Casey Anthony Trial: The State Discovers The Elusive 17th Allele- BOMBSHELL Discovery Of The Deuchebag Chromosome, Belongs To Bereaved Gram Cindy Anthony (UPDATED)

Orlando, FL– I swear on my Blinkette’s, at no time, did I ever picture the word that rhymes with “euchebag” if you add a D, would appear in a title on my site. Today’s testimony by Academy Of Parental Enablers Resulting in Toddler Death President (AOPERTDP),  Cindy Anthony , took the strand. I said strand on purpose. I am convinced the elusive 17th allele comes from her. I daydream she left it on the shovel by attempting to dig herself a hole following the conclusion of her filicidic daughter’s trial.


Cindy Orl sent June 23

No such luck. This former Gentiva Supervisor, Licensed by the state of Florida as a registered nurse, now thinks she may have  been home on the days of March 17th and March 21st and her former employer, required her and other salaried employees to falsify their timecards in an agency subject to HIPAA regulations. 

Cindy Timecard

Mrs. Anthony, although it would mean she came home for less than 30 minutes on both days, if she indeed returned to work, brought her own smell of decomposition.  Decomposition of her loyalty to the legacy of her 34 month old grandbaby, Caylee Marie. By the time of this publication, I have requested comment from John Camperlengo, Gentiva Chief Compliance Officer, and will post upon reply.

UPDATE: The Following Is the Reply I received from Senior Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer and General Counsel to Gentiva, John Camperlengo, published with permission.

Thanks for your note.  As a matter of policy, Gentiva does not comment on matters being litigated before the courts. What we can tell you is Gentiva complies with all relevant Federal and State regulations, rules and guidelines concerning patient and staff records. And we cooperate fully with responsible authorities when requested to aid them in research in investigations. Best Regards, John

O and Cindy, thanks for bringing up your concerns about the dogs eating bamboo leaves. Further computer forensic scrutiny shows that the dogs were PRECLUDED from being in the backyard as a result. Which, Casey knew, and certainly strongly assissted in avoiding detection of her granddaughter’s remains in her playhouse for days. Not to creepy, not to soul-less, right? Did the Baez/Rosebud braintrust consider they gave the jury exactly what they needed to explain Casey Anthony’s alternative universe and fancy for pathological lying? Apples and Trees, as we say in Jersey. God Rest this child in your loving care, which begining June 16th, is the only loving care that has mattered.

 (Editor’s Note: I apologize in advance for offending any readers with my editorial,  I am a victim’s avocate before a journalist anyday.)

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  1. WPG says:

    “Here’s the thing, the patio is screened in, she would have had to go through patio door and then the screen door, both per Cindy were kept locked. Sigh.

    Stayed up late rewatching Cindy’s first court testimony from May 28.

    One difference I see in the area of the patio doors in the living room, is that the piece of dark furniture to the right shown in the “Caylee at the doors” photo is a lot taller than the furniture piece in the photo shown of the living room on May 28 that Cindy said was an accurate representation for July 16, 2008.

    Having a photo of Caylee “trying to open the glass patio door”, which for all I know was already and most likely slightly ajar as shown in the photo, is beyond eerie . . .

    Not saying this is one of them, but we haven’t seen what the last pictures of Caylee were that her “mother” took of her.

  2. Eloise says:

    Janice says:
    June 25, 2011 at 6:36 am


    Just thinking back in the beginning when the Anthony family became MSM persons of interest, one of the Anthony family supporter’s had a little girl that CA supposedly babysit. Was that the supporter’s female child in one of the episodes on a prime time show playing in the toddler victim’s room while CA was giving the film crew a tour of the home?

    I believe that the supporter dropped out of the MSM after she developed her own legal dilemma?

    Holly Gagne’s daughter. You read my mind.


    That’s it!

  3. Angellica says:

    Just a thought…I keep reading about this book deal that Cindy has, where she is going cash in big time. Who would purchase this book? Since she has proven to be a liar, why would anyone want to read her lies? Unless perhaps she titles it “If Casey did it. What might have happened on Hopespring Dr. June 16, 2008.” lol

  4. nana2 says:

    @ WPG:

    Bill Shaeffer on WFTV discussing that photo of ‘Caylee’ opening the screen door. It seems many of their viewers feel the photo could be a photoshop pic because the child appears to be much taller than Caylee. My question now is why take a pic of your child/grandchild opening a door & not ask her to turn around & smile for the camera.

  5. Riverpearl says:

    So, trial still not starting ….

    but, 1-little uh oh, ANOTHER DT witness giving STATE “NEW testimony & Power Point” ….

    and yes, jb was about stamping his little feet saying, ‘This isn’t true” …. he’s trying to say the STATE is/has been (paraphrasing) – ‘making all these things up & he will not stand for it’ ….

    JP basically, after stating their witness cannot testify to anything in dispute until he looks over dep etc, said ‘this is getting old & some things seem not to change” …

    so, Baez just does not comprehend what the Judge said days ago, “This is not my first rodeo.”

  6. Riverpearl says:

    AMO but I truly wish people/ the public would “stop rewarding people & those around them w/book deals, movie deals”.

    In situations like the Anthony’s, I wish directors/screen writers/publishers etc would do their own research & write from what is available from court records, MSM video, police etc

    I wish “the cash spigot ran dry”.
    I wish “they no longer were rewarded for their bad [actually horrible] behavior.”

    … sigh.


  7. gigi says:

    NO, Blink….court has just recessed until Monday..WTH???? Help us here, Blink…please do not get mad….not as smart as you!!

  8. Riverpearl says:



  9. Eloise says:

    What just happened???

  10. pen says:

    Earlier, I just started to develop sympathy and kinda like George, Cindy and Lee. Forget it! Every single one of them is nothing but a liar. Unbelievable that not one of them is looking out for Caylee.

  11. jane says:

    WHAT HAPPENED????????????????????????????? They all left the court

  12. Charlotte says:

    Blink: If Mason wanted to quit now would that be allowed?

  13. WPG says:

    WTH? Legal issue?

    Hmmm . . . wonder what happened back in the room with all the attorneys and JP? Someone who was already heated in demeanor and tone towards Jeff Ashton in the court room this morning maybe got a little more heated?

  14. Columbiares (Pam) says:

    Angellica- LOL Maybe OJ can do the opening!

    Suppose it would look like Amityville Horror if everyone who wanted to be a fly on the wall on the wall could be in there. Must have been something major to lose another day of testimony. Geesh, more drama than a junior high girl’s locker room!! It’s so hard to be patient wanting to see justice for Caylee. (and not Cindy’s version either!!)

  15. SSDD says:

    So, Cindy reads the comments here, huh? I guess she knows now that whatever sympathy anybody had for her has gone bye bye. That family deserves each other. Caylee deserved none of them though. I just cannot comprehend how a mother can kill her own child. I feel for that child in a very personal way.

    As somebody who grew up in a pretty much identical situation…my mother gave birth to me at 19, and had no desire to be mother. Abortion wasn’t legal back then, so she was stuck having me. She lived with her parents. My grandmother had to take over my care, because my mother was irresponsible and uninterested, except to dress me up and show me off when it suited her or got her attention. My grandparents enabled her to continue to do whatever she pleased. She didn’t work to support me and I went without many things. She was also very physically and mentally abusive to me, but never when anyone was looking. Oh no, never when anybody would see. I lived in constant fear that something would happen to me. I think its a miracle I’m still here. As I look at Casey sitting there in the courtroom, I know her and exactly what kind of person she is.

  16. Morgan says:

    Blink, you have such insight and if you wouldn’t mind, could you please ease this weary heart regarding Morales, Casey and the chloroform? I can’t shake the feeling that there’s something more to it than a mere photograph on a MySpace page.

  17. melissab says:

    Bllliiiiiinnnnnnkkkkk WTF is going on???? Speculation plz? Nejame tweeted he suspects something big!

  18. Eloise says:

    Mason made an additional query to the Judge. Then closed door without the State. I bet some of this has to do with JA/Rodriquez business. Then at the end Simms is over at Ashton’s desk and he is seen waving his arms.

    BTW: LKB on tv without makeup etc, yanked oob to talk, lol.

  19. Charlotte says:

    @ julie says:
    June 25, 2011 at 8:07 am

    Okay, is my imagination running wild or does the background of this photo look like the trunk of Casey’s car?

  20. Carolyn S from Maryland says:

    I personally think that the whole argument of whether Caylee COULD have let herself out of the house to get in the pool is not worth arguing. I raised four children, and am the “nanny” (yes, I call myself a nanny) for my almost two year old grandson. I know that children can and do things that astound us. I think Caylee COULD have opened the patio doors, she COULD have gotten in the pool if the ladder was left down.
    But that whole argument is a diversion. The issue is if that is what happened, why the cover up? AT the least it goes to neglect. It only takes seconds for a child to attempt something dangerous. Climbing up a bookcase, for instance. The question is Who was supposed to be watching her, and why the delay in discovering what she was up to?
    If they took a picture of her opening the patio doors, then they knew she could open the patio doors.
    Tragic accidents do occur. But no one in the anthony household reacted as if a tragic accident had occured. I will dismiss Casey and not argue why she did what she did. But the defense wants us to believe that not only Casey did not react as a normal mother would react to a tragic accident, but George, also, reacted in a strange abnormal manner to a tragic accident.
    I think it is defense slight-of -hand to try to get us pondering whether or not it Could have been a tragic accident. My opinion is that yes, it Could have been an accident. But the question is WAS it? And we have to take the activities of the people involved into account to tell if they reacted to an accident or a deliberate act of malice.
    I think the preponderence of evidence shows that these people were not and are not reacting to an accident that “snowballed out of control”.
    They are all trying to mitigate something much more heinous than a tragic accident.

  21. chelsea says:

    I have just gone to watch remainder of the day’s Trial only to find blank screens! No idea whats happening but after I has posted about the photo of the little girl at the ‘open’ sliding door and then found loads of Blinkers had the same thoughts, I looked at the wftv blog comments comments and found they were talking about possible tamperin with evidence. Is it possible that this photo had anything to do with anything? Can someone fill me in before I blow my stack!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. chelsea says:

    I have just gone to watch remainder of the day’s Trial only to find blank screens! No idea whats happening but after I had posted about the photo of the little girl at the ‘open’ sliding door and then found loads of Blinkers had the same thoughts, I looked at the wftv blog comments and found they were talking about possible tamperin with evidence. Is it possible that this photo had anything to do with anything? Can someone fill me in before I blow my stack!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Angellica says:

    Sorry for my very vague post above. I provided a link about court adjourning until Monday and wondered if anyone knew why. Most of the posters on here are very insightful and I thought one of them might know why.

  24. A Texas Grandfather says:

    The court shut down early today due to some undisclosed legal problem. I don’t think it has to do with the testimony of the witness the defense was going to put on the stand today.

    The photo of the child at the door IMO is NOT Caylee. For a reference, find the photo of Caylee on her great grandfather’s lap taken by Cindy on fathers day 2008 and compare the two.

    The photo may be one of the reasons for the early recess of court today.

  25. chelsea says:

    Managed to watch video of the 45 mins. managed in court today. LDB and JA looked thoroughly fed up at close but then so did the defense so no clearer as to what is going on. Blink, do you have any info.?

  26. connie says:

    Why has the Court recessed?

  27. Classygal says:

    Whatever took place this morning behind closed doors has been sealed. I also hear reports of Casey crying this morning before this all went down. Here is some insight I picked up from Mark NaJame’s facebook page this morning……

    “Could be witness tampering allegation, could be threats, issue w a juror, plea, Casey dissatisfaction w her attorney. This is big. Working on process of elimination and will update later.”

    “Not likely a jury issue. Court reporter left early. If there was an issue w juror, likely would have been questioned.”

    “Will be on HeadLine News with Vinnie Politan and Jane Velez Mitchell at around 2. Will give updates and commentary. Thanks everyone for all the kind words. I truly do appreciate them. I have approached this tragedy w honesty and integrity and I am honored that it’s been noticed.”

  28. Eloise says:


    Could Mason have asked HJBP to recuse himself due to defense bias?

  29. Mom3.0 says:

    hello Blink & all

    Why was court stopped today? JPerry went to great lengths to have a full day of court- ordering lunch there-

    he dismissed court for the day with a legal matter as come up?


    Glad to see I am not the only one that took note of the patio door photo- thanks for finding the pics of the closet/shoes-

    I agree those shoes were not photographed- but neither were Caylees crocks- and I assume see had a number of those -or did she out grow them?

    On the Hinky Meter- starting on pg 5 of the court day, (yesterday)they took screen caps of that pic- and someone on SM also found another of that photo on the net-

    The photos do seem strange- and it would seem that many people think so.

    Even Linda Drane Burdick on cross brought up this pic- and did anyone notice Cindys reaction? To me that seemed strange also…

    I cant put my finger on why this pic bothers me- Is it because Caylee always seemed to be wearing outfits that were matched- head to toe- If she wore a dress she was in matching shoes or no shoes…IDK

    Is it because She seems so much older? taller?- IDK – not The Caylee we saw in The GGrandpa video- tiny- she fit so snugly in his lap- and was so dwarfed by the table and chair she was sitting in…… and if you lighten these pics- Caylees hair seems darker…

    It could be nothing, but I have to wonder why so many of us are bothered by this pic-

    IMO Its not because we see Caylee attempting to open the door- we all know little people do this. It doesnt even go to prove the defense’s case,as someone said earlier.
    As Blink wrote Caylee would have had to push the heavy door open by herself- and still make it through another locked door.

    There is still no evidence to suggest accident then cover-up then disposal- then Kronk-

    I had forgotten that about Hollys daughter and the fact that there was mention of Pics… Strange- Blink thanks for reminding us

    Why is this pic bothering us so? I dont know…

    PS- Stills were shown from the video of Cindy and Caylee in the pool and the ladder walk- not the video.

    Seems the Defense would have done better to play the video if it proved Caylee had no problem with the ladder ect- perhaps they tried and the Prosecution objected- idk

    Snips of this video taken by Casey &were shown on ABC early on, It was in a segment called Caylees world — interestingly George is also shown in this segment, at the volunteer tent- in front of the table, and he lovingly talks about Caylee and how she says Atony and says how much he loves & misses her- I do not believe that he covered-up an accidental death…


  30. Word Girl says:

    Thanks for your analysis of Cindy.
    If I may quote from your June 25,2011, 7:14 am post:
    “imo the woman most certainly walks, talks, breathes a pathological empowerment, even in having sent her weasley husband (former cop) back to work so that she could be alone with the car…”

    “…On the very brink of perhaps getting to some morsel of truth by bringing Casey out of the room and having her point out on a map where Caylee might be found, Cindy took command and threw them all out. … isn’t Cindy really the reason Tim Miller walked out? Wasn’t it Cindy who initially took command of the media?”

    “…She’s bold. She’s brazen, and has no bounds. …the only reason she wants Casey to go free is to save her own image, and in this respect she’s worse than a sociopath, she’s a narcissist.”

    WOW, well said, Morgan.
    Here are some tests for personality disorders you might like to apply to Cindy/Casey characteristics.
    Some while back, also, Val Hall did a great job with testing analysis of the figurative Cindy/casey. see those at

    Has anyone run the Myers-Briggs on them, by the way?
    (test questions)
    (test for narciscism disorder at bottom of article)
    (MACH IV temperment test–counselors here might explain
    how this is different from the personality disorder test,
    cuz I’m not sure…but it’s interesting.)

  31. Eloise says:


    Baez had some papers in hand as he left closed door setting. At 19:42, looks like a pic is on the doc., could this be a pic of a cell with text?
    Part 2 19:42

  32. WPG says:

    Ex-attorney for Lee talking with JVM now just made a good point . . . possible violation of witness sequestration . . . ie. the Amt’s.

    The Ant’s talking among themselves and “coming up” with stuff – - – reminds me of what Lee said during Ashton’s cross of him yesterday of why HE approached Jose Baez – - – that he and his parents were talking and as a result somethings came up that he felt JB should be aware of . . .

  33. Dellastreet says:

    Regarding comments about Casey putting Caylee in the car trunk at night:

    I can not fathom any mother would put her child in the trunk of a car to sleep, especially in the summertime here in Florida…even at night. I remember the summer of 2008 quite well. It was so exceptionally hot and humid here in Florida and very early that particular summer. Nights can be horribly humid with little or no air circulating. I do not see how a child would fair very well in that environment. It is certainly pushing the envelope…but then Casey has always done that.

    I firmly believe at this point… the Anthony’s set the prosecution up big time. They had them believing they were on their side. I have felt that way since I heard they were meeting with JB regarding the defense’s opening statements. Certainly JB had no obligation to tell the Anthonys anything let alone what he was actually going to do…. but he did. So they are all going by script developed by the defense. One would wonder how much the prosecution told the Anthonys, how much they trusted them and whether or not the Anthonys told JB everything they knew about the Prosecution. What did Lee feel so obligated to share with JB concerning what he overheard his parents saying?

    Also have to wonder why Lee did not mention nor was he asked to recall about the comment from Casey (the night of the 911 call by Cindy), “perhaps Mom should have done this sooner.” I thought that was quite telling.

    There is so much that has not been told, so many people who have not testified. While we all know three years worth of information it has to be remembered the jurors do not know all this. It makes your mind spin. I just hope she does not beat this thing and walk. Would not be the first time!

  34. myers says:

    Charlotte says:

    June 25, 2011 at 10:03 am

    @ julie says:
    June 25, 2011 at 8:07 am

    Okay, is my imagination running wild or does the background of this photo look like the trunk of Casey’s car?

    Oh it does look like the inside of Casey’s car. It also looks as if Caylee has just awoke and scared and upset. looks as if she wants to get out of whatever the hell she is in.

    Is not, I have seen that photo before, she is in the Anthony home.

  35. myers says:

    Charlotte says:

    June 25, 2011 at 10:03 am

    @ julie says:
    June 25, 2011 at 8:07 am

    Okay, is my imagination running wild or does the background of this photo look like the trunk of Casey’s car?

    Oh it does look like the inside of Casey’s car. It also looks as if Caylee has just awoke and scared and upset. looks as if she wants to get out of whatever the hell she is in.

    She also looks as if she has been sweating.

  36. julie says:

    Okay, is my imagination running wild or does the background of this photo look like the trunk of Casey’s car

    Charlotte…I brightened it up alot and believe I see tiles on a floor…like kitchen or something.

  37. nana2 says:

    @ WPG

    It was reported on HLN earlier that C Mason was raising his voice a lot in that back room..

    Also on WESH online the camera’s were still on after the Judge dismissed today’s hearing they panned to the defense table & Baez looked none to happy. Sims walked over to Ashton to talk to him & he kept shaking his head in the negative & pointing towards the defense table. Ashton still doing a depo this afternoon.

  38. nana2 says:

    @ Dellastreet

    re: I firmly believe at this point… the Anthony’s set the prosecution up big time.

    For what its worth I second that motion.

  39. MissMonkey says:

    Double You. Tee. Eff.

    How HHJP has not just stood up in the middle of the courtroom and said “F*** You. F*** You. F*** You. And F*** YOU!!!! I am outta here!!” is beyond me. This is just madness.

  40. New says:

    There is a Hawk that comes to the window ledge of Court room 23 and caws. The Honorable Judge Perry has heard him and pointed this out to members of the Court with a smile. Indian Folk lore has a tale about a Hawk.

    Don’t know why Court is in recess until Monday really don’t care. Justice will prevail for Caylee.

    O you know I thought the same thing.

  41. Charlotte says:

    Whatever is going on was initiated by the defense. Before court Mason was sitting in the holding room waiting for Casey. Discussed it with Casey first and then with everyone else. Casey had a tear or two when she came out of the holding room, did NOT smile at Baez like she normally does and just sat down. Could it be possible SHE asked to meet with Mason? Could she have asked Mason to take over? Could Mason be asking to quit? It must be something huge?

  42. nana2 says:

    @ Eloise says:
    June 25, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    Bill Shaffer on today
    I liked the laughing analogy

  43. Geri says:

    Does anyone think it has something to do with the tape that wasn’t on the gas can when it was presented to Yuri Melich yesterday?

  44. nana2 says:

    @ Charlotte

    If you watch the video’s of this mornings session Part 1 & Part 2 the events are much clearer then when they occurred.

    Part 1 video @ the 25:00 mark all attorneys gathered at their own little side bar without the Judge & court reporter. Mason appeared to be doing most of the talking with Ashton nodding every now & then. They continued to talk until the end of that video then all of the attorneys (not Sims) and the court reporter which I thought was important went into a back room.

    Part 2 video starts with Casey going into that room & joining the attorneys & the court reporter & stays in there until the 14:00 mark which was a fairly long time. The attorneys stayed in there until the 19:00 mark with the court reporter. When they all came out I got the feeling they might have called the Judge from that room because the attorneys & the Judge all seemed to come back at the same time & JP made his announcement.

    Now if this had to do with a change of attorneys wouldn’t the Judge have been in on that conference also ? IDK. I just feel it might be something other than defense attorney conflict on the team. I think the court reporter going into the room with the attorneys was important because that meant their discussion was on the record so this was no idle chit chat..

  45. Nancy says:

    Caylee must have killed herself and had made arrangements for Roy Kronk to hide her in the wooded area. That is the only answer.

  46. chelsea says:

    @ New & Blink – after reading your post about the hawk I googled the Indian folk law meaning of seeing this amazing bird. Most gave similar meanings ie, messenger, power, good news., but my favourite was :
    “If, for any reason, you wish to shoo the hawk away, just throw a length of garden hose up in a tree. They percieve it as a snake, and don’t hang around”……….. How about dangling slithery, slimy Baez out of JBP’s window !!

    I am going to take your advice NEW and chill out until Monday when all will be revealed. Hope and pray it is nothing detrimental to the State.

  47. WPG says:


    Got myself worked up again last night rewatching Cindy’s testimony from yesterday with the “new Pics” and her original on May 28 when LDB presented pics of the Ant’s home inside and out.

    The ENTIRE backyard no longer has ANY GRASS – - – the patio has been extended with pavers, the side path to the shed where Caylee’s and Lee’s bedrooms are located is now covered with poured concrete.
    And Caylee’s playhouse, which, by the way when those pics came up on May 28 AS IT WAS MID-JULY 2008 is when the accused really started to wig out shaking her head no, also now has the grass removed that was in front of it (where both K-9′s hit) and is now replaced with bark chips and stepping stones.
    LDB said okay this was mainly done for low-maintenance reasons, and Cindy yes but also this area is for their 2 dogs to go and relieve themselves. Can you imagine?

    NO GRASS? Kind of like the car having NO ODOUR?

    However, the POOL is still there – - – the one their granddaughter
    “allegedly” drowned in.

    How grandma so willingly and so matter-of-factly went through with Baez the new pics of her and Caylee going up the pool ladder and the “new pic” of the patio door photo, presenting to the jury a picture-story of sorts of how little Caylee CAUSED HER OWN DEATH (IMO).

    Beyond despicable.

    By the way, if interested, here is the video from May 28 with the testimony (and demeanor of the accused) and pictures of the house and property, plus the floor plan drawing. The patio door, latch and lock are shown and discussed towards the end of the first link and continue in the 2nd link:

    RAW VIDEO: Day 16 In Casey Anthony Murder Trial Pt. 3

    RAW VIDEO: Day 16 In Casey Anthony Murder Trial Pt. 4

  48. Ragdoll says:

    I’m too disgusted @ Baez to post. He’s lower than a snake’s rectum in a wagon rut.

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