Caylee/Casey Anthony Case:(Updated Podcast) Blink Discusses Discovery on Dana Pretzer Show



Tonight Dana welcomes special guests:


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  1. Bees Knees says:

    Tim Miller said, “George gets Casey to mark an X on the map . . . ” But did you hear Lenny Padilla on Nancy Grace tonight said “Never happened!” Said it two or three times actually!!! Now. Who will I believe? Tim Miller? Or Lenny? HA HA HA HA HA!!! Hands down I’d believe Tim ANYDAY over Padilla! Boy, he has sure changed his tune, hasn’t he?

  2. Bees Knees says:

    I was really happy you mentioned John Morgan tonight. I, too, have said from the beginning he is going to be a huge blessing to this case. God bless the man! Love him.

  3. Bees Knees says:

    I think that Cheney Mason will go down!!! He will. Every single person that comes within a yardstick of this case comes away with stink on them. Mason will not be immune to this anymore than Andrea Lyon, Macaluso, ABC Network or Todd Black/Gil Cabot. The only ones who get away without contamination are the ones that saw what was happening immediately and cut their ties to the infection ~ Mark NeJame, Terence Lenamon for example.

  4. fish says:

    Can’t do anything but support you by listening.
    Keep your laser-like focus on justice for Caylee!

    Thanks Friend.

  5. Mom3.0 says:

    Blink great interview once again. You shared a great deal of useful insights. Thanks

    I had forgotten that Tim Miller wasn’t allowed to talk with Casey- What is this about that woman volunteer from Kid Finders, Linda Tenaelli(sp?)- being interviewed by LE about an email/joke being played on Baez and money being put up for Caylee’s safe return from Puerto Rico between D. Casey- Geraldo Rivera and Jose Baez?

    Thanks for bringing this point up too, Blink- Because I Totally never thought of the disgusting FACT that ABC/Walt Disney has funded Casey Anthony’s murder defense, where an innocent little baby girl Caylee was murdered and disposed of wrapped in a blanket with Pooh on it- Disgusting!!

    I was floored when I read that interview with Tinelli- as Dana astutely put it, here we are following nonsense Padilla on NG when the labyrinth of what is going on is right before our eyes.

  6. chica says:

    I missed it

    can I hear it after the fact? blink?

    will post the podcast tomorrow am when it is available.

  7. Kleat says:

    Oh good, just see your new post and will listen this evening! Thanks…

    I caught LP’s nonsense– btw, to where has his neck disappeared?? Or he’s got a very funny camera angle to match his commentary.

    Note how NG and KB bolstered the idea of LP being right. So Tim Miller must be an out and out liar. What’s LP getting out of this nonsense? (this continues and one might wonder why NG doesn’t ask him about Todd Mac’s 70 grand donation to Casey’s defense, LP might know where that came from, what media deals and how the money works)

    He’s not going to speak about Hubolt- they are buds now.

  8. Kleat says:

    or tomorrow… :)

  9. Wendy says:


    I have to agree with a couple of things you said. First of all, I do believe that having Morgan is a step in the right direction, a huge step on the part of the state, even though his is a civil matter, but we all get the point.

    Secondly, ohhhhhh how right you are about anyone coming within a yard stick length of that family and defense team getting the STANK on ‘em. For me though, it was more than that even…. After watching Cheney Mason in court, I felt like I had the STANK on ME. I did hear a few commentaries afterward about how his being part of the team has/will change the whole dynamic of the defense. I totally disagree. I was actually surprised at Bill Sheaffer saying that more than anyone else. I love to hear Bill speak, always seems to say the right thing, and says it so eloquently, and not to mention that I never knew I thought bald guys with suspenders were hot, not until he came along.

    Ok, I lost focus. Back to getting the STANK on me, and Cheney changing the game. I think he will be quite devastated to acquire his first loss, and I think that’s why Lyon’s is trying to run for the hills. She doesn’t want her reputation completely ruined, albeit it’s been tarnished somewhat already. I think she has said and done things in this case that she wouldn’t have done in any other case. I believe she was misled (to say the least) when first brought on to this team, and since then, she has been doing some serious damage control and backtracking…and NOW, she is teetering on LYING, if she didn’t just outright do that at the hearing the other day.

    I still don’t understand a few things…I do recall seeing the VERY FIRST time Casey was hauled in for her first meeting with the Judge, not the bail hearing, but where the charges are read, (the name escapes me)…anyway, she did say she was indigent at that hearing, for all intents and purposes anyway, because when asked if she wanted a public defender she said yes. She stood there and said nothing, even when the Judge said that he would ask “where is Caylee Anthony?” All that aside, here is where I’m lost. How are you indigent, then you’re not indigent, then halfway through the process, you’re indigent AGAIN, but at the same time, instead of being assigned a public defender, you get to keep the same lawyers that are not only lawyers who accept, or require payment, but they are HIGH paid lawyers, (exception..Baez)…I don’t get any of that.

    Dangit, 2nd time I got off course. I think that Cheney Mason came in to that courtroom, and because of years of experience and winning cases, he believes he owns that place, regardless of what Judge is presiding at the time. I think he feel superior to everyone in there. I saw just the opposite in him. He was like the drunk Uncle at the family reunion. The one that everyone stays away from, the one that gets up and gives a speech, makes everyone’s skin crawl. He thinks he is funny, which he believes is part of his charm and will carry him with a jury and/or Judge. He thinks he is intelligent, which I don’t doubt he is, the only problem is, when he speaks, I can’t decide if it’s accent, or just arrogance that makes him look more ignorant than any other person in that court. I’ve always heard the expression, “I just puked a little in my mouth,” and now I understand it. Each time he spoke, I felt a little bit of my breakfast come up, not all the way out, just right there in the back of my throat. Ughhhh, he made me sick to my stomach actually. Literally. He was the most obnoxious person I’ve yet to come across, except of course, Uncle Bill, who would be that Uncle I mentioned at the reunion. Ickkkkk!!!!!!

    Maybe every case he has tried before this one has had different circumstances, and different lawyers alongside him, and even though I’m quite sure he acted the same way during all his other appearances, he started out either on a more level playing field (with the convict I mean)….or the juror’s felt sorry for him for being such a dingbat. They cut him some slack knowing that he studied hard and became a lawyer to shed that image that total goofball image that he no doubt carried around during school and from then on. THIS TIME, he has stepped over and out of his league. I’m not sure even how to word it to make anyone understand what I’m getting at, but I’ll try, and maybe you can relate.

    He is a moron. I can’t get much more descriptive than that. He is rude and disrespectful to the wrong people (Judge)..he carries himself all wrong, like maybe he has a flask in his jacket pocket and a six shooter in holster on his side, which leads one to expect at any moment a saloon girl is going to slink up the aisle and use him as her pole for the dance he surely imagines himself in when he’s at home watching old western movies to make notes of all the cornball sayings and jokes he is going to use in court.

    I am not the most intelligent person in the world, probably not in the top few million, but I can at least spot a **ithead when I see one. My point is…after that long-winded 4 or 5 paragraph intro…Everyone on the defense was cocky and smirky more than usual, including Casey, especially in front of the courthouse when telling the reporters that there will be an acquittal in this case. I look forward to hearing what cornball excuse he will have when they lose. I do believe he will find that there is a TON of things he hasn’t been told the truth about, not to mention, there are a ton of things he cannot explain away, evidence he cannot change, no matter what he says or does. Reasonable doubt I understand, but there has a to be a reason for that, hence the word (reason)…. All of these things considered, I assure you that he has not, nor will he ever find a more despised defendant than Casey Anthony. He is walking into a **itstorm. He cannot and will not be able to charm ANYONE into believing anything she has said, or the Anthony’s, and in the end, he will come out smelling like one of them himself. I’ve learned after watching this case so closely, it’s true that everyone/anyone that gets involved with this family or defense team gets that STANK on them, and no amount of ‘splainin it away as pizza or squirrels will get you anywhere…most especially in the winner or acquittal’s circle. So, good luck to him, and how gracious to take it on pro-bono, because it would suck to expect money from this girl or her family, or even Baez, because that well has run dry. In fact, now that I mention it, it was empty all along….I suppose that explains a thing or two. An empty well equals no water, no water equals a LOT of STANK, and a LOT of STANK just oozes from that man. Made me happy my well is full, ‘cuz after 5 minutes of him, it was time for a shower. Ickkkkk, they all make me sick!!!!

  10. Thinker says:

    Linda Tinelli is listed as a Director of Kid Finder Network as of the May 4, 2009 Annual Report – she may have become a Director anytime from July 7, 2008 Annual Report to May 4, 2009.
    But …… Linda Tinelli gave her Interview to Corp. Edwards and Sgt Allen on Dec. 14, 2009 ….. so, Linda was already a DIRECTOR of KID FINDERS when LE talked to her ….. but she never stated this relationship in her interview with LE! Why would she not reveal her connection to KF???? Linda also casually mentions another “volunteer”, Karen Groover, who is also a DIRECTOR of KID FINDERS, but Linda does not tell LE that they are both affiliated with KF Dennis & Sherri Milstead!


  11. Thinker says:

    Linda Tinelli is listed as a Director of Kid Finder Network as of the May 4, 2009 Annual Report – she may have become a Director anytime from July 7, 2008 Annual Report to May 4, 2009.
    But …… Linda Tinelli gave her Interview to Corp. Edwards and Sgt Allen on Dec. 14, 2009 ….. so, Linda was already a DIRECTOR of KID FINDERS when LE talked to her ….. but she never stated this relationship in her interview with LE! Why would she not reveal her connection to KF???? Linda also casually mentions another “volunteer”, Karen Groover, who is also a DIRECTOR of KID FINDERS, but Linda does not tell LE that they are both affiliated with KF Dennis & Sherri Milstead!

  12. Lona1 says:

    Please post the podcast so I can listen to it.
    Thanks very much.

    will do when available.

  13. Dear Blink,

    Would it ne possible for you to look at the murder of Lacey Gaines? The police are not calling back AMW, John Douglas, David Lohr, free billboard offers.

    They said they are waiting for DNA but will not say when and if they sent it in. They have strong suspect but not enough to convict Then WHY NOT accept help from AMW or John Douglas?

    Even the apat reviews on Yahoo know who did it!
    Bernita – 01/30/10
    oh and lets not forget the murder that occured almost 2 months ago. A young lady was killed in her own apartment by the maintenance man……

    Scroll further down there is also a review by a lacey on the same page from 12/2/2009

    Can you help us shine a light on this case?

    David Lohr writes about it for AOL

  14. westsidehudson says:


    You moved again. a Is there anyway you can indicate that there is a new thread? I was all by myself in the last one again.

    I didn’t watch Nancy Grace, I don’t anymore, but if she is behind L Padilla on the Tim Miller issue, it is because Mark NeJame had a slap-down with Nancy Grace, basically telling her she was in it for the money. I’d guess she doesn’t like him very much, and by association, T Miller. But that’s just my opinion.

    Interesting stuff on Tinelli, I haven’t delved into any of those interviews. I hope to get real things accomplished today.

    sorry, is your rss feed set?

    We are planning upgrades, Yeah!

  15. Heidi says:

    Just read the book “The Road out of Hell”, by Anthony Flacco w/Jerry Clark. EXCELLENT! Next I plan to watch the movie “Changeling” by Clint Eastwood. I have always been one for human rights, especially children. Do read when you have the chance. Thanks.

  16. Kleat says:

    “He’s not going to speak about Hubolt- they are buds now.

    Suprise suprise (in Casey monotone)

  17. Kleat says:

    Thinker, thanks for those little ‘reveals’. Interesting to know what the background check of those KF connections would reveal.

  18. Sal says:

    Blink -

    This is from the My Clerk site for the foreclosure listing on Hopespring:

    03/23/2010 Motion FOR EXTENSION OF TIME

    Why would you need a jury for a foreclosure proceeding?

    O boy you got me on that one Sal… anyone?

  19. martha says:

    Wendy, agree with you totally about “Uncle Fester”—thats what I call him. I felt like I had cooties too after listening to all their transparent bs. I could see him watching westerns and making notes of catchy good ole boy sayings to use and packing a bottle and pistol in his pockets. What a moron. It really irks me when people say what a great lawyer he is, especially our Bill Schaeffer–I was going HUH???. Totally agree with everthing you said and how you said it—I thought EXACTLY!!!! What I wanted to say but didnt say it near as good as you did.

  20. martha says:

    also waiting for Blink to delve deeper into it all for us. As I have said before, as the prosecution reads here, they just need to ask for all of Blinks notes put them together and have it all airtight and in a nutshell for conviction of Casey. I know they and LE have it together but Blink and what she has discovered is the cake and the icing.

  21. Mom3.0 says:

    Thinker, Blink- What is wrong with these people? Do you have a link to the documents where I can find these interviews with Tinelli and company? TIA

  22. Steadychick says:

    Blink — I just finished reading Linda Tinelli’s interview. What I found interesting is the tone LE took when interviewing her, the pointed questions they were asking her. Almost like they were treating her as a hostile witness. Was I picking up on something, or simply imagining that LE knew she knew more than she was saying?
    We agree.

  23. artgal16 says:

    What in the world could Todd M want or do with Leonard Padilla?
    All of sudden LP has gone from anti-Casey and the Ants to pro?
    What the heck is that all about? Are they promising to swing business his way? Todd M better be careful he doesnt end up in jail or being disbarred. Just when I think I have heard it all something else comes up. If this isnt the shadiest, crookidest bunch of small time
    liars, thieves and one murderess Id like to see the other group!
    Anyway that wants to align themselves with Casey, her defense and the Anthonys will come out tainted as they should. To think that this little nothing of a girl Casey, could ruin so many lives and wreck
    destruction of this nature – and with the help of so many lawyers
    is beyond me.

  24. Mariann says:

    They may have been planning to argue why they should keep the house because of hardship. I remember reading that a judge at a foreclosure hearing literally gave the house to the existing homeowner and wiped out any debt they had w/the mortgage co because he felt compassionate towards them and their issues. Maybe the A’s wanted to try and do the same??

  25. Mom3.0 says:

    Nevermind guys- I found all the interviews at WFTV- I feel sorry for Joy- The detectives try so hard to get through to her- Why doesn’t someone from her family get her interested in something else- She clearly says she believes Caylee was gone- alive in Heaven- but gone- Sad just sad..

  26. Peggy says:


    That’s not that unusual. It appears that G & C are contesting the legality of the foreclosure.

    If you look at the online paperwork, B of A (plaintiff) aren’t just suing G & C Anthony, they’re also suing the HOA, their insurance company and the Florida Department of Revenue-the suit also includes two unnamed defendants (‘unknown parties in possession’).

    Is this the standard foreclosure process for Florida?

    Too bad we don’t know the exact nature of the suit- Is it a breach of contract foreclosure? Was B of A the original lender? Or Did G & C take out a line of credit and fail to pay it back…which could also result in foreclosure.

    Are the two unnamed defendants the Milsteads?


  27. Joan (Canada) says:

    Re: foreclosure. I read on one of the other blogs that someone overheard George tell someone that they were redorating the house and had moved out in the meantime. Hello. Do they not think that we can read. Really, these people are in their own little world.

    I believe that there is definitely a scam going on hear.

  28. Joan (Canada) says:

    Why do they need a jury for the foreclosure? Practice of course.


    Joan is funny.

  29. Joan says:

    Hi – Blink – as usual you are FABULOUS – and the interview with Dana Pretzer is wonderful. My questions/comments must seem very simple in comparison:
    1) I still can’t understand the entire Dominic Casey issue about that Puerto Rico/South America story about Caylee being kidnapped (in the Linda Tinelli transcipts). WTH???? How weird is this?? To my thinking …that’s bull. And it only makes whatever Dominic Casey has to say more suspect.
    2) Joy Wray … to me, a poor soul who truly means well that is being major manipulated by both the Anthonys and Baez. And my fear is that “Not-Perry-Mason” will only do worse! I feel that SAO is just getting info on her to ensure that she is not credible….but she is the only one who is being thrown under the bus by both sides! I truly think that she means well – but couldn’t tell the truth if her life depended upon it. And I also think that she truly wants to try to help Caylee – or at least her memory. I just hope that Joy is not the only victim here.
    3) I believe Miller about the “X marks the spot” scene is true … the Anthonys are just liars – and Leonard Padilla is just out for publicity. But Miller is a WONDERFUL man – and he has lost a child! He too is a victim – HOW DARE the Anthonys try to scam him!! Good God – the Good Lord doesn’t like ugly …and this whole crew is really pushing God’s envelope!!

  30. Mariann says:

    The foreclosure suit probably includes all parties that have a lien on the house as well.

  31. Kellyjk says:

    Blink, I feel like a broken record as I’ve said this so many times. You are simply amazing! ☺ I truly believe there will be a special place in heaven just for you! Keep up the great work!

    TY kindly.

  32. Granmomma says:

    Didn’t the Anthony’s have to sign a promissory note or something to the bond company that bailed Casey out after LP revoked? There’s SCAM written all over everything the Anthony’s have done.

  33. Kleat says:

    Working my way through another interview as time permits today. Not doing any late night marathons. But something in one of them has just made me wonder and goes to the question of ‘how Baez’ came to replace Casey’s public defender for an ‘indigent’ client and within an almost impossibly few short hours (detailed by Hornsby in his article as to just how short this time period was for any lawyer to represent a client).

    We can assume quite safely assume that George was not the one to dig Baez up. It had to be someone with a plan, someone who had access to, and knew the value of going to the media, and someone who could access Baez on behalf of Casey, someone who was performing for the media even to the ‘chase scene’.

    Someone who knew (stated to Sgt. Allen) that Casey would need help.

    I’m wondering if Cindy was the core link to Baez, a lawyer she could work with to do her bidding, a lawyer with the media connections and the ‘ethics’.

    I’m not sure how these transcripts are going to play this idea out yet, but I think the Saturday night is key not only for the ‘X’ (and Casey may well have pointed to the map, or said something like ‘she’s close I feel it) to George, so he would know, but if Cindy did tell George that night to pack his bags and leave… there’s a puzzle about to come together here.

    Baez could not hatch such a plan on his own without client and Cindy help and cooperation, no matter how much media and money he could promise.

    It is my belief that nobody in the Anthony family called Baez, not even Casey.

  34. Kleat says:

    (say, does the foreclosure help the Anthony’s out at all besides public sympathy? If they were, perhaps, to be charged with obstruction down the road? It makes sense that no charges would have been brought now, the murder case is the focus, no information would come out that wasn’t timely for that case. But later, if manipulation, diversions and Dom Casey’s info become fully transparent, even Mason is going to have to go to the gym every morning to get in shape for the shear number of crosses he’s going to have to discredit).

  35. Kleat says:

    ……. that is, discredit surrounding the searches, who was really doing what and for whom and to what end. (in addition to the facts directly related to the death of the child). Especially if he plans to put Cindy front and center, she could face serious charges herself, not resulting from whatever ‘reasonable doubt’ theory they propose, but her role in the deception and misdirection of the investigation.

    What has Baez gotten today’s defense team into? Bet Mason knows, and he’s allowing Baez to remain on the team as puppet lead attorney, that works in Mason’s favour too, doesn’t it? If Mason decides to step down in the future (for any appeal), he can more easily when he’s not lead chair?

  36. Kleat says:

    “It is my belief that nobody in the Anthony family called Baez, not even Casey.

    Hmmmmmm………… that narrows it……… to someone with an agenda or Baez himself……

  37. Kleat says:

    I hate it when my suspicions kick in like this, usually over-the-top, but if someone were to go into the Columbia-Venezuela, no-extradition-perfect-cover-story’, what is missing from this? An inkling of some ‘fact’, indisputable ‘fact’. Could they entertain this extensive story without some inkling of a proof set up that convinces a jury that 1. Caylee was out of the country, 2. Killed in a country of drug king-pins and hit men (ala Scarface whose Columbia connections would not hesitate to kill a young American girl child in the NY car bomb scene– hey the defense has already brought up relation to ‘The Fugitive’, ‘Perry Mason’, etc), but what would prove this to a reasonable doubt to a jury?

    What the defense would need is indisputable DNA of Caylee as to Caylee’s presence behind ‘druglord curtains’, and live would be good, but if not live proof, what could possibly provide indisputable evidence that a child’s death occurred elsewhere? Something that would have enough teeth to convince a jury to complete this scenario jigsaw puzzle and that the child died in this foreign country?

    One would need ‘proof’. This is so wild and only conjecture, unless someone could access something that would prove both DNA and death. (they have to complete this little scenario with something convincing somehow to get it entered into evidence– didn’t Cindy say a tooth was missing, and didn’t Cindy know for certain that Caylee had no teeth missing– and if the skull was relatively exposed from it’s shroud, so too, would a number of tiny teeth be located nearby and accessible to ‘someone’

    (sorry, it’s wild and crazy, but that story of transporting Caylee from PR to C to V with connections to organized criminals protected by political conditions, is just too crazy to believe and wouldn’t work without ‘proof’)

    And to Blink’s ‘no accountability’ and people ‘running around saying whatever they want’ hits home. Go Morgan, expose these agreements!!

    And to Dana, love your comment re ‘GET PADILLA OFF THE AIR…. HE HAS NOTHING TO OFFER’ and to Padilla ‘playing you’ (are you listening Nancy Grace???) like a ‘cheap violin’. (what sort of fantasy does she have along the line ‘ let’s create any sensation because we won’t be accountable for LP and his mouth?’) Sorry Blink, but maybe it’s time people with ethics and credibility who work for NG, move on to shows that match their personal standards– yeah, they all have to eat, no one will stop this or demand accountability except the public.

  38. RubyRose says:

    A couple of scattered thoughts as I try to read more interviews . . .

    1) Have they interviewed Helen Davis (TES expert in locating body dump sites per TM). I am interested in what her account is of the area where the remains were found during her search prior to the discovery. She told TM that the water was too high but they really needed to get out there because there were some suspect things in the area. (Something like that). I wonder if she smelled a distinct odor.

    2) The Anthony’s foreclosure. Maybe they are letting the house go because they are going to be charged any day and will need public assistance. If they own a home it would be hard to declare indigent. Clearly the SA and OCSO are on their tails displayed by all the questions regarding CA and GA in questioning witnesses. They want the Anthony’s, and justly. I think their day is coming a lot sooner than we realize. If my daughter was suspect of murdering her child and I wanted to protect the killer at all cost I don’t think my first action plan would be to piss off the SA/OCSO by declaring war with them . . . that’s just me though (duh)

    3) Seriously . . . what happened to Lee Anthony? Why has there been no sighting? Not in court to support CMA, no media pic’s. Is he in hiding for a good reason? I think he is IN hiding because of what he IS hiding, and SA knows.

    What do you think? . . . Anyone

  39. Kleat says:

    To Roxy Marshall (aka Sally). George talked to LE in an interview about a woman who had information about where Caylee was, in some pseudo daycare place on her street.

    It might be worth checking into George’s statements and see when he claims to have had these conversations with this woman who he sat with in the woman’s car, and he got suspicious of her story because of her lack of candor with him. There was some discussion about people yelling from that ‘daycare’ home, yelling names, like Caylee’s name– just going on faint memory here. But that might be a place to start to see if the times fit the Roxy Marshall thing.

  40. Kleat says:

    Sal’s question re: jury trial.

    Does it look as if the Anthony’s with their co-defendants in the matter want time because of the new attorney whose goal is apparently to negotiate vs going to trial? The Anthony’s co-defendants are listed as the Chickasaw Oaks Phase Three Homeowners Assn Inc, the State of Florida Dept of Revenue, Uited Guarantee Residential Insurance Co. of NC, and two other defendants listed as “Unknown Parties in Possession 1 and 2″.

    Only the Anthony’s and the homeowners Association have their respective attorneys involved.

  41. Kleat says:

    Unknown parties could be renters to provide a source of income from the home to help the negotiations along?

  42. Gypsy DD says:

    I thought that Mallory and Lee had been staying there..but who knows with the A’s. They won’t lose the house..this is just another ruse.

  43. Kleat says:

    Maybe the delay will help they plead for this type of deal.

  44. Peggy says:

    I don’t think it’s renters-renters have no legal claim to a house they happen to be renting nor are they responsible for the owners debts.

    Someone mentioned liens:

    Perhaps, and HOA can certainly place a lien on your home for unpaid HOA fees or whatnot and Florida Rev can if you don’t pay your taxes…but an insurance company? What stake would they have?

    Also liens are usually public record and I haven’t heard or read anything about a lien.

    If Mallory or Lee were on the deed they’d also be named in the suit.

    Maybe a quitclaim deed is involved?


  45. Joan (Canada) says:

    Kleat, I just heard about that on the news and immediately thought about the A’s. This could be a good way to get their mortgage reduced I believe by 30%. I’m sure they qualify. L0L.

  46. Thinker says:

    RE: The Anthony foreclosure – there must be a “scheme” in the works …..

    - The Anthonys stopped making monthly mortgage payments in May 2009.

    - Cynthia Anthony is receiving money through employment disability income.
    It is believed that George Anthony is drawing unemployment benefits as well.

    - Cynthia Anthony’s son, Lee Anthony, stated under oath, in a deposition given to the State on July 30, 2009, that he was still living at home with his parents, that he had moved home in January 2009, to help his parents out financially, and was giving them $ 1,000 per month. If Lee moved out in July/August, Lee gave Cynthia Anthony at least $ 7,000 in 2009, which could have been applied to mortgage payments, but was not.
    TRANSCRIPT: Lee Anthony deposition July 30, 2009

    - Cynthia, George, and Lee Anthony and Lee’s girlfriend, Mallory Parker, purchased and went on a
    cruise to the Bahamas on October 19, 2009, five months after they stopped making their mortgage payment in May, and the same day they attended a Hearing in their daughter’s murder case. The Anthony friends, Glenn and Donna Cox accompanied them on the cruise.
    RAW VIDEO: Exclusive Video Shows Anthonys Arrive From Cruise

    - Sometime before the cruise, George and Cindy Anthony paid for tattoos on their bodies, and George Anthony purchased a large diamond earring for himself, (as seen in cruise photos) rather than applying this money to mortgage payments. – cruise photos
    photos also in GLOBE November 9, 2009 – “BOOZE CRUISE”
    Anthony attorney confirms they bought the tattoos, said “not expensive”

    - Cynthia Anthony stated in court documents that she received $ 20,000 from CBS for their cooperation with the CBS 48 Hours Mystery show which aired October 17, 2009.
    The Anthonys gave $ 3,000 of this money to their attorney for brokering the deal.
    Apparently none of this money was applied to mortgage payments.

    - It has been reported that the Anthonys received approximately $ 200,000 from ABC for their participation in a “20/20″ show, for footage and photos of Caylee,
    none of which was applied toward mortgage payments.
    Atty Jose Baez stated in court that he/Casey Anthony was given $ 200,000 from ABC.
    whats-the-biggest-outrage-here.html ($ 200,000 paid to Anthonys)
    Indigency Hearing March 18, 2010 ($ 200,000 paid to Atty Jose Baez/Casey Anthony) part 1 part 2 part 3

    - If the Court has not appointed an attorney for the Defendants, how are the Anthonys able to pay for Attorney Mark Lippman to represent them in the foreclosure case,when they claim to be unable to pay their mortgage payments?

    - Instead of paying the debt they owe to Bank of America, the Anthonys have chosen to spend their
    money on expensive renovations to the very home which is currently in foreclosure proceedings. This is certainly suspicious activity and at the least, the height of arrogance.
    An internet blogger on a Caylee Anthony blog, attended the Casey Anthony Indigency Hearing on March 18, 2010 and stood with the crowd in the hall outside the courtroom waiting to go inside. This man,blogger user name “sirjef8″, was standing near George and Cindy Anthony and their friends Glenn and Donna Cox.
    George Anthony was speaking loud enough for those nearby to hear his conversation with Glenn and Donna Cox, wherein George was talking about all of the extensive renovations they are doing on the house at 4937 Hopespring Dr, Orlando (which is in foreclosure). George Anthony told his friend Glenn Cox that the day before, March 17th, the Salvation Army had come to pick up the waterbed they were disposing of, [requiring the purchase of a new bed ] and that they had finished renovating all three bedrooms, and they were almost done with the living room. This appears to be a huge
    expenditure of money, which was not applied to mortgage payments!
    The Anthony friends – Glenn and Donna Cox are Realtors in Orlando, FL
    Cell: (407) 694-8684 or Cell (407) 694-8685
    Prudential, 12530 Lake Underhill Rd, Orlando, FL 32825
    Office (407) 207-0800

  47. Kleat says:

    Q for you lip reading folks. Pt 3 of the indigency hearing, the camera centers on Casey with Ms. Lyon to her right, they listen to Mr. Bischoff of the JAC on the telephone, aided by Judge Strickland who repeats what Bischoff says as needed.


    2:45 Minutes into the video where Mr. Mason makes a little joke about money.

    Judge Strickland: “That was Mr. Mason, go ahead sir [Mr. Bishoff]

    Mr. Bishoff: [garbled]

    Court reporter: ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that.”

    Judge Strickland: (at 3:03 mins) “I think he’s saying he’d like the defendent to testify under oath to verify information…”

    Watch Casey as the judge suggests this, at ‘verify information’– Casey mouths something that looks like an expletive possibly and ‘him’ under her breath.

    Mason then tells Bishoff and the court, there’s no way she’s going to testify ‘for you’ under oath.

    This guy holds the purse strings and if she is mouthing off at him as it appears (I may be wrong) before the camera trained on her, maybe she shouldn’t do that!

    Kleat, I could not tell what she said, but regardless, Mason was speaking to Mr. George, not Bishoff.

    Mr. George repeated the question from Mr. Bishoff about swearing her in, and Mason was actually correct in his response to him, the State has no standing to swear her in at this proceeding.

  48. Kleat says:

    Peggy, yeah, it has to be someone with ‘possession’ of the property. Thanks.

  49. Kleat says:

    Sorry Blink, the camera was on Mr. Mason’s back at first, and I assumed his comment was to Bishoff– no matter anyway, and I agree, no way Casey would be sworn in for that at this hearing. Just her words seemed to be F– him, re the swearing in idea of Bishoff.

  50. Boz says:

    Somer Thompson news at noon today.

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