Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Andrea Lyon Shows Her Thought Bubble

Orlando, FL– At a Defense Attorney Peer Lecture in Orlando, Florida last year, the self appointed “Angel of Death Row” lead defense attorney in the case against Casey Anthony for the murder of her daughter Caylee Marie, shows the world her thought bubble, courtesy of Bill Scheaffer, Legal analyst for WFTV.

It is unclear how Mr. Scheaffer attained the recorded audio which has since been removed from the WFTV site, but what is clear is Ms. Lyon knew her segment was being recorded.

..My Client is human, it’s the jury I’m worried about..” ..Sometimes ugly is presiding… or do you have really great judges in Florida?.. “I have a case right now where both the crime and my clients confession are on on videotape.. I just think that’s unfair.. I mean, one or the other, but both?..




I wonder if anyone has asked Alton Logan what he thinks about it?

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  1. Chica says:

    I’m sure Baez is keeping communication open with Casey and her parents!
    When the anthony’s keep. Quiet for this long only means they’re up to something! Perhaps strategizing with the Lyon camp. Guess the anthony’s have made enough money off of caylees death they will never have to work again isn’t that pathetic!!
    I don’t realy want Casey back home!
    But because they don’t. Want to see her get the DP
    once she is given LWOP. ! Is their thought! Than they can go on and live the vita Bella

    They prefer to see her live the rest of her life safe behind bars.

    Does anyone realy believe that they want her back home again!
    I don’t ! They know that she is touched in the head! I think they have reason to fear her! If she could kill caylee who did nothing tiger! What would she do to Cindy ! Who’s done plenty to her
    food for thought !

  2. Chica says:

    Not tiger
    meant to say to her

    sometimes typing on iPhone diff than my desktop
    but I think you know what I meant!

  3. Chica says:

    I’m sure he is hanging out with the A’s for a reason!
    Everyone involved in this ! From Baez to the A’s. To old and news friends are trying to cash in on the

    all but Casey!
    Imagine that!!!

  4. BEES KNEES says:

    Humble Opinion has a great little calendar of upcoming events on the case:

  5. Chica says:
    Wednesday, December 02, 2009
    Did Roy Kronk Kill Caylee Anthony?

  6. Chica says:

    JWG // December 5, 2009 at 4:34 pm

    Just posted this on The Hinky Meter, but it is worth noting here as well. I kind of pointed out the same thing on Dave’s thread introducing us to Joe and Laura, but I expand a little more.

    My feeling after reading Joe Jordan’s statement is that it was carefully crafted by him / his attorney to not come out and claim that he was right at the exact location of Caylee’s remains. In other words, I believe that under oath and under cross examination, he will state that he was in the area, but never in the exact spot.

    Joe Jordan is not a fan of Casey or the defense. He had been trying to do his searching in a somewhat covert manner and was worried about someone from the defense team following him. The rationale for these worries: He did not want to be used by the defense as repeatedly being unable to find a dead Caylee, thus bolstering (at the time) the defense theory that Caylee was alive and had been kidnapped.

    Net: Defense will have to be very careful with how they use Joe Jordan and how they attempt to twist his information. He will be hostile to them and leap at any chance to discredit their theories.

    P.S. – little bit of interesting information. Joe Jordan is the one who brought Rick Plesea (Cindy’s brother) and his comments on a Topix forum to the attention of Yuri Melich. Again, the defense will need to be very careful with this IED known as Joe Jordan.

    Chica- I posted this on Marinade dave’s site, that information about Mr. Jordan is incorrect.

    JWG- You know I am a huge fan of your work.

    However, I would be remiss if I did not point out that Joe Jordan did NOT bring Rick Plesea to Det. Melich’s attention. While I am not in a position to disclose who did, I can confirm it was definitely not Mr. Jordan.

    No disrespect intended to Mr. Jordan, but did not happen.


  7. Chica says:

    Danny Ibison’s dog Tyler

    Posted on December 5th, 2009 by by Valhall

  8. Chica says:

    lookie how baez is looking at casey!!
    he has a gleam in his eye!!
    Casey Anthony case: Jose Baez wants fraud trial delayed and video of jail visits sealed
    December 5, 8:24 PMCrime ExaminerCindy Adams

  9. Momof3 says:

    # 299 reply to Whitenight (thanks for posting Kleat)

    _*warning* Rant_

    I cried when I watched “Dead Man Walking” I have always read true crime novels. My fascination, (if that is the right word ) stems from looking at the convicted person, reading about their life and wondering how they became this person that committed this crime. I always think, this criminal was once a child, once innocent, once longed to be loved. I am without a doubt for the death penalty when the crime is against a child.

    I believe Casey Anthony should get the death penalty. She has never had any remorse for what she did to her beautiful little girl.
    She killed Caylee, put her in trash bags, carried her little body around in the trunk of her car, disposed of her in a rat infested swamp. All the while partying, and telling everyone for a month that Caylee was fine.

    Casey perpetuated her family’s heartache and turmoil by allowing them to believe there was some hope of little Caylee coming home alive. She lied to police and sent them on numerous wild goose chases instead of leading them to Caylee. It was not an accident. She duct taped that little angel’s nose and mouth there is no way she could explain that as an accident. IMO Casey deserves the ultimate punishment of death. It is the only way in my opinion, that she will finally get the realization that what she did to Caylee and her family was wrong. In those last few seconds of life, she will not be able to fool herself into believing her own lies.

    Will I cry when she is put to death? Yes. I will cry for the Casey that might have been. I will cry for the little girl who was her mother and father’s darling. Her brother’s playmate and confidante.
    I will cry for the pregnant scared teen, I will cry for the young mother. I will cry for her family. I will cry for little Caylee.

    But I will know that justice has been served and Casey the criminal, the killer, will not have other children, will not continue to manipulate the system and will no longer be able to hurt her family, friends and the public.

    O Mom3, how touching and profound. Your a kind soul.

  10. BEES KNEES says:

    Momof3 you’ve put beautiful words to what so many of us seem to be thinking and feeling. I’m a Canadian pacifist but in this case or in any case involving the killing of a child it doesn’t take much for me to be convinced there is no redemption.

  11. Momof3 says:

    Blink, coming from you, that is some compliment. Thank you and Ditto.

  12. Momof3 says:

    Bees Knees,
    It would have made a difference to me if Casey would have fell to her knees and told the whole truth during the interview at Universal. If she would have broke down crying and said ” My God, your right, I am so sorry. I hurt Caylee in a moment of anger. I was scared and didn’t know what to do. Please, help me. – Then, IMO she may not have deserved death.

    That day is long gone, sadly. We all have to live with what really happened to Caylee, and that her mother seems to care less about what she put her daughter, her family, LE and the public through.

  13. Chica says:


    You truly have a kind heart!
    I have to admit that at times (not many)
    I have felt sorry for casey
    I reflect on her mother and and family dynamics and can understand why she turned out to be the person she is today.
    she could have been helped long ago had her parents more so her mother! sought psychological help for her, she may not be where she is today. unfortunately little caylee paid the price, that was caseys only way to repay the woman she hated so much her mother, she said herself “because I am a vindictive bitch”. But than I think of little caylee’s last breaths were taken from her!SHE WAS tossed into those cold wet, rodent infested woods. I revert back to reality and what is now. She is an adult and had choices. certainly Cindy enabled casey for so long, all her behaviours a red flag! even george wouldnt intercede because he feared the wrath of cindy. now all they have left is the memories and the tremendous weight of guilt . I agree momof3 that the only way justice will be paid to caylee is to see casey get the needle.
    I wonder what would be her thoughts as they strap her to the guerney! will she have any fears, certainly no remorse. will her parents be there to witness her departure from this world into the next!!
    casey always had thought that she could get away with anything! by lying, cheating and manipulation. Cindy was right behind her cleaning up her messes. the anthonys did a terrible disservice to caylee their only grandchild! the lust for money over took them.
    we all remember Ted bundy whom was was also a sociopath BUT
    in his final hours he was a mess. It took two guards to carry him to the execution room. He knew he was going to meet his maker in a few ! All the arrogance replaced with fear NO ONE WANTS TO DIE!!
    caylee didnt want to die she was robbed of her life.

  14. Chica says:

    Attorney Richard Hornsby, who offers legal analysis for the station, scoffed at Baez’s motion. “Every court is going to say no. We’re not going to give one person special treatment just because she happens to be in a high-profile case,” Hornsby said. “There’s no chance he’s going to win on that particular motion at all.”

  15. dee says:


    “I have to admit that at times (not many)
    I have felt sorry for casey”

    me too, she knows not what she has done, for this I want her to get life, in about 20 years….hopefully, she will understand her actions, I dont want Casey to get death, that is too easy for her, I want her to get life without parole so she can sit and fester in her rat infested cell and hopefully ponder on her actions….no more party girl for Ms. A, that will make me sleep at night.

  16. dee says:

    “That day is long gone, sadly. We all have to live with what really happened to Caylee, and that her mother seems to care less about what she put her daughter, her family, LE and the public through.”

    MOM because of that right there I want CASEY to get life so all those LOOOOONG years she can think about HOW she could have sparred this chaos….and she could have stopped the ScamAnthony’s from their proffitting…but, how funny that Casey gets NOTHING….love it! Nothing but the label of a Baby Killer.

    The A’s will do their time in due process, I believe that…! Their boat will never float them to heaven!

  17. Chica says:


    but knowing casey as we have seen!! do you honestly think it will phase her! I kinda think she will adapt as she is like a cameleon. I dont think she is capable of feeling remorse and never will!! but than thats just me!
    I think now at this time! she thinks that she is going to walk free!
    that is only because her attorney is doing her a disservice by shielding her from the truth. His reasoning is only to continue to milk the golden cow. He like lyons could care less about casey. when all this is over and done wth ! they will go poof !!
    do you think he will even give her the time of day?
    I dont think so he will move on to bigger and better things!! that is if he is still practicing law. Due to his past and present actions I have doubts about him.
    but again thats just me.

  18. Momof3 says:

    Chica, thank you.

    I don’t feel sorry for Casey, the 22-23 year old. She made a conscious decision to be a liar, a thief, a selfish and vindictive mother, daughter, sister, friend, and lover. She made a choice, each moment that passed during that God forsaken month to not value her daughter, Caylee’s life, nor love and care for her in death.

    Every day, every moment during that month, and everyday since, she has made the conscious decision to allow Caylee’s suffering and the suffering of her family to continue. Her continued lying and manipulations have caused her parents and brother to become shells of the loving people they once were, or could have been. Casey has cost the tax payers countless dollars with no end in sight. For all these reasons and more she deserves death.

    No, I feel sorry for the young 19 year old that found herself pregnant,who chose to hide the pregnancy instead of seeking help. I feel sorry for the young,lonely mother, who had to live up to her mother’s ideals, could never measure up to the mother of the year,or regain her employee of the month status, so she made up a fantasy.

    I feel sorry for the young mother that instead of learning to love and care for her beautiful daughter,learned to see Caylee as a constant reminder of all the things that she grew to despise- her mother, her father, her lost childhood, the man that chose not to love and marry her.

    # 316
    Dee, I understand your perspective and will accept life without parole if it is given.

    I know that Casey sees death as a solution. After all, she took care of all of her past mistakes by ending little Caylee’s life. For an entire month she lived for the moment, made up for lost time, and was free of all responsibilities and all guilt.

    IMO Death is the only thing Casey does understand. It will not be so easy for her. She will fear what we all fear, the unknown. She will fear meeting her innocent little girl in the next life. She will fear judgement. She will know that no matter how many lies she tells, no matter how much make-up she wears, no matter how much she professes her innocence, she will still suffer her fate.

    IMO if Casey gets prison time, even life, she will still feel as though doing aawy with Caylee was worth it all. She is a chameleon she will overcome and adapt to her new surroundings. She will have friends , she will have lovers, she will still be able to dupe her family and some of the public into believing her BS.

    Casey, if given life, will still have a hold over her family and they will never heal. Casey will still wake up every morning of everyday and believe the lie and continue to tell it. She will continue to see herself as the victim.
    So she will never seek forgiveness and she will never have remorse.

  19. Kleat says:

    The only person not culpable in this murder is the mother, according to Cindy Anthony, she is innocent, the state is to blame for rush to judgement and they still have no evidence to prove a body was in Casey’s car trunk, Nancy Grace will be to blame if a jury finds Casey guilty because Nancy Grace caused the jury to be influenced, and all those who are being ‘investigated’ by Domi Casey and others, and are still being watched.

    We didn’t see or hear Cindy go after Zenaida Gonzalez, the video was off by then, but John Morgan described how Cindy too, went after his client that she lost no job, that she wouldn’t have had any of these problems if she hadn’t done her little Channel 6.

    It’s no wonder Casey never learned to face reality, she clearly can get away with anything and not have a ‘parent’ to stop her behaviour. Lots of threats from Cindy but clearly no effective parenting, nor seeking of outside help, not for Casey, not for Caylee.

  20. Chica says:

    yeah its pretty upsetting to see cindy in action with her evil venom spewing from every pore of her tongue.
    the only people that are to blame for the way casey turned out is she herself. enabling casey to lie cheat steal even from cindys own mother! no boundaries ! cindy seems told her mom she would replace the money! like that would be the end of it. lie and coverup for casey so she can continue to reak havoc on anybody and everybody that came in contact with her.
    George for having no back bone!
    cindy has only herself to blame! she groomed casey by enabling her!
    cindy was not an affective mother thus passing it on to casey
    who became the mother from HELL~!

  21. Chica says:

    you have been keeping up with this case for a long time!
    do you know how many motions in total that baez has filed !
    every single one totals how many????

  22. Kleat says:

    no idea, Chica, but some news site had a number of pages posted, don’t know if that is a total, or just a number from the most recent round. Maybe the defense thinks of increasing numbers of motions increases odds of winning one or two before the next decade. ;) Maybe adding more pages total helps too. ;)

  23. Kleat says:

    Fun little piece by Marinade Dave– the calliope music pre-empts the joyful circus that follows. People mag dude no less ?!! I have a new impression of the WESH reporter on this story– naw, he couldn’t have been rolling his eyes, now could he??!!

    What flavour of cake would Joy have baked for Cindy in November at Thanksgiving? And she went to the woods, so there was no body there in November. (now, could it be that JWW was one of the people Cindy sent into the woods………..)

    Thanks for giving us a new view of the reporters, from behind the scenes. Papparazi, as Ms. WW calls ‘em.

  24. Kleat says:

    Expression says it all, just after ‘ the whole defense team followed you into the woods…Ms. Lyon was there….?’ At 7:58 minutes…. what expressions…. !! (can you just see Ms. Lyon following Joy anywhere in those woods in her white sandal strapped pumps??)

  25. Kleat says:

    Q: IF JWW searched the area before TES searchers were there, and there was no body there, then why did she go back in November? Cindy??

  26. dee says:

    chica, Baez will hang on until the well is dry…he does not care about casey if he did he wouldnt have allowed here to wear that awful green shirt the other day in court ;-)

  27. MsEnscene says:

    I’m kind of on the fence about the death penalty for Casey Anthony. I don’t particularly want to see Casey get the death penalty. Not that I care about her, or feel any pity for her, but I guess deep down, I would like the death penalty to be reserved for serial killers and heinous mass murderers and such. I know the murder of a child is heinous, evil, don’t get me wrong, but something seems a little unbalanced, here, in the quantitative sense.

    On the other hand, for Casey, LWOP may not actually mean she’d be in prison for life. Maurice Clemons, the murderer of four policemen in WA state, was sentenced to 108 years for a teenage killing spree, eventually received a pardon, and then, when returned to prison for more crimes, was set free, again, because of a technicality.

    Jacy Dugard’s rapist and abductor, Philip Garrido, was sentenced to 55 years for a previous rape and abduction. We know how well his punishment worked out. He was free after eleven years. They just can’t keep ‘em in there!

    Every so often the relatives of the victims of Charles Manson have to attend painful parole hearings for that monster to testify against any possibility of a parole. Manson is the gift that keeps on giving.

    I would not like to think of Casey being in that position…maybe snowing some parole board in eight or ten years and then being set free, having other children, or marrying someone with kids. It’s a chilling thought.

  28. ada says:

    I was testing a theory about the duct tape. (If there was more than three pieces of duct tape at the remains site, perhaps Caylee was restrained from removing the three pieces across her face.)

    Instead I found this.
    Look at pages 8 and 9 of the 97 pages.

    While I was looking for the information, I found some handwritten notes in the margin.
    On page 8 (the liquid) it reads, “Determine foreign chemicals that killed victim.
    On page 9 (the doll), “Determine if residues from chemicals that killed victim are present.”

    Was the cause of death chemical poisoning?

    ada, I think you are eagle eyed, but I also think that was a working theory absent and exact COD.

  29. Yankee says:

    Blink I must say hats off to you. You have been a very loud speaker for the ONLY victim here, CAYLEE! You keep it real and honest. You have my total respect. I think all 4 motions will be denied. Yes Judge Strickland will pick a jury from another part of FL but the trial will still be in Orlando. It is alot cheaper toput up 12 jurors than 275 witness’s! So the point for Baez is moot. The state only needs to drag this out a few weeks and the sequested jurors will find KC guilty in record time. We all know jurors hate to be away from home and family for more than a week! This will be easy. As far as the Anthony’s and their silence of late it is 1. Long overdue and 2. I think they know the gig is up.

    The injustice that befell this baby, and continues to happen to others, is more than I can stand, we are a sum of our parts here, many thanks.

  30. Sal says:

    Just checked the My Clerk website for the civil case on 12/04 the law offices of Jay Fowinkle paid $31.00 for something related to this case. I assume documents. Anyone recognize this name? It’s the first time I’ve ever seen this name pop up. Ideas?

  31. Randie says:


    You poked my curiosity about the word “affidavit” in Cindy’s 911 call. Never had heard that before. Good Sleuthing!!

    I wanted to read more on that.,2933,391001,00.html

    These are pieces of that article. I guess I have never really listened to what Cindy was saying. These are extreme tell tales.

    This is one of the paragraphs:

    A frantic Cindy Anthony can also be heard threatening to file a court order against her daughter, Casey Marie Anthony, to get Casey’s little girl Caylee Marie Anthony away from her.

    I have a 22-year-old person that has, um, grand theft sitting in my auto with me,” she said in the first. “My car was stolen. We’ve retrieved it; today we found out where it was at. We’ve retrieved it, I’ve got that. And I’ve got affidavits from my banking account. I want to bring her in. I want to press charges.”

    (That night of the big fight, had Cindy thrown Casey out and telling her the “Car stays here! It is mine. If you think you can do better with out me then do. The car stays here!” That makes sense if she considered the car “stolen”.) (Affidavits? She wants to press charges? Thought she was mohter of the year?)

    After the emergency responder told her she will be transferred to Orange County sheriffs, Cindy Anthony can be heard warning her daughter Casey in the background.

    “My next thing will be child’s thing and we’ll have a court order to get her if that’s what you wanna play. We’ll do it and you’ll never…” she said.

    (The next thing will be child’s thing and we’ll have a court order? What was the FIRST thing she threated her with?)

    Casey’s reply is inaudible, to which Cindy Anthony retorted: “Well, then, you have … no, I’m not giving you another day. I’ve given you a month.”

    (I have never understood the month thing. Maybe someone can enlighten me).

    have someone here that I need to be arrested … in my home,” Cindy Anthony said in the second call. She told the dispatcher that she was referring to her daughter and that it involved the disappearance of a toddler. The 911 responder asked her why she wanted her daughter taken into custody.

    “For stealing an auto and stealing money,” she replied. “I already spoke with someone. … I was going to drive her to the police station and no one’s open. They said they would bring a deputy to my home when I got home to call them.”

    (Hmmmmmm Thought Cindy said in her daughter never stole money).

    The grandmother told an emergency dispatcher in the third call that a car driven by Casey Anthony smelled like there had been a dead body inside.

    That candid description by Cindy Anthony was echoed this week by police, but Anthony later changed her story and disputed police testimony that the car’s trunk smelled of human decomposition.

    (Yes, chaged her story. Enabler!)

  32. Randie says:

    Maybe Casey was given a month to pay all the money back that was stolen from the Old Folks Home where her grandfather lived.

    She was given a month. Maybe Cindy threated that after a month she would go to the police with that and her bank accounts and everything else.

  33. Boz says:

    Compare this pic of Tiger’s Sam with little Caylee. Freaky!

    Boz. Affectionately I say knock it off.

  34. Chica says:

    lol dee
    yeah the green that she and lyons were wearing?

  35. Chica says:

    Sunday, December 6, 2009
    Casey Anthony: Hearing Friday, December 11, 9:30 AM

  36. Boz says:

    I’m sorry Blink. Imagination getting the best of me.

    Or something. Its ok. Just put your tin hat back on the shelf next to mine and it’s all good.

  37. dee says:

    chica the shirt looks home stitched, wonder who is home on their sewing machine when they should be trying to come up with a credible defense?

  38. Kleat says:

    Talking tin hats, Blink– all the jw SPOOFS out there under, rainbow clown hair, whole tube of lipstick, pseudo ‘news’ release– none of it comes close to the real thing.

    Well the exception of course is, the three ring exception is Marinade Dave’s wonderful little ‘the full joy with calliope’ moments, which of course, falls under the category of ‘the real thing’.

    Back to the ‘real thing’ on JW’s own YouTube, is a little 1 minute and 19 seconds– the computer is back home, dirty and stuff because the police looked at it real hard!

    Joy has a secret that most people in Florida, don’t understand. (and guess who she’s been listening to …)

    The police can NOT talk to you if you have a lawyer!!! ;) She goes on a bit about that, that she talked to them without her lawyer there and that’s just not right!!

    And I also noticed that she put a comment up on Dave’s video of where the body was found, and tells Dave, he is WRONG about where the body was found, she was found much farther to the left. Maybe Dave should get a refund on his measuring tape– NOT! And from Dave’s little observing the media interview JWW, do we learn that there was a big tree that came down in the hurricane, and that’s what Joy saw, and that’s where the body was found ‘according to JWW?

    So, what good is all this to the defense!! JWW doesn’t even seem to be in the same section of those woods!

    Not a spoof, posted today–

  39. Kleat says:

    Is someone trying, like Casey, to put ‘police misconduct’ on video and publishing it!?? LOL!!

    “Just got back from getting my computerrrr, you know. I can tell you know….they’ve definitely been looking at it really hard and everything because it was really filthy and dirty and uhm, they got the pictures and everything and trying to pry for more information and I told em three times that my lawyer needs to be there and whatever is said to them.. [something about information in the report]… it’s not right for them to talk to you without your attorney always present, and so I, we talked about that, and I gave them some information that I am not going to release.

    So we’ll see about that. But everything went good ahh. ,Cops are cops, they are trying to get justice for Caylee … we’ll see. Sooner or later… maybe [they'll see what she's saying is true and the pictures and video will prove that Casey did not place Caylee there etc].”

  40. Todd in Tulsa says:

    If I were on that jury, there is just no way I could get past the 31 days of waiting to report your own child missing, and it wasn’t even Casey that reported it. I continue to go back to hearing the nature of that call where Cindy calls 911 and hands it over to Casey to speak to the operator. “Hello? Yes, my daughter has been missing for 31 days…31 days”. As calm as ever! Let Richard Hornsby defend everything else. Come up with a plausible reason that a concerned parent waits 31 days, and then sounds cool and calm to the 911 operator!

  41. dee says:

    Ms E, “I would not like to think of Casey being in that position…maybe snowing some parole board in eight or ten years and then being set free, having other children, or marrying someone with kids. It’s a chilling thought.”

    not ever going to happen in this case…IMO

    The parole board will never forget this case EVER….

  42. dee says:

    Randie, “The grandmother told an emergency dispatcher in the third call that a car driven by Casey Anthony smelled like there had been a dead body inside.”

    that statement alone is going to hang Casey!

  43. Kleat says:

    Two more videos posted today by the WrongWray homemade productions.

    1. ) Brags that her Geraldo material has arrived in the mail– she has not yet opened it, she might be on his show next week, she speculates. How can this be good for the defense, unless it’s just major diversion.

    2.) second one– WARNING: She’s lost it, don’t waste your time watching, it’s not only 4 1/2 mins you will never get back, it’s 4 1/2 mins you will regret!

  44. Kleat says:

    JW says: “the real [? sounds like cool, or pool?] killer is still out there and the cops just want to destroy evidence and I got the pictures…. so… that’s all [?] care about. So here it is from Geraldo Rivera. Thanks for watching!’

    (and a third vid, she opens the package but not going to show anyone)

  45. Thinker says:

    # 295 ….. If the State issued the subpoenas for George, Cindy, and Conway to testify in the Hearing on Friday, which Motion will their testimony be used for???
    I thought the Defense would have issued the subpoenas in order to give the witnesses “use immunity” to talk about why they do not want the jail visits tape recorded.

    Motion to preclude the death penalty procedures
    Motion for a protective order prohibiting Orange County Jail from videotaping attorney visits
    Motion for a protective order directing Orange County Jail to destroy videos of family visits
    Motion to dismiss counts 1,2, 4, 5, 7, 8 10, 11, 13 for violation of double jeopardy clause

  46. Chica says:

    ditto cant get past any statements cindy made none!!

  47. MsEnscene says:

    #341 Dee, bless you for your assurance! I guess I am worried about some technicality in law interferring in justice for our little Caylee. Especially if that justice is Ms. Anthony paying the piper.

    For example, I worry about what Leonard Padilla is up to. He’s still ranting about “The Daisy Chain”. How Kronk found out where the body was from someone at the jail who overheard Casey tell Baez where Caylee was “buried”.

    Why is Leonard in almost daily touch with the defense? What is Leonard up to? From whom did he hear about his so-called “Daisy Chain”? From Kronk’s ex-wife or son? Stellar witnesses? (Gack!)
    And just how would the Daisy Chain Bomb’s fallout cloud the evidence of the discovery of the body? Yikes.

  48. Chica says:

    12/07/2009 Response
    Orange County’s; to Ms. Casey Anthony’s Motion’s for Protective Order to Direct Orange County to Destroy Videos of Family Visits and Prohibiting Orange County Jail from Videotaping Attorney Visits

  49. Chica says:

    PDF: Zenaida’s Notice for Trial

    PDF: Order Denying Casey Anthony’s Motion to Dismiss and Stay the Proceedings…roceedings.pdf
    the second link didn’t work so I went to the website!!

  50. Chica says:

    Fillings in the Case – PART ONE

    July 15, 2008 Arrest Affidavit (Neglect) Casey Anthony

    July 21, 2008 Court Order AT&T Wireless, Casey Anthony Cell Phone Records

    July 22, 2008 Consent by Cooperating Individual to Search, Intercept, Monitor & Wire Tap

    July 22, 2008 Order (Hearing to Set Bail Bond. Amended as to misc Orders. Nunc Pro Tunc)

    July 24, 2008 Witness Subpeona to Air Tran Airways, Flight 862 Orlando to Atlanta on July 2, 2008

    July 28, 2008 Motion for Protective Order (Preventing the Realease of Phone Calls Made to or from the Jail)

    July 29, 2008 State’s Response to the Habeas Petition

    July 29, 2008 Subpeona. Social Networking Sites

    August 5, 2008 OCSO Search Warrant – Casey Anthony Residence

    August 15, 2008 Subpoena(s) Duce Tecum to T-Mobile USA, Verizon Wireless and Sprint/Nextel

    August 20, 2008 Bail Bond

    August 21, 2008 Order Authorizing the Installation And Use of a Pen Register and Trap and Trap and Trace Device

    August 29, 2008 Arrest Warrant – Forgery, Fraud, Theft

    September 11, 2008 Financial Charges Filed

    September 15, 2008 Arrest Affidavit. Financial Charges

    October 3, 2009 Demand for Discovery and Inspection Relating to Digital Forensic Evidence

    October 14, 2008 Grand Jury Indictment

    November 4, 2008 Motion to Compel Tips Gathered By Law Enforcement

    October 7, 2008 Motion for Production of Favorable Evidence

    November 6, 2008 Motion Concerning Extra-Judicial Comments

    November 14, 2008 States Witness List

    November 20, 2008 Defense Witness List

    December 3, 2008 Amended and Supplimental State Witness List

    December 6, 2008 Notice of Intention Not to Seek the Death Penalty

    December 11, 2008 Affidavit for Search Warrant with Search Warrant and December 29, 2008 Return of Search Warrant

    January 6, 2009 State of Florida’s Motion to Stay Order Disposing of Emergency Motion to Compel Photographs and X-Rays Taken of Remains and Motion to Amend Order to Comply with Florida Statute 406.135

    January 7, 2009 Motion to Compel Maps, Photos and Reports of all Locations Searched by Law Enforcement for Caylee Marie Anthony

    January 7, 2009 Motion to Compel Search Warrant Affidavits for December 11, 2008 and December 20, 2008 Searches Including Inventory of Items Seized and Warrants

    January 7, 2009 Application for Subpeona Duces Tecum (TES)

    January 7, 2009 Motion to Inspect Photographic Evidence and All Items Seized at Crime Scene

    January 7, 2009 Motion to Compel Unedited 911 Calls Made by Roy Kronk and Any Reports Related to Calls

    January 7, 2009 Motion to Compel Unedited Telephone Calls Made by Roy Kronk to Crimeline and any Responses Related to Calls

    January 7, 2009 Motion to Produce Crime Scene Reports on Car Including Photos

    January 7, 2009 Motion to Compel any and all Polygraphs Which The Defense has Previously Requested and Been Awarded

    January 7, 2009 Motion to Compel Timeline, Communications and related Notes of Law Enforcement’s Interview with Anthony Lazarro

    January 7, 2009 Motion to Compel Release of Investigative Interviews of George, Cindy and Lee Anthony

    January 7, 2009 Motion to Compel DNA Reports for George, Cindy and Lee Anthony

    January 7, 2009 Motion to Compel Investigative Reports on Zenaida Gonzalez

    January, 7 2009 Motion to Produce Hair for Inspection and Testing and All Related Notes and Reports

    January 7, 2009 Motion to Produce Crime Scene Reports on Car Including Reports

    January 7, 2009 Demand for Discovery and Inspection Relating to Digital Forensic Evidence Obtained from Ricardo Morales

    January 29, 2009 Motion to Strike and Response to Defendant’s Amended Application for Subpeona Duces Tecum

    January 29, 2009 State of Florida’s Motion to Strike Defendant Emergency Motion to Recuse

    January 30, 2009 Notice of Service of Interrogatories (ZG Case)

    February 2, 2009 Amended Notice of Service of Interrogatories (ZG Case)

    March 2, 2009 Defendant’s Answer to Plaintiff’s Interrogatories Propounded on January 30, 2009 (ZG Case)–Zenanida-Fernandez-Gonzalez

    March 10, 2009 Objection and Motion to Strike the State’s Motion to Determine Potential Conflict of Interest and Sworn Affidavit of Casey Anthony

    April 9, 2009 Motion for Application for Subpeona Duce Tecum (Cell Phone Records)

    April 13, 2009 Notice of Intent to Seek the Penalty of Death

    April 17, 2009 Objection to Motion for Application for Subpeona Duces Tecum and Motion for Protective Order (Roy Kronk)

    May 26, 2009 Notice of Hearin (Ex Parte) and Motion to Continue Hearing on Motion for Application for Subpeona Duces Tecum and Objections Filed by Deputy Richard Cain

    May 26, 2009 Objection to Motion for Application for Subpeona Duces Tacum and Motion for Protective Order (Jesse Grund)

    May 27, 2009 Motion to Amend and Supplemental Motion to Seal the Jail Videotape Taken in the Medical Facility on December 11, 2008

    May 28, 2009 Orange County’s Emergency Motion for Continuance of Hearing on Defendant’s Motion to Amend and Supplemental Motion to Seal the Jail Video

    June 1, 2009 Notice of Filing (Deposition of Bill Richardson)

    June 1, 2009 Notice of Filing (Deposition of Tammy Uncer)

    June 4, 2009 Supplement to Verified Motion for Admission to Appear Pro Hac Vice–MIchigan

    June 10, 2009 Motion to Restrict Disclosure

    June 11, 2009 Order on George and Cindy Anthony’s Motion to Restrict Disclosure

    June 17, 2009 Order Granting the Orlando Sentinel’s Motion to Intervene

    July 15, 2009 Letter from Bank of America to Jose Baez (Money Order $664.25)

    July 16, 2009 Miss Anthony’s Response to Motion for Determination of New Trial Date

    July 16, 2009 Memorandum of Law in Support of Defense’s Motion to Deny Motion for Determination of New Trial Date

    July 16, 2009 Appendices to Miss Anthony’s Response to Motion for Determination of New Trial Date

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