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Orlando, FL– In a word, YOWZA.

I freely admit I have caught many a fly in my trache while my yap was left hanging open at some of the legal filings by Jose Baez et al, in this case.

The latest motion to suppress the recorded conversation between convicted felon and “lifer” Robin Lunceford and Jose Baez has insipred the first ever Blink Darwin Award, or, THE BLARWIN.


In his Motion for a protective order to keep the call out of discovery, Esteemed Blarwin recipient, Jose Baez, claims he did not know his conversation was being recorded, and apparently, what type of phone line was being used although he states the call was transferred to his cell phone.


Pun intended. It would be impossible for him to be unaware that Lunceford was not calling from the Lowell Annex. As Baez is aware, inmates at Lowell Annex MUST have the number they are calling on an approved list in advance AND they may only call collect. From Lowell Annex Rules:

Incoming telephone calls for offenders will not be accepted. In the event of family emergency (such as serious illness or death in the family) you may contact the chaplain’s office. The chaplain will notify the offender.

Offenders, except those in administrative confinement, disciplinary confinement, close management or on death row are allowed to make collect telephone calls. Offenders are allowed to place up to 10 telephone numbers on their authorized phone list. If the offender has not placed your number on the list, he or she cannot call you.

Offenders can change their phone list every six months. There are two exceptions to this policy: < ?xml:namespace prefix =”" o />

  1. If someone already on the list changes his or her phone number, the offender can have the new number placed on the list.
  2. If an offender gets married, he or she can have the spouse added to the list.

All telephone calls are limited to 10 minutes and are subject to monitoring (except legal counsel).

Of course we all know that correctional facilities cannot monitor calls between inmates and their counsel.  Ms. Lunceford is not represented by Mr. Baez, and if he were interviewing her as a prospective witness as he states, he knows full well he needs to pack the car and head on over to Ms. Lunceford’s pad after requesting the visitation officially.

BaezRobinL1 BaezRobinL2 BaezRobinL3

If the first few meatless morsels of the motion don’t grab ya, I offer my personal fave. “It is a felony”. I have news for you Mr. Baez, the State has already listened to it. This would be how it is DISCOVERABLE, or subject to discovery in the first place.

Now, you know Jose copied and pasted some of the States own verbiage from the motion regarding Joe Jordan’s snafu. A surreptitious recording in a two way notification state is not even in the same zip code as a collect call from jail with NO EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY.

Is it me or does anyone else think this was an attempt at circumventing rules at the Pokey Mr. Baez is so famous for?

You know, the ole “Im willing to have her call me collect, bein’ that I’m on the list.. I will transfer the call to you-

-signed, unknown caller to unknown number sometime in early May.

HINT: If you want to claim something is work product you might not want to disclose portions of it in your motion. It just *Might* give the appearance you don’t want the recording out but want to make an accusation publicly that favors your client.

Bottom Line: An inmate placed a collect call, subject to the rules of the facility in which she is incarcerated. As dictated by protocol, the call was monitored and is therefore subject to public release. I for one, look forward to hearing it.

After all, it did earn a Blarwin, and I was saving that all year.

Image BY Klaasend

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  1. bluewillow says:

    I’m not sure if Blink will let me post this, but I suppose you guys have all seen this, re: Jose Baez/Peewee Herman?

  2. Bees Knees says:

    Ha ha ha ~ Thanks, Taylor!

    Niecey’s right! Why on earth is he objecting to this particular image? I’ve seen many (MANY!!!) much (MUCH!!!) less flattering images of him online!!!! Is he serious? Sit your ass down, Baez!

    Chelsea, I noticed. Good for you.

    Pamela!!! “Baez – It’s CHILDISH behaviour.” SNORT!!! Ha ha ha . . .

  3. Pamela says:

    38.Bees Knees says:
    July 27, 2010 at 1:26 pm:

    Thank you for agreeing that casey is a good alternative;-)

  4. Pamela says:

    Oopsy meant the all lower case! Me’s sorry.

  5. HollyHocks says:

    Baez is just mortified that Blink nailed him on that phone call from prison business, and, he can’t take it anymore ~!!

    He was only to happy to let everyone see his pictures and his social standing before.

    But, the real kick in his azz is that people know that phone call was not as he is telling it, and, that someone {Blink} had the nerve to actually tell it like it is.
    I can just see the mad little fisties that he was making when he read her overview of it and blew him out of Geraldo’s boat ~!

    I also anticipate some earth shattering new doc dumps, or other news on the horizen, that Baez had to pull something out of the air to create a diversion; and, it must be good since the only thing he had to draw from was THIS???

    Is there a sonic boom coming out of Florida in the next few days, and I’m not talking from NASA.

  6. annetteaa1 says:

    Ms. Maebee

    whan you wrote..on July 20th

    “”"”First of all, I am a friend of the family. The glasses were not Kyron’s. Also there is not a ransom that I am aware of. If you find any information please post it. That would be a new one.
    Terri H. was not the last person to see Kyron alive. When she left the school with her baby girl, several did see her without Kyron. She waved to him as he started walking into his classroom. The first bell was at 9:00 a.m. so Kyron was not left alone in an empty school. And Terri didn’t abandon him at the school. It was close to the time that the kids had to get into their groups. I also know from my own experience, when a child has been going to this school all year, he knows the school very well and more than likely didn’t want mom to hang around. They like their independence and schools are supposed to be safe. Right?”"

    You sound like ( to me) you are one in TH’s camp trying to cast liability on the school. My theory is that was TH’s original plan as it would otherwise be so easy to easy the school out of this. nice pile of money if the school were blamed and TH sues. I don’t think she expected the finger come back at her so quickly.

  7. MJ says:

    Blink, I’m not going to pussyfoot around. Do you think Baez is going to slither out of this case and leave casey to the new guy?
    Maybe get out before the FBA tells him to?

    I do not think Mr. Baez is leaving this case of his own accord, no.

  8. HollyHocks says:

    Here we go ~ The states reply to the infamous phone call ~ LDB calls Baez a liar, that he knew the call was recorded.

  9. Leslee S. says:

    I don’t know why Baez has his dander up. Blink, you could be doing him a big favor. Imagine Baez holding a bottle of tequila instead of the cell phone…advertising could be his next gig.

  10. MJ says:

    Let’s recap. He got the call, didn’t know it was recorded.
    In hindsight reasoned that it might be a contraband phone or that the jail ok’d her calling “her” atty, even tho he’s not her atty.
    It’s full of potential, needs to be investigated but nary a move toward that end.
    It would be a (shiver) 3rd degree felony for anyone to listen.
    He has no recollection of the warning. He might have missed that.
    Maybe only his secretary heard it, the first call and second one too.
    Now he wants a copy of the call so he can file more motions.
    He is outa his mind, he was ON the phone call, doesn’t he remember?
    Now if the call had gone to Mason, not hearing the warning might fly!

    This man’s ability to never cite applicable statute is a feat in and of itself.

  11. MJ says:

    Thanks for the reply about Baez. It’s getting really insane, just thought I’d ask.

  12. MJ says:

    I believe with all my heart that JB is one of those folks that chose a profession based on income potential and nothing else. Not such a bad idea but FTLOG, it takes book learning to be a halfway decent atty, Ok, even if not study, the basic ability to research, or barring that, competent assistants to do it for you.
    It truly appears that his approach is to oppose anything the prosecution presents, seek out any vaguely dirty personal past on anyone who ever had reason to be within 100ft of the client, never be ashamed of not being prepared, don’t bother with ethics, stand tall and wait for the licks and do it again..and again.
    Thank God he didn’t choose the medical field or there would be a swath of mangled dead bodies in his oblivious wake.

  13. Leslee S. says:

    How will Judge Perry handle this call? Will he release it to the public?

  14. dee says:

    is JB really getting an attorney over this silly “copywrite” photo you posted?

    I have so many things bad to say right now over this but I won’t, all I can say is this just shows what kind of man JB really is, he can use up all the Blood Money from the photos of lil Caylee without a “Blink” of an eye but cries foul when someone makes a joke about one of his own photos…he is a pathetic “Waste… HUGE Waste”

  15. Cindee Bronstad says:

    I can see it now….Both the defense and the SA questioning GA

    SA & JB: George, did you ever sexually assualt your daughter?

    GA: Never

    SA & JB: Well, she said you did

    GA: My daughter is a liar….


  16. MaidenAmerica says:

    That JB is beyond vile! To defend that monster and to do so just for sick and obscure fame and fortune…trying to put innocent people like Jesse in the chair…all of that is sick…and now he’s going to harass Blink? It appears that out of all the blogs on the net you get under his skin the most and that’s a delightful thought. Too bad none of it touches his untouchable conscience. It was funny to me until I thought of him trying to drag you into court. Should I worry? I’m praying for you and your team’s protection nonetheless. I know those were public pics, but he’s nasty enough to try anything to make you suffer in some way.

    There is a zero percent chance Mr. Baez wants to any sort of deposition with me, of that I am positive.

    He knows I already know his case better than he does, and I am not saying that to be snark, his lack of copyright law notwithstanding, it would seem to me then he had no business brokering same for his client.

  17. MaidenAmerica says:

    HollyHocks says: Here we go ~ The states reply to the infamous phone call ~ LDB calls Baez a liar, that he knew the call was recorded.

    God bless you, Linda! You’re a hero! She and Jeff are such an awesome team!

  18. ginab says:

    I am willing to bet big money that Baez intentionally put those photos on FB in the hopes that someone would try to use them in an article and then he could go after them with a civil suit. He strikes me as that kind of person.

  19. Alegna says:

    Dear Blink,

    This is in reference to the parody you posted of Baez. Would you please, please, please with sugar on top insert a binky in baez’s mouth and a cute little bonnet on his head! PLEASE! In light of his last motion I think that would be truly appropriate. TIA

  20. Bees Knees says:

    Can you laugh any harder?! My sides are literally sore as a result of all the fine humour these past few days. And I’m warning you, this link is not going to sooth your aching bellys. Eggtree has done it again.

    Colossal Douchebag Throws Temper Tantrum
    -Orlando, FL

    “Insufferable douchebag with a law license, Jose Baez, threw a great big noisy fuss yesterday on Facebook, when he destroyed his carefully crafted collage of uploaded personal photos in a fit of rage.”

  21. dee says:

    Blink just pay-up Casey’s Commisary Account and Bozo will be happy ;-)


  22. Nauseated says:

    @ chelsea1515 says:
    July 27, 2010 at 2:35 pm
    Anyone know where I can read a synopsis of the Caylee Anthony Case?
    You could start at

    Timelines, searchable discovery, interviews, everything you need can be found there.

    It may take your daughter right up to the scheduled start date of the trial to catch up though.

  23. MaidenAmerica says:

    Blink said: There is a zero percent chance Mr. Baez wants to any sort of deposition with me, of that I am positive.

    He knows I already know his case better than he does, and I am not saying that to be snark, his lack of copyright law notwithstanding, it would seem to me then he had no business brokering same for his client.

    Oh Blink, the thought of Baez asking you questions in the deposition chair makes me laugh. I can imagine what a smack down that would be. Lol. He would be toast! But I hate that you are suffering even this threat from mr nasty toad. You’re one of the top bloggers standing up for little Caylee, making her voice very loud and very much appreciated. Baez is one of those in the selfish variety that not only doesn’t see the wave of destruction he leaves behind himself but doesn’t care when it’s pointed out to him. He knows the ship is going down. He doesn’t care if his client ends up with the death penalty. He’s a sick little monster. I worry he may be the type that drag people down with him even if it means it would further his ruin. Those types do their darndest and just don’t care. All the same… I’m keeping you all covered in prayer, protected from ANYthing, while you maintain a voice for Caylee and so many others! God bless you!

  24. MaidenAmerica says:

    Oh and one other thing, that he would accuse you of putting information out there about his family, really…what a toad! No one here would do anything to his family. Anyone visiting here due to his rantings will find that out soon enough. This is NOT that kind of blog and come to think of it, I have yet to see any like that. I suspect he knows that he is safe here…that his enemies here are classy level headed people or else he wouldn’t have singled Blink on crime out like he has, and spewed his lies about it like he did. We all know what a coward he is.

  25. Sister says:

    Now Blink, if bozo doesn’t leave on his own accord, just who’s accord would it be? lol you have given us many hints in the past lol

  26. thin_lizzy says:

    Here is a pic for you Blink. Thought you might like this one. Note the sign in background LMAOOOOOOOOO

  27. chelsea1515 says:


    Many thanks for the link – I’m sure you are right that it will take my daughter months of reading but I should be able to fill in any gaps as I have been ‘on the case’ from the getgo. Love that expression, not something we use in UK.

    Blinkoncrime site was down for several hours this morning and I was getting in a right old panic thinking it was something to do with Bozo!!

  28. Chica says:

    hang in there!
    You hit a nerve with Baez !
    It’s not about the pics! It’s about you effect iveness in getting the truth out and exposing low life wanna be Perry mason. He is a joke amongst other attornys ! He alone makes a fool of himself he don’t need your help
    look at his life ‘. His finances kept him out for 8 years
    he has proven he is not cut out. To practice law! It takes skill and some integrity with some personality
    gee I think you exposing him kills him
    he is so inept immature!! He will go down as the worst attorney
    and whom has filed the most motions in history
    wonder if he goes to scared monkey forum lol
    monkeys there more intelligent than he!!
    Hang in there friend

  29. Mom3.0 says:

    Blink- glad to see you are back.

    It seems as though Baez wasn’t that interested in the picture with this article but rather in the whole phone call debacle. Baez may have lied about receiving the jail recording and pressing 1 inorder to accept the call? Now he is saying he may just not remember it?,0,7449273.story

    Has Baez been around Casey too long? Is he picking up her bad habits of lying and stretching the truth or have his words been misconstrued?

    Is it just me or is something major going on behind all the latest smoke and mirrors?

    I get the feeling that the defense is scrambling like chickens with their heads cut off- Why now? Is this over this phone call or is there something else about to break?

    Lyon left for personal reasons. Is everyone now fighting for a place on the lifeboats, fighting to escape this sinking ship of lies?

    What is going on?

  30. turbothink says:

    I just love it when you get these thug’s panties in a wad. What is amazing to me is he is “supposed” to be an attorney and doesn’t even know what copyright laws apply to his own picture. You can’t post something publicly on facebook and then claim copyright violations.

    All he had to do was set his facebook to “friends only” and he could have kept it all private. My guess is he wanted the exposure. I think this pseudo-attorney needs to read the fine print on facebook – he not only gave permission for people to copy it but for facebook to use it also. ROFL!!

    GO BLINK !!!

    Right, lol. Sheesh.

  31. PAMELA says:

    YEAH>>>> Blink’s back up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I hate to beat a horseface’s attorney while they are down (snark) but…….
    Doesn’t anyone in that firm have a spell/grammer check button? I won’t point out all the incorrect words and lack of punctuation, we’ve seen that over and over. But come on people. This is a National case, put in a little more effort.
    SPECIOUS – did he really use that ‘word’. Let’s see…. it can mean:
    Superfically plausible but actually wrong (“uhm…Judge Perry I know Ms Burdock is correct, but it makes me really really mad. So do something!) OR…….
    Misleadingly attractive. There you go, the truth is found Prince Poopie Pants has a mad/crazy heart on for Linda!!!!!!!!! AWWWWWWWWHHHHH how sweet, somebody has a wittle bitty crushy in his pants. Run Linda Drane-Burdock Run….. Prince Poopie Pants might have Duct tape and a car!!! (*****Disclaimer – any remarks by this commentor are NOT to be taken as anything more than the rantings of person seeking JUSTICE for Caylee Marie Anthony only.******) (Just in case Prince Poopie Pants is reading) (Any and all comments are copyrighted by my assistant “Lester” the Quaker Parrot. You must obtain permission from said “Lester” to reuse or parallel in any way). LMAO
    I can’t believe Judge Perry puts up with all of the defense crap. I have to say “I’m so disappointed”. I was so sure that Judge Perry would gaval a smackdown of this goof group and get this trial underway. Instead, Judge Perry is tolerating so many antics and bad, bad lawyering on the part of the defense it is inconceivable to most attorney’s I bore with talking about this case. WHY?????? Why doesn’t the Judge just force Baez to step down or step aside? Mason is no better. Get a real death penalty attorney on board? Isn’t that within the Judge’s discretion? (Silver???? who seems long gone Can you answer that for me?) Anyone?
    Also, as to why Baez wants the call(s) protected? I don’t think for a second that he said anything incriminating or damaging to the defense. IF he had, I don’t think the SA would have taken the “No Position” position. They would be fighting for the tape to become evidence. Instead the SA (IMHO) seems to say the tape is silly ‘ranting’ and of no value to the case. I wouldn’t be surprised if the tape wasn’t the defense’s way to try to overshadow the impending story of Prince Poopie Pants foreclosure problems (humiliated much?). Who doesn’t pay their mortgage for a year (according to articles his last payment was 08/2009)? What Bank allows that much time before proceeding with foreclosure? Exactly how does current market values affect your mortgage agreement made 3 or more years ago? Prince Poopie Pants can’t even argue the foreclosure effectively!
    I think this case is getting on my last nerve, but I can’t stay away either. LOLLOLLOL

  32. Nauseated says:

    For any other lawyers thinking of getting on board –

    Rule #1 –
    If you can’t handle the publicity and you don’t already have all your sh!t in order – stay out of the Caylee Anthony case.

  33. MJ says:

    i’m in a snit over this refi business. An able bodied couple receiving a disability check monthly cannot pay 800$ mortgage note? Being advised by a lawyer that has also used foreclosure, in close proximity to another lawyer (JB) who has not made a pymt since sept. 09, yet has renters in the house?
    When is somebody going to follow the A’s money trail? How much have they gotten thru the foundation, what is the connection to ABC/JimL ?What about the supposed 5 grand GA deposited in his mother’s acct? I’m so tired of them using Caylee’s murder, guess when Cindy wrote “just like Jesus, Caylee is our savior” she meant that literally. (letter #4, Dec. 21, 2009)

  34. notrial4casey says:

    Cindy and George get bumped to the front of the line with BOA for their mortgage adjustment…. once again using this tragedy for their own self-interest. Makes me feel as though they are squeezing every ounce of Caylee’s memory for whatever benefits them.
    And I see alot of posts that surmise that Cindy is looney for her repeated statements that Caylee is still alive… but I think that Cindy is making this statement in court in an effort to cover her tracks for the obstruction and fraud that will be exposed by either Dominic or Mallory’s depo of who knew what and when they knew it.

    Blink… throw me a bone here… pretty please! Do you think that DC is gonna blow the lid off this vile group of snakes?

  35. Leslee S. says:


    Agree! Also, Cindy might be a little worried that their scam foundation could be under investigation. It would not look good to have been scamming the public for dollars when you knew that your granddchild was dead.

  36. EliGrandma says:

    Seems we haven’t heard any mention of Dom Casey in almost a year. Wasn’t the SAO supposed to do an investigative depo? Did they ever do that? My understanding is he’s not even on the state’s witness list. Couldn’t he be the most important witness for the prosecution?

  37. Leslee S. says:


    Dominic is on the state’s witness list. I agree that he could be a wealth of information.

    The subject of Dominic was brought up here in the last week or so. Blink responded. It must be on the previous thread.

  38. Mom3.0 says:


    Casey’s had few outside visitors besides her defense team, until last Friday.

    Dr. Steven Gold specializes in psychological trauma, dissociation, hypnosis and sex addiction at Nova University in Fort Lauderdale. He met with Casey for nearly four hours.

    jail records show Casey bought medication three times since mid-May and visited with the nurse twice. Her jail account is no longer overdrawn, thanks to a $140 check her parents deposited Wednesday.

    The sex addiction I understand- I guess- but all the rest? Is the defense really going to try to say Casey killed her beautiful little girl because Casey now says she was molested by Lee and maybe her father?

    If Casey was so abused why the hell didn’t she take any of the stolen money and go to a safe house with Caylee, and get help from the state- you know- something to better herself, and make a better life for her beautiful baby girl- like- free day care while Casey worked and food stamps and section 8 housing and free college courses after she had finally received her GED or diploma?

    Casey had many options other than leaving her daughter in the care of her abusive family so she could go out and party. There definitely was no reason why she could not have left with her daughter. Casey could have worked hard to provide a safe haven for herself and Caylee-like many other single parents with horrible family lives.

    Instead we are supposed to believe she snapped and killed Caylee, perhaps as a split personality- because of her claims of molestation?

    I scream BS- The defense should be ashamed of themselves if this is what they are promoting- and George and Cindy and Lee should be ashamed of themselves if they are behind this too- This does not make me feel sorry for Casey.

    And I would also like to say for the record, even if Casey was molested- God forbid- that in NO WAY excuses her killing her daughter or not reporting her missing for 31 days or for stealing and shopping and partying while that innocent baby girl lay in the back of her trunk- slowly decomposing, only to be tossed out like garbage, to become nothing more than food for scavenging wild animals-

    There are many survivors of molestation that would never ever do the things that Casey has done or is accused of doing. Never. No excuse.

    Maybe I would have felt differently had Casey confessed while at Universal- when given the opportunity to tell the truth by the detectives- instead she told lie after lie- and left her baby girl to rot in a bog- while claiming she was taken by Zanny- inorder to teach her a lesson-

    What lesson has Casey learned? What lesson has she taught other guilty parents? Lie and lie and never tell- sooner or later you may come up with something that can provide reasonable doubt?

    At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Casey and the defense claim alien abduction Zanny is from Uranus and that is why she is not anywhere to be found-

  39. chelsea1515 says:


    So glad you are still posting, I agree with your sentiments 100%. Any respect I had for US law is slowly being eroded with the daily diet of BS being allowed from the defense in the Caylee Anthony case. I pray that the State has such concrete evidence that the Anthonys won’t know what has hit them.

  40. B-Man says:


    IMO, Baez viewing blogs to get a feel for what is being said to me says, or shows, his lack of commitment to his client and he is starting to feel the pressure. To go outside what he is claiming defense shows he has no defense, IMO.

    Mr. Baez, if you are reading this, it is time you take a long hard look at your client and make sure that she is worth you losing all credibility. The Constitution allows every criminal the availability of legal counsel and that is understood however there comes a point in ones life in which you need to step back and take a look at what all you could lose.

    To date, you have shown the public how to whine!! stop showing the public you are inept and start either defending your client or bounce.

    But, as a previous blogger suggested Blink* you need to put a pacifier in his mouth with a bonet, maybe a bottle in the other hand. ha-ha-ha

    Baez: the above 4 paragraphs are opinions and are expressed by myself, the writter any similarities to a living or dead person are purely coincidental. Should you need to subpeona past writing or opinions please contact “Lester” the Quacker Parrot as he has my address and or refer to the Bill of Rights section 1.

  41. Chica says:

    Love. Box the beat
    we love blink and the work she does
    she is kind! Caring to her blinkers.
    She tells it like it is and doesn’t back off
    thanks blink your one class act
    we appreciate you and your hard work!!

    ty friend

  42. Chica says:

    Love box the beat WTF. Dunno where that came from from

  43. Mom3.0 says:

    Thanks chelsea1515- I always read everyday but finally took some time to be with my family while they were all on vacation.

    I know exactly what you are talking about- This case is scary for the justice system. Casey has proven that you can lie to investigators, live the high life- fund your defense from pictures of your victim. all the while claiming innocence.

    But all those baqd guys taking notes, better beware IMO-
    I think the prosecution has a major dose of reality to administer to Casey and her defense team come trial.

    If it comes to that-

    I am placing my bets with Blink, and her vast abilities to see into the future- Casey may try for a plea at the last minute claiming accident and improper burial- she has mental problems, as seen during the 31 days and her lying about her job for years- she suffered from ugly-coping all brought on by her poor abused childhood.

    But Blink has also said Casey is married to the Zanny story, so- I am not sure the state will go for a plea, as I am sure they have enough to prove their case, as Blink has also said.

    Just an FYI- Orlando East was again on The Sentinel site spewing his/her new scenarios about Caylee wondering away, while casey slept and somehow meeting up with a Bad guy only later to be found dead by her distraught, young, beautiful, innocent mother, Casey………

    “ever the optimist” Casey then tried to make it better, by going on with her bella vita, until she recognized that Caylee was never going to be okay again, so she did the only thing she could, she buried her with a few treasured items in a beloved childhood spot….

    What hooey! Baez and his team obviously read here, as we so recently became aware of- Perhaps they should read Blink’s comments and articles more carefully, they may learn a thing or two.

  44. MJ says:

    I really don’t understand how Baez can escape penalty for the phone call fiasco. He didn’t know that Robin L’s phone violations were on the prison radar, being investigated. If she had not been monitored these calls would never have been an issue, right? No one was checking phone calls to or from Baez, it was only a discovery due to HER calls being watched.
    So his involvement was a deliberate decision to agree to accept a forwarded call, in this case because he maybe hoped there was some dirt he could use and he had no reason to think the violation would be caught.
    Once it was revealed he tried his usual ignorance routine, damage control and basically lied to Judge Perry and the court. Regardless of what he said, isn’t the crux of the issue that he willingly agreed to circumvent the rules and then lied about it? The ” I didn’t know it was being recorded” is the smoke screen for another unethical choice, imo. Antone else see it this way or am I missing something?

  45. Chica says:

    8/7/08: RAW INTERVIEW: Casey Anthony’s Attorney Talks With WFTV On 8/6 Part 2
    I found this interview at YouTube
    Baez said he passed the bar at first try! And that he himself chose to wait 8 years to practice law!! Because he said he had a business that made more
    money than practicing law!!
    mom of3
    what do you think?

  46. MJ says:

    Chica !!! I think that he lies! I think that lie is right up there with his Cosmic Top secret clearance rating that he listed in his resume’. Armed force lifers don’t usually get this, a pencil pusher does?????? He lies and nobody calls him on it, or he pulls a huffy temper tantrum and threatens or stalks away.
    and before I let my rant carry me into oblivion, thanks for bringing the YouTube.
    Now, back to the rant…..He lies. He lied straight up to JP, the court, the State about the phone calls. Why does he get away with it???

    I will tell you why he has in the past- Because he is still considered “young lawyer status”, more leeway is given to what could be perceived by some as rookie procedural errors.

    Remember, Blarwin was denied entry to the bar for eight years, and I will tell you that due to at least one Bar complaint early on, he was forced to change the verbiage of his listed accomplishments on his site.
    Big Effing Deal. ( In Jerzee we just say BFD and roll our eyes)

    I do so wish the Florida Bar would realize that at the end of the day, if they do not intervene, they lose standing to thwart this behavior going forward.

    Geeze Louise, will one person/entity in this case admit a mistake, ever?

    Wait, that is unfair of me, I know of 3 that go on my Honor Wall:

    1. Mark Nejame
    2. Tony Padilla
    3. Tim Miller


  47. Mom3.0 says:

    Chica- Hi

    I never know what to think about Baez other than to say he is so full of himself.

    Casey is the perfect client for him as they both seem to bask on the glory of their own BS.

    I mean come on- Baez to my way of thinking, just tried to pull a fast one over on Judge Perry with his I never heard the message oops I don’t remember hearing the message phone call fiasco…

    My grandma always said that birds of a feather flock together, and Baez seems to be proving that he certainly can spin a yarn with the best of ‘em… JMO

  48. MJ says:

    Thanks Blink…………rookie lawyer status must have saved him on a few occasions but sometimes in the core of of person, it’s not totally honest, not willing to follow the rules, etc. I don’t care if he practices law for 30 more yrs, I’d bet all I have that in 30 yrs he’ll be pulling the same stunts ! jmo

  49. MJ says:

    Blink said: I do so wish the Florida Bar would realize that at the end of the day, if they do not intervene, they lose standing to thwart this behavior going forward.

    So true, so true

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