Caylee/Casey Anthony Trial: Sidebar Silliness- Baez Concerned Casey Will Be Viewed As a Lesbian And Other Wishful Thinking

Orlando, FL-  I know, everyone was looking for my analysis for the week on some of the most influential forensics evidence and experts to date.  You will have to wait.  I could simply not let this go.  Jose Baez, defense counsel for accused Filicidial frequent fornicator Casey Anthony is concerned his client might be viewed as a lesbian by the jury based on some photos in evidence.

I can’t take it.  I thought I could, I thought I could keep it objective.  I admit it, he is a Barristerific  Baffoon Extroirdinaire.

This defendant, this woman, with multiple simultaneous male sexual partners, an unknown baby daddy, the prosecution bases it’s case on the fact that she has a new boyfriend she is willing to kill her child over, and this is HIS REACTION?

“I would just lay out for our argument that any photos that would implicate or insinuate in any way that my client is a lesbian through the dancing she is doing with this other woman…”

It is maddening what an oaf this guy is with respect to being charged with saving a defendant’s life.  Having a jury perceive Casey as a lesbian is like Christmas in June for his client.  Not a lot of cases of lesbian-motivated filicide out there, and what is, is likely to be a new suspect for this suspect generating camp.

At that point Perry cuts him off and asks, “Have you been to nightclubs in the last three or four years?”
Baez says he has been, but noted that the average age of the jurors is 50 and that some members “would be extremely offended” by the image.

This from the business owner turned attorney of the now defunct Brazillian Bikini online store.


Blink is LIVE Tonight, Discussing the Casey Anthony Trial on the Dana Pretzer Show, Scared Monkeys Radio.


Madeline Tanner, editor, contributed to this report.


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  1. pen says:

    Geraldo Rivera said he believes the police made an error by not reading Casey Anthony her miranda right’s during the interview held at Universal Studios. What’s your opinion? I sure hope she doesn’t walk due to a technicality. Thank you.

  2. NancyS says:

    my opinion is that Geraldo is a has been and does not know what he is talking about. sorry but that is just how I feel.

  3. NancyS says:

    Hi Blink,
    I really think she can see Casey as she is definately coaching or telling someone something with the shapes and areas she is covering with her glasses and George is just GLARING in the direction that she is looking..
    I guess I just wanted to have sympathy and hope Cindy was coming around but this family is soooo hard to read ya know?

    OT- sounds like you have some realy good things going on in your life right now… are you getting a chance to be in the court room?

    I have been in court, and I hope to be again, but schedule permitting.

    I don’t discount they are communicating, but without seeing Casey’s reaction in context, I can’t get there.

  4. Eloise says:

    NancyS says:
    June 12, 2011 at 12:23 am

    You have got to see this if you have not already and PLEASE if you have not seen it, get it to who needs to see it. Cindy Anthony is DEFINATELY coaching Casey….OMG it made me ill.

    look at the start of it and watch her close 1:50 mark or so.

    I see what your referring to I presume as to the Cindy glasses movements, but how is that coaching Casey, or am I missing other video of Casey’s reaction? For the record, Casey is going to have a very hard time seeing Cindy from her trajectory.
    Nancy I caught this as well. I wear readers and my first thought was, I never poke myself with the end of the glasses. ? But she was craning her neck, and without having Casey in the pic, I think we can’t rule this out. Remember, Casey had been turning left away from the monitors. I think she WAS doing exactly what you suggest.

  5. GraceintheHills says:

    45.WPG says:
    June 12, 2011 at 1:36 am
    Here’s a close-up video capturing the accused blasting off with UBER-anger to JB as soon as HHJP made the ruling that the animated duct tape video would be admitted in and presented. JMO, but when I watched this “display” in real time on Friday, don’t think the anger was directed at JB . . .

    Yes, WPG, I found this very interesting. IIRC, this intense reaction from Casey also came at the same time that JB brought it to the attention of JudgeP that some in the audience were using cell phone cameras to take photos of the evidence photos that were being projected onto the overhead screens. JudgeP reminded the audience that cell phones were not to be used while court is in session or he would confiscate them. While this is being said, Casey appears to become very angry and mouths the words, “this is private”…which is an interesting statement in itself. Not sure about Florida law, but in my jurisdiction all of what is introduced into trial basically becomes public record. In other words, not private at all.

    She seems to have no clue.

    Dear Blink, it seems like the start of summer is a very busy time of year. Just wanted to take a moment here to thank you for your incredible dedication to this little victim and all the others. Take your time and take care of yourself! We can wait for any updates. :)

    Heart u Grace, Many thanks.

  6. Riverpearl says:

    Haskell said & the jury heard, how long after death Caylee was placed in her mother’s car truck, how long Caylee’s body remained in truck & how long/when was Caylee’s body abandoned/dumped …

    IMHO Haskell’s testimony dovetailed firmly w/DR G’s.

    Now why do y’all think we did NOT see JB get out his big notepad & easel for the jury so he could “add 3-5 days to the [defense admitted] Caylee died day & show how George & RK actually had Caylee’s body.”

    Instead JB spent “lotsa” time w/ “garbage v trash”…

    Oh & JB again had to ask about Haskell’s “fee” … somewhat implied “Haskell was a hired gun … involved only for the money.”

    JMHO I just love Haskell, he was solid & comfortable on the stand. He appeared to me he could of spent all day & more on the stand answering any question/snide remarks JB wanted to throw @ him.

    ========= * ======== * ====== * =======

    Through animation, prosecutors took jurors right into the litter-strewn lot that would have been Caylee Anthony’s final resting place. And through insect expert Neal Haskell, whose expertise CSI was partially based on, the jury heard how long after death Caylee was placed in her the trunk of her mother’s car.

    Haskell said it, “tells me the body would have had to have been deposited very quickly into the trunk.”

    Haskell estimates
    ==>the body was in the trunk for three to five days,<==
    explaining that that amount of time combined with Florida heat would certainly be enough time for the body to "produce enough of the purged fluids from the remains…to attract the [amount of] flies that were found in the trunk."

    Most importantly, Haskell estimated how long the body had been abandoned for before being found in December 2008 saying, "I have no question that body had been out there for many many months…based on the recovery from the scene I believe I stated June or July."

    Video clip @ LINK & PHOTO of CA LAUGHING w/jury present during cross

  7. Riverpearl says:

    RE: Riverpearl says: June 12, 2011 at 10:26 am

    Sorry error:
    CORRECTION ===>TRUNK -not- truck.<===


  8. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Geraldo Rivera IMO is an absolute nut case. It doesn’t matter what the subject is, he will take a contrary view to everyone else.

    As long as there has been no restraint or indication of arrest, Mirranda warnings are not required. He knows this, but it gives him a talking point if he pretends that Casey was under arrest.

    A busy week and weekend for Blink. Congratulations to your sister and the college graduate. Family is important. You are always missed, but we understand that you have other important activities that demand your attention.

    I completely agree with your assesment of Dr. G. on the stand and how she took Mr. Mason to the cleaners. He should have never asked her that last question. The look on his face when she answered was one of complete suprise.

  9. Riverpearl says:

    Entomologist Neal Haskell testified Caylee’s body had completed a short, initial stage of decomposition before the body allegedly was placed in Casey’s car trunk.

    >[remember (1st stage decomp): neighbor who testified CA borrowed a shovel & the dog alerts in back yard. What's "the strange plumbing problem/wet carpet in Caylee's room"-- did she leave Caylee in laundry bag for a time in the room?]

    Haskell testified he based that conclusion on the remains of flies in a trash bag in the trunk. Haskell said he found only a single leg from the type of fly that feasts on a fresh body.

    But Haskell said he found hundreds of eggs and adult specimens of another type of gnat-like fly which appears during the next stage of decomposition.

    >[remember (2nd stage decomp): GA said "flies flew out of trunk" when he opened it @ tow yard & he saw "maggots" when he peeked into trash bag that was in trunk]

    Haskell said the gnats were concentrated in stains on paper towels which were determined to be fluid consistent with human decomposition. Haskel said he believed the towels were used in an attempt to clean up a similar stain on the trunk’s carpet.

    >[remember: "those cleaning supplies" JB has tried to get person/s on stand to admit would cause the presence of "chemicals" in air samples and carpet samples? -and- Blink has said more than once, she believes "CA tried to clean up" the trunk/fluids/stain"]

    Haskell estimated the body remained in the car trunk for up to five days, long enough for biochemical changes that attract the gnats, before being moved directly to the woods, likely in June or early July 2008.

    Haskel said remains of more of the same gnats were found around Caylee’s skeleton at the dump site.

    >[remember: how much of Caylee's bones were recovered? there was some scattering but almost all of her remains/bones were recovered, concentrated in 'almost groups' -- how w/a child & smaller bones they are not usally recovered but w/Caylee they found 20 out of 24 neck/torso/spinal bones & found all but 1 of her little teeth. By having more/ or most of bones this helped to locate 'remains of gnats' just like 'gnats' found in trunk/trash]

    Haskell’s findings fit earlier prosecution evidence that dogs trained to sniff out the odor of human decomposition signaled that they found the scent on the ground near Caylee’s playhouse in the Anthony’s’ backyard, and that the scent likely was limited to the surface rather than deep into the ground.

    Also on Saturday, a land surveyor showed jurors a 3-D animation of the topography where Caylee’s remains were found. The area was searched several times in August 2008, leading Baez to suggest that the body was deposited there later. Prosecutors contend the body was obscured by dense vegetation and water during Florida’s summer rainy season. The 3-D animation showed the dump site, which was almost 20 feet from the edge of Suburban Drive, and was several feet lower than the road pavement.

    [remember: w/the start of this playing in court CA does a dramatic snap of her head to the left,hand jumps to her mouth & she looks sullen downward. no 'graphic' of any remains/bones but she does this big 'pose' almost immediately -- JMO all for 'pity' from the jury]

  10. TiaMaria says:

    Pen, respectfullly when has Geraldo ever been right about anything? She wasn’t being detained, they told her ON TAPE that she wasn’t, and they also told her ON TAPE that the door was unlocked and she was free to get up and leave. She didn’t. Yuri Melich testified that he couldn’t understand why the mother of a missing child would lie to them – they were trying to get to the bottom of her lies. John Allen told her that if there had been an “accident”, she could tell them. She stuck to her story about the Imaginanny. They didn’t have enough on her at that point to arrest her – they were trying to figure out if she was covering for someone else. Not until later in the day, after they took her to police hq to make out a Missing Child flier, did they get enough investigative info back to warrant charging her with anything. Judge Perry went over this with a fine tooth comb. It WILL NOT be the basis for any appeal.

  11. cherylz says:

    OMG! That video of CA and her glasses in the courtroom. Could she be signaling to KC to cry?

  12. Justice says:

    I LOVE THE FACT: that ever since Jose asked a State Official “Why are you looking at the jury?”, “What are you doing, trying to…blahhhhh, blahhhhh, blahhhhh… your testimony?”

    All State official’s have made a point to follow suite.

  13. jkm says:

    GraceintheHills, thanks for that feedback, I sure picked a wrong way to make that statement. So, thanks for helping me get the record straight. It also makes me wonder…Who are the Jurors? We do not know anything about them. Is there some paper-work they have to fill out so that at least the prosecution knows what kind of character background they might have?

  14. Riverpearl says:


    Did my post get way laid in spam box?

    Riverpearl says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    June 12, 2011 at 11:28 am


  15. NaNa says:


    Have you ever consulted a etomologist to ask if the flies and maggotts found in the trunk of Casey’s car contained any DNA evidence that put Caylee in the car trunk? Or would the lab even test for that?

    I can answer that by saying I consider Dr. Haskel an effective expert witness.

  16. christy says:

    what did casey whisper to her counsel when Dr G was talking about “not reporting a child when one has a moral, legal and ethical obligation to care for the child, and the fact that it’s tossed to rot in bags…” ?
    (around 5:40)

    Dr G was excellent. She kept pounding the nails in Casey’s coffin, over and over driving home the best points she possibly could. She rocks.

    Why does Casey look at the witness on a monitor rather than the person? Can she not see them in the room?

  17. christy says:

    1.~Caylee_Angel~ says:
    June 10, 2011 at 4:46 am
    Watching the trial is at least worth the snarkfest on Casey. I have to say, this little drama queen is really fun to watch, especially the dirty looks and fake tears she displays.

    But let’s not forget, Caylee is the one who suffered at this monsters hand.
    this would be true for me if I could better stand to watch her display of feigned emotions and head-shaking.
    I simply wish to punch her in the face.

    Poor little Caylee. The new pictures of her crying and reaching out, then passed out and posed by monster mom with her bunny, and all the times she has dark circles under her eyes or looks cranky, they absolutely reduce me to tears. Sweet sweet little baby girl :(

  18. Kleat says:

    Yes, Cindy was dramatic, but I think we can take her time on the stand, at face value. Does she teach Casey how to emote or handle herself, of course…. she has been doing that, probably for many years. Just have to watch the August 14th jail video, when Casey enrages, to see how she goes into calm mode, and ‘handles her’ by giving the phone to George. (right– now that would be good for a victim of horrid incest/sexual and emotional abuse to ‘force’ the victim to take the phone and talk more calmly to him when she’s already at a high emotional level!).

    But the experts, Pat Brown, criminal profiler, amongst them, say that no matter what coaching, and how good she can become in controlling her reactions, the reality will still leak through.

    Cindy did what she had to for Caylee, had to do for ‘the law’, and had to do for Casey’s defense– to present what she is, beyond anything else she performed for a reason, a caring, loving mother to help Casey in mitigation.

    But for us, she did this for Caylee. And another way to look at this is, in some underlying way, an attempt to let her emotions out, even if she could help herself, so that Casey could ‘feel’ her pain, and ‘relate’. If there is any of this at all, it’s sheer desperation and delusion.

    We have decided this or that about Caylee’s death, but until this week, the revelation that we have been softening things with theories from accidents, to 0 theories, to other reasons to use duct tape post-mortem, but if those discreet strips of duct tape that we have never really discussed as to how they might relate, were attached to Caylee’s little wrists/hands, there is no ‘soft’ or ‘humane’ version of what happened to Caylee.

    This is what struck me this week– this is pure horror script. We don’t know how Caylee died, but we do know that Caylee could not survive anything done to her. Not with any ability to breath or cry for help, or fight back, removed.

    This was a cold creature who killed for selfish reasons and had no humanity nor heart in her actions that might for any skewed hope of humane intentions. Not that this makes a difference to the charge of murder on face value, but goes a long way to the call for the death penalty. We hoped for chloroform as being an anaesthetic, or the taping to be p-m for non harmful reasons, but the other pieces of duct tape, when the state brings their theory of use into testimony, brings torture, intentional or not, into evidence.

    We saw how many searches for death, killing, spleen rupture, etc etc etc, chloroform, etc, for ‘humane’ in the search parameters?

    For me, dp was not important, but I am beginning to understand the horror of this baby’s death. Once planned, the time was right, the plan went into action. And could have stopped at an step– duct taping hands– there is much time to consider going further or stopping.

    Mercy– yes, I think the jury should consider the notion of ‘mercy’ in the actions of this defendant as she acted upon her own child. If she showed any remorse, or compliance with anyone, to bring this to a close earlier, to show mercy for her own mother, her own father, her grandparents, her brother and his future, then, and only then, mercy should be weighed in her favour. There is still time for Casey to act mercifully towards her family, towards those she has harmed in her wake, and then, when the slate is wiped clean of the lies, of the deception, and the ‘soul’ of Casey laid bare (if she is evil, then exposing ‘what’ she is, may be worse in her mind, than the dp for her, if some writers about psychopaths are right about the most important ‘secret’ held by psychopaths).


  19. christy says:

    22.NGBoston says:
    June 10, 2011 at 6:00 pm
    Dr. Garavaglia’s testimony was by far the most compelling to date for the prosecution and the ME most definitely served as Caylee Anthony’s biggest and most compassionate advocate by far.
    Absolutely. I just realized that she was purposefully Caylee’s Voice, and not the nails in Casey’s coffin so to speak. She presented Caylee’s Case.

  20. Kleat says:

    It seems that the state is cleanly, surgically, presenting WHO and WHAT the person known as Casey Marie Anthony, is.

    I’m amazed at how simplified, de-cluttered, their presentation is– there is no time, no need, to become bogged down in the science, no need to stray into side stories or diversionary theories. You know, that’s what so many who are familiar with this type of situation/case said at the beginning– Terrance Lenamon saw it and presented his experienced opinions to Baez as consultant, Mark NeJame recognized it, Tim Miller, fought for the family to understand it. And Jose Baez, KNEW it.

    The state may, as early as Thursday, the anniversary of the last hours of Caylee’s life, offer their bottle of white-out, their document shredders, their electromagnetic disc erasers, to the people at table backed up against the courtroom wall. And they will sit back, as the defense presents their witnesses. And knock them out with clean, simple and direct blows, each and every one.

    (but I expect that Baez will drag out HIS time in the spotlight out as long as possible, spill the white-out all over his table, shred the wrong documents, and lose his key to the photocopier, forget to turn on his mic until half way through his statements, but he won’t lose his trusty sidekick flip chart designed to win the day.)

  21. Kleat says:

    btw, caught the SM radio latest today, thanks for the link guys!! (I was SO hoping that a certain woman pundit wasn’t guest– whew! Not so, of course! Interesting that you thought Neal Haskell would come in like a ‘big gun’ (I forget the details in your analogy, but it sounded real real big!). I’d already saw his entry into the courtroom well, and well– that was my first thought– this is HIS moment and it was! He came in like a big Burl Ives, with the confidence and presence that began with his oath before even taking the stand. Yes…. you were right, that’s what we experienced– exactly.

    (quite the contrast to the defense’s bug expert, in size and presence– he can try. Anyone send him a pair of elevator shoes, boxes of pasta dinners and donuts, to fill him out for the job???)

  22. New says:

    Dr Haskel also gave his impression of how the grave wax got to on the paper towels. Stated the spot on the car trunk carpet floor was wiped with the towels and put in the bag. The vacume filter picked up the same bugs from the car carpet. Read where they can do DNA on the Larva, but I am not a chemist or a bioligist.

    The one thing I can remenber Geraldo was right on was Ronald Cummings was a drug dealer. The rest Ive seen him do is BS.

    Thanks for the video of Casey’s reaction only saw her for a short time. I think that the video is perfectly fine. JB is so antiquated in this demonstrative abilities. The unusal attachement of the mandible had to be demonstrated by some one who experienced this before and he did in Kosovo. Plus his expertise in facial reconstruction which has been used for years to identify the dead. The SA has a right to demonstrate their ideas of the cause of death. Just as I presume the Defense claimed she drowned and George and Lee who sexually molested Casey picked her out of the Pool and gave her to Casey who then somehow was stolen by Roy.

  23. New says:

    In about four weeks some rag mag will pay big bucks for the pictures. So I don’t think we will have to wait for anyones book. WE will probably see everything after the trial is over.

  24. New says:

    The tape six feet away could have bound her feet. I believe they never found all the bones of her right foot.

  25. Ragdoll says:

    Eloise says:

    June 12, 2011 at 9:55 am

    Holy Moly! It most certainly does look suspicious, doesn’t it?

    Does anyone know if Casey can see her parents from her itty bitty pint sized chair?

  26. Eloise says:

    I have a thought that I would like to hear others opinions on. :)

    Concerning the chloroform found in the vehicle. How do you suppose Casey or anyone for that matter, was able to have been in the car at the time the chloroform was at it’s peak volatility, and did not succumb to it’s effects? Do you believe the user/maker wore protective gear? I believe that respiratory masks can be purchased by the general public, ie Home Depot. Could she have been that sophisticated?

    Blink- I listened to your podcast last night. Enjoyed it once again. You took the words right out of my mouth wrt Wendy’s reason for being so outside the box on this case. She certainly is gaining mileage ( in interview ops) as a result though I haven’t seen a soul agree with her point of view.

    I need to re-listen to Mr Bradley’s testimony, during that we had a whopper of a storm and monumental chaos ensuing- thus massive interruption of my concentration. It makes me a bit uneasy wrt to your take on what may not have been brought out on direct. I hope the State has all it’s ducks in a row if and when the DT gets to that in their presentation.
    Is LDB obligated to do the closing since she did the opening? I don’t know the details on court format. But I agree to whomever(? Blink) said they see Ashton building the blocks to indicate that the stray duct tape may have been used as a restraint, it was in the area of the hand bones. (Section A & B) I saw this posted and thought to be handy-

  27. Ragdoll says:

    WPG says:

    June 12, 2011 at 1:36 am

    I’m inclined to believe that is the very last ‘expression’ Caylee saw from her mommy as her life was being extinguished (the ugly Casey scowl). I can almost hear Casey telling Caylee she will never get in her way, again.

  28. SOTT says:


    I’m not exactly sure how to word this, but I’m going to try and I hope it makes sense (I know that Mom3.0 would be able to put this into the proper context)…..Can Jose Baez and/or Casey anthony be held accountable in any way for perpetuating a hoax in regard to Caylee being “missing”, given his opening statements where he states that Caylee was never a missing child, but died on June 16th, 2008, in the family swimming pool?

    As an example, I will refer to the “indictment press conference” given by jose Baez, with Ms. Anthony standing by his side, months before Caylee’s remains were found, where he states “…SHE HAS A MISSING CHILD. She’s also someone’s child….”. He later states, “…we have been preparing from day 1 for the very worst. I sincerely believe that when we have FINALLY spoken, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, will sit back and say, ‘Now I understand’ “. (see 1:55 and 2:43, respectively for the above stated quotes. I’m sorry that I do not know how to make a true “link”, and that you will have to copy and paste should you choose to view this).

    Could an argument be made that this statement implies that Ms. Anthony had already revealed “the truth” to Mr. Baez about the drowning, yet he continued on in his campaign to basically defraud the people of the State of Florida, law enforcement, etc., to continue to search for the “missing” Caylee Anthony?

    BTW, how is the fabulous prosecution team holding up? I can’t even begin to tell you how much I admire them. How will they decompress when this is all over?

    Blink, I understand if you don’t have the time to repond (and, yes we DO read your responses). I can only imagine that it is a lengthy explaination, and after the busy, joyous and lengthy weekend that you’ve had, I suggest you get yourself to bed early!!!!

    PS Ragdoll, thanks for the smiley on the other link, mon ami :)

  29. myers says:

    It seems to me that alot of things we have spoke of during these last three years have not been spoken of in the courtroom. Will it come out that Cindy and Casey argued on the 15th. That seems key. Will what she told Rob Dick and Tracy “they haven’t even found her clothes yet” statement come in. Will someone testify to the water that was off of surburban concealing the boby. I feel like there are holes that need to be filled in?

    Maybe someone could clear this up for me. I am under the impression that Casey ran out of gas near the amscott and two guys pushed her car into a parking space. If she ran out of gas on the road why would the car be backed into a parking space. The only way that makes since would be if she ran out of gas in the parking lot of the amscott and in the position to be pushed backwards near that dumpster. I hope she testifies and lies on the stand. That car had to be driven backwards in that parking lot by her to try and cover the smell. Did she ever say the location of where she ran out of gas?
    Lots of confusing stuff. What about the call made on the 16th to Casey’s phone from cindy? The defense could turn that around some sort of way and say Casey wasn’t even home til later and Caylee actually drowned in George’s care. That he dressed her and that is why he remembers exactly what Caylee was wearing that day. I am going to have to go back and listen to Jose’s crazy opening statements. Just trying to figure out what the heck they are up to.

    Also seems to me that the paper towels that have the grave wax would have fibers from the trunk liner showing that it was wipe from the trunk liner.

    I can’t wait to here how George got Caylee’s body to Roy Kronk and why was the duct tape used and why he deposited the body so close to the Anthony home and what was george and casey’s conversation concerning Caylee’s body.

    I just do not have any idea how the defense can get anywhere unless she takes the stand.

  30. GraceintheHills says:

    Heart u right back, dear Blink!

    Looking forward to watching more of Casey’s trial during my lunch breaks this week.

    Sending prayers for Cindy, George, the relatives, friends and all who love precious Caylee. I cannot begin to imagine how hard this trial has been on them.

  31. WPG says:

    If this was an accidental death as JB poses, how does it explain the real possibility that the motive may have been left with little Caylee and then recovered with her?

    If this was an accident, and George placed a deceased Caylee into the arms of her “amazing” mother, and the amazing mother “cried and cried and cried”, does it make sense for the “grieving mother” to insult and mock her little daughter’s death with a t-shirt that says Big Trouble Comes In Small Packages?
    No way Jose.

    If this was an accident and George disposed of little Caylee, does it make sense that George would leave this final wording of horrid insult and mockery with his beloved granddaughter? Was little Caylee Big Trouble for her grandpa?
    No way, Jose.

    George, Cindy and Lee in their State depositions, were shown a picture of the Big Trouble t-shirt, asked if they had ever seen it before, and all three answered no. Cindy added she herself would never ever get something like that for Caylee.

    Ricardo, who took the photos of Caylee wearing that t-shirt with the accused months back when they were dating and before HE broke it off with HER, was asked on the stand if the accused ever kept or left any clothing, belongings at his place . . . and he said no, never.

    IMO, there is only ONE person who had access to all the things from the Anthony home found with Caylee, who would think that Caylee was Big Trouble, then lived on with gleeful freedom for 31 days . . . the accused.

    Leaving that “final message” with a deceased little child, tells me the death was not an accident but deliberate, and proves the sick and despicable mind-set of the accused towards her daughter.
    Big Trouble Comes In Small Packages spells motive to me.

    All JMO’s.

  32. New says:

    Another explaination Dr. Haskel gave was the difference between trash and garbage. This man was as amazing as Dr. Vass.

  33. SusieB says:

    Whoaaaa!!!! WPG

    IMO, there is only ONE person who had access to all the things from the Anthony home found with Caylee, who would think that Caylee was Big Trouble, then lived on with gleeful freedom for 31 days . . . the accused.

    Leaving that “final message” with a deceased little child, tells me the death was not an accident but deliberate, and proves the sick and despicable mind-set of the accused towards her daughter.
    Big Trouble Comes In Small Packages spells motive to me.

    LDB should use your above statement in closing…..Powerful Indeed

  34. Jessi says:

    Excuse me if this has been discussed, but, what about Casey’s reaction to the ‘unidentified’ body (that turned out to be precious caylee) down the street from her home. If Casey didn’t know where caylee’s body was, why the ‘Omg, I’m in deep’ reaction? And, why hasn’t that been brought up at trial? Did I miss something? I believe it definitely points to guilt.

    Blink, love your site. Been a fan of what you a sm do since natalee.

  35. Ragdoll says:

    Intense posts Blinkers! We all seem to be overwhelmed with trying to make sense of what happened to Caylee. It always seems there are more questions than answers. Maybe God wants to spare us from the graphic details of Caylee’s death. What I know for sure is that Casey killed her daugther. Her biggest mistake, after the fact, was believing she could get away with it.

    I can’t get this question out of my head….and why I’m even entertaining it.

    Is it possible Casey went back to the Caylee’s remains to plant evidence ie: the gatoradge bottle w/ syringe?

    @ SOTT…. my pleasure, sweet friendy <3

  36. Charlotte says:

    Blink: If I recall you said your sources told you there were partial prints on the duct tape. They just stated there were not. Is there other duct tape we have not heard about yet – or do we know now that there were positively no prints on the tape? Confused?

    I am not sure how to answer that to your satisfaction, or anyone else’s until this verdict is in, will that suffice?

  37. cindeefromwisconsin says:

    Elizabeth Fontaine is back on the stand talking about Latent prints and the heart shaped sticker. My heart sank, I anticipated hearing about the latent print we talked about on BOC for the past 3 years as there being one and as of this evidence there wasn’t any. Blink can you clarify this for me?

  38. Charlotte says:

    Blink PLEASE ANSWER – If Casey wanted to see her parents NOW would she be allowed visitors now that her trial has started?

  39. cherylz says:

    WPG…I so agree with your assessment of the wording on the shirt left with precious Caylee @29. It was a final message to her daughter. It was done with mockery. This has always bothered me so very much So sad.

  40. myers says:

    I am terrified that the state has not proven their case. I am in disbelief that the state may rest Wed.

  41. cherylz says:

    Nothing about Momma doll. She was left behind in the car, not even there for comfort for precious Caylee.

  42. Riverpearl says:

    Whoa, recess until 1:00pm tomorrow !!!

    Possible it will be “end” of the state case & Thursday begin “defense”.

    Side note, thought once again “we saw how defense did not follow thru in a timely manner &/or showing up to review FBI reports/pictures when they were given ample time. Even though state ended up not being able to ‘use’ color photos, I felt it did not lessen the witness testimony. As witness stated, “hair banding is ONLY seen in hair of a deceased individual.”

    JB’s cross, though he tried [again] to be confusing [witness stated many times it was not clear what he [JB] was asking] IMO JB further “strengthen the state case w/his round about questioning.


  43. Classygal says:

    WOW! The prosecution is done for the day and won’t be back until 1 tomorrow. They think they’ll wrap up their case w/the next (and last) witness. I thought there were possible latent prints somewhere connecting Casey to the crime scene that maybe the FBI were withholding. I guess that wasn’t the case. I’m hoping their last witness will be a good one!!

  44. myers says:

    Also, not taking a picture of the heart shape sticker was a big mistake. A picture should have been taken even if it wasn’t procedure.

  45. A Texas Grandfather says:


    Your comment about the car being backed into the parking space next to the dumpster is right on the mark. Casey put the car there just to try and mask the odor.

    If we look at the poor logic associated with Casey’s statement that she ran out of gas and she got help to get the car pushed into the lot from the street, there would be no reason for them to push it that far. Just clearing the street and out of the parking lot entrance would have been sufficient. A second part of that would be if George was able to move the car from the towing storage lot without refueling. The lot manager would know if that was true. When you have information from a confirmed lier/sociopath, you have to independently verify everthing.


    I agree with you about Dr. Haskell. If you know your field of expertise as he does, there is no reason to act in any other manner while on the witness stand. His testimony was probably very well recieved by the jury. No matter what the DT threw at him, he very calmy stated the answers while talking to the jury rather than looking at Mr. Ashton or Mr. Baez. Size of a person does make a difference as well as how they carry themselves. Often a small person has to overcome what I call “small people syndrome”, which is being a little pushy in the way they interact with others.

    The fingerprint technician from the FBI was the one that found the heartshaped material on the duct tape. I am sure she was following the protocol regarding her work. However, even though she entered it in her notes and called a supervisor to view it, they didn’t photograph it. This is were we loose opportunities by not thinking past the possibility of loosing a valuable piece of information and stopping a process until photos are taken and of course that did happen, it was lost.

    It was interesting to learn that the FBI is moving the examination of hair past just looking at banding or trying to analyze chemicals found in it. If they can continue with this process, it would help in the determination of how long a body was in a particular place. The fact that the prosecution attempted to get the study into the trial is commendable. It appears that Judge Perry is all for using new technology in trials i.e. the animated video of the crime scene and Dr. Vass’s work. He probably would have allowed the report photos in if the defense had access to the color photos prior to testimony.

  46. todd6709 says:

    I agree with myers @ #33: I’m afraid the State has not proven their case. I would like to have seen the tatoo artist. That alone would be monumental testimony IMO. What mother would even be considering a tatoo, let alone one that said the good life if her child was missing? And now that she says Caylee was already dead, how could she even think of life being good at all to get that “Bella Vita” tatoo! I would have liked to see Jesse Grund and also the so called friend that made earlier claims that when Casey was pregnant she did not want to keep Caylee & the friend supposedly offered to adopt her before Cindy insisted that Casey keep Caylee. So much more I would have liked for them to set out in their proceedings. I’m shocked that they are getting ready to wrap things us.

    Guys, who says we won’t see the tat artist? We have 2 more days. If I were trying this case, I would end with the tat artist.

  47. Classygal says:

    ……and nothing about what clogged up the pipes at the Anthony house.

    why might the state not bring that up with an opening like Baez had?

  48. Riverpearl says:

    BillS of WFTV said [paraphrasing] “that the state concluding in the next day or two could be they feel their case is tight & are waiting to see WHAT the defense will do. Leaving the state with the ability to do a second act.”

    He also said “they [state] needed a strong state witness to lead into the defense’s case.” [soo tat artist could be waiting in the wings]

    IMO the state is really trying to ‘keep the defense off guard w/who they may call or what they may present’.

    Remember all that ‘whining’ the defense did trying to get JP to order the state to give a list-in order- of who the state was going to call?
    How they claimed they were at a disadvantage w/not having case files @ the ready? That whole “blah blah blah” [casey/baez/chenny] wanting the state to “prepare” the defense case … geez.

    With the sheer number of defense attorneys involved & their experience most of their cross so far seems well “lacking & clearly not very prepared”.

    They have had 3-long years. Could any imagine if they had gotten another delay to the start of the trial?


  49. jane says:

    I am also scared that the state finished too quickly and will not get the results that they wish for ……and I am also curios how and why the entire Anthony family was dressed in light purple today…I apologize but I still think something smells with all of them and I hope and pray that a Guilty Verdict is had for precious Caylee so she might rest in peace

  50. Classygal says:

    I don’t know what you mean Blink. If it supported the Prosecutions theory I would have thought it would be addressed.

    Largely, the prosecutions presentation, case in chief, is both evidentary based, and strategic as it relates to MAKING the defendant mount a defense. One has to consider the “counter” to the evidence it presents.

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