Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Could The Chloroform Belong To George?

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Orlando, FL– I held out for George Anthony as the last hope to restore Caylee Anthony’s dignity in the beginning of this case.


When he visited OCSO on July 24, 2008,  he was acting as Caylee’s JoJo, and not “Gelatinous George”.

I thought, ….maybe. I lost that bet. Whatever temporary empowerment Poppa Jo summoned to visit OCSO and retain famed Orlando attorney Mark Nejame outside of the Cindy tractor beam; George shed it like a snake.

When and Why?

I am on record since the Forensics reports indicating elevated levels of chloroform in the trunk air from Casey’s infamous white Pontiac were released: I have never believed chloroform played a part in Caylee’s murder.

I am among the minority.

While watching the Motions Hearing last Friday, I observed an expression of Casey Anthonys that distracted me from concentrating on the balance of the proceeding. It stuck to me like gum on the sole of my Ugg.


Casey glared like a shrew at the exact moment Jeff Ashton used the phrase “chemically restrained” in reference to what may have happened to Caylee to ultimately cause her death. Clearly, it was a thinly veiled reference to chloroform.

I thought, what a wildly inappropriate reaction to be followed up by her version of waterworks.

Maybe-not so much.

What if that hot mess in sea foam gave us a glimpse at her physical reaction to involuntary honesty?

We witnessed the sole reason for the motion to stop videotaping her. She will tell us everything we want to know under the right stimulus.

Chloroform, or the idea of same, enrages subject. The Teflon 100 pounder finally reacts to the metaphoric putrefactive odor in her own case.

Released September 26th, 2008 were the Computer forensics on both the HP desktop used in the Anthony home and the Compaq laptop used by Casey.

At first glance it is clear there is a considerable amount of data missing from the laptop findings. However, in contrast, there is a significant amount of data available for the desktop in both the unallocated and allocated sectors.

After scrutinizing the Internet Histories, Cookies, Fire fox and Safari reports I am comfortable saying that it is fairly easy to tell whether George or Casey was the surfer-in-session. Almost exclusively, Casey used Firefox which deleted her history on the surface and for the most part she left no cookie “crumbs”.

George might as well have posted his e-print on the borrowed mobile billboard.

George is as much a creature of habit on the web as he is on his lawn.

Apparently having not learned his lesson from his earlier web snafu-s, (Editors Note: Nigerian Internet Scam- My Ass.) George made no attempts to delete either his history or his cookies, as none of it was found in the unallocated sectors EXCEPT both sessions of the chloroform searches.

I know, your saying, Blink, WTH? You just told me Casey deletes, George does not, so which is it??

George was home on March 17th, the first search takes place:


In Comparison, from the Desktop following the above search on 3/17/2008:


 Fast Forward to the next search on March 21st, 2008. As Time Sheets corroborate, George Anthony worked a 10 hour day, and was not home until after 5PM. This subsequent search is very different; superficial in contrast.

It is as if the query is “What is chloroform, as if I care?” as opposed to the “How do you make chloroform all-business-search on 3/17. In fact, the activity on 3/21 indicates a return to the last history, or point of fact, Casey is interested in what George was interested in when he plopped down on the computer after her, without opening a new window in Explorer, in this author’s opinion. 

As you can see, the available (not in unallocated) space reflects none of Casey’s IM and myspace activity for the same day, which preceded the chloroform searches, and there is no further similar activity attributable to her for the 17th.  It is however, (count the cookies with me) George’s M.O.

Did he just plop down at the computer after Casey leaves not realizing he needed to open a new browser? The activity of his after that leads me to believe he realized it and did exactly that, without erasing his “trail.”

What has this got to do with the chloroform? Plenty.

Sandwiched between a few of George’s dalliances: a fetish site, specializing in BDSM, (warning, not for Work viewing or in the presence of children, probably best before lunch.)


One of the topics discussed on such a site, is “breathe play” which is a form of autoerotic asphyxiation in which the use of Chloroform during such an event, or other forced gases or “poppers” like ethyl, butyl and ketamin is common. Yes, before you open another window and check the trunk sniffer report from Dr. Voss, you already know these were found in the air from the trunk.

To date, the FBI quantitative results from the sweepings from the liner, as well as the vacuums seized from the Anthony home have not been released. I suspect they will complete the findings here.

I could never figure out why George would seem “Ok” and almost resigned to Casey’s involvement in his beloved granddaughters death and then give us all whiplash with his support of the rotting pizza farce.


I believe Casey was on to him. She was well aware he was being “escorted” all over Orlando behind her Mother’s back. She told Amy Huizenga her Dad was cheating, her parents were divorcing, she was getting the house; because it was TRUE. She would see to it personally now that George was working 3–11 and making it nearly impossible to feign employment with a toddler on the verge of intelligible conversation, in tow. He began checking Caylee’s piggy bank, her account, asking Caylee about names Casey was using as associates in her *cough* work.

An obstacle indeed for a damsel in a blossoming romance with live baggage. Emphasis on the root word Damn.

It was divide and conquer time for Casey when Cindy finally seeks counseling advice on her situation. The only reason Casey did not pull the trigger on her faux patricide is because she met TonE Lazzaro. She waffled upon the uncertainty of his permanence. For a while, anyway.  

In a scenario that allowed me to momentarily feel sorry for Cindy, I knew I needed to kevlar myself for any outcome. Given the circumstances of her own issues, it was not difficult.

So we find ourselves in the conundrum– How does the potential for George owning the chloroform shape up?

Let’s face it. If the sweepings and the cleaning gadgetry seized from the Anthony’s contain similar chemical/Bio to the trunk liner this is all over.

If it does not, the chloroform, ownership and acquisition of same, is paramount to this case. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, I have interviewed a FEMA Hazmat Biotech specialist and a Chemist PhD Fellow on staff at Johnson & Johnson. Both told me the amount of chloroform found in that trunk in conjunction with the etymology live cycle does not jive.

In other words, if we believe the chloroform was in the trunk as the murder weapon, or even dumped in it as a frame job prior to it’s abandonment on June 27, 2008, by their calculations, the degrading chloroform would act as an insecticide of sorts. At the very least, would not register so high in the air sample but very high in the composition found in the liner. Once chloroform is vaporized,  In their opinion, a better explanation would be that chloroform was dumped in the trunk closer to when the car was picked up, or July 15. On July 16th it was impounded and placed in a climatic controlled environment. A stabilizer, if you will. Chloroform is also known to burn at very high temperatures.  Given the levels, it is possible in the Flordia heat the amount of chloroform in that trunk might have combusted during the June 27th-July 15th timeframe.

George was emphatic about smelling decomposition in that car. He took the battery out and placed the deathmobile in the garage. Was he concerned it was a fire hazard now as well?

From a defense perspective, George is the perfect patsy. He Leaves gates open, irresponsible with the pool ladder, will lie about the last time he saw his daughter and granddaughter– twice.

Let me be clear. I do not think George Anthony would ever harm a hair on Caylee Marie’s blessed head. I also think he put himself in a position to defend Casey to save his own secrets, brought to his attention ex post facto. 

Escorting by its latin name, P-R-O-S-T-I-T-U-T-I-O-N, is illegal in Florida.

There is no doubt in my mind Mr. Anthony was schooled on what might be coming his way if he did not join the formation, pronto.

If there still is in yours, I have provided thumbnails for your perusal and nausea. Be sure and review the pattern of site stat checking, escort site, individual “prospects”, financial account transaction, and yes, in some cases, calendar booking and hotel reservations *trends*. 

GeorgeEscorts GeorgeEscorts2 GeorgeEscorts3 GeorgeEscorts4    GeorgeEscorts8 GeorgeEscorts10

There’s more. I just did not have the stomach for it. 

No wonder the Nigerian Pyramid or deposit scam sounded good to him. Consider the alternative conversation.

Images courtesy of Klaasend

Raw Excell reports courtesy of JWG

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  1. martha says:

    Good morning everyone!!! hope everyone is well and havinga good day. Dee– it IS strange that we have heard nothing from C and G who freaked out and ran out of the room or from Team Baez—–hmmmmm. Also, Rick Plesea’s interview, I guess I missed his official one and will try to find it. But I read what he said to Cindy about Casey and her pregnancy etc on the Candyrose site. Everyone has probably already been to that one.

    Marcydancer—good info, didnt know that the defense hadnt visited. You would think they would be in thorough contact with Casey as volatile as she is. That is so weird. Maybe shows that they only have their own agendas really in mind.

  2. Marine Mama says:


    You dont have to show this.

    I just wanted to let you know that…

    As long as I have been reading here..I never once seen thought of you as egotistical.

    Not that you really give a rats ass but the peeps over yonder have no idea of who you are and what you do. They read what RH says and run with it..doesn’t matter if it holds any merit.

    Carry on Blink. Thank you for making this site enjoyable.

    Ty. Such is the world I guess.

  3. Todd in Tulsa says:

    The thing with the searches and Cindy claiming to have “mistakenly” entered ‘chloroform’, instead of ‘chloraphyll’: that weak argument could be put to rest in the ever-so-increasing falsehoods pile with the history check of, when Casey googled chloroform, did she enter a website when those results were produced from that search. If she did, Cindy’s pathetic attempt at further covering for a first class felon has failed, and only decreases her credibility rating further

    She apparently did not realize that OCSO has her timesheets.
    She was trying to kill 2 birds with one stone though. She addressed the dogs and chloro in that ridiculous jabber.
    She forgot to tell George.

  4. dee says:

    Lady Blink, looks like all is good here, you keep up doing the wonderful job you are doing I love your house and all your family in it, sometimes a rude solicator arrives knockin on your door but they soon leave…a new year is a comin and things will be a changin!

    Happy New Year!!!!

  5. dee says:

    martha check out niftermedia on youtube there is everything there and more to listen to! think you will find what you are looking for!

    I love that everyone is silent, then I get worried that the rats are planning another attack, who is in the line of fire next time?

  6. westsidehudson says:


    # Comment by MarcyDancer — December 29, 2009 @ 9:28 pm

    Is it possible that there were attorney-client phone calls during these gaps? Phone calls are recorded, but wouldn’t be released. Is there a jail log that would include telephone interactions?

  7. martha says:

    so true, anyone that has EVER read this site would only have complimentary things to say about Blink and Egotistical would not even be on the list.

    Ty friend. What cheezes me off, is not that there are several people and resources that work their azzes off to contribute to some of this work, never once ask for credit, frankly because of the climate, they prefer the opposite.

    I am over the freaks that end up being taped peeing in the office coffeepot thinking their work is “done” for maligning another. ( or in that case poisoning, but you get the analogy.)

    In my professional career, I have never once heard a person publicly state they needed to go for a person’s jugular, as it related to one’s opinion or the dissention of same. I guess it is all about your self-asessment.

  8. Marcy says:

    Marci Cutesy: omigosh, I am so sorry! Hope I did not offend you. My own mother insisted on spelling my name Marcie. When I was in 4th grade, I changed it to ‘y’ & have spelled it thus ever since.

    It seems there are three of here ~ unbelievable to me.

    Blink, I promise this will be the end of the Marcy/Marci/Marcie shout-outs! Thanks for being such a good sport.

  9. Nauseated says:

    In my previous postings I only meant to say that George seemed only too happy to be bossed around. What Police Officer on the job for 10 years says, “Okay Honey, quitting my job sounds like a great idea and I’m sure I’ll get way more respect as a used car salesman.” ?


  10. Word Girl says:

    Westside. Always astute and perceptive. Ty for bringing up the phone connections. Now that the letter delivery system is down, that may be an option to use coded discussions. (Which don’t go over the jailers heads, I’m sure.)

    Good Points WSH and WG. I had not thought of the Mule, I mean Pony Express Factor.

  11. Kleat says:

    Thinker, yes re: Dom Casey visiting Casey, but he said he had not visited Casey since before Oct 14th, when she was incarcerated, to date. Sorry for the confusion, he couldn’t be taking direction or getting information from her as his client, since that date for some reason, yet her child was missing and she was the only connection to the child to go off of. And he didn’t visit but kept the retainer (not thinking money, but retainer as agreement). But Mr. Smith, PI, goes to jail and visits.

    This is odd, if they are looking for the real person who was involved with Caylee because using Dom Casey, who never visited his client, was supposed to be solving ‘the circumstances’ of her disappearance also.

  12. lc says:

    I remember reading a post on another site a while ago that relates to this…A woman said she was standing in line at a grocery store and George was in front of her and they struck up a conversation. Before he left the store he asked the woman if she would like to go somewhere and finish the conversation “in private”. She declined, but there was no doubt in her mind that George was looking to get intimate with her. I thought it was strange at the time, but it makes sense in light of this new info about George.

  13. MarcyDancer says:

    Comment #506
    I really did not think about phone calls. I guess that could be possible. Just seemed so odd that from 12/01/09 til the court date no one on the defense team made a physical visit. And then Baez did not make a physical visit until the following Thursday after the breakdown in court. Probably thinking too much, just find it odd.
    About the name Marcy. I have always liked my name as well once I got past the Charlie Brown “Marcy” banter. LOL I guess it was too much of a coinkydink that I had bangs, shoulder length hair and glasses in school. I promise I never called random people “sir” Kids can be cruel. LOL

  14. Kleat says:

    Blink, sorry for that confusion about Dom too– my point being that he was not used to investigate Caylee’s disappearance or he would have had access or bothered to, speak to the last person who saw her. There is clearly a difference in the job that PI Dom Casey did to find the missing live child, and what PI Smith is doing, many months late and a dead child later.
    Well, not so much, more on that later.

  15. Kleat says:

    (and he would not have stopped direct contact to gain information from Casey, to investigate the disappaearance and hopefully find the child while still alive, just because she was charged with murder and incarcerated)

  16. chica says:

    possibly we arent hearing anything from the anthony camp because their to busy counting their money or strategizing how to spend it.
    looks like they will never ever have to work again huh. I ust dont get it! how do they not get in trouble with disability ! which cindy is getting for stress(LEAVE).
    someone mentioned the IRS something about paying taxs on the money. poor casey(not) everyones forgotten her !! since the money started rolling in! that includes her parents and baez anyone else cashing in.

    I know I sound like a broken record but its true true true.

  17. chica says:

    whats funny tooo funny
    is that everyones living the vita bella but her!
    what amazes me is that none of her friends that I know of!!
    have taken the opportunity to get on the gravy train.
    doesnt anyone find it odd?/ I sure as hell do.
    I mean they can realy give alot insight and examples of caseys personality and other juicy info that could net them some pretty pay off…
    has anyone thought of this or maybe I am just tooo whateva!!

  18. chica says:

    not to mention all her friends (former more like it)
    are gearing up to celebrate the new year! by partying! the night away. I had a thought about tony L I think that after what he went through with casey !! he is probably realy realy gunshy to enter another relationship anytime soon. I cant blame him poor guy. my other though (just rambling here) is that casey has alot of resentment towards her parents reason being(its all about the money they are making) makes me wonder if she has resigned herself to her destiny. surely she doesnt think she will be spending next christmas in jail. or does she . isnt it weird the things that go through our minds? sometimes were afraid to voice it for fear of sounding stupid lol. I think I just have too much time on my little hands. My mind races like crazy.
    just thoughts voiced lol

  19. karen says:

    Blink on my post 298- Thats what I was saying. How could someone make that jump in regards to George. The person I was answering was saying she would not let her grandchildren near him. I say kinky does not make a pedophile.

    If I missed something I apolly. If you are just calling it to my attention, many thanks Karen.
    Make no mistake. Pedos are pedos. They are nothing else. I have seen no evidence whatsoever to even put George in that zipcode. I do however, expect to hear some “stuff” either at trial or in the penalty phase.

  20. dee says:

    chica all the money they have and may get will never bring Caylee back, so let them count their petty change, there is a special dark place for them later and I can sleep knowing that…

  21. new says:

    #491 PamK….If i remenber it was Hoovers statement in LE Transcript. I looked for link to that interview but couldn’t locate it. I believe George said that to him at the Ritz 12-11-08. Or so he said. I just sorta hooked on to that statement cause I didn’t think Hoover was capable of making it up. Thats when Cindy and Dominic where AWOL for a period of time. Their explanation was they where lost. lol.. Has anyone recently read Hoover’s Transcript to LE?

  22. Mayhem says:

    #520 Chica- do you really think that Casey’s resentful about the money? I don’t know, I’m not there yet. I picture her pretty flippin resentful, but not because of the foundation, or because of the cruise they had, or cash they’ve pocketed for interviews. I think she’s resentful because Casey’s not in control anymore. George is controlled by Cindy, and Cindy’s always been controlled by Casey. Now that the family’s “godfather” has been removed, nobody seeks her counsel and she’s pissed. Even in the beginning of her jail term, the family would surround her and ask for her direction, and she would hold court. Now, they’ve all abandoned her. I don’t think it matters one bit that they’ve kept their distance at her own attorney’s insistance. I don’t think it matters to her that they’re out there “publicly supporting her”. It only matters to Casey that she has not been able to orchestrate anything in a very long time. I think it’s this fact alone that’s tormenting her.

  23. Sharai says:

    Thank you, Chica, my new Birthday Buddy, for your gracious response. I agree we ought to connect every year on BLINK to celebrate our mutual Birthday. I’ll make a note on my calendar.
    Yes, I come here often. With Natalie Holloway’s disappearance, I became a regular reader of SCARED MONKEYS and I followed BLINK, since its inception, from the MS website. I thought for the longest time it was the SACRED MONKEYS, duh <:o. I have great respect for BLINK; she knows her stuff and graciously dispenses it. She and her crew invest so much time, talent, & energy into these unsolved cases. I believe their efforts have a positive impact on the outcome.
    I believe I am drawn to this site because I have a dual undergrad degree in social work & criminal justice & am currently working on a master degree in counseling. I am fascinated with human behavior, the inner and outer workings of the mind, & the nature/nurture aspect of human development. New developments in this case continue to shape my opinion, but one thing I am consistently sure of is that the craziness in this family is over the top. Their denial of reality is sad. Their family is imploding & taking down many others in the process. It is my hope, in spite of the many players involved, that reasonable doubt will not be a factor in the outcome of this case & that justice will be served.

    Thank you for your chosen profession. I know many will benefit.

  24. kortni says:

    Comment #493

    You’re correct Lori. I went and looked at those pieces of tape. A piece of tape about the size of the one on the gas can would be more suitable to tape a little mouth shut. I’m not convinced this didn’t happen. Upon finding Caylee, most likely a panicked Casey would rip this small piece off? The larger pieces could have been applied after Caylee had died to make it look like something else. I’m thinking about the death band that happens. If the tape was put on prior to death I would think a hair or a few would have come out on the tape. These hairs would not have the death band. I assume if the tape was put on after, they would all have this band. I’m not sure how long it takes for this band to occur. I don’t know anything about this and I am not having very much luck trying to look it up. I keep getting heavy metal music bands.

  25. chica says:

    you got it! we will celebrate our birthdays here each year. I also was drawn to scared monkeys by the natalee holloway story. I wished that natalees mother could have had some kind of closure. Although I think one never gets complete closure when you loose a loved one so tragicaly. Quite different attitude quite a contrast from what we see in the casey / anthonys behaviours.
    proves that natalees mother beth had more class. she could have prospered from her daughters death but chose to keep it private close to her heart. She did write a book and turned the tragedy around by going to high schools etc talking to students about the dangers of traveling abroad.
    Unlike the Anthonys they right away turned into mother seeking vultures selling pictures of their murdered grandaughter and exploiting her death biggtime.
    going as far as starting a phoney foundation ! as far as I know no child has been found or helped. I admire beth holloway in the way she handled her loss! her grief was so ovious but her determination to do something positive helped her thru the dark hours. I think we are all sick and full of disgust for the anthonys. All the money in the world they make will not bring caylee back nor will it make them any better as human beings. I feel like they have sold their souls for a mere profit.

  26. Thinker says:
    Missing Florida 5-Year-Old Spotted in Massachusetts Wal-Mart
    Aired September 8, 2009
    The first morning I was there I woke up to George — I couldn`t really hear Casey, but I woke up to, “Don`t — quit your (EXPLETIVE DELETED) lying.” Screaming. They could have heard it out across the street. “Don`t (EXPLETIVE DELETED) lie to me. I`m not putting up with your (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Don`t do that. Just,” you know, he`s screaming at her.

    She`s going, “No, no, you have to believe me, you can`t — don`t treat me like a scumbag cop.” This is before Leonard talked to her. “You act like my father. Act like you`re my father instead of a cop. I`m not listening to you (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Quit (EXPLETIVE DELETED) lying.” Just boom, all over the house like that.

    LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER, INTERVIEWED BY FBI IN TOT MOM CASE: George had gotten upset, come into the room and said, “I want to know what happened to my granddaughter.” Something in a violent fashion. And Cindy had attempted to get him out of the room and couldn`t and therefore she called for Jim, his cop buddy, to come help.

    And at the same time the response from Tracy — from Casey was, “Quit acting like a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) cop and act like a father for once in your life.”

  27. Thinker says:

    Padilla, Bodyguards Tell All In Newly Released Interviews
    Posted: 9:19 am EDT September 4, 2009
    …… The FBI conducted the interviews in September 2008……………

  28. chica says:

    I do think casey is resentful! reason being ! that casey wanted to live la vita bella! thats what her goal was until it got screwed up by her own doing. She id rotting in jail by her own choice of course but still yet she has to feel resentment that her parents are living the good life. they have money, they take trips, she eats jail food wears the same clothes day in and day out and more so the same outfit to court. yeah I am there with that thought!! but thats just me of course. I mean think about it her life is ending in poverty and squaller while her parents dine on crab cakes and god knows what else.
    wouldnt you be bitter! I think she is and soon she will turn those feelings on her lawyer !! he seems to busy to spend to much time with her and we know casey is all about casey and what she wants.

    but thats not to say I am 100% right that is just what I think.

    agree to disagree?

  29. chica says:

    yeah not all the money in the world will bring them joy because they are jinxed by blood money.

  30. chica says:

    lol lol blink
    pedos are pedos as in you know fart to be honest lol???
    are you hispanic? or just I got it wrong? tooo funny
    tantos pedos

  31. Valhall says:


    While I haven’t heard back from the chemist yet, it does not appear that either of the cleaners in the trash bag were used on the carpet liner. None of the constituents were detected in the body farm testing or the FBI lab testing. So I would say that’s a big negatory good buddy.

    The chloroform didn’t come from the use of these two chemicals as best we can tell. I’ll update you if the chemist says something bind-boggling, but I don’t foresee it.

    Lol, is that a scientific term? bind-boggling?

    Throwing this out there and then promise to let go of my chew toy-
    What if they were used and then steamed out?

    I never suspected the chloroform came from them, I guess I am attempting to establish if the trunk were cleaned once or twice, and who had access to the “means”..
    (Sound of Blink moving back to the drawing board)

    Thanks friend.

  32. Valhall says:

    P.S. I have no idea what “bind-boggling” is, but if he says something like that, I’ll let you know.


  33. gigi says:

    How do these people stand themselves or sleep at night??? Good grief…can it get worse, Blink???? Have no idea how to even process this crap…excuse the word….but it is what it is….sorry, to drone…just catching up after moving…get some rest for the New Year, Blink…you will need it…thanks for the work you do…praying for your comfort as you continue to seek the truth.

    Thanks gigi.

  34. Bees Knees says:

    Kortni, I hadn’t thought of that (526) but I think you’ve got something there with the death banding telling us when the tape was applied. I continue to be amazed at the forensics. Imo the tape was added pre-mortem, with possibly another piece binding her hands as my new BF Jeff Ashton pondered. I would be comforted to know that I’m wrong and it was applied after.

    And then I wonder about what appears to be Caylee’s outline in a fetal position in a photograph of the trunk liner. If that really is what the stain is representing, then how did it come to be? It would have to be from released bodily fluids, no? It makes no sense to me that Casey would have arranged Caylee’s body into that position after death but before rigor mortise set in ~ why on earth would she? So, then Caylee naturally drew herself into that position before she finally died. But this is where I get confused because if she was struggling to draw a breath her body would be in anything but the fetal position, no? Maybe I’m wrong though, maybe it would.

    Am I making any sense? The only way I can see this happening is if Casey drugged her so heavily before applying the tape that Caylee died quickly and hopefully without much pain. Does anybody think it happened like that, or am I just wishful thinking? It would be so good to know for sure that she didn’t suffer, but is it medically possible? I guess we’ll know more eventually.

  35. chica says:

    Wednesday, December 30, 2009
    Will Jury Give Casey Anthony The Death Penalty?

  36. chica says:

    Hornsby was trashing Blink on his Blog and this poster dressed him down!

    FairWitness says:
    December 30, 2009 at 6:52 pm

    For crying out loud, Mr. Hornsby! Blink made it clear her views were based on “part of the discovery cache, previously released, from his (JG) file with Orlando PD.”

    What are you trying to achieve here at your blog? Do you seek justice and the truth for Caylee, as well as, informing the masses of criminal law in Florida? Or are you setting up scenarios for those who frequent this site, Blink included, for you to use as fops? Mere amateurs to be admonished and discredited by you to feed your ego? Thereby demonstrating your superiority and our inferiority at one fell swoop?

    You are a criminal defense attorney of renown in your jurisdiction, not the average Joe you’ve previously described yourself as (I checked with the FL Bar Assn., you’re in good standing;

    If your goal is to educate, then your approach is all wrong. You’re turning me off, for one. And possibly those who frequent your website and Blink’s, as well.

    Be a gentleman. Don’t attack someone who has no power over you. It’s unnecessary. If you want to project the image of the informed, wise, experienced criminal defense lawyer that you are, put down your “dukes”, you don’t need them. You aren’t a boxer. Discuss, educate, illuminate …. and charm us all. We’re ready to learn.

    Finally, if you are going to post a blog about how Jose Baez got to be Casey Anthony’s attorney of record and you mention Jesse Grund as a possible referral source, YOU do the research of the four other counties that border Orange County and report it to us. You educate us on what Osceola, Seminole, Lake, and Brevard counties have on file with regard to Jesse Grund and Jose Baez and possible traffic violations; even what Orange County has on file about Baez’s associate’s name vis-a-vis Jesse Grund. You didn’t even divulge the associate’s name. Does that mean you don’t know it? Or are you setting another trap to show us all your brilliance & our ignorance?

    You are making yourself look like an insecure man who’s not comfortable with the status he’s achieved (in 2008) as a Florida Board Certified Criminal Law Attorney. Bullying is for uneducated losers, Mr. Hornsby.


    Note to self: Don’t ever cross Fair Witness. (makes checkmark in air)

    Borrowing a line from the famed Alfred Pennyworth:

    Because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

    I would be surprised if Rozzie Franco was ok with her name being attributed to the “rumor” he spoke of.
    She seemed to be pretty conscienscious about that sort of thing in my communications with her.

  37. c10 says:

    im knocking softly on door, asking nicely to come in – ive been “listening” in for quite a while and have some ?s – sorry, they may have been discussed, try to keep up – this site is so awesome, mostly above my head, but i feel my iq increasing slightly if i catch on to something – thanks blink for this site!!!! and personally helping me feel like i have a clue

  38. chica says:

    ok until tomorrow
    new years eve, I sure hope this next year brings justice for caylee. brace yourselves if this case goes to trial. We will see casey show her true colors to the jurors. Thus convincing them without a shadow of a doubt that casey indeed is guilty of murder. she has already shown the begining of what is to come. I see that her comissary funds have dwindled, all the people that sent her money in the future are now becoming part of her past. No steady visists from her attorney, while she sat alone in her cell he was free to enjoy the holiday with the money he has made from his talk shows and media tours.
    same with her parents! whatever they say in support of her is only for show to save face.
    everyone had a merry christmas without her. tomorrow her friends and family will ring in the new years with champagne cheers! while she sits in jail with no frills.

    I smile visualizing her misery.
    the price you take when you decide to play god and kill someone.

    I grin at the visual.

  39. c10 says:

    TIA everyone, question for you – why if cindy took clothes, etc. out of car and/or george tried to clean it, being that they are neatniks, why would they leave anything in the car – you would think it would kill them to just do a little tidying up – i know, my daughter’s car is a traveling garbage can, and i am also a severe neat freak – i wouldnt be able to just clean it a little bit – it would bug me

  40. Bees Knees says:

    Yeah, I agree, chico. I think she’s seething inside ~ her parents are living her bella vita. The nerve! I wouldn’t want to bring her back home if by some freak she ends up getting out (never happen, I know). They’d never get another peaceful night again. Not that any of their nights leading up to now have been peaceful. Can’t imagine they have been.

    I think she might still have a relationship with her odd brother, who has completely dropped out of the media’s attention. I’m sure she greatly appreciated his raving devotions to her (complete with lots of lips to the wrist action while sobbing longingly into the monitor of a laptop), publicly professing his brotherly-love via webcam ~ I honestly can’t say if even one of his words were directed to or about Caylee and her unfortunate situation. What with having her life brutally taken from her and all! By her mother. To this day it is strangers like us who are keeping the focus on Caylee, where it belongs.

  41. Jentay says:

    First time reader. Blink, thanks for this site and for all you do.

    There is something that bothers me. I don’t mean to be graphic, but why would Casey leave Caylee in the trunk for 3 or 4 days? Why didn’t she disposed of the body right away after she commited the crime?

    I do believe she’s guilty, and would rather see her getting LWOP, death penalty would be to easy and delayed.


  42. Todd in Tulsa says:

    I was just watching the nancy grace rerun on cindy anthony’s deposition. She’s a “nurse of decomposition”, yet she displayed true idiocy when claiming a “rotting pizza” emits the same odor as that of a dead body, although I am pretty sure she knew exactly what was what, she just began her first stage of obstruction. I find it fitting, and amusing, that she claimed she knew what the invisible nanny looked like, simply by creating a profile in her head by the lies Casey was feeding her. I also find it convenient, and much more amusing, that when asked of the address, phone number, and contact information of this person that was supposedly watching your grandchild for a year plus, she provided the same “convincing” response as that of Casey, “I have it in an address book”, but she couldn’t recall the address or phone number of the person of whom her grandchild was in this person’s care for hours on end a day. Uggh, just watching her smug look and disrespectful gum chewing she was displaying was horrendous. The ‘son of sam’ law should be extended to cover all the Anthony family, given the fact that they have done their best to hinder and obstruct the investigation. Any compensation, and all profit should be directed towards other family members, law abiding citizens such as Rick Plesea

  43. Word Girl says:

    Watching the Cindy Anth ony deposition on NG again tonight reminded me that they should have made use of I hear that really works!

    It was agonizing to watch/hear this contentious information gathering. I sort of wish the lawyer had been more engaging and friendly, but not sure if she would have taken his lead. He’s trained to go over and over the fact in point until there is no doubt of its reason. CA doesn’t like that.

  44. suz says:

    kortni, the literature doesn’t seem to note how quickly postmortem death banding occurs, just that it only occurs in hairs that were in a growth phase (rather than occurring in all hairs), and that the body must be in a state of decomposition. And since the ME has stated that the tape was placed on the body prior to decomp—-and some of us read this as meaning before any ‘significant’ decomp, since technically decomp starts at the moment of death—i’m not sure if any death banded hairs would have shown up on the tape whether she were alive or recently deceased at the time.

  45. suz says:

    I guess I’m still alone in not begrudging the Ants any of the media money they collect. I know everyone’s mad at them for not publicly turning against their daughter, and for not helping the state firm up a death penalty case against her, and I get that, but I still have trouble mustering up hatred for them. I don’t think they’re particularly likable or even sympathetic characters—I think that’s why I can’t seem to hate them correctly. I see them as foibled and broken and just so regularly human that I kind of feel compassion for their situation.

    I think it’s probably a misconception that they’re rolling in the dough. They’re not working right now. Cindy had to clean out her retirement fund thanks to the two losers she more or less supports, and who more or less have robbed her blind over the past many years. They have lawyers and godnoze who else sucking money out of them prolly as quickly as it comes in. Their grandchild is dead, their daughter is facing death—it sucks. I’m pretty positive that none of us would want to trade places with them. Not that you guys wouldn’t conduct yourselves differently than the Ants. You’re probably less screwed up than they are.

    I wouldn’t want to walk a mile in their shoes, and I’m grateful that I won’t have to. But I am also quite sure that I can’t fully imagine what it feels like to be them. Everyone hates them. People surely still heckle them, threaten them, shun them, spit on them, attack them—day after day, relentlessly!—viciously on blog after blog, calling them names, making just horrible assumptions and speculations about them and wild claims against them. Mobs are not warm and fuzzy, whether they are storming your gates with pitchforks and torches, or lobbing negativity and vitriol at you over the ‘net.

    (Oh, dear, I must be feeling the full weight of 2009 upon me. Reflection is a dangerous thing, lol.) At any rate, here’s wishing all the Blinksters a safe and happy and fulfilling 2010, hopefully with many fewer human tragedies for us to chime in on.

    I do not hate these people. I hate their behavior. I hate that they enabled this girl for so long she never got the help I feel she desperately needed. I hate that a 34 month old baby paid the price for it.

    I hate that they have lied to protect the woman responsible for it. I hate that they do not get that their job now is to restore the dignity of that baby, and to warn others what can happen when one enables their child to the extent of actual lying and covering up for her her entire life. I stole a pack of Kool Aid when I was a kid ( that must be where it all started..) and my Mom drove me back to Food Lane and made me hand it to the manager and apologize.

    The rest of my feelings are probably peppered throughout this site.

    I do not want people to blindly hate the Anthony’s. I want them to Learn the lessons they are supposed to, in the hopes this tragedy can be prevented where it might not have been previously, for someone else.

    Imo, hate gets people nowhere. It prevents us from self-asessing and making the crooked places straight.

    Happy New Year to You as well Suz.

  46. kiwi_bird says:

    So who thinks this “Sunshine Law” is working? Coming from a population of 4.3 million we have a differing amount of crime per capita – we also do not have guns other than our Armed Defenders Squad and for hunting purposes so have a very low rate of shootings – (not saying guns in any way play into this but thinking about America and crime in general)I just wonder if Blink, as at your estimation – 35% of the information has being released – is it not damaging really – I love sleuthing BUT really what has been uncovered that is not already known in the paperwork that we have not seen – what really are we providing? I am really just questioning myself and the whole process – I haven’t passed judgement on sleuthers in general just as I have not made up my mind about what the “truth” is in this case – I just really wonder what our purpose is and what good we are doing???? Or are we doing damage ??? How is an untainted jury ever going to be found now?????

    I said my estimate was that the public, are aware of about 35%, of the discovery or case info.

    There is no question there is an impact, and remember- the defense fought a gag order. I think the overall asessment will come at the conclusion of this case. To your point, it would not surprise me if there are changes to the sunshine law, ultimately.

    You really cannot have it both ways. Baez needed press to fund him. The A’s needed money to bond Casey out, and of course to hire PI’s to spend all their time digging up any dirt they could and then decide who was going to be their next patsy.

    When the information comes to light, and it will, as soon as Baez posts his expert witnesses, I think the public will be floored at the cost of this defense, and where the money came from. That information and feedback will certainly shape similar laws.

  47. MsEnscene says:

    # 539 Blink…that’s an exceptionally measured reply to Suz. Very beautifully put. I could only add that I detest their behavior from day 31 (or whenever) which seeks to implicate everyone and anyone else for the death of their granddaughter. Their action in this respect quite lessens any sympathy I could have mustered up for their situation.


  48. martha says:

    post #547 above, EXACTLY, Blink. Maybe then, a child in the future would be saved. Happy New Year to all. Working until noon, then taking my granddaughter to get a box of sparklers. Cindy, George, and Casey wont be able to do that anymore–how tragic is that.


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