Casey Anthony Post Verdict Press Conference: Investigators With OCSO To Speak Today 1:30PM EST

Posted by BOC Staff | Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,Eric Edwards,John Allen,Tot Mom,Yuri Melich | Tuesday 12 July 2011 10:57 am

Orlando, FL-  The Lead Investigators in the murder of Caylee Marie Anthony are finally speaking out.

Led by brief words by Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings, Sgt. John Allen,  Cpl Yuri Melich , Cpl Eric Edwards and four other investigators will take questions from the press.

It is also expected that the OCSO ask for privacy for the jurors, and also for citizens to not compromise the safety of it’s officers when Casey is released.

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  1. PigletinCT says:

    I don’t know if this will actually happen or not (maybe it already has) – but I saw on one of the many anti-Casey Anthony pages that popped up on Facebook minutes after the verdict – Someone suggested starting a “where’s Casey Anthony” page for sightings. She can dye her hair & change her name, but as somebody else said, without plastic surgery that horse face is going to be real hard to hide!

    Sorry for throwing this out there without doing more research/follow-up – but I’ve been preoccupied with hospital visits to my sister who had spinal surgery recently. If I can verify with a link later on I’ll be back to post more info.(I’m at work right now on my lunch break!)

    I haven’t watched ANY of the post verdict interviews – at all. I’ve been getting all my info from BOC (right here) and all the links that are posted. Thank you everyone for the links – I’m not contributing to ratings for any of them – ABC etc. If I can’t get it here – it’s not worth my time.

  2. IMOIMO says:

    Glad to hear that Texas Equusearch is possibly filing a law suit on the hundreds of thousands of dollars wasted on looking for a little girl that Casey knew was dead all along…. Keep the suits coming folks…

  3. New says:

    Kleat …Thanks for TES fileing. I will be sending a check to him for his Services and Attorney fees.

    At the end of Hals article on Tony L. Some have checked as have I and The Thing is no longer listed at the Orange County Jail. It takes four hours to update their data.

    If Tony writes a book it will only take him into the vortex of this swirling evil. Ugh,,,,How can he remenber anything Pot heads that they where. One of his roomates is working with Morgan and Morgan.

  4. Blink says:

    Speaking of which John Morgan just filed for an emergency deposition fearing she will flee. Unless Karen is willing to hang his Bacon out she will be there, he will het it, imo

  5. Tori says:

    Jennifer Ford is complaining about how ‘harrowing’ life is for her now…guess that’s what happens when you let a baby killer go free!

    She’s stuck on the fact that the public is just being ‘emotional’ and that they (the jurors) had the ability to put emotions aside…yeah, you sure did and you put ALL the evidence aside too.

  6. c10 says:

    Blink, please explain – how can she change her name if there are neverending cases against her, would she be listed as FKA, AKA,casey anthony? and her appearance? wouldn’t she have to show up at court sometime, i guess lawyers could handle that, but i would think the Judge assigned could make it mandatory, right? what about that IRS thing hanging over her head – MAKE her appear in court, says me, if for nothing more than our enjoyment HaHa – poor Tim Miller… he wonders how to best explain this bullsh*t to the REAL people that needed help – imagine the slap in their faces to learn of this giant scam – can’t help find their loved ones because of her!! WTF…if my loved one was missing and i couldn’t have gotten TM’s help at that time, i would be beyond furious right about now, she and her lieing parents sure are in quite a pickle now aren’t they?! karma…

  7. In Memory of Gini says:

    21.Teri says:
    July 13, 2011 at 8:11 am
    Besides the chloroform and the duct tape – her BEHAVIOR WAS the strongest evidence they had.

    How could the MOTHERS on this jury not take GRAB on to that – and not let it go? It CLEARLY shows conscientiousness of guilt. CLEARLY.

    What mother, HOURS after her child died – goes and rents a movie with her boyfriend and spends the entire following day in BED with her latest hot sex toy.

    Please, dear GOD – tell me I’m going to wake up from this nightmare.

    What were they THINKING?

    They were deceived is what I was thinking:

    Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God… For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12)

  8. c10 says:

    Blink, i swear if i hear one more juror complain about being away from home, being sequestered, blah, blah, blah, i’m going to explode/implode!! it IS your duty, you selfish pigs!! (sorry pigs), get REAL people, i get that it was inconvenient to be gone so long, but sh*t happens, it was and will always be about a little girl named Caylee, what’s wrong with people, can’t they give of themselves just a little, disgusting, and to also hear they were upset if the State didn’t say Good Morning???!! WTF Again – WOW, my 4 yr.old has better sense AND manners, really…and for gosh sakes they had the Dessert Lady!!! unbelievable selfishness, it’s sickening… heavy sigh

  9. pale rider says:

    Ah, so the media are describing the jury foreman as looking lie Johnny Depp! It all becomes clear to me now, he prolly envisioned himself as ICA’s knight in shining armor.
    Wow, maybe they’ll ride off into the sunset together! Now that’s a poetic kinda justice, LOL.

  10. Ragdoll says:

    Tony Lazarro wants to have someone write a book for him? He never knew Caylee!

    There is enough evidence out there that tells us exactly what Casey was doing during the 31 days…AND IT’S FREE….ONLINE. No one profits. If he wants to donate the entire profits to a worthy charity, I’d consider. Otherwise, CREEP!!!!!!

    Next week, we’ll learn the dead squirrel will be signing his book at your local Barns & Nobel.

  11. Sammy says:

    And the hits just keep on coming.
    Cashing in on the murder of an innocent babe name Caylee.
    I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse before it gets better.

    Dot Sims is sporting her new look these days.
    She finally discovered what a flat iron is.

    Tony “Rico Suave” Lazzaro ready to pen his epic story of 31 days in bed with a baby killer.
    (minus the bulk of time he was in Puerto Rico)

    I don’t doubt that Dom Casey, Jim Hoover, Kio Marie, Ricardo, and anyone else who had any minute connection to the baby killer will be trying to peddle their story for cold hard $$.

    Cindy frantically jotting in her notepad during the entire trial is no doubt the draft for her book-o-lies.

    And the jury members??
    Well they just need to STFU.
    Every statement they make, every interview they give – they sound even more dense.

    They dig their “stupid hole” deeper each time they speak.
    Trying to CYA and back pedal isn’t working.
    Most of America thinks they’re a bunch of dumb ass’s.
    Really, they say they are afraid and want this all to go away so they can live without fear.
    I’d say a big first step to that would be for them to STOP answering the phone when ABC/CBS/FOX/etc calls.

    And then we have this to look forward to I’m afraid …
    Once the TV appearance offers begin to dwindle off – Baez will likely become an author as well.

    Sad, sad times for justice in this country.
    Rest in Peace sweet Caylee.

  12. pale rider says:

    Riverpearl says:
    July 13, 2011 at 9:45 am
    Can. NOT. Believe…

    Just heard on GMA the “jury did NOT like it that the SA’s did not say GOOD MORNING to them everyday” !!!
    Another rule of Judge Perry’s they disregarded!!!!!

    Overturn the verdict, AARRGGHHH!! Sorry……

  13. Sammy says:

    Ragdoll says: @ July 13, 2011 at 1:45 pm
    Next week, we’ll learn the dead squirrel will be signing his book at your local Barns & Nobel.

    Oh Ragdoll …

    Have I told you recently how much I love reading your comments ??
    In the midst of all this madness, I needed your dead squirrel penning a book visual. :)

  14. Riverpearl says:

    [snark attack] … you think mother CA will change HER name to follow daughter ICA’s “new name” ??

  15. Ragdoll says:

    As for Casey changing her looks and name….

    I don’t think it will happen immediately. I’m not able to give proper credit, but I recall a comment indicating Casey does not understand how much she is hated. Regardless of how she’s perceived, she will view it as attention, and that’s just what she craves. She cannot wait to make her grand entrace at where she left off.

    I will always remember how she jumped into action calling 911 when protesters were wreacking havoc outside the Anthony residence. Her voice sounded like she was having an adrenaline rush. This is CASEY FREAKING ANTHONY…I am somebody important and you must get here immediately because I said so. She could never call 911 for her ‘drowned’ daughter?

    Casey will always think it’s about her. She will never get it and I suspect the verdict will enable her a great deal more. She’s learned nothing.

  16. Riverpearl says:

    [another snark attack] … you think MSM thinks it’ll HELP the public w/the ‘disgusting jury interviews’ IF they tell us one of the jurors LOOKS like a CELEBRITY ???

  17. Ragdoll says:

    Sammy, I love you to pieces! Thank you for your friendship <3

  18. Ragdoll says:

    @ Sammy


    Dot Sims is sporting her new look these days.
    She finally discovered what a flat iron is.

    Now THAT is funny!!!! I need to look for recent images. Didn’t Marcia Clarke go through an overnight make over during the OJ trial?

  19. justice23 says:

    Good for George. Maybe he is finally doing something for his granddaughter that’s positive.

    George Anthony, father of Casey Anthony, gets behind ‘Caylee’s Law’

    More than 1.1 million people have signed a pledge petitioning state governments to enact “Caylee’s Law.” Twenty-eight states have started to consider enacting the law that would make it a felony for parents to not report within 24 hours that a child is missing.

    Now, one more person is getting behind the push to enact the legislation: George Anthony, the grandfather of Caylee Marie Anthony and father of Casey Anthony.

    George Anthony said in an e-mail that he was investigating the law and hoped to help get it passed in Florida. “Caylee’s Law will be groundbreaking, and will be up there assisting the Adam Walsh Act, the Lungsford Act, Amber Alert, and many others that are necessary for our children,” he wrote.

    During his daughter’s trial, Anthony was seen as controversial figure, with the defense contending that Casey was hiding emotional distress caused by alleged sexual abuse from her father. Her father has denied that claim.

    When asked in a phone interview if the allegations could affect the law’s passage, Anthony said that the law had nothing to do with him and everything to do with keeping “the memory of my granddaughter going.” He also said that his life could not get much worse, with people camped outside his home and death threats coming in.

    “I couldn’t be hurt more than I already am,” he said. “Caylee is gone and the chances of seeing Casey again. . .who knows. I just want to get through today.”


    George Anthony said he disagrees with the criticism of the law. He said when he first heard about the petition, he cried.

    “This is a great legacy for my granddaughter. Other children still need assistance,” Anthony said. “If it reflects on my daughter, well, so be it.”

    He plans to meet with representatives in Florida and hopes to get the law passed next year.

    “If I have to stand on top of the capitol building, I will.”

  20. WPG says:


    Just read the last page at SM’s. Please indulge my caps, because yes, I am screaming . . .


  21. WPG says:


  22. justice23 says:

    Guess it’s starting already … this happened in Gainesville, FL recently.

    Don’t worry 21-yr old babysitter … you’ll most likely get off even though there was a witness that actually saw you smothering her baby because you’re in FL and juries don’t convict child abusers/killers there. Evidence is just speculation if it happens in Florida after all.

    Police: Babysitter Tried To Smother Infant
    Woman Arrested, Faces Child Abuse Charges

    GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Police arrested a 21-year-old babysitter after the infant’s mother says she came home early and found her smothering the child with a pillow.

    Authorities said Tiffany Long faces aggravated child abuse charges. She is being held in the Alachua County Jail.

    Gainesville police spokesman Mike Schibucla said Long ran from the home but was later located and arrested.

  23. WPG says:

    Sorry, should have included the link for page 14 at SM

  24. justice23 says:

    Caylee Anthony’s Possible Grandmother Hires O.J. Lawyer, Eyes Wrongful Death Suit

    Casey Anthony may not be off the hook yet – she still could face a possible wrongful death lawsuit being masterminded by the man who pinned a multi-million dollar judgment against O.J. Simpson.

    After a jury acquitted Anthony of charges that she killed 2-year-old daughter Caylee, a famed celebrity lawyer has signed on to represent Donna MacLean, a Massachusetts woman who claims to be the tiny tot’s lost grandmother.

    “I have been instructed by my lawyer John Q. Kelly not to speak with the press anymore,” MacLean, 47, of Rutland, Mass., told Star. “At this time, I’m listening to my legal advice.”


    “I’ve spoken to her and we are doing our due diligence,” Kelly told Star.

    When asked if she was considering filing a wrongful death lawsuit against Casey, MacLean told Star: “That’s a question that I’m not prepared to answer, at this point.”

    Though MacLean’s stunning claims are currently just hearsay, she is willing to substantiate her story with a lie detector test and DNA sample to prove she is indeed Caylee’s grandmother.

    PHOTOS: Casey Anthony Laughs In Court

    What’s more, she’s also contacted the lawyer for George and Cindy Anthony, but to no avail.

    Aside from wanting to know how Caylee died, the second biggest mystery in the Florida trial was the question of paternity: just who was the toddler’s father?

    MacLean says she believes her late son Michael fathered Caylee, based on a conversation she had with him in the summer of 2007.

    Duggan, 24, died in a car accident that year in Falmouth with his sister Sarah, 18.


    *Full article at above link*

  25. justice23 says:

    After Anthony juror media shake-down, Randolph wants to ban pay-for-interviews

    TALLAHASSEE — In light of the attempt by at least one juror in the Casey Anthony murder trial to elicit $50,000 for interviews, state Rep. Scott Randolph says he wants to outlaw the practice.

    The Orlando Democrat plans to hold a press conference about the legislation Thursday with local defense attorney Mark NeJame, and said in a release that the aim was “to prevent jurors from receiving compensation or monetary benefit in exchange for supplying information related to the trial after discharge.”

    “Such a measure is intended to maintain fairness and integrity in our system of justice, especially for jurors selected for high profile cases such as the recent Casey Anthony trial,” his office wrote.

    I support this entirely, and I support Mark Nejame; I am most proud of him.

  26. Sammy says:

    Here’s a pic of Dot Sims since she found her flat iron on her way to Hollywood.

    In one of her interviews Dot said that (paraphrase) –
    “she hopes everyone will have some COMPASSION for Casey Anthony once she’s out of jail, b/c there’s always room for more compassion in this world.”

    Is Dot on drugs or what??
    Maybe she got a little too close to her scalp with that flat iron and burned out the last of her remaining brain cells??

    I have to be honest, I am not stranger to flat iron burns, lol.

    That is not a makeover, that is a stylist hiring, imo.

  27. c10 says:

    Excellent! enter Mark Nejame again, Hoorah! doesn’t bother me he’s back, Yah!! but John Kelly? this lady hired him? wasn’t he here earlier on, say back in the day with c+g? same guy Blink? if so, it’s a revolving door in Florida, huh?

  28. NG says:


    I just can’t believe this Jennifer Ford is going on television and saying these things. They did NOT take the behavior into account? Am I hearing this correctly? This verdict was signed sealed and delivered after Baez finished his Saturday Night Live skit. This is just SICKENING

    lol, the one behavior that was absolutely to be considered, as conciousness of guilt they do not.

  29. sooze says:

    From Sammy:
    Here’s a pic of Dot Sims since she found her flat iron on her way to Hollywood.

    OMG-The bed head is dead.

  30. c10 says:

    sorry for the appearance comment, but dot – seriously? i guess it’s better, i think she liked the frazzle rock look for casey’s case – jury might give her some points for looking sooo over worked, fighting hard for her client – she’s innocent i tell ya! geez i can’t even find the time to fix my hair, blah, blah – too polished and the jury might think we’re hiding something big, so go with frumpy, that will work, wow it did! Ha! didn’t hurt, it probably feels better when she jumps up and down…it’s interesting how the major female lawyers looked during this case, isn’t it?

  31. Velouria says:

    I agree with Dot Sims. Let’s have some compassion for Casey Anthony.

    More specifically, let’s have the exact same amount of compassion that Casey had for Caylee.

    Sounds fair to me.

  32. SusieB says:

    Lets see now.

    Texas Equipsearch Lawsuit, State of Florida wants their money back, IRS wants their share, Zeniada Gonzalez civil case. Possible wrongful death lawsuit (if there is anything to this at all) I wonder what’s next?.

    Will Jose handle all this Pro Bono???? Plus…Casey will need money for her disguises and name change, clothes and all that. I just bet there is already a benefactor waiting in the wings. What ya wanna bet?

    This is the case that just keeps on giving…. doesn’t it?

  33. SusieB says:

    If Casey were to accept plastic surgery I wonder who was going to pay?

    Maybe Grandpa Mason.

  34. SusieB says:

    Hey, Casey could get plastic surgery to look like her idol. Juliette Lewis.

    Ok, I will be good.

  35. nana2 says:

    @ justice23 says:
    July 13, 2011 at 2:45 pm

    After Anthony juror media shake-down, Randolph wants to ban pay-for-interviews


    Hope that goes to the ballot process I’ll vote the yes on it..

  36. nana2 says:

    From the Orlando Sentinel:

    ” Lawyers suing Casey Anthony for defamation are so concerned she won’t show up for an upcoming deposition that they filed an emergency motion today asking a judge to compel her to appear. ”,0,1715211.story

  37. Sammy says:

    I don’t know why, but I can’t stop humming the Kumbaya song after reading Dot say that she hopes we all show the baby killer our compassion once she’s sprung from the pokey.

    Because as Dot says … “there’s always room for more compassion in the world”.

    I agree … Compassion is a virtue.
    So is Honesty, Ethics, and Justice.
    Hey Dot – there’s always room for more of these in our world too!!

  38. mikki says:

    A picture of Caylee’s possible father that died in the car accident – Michael Duggan – is included in the article at the link below. Scroll down the article to see a picture of Caylee and of Michael side-by-side.

  39. mellaril says:

    dot sims is a bit of a mess IMO. her appearance aside, which to me screamed “nutty lawyer who can’t practice so teaches instead,” how anyone working for casey anthony can ask for compassion is quite rich.

    surely there is a female lawyer somewhere between gloria allred and dot sims.

    oh – wait – there is. linda drane burdick <3

    i'm also sick that these hounds tried to make this about the death penalty and not caylee. the death penalty wasn't even on the table yet, people. you didn't "save a life" — you endangered a bunch, though.

    on a lighter note i am reading a book about gary gilmore written by his brother mikal and gary seems like a perfect gentleman of sound mind in comparison to any one of the anthony clan. he barely seems transgressive next to casey, body count be damned.

  40. Minnie Penney says:

    Casey is going to meet up with the IRS…..hehehehehehe… The civil suit won’t be a stroll in the park either. I predict she will be shown no guarter.

  41. nana2 says:

    @ Sammy

    Perhaps Dot would like to invite Casey to come & live with her up in Ocala..

  42. SusieB says:

    Well, I do hope Casey is mighty careful from now on in regards to who she lies to. Some folks dont take to kindly to lying. Yep, Yep, know what I mean.

    There… that is as compassionate as I am going to get.

    Hey ATG, do you live close to Pasadena?, you might be getting a new neighbor.

  43. Jane says:

    #26 – OMG, I continue to read in disbelief. These people are just nutty. I hate to go OT but will just to make point. A child was recently killed by a dog where I live. Mother and infant were visiting an Aunt. They gather around for a meal, leave baby on floor in another room with dog. Dog bites/kills baby. People have been holding candlelight vigils for the damn dog. Even started a facebook page to save the dog. The entire country has gone coo coo. You try to reason with these people but it’s impossible. You can’t fix stupid. By the way, that woman, DotS. still needs prescription makeup. jmo

  44. Ragdoll says:

    LOL SusieB

    You’re on a bit of a roll *giggling*

  45. WPG says:

    Found some calmness listening to and watching Judge Strickland . . .

    “Full Interview: Former Casey Judge Talks Verdict, Jury”

    Read more:

  46. Ragdoll says:

    @ Velouria says:

    July 13, 2011 at 3:44 pm

    Seriously! Dot is preaching to the choir about compassion. We have it…for Caylee. I’m not prepared to displace it to anyone who is a disgrace to the human spirit. She’s no different than a pedophile to me.

    I just want to welcome some of the new posters. I see a lot of new names. Great great posts, everyone.

    ((((GROUP HUGS)))))

  47. mosaic says:

    Blink, I’m happy to see the “LOLs” back in your comments.

  48. coppertopper says:

    Hi Blink-
    Long time reader first time to post. What I don’t get is this juror (Ford) is saying that she really could have done without being on this jury do to the media and the letters that she is receiving. Why doesn’t she just quit doing interviews. She only ticks me off more and more everytime I see her on a new interview. STOP doing interviews you dingbat.

  49. SusieB says:

    Sammy says:
    July 13, 2011 at 4:01 pm
    I don’t know why, but I can’t stop humming the Kumbaya song after reading Dot say that she hopes we all show the baby killer our compassion once she’s sprung from the pokey.
    Because as Dot says … “there’s always room for more compassion in the world”.
    I agree … Compassion is a virtue.
    So is Honesty, Ethics, and Justice.
    Hey Dot – there’s always room for more of these in our world too!!

    Sammy, I love your comeback on Dot’s remark. Dont ya just wish you could say what you want to say to the person you want to say it to at the moment you want to say it. (I know that is a line from some movie, cant recall at the moment)


    Hey speaking of Frivolous lawsuits, maybe Jesse Grund could file one for slander. Didn’t Cindy insinuate on national TV that Jesse could be code for the nanny or did I dream that.


    Or how about us “no life Bloggers” filing a” frivolous” lawsuit for being called……well…….”No Life Bloggers” (Seeing has how Blink and many of you spent a lot of your LIFE trying to Find Justice for Caylee Marie Anthony)

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