Kyron Horman Missing Case: Terri Horman Breaks Her Silence In People Magazine Interview

New York, NY-  For nearly five and a half years Terri Horman has refused to speak publicly about her step-sons case.  Outside of one assertion of her innocence while on the stand in a name change hearing she ultimately was denied, Horman did not speak to any reporters or answer any of their questions regarding Kyron Hormans disappearance. Until Now.

Horman courtesy of People

Horman was interviewed by People Magazines Elaine Aradillas for both the print and online editions,  and will be doing a series of personal interviews over the next week, to include

In the brief online video excerpt , the second part to air on ABC’s Good Morning America Friday morning,  Horman  maintains she is deaf in her left ear, a critical factor in the outcome of her first polygraph.

“… At what point are Kyron’s biological parents going to realize I don’t have the answers, they need to change this thing around…”

“…There is so much the public is not being told about this investigation, that’s why I am doing this- nobody is looking for Kyron…”

Horman’s interview drew sharp reactions from Kaine Horman and Desiree Young, Kyron’s parents.

“…Why is she silent for 5 1/2 years if she is innocent.  I want her to tell me where Kyron is.  If she is innocent she should call Multnomah County Sheriffs Office and sit down for an interview…”-  Desiree Young

“Hi friends. Yes I am well aware of the tabloid journalism piece in the media today. FYI – there will be more of the same coming Friday
We have a HOST of MCSO and FBI investigators STILL standing by with interviews and polygraphs when someone actually wants to cooperate. FEEL FREE TO STOP BY THEY ARE WAITING!! STILL!! Until then we’ll stick with the scores of people with valid/accurate information and the failed polygraphs as the only actual actions taken to-date.  To all of you: how about not linking the article/interview?
REMEMBER KYRON?!?!? This is what we need to be focused on!!
Love you Kyron!!” – Kaine Horman post on his Facebook Page

Christina Stoy, Editor In Chief was able to confirm with Ms. Horman directly that she has been willing to meet with Kyron’s investigators both previously and in the future with the sole provision that it be conducted in the presence of her Attorney,  Portland criminal defense lawyer Stephen Houze.

Horman went on to say that investigators with the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office have been well aware of “that” over the last five and a half years and they have never requested an interview.  Um, What?

Horman reveals some shocking details about the subsequent polygraphs examinations referenced by Kaine Horman and Desiree Young and other allegations of improper tactics on behalf of MCSO in the second half of her interview to air tomorrow morning on abc’s GMA and on Nightline.

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  1. Ode says:

    Bugs me as well and speculation that it was a woman not a man in the plaid shirt. But then again plaid shirt and man putting something in his pocket also throws me for a loop to this day. I don’t want to open that envelope..opps pun there. Skyline was ground zero, period. Everything that day is important as to what went on at that school and it was not treated as a crime scene. The answers that were there were ignored, erased and directed elsewhere. Such a shame.
    erose says:

    May 19, 2016 at 6:05 pm

    wrt Asian girl, could it be Jamie Mejia as some speculated before? So weird that Portland had two more missing kids around the same time Kyron went missing. Always has bugged me.

  2. Rose says:
    ridiculous solution. ought to just sell it.

    As I said yesterday- I can’t even be civil about what a complete lying bafoon he is- Pretty a-typical for an honest person answering questions sincerely to break out in huge red splashes resembling the exterior of a radish.

  3. Rose says:

    If he’d be exploitative and duplicitous about something so simple, and so evident on its face,
    what do we think he’s always done about the abductioni investigation? I bet he lied like a sailor
    to the bios as needed to redirect them. Easiest way to get Desiree off his back was to say Terri
    did it. And with Kaine all he had to do was have mcso indirectly quoted in the FAPA, then go hide
    behind the DA.

    I actually doubt he was ever that direct- his entire leadership “style” is to buffer and hide behind very well-compensated loyalists. Truth is, my first thought when I watched the katu video earlier was- I wonder if he asked for that reporter because she was a full-figured gal- thus utilizing his on camera time to dispel that Yankee-ism.

    Your point is very well taken about his reaction to simple facts that others beyond reproach have already proven and he sounds like a hybrid Joe Pesci character.

  4. Rose says:

    I think the Chalk and Stalk General should take “full responsibility” for her
    Frankenstalk creation.

  5. Rose says:

    per kptv, this is the sgt involved in carrying out the car purchase.
    I wonder what mark herron’s cryptic comment to the wife on a
    public page meant?

  6. MockingbirdSings says:

    Perhaps while Staton is taking full responsibility for the misuse of funds to buy himself a more expensive car (after being told no), he will also claim full responsibility for all the mistakes of this investigation (or lack of a credible one) and hand it over to the FBI. As I see it, it’s his last chance to be remembered for ending his career while doing something right.

    He owes it to Kyron, Terri, Kiara, and all the people who have been misled. (When it comes to Staton, DY, and KH, I’m personally not sure who misled which, when, but my guess is they’ve all 3 done some of it one way or another.)
    He owes it to future victims of the same person, and their loved ones.
    He owes it to school children everywhere.
    He owes it to his staff – the ones who earned all that extra overtime while thinking they were genuinely helping.
    He owes it . . . fill in the blanks on and on. JMO.

    I could not agree more as you know MBS. I saw a comment on WW calling out the Horman investigation. I am told that outside of Staton asking for an IAD review of it (lol) the only way that is going to happen is if one of the bio parents file a request.

  7. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Maybe Staton didn’t know the sticker price for the Dodge Charger. However, who had the responsibility for signing the Purchase Order and approval of the bid? A little investigation might show a certain sheriff signed both. There is going to be a dollar limit regarding purchases for those working under the sheriff. I doubt that it is high enough to purchase a vehicle.

    This guy must believe that no one understands the standard procedures of how procurement of equipment is handled in government agencies. Or he thinks that if he plays the ignorant card, the issue will just go away.

    What will not go away is the evidence that this man is not and was never qualified to run a LE agency. He just doesn’t have the brain power and lacks the ability to delegate tasks to those who can function properly. Instead, it is my way or else dismissal or demotion.

    I think the interview with the fleet procurement manager said it all for me- he said Staton’s purchase unequivocally fell outside of the protocol of fleet purchase ( thus why it was refused). What freezes my shorts on top of that is that Staton is simply lying when he said his previous one year old Charger vehicle did not allow him to respond to certain calls. When questioned, he told the reporter an example would be death investigations.

    What? Trying not to critique the reporter here for her missed opportunity to follow up with the obvious- but did she think to ask exactly what features of car #1 precluded his response and more importantly when and with what frequency he is called out to death investigations and actually responds? Pull his schedule and agenda against publicly available LE call logs and case #s?

    You are welcome Mr. Jacquiss for your next avenue of inquiry, lol.

  8. Rose says:

    I’m putting Staton right up there with The Entertainor.

    On May 1 a redesigned MCSO Org chart ***eliminates*** the former Business Services Division, headed formerly by Yankee. (no Chief Deputy position then for her to return to if he resigns.)

    Two days later on May 3 when Staton testified about the Budget, the slide show places Business Services Division in its former organizational place on equal footing with Corrections & Enforcement.
    Slide 8

    Not a single Commissioner (nor press) noted this major organizational discrepancy in the yearly budget presentation.

  9. Rose says:

    What happened to Scott Anderson, former Chief of Troutdale, whom Staton made Commander and promised to retain after 6 months, has been solved. He retired:
    This was published by Fairview 4 days ago. The retirement comes right after Staton “reorganized” his MCSO job out of existance. Apparently Staton wanted to shove Smith out the door as well.

    How could Nigel miss interviewing former Commander Anderson upon his recent retirement? (When the expectation was he was told he’d be “kept on” after a 6 month transition-merger period? He retired only 5 months after that postmerger peroid began. Maybe Staton offered him jail night shift.)

    When Fairview’s Chief retired last Oct, Staton had installed Anderson there as Interim.

  10. Rose says:

    wrt “his entire leadership “style” is to buffer and hide behind very well-compensated loyalists”
    exactly what he did the summer of 2010.
    claimed to be shy iirc.

  11. Rose says:

    if IAD is MCSO Internal Affairs then Staton has just installed loyalist Moore, the Undersheriff in June 2010.

  12. Rose says:

    @ATG. At the time last year imo it was Chief Deputy
    of the then-existing Business Division with that authority.
    imo one more thing that made her leave timely.

    I would look at her date of “med” leave Jacquiss
    and see what other capital items or big expenditures were approved
    just after her leave commenced.

    No Commissioner or reporter has asked why the Business Division
    ceased to exist May 1.

    Nor asked Comdr Anderson what position Staton offered him rather
    than Fairview Police Chief (a step down from his former Troutdale Chief job)
    such that he retired.

    Staton is refusing to speak to the Chief Commissioner and staff.
    So I suggest the Commissioners develop a list of hard questions
    and pose them thru the Tribune. Or call a panel of Moore, Gates, Shults over to
    question daily.

  13. Rose says:

    speaking of blatant lies, seet the last sentence:

    It was his own proposal.

    Can’t believe anything he ever said about the abduction investigation.

  14. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Ok, Staton could not get the Charger purchase approved by the county fleet management people because it did not meet the requirements for patrol or other sheriff’s duty vehicles, but he is the “King” and what the King wants the King gets.

    All fleet management people have a set of criteria that determine when a vehicle must be replaced. The exception is when a wreck or other accident makes the vehicle incapable of being used. This would be a mileage limit or a repair tracking that indicates the vehicle must have expensive repairs in order to keep it operational.

    Neglected to mention – what procurement dept or any other LEA pays list price for a cash deal. Where do they find these people?

  15. Rose says:

    Anderson announced his 4/29 retirement back in February.

  16. Rose says:

    Frink is honest: cold case in 12/10:

    The 120 day Task Force Staton set up in Oct 2010?
    In charge was the man who’d been Night Desk Sgt on June 4!
    (not an investigator)
    All these Sauvie searches–made bcz that’s the only area near
    Skyline mcso had jurisdiction over.
    I wonder why Young keeps to thr same old search grounds? (rhetorical)

  17. Rose says:

    Can’t find Sgt K Krafve on any org charts.
    He was hired about 2008.
    Should’ve made Lt by now.

    Do we know where he came from? I dont recall the org chart naming underpositions and I think SIU was completely blank last chart I saw – Ned Walls was a temp something or other.

  18. Rose says:

    One’s got to wonder why in present circumstances Underhill does not use aspects of the failed Horman investigation to further sink Staton?
    I’m thinking of the mfh “probable cause” for the FAPA representation to Judge M, when it was debunked before that filing & representation if only because nothing changed hands, and the representation there was probable cause TH was a danger to kiara etc attributable to the abduction. Underhill knows there was no supporting evidence. Frink said so on the press. The only reason I can figure out Staton hid behind the DA’s skirt all these years is that a member of the DA’s staff, the ADA assigned fulltime to K for a year, was involved in legal strategizing, in those representations to Kaine, Rackner, and Judge M and she’d get bliwback, which means Dad, a powerful legislator, would be antagonized…

    My supposition is once the decision was made to present to the gj we had ourselves some bedfellows.

  19. erose says:

    Anderson probably had a choice.

    a) night shift @ jail
    b) river patrol
    c) vehicle acquisition specialist

    Rose says:
    May 20, 2016 at 8:01 am

    lol, might add spokesperson- Nobody has heard a peep from Alexander im in months.

  20. Rose says:

    if a gov put his or her or they sexual identity struggles into my child’s college graduation speech
    a degree for which I’d paid State tuition, I’d be furious at that narcissistic self absorbed person.
    but they’s been reelected already, so there we go

    Sorry- she should have listened to her Mother. Absolutely no place whatsoever in a commencement speech- but I am one of those who could give a rats ass about a persons sexual orientation in a business setting and never have. Deviancy is obviously a different animal- I am not talking about that. As long as I am not treated improperly – whether by a hetero, bi, gay, bi curious or whatever label I am sure I am missing- why is it even worthy of discussion in this setting? Was the lesson really- go forth and spew your sexual preferences at interview- put it on your resume?
    Seriously already.

  21. Rose says:

    @Blink. you’re right. I forgot the GJ.
    Imo it was Heidi that presented to the GJ, whether
    under Rees’ or another’s supervision,
    Kitzhaber said she was a year fulltime.
    A chance to recover her rep from
    her previous jury summation, trashed in press
    for its Black talk mock.

  22. Rose says:

    not gonna go research this, but the May 1 org
    chart imo reflects iirc for the first time a separation
    administratively between land & river Patrol.
    Acting Walls is oer land.
    Gulberg is oer River.
    Gulberg was in River Patrol,
    following in footsteps of Reiser, Gates, etal.
    And now he is promoted to Captn.
    Staton seems to have man crushes on river patrol imo.

  23. Rose says:

    iirc ODea was Hale’s handpick.
    Look at the pic of the Fairview police chief who retired.
    And most of mcso admin.
    grossly out of confldition lchiefs’ at risk for major illness
    and early retirement.
    Qualifications: white, over 55, Diabetes II, &
    some cognitive compromise already.

  24. Rose says:
    last month & local press just got it….

    WW (Jaquiss) broke it.
    What was he hunting with a .22? Oye Vey already.

  25. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Back to the auto acquisition. Neither LE or businesses with a fleet of vehicles pay list price. They always work with the dealerships fleet sales people who are responsible for pricing and making certain that the vehicle or other equipment meet the specifications on the the bid request.

    How did the Sheriff arrange for a cash payment for a vehicle owned by the county? Someone stuck their neck out by acquiring the cash from a drug bust that was not recorded correctly (my guess at to the source). That is a crime and whoever did it and authorized it could be in legal trouble.

    The reporter left a lot of room for unasked questions. Or, they got edited out of the piece to protect the agency.

    I should have clarified my comment ATG- I apologize. I meant cash payment as in, payment in full, not subject to a lien or lease. This is particularly troublesome because we know 6 vehicles were purchased the year before and it was made known to Staton that is why the fleet funds were not available for the purchase. Staton used a surplus from his general fund budget. Either way- the invoice (sticker) was paid in full at the time of transfer to the county. I do not know what the sourcing policy is for the county fleet pricing- but it should be subject to appropriate bid practice similar to other goods and services. At the end of the day the only purpose this has served for me is reinforcing this man is consistently abusing power he does not even have and he has been for many years. As if that were not bad enough- for him to lie about it- quite unabashedly, is simply remarkable to me. HE WAS AN ACCOUNTANT.. LOL

  26. Rose says:

    I am curious how Soldier wants a new
    DA and Sheriff when she does not live in the State.

  27. T. Ruth says:

    Still trying to catch up, just busy.

  28. erose says:

    o/t wrt commencement speeches getting sooo off track lately. Here is what the grads need to hear.

    Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
    By Dr. Seuss

    Today is your day.
    You’re off to Great Places!
    You’re off and away!

    You have brains in your head.
    You have feet in your shoes.
    You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
    You’re on your own.
    And you know what you know.
    And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go.

    You’ll look up and down streets.
    Look ‘em over with care.
    About some you will say, “I don’t choose to go there.”
    With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet,
    you’re too smart to go down any not-so-good street.

    And you may not find any you’ll want to go down.
    In that case, of course, you’ll head straight out of town.

    Read in full at link

    I only have the first one with a respectable first year under her belt and that made me cry. Just brilliant.

  29. Rose says:

    ATG may be onto something though.
    It could have been seized goods that triggered his shopping spree.
    Looking back to major busts by mcso in early 2015.

  30. Rose says:

    in early 2015, Here’s one–$14,000.

    and $15,000

    and a shared $85,000

    and $5000

    Here are oregon’s distribution rules:

    in 2011, MCSO netted $25,000.

    I’d like to know the name of the County’s private forfeiture attorney with the lucrative contract with the city attorney. In 2011 alone he netted $100,000 from that contract attributable to PPB.

  31. Rose says:

    In 2009 Ned Walls headed SIU, which brought in over $700,000.
    He’s been promoted right along.
    Defunding it, and eliminating the SIU, proposed by Cogen and Wheeler, perhaps
    protected Cogen’s dealor.

  32. Rose says:

    We know what is keeping PIO Alexander busy.
    Responding to Jacquiss’ numerous foia’s for
    emails in a timely manner.

  33. Rose says:

    this is apparently the interview (kgw) Ritchie responded to.
    Staton blames Sgt White, Lt Ritchie, and CD Yankee:

    I have yet to hear him say Yankees name- I presume the news editors from both stations edited that out once they sought verification of the claims.
    Lol Underhill drives a Ford Fusion in comparison- tell me what you think but I think I heard Statons old car went to Tim Moore. Former Undersheriff and Ritchie banisher. Time is right.

  34. A Texas Grandfather says:

    It doesn’t matter where one lives regarding the disgust with this whole Multnomah County mess. People see the corruption and would really like to see a clean up of the whole County operation.

    Sticker price is what the dealership or equipment vendor places on the equipment to meet federal regulations. The real price is how much over the dealer cost less volume factory rebates the sales force is able to sell it to a willing buyer. A cash sale is one where the buyer pays the agreed on price with actual cash or a check from a financial institution. That is the way to get the best price.

    If Staton is an accountant, he certainly doesn’t behave like one. At one time, I was the person that gave the North Harris County CPA association their yearly class about computers to meet the continuing education requirement. I know a few and how they behave.

  35. Rose says:

    Lt Elliott has a whistlebowing history.
    Unwise Staton followed the “keep yr enemies close” policy by having Elliott work as his Exec Asst.

    “(Olsen] is the poster child for why public employees get slammed,” says former Capt. Brett Elliott, who first blew the whistle on her overtime use. “They refuse to take action with this employee and actually hold her accountable. It’s a chronic issue, and it is a product of their failure to get a handle on it.”
    Her practices were brought to light by Elliott, who filed a federal whistle-blower lawsuit against the department last May.
    Elliott alleged he was retaliated against and demoted to lieutenant after accusing that Undersheriff Tim Moore of fabricated documents to earn state law enforcement certification. A state investigation cleared Moore. Elliott’s case settled in August, with the department reinstating his rank of captain and awarding him $80,000. Elliott is now officially retired from the sheriff’s office……”

    Question:If Elliott got reinstated to Captain, what did he get busted back to Lt for a second time after this story?

    “Elliott detailed Olsen’s overtime use in a Nov. 28, 2011, memo to higher-ups and called for an outside investigation into what he called “rampant, freewheeling overtime.”
    Gates says that neither he nor Olsen’s immediate supervisor, Capt. Monte Reiser, was aware of her extensive overtime until Elliott brought it to their attention. –
    Gates says he verbally authorized the overtime. But, he says, “It couldn’t be accounted for.”

    Interestingly, Moore now directs Internal Affairs as of May 1st.

  36. Rose says:

    That VP of the Deputies Assn Det Greg Vining appearing in print & on TV in comment on Staton issues came over from Troutdale in the merger. He’s seasoned & might be a better resource (fresh eyes) than Det Relentless Aggressive in the abduction investigation.

  37. T. Ruth says:

    Somebody from within the department must be feeding WW things to check out in regard to Staton. Where else would they get the idea to request these particular emails, regarding the vehicle purchase?

    My guess is there will be nothing *leaked* regarding the Horman investigation because “it is an on-going investigation”. Too bad.

  38. T. Ruth says:

    The district attorney’s office has an extra prosecutor assigned to the case through June. “Barring an unexpected evidentiary development,” said Norm Frink, Multnomah County chief deputy district attorney, “the investigation is going to continue for months.”

    Well, he got that one right, 71 of them so far.

  39. T. Ruth says:

    Staton said he wasn’t aware of the departure from protocol until he read the Willamette Week article.

    “This is my fault,” he said. “I should have had my eye on the ball on this one, and I didn’t.”

    *Hogg*wash! Unaware my arse.

  40. T. Ruth says:

    It’s time for Sheriff Staton to resign: Editorial

    Ya think?

  41. MockingbirdSings says:

    Rose says:
    May 20, 2016 at 8:15 pm

    Staton seems to have man crushes on river patrol imo.

    Love you, Rose. :)
    Rescues always get good press even if they aren’t successful, it seems to me. Wonder if he owns a boat.

  42. T. Ruth says:

    Staton has maintained he has done nothing wrong and appears to seek redemption in his assertions that he’ll honor the voters who put him in office by continuing to serve. Yet that service, he has made clear, will not include taking any more meetings with Kafoury as she and the Multnomah County Board of Commissioners hammer out a budget that includes the sheriff’s expensive operations – a chin-out act of petulance matched only by third-graders on the playground

    (snipped from the link above)

  43. MockingbirdSings says:

    All this talk about the expensive vehicle has reminded me again of my favorite police chief I have written about before.

    The Chief wanted to add 2 bicycle patrols in some new areas created by building the light rail system which opened last year. These areas (trails and tunnels) were used by pedestrians and bicyclists but without adequate lighting and were unreachable by car. His budget couldn’t afford the bicycles or the staff which was already stretched thin.

    What did he do? He used his own bike and did random patrols of these area and downtown. Why? Not because he had free time, but because
    he needed to document the results to show for future budgets and he
    sincerely believed this was needed for public safety.

    Please don’t think all LE in the Portland area have the same shortfall in the ethics department as some we’ve been discussing. Unfortunately, the best are not as appreciated as they should be, nor do they make a public display of the good they do. I only knew about this because I worked on a city safety committee with him for several years. The citizens were supportive, but not the city manager. Which brings me back to wishing we had topnotch journalists on many levels – community, county, state, etc. But that’s another story.

  44. Rose says:

    going back to this:
    “erose says:
May 18, 2016 at 10:21 pm
….If a man left with Kyron and the two girls would he be stopped on a BOLO anyway? Did he use the girls for lures and to gain Kyron’s trust? Are those girls endangered and missing?”

    First, witnesses in Mathew’s room did not state a man left with Kyron & 2 girls. With Mathew’s permissive nod, only Kyron departed with him and was not seen after that interaction in the school.

    Second, I don’t recall any source other than Terri’s writing that says there was a male chaperone appearing with 2 girls, and no male was on the “chaperone” list.

    Third, a chance picture of a paid shirt “whoever” touring a room at the same time as an el ed female child does not at all demonstrate they were touring “together.” The girls were age appropriately in the room and were as likely to be snapped with a plaid “they” in the frame as any other adult who might have randomly been in the picture.

    If the girl in the picture at Skyline that day were unidentified missing, MCSO woukd be beyond negligent not to widely publicize that. Red herring imo. 

  45. Rose says:

    old car went to Smith. then head of IA so didnt need a retrofit.
    now he’s exiled to suck up to Fairview PD as Interim Chief,?like Anderson before him.

    imo this vehicle will also go to IA, now Moore.

    Staton keeps IA in his pocket imo.

  46. Rose says:

    @erose. echoing just brilliant.

    @atg. based on timing, imo DS’ car spending spree was unrelated to forfeitures.
    iirc as a former govt employee iirc there’s spend or loose surplus at year’s end. That is, he
    had to spend his surplus, or return it to County treasury. We know the responsible course,
    but imo he just did what MCSO Sheriff’s have likely done for decades.

    I am having a difficult time seeing the word surplus in a budget that has gone over so consistently with overtime that the Commission was up in his grill in the first place.

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