Christine Sheddy Case Murder In Maryland:Chapter 5

 Do Not GO Gentle Into That Good Night


Christine Marie Sheddy arrived at the Farmhouse the evening of November 2nd. She was murdered there during a party on November 12, 2007. The following is a chronicle of what happened in between.


November 2

After days of myspace messages reflecting a serious breakup between Levi and Christine and the ensuing argument with her Mom, Christine packs up and  makes arrangements for Q and the boys to meet Jr. and Tia. Q met them in the parking lot of the Milford, DE WalMart. It is believed they drove that far to meet her there because Christine had no idea how to give Q directions, approximately a 1.5 hour drive. 

November 4

Levi torsoLevi is still looking for Christine. Christine tells Q she is rounding up tin at Jr and Tia request to sell for cash.

By all accounts, Tia and Christine are chums. 

They were headed out shortly to sell it to a buyer.


Christine Sheddy Case:Murder in Maryland Chapter 4

 “I suppose one night hundreds of thousands of years ago in a cave by a night fire when one of those shaggy men wakened to gaze over the banked coals at his woman, his children, and thought of their being cold, dead, gone forever. Then he must have wept. And he put out his hand in the night to the woman who must die some day and to the children who must follow her. And for a little bit next morning, he treated them somewhat better, for he saw that they, like himself, had the seed of night in them.” – Something Wicked this Way Comes, Ray Bradbury

Simmering Perdition  

How do they find each other? Is there some invisible beacon for theLevicreepy black hearted to lessen the degrees of separation between them and like minded cellar dwellers? I have come to the conclusion that there are two types of people in this fray.

There are the “most of the people in my family were criminals and we did not mind seeing each other through partitions,” types- and their victims.

Not only did Christine Sheddy invite the vampire into her home with Levi, but she went directly to the lair in Pocomoke City in November 2007. 

Cedar_Hall_Wharf_landingPocomoke City has a population of under 5000. How this unlucky soul came into contact with what appears to be it’s under-est of bellies starts with Levi’s cousin Steve Magg. The impetice for the meeting, the guy who actually drove Levi, Christine and the boys for the only other trip to the farmhouse in October, the guy who was at the farmhouse constantly from November 9 through the 13th HAS NEVER BEEN QUESTIONED BY POLICE IN THIS CASE.

Advance apologies et al, but in the course of this investigation, I can conclude Levi Hall and Mother Hall, had no advance notice of Christine’s jaunt to Pocomoke. In fact, Christine was running from Levi, dated 11/3/2007 1:13PM:

god damm it why the f*** did she do this ??????????????
are you ok ive been trying to call are you ok well steve said something about punkin-chunkin i need to see yo so i guess ill try and go mabee ill run into you f*** baby i hope your ok where ar you at ?

The question becomes, what makes a woman that has literally met these people on one occasion, want to pack up her boys and scoot? She had been there for 4 days previously.  Apparently the lack of allegiance not withstanding to Levi as he introduced them, but WTH?


Christine Sheddy Case: Blink on Crime Interview with Dana Pretzer

Blink of Blink on Crime discusses the Christine Sheddy Case on the Dana Pretzer Show.

Part I

Part II

Part III


YouTube Creation of Interview Courtesy of Klaasend

Contributing Editors: Candice Bond, Kate Mills, Robert Tettemer, Lucas Cain 

Follow The Interactive Case File:

Christine Sheddy Case: Murder In Maryland 

Chapter I

Chapter II

Chapter III



The Dana Pretzer Show: Blink on Crime Discusses Christine Sheddy Case

Tonight LIVE 9 PM


Blink on Crime Discussing Christine Sheddy Case

Listen Here

Christine Sheddy Case:Murder in Maryland Chapter 3

Emotional Eclipse 

There’s one sad truth in life I’ve found
While journeying east and west –
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best. ~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

LevigarageLevi Hall did not have a shining example of Fatherhood. His own Dad is on the run, so to speak, for back child support from his Mother Joyce.

When Christine Sheddy was eight months pregnant with their first son Isaac she got a call one afternoon. Some girl Levi met in a convenience store in Rehoboth he was courting in lieu of stocking up on pampers or baby furniture had found Christine’s number. Levi had told her that he and Christine had broken up some time ago. Christine got the name of the restaraunt and the time they would be there.

Imagine Loverboy Levi’s surprise when Christine and her baby bump plop down at the table and start eating the crackers.

My heart sank when I was told that story. On one hand I enjoyed the visual of Christine inflicting the temporary sucker punch. ChristinehairdownOn the other, I wished I could put her in my pocket and protect her for what was to come. I have interviewed many women that have been in abusive relationships for this case. There are no shortages of accounts from those ladies that end with my jaw gaping open. The difference is, they are alive to tell me about them.

Following the birth of their second son, Zeke, the train that was the relationship between Levi and Christine spent more time off the tracks then on. With a toddler and a 3 month old, Christine writes this to Levi’s Mother Joyce:

Hey Joyce it’s me. I also sent a resume to Comcast for a job. And put Kristen as my refrence. Her last paycheck after taxes was $3,500 for 2 weeks. So I can’t beat that job either. At least I can have a job while I take these classes and keep this job till I get a better paying job after school. I am going to be so mad if Levi goes to that music festival and I can’t go. Peggy and Lea want me to go and I really want to go to. Levi is going to the bike show this weekend as well. I think I might wait for him to get home Friday and just leave him with the kids. Yeah right! I am so desperate to go out that it is pathetic. I haven’t gotten to anything in such a long time. I told Levi that I wanted to go with him. I’m going to try and find a babysitter, that way if he does go and thinks that I can’t go I can spot him there and see who he’s with. Or we can run into eachother and pick eachother up. That would be fun. Well gotta go


This goes on through the family living with Levi’s Dad, Joyce, themselves, and finally grinds down around June 2006. Christine, Isaac and Zeke move back to the Dodenhoff’s home on the bay until that fateful November 1, 2007. Nothing would please me more than to say that Christine and Levi had parted ways for good this time. Christine sent this to Levi in August.


Levi moved in with new girlfriend Angie and did not see or speak to his kids until October, when Levi told Christine he had a game plan for their future this time.

Christine nursed Isaac following minor surgery. She asked Levi to get the kids clothes out of storage as she could not afford to buy any. She asked him for nominal support for the kids. He got lap dances and played pool.

Christine built Haylie, Zeke and Isaac a playhouse by herself.



Enter Pocomoke City and Levi’s new friends that live on a 67 acre farm.




Christine Sheddy Case: Farmhouse Party November 12, 2007

Pocomoke City, MD– In chapter 2, we learned the people Christine Sheddy spent her last days with. Specifically, the last time Christine was seen was at a party at the Byrd Rd. farmhouse on the evening of November 12, 2007.

Consider this your cheat sheet for future reference. The song track was written and produced by Jimmy Quail, Christine’s BFF, “Q”.

It is titled “Missing Christine”, you can hear her actual voice in the beginning.


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