Kyron Horman Missing Case: Terri Horman Breaks Her Silence In People Magazine Interview

New York, NY-  For nearly five and a half years Terri Horman has refused to speak publicly about her step-sons case.  Outside of one assertion of her innocence while on the stand in a name change hearing she ultimately was denied, Horman did not speak to any reporters or answer any of their questions regarding Kyron Hormans disappearance. Until Now.

Horman courtesy of People

Horman was interviewed by People Magazines Elaine Aradillas for both the print and online editions,  and will be doing a series of personal interviews over the next week, to include

In the brief online video excerpt , the second part to air on ABC’s Good Morning America Friday morning,  Horman  maintains she is deaf in her left ear, a critical factor in the outcome of her first polygraph.

“… At what point are Kyron’s biological parents going to realize I don’t have the answers, they need to change this thing around…”

“…There is so much the public is not being told about this investigation, that’s why I am doing this- nobody is looking for Kyron…”

Horman’s interview drew sharp reactions from Kaine Horman and Desiree Young, Kyron’s parents.

“…Why is she silent for 5 1/2 years if she is innocent.  I want her to tell me where Kyron is.  If she is innocent she should call Multnomah County Sheriffs Office and sit down for an interview…”-  Desiree Young

“Hi friends. Yes I am well aware of the tabloid journalism piece in the media today. FYI – there will be more of the same coming Friday
We have a HOST of MCSO and FBI investigators STILL standing by with interviews and polygraphs when someone actually wants to cooperate. FEEL FREE TO STOP BY THEY ARE WAITING!! STILL!! Until then we’ll stick with the scores of people with valid/accurate information and the failed polygraphs as the only actual actions taken to-date.  To all of you: how about not linking the article/interview?
REMEMBER KYRON?!?!? This is what we need to be focused on!!
Love you Kyron!!” – Kaine Horman post on his Facebook Page

Christina Stoy, Editor In Chief was able to confirm with Ms. Horman directly that she has been willing to meet with Kyron’s investigators both previously and in the future with the sole provision that it be conducted in the presence of her Attorney,  Portland criminal defense lawyer Stephen Houze.

Horman went on to say that investigators with the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office have been well aware of “that” over the last five and a half years and they have never requested an interview.  Um, What?

Horman reveals some shocking details about the subsequent polygraphs examinations referenced by Kaine Horman and Desiree Young and other allegations of improper tactics on behalf of MCSO in the second half of her interview to air tomorrow morning on abc’s GMA and on Nightline.

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  1. Rose says:

    Here’s Chief Mike Duyck.
    probably shot the breeze with Gulberg.

  2. Malty says:

    @CD I really laughed about the whole family going to Florida to get that dog I doubt that but the idea of it being a family vacation is amusing On go fund money I hope not
    Like I said I have a sad feeling this dog is going be an on going expense For a long time

  3. Rose says:

    @TRuth And on Monday July 26 DDS appeared at the GJ but was never called to testify.
    Probably because she showed up with her new lawyer in tow, who had the right to come in.
    Frink knew her testimony would be exculpatory of TH.

    Actually Rose, Stavely is NOT permitted inside the GJ proceeding. No lawyers outside of the DA and presiding Judge are. That is the basic reason anyone who testifies (by virtue) is provided a level of immunity. Her testimony of course was presumed, but the general consensus was this was an alleged scare tactic. Nobody in their right mind is ever going to waive their 5th rights in a grand jury proceeding after being told to your face you are a suspect of “something” true or not- to be figured out later I suppose. Rees’s commentary that she was never a suspect in the first place is exclusive of Frink’s involvement and possibly of Krafve and Herron. I am convinced he had no flipping idea what those two were up to and that was after a stand down order. Now- they have been removed.

  4. Malty says:

    What ever Terri has planned for the future I hope she can get relief And the same for Dede Who is still an issue with WWS This situation could happen to anyone and is happening to many others The dark side of online

  5. Rose says:

    @cd. I think KM is truthful to her own mission and intent wrt travel.
    A glanc at SW’s RT to Fla at break is about $1000/person. I suspect wanna
    get away low season would be far less. Then there’s the dog to buy
    a oneway. Small car airport rentals in Fla are VERY high, no competition.
    So she’s likely looking at 3500 before room, food, spending. For that State,
    at that time, imo $5000 is conservative.

  6. Rose says:

    unless the city charter review also recommends a City Manager, and the CCs approve as a package with an appointed Sheriff, it is unlikely this will be adopted because the Commussioners kniw no mire about managing an appointed Sheriff than an elected one. Further, it will have to be put to the vite and I doubt Portlandians will give up their right to hold the Sheriff accountable by ballot. Not that they ever have, but it’s the right that’s loved.

    You know your chit as always Rose. Ruefully agree.

  7. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Thanks for the link to Chief Mike Duyck Rose.

    That is an interesting report. There are more unresolved issues that are very late to the game. For instance, the fueling and installation of emergency generators for radio towers owned by various agencies making up the group.

    Companies that operate their own facilities have had backup generators on radio and microwave towers for over fifty years. I installed a lot of them during the late 1950′s.

    It is easy, purchase a UPS (uninterruptible Power Supply) system that has an engine that operates on LPG (butane or propane). Install a power line monitor device to switch to the UPS and battery backup to instantly carry the electrical load while the generator is started and brought up to speed. Provide for automatic weekly testing of the system with an appropriate load bank to prevent damage to the generator. A 250 gal. LPG tank is sufficient for many hours of operation prior to having it refilled.

    There are some other things having to do with proper monitoring of such a system, but they are easy with the modern electronics of today.

    This is an example of people who work in government being late to the game in keeping up with technology. Fifty years late in this case.

    Waiting for a government grant and meeting all the requirements for the grant is foolish thinking. Planning for the future and including items of this type in proper budgets is the key.

  8. MockingbirdSings says:

    OT – just wanted to share. I try to take different approaches to changing kids’ behavior – here’s one from last night to share my feelings with my grandkids (4 and 7). They got my point.
    Oh, and Happy Valentine’s Day everyone.

    the song of a grandmother whose young grandchildren aren’t listening

    my words go floating through the air
    but where they go I do not know
    for no one hears and no one cares
    about my words

    my words are bumped by other words
    and burst like tiny bubbles do -
    insignificant confetti
    made of my words

    Lovely, but you need a line about how somehow the confetti sticks to them and germinates or something because it may not seem so now, but it will :)

  9. Ragdoll says:

    Happy Saturday.

    Reading and trying to keep up with the uber intelligence and networks of detail.

    Would someone humour me….what does SZ stand for? And if I read correctly, this is the individual last seen with Kyron?

    For what it’s worth, I truly, truly believe Kyron’s disappearance will be solved. And God’s pepole said…AMEN!

    Suspect Zero Ragdoll. It is actually an investigative term commonly used by the FBI ( I had to use it in training) when a suspect cannot be identified. It is different than the newer term unsub. You are absolutely correct- SZ is the last known adult male seen with Kyron.

  10. T. Ruth says:

    T. Ruth says:
    February 12, 2016 at 11:12 pm

    That press conf was supposed to announce TH indictment. Keeping in mind here that in OR it only takes 5 out of 12 gj’s to indict.

    No big deal, Blink, but Oregon’s GJ’s consist of 7 and must have 5 agreeing to pass an indictment. (Unless something’s changed that’s the way it was when I sat on one too.)

    Grand Jury: A group of seven jurors evaluates evidence and determines whether sufficient evidence exists to warrant filing formal charges against the defendant. The grand jury meets in private and is sworn to secrecy regarding the proceedings. At least five of the seven grand jurors must agree before a formal charge is filed. The district attorney generally presents evidence to the grand jury, calling witnesses one at a time, but the district attorney is not present during the grand jury’s deliberations. The grand jury may return an indictment if it believes the evidence is sufficient to warrant a conviction by a trial jury.

    You are correct T.Ruth, I appreciate the correction, it is still 5, and (not unanimous) out of 7 in Oregon.

    Point is, you asked the very insightful question and the answer is a no true bill. It should have changed the direction of the investigation less than 2 months into it and it did not.

  11. January says:

    I am so darn curious as to how little K was told that her mother was actually alive. The injustice that sweetheart had to endure is so unbelievably tragic. I am so angry that Kaine justified playing with his daughter’s rights and heart; it is almost evil. How could he live with himself when baby K cried for her mommy? I don’t believe Kaine words for one minute that that little sweetie didn’t cry for her mommy. Didn’t he say that she never asked for her? Right. How dare he,really. It was so clear that Terri loved her little girl. I’m sure they both must have suffered so to be separated from one another. I’m incensed that an attorney hasn’t stepped up pro bono and sued the heck out of everybody involved in this debacle on Terri’s behalf.

    I try to place myself at 30,000 ft here because this has BECOME an incredibly complex case very early. We now know a great deal of that was to
    obfuscate investigative errors ( likely both honest and other). I have several colleagues and close personal friends in the field of family law and as much as it pains me to see it- I am aware of some of the most prestigious and educated (in material fields) people use their own kids as pawns ( and for extended duration) one would never expect. So- that part does not surprise me although as many ways as I have analyzed it and WITH MANY “lenses” it hurts my heart. No. I do not believe this baby never cried for her Mommy- to me it would be similar to saying she did not understand her brother was gone and Kaine has been clear she is aware asks to look for him (early on).

    Who really believes then- she understood the simultaneous departures?

    Keep in mind, I do think it is fair to say that if TH had VERIFIABLE involvement in either the mfh or Kyron’s abduction I think proper diligence includes a CPS investigation. Never happened.

  12. Rose says:

    meant County, not City. They are
    studying going to a Manager model.
    That would be progress.

  13. Rose says:

    Seems like mcso’s stance, and Desiree’s Warriors, is the DA can bring charges against Terri and prosecute a circumstantial case notwithstanding the GJ’s failure to indict. When Staton finally realized Underhill would not do so, imo that is when he fed Underhill the lie about “new evidence” to the extent in reliance Underhill tasked one of those 3 regular GJs where I think people serve 3 months & rotate, but I defer to TRuth on Special v Regular GJs.

  14. A Texas Grandfather says:

    If the Grand Jury did not produce a True Bill regarding Terri Horman, then why did the MCSO continue to behave as if she could be indited at any moment?

    My thoughts are that they were very afraid that she would let the people know about the illegal drugs in use by MCSO and others in the Criminal Justice system. That would cause the Feds to step in produce criminal charges on those involved.

    We just recently learned of a similar activity in Georgia where forty-six people, most of them associated with jails and prisons were arrested for accepting bribes and delivering contraband that included cell phones to prisoners.

    Instead they decided they would use their power and office to punish a woman that was not guilty of any of the charges. This should be a big crime with some doing a long stretch in prison.

  15. T. Ruth says:

    Thanks Blink. That is interesting that the first GJ issued a NTB at the same time that DDS attained a lawyer.

    She would have required a lawyer and was actually represented prior to the subpoeana. She allowed several searches of her property and electronics without one.

    I also think it is important to note that EVERY press outlet was camped out in that hallway for weeks to docket who testified ( although they were asked not to shoot them eventually) and could absolutely report to the no true bill status. Recently, in prep, I was going through over 2000 private posts to me about Kyron’s case. The leash on local press is absolutely visible.

  16. NelMel says:

    No true bill from 2013 GJ?

    I cannot say. It has exceeded any time limits for its original impaneling I am aware of and Rees has maintained it has been suspended multiple times at the request of MCSO.

  17. Rose says:

    How then did Baldwin get herself
    inside to represent the 3 foolish men in PA?
    Do PA& OR differ?

    No. The lawyer can and will accompany their client to the hearing and register with the clerk but once the individual is called they appear alone and without counsel. It is expected that the lawyer counsels the client as to their rights beforehand as Baldwin’s clients did with her.

    For the most part under our State and Fed systems ANYTIME a person is faced with a situation where they may compromised (or be compromised) if it buttresses (at least) a persons rights against self incrimination and/or therefore potential for loss of liberty our Govt is required to at least offer limited immunity for any testimony as long as it is truthful if one is compelled.

  18. Rose says:

    Who holds the leash? Neither a County DA nor Sheriff achieve that in other States.
    Of courseMeeker WW owner can leash or fire his reporters and appears to have done so.

  19. Rose says:

    I always thought Bernstein’s leash
    was interlocking social
    relationships in the community.

  20. Ragdoll says:

    My comment hiding behind another again?

    Well, Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone. Peace be with you.

    Nope. You’re up. I am behind, apologize.

  21. Malty says:

    I am out of my knowledge of this stuff And I understand we cannot have every detail of the investigation
    But not clearing people and not giving some kind of information that reassures. The public that there is some work on finding what happened Kyron. About all we ever knew was what ever Kaine or DY would say
    And rumors from on line FB and blogs There must be a better way

    Yes ma’am. It is called transparency. Non-existent in this case for sure.

  22. Malty says:

    I don’t think I would take someone’s child to school or 7-11 or any place for fear something would happen to them
    And another thing is even if I do think someone took this child or did something to them It should be clear this is a personal opinion not a fact As in this case where people have gut feelings for proof Soon everyone thinks all gut feelings are facts When the LE has cleared some one suspect or not that information should be released

  23. Malty says:

    Has anyone ever been officially cleared by MCSO DA FBI
    People have claimed to have passed with flying colors and cleared but LE hasn’t announced that info that I remember.

    LE nor the DA have publicly cleared anyone.

  24. Rose says:

    GJ1 was still at it on Aug 9

    agreed but in my view the mfh had already been disposed. The other possibility is that it did not need to be an official verdict request. I have had case reviews of unofficial votes to include sandwich wrappers, bags, toothpicks and mints.

  25. Rose says:

    kgw seems to have been the primary pin the tail on terri & DDS go to for mcso.
    They weren’t on a leash, kgw was like a a rabid dog digging dirt from mcso’s hole.

  26. Rose says:

    @ATG. Here’s the 3rd town whose policing Staton is about to take over. Fairview.
    I think I see his motive: a defense addition of patrol responsibilitues.

    Shiprack’s letter to County Commissioners (I found it but don’t think I linked it here) proposed a review of
    charter change to appointive, not elective, on the sole grounds iirc that mcso had veey few patrol duties and was primarily engaged in Corrections and SAR. So, he’s been beefing up patrol from taking over town’s policing including oatrol as fast as he can pedal since he got the vibes and justification for the appointive idea, likely well before Shiprack wrote the letter to the Chair.

  27. Rose says:

    Shiprack’s referred to as a former prosecutor. Her letter:

    6/15 Yankee (Staton) coukdn’t find $800,000+ to train his deputies to State standards, tho it’s less than 1% of his budget. The way to get more $ out of Commissioners was to put the gap under a “critical State mandated” shortfall line item.
    “Training for sheriff’s deputies, a crucial expense that helps the county meet state standards, was another orphaned expense on Tuesday. Sheriff Dan Staton was given a $114.2 million target to pay for his general fund expenses, but couldn’t find how to fit $827,852 for the training, and the cost didn’t make it into the proposed budget.”

  28. Rose says:

    Shiprack apparently had her share of public monies management
    problems before becoming a Commissioner.

  29. T. Ruth says:

    So was the GJ’s no true bill finding sealed by some judge? Isn’t it usually a public document? Once the GJ turns in a NTB decision to the DA’s office, where does it go?

    Nope, gets destroyed. Sealed clerk file as to its non-indorsement is my understanding.

    Really good primer decision on second gj hearing submissions:

    Should also indicate how rare it is in the first place.

  30. MockingbirdSings says:

    Malty says:
    February 14, 2016 at 8:17 pm

    “As in this case where people have gut feelings for proof Soon everyone thinks all gut feelings are facts . . .”

    Now THAT’S a fact!

  31. T. Ruth says:

    Probable Cause Explained by an Oregon Defense Attorney

    The probable cause in a grand jury is a very low bar, which is why it almost always results in an indictment. Additionally, the prosecution can choose which evidence they want to show and, generally, a defendant does not speak or present a defense at this level. This is why it was so unique to have a verdict of “no true bill” returned in both of these cases. This does not mean that the officers were found not guilty – instead, the grand jury decided that there was no probable cause that a crime was even committed.

    So was this the issue with the Kyron GJ? Is it possible the GJ issued a NTB because there is no evidence of a crime being committed? (IOW it is unknown whether Kyron simply walked off and fell into a hole somewhere, was taken by some wild animal or something.)

    If that were the case, what changed to bring forth a second GJ which (I guess is still assembled?)? Would not there need to be some sort of evidence of harm having been done to the child? Would Kyron’s DNA being found in the back of the pickup be enough to justify a new GJ? I can see the school being brought up on negligent charges, but not TMH, so what other charges could be being considered? Without evidence of Kyron being harmed or worse, murdered by anyone, what the hell is the GJ looking at after 5 years, (if they still are)?

  32. T. Ruth says:

    O/T sort of

    This is an interesting (and outrageous) case, does anyone know what happened to this person’s Federal appeal? Was it just dropped?

    The panel of citizens, after hearing the state’s evidence against Simmons, returned a “no true bill” rather than an indictment. But, in an error chronicled in publications from Oregon newspapers to the American Bar Association Journal, nobody read the grand jury’s verdict. Everyone from the prosecutor to the judge to Simmons’ own defense attorney assumed he had been indicted — and proceeded accordingly.

    After a grand juror alerted them to the error, Simmons’ suit alleges, the judge, prosecutor and defense attorney privately agreed on this remedy: The judge would declare the felony convictions “a legal nullity,” and the district attorney’s office would file new, misdemeanor sex charges against Simmons.

    To botch the first prosecution and follow it with a second over the same conduct constitutes double jeopardy, “shocks the conscience” and “violates a universal sense of justice,” Richkind argues.

    Thanks for your patience before I posted this, I wanted to research it. It is a bit funny that covering a case about a mistake of fact gets the dudes name wrong on top of it, lol. It was DAVID LEE Simmons, not Richard Simmons. He lost this (in my view) because a prosecutor can bring misdemeanor charges from a felony no true bill if it is the same incident- but as he was already tried once- there is no way I agree with that decision. Btw- I know Rassmussen from somewhere, anyone? (if relative)

  33. T. Ruth says:

    This says a NTB is indeed filed with the clerk of the court and is “public record”. So why would the media not report this? It certainly would be considered newsworthy?

    Finding against indictment

    • indorsement not a true bill

    (1) When a person has been held to answer a criminal charge and the indictment in relation thereto is not found a true bill, it must be indorsed not a true bill, which indorsement must be signed by the foreman and filed with the clerk of the court, in whose office it shall remain a public record. In the case of an indictment not found a true bill against a person not so held, the same, together with the minutes of the evidence in relation thereto, must be destroyed by the grand jury.

    (2) When an indictment indorsed not a true bill has been filed with the clerk of the court, the effect thereof is to dismiss the charge; and the same cannot be again submitted to or inquired of by the grand jury unless the court so orders. [Amended by 1973 c.836 §54]

    That is the rule for persons that were charged and then a NTB was issued ( in essence a conflict of prob cause in its most distilled sense) I have also seen that apply to persons in custodial status. Neither applies to TH.

  34. A Texas Grandfather says:

    I like MockingbirdSings words for a song.

    Just like Blink said, they really do hear you,but do not know how to respond. From one who learned a lot from my grandmother, I still remember the things we talked together about. Those conversations took place in the 1930′s.

    Get instep with their thinking and give them an example of how the information will help in the future. Weave a story line around the subject.

  35. T. Ruth says:

    I’m confused, was there no indictment submitted to the first grand jury? If there wasn’t, what the heck were they considering?

    What are your replying to (if you are) T.Ruth?

  36. T. Ruth says:

    Whether or not there was sufficient evidence that a crime had even been committed? (Sorry, hit the return too soon.)

    Correct, what was the crime and did the gj find that a trial jury would convict the individual based on the evidence. The probable cause threshold for a gj is very low. I don’t believe RSE mfh plot made it out of the first gj.

  37. Rose says:

    @TRuth. As I read back all thise old media reports Soldier is posting, it
    is clear to me such media as kgw and kotv acted merely asAgents (secondary spokespersons)
    of mcso rather than news makers.

  38. Kathy says:

    Please expand.

  39. Rose says:

    @TRuth. well we now know the GJ wasn’t for recordmaking &
    memorialization as apparently no GJ certified transcripts exist in Oregon.

  40. Rose says:

    Well the people with Gut-o-meters are
    1) tony, 2) Desiree, 3) her Soldiers, 4) Kristin.
    Kaine may have something more.

  41. Kathy says:

    Please check your submitted email addy

  42. Rose says:

    Worse than the failure of mcso/da to be transparent with the public (no surprise when
    Staton is not only nontransparent but obfuscating with the Commissioners and public purse) is
    mcso deliberately feeding erroneous, misleading info to the journalistic media, who lapped it up unquestioningly.

  43. Rose says:

    “Rees has maintained it has been suspended multiple times at the request of MCSO.

    No one can persuade me that Rees et al
    did not have mcso’s number. anytime Rees “blames”
    mcso for something
    Rees himself wants to do, imo it’s a convenient story.
    If Rees-Underhill didn’t understand
    what they were dealing with in an mcso
    investigation, they are incompetent.
    @the request of mcso

  44. Rose says:

    @TRuth. It sounds like what caused Rees to take up with a new GJ (which was just likely a regularly sitting rotating one), was Staton informed Underhill DDS was coming forward, was willing to testify to a GJ and so on, to tge piint where Staton averred to his team Rod ejaculated he was so eager to conclude this matter and charge Terri.

  45. Rose says:

    To call Kristin a viable mother standin for Terri is akin to saying
    Donald is a viable substitute for Jebbie with Barbara.

  46. erose says:

    It just dawned on me that the Oregon transcript-less GJ would prevent those made-for-TV moments where the witness is reminded on the stand of their previous GJ testimony by an attorney pointing out an inconsistency. How *does* that go down in Oregon if a witness such as RSE testifies in front of a GJ and there is no record of what he said. Oh yeah, this is what happens.

    And even then NTB. Did the jurors question RSE’s ability to navigate the complexities of the English language, did they see a man coerced or bullied by the DA into saying something he knew wasn’t true, was he a liar? No matter, the GJ didn’t buy what MCSO/MCDA were selling.

    They had to have thrown the cell pings and the kitchen sink at the GJ and NTB X 2. Case closed people who won’t let go of the TH bone. Now what?

  47. erose says:

    I could agree with you more. At some point someone should ask who has really damaged this child? If TH is innocent, then the hang TH on the cross machine is 100% to blame and they have both Kyron and k to answer for, IMO.

    January says:
    February 14, 2016 at 2:04 am
    I am so darn curious as to how little K was told that her mother was actually alive. The injustice that sweetheart had to endure is so unbelievably tragic.

  48. erose says:

    That’s couldn’t agree more January.

  49. Malty says:

    @Erose @January
    I agree
    One of the things that bothers me most about this case. Is for all the claims of love And all the tears
    No one seems to care about the children Or their futures From hate blogs to LE and even the family
    If they were told about SZ No one blames the school no one demands to know who SZ is or what he looks like

    Talk of a new pretty momma. Insensitive. Then new momma calls old momma a monster On FB
    People talk of Kyron’s murder insensitive No one knows for sure. Calling out baby killer

    It just bothers me every thing about The kids now and future Is ignored to fight Terri and Dede

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