Blink on Crime Exclusive: The Lovely Bones Suzie Salmon

Norristown, PA– ..” My name is Salmon, like the fish..”


In honor of this Fridays premier of the film, The Lovely Bones; a screenplay adaptation of the New York Times Bestselling novel by Alice Sebold, I bring you an interview with it’s deceased heroine.

Fictional fourteen year old rape and murder victim, Suzie Salmon, spoke fictionally to blinkoncrime about her break out role:

“I would rather be attending my High School with Ruth and Ray, but Holly and I have infinity edition Cosmopolitan here..”

With regard to it’s subject matter, this is the single most emotion invoking book I have ever read. I am not talking about the many publications that I have devoured that have shaped my Blink Gumbie.

I am talking about my awakening as a new Mother, to the atrocities that I needed to protect my children from.

I had no idea.

I used Deft, had plastic thingies in all my outlets, an alarm system and obnoxious monitors in the nursery. I was good to go.


I read THE LOVELY BONES over a snowed-in weekend when it was released in 2002.

The effects of the jolt to my rural ignorance remain.

The story about the rape and murder of Suzie, and her subsequent observations of her afterlife and “realtime” observation of her families despondency in dealing with her loss, is, raw. Raw-est.

Luckily, and that is no play on words for Ms. Sebolds freshman offering of “Lucky”; her first novel in which she recounts her own sexual assault, is “raw– lite” in it’s movie form in comparison.

Peter Jackson, the films director, chose in the novels adaptation to exclude the specifics, or overt references to Ms. Salmon’s actual fate.

While I struggle with the comforting, lingering angst that perhaps  allows me to suggest in some fictional way it did not happen; I think it blurs the message of the young lady who ultimately wanted to be called Susan.

Non-spoiler alert: That pedophile builds an underground hut to murder a child. She was too polite to refuse the adult who wanted to show her “his work.”  She is not his first, or last victim.

They never are. The neighbors dog found Suzies elbow.

Although I think the film is brilliantly cast, I am not thrilled from an awareness perspective that the truth about Suzie’s demise is glossed over.

That said, I think there is enough hype surrounding this work that the message will get out to the same demographic it has now insured a ticket.

The fact is, over the last year I have covered true crime, I am sad to say I have many Suzie Salmons in our collective pocket.

Our Suzies to date, who are the reason I am doing this article,  below:

Haleigh Cummings


Sunny Sandra Cantu


Nevaeh Buchanan


Sarah Foxwell


Somer Thompson


..” There was nothing anyone could have done. Nobody knew he was evil and would hurt young girls..”

-Suzie as conveyed to Blink

Everyone says that. In Suzie’s case, I would agree the resources may not have been available. For that, I will direct you to my editors choice reading selections:

The Gift of Fear… by Gavin DeBecker

Protecting The Gift.. by Gavin DeBecker

The Looking Glass ..The Lovely Bones Set, and donations to NCMEC !

In this limited edition boxed set, The Lovely Bones appears for the first time with a special companion volume, Looking Glass. This unique work integrates images of missing children with the opening chapters of The Lovely Bones, providing a powerful visual experience and honoring the thousands of children who go missing every year. Many of these children are recovered quickly, but others are still out there waiting, and the search continues. Alice Sebold is proud to support the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, an organization working to prevent child abductions, find missing children, and ultimately to bring them home.

A dedication: To Ken Lanning. The dedication you have shown in your career to our children is unprecedented. I am not sure I will ever publish our interview, I will however use the knowledge as best I can.

My profound thanks for your time and observance. That was the most haunting and enlightening time I have ever spent personally or professionally.

Resources for Parents to be better informed of your childs’ neighborhood:

Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Registry

Criminal Check

FBI Site by State


I pray every time it will be the last for these babies. Anything you could do would be huge.

Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: George Anthony Is Under The Microscope

George Anthony can stands all he can stands and he cain’t stands no More!

George Letter

Yesterday, in an exclusive interview with Fox’s Holly Bristow, George Anthony read aloud a letter he wrote over Thanksgiving regarding his and his families plight of living “under the microscope.”

This is the same Holly Bristow that Cindy parked her SUV in rush hour traffic, ran to her news van, banged on the window and shaking her finger screamed to the driver that Holly would NOT be getting any more exclusives. 

You can find Dr. Lillian Glass’s assessment of George’s appearance here.

Apparently George feels there is plenty of blame for his strife including bloggers looking for their 15 minutes of fame. Huh?

It would seem to me that in George, Lee and Cindy Anthony’s initial 15 minutes of LAME, they begged the media, the public and Law Enforcement to look for Caylee Marie Anthony THEIR WAY and without any scrutiny of the possibilities of how she got THAT WAY.

The Blinkoncrime contributing editors would like to remind Mr. Anthony that to our knowledge, the only thing that landed under a microscope in the search for his murdered granddaughter was her hair with a deathband at the proximal end; removed from his daughter’s trunk. 

The rest of the scrutiny, sir, is of your OWN DOING.

You S O L I C I T E D help from OCSO.

You S O L I C I T E D help from the media.

You S O L I C I T E D help from the public.

You S O L I C I T E D help from the Padillas.

You S O L I C I T E D help from TES.

You S O L I C I T E D help from Private Investigators.

What utterly jams me about you people is your unmitigated gall that you think you can control events.

You have treated anyone in any capacity as if they should open their mouths, take the Anthony spoonful and ignore your hand in our wallets in the process.

You solicited public funds without a license to do so and misled thousands as to where your GRANDDOLLARS were going.

I would ask you how many granddollars your dignity cost you but as I have noted in an earlier “Microscope View” you were devoid of it before Caylee was murdered. 

You have openly admitted to following witnesses in this case.

You directed Dominick Casey to spend the bulk of his time trying to dig up dirt on the very people your daughter duped for years; not to find Caylee mind you, but to take the heat off Casey.

How many decent people have YOUR efforts put under the microscope?

Mr. Anthony, I began work on Caylee’s case LONG before I had ever written about it because she was M I S S I N G. I put together a research team and we busted our humps daily to help find her, and to stop you and yours from using her as your personal ATM.

The fact is, these “bloggers” for the most part, all did more to find your granddaughter than you or any member of your family ever has. 

When she was found and OCSO and the FBI spent 72 hours straight at the site to make sure they had all this baby’s bones what did you do?

You called the very people whose hands extracted almost every teensy bone of this cherub “effing flunkies” and ordered them out of your house.

What you, your family and cronies have never understood, is that THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. I don’t give a whip if you pierce your pinky toe. I don’t care about any of your proclivities whatsoever.

What I VERY MUCH care about, is justice for Caylee Marie Anthony.

My team and I will work as diligently as we always have to ensure she gets it and that her legacy is restored.

As long as you continue to publicly lie, omit, evade and demonstrate your overall inability to accept what has happened to your only grandchild at the hands of your daughter, you can expect a slot on my slide at every opportunity.

You knew on July 15. I could throw a rock from your roof to where Caylee laid in festering garbage. Shame on You.

You want out of the spotlight? Tell the truth. You might even try it before Dominick Casey cuts a deal and tells it for you.

Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Andrea Lyon “She Didn’t Kill HER KID”

Posted by BOC Staff | Andrea Lyon,Casey Anthony,Caylee Anthony Case,Jose Baez,Murdered | Thursday 7 January 2010 10:22 am

New York NY– In what was to be the kick off of the promotion tour for the release of her new book, Andrea Lyon quips the flub of the year:



Ms. Lyon.. That “KID” has a name. It is Caylee Marie Anthony.

Ms. Lyon appeared this morning on the Today Show this to promote her new book: Angel of Death Row: My Life as a Death Penalty Defense Lawyer and was interviewed by Today host Meredith Viera.

“The intense media scrutiny here has made it, as far as I can see, virtually impossible to get a fair trial,” Lyon told Meredith Vieira.< ?xml:namespace prefix ="" o />

 She goes on to compare her clients case to that of the Salem Witch Trials.


“The fact that she’s been pilloried in the press … I would liken this, Meredith, to the Salem witch trials,” Lyon said. The attorney went on to describe the mass hysteria that inflamed Salem.  

“..that the death penalty puts a lot of pressure on a defendant even when they haven’t commitLyon acknowledged ted a murder. “She didn’t kill her kid,” Lyon said of Anthony.

It is unclear from her statements if her reference was a clue, or tantamount to a confession from her client Casey Anthony as to how and who murdered her daughter, Caylee Anthony .

Morgan Harrington Case: An Appeal To * You Know Who*

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Charlottesville, VA–The disappearance of Morgan Harrington, missing since October 17, 2009 is exhibiting the potential to reach a temperature that is currenlty encompassing the Northeast: VERY COLD.


Through the thousands of posts at and numerous articles covering Morgan, it is clear that frustration in the lack of lead generation and ambiguous statements from the Virginia State Police are causing some to lack conviction Morgan will be found.

 In a recent press conference by VSP, LE provided NO NEW information or progress regarding Morgan’s case. In a shift of posture by the Harrington family, Dr. Harrington has begun participating in online chat and sponsored an additional facebook site to help the efforts to find his daughter.

In fact, for the first time in 2.5 months, we know what kind of camera Morgan had with her the evening of the Metallica concert from his research. 

AmymaggieIn contrast, we have viewed footage and photos of her dear friends that have clearly moved on without the knowledge of their friends plight.

Girls will  be girls you say? Before one person comes on here to tell me I am being too critical of these young women you should know that due to a fortunate Facebook update, describing these girls as Morgan’s friends is entirely generous. 

Furthermore, if you happen to be one of the parents that has provided booze for underage minors captured on digital for all to see you may wish to take a peek at what is on your daughter’s social sites.

Have you thought about what it would be like to be Gil or Dan while your linin’ it up and throwin’ em back WITH your kids?

Fortunately, this is not the focus today. I do not feel Morgan’s friends did anything to directly cause her fate.  They are more “ME” than frienemy, that is evident.


Missing Utah Woman Susan Powell: What Does Husband Josh Know?

Susan Powell

Salt Lake City, UT– The last person to see mother of two and stockbroker Susan Powell, 28, is her husband Josh.

MichaelPowellThat may be the extent of the information Mr. Powell is willing to provide the West Valley Police Department to asisst in their efforts to locate his wife; missing since the evening of December 6, 2009. Josh Powell is a relative of Michael C Powell, who ran for the State Legislature in Washington. Josh is listed as his technical advisor and creator of his website. Calls to Mr. Powell’s office to determine if Josh is his brother have not been returned.

After skipping out on a planned Interview with police on December 16, 2009 and hiring Salt Lake City criminal defense attorney Scott Williams: Josh Powell refuses to speak to LE about anything having to do with the disappearance of his wife outside of his already vague statements.

If your thinking everything you need to know is in the above interview, I agree.

Powell told police he took an impromptu camping trip with the couple’s 2 children at approximately 12:30am December 6th, leaving his wife home asleep.

When Josh returned to the family home at 6245 Sarah Circle on Monday evening December 7th, he learned that family members, coworkers, and the childrens daycare providers surmised the entire family was missing and called police.

Josh was reached approximately 2 hours prior to his return by a neighbor and friend of Susan’s, Tim Peterson. Peterson described Josh’s behavior as odd and unconcerned about Susan’s whereabouts.

Tim Peterson also noted that Josh Powell had the worst case of wind burn he had ever seen and severely red hands that he applied lotion to incessantly. Powell told him he took the boys to a remote part of Tooele County to test a new generator.

Police were called by Josh’s Mother amidst concern about the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning.  Deputies broke a window in the Powell home to gain access and check on the families well being.

What they found, was a very large, wet area of a downstairs rug with 2 fans blowing on high, Susan’s purse, cell phone and keys.

Mr. Powell asserted he had no idea what happened to his wife, and the nightmare for both the Cox and Powell families, began.


Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Your Resolution to NOT HATE The Anthonys

Disclaimer– exclusive original content copyright and property of Internet Network News, LLC and Reproduction of this article , ANY OF IT’S Conclusions or CONTENT, in whole or in part without proper attribution and source link is strictly prohibited without prior written permission.

Orlando, FL– On the Eve of the New Year, it struck me that I have yet to form my New Years’ Resolution, and hopefully, impart one to the dedicated readers of



After reading this comment from a longtime reader and poster, I realized it would be the basis of what I will ask of you in the coming year.

I guess I’m still alone in not begrudging the Ants any of the media money they collect. I know everyone’s mad at them for not publicly turning against their daughter, and for not helping the state firm up a death penalty case against her, and I get that, but I still have trouble mustering up hatred for them. I don’t think they’re particularly likable or even sympathetic characters—I think that’s why I can’t seem to hate them correctly. I see them as foibled and broken and just so regularly human that I kind of feel compassion for their situation.

I think it’s probably a misconception that they’re rolling in the dough. They’re not working right now. Cindy had to clean out her retirement fund thanks to the two losers she more or less supports, and who more or less have robbed her blind over the past many years. They have lawyers and godnoze who else sucking money out of them prolly as quickly as it comes in. Their grandchild is dead, their daughter is facing death—it sucks. I’m pretty positive that none of us would want to trade places with them. Not that you guys wouldn’t conduct yourselves differently than the Ants. You’re probably less screwed up than they are.

I wouldn’t want to walk a mile in their shoes, and I’m grateful that I won’t have to. But I am also quite sure that I can’t fully imagine what it feels like to be them. Everyone hates them. People surely still heckle them, threaten them, shun them, spit on them, attack them—day after day, relentlessly!—viciously on blog after blog, calling them names, making just horrible assumptions and speculations about them and wild claims against them. Mobs are not warm and fuzzy, whether they are storming your gates with pitchforks and torches, or lobbing negativity and vitriol at you over the ‘net.

(Oh, dear, I must be feeling the full weight of 2009 upon me. Reflection is a dangerous thing, lol.) At any rate, here’s wishing all the Blinksters a safe and happy and fulfilling 2010, hopefully with many fewer human tragedies for us to chime in on.

I think this perspective is a very fair one, and I share it. My response:


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