Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Bug Blunders And Botany Bias Benefit The Prosecution

Last week, under a due date requirement required by Chief Justice Perry, some of the expert opinions to be offered in the capital murder trial against Casey Marie Anthony were released.

In a highly circumstantial case, it is common for the silent witnesses to be the ones who tell us the critical pieces to the puzzle we are working on, are under the chair.

Bugs and Plants do not lie.

Arguably the Entomology and Botany evidence and their respective expert evaluations of same will likely hold some of the heaviest weight in the mind of jurors who will be charged with reaching a verdict in the death penalty trial in the murder of  Caylee Anthony.

Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar.

~Bradley Millar

Lord of The Flies Part Deux

Dr. Neal Haskell, is largely considered the pioneer of Forensic Entomology in the United States.

In fact, he is the first individual in this country to earn Masters and Doctorate degrees in the field in 1989 and then 1993 respectively at Purdue University.

I have respectfully referred to him in earlier work as ‘The Bug Dude”.

Dr. Michael Baden and his co-author Marion Roach dedicated an entire chapter in their book, Dead Reckoning, to his work. Dr. Haskell was the “first call” choice expert of Linda Kenney Baden, former defense counsel to Casey Anthony, as stated by his former protégé and defense entomology expert, Dr. Timothy Huntington.

Dr. Haskell’s report filed October 6, 2009 contains the only peer-reviewed expert conclusions offered in the case against Casey Anthony.

In no way am I undermining it’s exhaustive and thorough contents. For the purposes of this article in order to remain respectful to the sensitivity that we are talking about medicolegal death investigation information that sadly comes from the homicide of a 34 month old child. I will largely be paraphrasing.

Dr. Timothy Huntington, the defense team’s expert witness, has been deposed by the State of Florida in this case three times to date. A final deposition has yet to be released.

(Editors Note: Although Linda Kenney Baden withdrew as co-counsel last October because she was not going to get her expenses approved and paid for by the state of Florida, she is most definitely working on this case in some consulting sort of capacity as she was present and noted in Huntington’s deposition in December)

Between his depositions dated December 28, 2010 and January 2011, Dr. Huntington produced a preliminary report that analyzed Dr. Haskell’s report and entomologic specimens. We know that he learned during the first deposition that several samples from the trunk vacuumings of the Pontiac Sunfire had not been sent for analysis to Dr. Haskell until a few days earlier. Dr. Huntington was not expected to prepare an opinion on that evidence until after it’s submission to him.

Huntingtons’ court ordered report focused solelyon the bugs in the trash originally located in the trunk of Casey’s car and omitted the bug samples from autopsy and the crime scene entirely.

Huntington was asked to review the Haskell report (b) during the second deposition “on the record”, however, and stipulated that he agreed with Haskell’s classifications found at autopsy and with Caylee’s remains. He maintained he disagrees with the fact that the entomological findings prove there was ever a decomposing body in the trunk of the car. He said as far as the bugs go, they are of no forensic value to conclude the victim was in the trunk.

Overall, Huntington and Haskell actually agree on most conclusions, and I would not be surprised to learn that his report’s omission of the bugs from the areas other than the “trash” were a tactical move by the defense.

Huntington seemed to have conceded that there was enough evidence to “assume” there was decompositional fluids that attracted the species of critters it did, but later contradicted himself by stating he feels the evidence points more strongly to there having never been a deceased person in the trunk.

Huntington’s arrival at that conclusion is actually based on what both bug dudes claim is the lack of early colonization of certain insects which are an important factor to establish what is referred to in forensic entomology as post mortem interval (pmi).

Haskell attributes the lack of the “early arriving winged things” to the trunk being cleaned by Casey Anthony and the trunk access itself during the initial stages of a corpse reaching bloat status.

Huntington says unless Caylee was refrigerated, buried, or hermetically sealed, he is not buying it. Interestingly, Ashton asks Dr. Huntington if he is aware of any evidence in this case that any of those options, staving off early colonization for a bit, occurred.

Huntington answered no, but I am reminded that it was he who took soil samples from the areas in the backyard where canines Gerus and Bones, through their handlers Jason Forgey and Kristin Brewer alerted to decomposition on July 17, 2008. Huntington stated he volunteered to take them, although he is not a “dirt dude” and is unaware if they have ever been tested.

There are only two options as to the status of those samples. Either they were never tested or they were tested and evidence of decomposition was found and is now considered work product and not discoverable. Had they been tested and no decomp was found, those exculpatory results are subject to discovery.  Although soil samples from the Anthony home were also taken into evidence by the state, their analysis has not yet been released.

Given the formation of the questions by SA Ashton, it is clear that the State’s theory is that Caylee was put into the trash bags and laundry bag prior to being placed in the trunk, leaving little doubt they believe little Caylee was killed at the Anthony residence.

Dr. Huntington’s basic testimony for the defense states that scientifically Dr. Haskell makes unsupported leaps about the existence of a decompositional event or human carrion, in the trunk of the infamous Pontiac Sunfire.

Prior to his depositions, he felt pretty strongly that a trunk would not render a corpse inaccessible and last fall set out to prove it.

In his role as “LOTFL, Jr.”, Huntington conducted an uncontrolled observatory experiment on decomposing pigs killed “for cause”, and recorded exterior activity “only” for 11 days without opening the trunk of completely different trunks and trunk environments in a dissimilar climate. Ultimately, this study did not make it into his report. Go figure.

His boot theory got the boot, you might say.

The fly in the ointment, if you will, with this counter-opinion is that Dr. Huntington’s report is based exclusively on the contents of the garbage bag located in the trunk of the car, which he maintains to date was all he was sent to examine. Haskell’s report specifically delineates between specimens found in the white bag with blue handles, and those found in the trunk.

What is beyond me, is how Dr. Huntington’s depositions and preliminary report does not so much as reference the fact that the garbage bag in question spent at least twelve hours in a DUMPSTER at Johnson’s Wrecker AFTER being opened by the Operations Manager Simon Burch in front of George Anthony. It is noted specifically in the timetable of Dr. Haskell’s findings, however.

I mean, I am pretty sure 12 hours is half the lifespan of some of the bugs he is examining in the first place.

How many proverbial poo poo platters could those flies order in 12 hours?

Did they take on new and different larvae? In Burch’s interview, he thought the bag was white with yellow handles; it is white with blue handles.

You know, this is a welcome (from my perspective) missed opportunity by the defense and fat technical snafu. Just imagine all that ripe fruit of that poisonous tree (dumpster metallia) floating around. You see where I am going with this…

Before anyone gets all up in my britches for pointing this out, ask Chris Darden if he regrets the decision to ask OJ Simpson to try on the glove?

Consider the dumpster the glove, and because it was not referenced in Huntington’s reports, he cannot bring it up at trial.

Let’s all be thankful we will not be hearing “If it was in the trunk and in the dump it must be junk” for months.

As an aside, this is exactly why a criminal defense attorney in his 3rd year of practice is not permitted to take a capital case on his own. Out of the gazillion motions to suppress this, that and the other thing, you would think one out of 11 lawyers might have had their hand up at a meeting and asked:

“How can we even be sure this is the bag that came from the Pontiac when there is a car in the same lot at the same time where there is no question a dead person was in it?”

“Did anyone think to ask Mr. Burch for the name and registration information of the suicide victim so we can see if he eats Velveeta Mac and Cheese?”

“Um, Ms. Baden, I know you’re all up in alleles to your elbows, but I was wondering, if someone tried to clean the trunk, why would they leave paper towels with body fluid in the trunk? There is nothing that ties our client specifically to this particular garbage found in an abandoned vehicle, maybe we should think about trying to get it tossed?”

“Has anybody had Dominic Casey or whatever his name is Hoover nab some trash from any of those friends they have been stalking for months?”

I trust my point, albeit offered in the snarktacular, outlines how the lack of the defense to prep their expert for another bite at this evidentiary “apple” is astounding.

$275K does not go as far as it used to I guess.

Dr. Huntington refers to a corpse discovered in his report. As he is a forensic entomologist, I have to say, I find this curious as a descriptor in the very report he is most specific about what he might see or might not see in a decompositional event.

Skeletal remains vs. a corpse is big deal in an experts opinion.

Because Dr. Haskell had not been sent the trunk vacumings for examination from the Sunfire until this past December, his amended report was not available at Dr. Huntington’s deposition.

You will notice the laissez faire way I just said that. Similar to the way it was released, really. Smushed in the middle pages of the most recent discovery release.

B O M B S H E L L (potentially)

In Dr. Haskell’s amended report, for the first time he has examined the vacumings from the trunk.

What is critically important in his report and is invisible to the naked eye, unless one goes “discovery diving”, is that the samples Dr. Haskell examined came from two separate and distinct intervals and collections.

J-60135 yielding a hair with a root bulb, and significant entomological finding, consistent with contact with decomposing carrion were found in the sweepings A F T E R the trunk lining was removed, months later.  Analysis on the hair has not been released.

Sweeping from the trunk liner, July 2008= ZZZZZZZZZZ

Sweepings from the trunk sans liner January 2, 2009= BAM

Dr. Huntington and no-doubt THE BAEZ LAW FIRM will not be thrilled to know he has unwittingly supported the testimony of State’s witness and former PhD board member, Dr. Haskell.  He says there should be dead flies and dead maggots underneath the liner.

Now we know, there are.

I’m an insect who dreamt he was a man and loved it. But now the dream is over… and the insect is awake…

Seth Brundle

Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced.

~Terence McKenna

Not to be confused with her fictional and botanically correct character in former Denver Attorney Stephanie Kane’s book, Seeds of Doubt, Dr. Jane Haskett Bock is anything but a “tough ‘ole broad.”

Admittedly, I am pro prosecution in the case against Casey Anthony, so when I review or analyze expert depositions or what I would call “case critical” witnesses, I find it helpful to dislike them, hopefully, intensely.

Dr. Bock is an uber accomplished retired professor, gifted researcher, scientist and educator.  Not only do I NOT dislike her, under normal circumstances, I would call her for consults on cases and take her classes.

Candidly, I have no idea why she is sitting in the pews at the wrong side of this wedding.

In an article published in 2008, she is described as a “Crime Fighter”, with very good reason.

Not long after the body was found, Bock’s phone rang once again. Could she use scraps of plants from a suspect’s car to determine his recent whereabouts? The police had combed the Toyota belonging to Mirabal’s husband, Matthew, and collected fresh plant material from the carpet, pedals, windshield wipers, and wheel wells. Bock visited the crime scene in Left Hand Canyon, where she skirted the still-visible gore to collect samples of plants from the surrounding forest. Back at the university, she identified both sets of samples, looking for common species.

Although Dr. Brock is a “grass roots”(pun intended) participant in Necrosearch International, some of her recent depositions as an expert witness for the defense, seems to belie the organization’s protocols.

Utilizing the multidisciplinary approach to scientific specificity as it relates to finding clandestine graves would seem to me to be necessary.

What the hell did I just say?

I said, the bone person, the plant person, the bug person, the investigator, and yes, the canines on her team, and frankly on any team, work in tandem.  In her deposition, Dr. Bock explains she prefers that scientists work independently in their field of expertise.

What was particularly troubling to me about Dr. Bock’s observations and assertions was that she openly admitted she has never reviewed the Crime Scene Technicians Field Reports nor has she reviewed any of the FBI analysis reports from the crime scene, the trunk, or the Anthony home.

(pppppsssst, there is botanical evidence and analysis from all 3 of those I think someone might want to * p e r u s e*  prior to testifying)

Here are just a few notes from the field that may help:

In fairness to Dr. Bock, she has stated that her findings would not enable her to offer an opinion as to how long Caylee Anthony’s remains were located in the 8900 block of Suburban Drive.

However, I sincerely wonder if that is not the defense’s goal in the first place.

What would be the point of that Blink?

Necessity, for starters.  They need a counter to Dr. Hall, who literally on-site at the recovery scene identified several non-indigenous trees, plants and vines without so much as a protractor.

(Yes, I know a Forensic Botanist is not identifying the green stuff with a protractor, hopefully you got a chuckle and can identify with my angst whilst I am swinging through the vines of this subject matter.)

For the most part, Dr. Bock agrees with Dr. Hall’s classifications, and what she is unsure of she laments she wishes she could have been able to visit the recovery scene intact, prior to removal of a substantive amount of vegetation; no doubt from her days of working for the criminal prosecution team in the bulk of her previous casework as an expert witness.

What was staggering to me, was that Dr. Bock was given very little to work with from The Baez Law Firm, in the first place.  I was also struck that during her deposition where defense team member Dorothy Clay Simms attended and was apparently under the impression she gets paid “per objection”; Ms. Simms admitted she herself had never before seen the photo evidence being reviewed and asked to have copies sent to her.  WOW. Perhaps that explains the recently installed turnstile at the firm’s front door.

One of my favorite exchanges during a deposition of a witness in this case to date:

In over thirty years, Dr. Bock admits she has never observed roots growing though a skeleton or actual human remains recovered outside, unburied.

None of which were of a child, and none were scattered over a “dank” and densely vegetated swamp of over 75 sq ft area, with variances in elevation and soils where bones were found in up to 4′ of muck and leaf litter.

I admit I cannot keep a poinsettia alive past January, but it would seem to me that it is reasonable to conclude that Caylee Anthony’s remains did not dig themselves into varying levels of silt, soil and vines the week prior to their discovery.

In August 2008, Fay, the first tropical storm in history to make landfall four separate times from August 18th through August 20th more than likely concealed little Caylee’s remains which Roy Kronk feared he had discovered a week earlier.  It was clear from Dr. Bock’s deposition that she was either unaware of this information or did not find the relevance of the swamp being deeply flooded in certain areas from August through November of 2008 to be relevant to the fact that there appeared to be only one season of leaf litter on surface areas.

Dr. Bock went on to say that a great deal of her case knowledge has been supplemented by her daughter’s addiction to TruTV.  It would be my sincere pleasure if someone that is close to Dr. Bock, who in my opinion is a fantastic example of an extraordinary scientist and educator with an impressive body life-long body of work, would pretty please tell her this is not the hot house for her species.

In theatrical terms:

Seymour Krelborn, Jose Baez may be Mr. Mushnik, but Casey Anthony is no flower, although she could play the role of Audrey II without needing a script.  Don’t feed her.

Copy Editor: Madeline Tanner

Contributing Editors:  Madeline Tanner, Jaqueline Beaufort

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  1. suz says:

    Thank you for this fascinating read Blink.Love the “Little Shop of Horrors”reference
    Now,I must go and read this a second time.

    Thank You Suz-

    I completely realize the burden of covering this subject matter in a “friendly way”. The truth is, I had to proof my own work about 6 times as a result BEFORE it hit Ms. Tanner for edit.

    I found myself concerned for potential jurors- can you imagine?


  2. MJ says:

    Blink! i had to read this about three times to TRY and understand it but in the end I’m totally stoked about the Jan.’09 trunk sweepings. Between kc and her merry maid mommy, it’s a wonder that there was as much as there was. I hate flies and maggots are disgusting but in this case, i luv ‘em.
    Your comment about LKB being used as a consultant made me wonder if the Dr. balked at being left in the lurch with ding-a-ling Baez as the head honcho. He signed on when the case had the aura of prominent attys and ends up with an imbecile.
    Thanks for all your hard work to help educate science drop outs like myself. I’ll check back in for the smart posts from other blinksters that really get it!

    Gawd U know it sista.

    So the advice shall be, on your recommendation, read three times and call me in the morning :)

  3. cuff NY says:


    Your strongest work. I did not realize before your piece that the liner was out of the car for the last intake.

    Landmark in this case young lady, landmark.

    Welcome cuff, and thank you for referring to me as young lady.

  4. Shelly Atlanta says:

    Blink, You knocked it out of the ballpark! Excellent! Bravo!

    I hope you have a front row seat (along with Val) for the reading of the verdict in this case. You both deserve it. Smiling…..

    (Since I noticed another Shelly posting and, I have not in a while, I added to my name,lol)

    It would be my honor to sit anywhere with sista Val.

    Many thanks.

    I did nothing, bugs are our friends apparently.

  5. Always asking questions says:

    I have one question Blink. Wasn’t there receipts in the bag that traced the bag back to Tony’s room mate, (his name escapes me at the moment)? I may be wrong, but I thought I read that somewhere!

    Correct, but that does not tie to Casey. In fact, the date of the receipt would belie she would “have ” garbage from then.

  6. Always asking questions says:

    I understand, but wouldn’t the car and the garbage from “Tony’s” tie Casey to the bag? Where the paper towels in the bag of garbage?

    There is no forensic tie to Casey, period.

    In court, had this been challenged, because of the break in the chain of custody, it may very well have been ruled suppressed or inadmissable. This is not subject to a “do-over”. If it were, I would not have written on it.

  7. Always asking questions says:

    To be honest, I always wondered if they would use the bag of garbage as I would have thought that the chain of custody would have been broken once if left the car and was thrown in the dumpster (by the tow yard owner) and not retrieved until the next day (or hours) later.

    See, now you know where I get my

    Bye the way, your article was very well expressed. I always enjoy readying what you see that I miss. :)

  8. Always asking questions says:

    I agree…:)

  9. ~mjaboston says:

    Thank you, Blink, for the educational breakdown. Your articles are always so fascinating. Both you and Val are making all of us savvy in this case. We are so appreciative!

    My opinion is that the defense is just going through the motions and in doing so, is making otherwise accomplished scientists look like inept lay people. Such a shame. And this is justice for a murdered child???

    Is not.

    But how much has her mother, and her grandparents done to speak for Caylee?

    Breaks my heart.

  10. MJ says:

    I think Mr. Baez approaches his job as defender as seriously as kc approached being a murderer.
    She killed Caylee and went about her business, not until the outward sign of her child decomposing forced her to take additional steps did she seem to take care to separate herself from the crime/body. Too late. Instead of preening and working her magic on Tony and tormenting her mother, she should have been torching her car or fleeing the country or something.
    Baez has been so mesmerized by his own reflection in the tv monitor that he failed to put much effort into all the details that can make or break a decent attempt at a defense. Being disorganized and always having that false sense of security that his fellow ‘team’ members would do the work, find the loophole, write the blistering reports only works when the atty is on top of chit. He’s about a light year way from being on top of anything.
    His laziness and ignorance is a lovely gift for Caylee.

  11. Eloise says:

    What an excellent article. While I haven’t followed Caylee’s case here on BOC often in the past I have been trying to brush up in time for the trial. You have brought so many points from the evidence to light I have previously overlooked.
    It had not occurred to me about ‘whose’ trash was in the trunk along with the potential contamination of the dumpster. WOW, what an oversight. Bet there are going to be folks kicking themselves later today. I also am very hopeful about the backyard ‘dirt’. I have an inkling this won’t be the last we hear of this area of evidence. Thanks for all your work, and looking forward to following the case/trial with more chuckles and revelations. We need some levity in a situation like this.


    My sincere thanks. I second guess myself when it comes to interpreting “data” for others.

    I just assume it as hard for the layperson, as it is for me, to evaluate and not simply refuse to look.


  12. chica says:

    I have read and reread or I must be tired where is the reference to the little house of horrors??

  13. chica says:

    wonderful article blink
    worth the wait! even though I almost had a nervous breakdown pacing the floor waiting and waiting lol!!

    great job! love blink and BOC!!

  14. chica says: … ied-grows/

    Dr. Werner Spitz (MICHIGAN) is challenging every point In Dr. Garavaglia’s autopsy report, concluding there are no scientific facts that Caylee Anthony died at the “hands of another.”

    Meanwhile, His son, Dr. Daniel Spitz ,Macomb County Medical Examiner, has been told “Your statements have damaged the credibility of the coroner’s office,” by Commissioner Don Brown. Spitz, who works part time for the county under contract, is paid $200,532 plus consulting fees. On Oct. 18, Spitz conducted an autopsy and reported he found no evidence of trauma to the body. He said the cause and manner of death were pending additional toxicology tests.

    The swirling controversy is over failure to detect a gunshot wound during an autopsy. Spitz has come under mounting criticism after he acknowledged at a news conference earlier this week that his autopsy on Widlak’s badly decomposed body did not find the gunshot wound at the base of the back of the neck.

    Spitz said he was unable to find the wound because the Macomb County morgue lacked the expensive X-ray device that Oakland County has, but Dragovic stated the wound was found during manual inspection. Spitz, who did not return a phone call for comment on Friday, has found himself being criticized by everyone from Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson to Macomb County commissioners. SOUND FAMILIAR????!!!

    a gunshot wound in the autopsy of Mount Clemens banker David Widlak is being “overinflated.” … viewmode=2

    Chica: your links did not work so I grabbed one for you:


  15. MaidenAmerica says:

    Another wonderful article, Blink!

    May God continue to bless you and your team as being a voice of justice for Caylee and also for so many others who have been cruelly taken from this earth. You all are remembered in my prayers!

  16. Gypsy DD says:

    Super duper reporting Blink! I really think this is up in the top ten reasons why everyone needs to BLINK each day.

    I could be wrong, but is Baez keeping his fingers on damaging evidence to keep it out of reach for his own forensic team? Seems he has very specific information he wants them to deliver in court and nothing Linda and Jeff’s questions on cross does he want them to say no comprenda..did not see, feel or examine? Mayhap after dealing with the A’s, who could not answer a question with less then a book chapter, he is trying to control the info he his experts can speak to? Could he be that dumb..or maybe his own eyes glass over when it comes to science? Or I might just need another cup of tea before I reread.

    On another note..Dr looking forward to Linda and Jeff’s cross exam on him….will he act out in court with his usual tantrums ala Spector?

    Thank you Blink for keeping the porch light on for little Caylee Marie.

    Thank you friend!

    Honestly, I have read Dr. Spitz’s report 3 times, I still do not understand the basis for his conclusions except that in order to be a defense expert witness, he must disagree with the Dr. G findings.

    As I read it, he actually concurs wrt to the mandible, so??

  17. Valley Girl says:

    Long time lurker, first time posting. Love, love, love this site, by the way!!! Excellent article Blink, many thanks for all that you do.

    I have been going over all the documents/reports in order to “refresh” my memory on this case and unless I missed something, we have never seen a report on any DNA results/testing on the maggots. Did I miss it? Or is there a possible bomb shell coming soon??? I am oh-so hopeful that there IS a report coming with a direct DNA link to Caylee and the maggots.

    That baby deserves justice!

    Welcome and thank you Valley Girl-

    It is possible to glean DNA from the abdomens of some of the bugs, you are correct, but I do know the current study involving same was only conducted on bugs 16 weeks and under, so it may be out of range in this case.

    I am most optimistic about the hair with the root bulb-

  18. lily says:

    Awesome article once again Blink. Your unique style and just right cheekiness are what make it worth the wait in between articles. I’d much rather wait than read over and over again stuff we’ve been looking at and talking about for nearly, what…. 3 years now?

    I’ve since this case come to the conclusion that a criminal would do much better to contaminate a crime scene rather than clean it. It seems that you can never totally “clean” it of evidence of a horrible crime but you sure can introduce garbage from a tow yard that had another dead body, put stuff in a filthy dumpster, make sure its covered in swam water and debris and also make sure that others could or would have regularly visited there in order to deposit ordinary DNA.

    In fact, I think criminals should stock up on botanical, entomological, random DNA, garbage and road kill before they commit their next crime. It would be impossible to sort it out….

    Are we relying too much on advanced forensic science to convict criminals who may have caught up and caught on?

    Once again, you never disappoint. Thank you

    You know, I think in some cases, criminals are luckier than smart.

    So far in this case, as I just wrote, I really believe the defense tactical errors and arrogance are just as much a factor as the forensics really.

    Caylee was not found until December. Had her defense requested a speedy trial and moved to suppress/exclude the garbage, Casey Anthony could very well be watching the clock in that ministry RV thing she talked about. Makes me shudder at the thought.

    Thanks for the kind feedback.

  19. NanaStacy says:

    Thank you Blink for another fantastic piece! I have a visual of Bozo reading (which you know for a damn fact he does read here) and banging his head on the desk, draining the liquor from those fancy bottles in his office, making calls to the “dream team” why didn’t anyone else see this…does anyone have a time machine? LOL

    Or, say, screaming like a girl?


  20. [...] Blog Goddess Blink from Blink On Crime  will be discussing the Caylee/Casey Anthony case, Chris George and all things Crime with updates on important [...]

  21. Mom3.0 says:

    I have been taking care of a house hold full of sick …..children (husband included hehe)…remember never to be the 1st one sick, because I seem to have had the misfortune to be able to pass it on to everyone else….

    I have been reading every chance I get, but haven’t had a chance to comment lately… Sorry for the length of this post, I guess having to lurk instead of post makes me even more wordy…

    I HAD to come out of lurking, to congratulate you on your hard work- Bombshell is right-Blink- more bug evidence under the liner & hair w/bulb found!!

    Blink- I am impressed by your attention to details. Excellent writing, WELL DONE. Your team/editors did a great job too. Kudos.

    I needed to reread this piece several times,too- so much information, and so much to think about. I appreciate the sensitivity you used in your writing and also your added attempts at levity- I can sure picture Casey as Audrey. Anyone that has tried to help her, seems to be eaten up.

    You have often times said this case will be a battle of forensics..Do you still believe that Blink?

    Me, I think they are going to play it just like OJ- BTW- nice “glove” line- “If it was in the trunk and in the dump it must be junk”, are you sure they can’t throw it in still? Did you copyright it?

    IMO they are going to throw everything they can in, questions on Kronk, possible other suspects, questions of LE mistakes, possible tampering, ect, Possible accident ..ugly-coping, due to molestation, abuse, and they will not present any real forensic evidence of their own, but only question the validity of the State’s case…inorder to supply ( unfounded IMO) doubts regarding the experts findings, LE’s collection, testing methods. the labs protocols equipment ect,ect.

    Here is the be all end all for me…Little Caylee is the forensic link to Casey in this death penalty case. Casey and Caylee are linked to the car. The car links a dead Caylee to Casey. Casey is linked to the trash, because Little Caylee is dead, sadly, so she is linked to the gravewax and other trunk evidence.. Casey is the link to the the Sunbird, to the dumpsite ect, & to Caylee, which = Casey did it. I think this is how a jury of 12 reasonable people will see it…

    Any lack of bug, dirt, plant, or any other forensic evidence, is solely due to Casey’s trying to get rid of the evidence. Casey cleaned the trunk in an effort to hide her murderous deed… “Out damned spot”

    Despite this or because of it, Evidence was found in Casey’s trunk. The evidence points to Caylee having been deceased, and decomposing in the trunk, of her moms car. Bug evidence, hair evidence, a stain containing the biological byproduct of decomposition…(possibly plant evidence, more bug evidence, and now more hair evidence was found in later sweepings.)

    IMO “In the Totality of the Circumstances” the evidence, or lack there of, seems to point directly to Casey, & to the trunk having been cleaned earlier by Casey in an attempt to remove evidence of murder…IMO The PTowels were found in Casey’s trunk- when the trunk was opened, at the T yard it was said- flies flew out…George testified to the sound of maggots crackling-T yard man threw trash in dumpster- Trash later recovered- little bug evidence found…..Cindy & George removed items from trunk possibly cleaned it further after regaining possession of the vehicle…thereby more evidence lost.

    The dump site is linked to Casey, again thru Caylee, Caylee was found with items that came from Casey & Caylee’s home. The elements, a hurricane, and animals ect moved further evidence.

    Evidence lost? Perhaps But Even so-

    Who is the person that had access to Caylee, the car, the trunk and TLs trash? Who is the person that gave excuses for Caylee’s whereabouts? Who knew where to find Caylee’s pooh blanket? Who would have had almost immediate access to the duct tape, ball bag, trash bags and other items? Who was seen buying ptowels, who would need to use/replace that amount P towels?? Who is the person that gave excuses to the smell in the car- before the tow yard even entered the picture? Who is the person that said they had something “plastered” to the frame of their car? Who said they got rid of it? Who is the person that stopped seeing family and friends that would ask tough questions regarding Caylee’s absence?

    Who is the person that cleaned the trunk before it arrived at the tow yard? Who is the person that would have had the opportunity and reason to place a bag of trash from TL apt in the trunk, with ptowels with grave wax inside? Who abandoned the car? The purse? The pants? The shoes? The mamma doll? The backpack? Who never called to report Caylee missing? Who asked for one more day? Who looked up chloroform, household weapons, and neck breaking?

    Who made up Zanny & a job? Who made up the Zanny kidnapping story/s? Who borrowed a shovel? Who backed into the garage? Who was aware of the dump site, and used to hang out around there? Who has a penchant for hearts?

    Who is the only person that undoubtedly knew Caylee was “missing” for 31 days? Whose cell pings place them in each area? Who went blissfully on with their life, as if a big weight had been lifted from their shoulders, during the 31 days?… Getting a tattoo- watching murderous movies- going to bars, uploading icons to MS that seem to tell the story…The diary of days- the songs-the Tupac quote- the hung teddy bear- ect?

    Who continued to lessen the severity of the situation even after the police were called? Who claimed to talk to Caylee that SAME morning of the 911 calls? Who sat indifferent through each interview? Who claimed to want to help bring Caylee home safely, but never seemed to supply ANY useful information?

    The jury will be asking who…and then, they will figure out that only one person can be the answer to every question, & then they will wonder Why? 12 reasonable people will weigh the evidence…they will weigh an accident theory against a murder theory…, & based on the evidence, what conclusion do you think they will reach?

    “Why do people kill people,
    who kill people, to show people that to kill people is bad?”

    I do not know if Casey Anthony will get the death penalty, but I think if all the evidence is presented at trial, even with The Defense’s best attempts to question its validity- Casey will be found guilty, and justice will be served…

    Again sorry for the length, I seem to be out of practice with posting…

    ALL JMO- gotta get back to chicken soup detail.

    Good work Blink and Team. Wonderful comments everyone.

    There she is, so sorry to hear about your family, I am glad they are on the mend.

    Yes, by virtue of it’s posting everything I write is copyrighted, and Huntington missed it in both the deposition and his report to date, and the defense had their run at it as well, it is shall we say, composting.

    I almost made this 2 articles, because it is so “data heavy”, but the power of both levels of experts in my mind, outside of the autopsy, are these 2.


  22. lily says:

    Well I agree with you B that in Casey’s situation – she’s been luckier than she’s been a genius. But there is a lot to be learned! Investigators “assume” that all biological evidence at a crime scene is only from the “crime” itself right now. If one were a smart killer (and we know a lot of them are or will be) one would introduce contamination from various sources instead of doing a “clean up” if you will. I think it’s nearly impossible to commit a horrible crime such as murder/rape against another without leaving some sort of trace of oneself. However, in order to obfuscate and contaminate a crime scene and completely destroy the process of “elimination” of suspects – it would now seem someone could figure out how to destroy that integrity. That nearly guarantees the exclusion of evidence in preliminary hearings before trial if one were to go about it in smart way. In a way the bushy haired stranger could be any random discarded condom, hair from a hairbrush of a stranger, a drinking straw, discarded cigarette, or any combination of anything with biological or latent fingerprints on it.

    At what point does it tip from having to have solid forensic evidence without any kink thrown in and go back to “common sense” tells me what happened when I’m a juror and all I really have is circumstantial? I think most people know in their gut with 99.9% assurance that Casey had a hand in the death of Caylee and her actions speak to our “common sense” more than anything.

    I’m concerned by the lack of indisputable forensic evidence in this case. But nobody wants to go back to the Salem Witch Trial days either.

    You bring up some very good points lily, and frankly one of the reasons I tackled this piece.

    Like it or not, this is almost exclusively a circumstantial case. Nobody likes to hear that, I know.

    One of the issues I think people following this case struggle with, is that much of what we know, and have seen, in terms of inflammatory material, will never be seen by a jury.

    I do not see how this defense can expect to prepare a ZEALOUS defense without demonstrating exactly what their version of how Caylee died to a jury, and that would only be effective enough if they can point a finger away from Casey.

    If this case goes to a jury, she will spend the rest of her life in prison or head to death row because the totality of the evidence, combined with her parents arrogance, and her clear consciousness of guilt- hell you could fill the courtroom with just people she has duped – and a reasonable person would conclude all of a sudden she is telling the truth?

    That said, to your point, understanding the science of the evidence in this case is going to be critical to both sides.

  23. Mrs C Hop says:

    LOL @ screaming like a girl

    Thanks for the new article B love love love it :)

    and Thanks to Hunington on the ‘under the liner’ tip im excited about the hair too but since we do already have a hair showing signs of decomp does TWO hairs showing signs of decomp make a big difference? Do we know if there were any of those slime trails found n stuff? Geez i love this stuff but it hurts my brain..

  24. [...] Blog Goddess Blink from Blink On Crime  will be discussing the Caylee/Casey Anthony case, Chris George and all things Crime with updates on important [...]

  25. GriffyMom says:

    Do we have an eta on the Beth Bentley story?

    Depending on rulings in Anthony case, Friday or Monday.
    Thanks for your patience.

  26. Jnpgh says:

    Greetings Blink! So great to read you again!!

    FABULOUS article – as always. I haven’t been able to follow you since your last article here ’cause I don’t tweet! ANd I have so missed reading your insights!!

    My concern with the evidence in the trunk is also Cindy, AKA Mrs. Clean who probably contaminated everything – although she did miss the hair with the death band! Who knows what other “bug” evidence there was that Cindy didn’t destroy.

    I am SO beyond disgusted with the defense team that I don’t know what to do with myself. But I honestly think that the amount of “circumstantial” evidence is so voluminous that Justice for sweet Caylee will prevail.

    They convicted Thomas Capano without a body, and Scott Peterson with MUCH LESS circumstantial evidence. So I have my novenna going on this for Miss Caylee.

    God Bless you, Blink!

  27. sunshine says:

    is this something the defense could use if she were ever to get a retrial for any reason?

  28. Valley Girl says:

    RE:Mom3.0 @ 12:25

    EXCELLENT post!!!! You are 100% correct, when it’s all said and done who in their right mind could NOT see who is responsible for Caylee’s murder. Thanks for the post!

    Blink, when you mentioned about “filling a courtroom with everyone that Casey has duped” the first thing that popped into my head was the Seinfeld finale where everyone that was ever wronged by Jerry and company filled the courtroom…thanks for that LOL moment!

  29. Ragdoll says:

    WOWZERS! In a good way. :)

  30. gigi says:

    Blink…thank you for the excellent writing. I was scrolling and reading and trying to comprehend all of this as fast as I could…very interesting and captivating…many times rereading to be certain not to miss a detail. Sadly, once I made it to the end reality hit me…I was not savoring one of my favorite mystery novels…but the true horror of a little girl’s murder. How can it be that we can all be so broken and hurt for this child and her own family has callously discarded her little life? God bless you, Blink, as you continue to seek justice for all.

  31. USTWIN57 says:

    MOM of 3:

    BRAVO!!!!BRAVO!!! EXCELLENT TAKE on the facts as you have obereved them. Put that to a jury and KC will be convicted. You my dear have brought forth the evidence in such a simplistic way even a primary schooler would comprehend it. Get well Soon and please keep us posted.

  32. chelsea1515 says:

    Heck, Blink, I have had to read your article at least 3 times to get my grey matter to take on board everything you wrote! Along with your American accent (well use of language that I don’t quite get first time around) and all the detail, I was struggling but what a fantastic report; thank you so much for all your hard work putting it out there for us.

    Mom3.0 – I so agree with your post and could just visualize LDB (will she be taking lead, is she qualified, not sure of procedure) having learned your post off by heart, standing in front of the Jury and delivering it word for word, perhaps adding that Casey also failed to tell her lover Tony Lazzaro, that Caylee was even missing.

    Brilliant posts from everyone.

  33. osu says:

    Thank you for the update! I am all for a fair trial (my husband is a defense attorney!) but I truly believe Casey is guilty, circumstantial or not. We were in Orlando when this case broke and it has always been of interest to me. I always felt that this case has taken too long to go to trial and been too much of a circus due to the defense and the Anthonys, thank you blink for keeping it in the forefront. I would hate to see her walk like OJ.

  34. chica says:

    breaking news! bombshell future transcript!

    Just yesterday we got wind of how the defense team, in the case against Casey Anthony, is going to position its theory regarding how Caylee Marie Anthony died.

    In short, the defense is flat out denying Caylee’s death was a homicide.

    It’s true.

    thanks blink for fixing my link!

  35. chica says:


    Dr. Werner Spitz (MICHIGAN) is challenging every point In Dr. Garavaglia’s autopsy report, concluding there are no scientific facts that Caylee Anthony died at the “hands of another.”
    Meanwhile, His son, Dr. Daniel Spitz ,Macomb County Medical Examiner, has been told “Your statements have damaged the credibility of the coroner’s office,” by Commissioner Don Brown. Spitz, who works part time for the county under contract, is paid $200,532 plus consulting fees. On Oct. 18, Spitz conducted an autopsy and reported he found no evidence of trauma to the body. He said the cause and manner of death were pending additional toxicology tests.

  36. annals says:

    I think you could fill a couple rows in the courtroom with people who lost their jobs because of Casey.

  37. chica says:


    I enjoyed reading your long comment! loved it glad it was long because it was very powerful! nothing left out!
    I pray your family recovers we need and miss you here!! hurry back!!

  38. lulusmoon says:

    Many many thanks, Blink! Your article is excellent. How ironic and fitting that this creature could be convicted by the incorrigible arrogance of the dream team she so richly deserves as much as for the strength of the State’s case. Mr. Baez should be “screaming like a girl,” but he won’t as he’s just as obnoxious as Casey. And Mr. Ashton’s “devine intervention” response to Baez’s “vine intervention” question,” lol, I was roaring!

  39. chica says:

    (Witness in Casey Anthony case) … 5871.story
    Orange sheriff’s homicide detective dies at YMCA
    Michael Erickson, 48, collapsed while playing racquetball with a neighbor.
    By Susan Jacobson and Jeff Weiner, Orlando Sentinel
    9:38 p.m. EDT, March 16, 2011

    Thank you Chica, I was made aware of this earlier, terribly sad.

    My prayers are with Det Erickson’s family and his colleagues at OCSO.

  40. chelsea1515 says:

    chica – thanks for the link to ‘future transcript bombshell’. Against my will, I found myself laughing, it was so funny. This case will stay with me forever and after three long years I still feel like weeping when I look at the pics and videos of beautiful, sweet Caylee. But the antics of Bozo and his team deserve the ridicule this link dishes up. Funny.

  41. Mom3.0 says:

    Thanks everyone- I appreciate your kind get well wishes and your feedback on my post. I learned alot from reading Blink/BOC.

    I’ve missed you guys too-Hopefully everyone will be better soon.

    Blink is the radio show over? I tried to click on it but nothing happened… if so, are you going to post a link to the podcast? I hope so. I hate to miss the show.

    Thanks Chica for posting that information. My prayers for the family.

    For you :

  42. Bees Knees says:

    Blink! I am very happy to see a new post from you, (I don’t Twitter)and a great one at that! Although, dim as I am, I will need to read it at least one more time, more likely two, before I comprehend it all. But already it’s making me feel better, as yours usually do. I’m hoping this means we see more from you now that the trial’s almost upon us. There are many of your older pieces that would be great to brush up on, too in the next month or so. Classic Blink. Thank you!

    Bees Knees!!!!!

    Great to see you. I know it is difficult sometimes because a I cover a variety of cases, but little Miss Caylee is the reason I do this work, yes, count on me to see this through.


  43. chica says:

    my prayers are with the detectives family
    how terribly sad!

    your welcome for the link
    I thought it was funny! girl we need humor to make it sometimes thru casey and her twisted family. I realy laughed hard when I seen it.

  44. claudia says:


    Our news here is reporting that Det. Erickson, who intervied Lee Anthony, and the Neighbor who loaned the shovel to Casey, has passed
    away this evening.

    Det. Erickson sadly did pass this evening.

  45. chica says:,0,7750631.story

    Court expects Casey Anthony jury to cost $361,000
    Budget calls for 20 jurors housed for 56 days

  46. chica says: … be-defense’s-star-witness-in-Casey-case

    A University of Florida expert on soil and water listed as a state expert could become one of the star witnesses for Casey Anthony’s defense.

  47. USTWIN57 says:


  48. Blink says:

    Podcast from Last night Show:

    Guests, Clint Van Zandt, Blink, Dr. Dale Archer

  49. myers says:

    All Jose does is tried to disprove expert testimony and have it thrown. What is he doing to prove that she did not kill her daughter? He has told us everything will come out at trial. If he has something to prove her innocent,then why does he have to bust his A$$ getting evidence thrown out. He is the one that shows her guilt to the public. Does he not care how ridiculous he is making his practice as a lawyer look. Yes, this may get him fame but not in a good way to the people out in the real world, win or lose. He is doing a job he was hired to do and I think that is what he uses as an excuse to get this girl off even though deep inside he knows she is guilty. I would have trouble living with that.

    This childs life had a meaning, not to her mother, but to all so sickened by this. To Casey this has become a game and she really likes it. This girl has to be in some sort of fantasy world. She really thinks she will walk out of the courtroom a free woman and become some sort of movie star. What aggravates me is that nothing bothers her. I don’t even think she will shed a tear when found guilty.

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