Kyron Horman Missing Case: Terri Horman Breaks Her Silence In People Magazine Interview

New York, NY-  For nearly five and a half years Terri Horman has refused to speak publicly about her step-sons case.  Outside of one assertion of her innocence while on the stand in a name change hearing she ultimately was denied, Horman did not speak to any reporters or answer any of their questions regarding Kyron Hormans disappearance. Until Now.

Horman courtesy of People

Horman was interviewed by People Magazines Elaine Aradillas for both the print and online editions,  and will be doing a series of personal interviews over the next week, to include

In the brief online video excerpt , the second part to air on ABC’s Good Morning America Friday morning,  Horman  maintains she is deaf in her left ear, a critical factor in the outcome of her first polygraph.

“… At what point are Kyron’s biological parents going to realize I don’t have the answers, they need to change this thing around…”

“…There is so much the public is not being told about this investigation, that’s why I am doing this- nobody is looking for Kyron…”

Horman’s interview drew sharp reactions from Kaine Horman and Desiree Young, Kyron’s parents.

“…Why is she silent for 5 1/2 years if she is innocent.  I want her to tell me where Kyron is.  If she is innocent she should call Multnomah County Sheriffs Office and sit down for an interview…”-  Desiree Young

“Hi friends. Yes I am well aware of the tabloid journalism piece in the media today. FYI – there will be more of the same coming Friday
We have a HOST of MCSO and FBI investigators STILL standing by with interviews and polygraphs when someone actually wants to cooperate. FEEL FREE TO STOP BY THEY ARE WAITING!! STILL!! Until then we’ll stick with the scores of people with valid/accurate information and the failed polygraphs as the only actual actions taken to-date.  To all of you: how about not linking the article/interview?
REMEMBER KYRON?!?!? This is what we need to be focused on!!
Love you Kyron!!” – Kaine Horman post on his Facebook Page

Christina Stoy, Editor In Chief was able to confirm with Ms. Horman directly that she has been willing to meet with Kyron’s investigators both previously and in the future with the sole provision that it be conducted in the presence of her Attorney,  Portland criminal defense lawyer Stephen Houze.

Horman went on to say that investigators with the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office have been well aware of “that” over the last five and a half years and they have never requested an interview.  Um, What?

Horman reveals some shocking details about the subsequent polygraphs examinations referenced by Kaine Horman and Desiree Young and other allegations of improper tactics on behalf of MCSO in the second half of her interview to air tomorrow morning on abc’s GMA and on Nightline.

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  1. Malty says:

    One more thing Oregon does not have common law marriage. So if Kaine wants to play family
    He better get a legal marriage

  2. Malty says:

    And anyone who wants to marry Kaine better get a pre agreement on what is shared and what is not legal agreement

  3. Rose says:

    I would be surprised if anyone
    has told k that her mother is
    alive and wants to see her–until a
    child at school decides to taunt her, perhaps.

  4. Rose says:

    Rasmussen as in I won’t let Horman change her name because crazy strangers to her object?

    interestingly, I think Riddell was head of tge Criminal Div under Kroger at this time.
    Which means dirty tactics (defending 6 govt employees who use them) wasn’t merely Riddell’s stick but
    Kroger’s “leadership.”

    I thought that was Garrison? Or was he the second one, lol?

  5. Rose says:

    “I don’t believe RSE mfh plot made it out of the first gj B”
    I think you are right. But tge MCDA/SO failure to correct Meisenheimer
    and Kantor wrt the grounds for the RO constitutes a fraud on the Court to me.

    Unequivocally a yes for me.

  6. Rose says:

    So if Terri filed a civil rights suit against mcso and deputies/sheriff, mcda and individuals, a couple judges, then Ellen Rosenblum AG would defend the agencies and Portland County Atty the individuals? Terri better wait til after Ellen’s reelection this year then, or Terri will be made Ellen’s election platform crusade.

  7. Rose says:

    @TRuth. Richkind put this on his wwbsite not realizing how bad it makes him look.
    Judge Wardlaw pointed out there was caselaw substantiating malicious retaliatory prosecution justified no finding
    of immunity of govt officials. But Richkind had failed to cite those cases and raise that argument properly.
    Therefore the 9th had to rule against Simmons, and you can’t appeal to the Supr Ct arguments you did not brief
    below. Simmons had a legal malpractice case.

    Yup. Hes a bktcy attorney, not a Federal Court Appellate barrister. Note the common theme though? One must be charged to hold liable?

  8. Rose says:

    what do numerous instances of threats to an uncharged citizen hosted by DA Underhill’s
    Reelection Facebook mean in America?

  9. Rose says:

    OT good news for us liberals wrt a certain majority in 2 branches of govt.
    like Scalia, they are medically attended by a Navy hematologist-oncologist

    *Rose* snark alert.

  10. T. Ruth says:

    @Rose says:
    February 15, 2016 at 6:16 pm

    FWIW In looking at Yankee’s tort, I believe she indicated that crude RU comment from the Sheriff came about sometime in 2014. (I think, I’ll have to look back to confirm.)

  11. T. Ruth says:

    @Rose, thanks for finding the outcome of the federal appeal for the Simmons case. Shame that case wasn’t handled the way it should have been.

    I can’t get over the gall of the Judge & DA ignoring the GJ’s NTB in the first damn place. Let alone no one taking any of them to true task after that fact was known.

    A “legal nullity”? That’s like taking an eraser to the chalkboard for cryin’ out loud. It’s not there now, so it could never have been. Nothin’ but chalk dust. Right. Grrrr, crap like this really pizzes me off. Whole damn case should have been thrown out for being purposely mishandled.

  12. T. Ruth says:

    So what was happening in November 2014, when Yankee says Staton’s behavior started becoming offensive? This is the time period she alleges his RU comment.

    This woman worked for and with this man for many years, so why November 2014 would she be able to pinpoint a dramatic change in his behavior? Curious.

  13. A Texas Grandfather says:


    You are continuously pointing out the poor condition of the Criminal Justice system in the Portland area. The whole system is corrupt and needs a thorough housecleaning.

    We have a Sheriff who is basically a Jailer, the lowest level of LE in most systems around the country. He cannot manage the training of his personnel to meet state standards. He gets support from courts and commissioners for his behavior.

    The only way out that I see for Terri is to file a federal action against the entire Criminal Justice System, Sheriff and Courts. Some people need to be blasted in the media as well. This system is being used to attack a citizen and all involved should be removed with some going to jail.

    A big federal two by four used to get the peoples attention.

    The fact that little Kyron was kidnapped from a public school,last seen in the company of a man, appears to be inconsequential to the entire system. The Criminal Justice people instead are sticking to the flawed concept of the mother is the one responsible in order to cover their gross incompetence. And one asks, Why is this? The answer IMO is some are heavily involved in illegal drug activities and they do not want it exposed.

  14. Rose says:

    @TRuth. County taxpayers paid for Simmon’s GJ, court reporter, judges, prosecutors, & defense.
    No accountability at the ballot box for the DA or judges. Same thing is true of Kyron’s years of 2
    grand juries. Much is made of the Sheriff’s overtime and search monies. Nithing us made of Shrunk, Frink, Underhill,
    and underlings (Moawad full time salary for 1 year) waste of budget resources for prosector’s, jydges, and Court admin infrastructure which imo is less justified than the searches. No accountability for Rod this year, or the GJ judges. .

  15. Rose says:

    Bet Sheriff made plenty of crude remarks, daily, for years.

  16. Rose says:

    Sheriff and deputies will probably use the tort action to keep women deputies out of an Exec team Chief position in future (2017ff) so they can say whatever they please without a charge of gender discrimination.

  17. Rose says:

    @Blink. wonder who owns that
    Soldier keeps pushing out?

  18. Rose says:

    because she’s got it on a terri dede hate flier

  19. Rose says:

    Kelly put that eaddress out in update 113 on her fundraising
    site, saying “we” will get more aggressive.

  20. T. Ruth says:

    @Rose says:
    February 16, 2016 at 2:38 pm

    I’m guessing the same thing, but why then, did Yankee specify a behavior change in November 2014? Did she know something going on at that time that perhaps the Sheriff would use as an excuse for his behavior? IDK, just curious stuff. Unfortunately she’s not allowed to talk about anything that went on there anymore. At least that’s the way I read it in the settlement.

  21. Rose says:

    @ATG. “A big federal two by four used to get the peoples attention.”
    A Republican DOJ won’t wield it, costs money. DOJ budget will be cut imo.
    Like the irs always is. When Ike was in power, my IRS personnel
    mother knitted at work for 8 years. no one was being hired. Ditto for Nixon.
    crocheting then.
    And, Bernie won’t wield the 2×4.
    State-level DOJ is not in his ballpark of limited interests.
    Hiliary would, but for a …UUGH stumbling block:
    Manhattan Wyden and his NY donor base.
    I know a good free Navy hematologist right there
    at Wyden’s worksite to refer him and his Federal insurance plan to.

    Oregon District Fed DOJ has had years to get to work
    on public corruption and civil rights violations. Imo their focus
    in partnership with those short timer preretirement FBI Distr Dirs has
    been drugs, til Marshall broadened human trafficking.

  22. T. Ruth says:

    Stoy: Was your attorney present?

    Spicher: Yes. Sitting right there. Frink said that we do not think you had anything to do with this, but we do think you have information about Terri Horman’s involvement, and we do think she is involved. Either you take our polygraph, or provide the information we believe you have, or, I don’t care, we will tell the family that we do think you’re involved.

    Stoy: What was your response?

    Spicher: I said that I understood the need for them to do what they had to do, but that I was not going to tell them something that was not true. I did not really expect them to say something they knew to be false. They did. The next day, my name was released to the press by Desiree Young and Kaine Horman. It was a statement about me not cooperating and I think advising others not to or words to that effect.

    In a statement late tonight, Kaine Horman and Kyron’s mother, Desiree Young, and Desiree’s husband, Tony Young, said they had been briefed by law enforcement and believe Spicher is hampering the investigation. They implored her to cooperate.

    “She has not only been in close communication with Terri but has been providing Terri with support and advice that is not in the best interests of our son,” the statement said. “Additional information provided shows that she is refusing to cooperate with law enforcement, she is also going as far as to suggest to others that may have information regarding Kyron’s disappearance, not to cooperate as well.”

    July 22, 2010. Same dang week Gosson disappeared from case, and all that other stuff I posted a few pages back. Same day(s) Frink makes good on his word to Dede and passes false information on to the family.

    This case boggles my mind.

  23. ginag says:

    I keep thinking of the olympic bombing in 1996 where Richard Jewell the guard who found the bomb was identified as a POI by the FBI. I remember how calmly he let in LE to search his home. He was then able to sue and get sizable compensation for the harrassment he endured. I believe this is why msco treats terry like a poi but never formally identifies her as such.

    Not following?
    Jewell was cleared and successfully sued for remedy- is that what you mean?

  24. T. Ruth says:


    I’m missing somethin’ at that link. I don’t see when Norm Frink retired? One would think it would have been big news, but I can’t find it.

    This is all I could find, which indicates he retired at some point in 2013:

    on February 11, 2014 at 4:12 PM

    “It’s going to happen,” said Frink, who retired last year as the county’s chief deputy district attorney. “This is just a political fact in Oregon, even if some people don’t want to admit it.”

  25. Rose says:

    What has become of this johnny come lately doj-irs investigation?
    about À Marshall’s last act in office.

  26. T. Ruth says:

    @Rose, I believe they’re still asking for tips to go directly to the family, per their MKH FB site. If you called in tips before to MCSO, resend them to us, if you saw TMH that morning…. blah blah blah.

  27. Rose says:

    update last July
    Someone correct me, for I paid little attention to these two’s political demise, but it seems to me while
    channeled as State funds, the source of the energy grants to Cylvia’s businesses was Federal $.
    So if the OR DOJ was exercising zero oversight of Federal Energy $ influence peddling involving a Gov’s fiance, until the press did the work, what does get the DOJ’s attention in the region? Besides 18 yo terrorists and drugs that is. It seems like there is a Portland press at WW anyway when some unseen hand says IT IS TIME.

  28. Rose says:

    So much for a felonious jail fink thinking because a guy is locked up, he’s safe.

    This Torrez killed a 8 & 9 yo halfway cross the country and only his DNA removed their Dad as the charged person.

  29. Rose says:

    @TRuth. I wonder if Soldier, Desiree, Tony, or Kelly owns the email?
    or someone else?
    I call it interfering with the investigation because
    There are no disclaimers or identifiers, and their usual blue collar
    constituency would believe it to be an official LE repository without
    an explicit disclaimer saying it is not.

  30. Rose says:

    @TRuth. Iirc his behavior change toward her was due to her disagreement with him professionally on the Troutdale PD absorption as making sense for MCSO, and even the County itself, budgetarily. What she did not realize was this was not a financial or budget decision on his part. It was a political decision, regardless of the numbers. He should have just frankly told her that, and why. Imo it was to expand his patrol function proportionally to his corrections/sar function.

  31. T. Ruth says:

    November 27, 2012

    This is the last time I see any mainstream media mention Frink in regard to Kyron’s case: (and pretty much no Frink anywhere in 2013)

    New investigative leads in the disappearance of Kyron Horman have spurred prosecutors and the Multnomah County sheriff to seek a delay in the civil lawsuit Kyron’s mother filed against Kyron’s stepmother Terri Horman.

    A Multnomah County judge this week granted motions by District Attorney Michael Schrunk and Sheriff Dan Staton to delay Desiree Young’s civil lawsuit against Terri Horman for nine months.

    Chief Deputy District Attorneys Norm Frink and Rod Underhill and Elden Rosenthal, Young’s civil lawyer, declined comment Tuesday on the development.

    Did he retire shortly therafter in January 2013?

  32. Rose says:

    “Stone intends to call the officers who took Hobbs’ confession as witnesses, setting up an unusual dynamic in which prosecutors could be forced to undermine a theory their agencies once touted.
    “I expect it to be interesting,” Stone said.”

    Akin to mcda/so and the bios, as their public spokespersons, having mounted a formidable predefense for the abductor after he is caught, charged, and tried.

    “Though prosecutors are ready, they are not pushing for trial immediately because they want a fair process…” Total BS. Must be a DA election year.

    The old Gut Evidence: “they felt his grief seemed insincere” ….remind us of anyone?

    “After returning to his native Texas, Hobbs settled a lawsuit against various authorities for nearly $8 million.”

    He adopted a permanent lifestyle in 5 years of incarceration.

    Goes to show if you let your 7-9 yo hang out with troubled families with troubled associates, you open the door and must be vigilant as to who he meets in their home. Kyron’s investigators should have ruled out the troubled families he “played” with. Needn’t be their teen; might be his older 20s associate in goodness knows what deviant behaviors.
    And they should’ve looked at Kaine’s steroid related associates.

  33. Rose says:

    “Though the case against Hobbs later fell apart, his arrest allowed life to go on in Zion.”

    As it does at Skyline school, in “Kaine’s” household, and in Portland.

    Would Woodview, Troutdale, or Fairview voters let a thoroughly discredited investigation-inept Sheriff dissolve their town police depts to contract out to him? Vital he stonewalls his story line.

  34. A Texas Grandfather says:


    You are probably correct regarding the Federal DOJ. It would be interesting to see the actual budget of the field or State FBI organizations. Probably a big bucket of waste paying for things that are unimportant.

    Sorry for the snarky posts. Terri’s best action may be to move out-of-state, changing her name in the process so she can make a living. Maybe someone needs to introduce kaine Horman to Harry Ried’s exercise machine. The one that produced the damage to Harry’s face and eye.

    Lol. I needed that ATG. Thank you.

  35. Rose says:

    @Blink. Jewell was able to sue because he was identified as a Person of Interest.
    I read into Ginag suggests Terri has never been called a POI because the MCDA/SO has a fantasy
    failure to formally do so is a tort suit defense.
    It is a fantasy because a jury will look at mcda/so behaviors, and the consequences for Terri,
    not their words.

  36. Rose says:

    @TRuth wrt ” The next day, my name was released to the press by Desiree Young and Kaine Horman. It was a statement about me not cooperating ”
    Wow. This vignette really establishes an Agency relationship between both bios and Frink.


  37. T. Ruth says:

    Rose says:
    February 16, 2016 at 8:16 pm

    Yes it does, and now I know when it occurred. And that’s why I want to know when Frink formally retired. The sheer fact that there seems no mention of his retirement anywhere for over a year thereafter should have been raising some flags among Portlanders, no? How many years did he work there? And suddenly, he’s just poof….gone, similar to Gosson. Why was and is no one talking about any of this? Let’s someone get a list together of retirees involved in this case, also school employees who left or got shuffled around. I know I said this a long time ago, but the timing of all these people bailing ship in the middle of the biggest investigation in Oregon since perhaps Longo, makes me wonder why in the heck is this happening? I didn’t realize until looking around today that Frink was the lead prosecutor on the Harding case, this guy is seasoned. Why bow out now? There had to be some real BS going on, don’tcha think?

    Makes the Mayor’s little tweet even more interesting to me. Somebody knows something. Meanwhile a little boy is lost and I mean not only physically lost, but lost between layers upon layers of political BS. Someone needs to come forward FOR Kyron with the truth about all this crap that was going on behind the scenes.

  38. T. Ruth says:

    O/T, but interesting ruling.

    WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. magistrate ordered Apple Inc. on Tuesday to help the Obama administration hack into an encrypted iPhone belonging to one of the shooters in the December attack in San Bernardino, California, in a first-of-its-kind ruling that pits digital privacy against national security interests.

    The ruling by Magistrate Judge Sheri Pym, a former federal prosecutor, requires Apple to supply highly specialized software the FBI can load onto the county-owned work iPhone to bypass a self-destruct feature, which erases the phone’s data after too many unsuccessful attempts to unlock it. The FBI wants to be able to try different combinations in rapid sequence until it finds the right one.

    (snipped, more @link)

  39. MockingbirdSings says:

    @T.Ruth – found this – local radio station Google cache – sounds like he had not retired by mid-March the way this reads.

    Deputy DA Norm Frink talks about crime, gun laws and his favorite cases by kinkfm
    published on 2013-03-13T00:49:35Z

    Deputy District Attorney Norm Frink has prosecuted some of Oregon’s most high profile cases. He’s retiring from the Multnomah County District Attorne’s office but not before pulling the curtain back on Oregon’s crime rate, some of his most notorious cases and how he feels about gun control.

  40. Rose says:

    “Maybe someone needs to introduce kaine Horman to Harry Ried’s exercise machine. The one that produced the damage to Harry’s face and eye.” I go with that. Tho likely he’d make the lady of the house do a test run and report in.

  41. erose says:

    @TRuth, Article with link to database for public employees from 2011-2013. You can search by year, department, title, name, though title doesn’t seem to work with “MSCO-Enforcement.” I did a specific search on Gosson and he is listed 2011-2013 with a hire date in 1994.

    Here is MCSO for all three years. I’m looking at those titled “MSCO-Enforcement” looking for that retiree.

    On the list I find Romanaggi, but cannot find him past 2011.

    Frank Romanaggi, director of the Regional Organized Crime and Narcotics Task Force, says his squad is focused on Mexican drug-trafficking organizations, groups of five or more people bringing drugs to Oregon from California, Arizona and Texas.

    And from your Skyline list of teachers I see another Romanaggi.

    T. Ruth says:
    August 8, 2013 at 12:23 pm

    Romanaggi, JoAnne Physical Education Teacher

    So was the Skyline PE teacher related to the MCSO director of the Regional Organized Crime and Narcotics Task Force focused on Mexican drug trafficking?

  42. erose says:

    This suggests the PE teacher was the cop’s sister-in-law.

  43. erose says:

    The teacher’s husband and cop’s brother appears to work for a large commercial trucking manufacturer as GM of Quality and Supplier Management.

  44. Rose says:

    It sounds like Shrunk expected Frink to retire
    with him so he would not vie for DA.
    Folger got Riddell out of the DA’s office with
    a “promotion.” How did Underhill get chosen by
    Shrunk? (besides working hard for years)?
    Physically, Underhill resembles a younger Shrunk.

  45. Malty says:

    So on WWS. Who wrote that statement on GJ and no true bill. Yesterday 1:pm

    Right, lol.

    State v. Stokes, 350 Or 44, 248 P3d 953 (2011)

    What person believes there is a single gj in this case going on 6 years?

    Recent DA debacle :


  46. Rose says:

    last paragraph 03/09 Shrunk had no
    plans to retire and suggested his hero served to age 85

    Frink was retired by 12/11/13
    He endorsed CW Jensen’s former PPB partner (Republican) for Jefferson Cty, NY Sheriff.
    Wonder if bios ever considered spending donated money to hire him?

    more on Frink 2/11/14
    “red meat eating” reputation

    interesting 2pp of history
    newly Reagan-appointed US Attorney
    manages a Special Commission led by a former liberal (and Mayor Clark ally) US Attorney into a “leak” thought to be from PPB Chief Harrington about evidence from a secret special drug task force. Shrunk & Frink were on that task force.
    Tercek headed that task force (on drugs):

    only thing mentioned about Turner’s personal life is close friendship with Shrunk

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