Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: All Rise- Judge Perry Takes The Stand

Orlando, FL– This morning, The Honorable Chief Judge Belvin Perry, Jr, has his first hearing presiding over the case against Casey Anthony.


At 9:30am, Jose Baez, J. Cheney Mason and team will appear with the prosecution led by Linda Drane Burdick and Jeff Ashton for a case management meeting called by Judge Perry.

Watch it Live Here.

In the week since the scheduling of this hearing by his Honor, the prosecution has released an additional 300 pages of discovery and filed a motion of supplemental discovery.

Camp Casey has resubmitted correctly filed motions already heard by the court under Judge Strickland, notified the court of impending vacations, filed a motion to withdraw an attorney no longer licensed to practice law, and filed a motion to seal the visitor logs of the Orange County jail.

Casey Anthony is serving time in the OC jail for her convictions in the economic charges, and while she awaits trial for the murder of her 34 month old daughter, Caylee Marie.

Check back to for this mornings developments.

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  1. Mom3.0 says:

    MJ- Joan and all-

    Yes, I find the release of these pictures very convenient- I do agree they are trying to humanize Casey- I hate when people try to manipulate my emotions. I am thankful that little Caylee had a few moments of happiness with her mother in her short little life. I am glad to know that every moment was not a competition between mommy and baby.

    I am sure these are the photos that comfort Cindy and George as well. These are the photos they focus on when trying to make themselves believe their daughter never murdered that precious baby girl and disposed of her in a mucky snake infested swamp. They may be able to fool themselves into believing it too, I do not fault George and Cindy for focusing solely on the happier moments these pics captured, but in my opinion, the defense is going to have a hell of a time, making 12 jurors focus solely on the happier moments in these pics when weighed against so many other pictures that tell a completely different story, including the God forsaken pics of little Caylee’s remains, an not to mention the lack of concern and the lies Casey told- and all the other evidence as well.

    Ragdoll thank you, nice to see you, friend.

  2. Kellyjk says:

    Ragdoll – I agree with you, although these pictures are meant to show Casey as a loving mother, all I see is someone hamming it up for yet another photo op. You are also correct about picture #6, you know the beautiful moment of mother loving and cherishing her baby… Oh wait, a better description may be the “kiss” pic that looks like Casey just bit Caylee’s cheek…
    I know that look, and so do my children…

  3. Mom3.0 says:

    p.s Blink I wanted to let you know that you were right regarding River’s suicide attempt and George’s, being turned into something entirely different. The defense turned it into- We must keep our witnesses safe- these bloggers and the media hound them into trying to commit suicide-

    No- George was distraught over his Granddaughters murder, his daughter’s suspected guilt, his wife’s relationship with Dom C and his relationship with River and who knows what else.

    River was distraught over her “relationship” with George, her choices she made and who knows what else- Bloggers and the media should have been way down on their list if on their mind at all- JMO

  4. ChicagoJudy says:

    Hi Blink! I’ve noticed that for the past couple of weeks every time I post, I go into moderation for a really long time and other people’s posts appear after mine that’s still waiting in moderation. Am I in the dog house for something I did or said? I hope not! No need to post this on the blog. Just thought I’d ask the question between the two of us. Thank you.

    No my friend, Must have been a busy day? I will keep an eye out, sorry.

  5. chelsea1515 says:

    Hi, have followed this case from holiday home in Fl. and when back in UK. Really appreciate the comments made by Blink and the many stalwarts whom are keeping such as myself updated. The legal process is so very different to that in the UK and I find it refressing to be aquainted with evidence etc. before the trial rather than reading what the media deems fit following the case. Please keep posting all!


    Question for the Team- Can anyone direct me to the footage of Ms. Burdick on Monday where she references the date of June 15th vs. the 16th?

    I have hidden it from myself erroneously.

  6. ginab says:

    Question for the Team- Can anyone direct me to the footage of Ms. Burdick on Monday where she references the date of June 15th vs. the 16th?

    I have hidden it from myself erroneously.

    On WFTV’s website. Part 2 of 3. Go to 5:29 into the video. She metions June 15th a few times in that segment.

  7. claudia says:

    Florida law requires at least one aggravating factor must be
    proved for capital punishment. Prosecutors list 5…. late Thursday

  8. Bees Knees says:

    Ragdoll’s right, Mom3.0. Thank you for speaking very eloquently for all of us.

    I’m with the ones who can’t get behind that “smile” of Casey’s. Every time I see it I hear the voice of Little Red Riding Hood saying, “But Grandma! What big teeth you have!” YIKES!!!

    And about those pics, is there any chance that the Judge won’t allow the bad ones? Surely not? They say so much. They say it all, actually. At what point do we hear the evidence that will be allowed?

    Blink, I can’t wait to read your next piece.

  9. TiaMaria says:

    “Bees Knees 9:55 pm says: I’m with the ones who can’t get behind that “smile” of Casey’s. Every time I see it I hear the voice of Little Red Riding Hood saying, “But Grandma! What big teeth you have!” YIKES!!!”

    Every time I see it I hear Mr. Ed saying “Ohhhhhh, Willlllburrrrrr”.

  10. MJ says:

    So we can guess from the presser after court , Baez and co. are heading into the murky realm of LE incompetence. His declaration that the duct tape was close by, not on the skull, he infers that LE made those statements and they were inaccurate. Also the continuance of the conspiracy that someone else put the body there etc.

    Since the State gave them the list of aggravaters today they can get busy coming up with motions. It must have been a real blow that specific evidence wasn’t cited along with it. Those pesky prosecutors, I feel a mini tantrum coming.

    I wish JP would slap a gag order on them. They spin theories every chance they get. Why not clamp the mouth of the beast? They spend gobs of time whining about tainting jury pools, they are the ones front and center at all times. It’s their job, I get that but FTLOG every time he opens his mouth it makes me cringe. Please Judge Perry, do it for me!

  11. Mom3.0 says:

    Bees Knees- thanks and I hear ya-
    I have had not so kind thoughts about Casey and sometimes looking at her makes me ill- I always try to stop myself, because I picture little Caylee listening to all of it. No matter what a parent does to their child, the child will go right on loving them- had precious little Caylee lived, she would hold no animosity toward her mom or her grandparents.

    That is why I must see Casey receive the punishment she deserves, because she took her loving innocent always forgiving, forever hopeful, 2 year old baby and murdered her, disposed of her, and went blissfully on with her bella vita-

    I have been thinking about those new pictures of Casey and Caylee- something about them bothered me- I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, as I said, they are endearing pics, they show Casey and Caylee laughing together and enjoying some fond moments- then it hit me- I asked earlier- Show me a pic of Casey being a mother- not posed- I said earlier that I am happy Casey wasn’t always competing with Caylee..

    The reason these pics bother me is that they show more of a sibling relationship- and they show Casey getting attention from Caylee- not the other way around- as a small baby Casey saw it as attention towards herself-small infants are a direct connection to mom- mom’s recieve the compliments- baby can’t understand them-
    -as a toddler pics show Caylee smiling, copying Casey’s poses, Caylee’s hugging Casey- she’s laughing, giving attention to Casey jumping on Casey’s back- ect- look at the pics again – Casey looks happy in these pics because Caylee has given her the attention- not the other way around-

  12. dee says:

    “Defense lawyers have said that prosecutors are seeking the death penalty to bankrupt the defense and prevent Anthony from having the attorney of her choice”

    Blink, please explain to me what the statement “bankrupt the defense” means in regards to the tax payers paying for Casey’s defense, how does that bankrupt the defense…also how in the he!! does the statement “prevent Anthony from having the attorney of her choice” ummm I am sorry does Casey not want Baez…seems to me she has the same attorney’s today as she had a year ago (excluding Mason) what is the defense whinning about.

    They are referring to the timing of it’s initial filing, when Casey had money in her wallet.

    and one more thing……WHERE IS THE DAMN NANNY?

  13. dee says:

    Blink what you are looking for 7:33 minutes into part 2 of the hearing…

  14. Cindee Bronstad says:

    in regards to the post by MJ above there as it relates to Baez talking about the duct tape being near by. Jose and company KNOW that when the autopsy was done the medical examiner photographs the remains/body when they are presented to the lab.
    I think the SA will be able to prove the line of photos from recoery to the ME as being consistant from start to finish. Does this make sense?

  15. dee says:

    thanks blink, I didn’t not get that at all, I was like huh?????

  16. Randie says:


    How would you argue on this if this was the stand taken by the defense????

    1. There is no evidence in the computer files released in discovery that any searches for missing children’s websites were conducted prior to July 16.

    2. As for the “household weapons” search, it appears from the files that Casey clicked on a Google ad for a book on self-defense for women that listed household items that could be used as weapons for self-defense. Then she followed up on that topic.

    3. Saying a bad smell in her car was caused by dead squirrels is exactly the sort of thing an “Ugly Coping

    Randie- I did a whole piece on the computer files, I think you may have missed it.

  17. Randie says:

    Do you still hold to the “O” theory???


  18. Carolyn S. from Maryland says:

    I apologize in advance for not having the time to go over everything, and for some reason my computer won’t let me view a lot of the videos. But am I understanding correctly? The defense is hinting that the duct tape was “nearby” not on the skull? Huh? Dear Blink, when you write your article, please spell some of this out for those of us who are a little more knowledge challenged.

  19. martha says:

    Blink, Just wondering with all that has come up in the past few months, do you still feel that Casey will take a plea?

  20. Kleat says:

    Ginab, thanks for the link! I was wondering about Ms. Burdick’s first mention of ‘June 15th’ also. Blink, I think LDB’s first mention of ‘June 15…’ is not just the date she gives for her reference to ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos, it was Ms. Burdick’s emphasis as she said it.

    Blink, JB’s rebuttal immediately puts words in Ms. Burdick’s mouth, saying when she refers to photos “post June 16th photos….”and ‘their theory is that Miss Anthony… sorry Caylee Anthony… died June 16th…”. Ends with ‘some of the best arguments were made by Ms. Burdick herself.”

    So Baez is going to suggest the photos are from June 17th onwards– ie: ‘post June 16″.

    Seems the first order of the day in next year’s photos (other than scene photos) will be to establish a ‘date’ for the before and after period, it will be “George vs the State”– was he or wasn’t he the last person who saw Caylee alive besides her mother. Or was the confirmed sighting at the nursing home, the only reliable unbiased timeline to rely upon, given George’s lies and his obvious bias and reasons to protect his daughter, or simply his wishful thinking.

    (this could be a good use for the june 8th date misunderstanding, to show how the memory could fail even that early, if that could happen, other dates could be naturally and innocently confused).

    The state has now submittted the ‘Notice of Aggravating Circumstances’, siting 5 of these Statues:

    1. The murder was committed during aggravated child abuse, for which Casey is also charged

    (here comes the blue dress photos– the defense is going to argue that the baby was left with a sitter and safe, so photos partying in a mini dress will be argued as painting Casey as a bad mom only, while the state will go to June 15th as their date Caylee was last seen by anyone other than Casey, possibly died during the night of the 15th-16th, so the state will argue that the blue dress is not a factor, but shows Casey in a location doing activities that do not support her story of looking for her missing daughter and this couldn’t possibly be a ‘bad mom’ issue, because at that point, there could be no child abuse, there could be no deviant behaviour for a ‘mother’, because Casey was no longer a mother with a child to care for.)

    2. The murder was especially atrocious
    3. The murder was committed in a cold, calculated and premeditated manner
    4. The victim was younger than 12 years old
    5. The victim was particularly vulnerable because her killer was her mother

  21. NoseyRosey says:

    Carolyn S. from Maryland- I am not 100% certain , but it is my understanding the duct tape was found wrapped around Caylee’s head. What I haven’t paid attention to before is there was also duct tape found near her little body- I believe there is speculation this duct tape was used around her wrists. I am not sure if this is new discovery or I missed something way back. Maybe one of the others Blinksters can answer this question.

  22. Bees Knees says:

    That is a great observation, Mom3.0. I hadn’t noticed it but you’re right ~ Caylee is the one giving Casey the attention ~ not the other way around. And YEAH . . . where is the damned nanny? Are they never going to mention her again? How can they not? As far as I know Casey only ever gave them sworn testimony that’s who took Caylee. Surely they’ll have to concentrate on finding her before the trial starts?!?

  23. OutofOrder says:

    Randie – what is the “O” theory?

  24. Leslee S. says:


    What is the ‘O’ theory? I’ve drawn a blank. Thanks.

  25. Leslee S. says:


    In ref. to the Casey/Caylee pics: Look at pics of your children & see if YOU are, also, pictured in most of them. I am not pictured alot in my children’s photos….I took the photos & was only interested in capturing my children. Who took all these pics of Casey & Caylee? It looks to me that Casey loved having her glamour shots.

  26. Leslee S. says:

    KNOCK, KNOCK…….is anyone home?????????

  27. chica says:

    lol tia maria too funny ! she is so full of herself!
    there isnt a camera she didnt love!! like her lawyer.
    I am so behind in my reading trying to catch up!

  28. chica says:

    yes I agree do you still feel she will plea????????????

    Well, I am at 50/50 at the moment.

  29. Ragdoll says:



    I hate when people try to manipulate my emotions.


    Bullseye my friend! That’s what’s really been ripping at me but I couldn’t identify it. May I buy you a coffee sista? xo

  30. Kleat says:

    OutofOrder and LeslieS, if you scroll back through Blink’s articles and the comments, do a search for ‘O’ theory, it’s too much to explain in short, as there was a ton of discussion on it. It has to do with the more gruesome parts of this case. It is a ‘nicer’ explanation for the duct tape than as a murder weapon. I’m not sure Casey would really care either way, most people would care, but Casey is one and determined fish.

    Good luck, no time to go look at the moment.

  31. Ragdoll says:


    Chica my friend, nope, nada, not ever! Casey doesn’t believe she’s done anything wrong. She sees herself as a victim because she had the unfortunate luck of being a part of the Anthony circus. She has never told the truth (I’m not sure she’s even capable). Pleaing would mean coming clean and being 110% truthful. Casey? REALLLLY? Not on her watch! She only knows how to lie to save her @$$. Look at how she handled the 2 highly experienced detectives. She looked them in the eye and LIED. That is a prime example of how she weaves her web. She has no conscience or sense of remorse. Her purpose is only self serving. I also thinkg the plea would have happened by now. If it does, it’s when she has had enough experience to see how JP runs his court. If that doesn’t do it, nothing will.

    I believe she’s also enjoying the ride. It’s all about her. Pleaing would end the limelight she pines for.

    Again, imho.

  32. Ragdoll says:

    Bees Knees, love ya.

    I feel bad. I made the reference that Casey should have been Mr. Ed’s stand in. How shallow of me. That wasn’t fair to Mr. Ed.

  33. Ragdoll says:

    6.ginab says:
    May 13, 2010 at 4:16 pm

    Great job on the link ginab! I lost my patience and ended up cleaning my kitchen. That’s just not normal behaviour for me.

  34. Ragdoll says:

    2.Kellyjk says:
    May 13, 2010 at 1:02 pm

    I hope you know I too agreed with everything you said girl! Mom3.0 hit it….and it’s so obvious too. These pics are about Casey posing and Caylee imitating her. It’s the attention she gets from Caylee. They’re not bonding moments.

    I PRAY these pics are used in court. I believe they are relevant and demonstrate abnormal or non existent parenting as we have all expressed.

    I hope this doesn’t sound insensitive in light of a horrible week, but I hope y’all have a beautiful weekend. I hope you celebrate the life you have with loved ones, in your own special way.

    Much love! xo

  35. Randie says:


    Blink did an article entitled:

    Caylee/Casy Anthony Case: Caylees Autopsy Revelations Part 1

    Subheading: “The O Sign”

    Go backwards in all the articles and it will eventually pop up.

  36. Randie says:

    Yes Blink I probably did miss the article on “computer files”.

    Would you give me the name of the piece and I will try to find it and read it.

  37. Kleat says:

    Blink, one question, it’s many months into discovery now, and since early last year, there’s been speculation on the duct tape as having print(s) on it. We have seen most of the discovery by now, not a single print to tie anyone to the possible murder weapon or to the child at or since death. What we have is a list of evidence and test results for all the duct tape, but IIRC, there’s one Q numbered piece of duct tape that has no report to say prints were tested for and not found. That (again IIRC and have things right) implies the possibility that something may still be held back, but has it really??

    Could your early source be wrong? Did the source say a print (partial or otherwise) and that the source was known? Could we have all the critical evidence that is coming out and if so, why would the state hold back on this critical evidence if it exists?

    It seems that this print would be discoverable under the Florida rules of discovery, so the state can’t just sit on it forever or the defense can claim foul once again.

    Where is the lastest doc dump? It may be late because of all the activity in the court earlier this week, but a few notices of discovery provided to the defense was put on file with the court in the last couple weeks or so.

    There’s two new notices of supplementary discovery were filed in the last two days plus the first five monthly Status Hearing notices through the end of October.

    excellent question, and I am going to go there.


  38. Randie says:


    Try this link.

    Randie, thank you. I am remote and cannot search the George chloroform piece, if anyone can post that for Randie in the meantime, I would appreciate it.B

  39. OutofOrder says:

    Randie – thank you.

    I do remember reading this article, but for some reason didn’t connect the “O” theory in my head when I read your comment.

    It was very kind of you to post this.

  40. Sal says:

    Blink –

    Diane Tennis is no longer representing Dominic Casey. Do you think this means they have finally taken his deposition? What about his deposition in the civil case?—Diana-Tennis

    Yes, I do.

  41. Leslee S. says:


    You are a good egg! Thanks so much for responding!

  42. chica says:

    lol Ragdoll and hello!

    I have a family member that lies like casey and actualy believes her lies. loves drama and constantly is in turmoil healthwise always dying (not) nada wrong with her. She claims parkinsons and none of her siblings or husband have ever met the dr.

    be careful what you ask for you may get it!

    I think people that lie that way have done it for so long that not only do they believe what they say but!likely will continue lying because its a way of life its drama and fun to see whom they can sucker in and thus it goes further. no boundaries for liars.

  43. Sue says:

    Casey taking a plea would put a stop to the negative truth about herself that she is going to hear in court during a trial. She is getting a taste of it now with all the talk about putting her to death, and she can’t handle it. She will not be able to handle 2 months of the SA bringing up every nasty detail of her crime and every nasty detail of her deviant life. Even this is not the limelight CA is looking for. She’s too narcisstic. She will fold and plea. That’s how she can “make it go away.”

  44. Ragdoll says:


    How do you put up with it? I would have to completely disassociate myself with such a person, family member included, to stay sane. Ever since I watched that Oprah episode a few years ago about toxic relationships, I cleaned house! It made a differnce in my happiness.

    You’re an angel in my books and I pray you are feeling the Lord’s comfort during a terribly difficult time, sista friend. xo

  45. Ragdoll says:


    Randie and Blink,

    I believe this is the piece you are looking for:


    At first glance it is clear there is a considerable amount of data missing from the laptop findings. However, in contrast, there is a significant amount of data available for the desktop in both the unallocated and allocated sectors.

    After scrutinizing the Internet Histories, Cookies, Fire fox and Safari reports I am comfortable saying that it is fairly easy to tell whether George or Casey was the surfer-in-session. Almost exclusively, Casey used Firefox which deleted her history on the surface and for the most part she left no cookie “crumbs”.

    George might as well have posted his e-print on the borrowed mobile billboard.

    George is as much a creature of habit on the web as he is on his lawn.

    Apparently having not learned his lesson from his earlier web snafu-s, (Editors Note: Nigerian Internet Scam- My Ass.) George made no attempts to delete either his history or his cookies, as none of it was found in the unallocated sectors EXCEPT both sessions of the chloroform searches.

    I know, your saying, Blink, WTH? You just told me Casey deletes, George does not, so which is it??

    George was home on March 17th, the first search takes place:


    There is MUCH more but just a snippet to ensure this is what Blink was referring to. xo

    Thank You kind lady.

  46. Leslee S. says:


    I believe at times that Casey is clueless about so much. I think, that until recently, Baez has pumped her up & made her believe that she can beat this. Mason & Lyon have possibly told her how it is but she still clings to what Baez has told her. Of course, at other times, I believe that she is so narcisstic that no matter what any of the attorneys tell her, she will not admit to anything!

  47. Leslee S. says:

    The link above on George & the chloroform has that picture of Casey as Mr. Ashton was describing Caylee’s murder. I could tell, at the time, that Casey was furious. Of course, Lyon grabbed her arm & worked her magic…..turned that anger right into tears. I believed then, as I believe now, that Casey was angry because Mr. Ashton did not get the scenario QUITE right! I was waiting for Casey to scream “NO, THAT IS NOT HOW I MURDERED CAYLEE!”

  48. Leslee S. says:

    OOOPS! That pic of Casey is right here on this link!

  49. Mom3.0 says:

    Leslee S-

    I am in a few pics with my babies as newborns in the hospital- I look like I just went thru 36 hours of labor- which I did- I am hardly ever in the pics of my children- I am always making sure I have all of them in the shot- When I am pictured, I am usually the one making some unexplainable face in the picture because I am always in mid sentence when the pic is taken LOL.-

    I know the state said they will work with the defense on choosing pics- and how many- I would like to see them all introduced on both sides of the coin- each one is a moment in Caylee and Casey’s life right? And each one clearly shows Casey had a knack for taking pictures, and thought it was her duty and privilege to capture every moment right?

    Between both Casey and Cindy almost every moment was documented- Casey put all her party pics on her FB and Myspace- and many of Caylee- she deleted all most all of Caylee- Why? I think every picture tells a story- so does every upload and deletion. Where is the nanny? Caylee spent many hours with her- where are the pics? Casey obviously thought interaction with friends was important- she captured many moments with her own friends- Why aren’t there any taken documenting Caylee’s friendships with Zack and Zanny’s kids?

    I know the defense is trying to run away from the whole nanny lie- but Casey signed a statement and she gave an oral statement- she later wrote a confession of sorts saying that she did tell the state that, she said this-

    Are they going to try to play it off as an ooops do over- I know I lied about the nanny and what happened to Caylee- but I am telling the truth now- It was an accident and I tried to cover it up-?

    Sorry but once a liar- always a liar – Casey has proven time and time again she will say anything- do anything- steal anything- not to protect her daughteror her family- but to protect herself and preserve her right to be free from punishment-

    IMO-The way Casey looks at it is- she had every right to kill Caylee she had every right to cover it up because Caylee was hers- she was a gift she had given and the gift had outlived its usefulness so she wanted to be done with the whole situation-

    Casey was like a child that brought home a stray puppy- Caylee IMO was no more than a puppy that Casey enjoyed in the beginning but the responsibility and stress of having one became much too much for her and the prospect of caring for that puppy for 24hrs a day was way too much responsibility-

    I know that sounds harsh, but to me that is exactly how Casey acted- it was fine and dandy when she could manage Caylee- as a tiny cute baby- with Cindy and Georges help- Cindy seemed to be the one that did all the mothering duties- unpacking/packing the back pack ect.
    It was fine when she wasn’t required to bring home the money to share in the responsibility -But as soon as Casey was threatened with grow up and take care of your responsibility- she bolted and took care of her responsibilities in the cruelest way- She made sure she would never have to feed, clothe or love that responsibility- Poor little Caylee.

    “On the worst of worst days, remember the words spoken
    Trust no one, only yourself.
    With great power, comes great consequence.
    What is given can be taken away.
    Everyone Lies.
    Everyone Dies….”

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