NH Girl Celina Cass Body Found in CT River: Police Probe Focuses on Family Home And StepDad Wendell Noyes

Posted by BOC Staff | Celina Cass,Louisa Cass,Wendell Noyes | Tuesday 2 August 2011 12:04 am

West Stewartstown, NH-  Celina Cass, 11 year old Canaan Middle School Student and  basketball player with a luminous grin, was recovered from the Connecticut River this afternoon.

For nearly a week, the tight knit community of Stewartstown,  with a population under 1000,  held vigils for the shy tween, while over 100 police and  FBI agents dedicated unparalleled  manpower to the search for her.

At 10:30 this morning, the remains believed to be that of Celina Cass, were located following efforts to lower the Connecticut River, less than 1 mile from her home.

The sister of Keith and Kayla was removed at 5:30PM EST this afternoon.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity to www.blinkoncrime.com, sources inside the investigation have confirmed that electronic forensic evidence led to  Celina’s recovery today.

While Celina’s stepfather, Wendell Noyes, has not been named a suspect in her disappearance and subsequent death, ” Mr. Noyes’s previous mental diagnosis are a clear factor in this case.”

(Editors Note:  My quote in response to a request to analyze this case: Wendy Noyes is a creeper.  I would not let him look at an enemies kids yearbook.  This child went from images of an average child of her age, to  a blossoming young lady.  If you have anyone in the house, or periphery in the preceeding 72 hours of her disappearance  with any sexual issues, or fringe of same, this is your top tier priority.  StepMonster is worthy of further conversation, fyi.)

Mr. Noyes has a history of hospitalization, both voluntary and involuntary.  In a previous incident involving a former girlfriend and her family,  Noyes was arrested, and subsequently hospitalized as a result of an admitting resident finding that he was a paranoid schizophrenic.  During the criminal phase of this allegation, Noyes was classified as “Unfit to stand trial.”

Outside the Cass/Noyse residence this afternoon, following the announcement Celina was recovered,  Noyse appeared outside screaming and rolling in the lawn, necessitating his most recent psychiatric evaluation.

Requests for a comment or statement from the Cass Family have been unanswered at the time of this publication.

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  1. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Concerned Citizen

    Your post about the need for sex offenders to register is a good starting place. However, not all offenders will register and keep LE up-to-date on their whereabouts.

    Case in point. The two girls that were abducted and killed by the sex offender in San Dieago. One on her way to school and a few months later the beautiful red headed horn player who was attacked and killed while running alone in a park. Both were in their teens.

    This guy was registered in a community fifty miles away. He was protected by a mother that allowed him to live in her home without changing his registration. Vigilance is the only thing that really works.

    The other thing is that society will have to move in the direction of placing these people in a facility that keeps them locked away for the rest of their lives. There is ample evidence that these people cannot be rehabilitated.

  2. A Texas Grandfather says:


    I think what Blink and I were trying to say is there is no formula for weighting a body in water. Too many variables come into play. Some are placed in water and never surface. It depends on the characteristics of the body of water. Is the water warm or cold, is it still or swiftly running?

    Remember Lacey Peterson was placed in San Fransico bay. That water is very cold and the bay is plenty deep in that area. There were weights placed on her neck area and her hands. When the body finally surfaced, none of those parts surfaced with her.

    Yes, due to the fact that her ligaments reached a state of disarticulation. A person in a container of some kind, or even wrapped in a weighted rug may not surface under certain conditions, but they are easier to spot via side scan and aerial imagery.

  3. Survivor says:

    AGH! I am so conflicted.

    As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I am so ill at ease with this case. I have deep issues with my mother because there is a part of me who believes SHE HAD TO KNOW what was going on under her own roof. It has taken years to be able to trust women. And I can’t say that I really do to any extent. My best friends have always been male. I grew up and married someone just like him – mild schizophrenia, alcoholic and extremely violent (sexually, emotionally, mentally and physically). I was lucky to get out of that one alive – and so was he.

    I have four children, two daughters. There is NOTHING I wouldn’t do to protect any of my children but especially my girls. Following my first divorce, I did date every once in a while. But, it wasn’t until I was SURE that I ever introduced my oldest two to my new husband. We now have two children together. If I had ever even sniffed a concern, he would never have been allowed around them. He understands my past as best he can and we use that to help our children in making sure they are prepared and better able to cope with a crazy world.

    Back to Celina, I could never have invited THIS SF into my children’s lives. Maybe she didn’t know? Surely she couldn’t have believed she and her children would be treated differently? The whole blanket concept in this house seems creepy. I asked before about her last being seen at her computer and in what room. If that blanket was from her bed, was it the air mattress? Where was her sister? I don’t get it and it is all so disturbing.

    My youngest daughter has crooked and crazy teeth. She also has a “large/tall” family legacy and the dentist is not yet ready for her to have braces. She is 11 1/2. Her jawbone and teeth continue to grow and move and change. It just isn’t time for her yet. She has a tendency to hide her smile because she is embarassed but she also understands where we are with her dental care. We can’t seem to win for losing on that front.

    Sorry to be “all over the place” but this case is one of those that makes my skin crawl. God bless Celina. I hope that her life here was not in vain and that she will have a positive impact somewhere, somehow. Please, please Blinksters, get involved in your communities. Show people that there is a better way than abusing our children. People that would do harm to a child have to know that we are here, ever vigilant and ready/willing to respond. They will pay whether in this life or on their judgement day. Save the child, one child at a time. Get involved in your community and know the warning signs. Don’t be ashamed or scared or second-guess yourself to report something that isn’t right. I don’t necessarily believe in it “taking a village” but I do believe the village has a responsiblity to the child to protect them and make their worlds a safer place to be. I am so troubled.

    Bless you Blink and my fellow Blinksters. Goodnight!

  4. Riverpearl says:

    Eloise -and- Ragdoll~

    You are welcome :)

    {y’all remember how w/Kyron’s case there were MSM videos & interviews going “poof” ?? I thought it would be a good thing to try & keep a record of sorts for us to refer to if needed …]

  5. Riverpearl says:

    Event in Vt. to honor life of 11-year-old NH girl

    An event honoring Celina’s life is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Monday at the Canaan School gymnasium.

    Celina played basketball for Canaan School.
    Gathering in Vermont will remember Celina Cass

    Senior Assistant Attorney General Jane E. Young said Sunday that there were no new developments. She said it could be days — even weeks — before new specific details are available.

    Forensic technicians are processing evidence collected during the search of Cass’s home and two vehicles towed from the driveway since July 26. The state Medical Examiner’s office also is waiting for results of toxicological tests that have been sent to a Pennsyvlania laboratory.

    The Boston Globe reported one of the pickup trucks seized in the driveway belonged to Noyes. The Globe, quoting neighbors, said the other truck was being driven by Kevin Mullaney, who had moved in with the family.
    N.H. town moves slowly beyond grief

    Jane Young, New Hampshire’s senior assistant attorney general, said during a phone interview yesterday that officials are still looking at the case as a criminal investigation.

    Investigators were in and out of the Cass home Wednesday and towed a silver Ford pickup truck. Young said the search of the house has been completed.

    The fact that both trucks are still in impound is not a good sign.

  6. Riverpearl says:


    Maybe this ‘snippet’ will also help you see LE believes she was in the water the whole time … a little reading betwn the lines helps. :)

    @bstnh1 says:
    August 7, 2011 at 3:24 pm
    There is absolutely no basis for saying Celina’s body was in the water for a week. It could have been in there for only a day.

    I disagree, I have read the AG comments that the autopsy was consistent with the date that she went missing. She was last reported seen on July 25th and recovered August 1st.
    @Riverpearl says:
    August 6, 2011 at 1:14 am

    Investigators have not been able to determine where in the river her body was eventually placed,

    ===>but early clues seemed to have established that the date of her death, judged by visual evidence, matched with her reported date of disappearance.<===

    The fact that her body was submerged in water for an unspecified number of days may have played a role in the autopsy being inconclusive, the investigators said, but they did not divulge how many days her body was in the Connecticut river.


  7. Riverpearl says:

    Oh no …

    Meanwhile, Celina’s father Adam Laro, who is staying away from the girl’s mother,
    ===>has been rushed to the intensive care unit following a heart stroke.<===

    As per reports, Mr. Laro has been a heart patient for a while. He was just back from hospital after treatment for a heart failure before the girl’s missing.

    The recent stroke is reportedly in connection with the report of the girl’s death. He earlier made a public plea to request the girl to come back.

    Celina Cass funeral finalized: investigations in her death continue

    I will be honest, I have been feeling like Mr. Laro is not long for this Earth due to his heart ailment, which is of course exacserbated by Celina’s death. I am praying for him.

  8. Riverpearl says:

    Adding to post @ Riverpearl says: August 8, 2011 at 10:44 am

    Heart stroke

    impact of the apex of the heart against the wall of the chest.

    Synonym: angina pectoris.

  9. Riverpearl says:

    Adding – again – to post @
    Riverpearl says: August 8, 2011 at 10:44 am & Riverpearl says: August 8, 2011 at 11:18 am

    angina pectoris

    A paroxysmal thoracic pain, with a failing of suffocation and impending death, due, most often, to anoxia of the myocardium and precipitated by effort or excitement.

  10. Riverpearl says:

    Medical Definition of Heart stroke

    1. Impact of the apex of the heart against the wall of the chest. Synonym: angina pectoris. (05 Mar 2000)

    By Mayo Clinic staff
    Heatstroke is a life-threatening condition that occurs when your body temperature reaches 104 F (40 C) or higher. Heatstroke can be brought on by high environmental temperatures, by strenuous physical activity or by other conditions that raise your body temperature. Whatever the cause, you’ll need immediate medical attention to prevent brain damage, organ failure or death.

    Heatstroke is the escalation of two other heat-related health problems: heat cramps and heat exhaustion. In these conditions, you develop signs and symptoms that are milder than those of heatstroke. You can prevent heatstroke if you receive medical attention or take self-care steps as soon as you notice problems.

    By Mayo Clinic staff
    Heatstroke symptoms include:

    High body temperature. A body temperature of 104 F (40 C) or higher is the main sign of heatstroke.

    A lack of sweating. In heatstroke brought on by hot weather, your skin will feel hot and dry to the touch. However, in heatstroke brought on by strenuous exercise, your skin usually feels moist.

    Flushed skin. Your skin may turn red as your body temperature increases.

    Rapid breathing. Your breathing may become rapid and shallow.

    Racing heart rate and strong pulse (tachycardia). Your pulse may significantly increase because heat stress places a tremendous burden on your heart to help cool your body.

    Headache. You may experience a throbbing headache.

    Neurological symptoms. You may have seizures, lose consciousness, slip into a coma, hallucinate, or have difficulty speaking or understanding what others are saying.

    Muscle cramps or weakness. Your muscles may feel tender or cramped in the early stages of heatstroke, but may later go rigid or limp.

    When to see a doctor
    If you think you have heat cramps or the beginning signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion, first try to cool yourself and replenish your water and salt levels. If your condition has progressed past heat cramps and heat exhaustion and you feel any of the symptoms of heatstroke, seek immediate medical attention.

    By Mayo Clinic staff

    Heatstroke is the escalation of two less serious heat-related conditions. If you don’t take steps to treat these lesser conditions quickly, your condition may worsen and become heatstroke:

    Heat cramps. Heat cramps are caused by initial exposure to extreme temperatures or physical exertion. Signs and symptoms of heat cramps usually include profuse sweating, fatigue, thirst and muscle cramps, usually in the stomach, arms or legs. This condition is common in warmer weather or with moderate to heavy physical activity. You can usually treat heat cramps by drinking fluids containing electrolytes (Gatorade or other sports drinks), resting and getting to a cool spot, like a shaded or air-conditioned area.

    Heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion occurs when you don’t act on the signs and symptoms of heat cramps and your condition worsens. Signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion include a headache, dizziness or lightheadedness, nausea, skin that feels cool and moist, and muscle cramps. Often with heat exhaustion, you can treat the condition yourself by following the same measures used to treat heat cramps, such as drinking cool nonalcoholic beverages, getting into an air-conditioned area or taking a cool shower. If your symptoms persist, seek medical attention immediately.

    The cause of your heatstroke depends on the activities you do that bring on your condition. Heatstroke can occur in these ways:

    Environmental conditions. In a type of heatstroke called nonexertional heatstroke, your condition is caused by extreme environment temperatures that cause your body temperature to increase. You may be doing some light or moderate activity, but activity is not the primary cause of your heatstroke. This type of heatstroke is typical in warmer, more humid weather.

    Strenuous activity. In a type of heatstroke called exertional heatstroke, your condition is caused by strenuous activity that increases your body temperature. You can have exertional heatstroke even if you’re accustomed to working or exercising in very hot temperatures, though heatstroke is more likely to occur if you’re not accustomed to high temperatures.

    In either exertional or nonexertional heatstroke, your condition can be brought on by:

    Wearing excess clothing that doesn’t allow your sweat to evaporate easily.

    Drinking alcohol, which can affect your body’s ability to regulate your temperature


    By Mayo Clinic staff
    A possible complication of heatstroke is shock, which is a condition caused by a sudden loss of blood flow. Signs of shock include a very low blood pressure, blue lips and nails, and cool, clammy skin. Shock can damage your organs if it’s not treated quickly.

    If you don’t act quickly on the other symptoms of heatstroke, you could die or experience damage to your brain or other vital organs. In response to heatstroke, these organs swell, and if you don’t cool your body temperature quickly, the damage from this swelling could be permanent.

    “Heart Stroke” google search images


  11. Riverpearl says:

    Bringing over from SM:

    Re: Celina Cass #2 8/3/2011
    « Reply #522 on: August 08, 2011, 11:23:53 AM »

    Some interesting info on the Noyes surname:


  12. concerned citizen says:

    I’m sorry if I offended anyone by making a statement related to politics. I should have reworded it. A couple of items. I have two children. Both needed braces. The older child had an overbite.The orhodontist treated it when her second teeth were all grown in.She had braces through most of middle and high school. My younger had an underbite.The orthodontist treated that condition when the baby teeth were still in place. It was successful and he didn’t need any further treatment. Secondly, for about twenty five years I worked in healthcare and on occassion had to testify in felonious sexual assault cases. From my experience the majority were family related,the details chilling and it seems the system is not working to protect kids. And seeing this newsbrief doesn’t make you feel better, “Officials at a Concord psychiatric care center say they are concerned that possibly dangerous and unstable patients are being discharged from the state hospital within hours of admission, possibly because of state budget cuts.”

  13. Eloise says:

    concerned citizen says:
    August 8, 2011 at 11:54 am
    “Officials at a Concord psychiatric care center say they are concerned that possibly dangerous and unstable patients are being discharged from the state hospital within hours of admission, possibly because of state budget cuts.”

    Same goes for medical patients.

  14. concerned citizen says:

    Eloise, you are so right.

  15. GeorgiaDad says:


    All the data you presented from the Mayo Clinic was about heat stroke, not heaRt stroke. “Heartstroke” is not a medical term in general use; in fact, the first definition given describes the area in the chest where you can feel the hear beat (which is normal), and the second definition, angina pectoris, is an archaic term describing chest pain. (Google is not always your friend :) ) Reporters describing third-hand medical diagnoses are almost always confused, and confusing.

    Nevertheless, things do not look good for the grieving father.

    I hope you do not take offense at my response, as it is obvious you spent some time researching your information

    I think her second post covered that, but I am on location today and my eyes are crossing.

  16. January says:

    Survivor says: August 7, 2011 at 11:42 pm

    Hugs to you survivor. I loved your post, but loved even more the strength behind your words. You sound strong and in control. I am sorry about the lack of trust you have in women, however, I understand why. Best to you.

  17. Teri says:

    Concerning the pickup trucks that are both still impounded as per Blink’s note, I agree that this is not a good sign. Likely one of these trucks provides the key as to how Celina’s body was transported from the house. I believe Celina died in the house, was wrapped in a blanket by the perp or someone helping the perp to cover his tracks, and then carried out a back door, possibly placed in a trash can and quickly loaded into the bed of a backed-up and waiting truck. A quick tarp to cover and then a short drive to the hydroelectric dam to drop the can contents over the wall, possibly having weighted the package first. This is just my own opinion, or my best guess, but think about it, how long would that take if the dump site was just 1/4 mile from the house as has been reported? And how hard would it be for a grown man to carry the lightweight body of an 11 year-old? he would not have had to drag it and make noise like with a heavier adult corpse, he could carry it and tiptoe out of there without making much of a sound. And late at night he could cut the headlights, too, for a more stealthy escape.

  18. zeus says:

    In this video, the reporter states(after they speak about WN) that “another gentlemen” who had lived in the home had been talked to by the FBI-I am assuming that is Kevin M. I wonder if he is being held still?


    “Another gentlemen who had lived in the home we have been told, had been talked to by the FBI-not sure where he is at this point.”

  19. Amy's Sister says:

    I’m going to share what is an unpopular opinion about the parade float.

    From what I understand, Celina’s friends and her sister Kayla wanted to put the float together in memory of Celina. I found it to be touching… they donned Celina’s favorite dresses and threw candy out of her hat. They were celebrating Celina’s life and expressing thankfulness for knowing her precious soul. Children are like that… always seeing the positive even in the face of life’s worst moments.

    Kayla was very close to her sister and her method of grieving is her own. I’m so happy she took the path she did and I imagine Celina was with the girls on that float happy to see them smiling in all thier girlishness.

    It does get strange that mom decided to join them, sitting all alone with no one next to her comforting her and her own mom seemingly glaring at the cameras. Louisia’s appearance made it disjointed and slightly uncomfortable… she should not have been on the float. Still, I was personally touched by it and feel death is just a passing, life is eternal, and children have this natural sense of things that are not yet lost on a cynical coming of age we all experience with time.

  20. Amy's Sister says:

    Bless your heart, Survivor, for moving through your traumatic experiences and coming out of it healthy and happy. Then to raise four healthy happy and especially SAFE children… you’re truly amazing!

    Your mom didn’t protect you and that is crushing to a child’s psyche… it makes them feel unloved. But to have a dear girlfriend who will be there for you no matter what, who understands you and can laugh with you about things only a woman would understand, who can create with you and support your creations in life… that is a rare treasure and I surely hope you obtain it.

  21. Eloise says:

    I suspect a ‘heart stroke’ as has been mentioned, may in fact mean pulmonary embolus. Clot formation is common in heart failure patients.

    Thanks for your expertise E, of course your correct, I am not a medical professional as you are, but I am familiar with the term “throwing a PE”.

    So sad.

  22. Eloise says:

    I am a little confused.

    Riverpearl, did you mean Adam Laro went back into the hospital?

    Yes, uhoh, what did I miss?

  23. Eloise says:

    Riverpearl says:
    August 8, 2011 at 10:44 am ~snip~

    Oh no …

    Meanwhile, Celina’s father Adam Laro, who is staying away from the girl’s mother,
    ===>has been rushed to the intensive care unit following a heart stroke.<===

    Is this new or general info?

  24. PackLeader5 says:

    I do not have the Internet detective skills that you all have, but when I first heard of Celina’s disappearance and the fact that she had been seen on the computer, I went to Facebook. At that time, she had a FB, it has since been removed. She had “Kevin Mullaney” listed as “family.” From what I’ve read, Kevin Mullaney lived at the house.

    So, I did a people search on Kevin Mullaney in New Hampshire, and found a 47 year old male. I hope someone can tell me if this is the same KM that is living in the house.

    If it is—please go to his Facebook page. If this man is 47 years old, I find it extremely creepy that most of his FB friends are young (15-22) women (including Celina’s sister Kayla).

    No, creepy doesn’t make him guilty. Creepy just makes him creepy–and perhaps slightly suspect.

  25. Eloise says:

    The KM from the home is said to be 23. It has been very difficult to track the family ties- many last names etc. His father, ?, was Louisa’s boyfriend-so the story goes.

  26. zeus says:

    Again, add http in front of link-I am having a hard time getting posts to work if I include a complete link.

    This was a youtube news update from the Colebrook Cronicle which has been a very good and concise news source during this case.

    I transcribed what was said, word for word, by Charles Jordan from the Colebrook Chronicle, for the section I chose to include here-because it has some info that has not been out there, or is slightly different from what I have heard.


    >>Celina’s mom last saw Celina on Monday night on a computer in her bedroom.

    Around 9 am the next morning her stepfather, Wendall Noyes went in to wake her up and found that the young girl was not in her room.

    An active search was started and by Tuesday afternoon, several canines and a helicopter search had been conducted in the area.

    Shortly after 2 pm on Wednesday, Celina’s mother was brought into the nearby command center which had been set up when the search had begun.

    She emerged about two hours later clearly distraught and with local residents forming what they called a human shield around the mother.

    A few minutes later several fish and game officers emerged from the command center and began a line search around the nearby Connecticut river, close to Celina’s home.

    A short time after, state police officers went to the home where Celina lives with her family and all residents were asked to leave.

    Yellow police tape was placed around the driveway and the building.

    Searches have been conducted by air, boat and land, including behind the Northern View Apartments and the Stewartstown Elementary School where Celina was a student.

    After nearly 48 hours the air and ground search has ended for the moment.

    Police are focusing on the girls computer.

    The attorney generals office is asking for information from the public on Celina’s whereabouts during the Sunday and Monday hours leading up to her disappearance.<<



    I was most interested in what was said about Celina's mom being brought into the command center, leaving two hours later and then within minutes, ""several fish and game officers emerged from the command center and began a line search around the nearby Connecticut river, close to Celina's home.""

    I wonder what Celina's mom said that led them to quickly go to the Connecticut river and begin searching?

  27. Word Girl says:

    I thought of an arterial embolism, as well. Poor man. Does he have CHF? He might not make it through this one.

    But, Riverpearl, you darling, thank you for all the heatstroke info because in some parts of the country it is seriously hot and someone might heed the warnings.

    Survivor–I’m so glad you’re here. It helps to go through these things together.

  28. Word Girl says:

    My mind is working on a response to the blankets and to the word
    ‘float’ and, in the meantime, I saw this poem a few might appreciate.

    Note to new parents and those using the swaddle-type velcro sleepers–you will understand and even smile about these images, but beware the progression–dark, yet not without hope. but yikes, these poets…


  29. Word Girl says:

    oops, i know better…
    Poem written by Erika Meitner, faculty at Virginia Tech.

  30. Word Girl says:

    Let’s get this Revolution started. It’s worth hearing the whole thing, if you can take it. :/ by Andrea Gibson


    And it’s a gooddammed thing I live more than three thousand miles from West Stewartstown, New Hampshire. I am enraged.


    PS Survivor, you might want your sweet hubby to watch with you…

  31. Eloise says:

    And to add to that zeus- the written format goes on to say she then went to seek help for a sudden illness.

    Around 2 p.m. on Wednesday,
    Celina’s mother, Louisa
    Noyes, was brought into the
    Command Center. She was
    inside for almost two hours and
    when she emerged, she was
    clearly distraught and surrounded
    by family and friends
    who attempted to shield her
    from a large amount of media
    that were now on scene by
    wrapping a large blanket
    around her. The ambulance
    had been called to pickup
    Louisa on Tuesday evening
    because she was having difficulty
    breathing. She was subsequently
    treated at the hospital
    and released.


    per jerseygirl
    Re: Celina Cass #2 8/3/2011
    « Reply #556 on: August 08, 2011, 06:47:52 PM » http://scaredmonkeys.net/index.php?topic=11926.540

  32. Eloise says:


    Locals Gather To Honor Life Of Celina Cass

    POSTED: 11:30 pm EDT August 8, 2011
    UPDATED: 11:37 pm EDT August 8, 2011

  33. Survivor says:

    @ January – Thank you. I try!

    @ Amy’s Sister – Thank you as well and I do have that very special person in my life who keeps all my secrets and knows what I’m thinking to have that “silent conversation” and is able to complete my sentences for me and vice versa. It is a very very special friendship.

    My youngest daughter was with me in the convenience store earlier and two guys way too old to be looking at her (she does look much older than her age) were. I kept my mouth shut and her very close to me. I cannot imagine being in this situation of having a missing or murdered child. The reactions of the parents involved in these cases seems as unique as the cases themselves.

    Something is not right here with this mom. She knows what happened whether she “knows” that she knows it or not. That little voice will not go away and if she is not involved, that guilt will remain with her for a lifetime. I hope, for Celina’s sake, that she is cooperating with authorities. I just can’t fathom a mom allowing some of the things I have read. This cannot be blamed on ignorance. Even animals have an instinct to protect their young.

    Blink – I don’t know how you do this everyday. I heard on the radio about 3 year old Breann and just dropped my head and cried. I have a strong faith but I could not help looking heavenward and asking WHY???

  34. zeus says:

    Thank you to:

    Eloise says:
    August 8, 2011 at 11:02 pm

    I didn’t read the article for once, I was focused on the video-thanks for printing out the rest of it!

    So Louisa has difficulty breathing on Tuesday evening and is taken to the hospital, then on Wednesday, she is inside the command center for two hours and comes out distraught and has to be shielded by family members with blankets.

    I’m trying to figure out if this Tuesday night(7-26) to Wednesday afternoon(7-27) time period is when the shizz hit the fan and she finally realized just what kind of people she allowed to live in her house, around her daughters?

    Did Louisa finally connect all the dots that she may have not wanted to look at before?

  35. January says:

    Word Girl says: August 8, 2011 at 9:32 pm

    Thank you Word Girl for posting that video. So hard to watch, but couldn’t stop, my heart beating, full of emotion. wow

  36. Judi says:

    Blink – are you going to follow little 3 year old Breeann who was last seen riding her bike in front of the house?

    Everyday, it seems like every stinking day, another child is missing. This is just heartbreaking. I don’t know what the hell is going on but it is getting just way way to out of control. We have got to find a way to protect our children. People need to start being more aware – if you see a child being neglected or mistreated, a child who seems sad all the time, things like that, don’t ignore the warning signs, act!!! Don’t be stupid by letting questionable people into your life (and subsequently you children’s lives) and don’t be weak (don’t just settle for anybody as a companion, make sure it it someone who is going to treat you child right. If you can’t find that someone, stay single. You can do it, you can be a single parent, and do a damn good job at it!) Stand up and protect our children! Do right by our children!! And, if you see someone suspicious hanging around, don’t turn your head!! Call the cops! Especially, if there are children around. See a suspicious car? Get the damn plate number, make and model!! WE CAN HELP SAVE OUR CHILDREN WITH AWARENESS AND ACTION!!

    God, be bless all children, and help protect them from the evil the resides here on this earth. I ask this in the name of the Lord. Amen.

  37. Riverpearl says:

    Plse excuse delay in answering … first time back @ Celina thread. I also do not have the ability to c/p from the device I am on.
    My 1st post about Adam going back to hosp/ICU was from current MSM [the link @ end of my 1st post on subj]

    I know the difference & Qed “heart stroke” vs “brain stroke” [which are 2-different conds.] So latter posts I put def of “heart stroke.” It was w/ that def which had the “cause ect of heat stroke” for “cause ect” of heaRt stroke.

    Which I Qed, too -but- remember he had to be helped to walk out of the area he was in during the parade? Which got me to thinking “maybe he DID get heat stroke which exerted his heaRt” ??

    I have seen a video of animal heaRt experiencing heaRt stroke … way crazy pumping/beat/rate.

    He has heart failure & one thing they do is med w/drugs to slow heaRt rate/beats down. I know you have med bkgrd as I too …so yes, the article was very limited on his status. I do not know IF they mid-reported & he had instead “clots & /or brain stroke.” But irreg heaRt beat can be a big prob w/heaRt failure.

    I have not been online since to be able to ck to see IF there is any more info &/or updates.

    So at this point that article is all I know.

    Hope this is the answer to your Q ??
    GeorgiaDad, yes difference betwn “heaRt stroke & heat stroke”.
    Did not wish to leave those who did not know WHAT heaRt stroke is in the dark just because I knew. So yes I included def w/cited links so anyone could read it themselves. Also I find to cite w/link is “more than just me spouting off so to speak especially on med terms.”

    With respect, I regret you see/read “my post/s as no friend of mine.” I posted on the fly as I understand from med knowledge how gravely Celina’s fathers health is w/CHF.

    I will stopped a “trip” to the issues of CHF -but- heat &/or humidity is a BIG problem for anyone w/CHF.
    Again, AMHO — subject to chgn w/newer info :)

  38. Riverpearl says:

    Eloise~ Your name got dropped -but- my post/first part @ 11:11am is “ans to your Qs”. Again sorry for delay. :)

  39. GeorgiaDad says:


    I meant no offense, and apologize if my comment offended you.

    There are a lot of things that could be wrong with this poor man and my prayers aere with him.

  40. Ragdoll says:

    @ PackLeader5 says:

    August 8, 2011 at 6:02 pm

    You know what, friend? I’d rather be wrong than right. Report that profile to FB. Let them know what you know. When we’re privy to this kind of info., it’s not an option to remain silent.

    …and since strength is in numbers, I’ll be reporting right along with you! :D

  41. Ragdoll says:


    Polygamist leader Warren Jeffs has been sentenced to life in prison for sexually assaulting two under age followers he took as brides in what his church deemed “spiritual marriages”.


    Thank you GOD! NOTE TO THE SELF EMPOWERED PROPHETS: No religious blanket in the world will cover up the filth and disgrace you are. A pedophile is a pedophile is a pedophile.

    This is such a win for the unfortunate future cases like this.

  42. A Texas Grandfather says:


    Your post is timely. I earlier posted about being vigilant. Your post listed the whys and actions needed.

    The public needs to become constantly aware of bad behavior regarding anyone and take steps to put and end to it.

    It is beginning to appear that this mother had some physcological problems of her own. She may not have realized the danger she put her girls in until too late.

  43. GriffyMom says:

    “Survivor” I feel your pain and I couldn’t agree more. I too am a survivor of child sexual abuse. I don’t know if it’s having been through that or if all mothers have an intuition, a gut feeling, when something isn’t right but I do. I have two beautiful daughters, now 17 and 12, and I have angered/insulted family members and strangers alike in my quest to keep them safe. Two short examples: When my oldest was 8 my sister-in-law’s new boyfriend wanted to pick her up and take her to the aquarium because she loved dolphins. This guy had my “hinky meter” in the red zone. I refused. My husband was angry because I offended his sister and mother. He learned very quickly that I only cared about protecting our daughter because there’s no undoing the damage once it’s been done. On another occasion, I was out window shopping with my younger daughter when I could feel someone approaching from behind. I glanced over my shoulder and could see him reaching out and heard rambling that was incoherent. I grabbed my daughter, whirled her around behind me and put my other arm up to stop him. I yelled “stop” at him and told him to leave us alone. Others on the street were alerted to him and when he knew he was called out, he quickly crossed the street and left. We HAVE to protect our children. In my opinion Celina’s mother was complicit or asleep at the wheel. Wake up America, predators are everywhere. I don’t care if it’s the neighbor who waves hello everyday; trust NO ONE. My abuser was my father’s younger brother. I didn’t deal with it until I was 22 and when I finally told my father it broke his heart. He love and trust had been betrayed. A member of his own family stole his daughter’s youth and innocence. Let’s protect our children the way they should be. They are far too precious.

  44. Moi says:

    Survivor, I am sorry you had such a difficult childhood, and I hate to be the “big meanie” about why this stuff happens, but it’s because the parents are not watching their children properly. As you mentioned you are sure your mom knew something, Celina’s mom had to be aware something was not “right” with her BF. Turning a blind eye or thinking something cannot happen to your own family is no longer possible.

    As for the little 3 yr old. What parent in their right mind allows a 3 yrs old outside in a front yard ANYwhere these days? Especially with nothing more than a 5 yr old brother watching??? I don’t care if they lived in the Montana wilderness…it cannot be done. Not these days ever, ever, ever.

    That said, in the end the fault (crime) does lie with whoever performs these horrific acts. But I can promise you my kids were not allowed out of the fenced backyard without permission until they were at least 10 unless I was with them. (They hated it too.) Once they were older I either watched or escorted them when they went to a neighbor’s home. My daughter was driven to the bus stop and I stayed with her until she was on the bus through 12th grade…or my husband. I even watched my son through 12th grade from the front door until he graduated high school making sure he got on the bus. He hated that too, but too bad.

    Until parents know where their young children are 24/7, perps/monsters will have the advantage of a defenseless child within their grasp. Anyone who doesn’t believe in evil needs to rethink. I do not believe it’s anything more or less than a purely evil soul performing these acts.

  45. Moi says:

    Dear GriffyMom, you are the perfect example of exactly how a loving and caring parent protects their children. I’m glad to see I am not the only one who has “offended” other family and friends for not allowing them access to my children when they wanted to take them here or there or spend the night. I am so glad to read your post! You definately turned your terrible situation into being a strong and wonderful parent (which also proves that children of abuse don’t always follow that same pattern as adults which I often hear). Your children will love and appreciate you all the more for it. :)

  46. Survivor says:

    AMEN, Sisters! Maybe we can change this world one little neighborhood at a time! Wrong thread but Happy Birthday, Caylee celebrating today in the arms of her Father!

  47. GriffyMom says:

    Thanks “Moi”. I sometimes feel like the minority. Some say I live a “sad” life because I trust no one. That isn’t true. I feel good about the way I’ve lived my life.

  48. Eloise says:

    Riverpearl says:
    August 9, 2011 at 11:19 am

    Eloise~ Your name got dropped -but- my post/first part @ 11:11am is “ans to your Qs”. Again sorry for delay. :)

    No worres- I couldn’t find anything in the news yesterday, and wasn’t sure if it was a prior event or recent. Hmm, I wonder what is up?
    Heart failure definitely can give you arrhythmias, I wonder if he is on a transplant list?

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