Murder In Mexico: Tiffany Hartley Endures 16 Hours Of Interviews In David Hartley Death

Posted by BOC Staff | David Hartley,Missing and Endangered,Murdered,Tiffany Young-Hartley | Tuesday 19 October 2010 6:00 pm

..” I have nothing to hide. I Have ABSOLUTELY nothing to hide..”


Tiffany Hartley emerged on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 yesterday after her 16th hour of interviews at the Mexican Consulate in McAllen, Texas.

Hartley recounted the events of September 30, ending with the alleged murder of her husband David. Ms. Hartley gave both new testimony and confirmed her previous statements according to reports from the Mexican Attorney General and Ms. Hartley herself, without the presence of an attorney.

According to several statements from Hartley, David was shot “off his jet ski” while the couple was returning from the Mexican side of Falcon Lake, where they briefly took pictures of the historic church on Old Guerrerro. Neither David Hartley nor his Sea Doo watercraft have been recovered.

One of the most baffling aspect of the case, is the fact that Ms. Hartley claims the pair were shot at at as they were driving their jet skis away from alleged “pirates” they both waved a friendly hello to, seconds before.  Tiffany Hartley was uninjured in the attack, and her jet ski was not hit in the gunfire. Although media was alerted last week that tests on a possible blood source on Tiffany’s life vest were due back that afternoon, we were quickly told there would be no updates about the possible blood evidence at this time.

This afternoon, blinkoncrime Editor spoke with Chuck Smith, owner Smith Marina USA about specifics of the Sea Doo RXT.

..Your correct, the RXT has a chip in the starter that is electronically programmed to “match” the owners lanyard key. If he was wearing the lanyard, whether attached to his vest, or in some cases the arm, and he was thrown off the ski, it activates a kill switch and will not start without the key it is programmed to without a factory reprogramming, which of course, one would need the paperwork for. In short, no matter what, they would need his key to start it.

Blink Question: What if he was not attached to the key, and he was shot and flew off the unit “in motion”, this would not shut the engine off, correct?

CS: Correct. The ski would continue in the direction the handlebars were pointing and continue to throttle in that direction.

Blink: How hard are these models to sink?

CS: Virtually impossible. I have never actually heard of, or seen one, sink to the bottom. The way the Coast Guard standards are now with these, they have hulls similar to boats.

Blink: Could enough bullet holes sink it? What about if the contiuum– could that have caused it to flip? Could anyone right it?

CS: No, not unless we are talking morter rounds. I guess in theory an automatic weapon could put enough holes cut it in half if that was the goal, but again, your still going to see shards of fiberglass all over the water, remnants similar to a boat accident or crash. Again, under these circumstances, I don’t see how he could flip it, but if it were, again, harder to see because the bottom is black, but any SAR or Coast Guard deployment knows what abnormalities to look for on the water surface. It would be next to impossible to “right it” in deep water. It would be more likely they would drag it to shallow water.

Blink: Is this chop-shoppable?

CS: Absolutely. There is some after factory devices, similar to lo jack, but the engine and parts are expensive and could easily be sold that way.

Blink: He was wearing a PFD I. In your opinion is that keeping him afloat until he is located if he was left in the water?

CS: Absolutely, unless it was removed, or he and the vest were removed from the water, he would be floating, yes.

As announced this morning on Dana Pretzer commentary, Blink, Editor In Chief of will be discussing the Hartley case this evening live at 9PM EST on Scared Monkeys The Dana Pretzer Show.


Listen To Podcast Here

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  1. Mermaid14 says:

    This article is fantastic! A MUST READ! I think the author has pretty much nailed it!

  2. nana2 says:

    @ Mermaid14 says:
    January 19, 2011 at 6:49 pm

    re: I’m still not convinced he was the one driving the truck that day.


    Personally I was never convinced he was driving that truck & I’ve questioned that may times over because they were never asked to ‘get out of the vehicle & step away from the truck’ so neither one of them were ever in camera.. Unless you have heard DH’s voice on a tape how can you say for certain that it was his voice & he was the driver.. People have said well they verified the driver on the DL he handed over but phony DL’s are a dime a dozen just come down here to Miami & they’re on any street corner.. Miami = The Keys

    This truck stop video has always seemed to me to be too convenient..

    Glad I stopped by..

  3. nana2 says:

    Mermaid14 says:
    January 21, 2011 at 1:52 pm

    Am I crazy? You’ve got 3 cops and they don’t even run the driver’s license????

    The fact that there were 3 cops devoted to this one little tag stop amazes me & they followed them for awhile what a salary budget.. And unless it was a cozy cop car the deputies must have been in more than one vehicle for a little tag stop.. Bless their little hearts ♥

  4. Mermaid14 says:

    That’s just it nana2, he didn’t appear to hand over a DL if you really watch the video closely, and even if he showed it to the Deputy, the Deputy most definitely did NOT run the license for a check because he would have had to return to his vehicle to do that and he did not. There can also be no verifiable written report of this stop because the officer did not write anything down or issue any warning ticket, he walked back to his squad car empty handed.

  5. nana2 says:

    @ Mermaid14 says:
    January 22, 2011 at 8:18 pm

    That’s just it nana2, he didn’t appear to hand over a DL

    Yes I know I recall seeing all of that but others who have commented on this tag stop appear to disagree with my feeling that it was not DH/TH in that vehicle & something definitely amiss with this entire tag stop drama.. It took 3 cops to do this tag stop absolutely amazing & overkill given the reason for the stop.. If the cops suspected something else might be going on then IMO they should have asked them to leave the vehicle & step away from it so they could at least do a cursory look into the trucks cab & get the occupants in/on camera.. MOO

  6. Mermaid14 says:

    I also read that the truck license and the trailer license were from two different states! Don’t know which was which but one was Mexico and the other Colorado. And one of them was expired.
    If you read that article that I linked above they used this video to justify not only TH timeline but they also said it corroborated her story of what happened on the lake. How they could leap to that conclusion is ludicrous! Based on what the officers did/did not do, this was anything but a routine stop. And I have read some of the blogs from Mexico and the Valley and the Hispanics are furious when they see this. They all said they would have been gotten out of the car at the very least, most likely ticketed for whatever i.d. was expired, or worse.

  7. Mermaid14 says:

    A number of people also said that using jetskis on that lake was highly unusual. The Mexico side where they supposedly were was 6 to 7 miles from the US shoreline. That’s a long way to travel on a jetski just to take pictures. And she’s not even going to have a cellphone with her in case of emergency? Would you or I be that bold? I won’t even drive to the next town in the US without mine and we don’t have drug cartels to worry about. My theory is those jetskis never entered the water that day. Perhaps they were in a boat since TH slipped up and said boat in an interview. And I think the shadowy “witness” is erroneous as well. They could have come up with that guy from anywhere. Where’s the DNA report that it was David’s blood on the vest? Nonexistent.

  8. Mermaid14 says:

    When nothing makes sense of what is going on at the border, these guys do. I believe the drug war is going to become the new 9/11 just like 9/11 was the new Pearl Harbor. Stop and think who is benefitting from all of this. It is certainly not the Mexican people or the American taxpayers. Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Former Vice President Dick Cheney were indicted by a federal grand jury in South Texas several years ago for their role in ownership of private prisons in Texas where teenage boys, (most probably imprisoned due to drug violations, etc) were being horribly abused. Somehow those federal indictments magically disappeared just months later. Listen to what Alex Jones says about the profiteering off of this drug war. I think we are looking at the real smoking gun here of what may have happened in the David Hartley case. I am going back to my original theory of political motivation. There would be more money to be made by that than murder for hire. TH would have a hell of a time collecting on any type of life insurance without a body. But she sure is cashing in on all the publicity and I am sure there is more to come.
    Dr. Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura on the drug war:
    Alex Jones on the drug war:
    Think what you may about any of these guys, they have done their homework and research.

  9. DesertGirl says:

    Forgive me but I have a super basic question. What was the traffic stop for? Why were they stopped? I have watched the video several times and still cannot convince myself they were stopped for expired tags. The “cops” sure took a lot of interest in those jet skiis. Just sayin….

  10. nana2 says:

    @ Mermaid14

    In the tag stop video the cop can be heard asking the driver of the truck when did he buy the trailer & I believe the driver (DH?) said he bought the trailer in May so I’m guessing its the trailer with the expired tags since the trailer hides the back of the truck you wouldn’t be able to see the trucks tags..

    I too have always asked why DH&TH had no reg cell phone or a push to talk walkie-talkie cell with them that day just in case of an emergency with a jet ski or one another.. DH was such a toy junkie its odd.. The entire trip is odd given the fact during one interview TH said they only spent 5 minutes at that underground church that day taking the mysterious pics..

  11. gigi says:

    On the BDH site TH has posted a comment about her last CBS interview. She says that she really had nothing new to tell but that the search for DH’s body waw called off but the investigation was ongoing, but they do not know anything about it. She then says of course we are NOT distraught about this….Is that her true feelings coming out…I mean not distraught about the ongoing search?? Of course, I know if there is a body that it would be remains only…but most searches continue to search for remains for closure for the family. Why does TH say…of course we are NOT distraught? She goes on to say that they can not do anything because of the violence caused by the cartel. Well, Tiffany and David knew about the violence on the lake, had made a plan about if something happened to them like that, yet no way to communicate? Even in the middle of the amazon basin deep into the jungle my team has a way to communicate at all times. Why would DH and TH risk going over to the Mexico side of the lake for just a few minutes of photographing that church? Then we end up with no camera, no jet ski or parts of a jet ski, no blood other than one dot even though bullets were flying everywhere. I really thought Nikki Hartley was going to be the one to get on fire about justice for her brother as time passed.

  12. nana2 says:

    @ gigi

    Just went onto the BDH site to read TH’s update about her CBS interview someone should tell her she did the interview in January 2011 she uses 2010.. Now let’s see if she reads this & corrects the typo..

    Personally I cannot believe that she claims in that little write up that she is “not” devastated that the search for her “loved one” has been called off I would be distraught over that.. TH has always stated that David was her friend, lover & soul mate yet she’s not devastated over the fact that people have stopped looking for him.. What happened to ‘we just want his body back’, what happened to ‘our government has to help get David home’ ?

  13. Mermaid14 says:

    The media, LE, and all the politicians are now ready for this to all go away, and it looks like TH is ready for that too. Except for whatever freebies and favors TH gets from the networks when she appears, or donations she collects on her website.
    When organizations of authority make a huge deal out of an event like this (media, politicians, LE), and then poof! want it to disappear, that means one thing. That everything that has already happened has served their purposes. This was never about a real event and never about justice needing to be served. If it was, they would still be screaming for David’s body to be returned, and they are not. They aren’t even talking about it anymore.
    Kind of reminds me of 9/11 when our goal was to “get Bin Laden” at all costs. Then one day several years later somebody asked Bush, hey what about Bin Laden, and his response was a lack luster, “oh, we’re not really worried about Bin Laden.” That was what proved to me that the whole 9/11 event was a planned and staged event in order to evoke fear, and set the wheels in motion to make lots of money for corporations who profit from war period.
    Same thing this drug war. The staged event close to the 2010 elections proved to be very fruitful for those that were screaming the loudest about drug cartels and illegal immigrants. But the only illegal immigrants that day were David and Tiffany Hartley.
    Nobody cares about evidence anymore, nobody cares whether David’s body will be returned, nobody cares about or has produced written reports of anything that happened that day.
    Whether or not David’s family has caught on to any of this or were willing participants remains to be seen.

  14. ChiaPet517 says:

    Hellloooooooo Hartley family. Any of you guys suspicious yet? See anything wrong with this whole picture? Tiffany’s storIES are full of holes (sorry, no pun intended). I thought at least ONE Hartley family member would have the guts to step forward and say, “you know, something just doesn’t add up here….” but nadda one has said a word. You would think maybe a family member might even like the media attention and would therefore speak up….but nothing. To me, their silence speaks volumes – like they know something and don’t want to bring any attention to it. Wonder what that could be……? All MOO.

  15. Mermaid14 says:

    I can only surmise by their silence, that DH’s family somehow has known all along that this was not a real event. It has been almost 4 months. Although they did seem to show much more emotion after the “event” than TH, it could have been in response to the fact that they knew that they would not see their son again for a long time. I can also only surmise that he is somewhere in hiding but where or for how long no who knows. As far as the lack of emotion from TH herself, well, there is a huge payoff at the end of this for her, and I am certain there is eventually going to be a reunion between her and DH.
    In addition to Helloooo Hartley family, can we also have a Hellooo, Media? Do you all EVER follow up on your cases anymore?? Your silence only adds to the suspicion that this is not what it seems. And, to ALL the media, if any of you knew, you are complicit in a crime! You are aiding and abetting the coverup of a law enforcement hoax. Remember the LA cop who faked his shooting? Well, folks, this is also a fake shooting. And anyone who knew before or after the fact and said or did nothing is complicit in this crime. That goes for the family, friends, politicians, media, all of you who knew something. The only ending I can possibly think of for this is that DH will enter the witness protection program with a new identity. But that would mean law enforcement is also complicit. Can no institution in this country be trusted anymore?

  16. nana2 says:

    @ Mermaid14

    So well stated.. I never thought that DH was deceased & feel he is alive, well & tanning himself somewhere just lying in wait.. I think DH/TH did this to walk away from debts & their life as it was known since DH strikes me as the rogue type, & with their moving back to the US side with DH’s company they would no longer receive that ‘company pays all living expenses’ perk they had obviously become accustomed to.. David’s company is also very silent & you would think if harm came to one of their employees on their watch they would be busy searching for him or his body after all how can they be sure his disappearance was job related or not unless they investigate it.. Perhaps things on his job were not all peaches & cream like TH would like people to believe..

  17. Mermaid14 says:

    In one of TH’s many interviews, she seemed almost miffed at the company, saying David “worked his butt off for them”, obviously meaning he was unappreciated. She may also be miffed that they are not rallying to the Hartley side of this. These two were on their own time if they were doing what they said they were doing, and they exhibited extremely poor judgement. The fact Calfrac made no statement whatsoever, not even of condolence I think speaks volumes.

  18. Mermaid14 says:

    @nana2 (PS)
    What keeps me thinking this was not a “get out of debt free” scheme is the law enforcement end of it. They seem to be complicit with so much of this and are covering up for this pair. If it were about debt alone, I don’t think they would be willing to put their careers on the line for a couple of spend thrift kids. No, this had to be about more, much more for law enforcement to not even question the TH story, given all the holes in it. Not to mention the timing of this right before a critical national election that saw many many incumbent democrats ousted from their jobs all over the country. This whole thing was a put-up job from start to finish including the fake LE stop about the license tags.

  19. nana2 says:


    I recall the interview that TH did & made that “worked his butt off for them” comment it sounded like an axe to grind statement to me & a little snarky.. Although DH & TH were on their own time that day if DH was doing something while at work & using his employers time & resources & it ultimately led to this situation his employer should be investigating his work related projects; only an internal investigation could clear that up.. On the other side of the coin if this disappearance had to do with the mid term elections or to draw attention to the border issues via the mid terms then the Hartleys got something out of the deal $$$ IMO.. No one would dissolve their life without a payoff again JMO..

  20. Mermaid14 says:

    It never ceases to amaze me what people will do to hold onto political power, or regain power. Lie, cheat, steal, kill, oh and don’t forget arson, like all the Houston electronic voting machines suddenly going up in smoke just weeks before the election. Whatever it takes. There was a payoff for both the politicians and the Hartley’s in this scheme. I guess the Hartley’s have to wait a little longer for their payoff so it’s not so obvious.

  21. Mermaid14 says:

    Hmmmmm. It has been nearly two months since TH even mentioned her husband’s name on her website. I mention the 4 month mark since the “incident”, and lo and behold, two days later, she waxes poetic and also mentions the 4 month mark. She is most assuredly reading these posts and reacting to them. Quite telling TH! We’ve all pretty much figured out your game as you can see. Wonder how long it will be before we see you on your fave network Fox again. You act as though they are the only real source of news in the country. Only they don’t need you anymore, the elections are over—mission accomplished. But one thing I have noticed, the border situation hasn’t changed a bit has it? Still the same violent mess. The next time you decide to take up a cause, why not go to the root of the problem which is our drug addicted society. But then that’s not how you Fox friends do business is it. By doing that you might actually accomplish something without all the fear mongering, political posturing, and racist rants. Your argument has grown weak. We are not cowering in fear of a Mexican drug cartel takeover of our country. We know what is driving the illegal immigration and lawlessness. And, funny thing, you didn’t seem to fear them either, you said so many times. Time for you to grow up, get a real job like the rest of us, and start paying some taxes to the country that you claim to love so much. Loving Jesus is only going to get you so far, haven’t you leaned on him enough? And if and when you ever decide to tell the real truth about what really happened that day, we’ll be here waiting.

  22. nana2 says:

    @ Mermaid14

    Fox & friends (all of them) lead by intimidation, fear & incite to riot tactics so I guess TH wants everyone to walk around either scared or shouting about the second amendment.. I guess no one ever told TH not to take the Lords name in vain & I wonder just how religious she truly is.. Being of the Catholic faith I can say my God only carried a cross never a gun.. I checked the BDH website where Tiff talks about her Early Show gig but she still has the wrong year out there it says 2010 s/b 2011 guess she’s been drinking too much Fox kool aid or tea..

    Can’t put the words Fox and News together in the same sentence its an oxymoron..

  23. ChiaPet517 says:

    @nana and mermaid, your posts are very entertaining and SO true. I still think the most bizarre behavior is by David’s own family. If this were my son I would be moving Heaven and Earth to find him. I would still be down there in Texas making a big stink about the whole thing to motivate someone to do something to find him. I would be hounding Sigi and any other law enforcement I could find. I would be lobbying whatever politicians necessary to keep the case alive and in the news. But it doesn’t seem like they are doing ANY of these things. Why? I think they all know something we can only guess at. Like David is alive and well maybe? But there’s a price on his head so he has to hide? MOO

  24. Mermaid14 says:

    Perfect example of what you are saying, Palin and her crosshairs scopes over all of her political opponents. Not making a judgement or laying blame here, but what happened in Tucson is a prime example of what you are talking about. Then Palin and her ilk actually tried to say the symbols were SURVEYOR’S MARKS! When they realized the monster they had created, they tried to backtrack and couldn’t. Catholic girl here too. My God is not a God of vengeance and intolerance, but rather a God of love, peace, and brotherhood. It’s like they are trying to warp speed The Word, and create their own damned Apocalypse!
    I also read where the gun and assault rifle photos of TH’s family seemed magically to disappear from the internet after the violent Arizona incident as well.
    God and politics just don’t mix, and never will. How anyone can equate God with any of this is beyond me. As a famous President once said, our problems are manmade and will have to be solved by man. They need to stop using the Bible and God to prop up their absurd political views. Can you imagine this type of rhetoric succeeding in politics say 30 or 40 years ago? These people would have been laughed out of the country. They have done nothing but latch on to people’s fears and milk them for all they’re worth.
    Mexicans are not the enemy. Obama is not the enemy. Gays are not the enemy. Muslims are not the enemy. The enemy is us.

  25. Mermaid14 says:

    Remember those 30 or so people in those bright red t-shirts that said Bring David Home, and they were holding signs that said the same thing? That little “march demonstration” lasted for about 1 day then those people disappeared, never to be seen or heard from again. T-shirts gone, signs gone. Who were those people??? I looked at some of the photos and didn’t recognize any of them. I thought that was one of the most bizarre things about this whole thing not to mention the two “memorial” services. The only common theme throughout this whole incident is the bizarre nature of absolutely everything that happened. None of it makes sense.

  26. isfahan says:

    Mermaid14 and others. There is a site called Bring David Hartley Justice on Facebook. It’s been slow there, but is still a forum for justice.
    From there you may find a link to “Borderline Madness” at a very interesting site by a very good writer.
    I have not been here for awhile, but you are not alone in your questions. These questionsstill being asked are all valid and need to be answered.
    Perhaps if enough people keep asking in one spot…

  27. isfahan says:

    Re: “Borderline Madness”: the site is “onthetexasborder.”

  28. Mermaid14 says:

    Finally had to break down and get a facebook page, I found out how many family pics I was missing out on!
    Some very interesting posts on the page, from people suspicious of TH especially.
    Prefer not to comment or post on that page because I have to use my real name for facebook.
    And you are so right, those people are asking the very same questions we are. How long before it reaches enough of a crescendo that the media can no longer ignore it?

  29. ChiaPet517 says:

    HA! Ask yourself, why do total strangers have to make enough noise that someone will notice this case? With NO ONE in DAVID’S OWN FAMILY willing to step up and take any sort of lead in getting the facts and finding out what really happened (isn’t that amazing? Not a single family member!), it just makes one think he’s around hiding somewhere because maybe someone is after him, and they all know it….MOO

  30. Mermaid14 says:

    Time to give up on mainstream law enforcement and mainstream media. A really hungry freelance journalist, and a crack private detective could probably figure this out in a few days. There’s got to be someone out there willing to do this.

  31. Mermaid14 says:

    Just went back and re-read the BDH Jan. 24 post. It changed after several posters here commented on the “not devastated” about the search being called off. She removed the “not”.

  32. zinnia says:

    Forgive me if this has already been posted here, but I just read about the horrifying story of the murder of 9 year old Brisenia Flores on May 30, 2009. I don’t recall any media coverage of this tragic event. It’s inexcusable for the media not to cover this story. I hope the right wing extremists who were responsible for these murders never see another free day of life again.

  33. Mermaid14 says:

    Thank you for posting that story. I consider myself well read and fairly politically savvy, but that is one story that did not make it to my radar. So….so-called “patriotic” Americans are fed up with violent illegal immigrants with too many guns and drugs,so they raided a house with their guns, killed people, and hoped to find drugs to sell to fund more raids with violence, guns and drugs in order to prevent other people from entering the country that are violent with guns and drugs. Makes perfect sense doesn’t it?
    Excellent article by the Village Voice, I do not consider them part of mainstream media, they never have been which is why they will print such a story. Don’t count on our illustrious media to even touch it. They are too busy chanting in the squares of Egypt about how Egyptians should be free from tyranny like we Americans are. All the while their President is trying to extend the Patriot Act that permits internet spying and suspends habeas corpus.

  34. Mermaid14 says:

    Anderson Cooper/CNN did a story on little Brisenia Flores last night. So far that is the only MSM coverage I have seen.

  35. isfahan says:

    @Mermaid14, Zinnia, ChiaPet517, There has only been that tiny covergage because Shawna Forde was convicted. Pretty sickening, isn’t it? Immingrationclearinghouse has covered the story, but when you compare that to all the sympathetic coverage TH got and MSM’s total acceptance of her lies and bs, it is horrible. What else do they not cover? What else like TH’s “stories” do they misinform, coverup, and slant to such a degree?

    I feel they are as complicit in the coverup of TH as LE.

    TH’s fb page, before she closed it to “private,” was reproduced. Have you seen where she wrote that the cartel threw TH and DH out of their place in Reynosa in Sept. 09? The Hartleys then lived in McAllen, TX, until they found another place in Reynosa, MX.

    They moved back to Mexico after the cartel “incident,” then moved back to McAllen about six-seven months later. I found it incredible that TH, in all her interviews and appearances, did not, to this day, mention the cartels throwing them out!!

  36. isfahan says:

    Mermaid14 You can, if you want to, have a fb page w/out your name.

  37. gigi says:

    Thanks @isfahan for the link…very interesting to see what TH said before her FB became private. She seems to be quite the little attention seeker then as well as now. On the BDH page she addresses the recent border problems in Mexico (which have been going on way before she danced in and out of town) and then delights the reader with an update on her political social status and how she was recently debuted in that arena. Hopefully, the ones footing the bills for her social agenda are including grammar, spelling and etiquette lessons.

  38. zinnia says:

    thanks for that link, isfahan. One thing I find interesting is that a Facebook “friend” took the steps to save TH’s Facebook page and took the time to send it to someone. It looks to me like there are people who know her who are suspicious as well. I just wish the FBI or the proper authorities would get to the bottom of this fishy story.

  39. Mermaid14 says:

    @isfahan, thanks for info and links. All very telling.
    @zinnia, I think that for most people, it is troubling to think that our government agencies, even our media, or law enforcement, would work both sides of a conflict, but that is what they have been doing for decades. Don’t count on any of them to do the right thing. No doubt the Hartleys were doing the same thing. Hence the back and forth with no real apparent fear of the violence.
    Case in point, our media was crawling all over the Egypt situation for weeks, prodding them on and encouraging them to revolt and seek democracy.
    Yet in the state of Wisconsin, where our own citizens are fighting for the right not to have their pensions raided and their pay cut, neither our President nor our media is really covering or encouraging them anywhere near as much as the situation across the world.
    Mexico is ripe for exploitation by the masses, so is Egypt.
    None of them seems to care one iota of what is really in the best interests of our country. It’s all about power, money, and political one upsmanship. We have politicians who are HOPING, yes HOPING, the job situation stays disastrous so they can then, in the next election use it against their opponents. How sick is that? Yet they are all doing it.

  40. Chiapet517 says:

    Mermaid, you make some very interesting points (I’m always lurking here, but lately just reading).

  41. Mermaid14 says:

    Thanks for the heads up on the new BDH post by Little Miss Sunshine. Just reading it made me want to hurl. Another “teenager in love” story. Whether she wants to admit it or not, she is being used by every one of these slimy politicians. But what the heck, beats getting a real job. All the freebie airfare, hotels and free meals I am sure are an exciting thing. So much so that she almost forgot to mention the purpose of the whole thing which is what happened to her husband. She finally gives one Godspeak at the end to ease her guilt.

  42. isfahan says:

    Thanks to all above for checking those links and for keeping the interest in this case going.

    @Gigi said re: Tiff,”Hopefully, the ones footing the bills for her social agenda are including grammar, spelling and etiquette lessons.”

    Hahahaha. I hope the ones whining [sic] and dining that little sociopath let her remain as ignorant and obnoxious as she has been. She is already quite slick in her own way. One can only live in hope, and keep working on getting a investigation opened up to look into her deeds and Sigi’s and others’ malfeasance. I hope you keep checking out “onthetexasborder.blogspot” for updates.

    @Mermaid14 wrote “I think that for most people, it is troubling to think that our government agencies, even our media, or law enforcement, would work both sides of a conflict, but that is what they have been doing for decades. Don’t count on any of them to do the right thing. No doubt the Hartleys were doing the same thing. Hence the back and forth with no real apparent fear of the violence.

    “Mexico is ripe for exploitation by the masses, so is Egypt.

    “None of them [our media and politicians] it seems to care one iota of what is really in the best interests of our country. It’s all about power, money, and political one upsmanship. We have politicians who are HOPING, yes HOPING, the job situation stays disastrous so they can then, in the next election use it against their opponents. How sick is that? Yet they are all doing it.”

    I agree with what you wrote above and only put in brackets what I assume you were referring to.

    Looking at BDH sickens me as, it has been, and will remain, only about Tiff, herself, Tiffany, and collecting money for Tiffany Hartley, but BDHJ and onthetexasdborder.blogspot will keep this case alive and keep pushing for justice and a resolution beyond Tiff getting away with using, and, at the same time, being used, by these scurrilous people.

    @Zinnia Yes, it is telling that one of Tiff’s “friends” saved the fb page. And telling, too, that Tiff’s experiences with the “cartel” went unmentioned and unnoticed [Is that possible??] by MSM and our federal law enforcement. I do not count Sigi as LE, as he is a stumble-bum, corrupt politician, only.

    @ChiaPet517 Nothing wrong with reading. :)

    Can you imagine what someone with subpoena power could do in this case?!

    BTW This is where Tiff gets her bible quotes. You can dial in anything you want, whenever you need a religious quote, be it a Proverb, Psalm, or Genesis. I am not kidding; this is where Tiff goes.
    And you can do it too. Just go to top left of this page and dial.

    Translation Blessed is the person who does not follow the advice of wicked people, take the path of sinners, or join the company of mockers.

    King James Bible
    Blessed [is] the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

  43. iammetx says:

    @isfahan Thank you for the reference to my site and thanks to everyone who took the time to follow the link, but most importantly, thank you to everyone who continues to keep this case alive.

    Sometimes I wonder how far we can get in this case and if we have any power against these higher powers. They seem to have an influence that we don’t. Why? How far does this corruption go?

    The reason I say that is because Tiffany was interviewed recently on Today’s Widow and I afforded some information in the comments section. At first, they were accepting of my post, but the last post seems to be of someone who claims to know Tiffany and David personally, as if that makes a difference. I responded to that comment last week, but now they won’t post my comment. I’ve tried several times, each time making changes that maybe might have caused my posts from showing up, but none will appear. That was last week, and to date, the last post up there is in favor of Tiffany, and I’m just wondering what happened between when they were allowing my posts to when they stopped accepting them? Did Tiffany or this “friend of Tiffany” contact this blogger or use their “contacts” to keep them from allowing negative comments on Tiffany? It’s all very interesting and I for one want to take this further to find out just how far the corruption branches out.

  44. gigi says: has an interview by Will Ripley with TH on Feb. 24. She seems more like a grieving wife in this interview than others in the recent past. She is very subdued in light of her last posts on BDH page where she seemingly boasted of her many invitations. The I word was not in usage as frequently as in her recent posts. The article says neighbors cannot take target practice in the area of her parent’s farm because it makes TH too jumpy. Hmmmmm….just do not know what to make of TH or the DH incident anymore. Thoughts anyone?

  45. ChiaPet517 says:

    Still lurking out here, waiting for any updates

  46. Mom3.0 says:

    Hello ChiaPet, Blink and all,

    I’m still around, wondering if we will ever know the truth of what happened on Falcon lake.

    Yesterday there were some new developments according to Sheriff Siggy, 2 more suspects have been identified in the shooting. 4 altogether with the 2 brothers being named earlier…all all said to be members of the zata drug ring.

    According to SS, there was a total of 7 members involved that day.

    Tiffany, in an interview said she can not identify who shot David, nor can she identify who pointed the gun at her.

    In the new reports SS is quoted as saying that one of the new suspects pointed a rifle at Tiffany’s chest, lowered it, raised it, lowered it, while awaiting the go ahead to kill her…Somehow she escaped before the orders were solidified, I guess, although it is not mentioned how this all played out….

    “Their intent was to kill her,” he said, referring to Tiffany Hartley. “She was able to get away from them.”

    “They were watching her with a rifle to her body and they lowered it and pick it up and lowered,” he said. “They were waiting for word whether to shoot her or not shoot her. “

    Tiffany was able to get away and make it to safety, but David Hartley’s body has never been found.

    Meanwhile, Gonzalez said the suspects are known to be living in Mexico, but since the attack, they have crossed into the U.S. several times.

    “What we will probably do is pass it on to the FBI and the FBI I think is gonna pass it to the State Department,” he said.,0,2567611.story?track=rss

    With video report w/Tiffany’s comments
    Snipped from article–
    The new information, based on cooperation from informants, came to light last month, but is just now being released publicly.



    Hartley’s account of what happened has never changed. (say what, says I) She and her husband were returning from touring a well known local landmark, the previously submerged town of Old Guerrero on the Mexican side of the border. They were about a mile from the town’s well-known church when three boats approached. The men in the boats had guns and began to fire. David Hartley, his wife said, was shot in the head.

    In the months since the attack, many doubts have been raised by law enforcement sources (what specific law enforcement sources? I ask) suggesting Tiffany Hartley’s version of events does not ring true. Rumors persist that somehow, in some way, the Hartleys themselves were involved.

    Gonzalez, who says he always believed Tiffany Hartley, said that the new information on the suspects corroborate her story.

    The suspects are known Mexican drug traffickers and “do come over to Zapata County (Texas) every once in awhile. We’re waiting to try and grab them when they’re here,” he said. (didn’t they already come back several times since the shooting, perhaps they were unknown at that point?)

    () added by me

  47. Ragdoll says:

    Hey Mom, good morning all.

    Just read about it on CNN. WOW!

    (say what, says I) <——- LOLOLOLOL Mom. It's early, I haven't had my coffee, I am NOT a morning person, but this didnt stop me from howling!!!! Way too funny.

    So the new info corroborates her story? Doesn't make her innoncent, I says. If the suspects are known to be in Zapata now and then, there's nothing to say she didn't 'run into them'.

    She's not clear in my books. I can keep a narrowly open mind.

  48. ChiaPet517 says:

    Ho Hum. Two more nameless suspects to add to the other two nameless suspects. Geez, thanks alot Sigi.

  49. Mom3.0 says:

    Hi ragdoll…fancy meeting you here.

    Yeah I hear ya ChiaPet.

    The truth is I don’t know what happened on Falcon Lake, but my mind keeps going back over the inconsistencies in Tiffany’s accounts…and what about that one tiny drop of blood?…I don’t know something is not right…I just don’t know what it means.

    The announcement of more suspects has prompted new interest in interviewing Tiffany:



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