone explain why they feel this to be true?

    It would be her first loss. Her goal is to abolish the DP in the entire country. I do not think she will quit necessarily, but I do believe she is vying to be “let go”. I could be wrong.

  45. Janice says:

    I do not know if this is considered being an advocate Caylee will never become of legal age, get to decide to get her ears pieced and/or obtain a tattoo?

  46. Janice says:

    I do not know if this is considered being an advocate Caylee will never become of legal age, get to decide to get her ears pierce and/or obtain a tattoo? Corrected “pierce”.

  47. dee says:


    did I say something wrong in my last post, I am trying to turn over a new leaf…


    not at all-

  48. joypath says:

    George: Fact…microscopes won’t work without a light source, Fact…..cameras won’t work without a light source, Fact….you shouldn’t be IN ANY light source other than the GRACE of the ALMIGHTY BEING, Fact….CAYLEE WAS THE VICTIM!

  49. steph says:

    I can’t help but wonder when Lyon stated Casey didn’t kill her kid and then says there’s no evidence of homicide, are they going to either say it was accidental or are they going to say somebody else like George, Cindy, or Jesse accidentally killed Caylee??? Of course this wouldn’t explain Caylee’s body being in Casey’s car.

  50. chitown lady says:

    Well Blink, No one ever said this poor excuse of a lawyer had class…..”that kid” comment kinda says it all…..She is one sad sad hag…….Her name lady is CAYLEE! C A Y L E E !

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