Dr. Phil Show Hosts Missing Portland Child Kyron Horman’s Step Mom Terri Horman Over Two Episodes

I have been covering this case since Kyron Horman disappeared from Skyline School in June, 2010.    Like most missing persons cases I have covered in the past,  I am of the strong opinion that best efforts at the truth are the only way to propel investigations that, similarly to Kyron’s, have gone cold for one reason or another.   This approach has worked in resolving some of my previous cases.    I am proud of that.  I remain steadfast to the integrity involved in those and future cases.

Over the past 10 months (or so) I have been developing an updated series on Kyron’s case to include my multiple interviews with Kyron’s step-mom,  Terri Horman.   Needless to say as she was the subject of at least three simultaneous cases before an Oregon court and remains a person of interest by the agency investigating her sons disappearance, this has been an arduous and sometimes delicate journey.    Ms. Horman’s experiences during the ongoing investigation of the disappearance of Kyron Horman are critically important to propelling his case and with great hope- finding the truth about what happened to this cherubic and innocent child.    There are dozens of sources,  collateral interviews, forensic experts and legal analysts that also contribute to my series and have done so because of their belief that my motivation is to bring to light information and opinions in such a way that would almost “require” a focused review of Kyron’s case and the likely shaking of that proverbial tree everyone talks about.

Set to publish about 6-ish weeks ago I was asked to postpone the first installment of the series, which I did.  I subsequently learned Ms. Horman was participating in the Dr. Phil program after she completed taping.  Dr. Phils producers were well aware that Ms. Horman had interviewed with me extensively, and anticipated my series would be publishing information that was not known to the public previously in the days prior to her scheduled episode.    When Ms. Horman conveyed to me that she feels obligated to speak out about “her son” in any national medium that will have her,   I most certainly respected that.  I still do.

While Dr. Phil seems like a gregarious fellow for sure,   I have zero interest in being associated with his program, nor do I believe his shows content is designed to do any furtherance of investigation or truth.  There is much concern (although I have no affiliation to the show whatsoever) that the timing of the publication of my series on the Kyron Horman matter might be interpreted differently or inadvertently contribute to the programs content or audience reactions.     Not what I signed on for.   A missing 7 year old boy six years running is not a framework for entertaining a target audience.   He is not fodder for online social media bully campaigns- yet it occurs.

I will be publishing my series on Kyron’s case at a later date, in it’s entirety with no editing adjustments as a result of any of the appearances on Dr. Phil.   I appreciate your patience and your understanding.   Feel free to discuss the show below.


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  1. Rose says:

    can you share Terri’s point of view of Kaine’s relationship with kyron?
    did she try to get desiree to take custody as she, Terri, planned to leave?
    if so, one infers she worried about his living with kaine.

    I would answer that I have not learned anything inconsistent with Desiree’s early public statements on the issue.

  2. Jeff D says:



  3. Rose says:

    Soldier published stats on the 7 yo kyron as
    leads for tipsters.
    I do not recall his birthday, ie if he was
    7 yrs 2 mos, or 7 yrs 10 mos, would be relevant
    to Ht/Wt growth chart interp.

    but on 6/4 she had Ht 44″ or between the
    5th & 10th %ile on the male growth chart and Wt 50 lbs or
    smack at 50th%ile. (tho growth chart hard to
    read on phone so I’m open to
    Which really makes me wonder the historical
    head circumference %ile. Could be Terri was
    focused on feeding him to help whatever thus the higher Wt.
    Only relevance of head circ diagnostically is certain syndromes
    render kids more susceptible to predators imo.

  4. Rose says:

    @tiny. always humbled by reading anything by you or mbs. She, PPS;
    you, Portland political & neighborhood insight.
    I came to the PPS summative retrospective impulsively
    after reading the new Supt choice, sadly. Imo the Board
    relied on a headhunting firm that will sell what it
    can: bright, youthful, glib, deferential minority.
    Howard Cty was fine for MD but Carroll Cty surpassed it.
    Two lower tier mgmt jobs of 2 yrs each
    (the 2nd one prob the same head hunting firm
    placement); no productive Cty Schs change to show for it.

    Anyone in this age could’ve just googled a
    panoply of superior Cty Supts to invite to
    candidate and skipped the headhunting fee.
    Iirc Clackamus Supt just won a national
    award; why not him?

  5. Rose says:

    a do whatever it takes to convict LE whether in medford, muktnomah or washington cty is corrosive and unprofessional.

    Mark my words my dearest Rose- I said it before and I will say it as I watch it unfold. The amendment to statute making prosecutorial misconduct a felony in CA and the fact that PD departments all over the US are suing their own municipalities because of their caseload and lack of resources is going to change the face of criminal due process whether prosecutors want it to or not.

  6. Rose says:

    whether the teen is huilty or not, imo oh goodness gracious:
    “He estimated the documents encompassed about 150 calls fielded by deputies after the Sheriff’s Office released a sketch of the suspect a month after Laube’s death.

    Investigators didn’t follow up on the majority of the tips, said George, now a truancy officer with the Northwest Regional Education Service District. He retired in September 2015 after 26 years with the Sheriff’s Office.

    “I guess I was mistaken. I didn’t realize that they probably should have submitted into evidence,” George said. “I just didn’t consider them to be evidence that needed to be turned into a property evidence room.”

    God help the truants.
    And I hope he doesn’t have a firearm.

  7. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Yes Rose

    Twenty-six times of one year’s experience for office George. Some people are just too mentally challenged to work at anything that requires the ability to think and apply reason to the work.

    Maybe they don’t allow truant officers to have a weapon, but in his case since he is a certified officer, he may.

  8. Rose says:

    a do whatever it takes to convict
    ethos appears from the press to have existed in
    Multnomah on high profile crimes for decades.

    Was it only Aimee green that covered Houze’s last acquittal?

  9. Rose says:

    @Blink. I’m slow here. are you saying the gun misdemeanor was refiled as a felony????

    If so, someone’s trying real hard to lock her up for life in CA. (automatic after 3 felony convictions)
    What’s the Unknown Puppeteer going to do? Plant the Man Who Stole Her Car in her path in the
    Walmart parking lot one day by surprise? then
    photograh her there , and charge she violated the RO and was trying to steal his car? (for felony 2 and 3 say)
    After the trial (which I don’t think will happen; she’ll plead to something), she needs to hie herself out of CA.
    Let Cristobal stalk her out of state.

    When will we find out who she “stole” the gun from?

    No, it is filed as a misdemeanor. From the record I can tell it was filed by the DA directly when the original complainant did not wish to file charges.

  10. Rose says:

    trying to find Desiree’s earliest statements but can’t
    Iirc she said he was doing fine, then on Phil
    said there were numerous red flags and she told
    Kaine but he didn’t pay attention.

    I recall Desiree saying early on that Terri was a proponent of Kyron spending more time with her, and to my knowledge that had already started the Summer prior (as opposed to the standing order). From multiple sources I can say “generally” I did not hear anyone disagree with that, and I would note BOTH TH and KH also facilitated visits with Quinn through the MCulloughs. Of course not wanting to speak out of context- but I have no reason to believe TH was not supportive of Kyron’s relationship with Desiree and I think her actions support that.

  11. Rose says:

    except for Research, Reese has filled in the blanks
    Sgt Keith Kafvre (cf Swimming with Sharks, WW)
    remains head of “Detectives”

  12. Rose says:

    this was Rod’s last high profile case which Houze defended.
    No other coverage til this followup. I hope his pps retiree daddy
    let’s him sue PPS and his Union for millions for requiring him to
    put himself, and a child, in harms way as a condition of job
    retention. PPS set him up thinking he’d quit.

  13. A Texas Grandfather says:

    If the original complainant dropped the complaint on the gun charge, how will the DA present the case without a witness? Or, can the DA supena the original complainant as a witness and force them to testify?

    Yes. I have seen it before in DV cases or PFA’s but usually only as a threat of sorts. I cant recall seeing it in any similar case to this.

    Does the DA or some ADA in the department have something against guns that makes it important to them that a gun case must be prosecuted at all costs? This is beginning to look like a case of overreach.

    I am going to weigh the issues as I learn them, but it is off, imo.

  14. Rose says:

    url above
    Shades of the investigation of de facto suspect Terri:
    “Q. What about the police detective who investigated the case?

    A. Houze accused Portland child abuse Detective Jonathan Hunt of trying to turn witnesses against Christy-Hamilton by sharing confidential details of the case.

    In recorded phone interviews played in court, Hunt told a special education teacher and another paraeducator that he has interviewed many child molesters and can tell when someone is lying — and that Christy-Hamilton’s statements to him raised lots of red flags.

    In court, Houze described the detective’s interviews as “deeply disturbing” and a “sinister” attempt to corrupt witnesses.

    Hunt testified that he wasn’t trying to influence witnesses but trying to get them “to see things objectively with facts.”

    Multnomah County Circuit Judge David Rees, however, said the detective acted inappropriately by sharing so many details of his investigation with witnesses.

    “For the life of me, I can’t figure out why he’d ever need to do that,” Rees said.”

    You know it’s the DA’s job to ensure CAU detectives are appropriately trained and supervised
    in CA investigations. A senior deputy DA heads that unit, idk who after ol Charlene retired. That washer name, mbs?

    Who is Hunt with? Thats outrageous, but I have to say it reminds me of some of the questioning of prospective witnesses or attendees from June 4, 2010.

    Pretty close to- when did you see Kyrons stepmother leave the building with him? Had you ever seen Terri Horman or a white pick up circling schools in the area, possibly with shovels and tarps in the back?

    I’m being facetious of course, but not that much- we all saw that ingenious flyer.

  15. Rose says:

    in 2013 Hunt worked out of E Precinct and handled
    neighborhood assaults.
    He should be reassigned from CAU immediately by DA.

    No CPS again?

  16. Rose says:

    @Blink. Where I worked had Police Dept Yourh Detectives assigned to child abuse (rather than youth detectives who did juvies). These YDs handled CA physical & sex assaults of juveniles. in contrast to DHS CPS which handled civil neglect statute but overlapped with criminal assaults thus at times worked cases together.

    Imo Portland has the Mult Cty CAU under the aegis of the DA Sr Deputy and it’s comprised of LEof various regional contributors (Gresham, ppb, mcso etc) AND interfaces with the regular old State DHS CPS when CPS invitesthem in suspecting assault.

    When the report is straight child sex or physical abuse, DHS CPS is not in the picture.
    The charges are criminal not civil.
    Jurisdiction for crim assaults is
    the Multnomah CAU headed by
    DA’s office Sr DaA,
    apparently with the hapless Hunt as a team member.
    which tells you why Mult Cty CPS was not investigating the Horman abduction in re family setting despite srep mother as POI.
    Because the DA’s CAU had the case — a usurping equivalency.

    Rose- I am aware all jurisdictions have differences of course, so I could only speak to those I have worked in or am familiar with policy/statute. As you know, many times a mandatory report situation or a suspected “issue” can be prior to any investigation of a potential criminal matter- the risk assessment trigger if you will, does not necessary have to be “imminent risk”. That said, I could unfortunately cite a number of cases where there are parallel investigations, but LE has no standing to receive certain information that might be subject to HIPAA (as an example) or info sharing between LE and CPS. Le does not have any sort of “automatic” database access to CPS records and complaints/calls, etc. I am not forming an opinion on that per se, but a disappearance from a school where the duty care standard was in effect should signal a CPS investigation regardless of the “criminality” to the victim- to my knowledge, there is absolutely no way to tell for certain the risk factor did not continue to anyone there, but specifically kids. If I were the assigned CPS to Skyline School, I would be very concerned about fallout.

    Lastly- a child remained in the home (sibling) to a missing child with no determination of suspect or guilt to preclude an investigation into the Horman household in the first place. Kiara being in the system has nothing to do with CPS responsibility given the situation I am aware of- if anyone is aware of the protocol specific to Multnomah County I am glad to adjust my thinking if necessary.


  17. Rose says:

    that is, as long as the kyron perp was thot to be a criminal law violator good for assault or sex abuse charges, the investigation woukd remain in the DA’s CAU (thus O’Donnell as investigator) and County DHS COS would not be brought in for civil “neglect” issues.
    whatever became of the Davidsons’
    fundraising page promised updated poster?

  18. Rose says:

    the bottom line blink is youth detectives (in portland it’s the CAu situated administratively in the DA’s office under a seniir DA Supv) handle criminal matters and dhs cps handkes civil statutory neglect but often the criminal and civil investigations coexist and are partnered, as well as Court-involved.

    So here’s something I’ve just realized. Imo it is a Multnomah anomaly and not typical that a CAU is run out of a DA’s office & is so directed rather than being situated within and accountable to the local police dept run by experienced law enfircement. imo Hunt is what you get when the DA’s in charge and expecting a case be built, rather than an independent investigation,

  19. Rose says:

    hunt is ppb.
    2013 east precinct generalist.

  20. Rose says:

    I wish the McCulloughs would opine on TMH & kyron.
    they had a firsthand view, yet no interviews.
    I see them as victims too.
    their son is pretty well fixed in the path figuratively
    “Medford” launched him on. so no one to offend.
    unless they were and are “afraided” into silence.

  21. A Texas Grandfather says:


    In your research, have you found anything regarding the makeup of the CPS personnel in Multnomah County? It seems that LE and the courts are not using them as a proper resource. Sometimes, CPS units just don’t do a good enough job and they are then left out of the loop on cases. Or, it could be that LE and DA’s don’t respect them and what they could contribute.


    I don’t know what will happen to the hispanic female judge who let the illegal alien escape from her courtroom with ICE agents waiting outside to take him into custody. Not a good scene.

    ATG’s reference for O/T- http://www.wweek.com/news/2017/02/27/a-multnomah-county-judge-allegedly-helped-an-undocumented-immigrant-escape-ice-through-her-chambers/

    I don’t even know what to say. Political views have zero place in a courtroom by a Judge- on a Federal matter that she had she apparently had knowledge of no less.

  22. Tiny says:

    Rose, I was going to get back on here and post about the Superintendent position and never got the time. EXACTLY.
    That’s how things operate in the big little city. They don’t think to look to home or do it themselves, they need an expert to find them the best and brightest from outside and, hell I don’t know, bring them up a notch. It’s crazy, and wasteful spending and same old stuff. They are plenty of qualified candidates, and I might add that Portland is a maze that people need to navigate and understand to be successful. It is extremely liberal progressive but has a small town everyone knows everyone else attitude that prevails with most likely a sinister underlay. That job is going to be no picnic. The choice and the process are extremely interesting and makes me shake my head.
    I thought the same thing about the superintendent that won the award. Oh well, more to watch.

  23. Rose says:

    Hunt made PPB detective in Reese’s era.

  24. Rose says:


    that’s the heart of the matter:
    Why no mandatory report was made by Keefer or Porter to CPS, nir his doctor due to the missed apparently serious appointment. Failure to attend school alone for a certain no of consecutive days shoukd trigger a mandatory report. That’s on PPS.

    The other heart of the matter is the organization of the CAU, a law enforcement entity, within and under the direction and supervision of the DA Office rather than within PPB. That was relevant fir this PLS employee, and relevant to the conduct if Kyron’s investigation.

    To my knowledge, the pending Dr. appt would not rise to mandatory reporting. It is my understanding next steps would have included a request for a classroom observation by their regional specialist- but that would be upon request by his bio parents and is not required per se. The “specialist” was observing a child in the class during this time period (I will not disclose which for privacy reasons) and his/her reporting was limited to that student, but no notations “generally” about Kyron as I recall other than he would need to be called on to participate as opposed to raising his hand, but when called on he was in step with the lessons and no observations of inappropriate classroom behavior were observed. UNDERSCORING here- the observer was not there to observe Kyron. When I interviewed this individual as a source- they had not been contacted by MCSO. Which floored me of course, considering they had just finished time in CA interviewing Terri Horman’s third grade teacher- WHOM she had not been in contact with since.

    Seriously. The woman holds a Masters in edu and they were interviewing her 3rd grade teacher. If you recall Houze in court years ago mentioning that investigators had recently been in CA- that was what he was referring to.


  25. Rose says:

    think of this, the DA charged and tried the PPS employee, wrecking his life, on virtually no evidence but the detective’s “gut,” knowing on the stand he would present as unprofessional and unethical, and repped by Houze. How does that high profile case differ from Terri such that she’s not only not charged but not tried? imo it’s not the flimsy nor exculpatory evidence in her case. The pps employee’s case is weaker. imo most likely because there was unethical and unprofessional investigatory tactics within the DA’s office itself that would come to light resulting in one or more disbarments of present or former DAs, and causing a major scandal to tarnish the office. I can think of 1-5 DA candidates, 4 of whom are not practicing law for awhile. Remember that first weekend an ADA was dispatched by Rod to work overtime on site at the Skyline command center directly with mcso.

    I do remember Ms. Mowad. I (as have you and many here) have been saying for a long time, it is ironic that Terri would have been afforded actual due process if she had been arrested. Something very anti-constitutional about that- but in terms of locating Kyron which in my mind is the priority- the investigation has not done right by him and it is my personal opinion that the FBI begged off this case because they agreed with Staton.

  26. Rose says:

    sept 2015. is that on DA Rod’s watch?
    So the trial ADA just found the Ins Co’s arson investigator on Day 2 of Trial after 8 prosecutor witnesses had been presented and crossed? Somebody sell Portland defense attys the bridge to nowhere. No Change Underhill, despite a florid appointment of an inhouseethics watchdog. Doesn’t affect the ADAs’ practices in high profile cases imo.

    Really, the subrogation guy? I can honestly say this is the first mandamus I have seen resolve this way, especially in a codefendant matter. Personally, I would like to see the gj transcripts- I think that was an equally large problem.

  27. Rose says:

    I guess functionally no PPS employee would
    file a mandatory “neglect” report bcz the
    only neglect was that of PPS
    employees–matthews & porter.

  28. Rose says:

    ot PPB Family Services & Youth Division. what’s up with these command changes? relating to a specific case.

  29. Rose says:

    no, atg, iirc the state dhs family services div (cps, foster care) in Mult Cty was not only incompetent but acted against the interests of minors. iirc State top dept employees had to resign over foster care licensing and supervision severe irregularities in Muktnomah. In the case of failure to file a mandatory report on kyron/ kiara, Keefer and pps friends were probably covering up irregukarities within pps staff and/or procedure on site at Skyline. Keefer apparwntly didn’t know Kaine or Desiree from zip, so he didn’t cover for them.

    Fwiw, and to me it does not absolve them from liability- but I do know for a fact Keefer was told TMH was responsible. In my view, this is and has always been a public safety and interest issue.

  30. Rose says:

    actually all State and Federal judges have
    an interest in illegals showing up at a Courthouse to participate in trials,
    sentencing, and status hearings. Those ICE officers were 1) being way lazy,
    or 2) grandstanding a political point.
    maybe the Courthouse has great donuts.
    Let them wait outside by the curb.
    Can get the same result without scaring judicial
    adjudicants away from the Courtroom.

    This was a State diversionary program and technically, an illegal immigrant is not entitled to it. We are talking about a Judicial Officer of the court potentially aiding/ abetting here if she knew there was a warrant, and judging from the story only- actively participated in a ruse- some folks would also call that obstruction of justice. We don’t know his actual prior record or specifics in that regard, but I do know political beliefs are not part of that Judge’s Judicial charter.

    I dont care if she’s pro tem or not-

  31. Rose says:

    OR child welfare has been troubled back to before 2008
    not enough money from legislature
    not adequate oversight by Goveernors.

  32. erose says:

    o/t Probably didn’t go to the right thread, but can you believe the crappola coming out of Casey Anothony’s mouth? (IMO, as in I can’t remember but my Dad must have killed her.) And, what about the judge throwing in two cents about the “accidental” chloroform. She just incapacitated her child so she could party, how redeeming for her.

  33. Rose says:

    Looks like Kyle was not the only org employee wanting a freebie hotel room & per diem in Calif.
    There mcso went, busting the budget again.
    That is astonishing interviewing a 40 something’s 3rd grade teacher whom she’d not seen since.
    Ludicrous. Can you say which detective took that junket?

    No, but I will eventually and it was a pair.

  34. Rose says:

    well, I was also thinking of Shrunk, Frink, Rees and
    other line level ADAs involved in the case.
    Underhill directed personnel if not tactics the first week.
    Plenty of scooe at trial when interviewing detectives under oath for
    Houze to elicit unethical directions and tactics directed by an
    attorney. DDS threats come to mind. As does the sting. As does the RO foundation. As does fisinformation to
    and manipulation of both bios to target Terri. Houze coukd have a
    field day with bar complaints.

  35. Rose says:

    “….I do know for a fact Keefer was told TMH was responsible…”
    love to know by whom.
    Like that detective’s “red flags” saying he
    told pps personnel he interviewed that
    he was so experienced that he
    knew the pps employee molested the girl.
    That kind of statement to interviewees
    was Sgt Krafve’s old investigatory schtick.

    Close, but Krafve’s claim to fame when speaking to interview subjects re TMH was waving the fake ping around. I really take no pleasure in such criticisms- I find it embarrassing to the profession. For every poorly trained or poorly practiced investigator- I find there are plenty of stellar ones as well. The career path framework has a lot to do with it, imo.

  36. Rose says:

    fascinating, TRuth.
    The mult cty cat has expanded dramatically from it’s composition in 2005-10 when O’Donnell was listed.
    Further then jurisdictions were listed for personnel such as ppb, mcso, gresham. And the DA Supv isn’t
    listed. Nor are the professional affiliations of the nonppb personnel (ie hospital, dr, soc wrkr).
    I noticed Reese’s current right hand S Prybyl
    was on the Strategy DOJ unit under Marshman.

    Just a quizzical find- MCDA major case offering on its website.

    Someone should probably tell Bennett his trial is pending in 1970.

  37. Rose says:

    career path framework in mcso was river patrol.
    in ppb, politics and (historically) race.
    incompetent unethical investigators stem from the top:
    police chief, sheriff and da. Most anyone can be competent
    and ethical if trained & held accountable. Oregon seems
    especially troubled.

  38. Rose says:

    a pair?
    my bet’s on Lindstrand as one.

    Lindstrand was not a detective.

  39. Rose says:

    fbi agreed with Staton on ?

    His insecurity about whether or not they were headed in the right direction.
    I wonder if Gossen maybe had his ear?

  40. Rose says:

    this comports with my memory (2010) more than one deputy DA is assigned to the MC-CAT:

  41. Rose says:

    attorneys & peace officers are mandated reporters

  42. Rose says:

    in 2014 Underhill reorganized:
    page 6, MC-CAT is now in Div 1

  43. T. Ruth says:

    “Seriously. The woman holds a Masters in edu and they were interviewing her 3rd grade teacher.”

    “but I do know for a fact Keefer was told TMH was responsible.”


    Unfreakingbelievable! X2

  44. T. Ruth says:

    “For the past 30 years, there have been rumblings about Coach Whitehurst,” Faubion K-8 principal LaShawn Lee wrote in January 2013. Lee then invoked a notorious sex abuse and coverup case involving a longtime college football coach.

    “I’m extremely concerned about this becoming a ‘Penn State University’ scandal,” Lee wrote.



    This is also unfreakinbelievable. ^^

    Between PPS’s coverups and MCSO’s tunnel vision (or blinders?) The truth being found in Kyron’s case doesn’t stand a chance.

  45. Rose says:

    if 2 mcso “detectives” tooled around No CA interviewing a teacher Terri’d not seen in 30 yrs, my bet is they’ve been down there talking to and advising “roommates” past and present as well as dropping by courteously to pay their respects to the local DAs.

  46. erose says:

    Blink, I’m glad you got to speak with her. I know she wasn’t there to observe Kyron, but (and I know you can’t say what) did she have any input?


    UNDERSCORING here- the observer was not there to observe Kyron. When I interviewed this individual as a source- they had not been contacted by MCSO. Which floored me of course, considering they had just finished time in CA interviewing Terri Horman’s third grade teacher- WHOM she had not been in contact with since.
    Seriously. The woman holds a Masters in edu and they were interviewing her 3rd grade teacher. If you recall Houze in court years ago mentioning that investigators had recently been in CA- that was what he was referring to.

    I found the individual to be uber professional especially after how we ended up being introduced (not going to discuss). I am not an educator and certainly not trained to observe 2nd graders for possible learning/cog/behavioral issues in a classroom setting so I did have some consultive conversations in advance to prep. They never shared with me the name of the child, but I knew who it was- however, just “really nothing to see here”. But yes, was under the impression Mom was a suspect. I say Mom because I had/have yet to interview any individual like a parent or observer who ever thought or knew TH was step-Mom v Mom.


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