Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Bug Blunders And Botany Bias Benefit The Prosecution

Last week, under a due date requirement required by Chief Justice Perry, some of the expert opinions to be offered in the capital murder trial against Casey Marie Anthony were released.

In a highly circumstantial case, it is common for the silent witnesses to be the ones who tell us the critical pieces to the puzzle we are working on, are under the chair.

Bugs and Plants do not lie.

Arguably the Entomology and Botany evidence and their respective expert evaluations of same will likely hold some of the heaviest weight in the mind of jurors who will be charged with reaching a verdict in the death penalty trial in the murder of  Caylee Anthony.

Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar.

~Bradley Millar

Lord of The Flies Part Deux

Dr. Neal Haskell, is largely considered the pioneer of Forensic Entomology in the United States.

In fact, he is the first individual in this country to earn Masters and Doctorate degrees in the field in 1989 and then 1993 respectively at Purdue University.

I have respectfully referred to him in earlier work as ‘The Bug Dude”.

Dr. Michael Baden and his co-author Marion Roach dedicated an entire chapter in their book, Dead Reckoning, to his work. Dr. Haskell was the “first call” choice expert of Linda Kenney Baden, former defense counsel to Casey Anthony, as stated by his former protégé and defense entomology expert, Dr. Timothy Huntington.

Dr. Haskell’s report filed October 6, 2009 contains the only peer-reviewed expert conclusions offered in the case against Casey Anthony.

In no way am I undermining it’s exhaustive and thorough contents. For the purposes of this article in order to remain respectful to the sensitivity that we are talking about medicolegal death investigation information that sadly comes from the homicide of a 34 month old child. I will largely be paraphrasing.

Dr. Timothy Huntington, the defense team’s expert witness, has been deposed by the State of Florida in this case three times to date. A final deposition has yet to be released.

(Editors Note: Although Linda Kenney Baden withdrew as co-counsel last October because she was not going to get her expenses approved and paid for by the state of Florida, she is most definitely working on this case in some consulting sort of capacity as she was present and noted in Huntington’s deposition in December)

Between his depositions dated December 28, 2010 and January 2011, Dr. Huntington produced a preliminary report that analyzed Dr. Haskell’s report and entomologic specimens. We know that he learned during the first deposition that several samples from the trunk vacuumings of the Pontiac Sunfire had not been sent for analysis to Dr. Haskell until a few days earlier. Dr. Huntington was not expected to prepare an opinion on that evidence until after it’s submission to him.

Huntingtons’ court ordered report focused solelyon the bugs in the trash originally located in the trunk of Casey’s car and omitted the bug samples from autopsy and the crime scene entirely.

Huntington was asked to review the Haskell report (b) during the second deposition “on the record”, however, and stipulated that he agreed with Haskell’s classifications found at autopsy and with Caylee’s remains. He maintained he disagrees with the fact that the entomological findings prove there was ever a decomposing body in the trunk of the car. He said as far as the bugs go, they are of no forensic value to conclude the victim was in the trunk.

Overall, Huntington and Haskell actually agree on most conclusions, and I would not be surprised to learn that his report’s omission of the bugs from the areas other than the “trash” were a tactical move by the defense.

Huntington seemed to have conceded that there was enough evidence to “assume” there was decompositional fluids that attracted the species of critters it did, but later contradicted himself by stating he feels the evidence points more strongly to there having never been a deceased person in the trunk.

Huntington’s arrival at that conclusion is actually based on what both bug dudes claim is the lack of early colonization of certain insects which are an important factor to establish what is referred to in forensic entomology as post mortem interval (pmi).

Haskell attributes the lack of the “early arriving winged things” to the trunk being cleaned by Casey Anthony and the trunk access itself during the initial stages of a corpse reaching bloat status.

Huntington says unless Caylee was refrigerated, buried, or hermetically sealed, he is not buying it. Interestingly, Ashton asks Dr. Huntington if he is aware of any evidence in this case that any of those options, staving off early colonization for a bit, occurred.

Huntington answered no, but I am reminded that it was he who took soil samples from the areas in the backyard where canines Gerus and Bones, through their handlers Jason Forgey and Kristin Brewer alerted to decomposition on July 17, 2008. Huntington stated he volunteered to take them, although he is not a “dirt dude” and is unaware if they have ever been tested.

There are only two options as to the status of those samples. Either they were never tested or they were tested and evidence of decomposition was found and is now considered work product and not discoverable. Had they been tested and no decomp was found, those exculpatory results are subject to discovery.  Although soil samples from the Anthony home were also taken into evidence by the state, their analysis has not yet been released.

Given the formation of the questions by SA Ashton, it is clear that the State’s theory is that Caylee was put into the trash bags and laundry bag prior to being placed in the trunk, leaving little doubt they believe little Caylee was killed at the Anthony residence.

Dr. Huntington’s basic testimony for the defense states that scientifically Dr. Haskell makes unsupported leaps about the existence of a decompositional event or human carrion, in the trunk of the infamous Pontiac Sunfire.

Prior to his depositions, he felt pretty strongly that a trunk would not render a corpse inaccessible and last fall set out to prove it.

In his role as “LOTFL, Jr.”, Huntington conducted an uncontrolled observatory experiment on decomposing pigs killed “for cause”, and recorded exterior activity “only” for 11 days without opening the trunk of completely different trunks and trunk environments in a dissimilar climate. Ultimately, this study did not make it into his report. Go figure.

His boot theory got the boot, you might say.

The fly in the ointment, if you will, with this counter-opinion is that Dr. Huntington’s report is based exclusively on the contents of the garbage bag located in the trunk of the car, which he maintains to date was all he was sent to examine. Haskell’s report specifically delineates between specimens found in the white bag with blue handles, and those found in the trunk.

What is beyond me, is how Dr. Huntington’s depositions and preliminary report does not so much as reference the fact that the garbage bag in question spent at least twelve hours in a DUMPSTER at Johnson’s Wrecker AFTER being opened by the Operations Manager Simon Burch in front of George Anthony. It is noted specifically in the timetable of Dr. Haskell’s findings, however.

I mean, I am pretty sure 12 hours is half the lifespan of some of the bugs he is examining in the first place.

How many proverbial poo poo platters could those flies order in 12 hours?

Did they take on new and different larvae? In Burch’s interview, he thought the bag was white with yellow handles; it is white with blue handles.

You know, this is a welcome (from my perspective) missed opportunity by the defense and fat technical snafu. Just imagine all that ripe fruit of that poisonous tree (dumpster metallia) floating around. You see where I am going with this…

Before anyone gets all up in my britches for pointing this out, ask Chris Darden if he regrets the decision to ask OJ Simpson to try on the glove?

Consider the dumpster the glove, and because it was not referenced in Huntington’s reports, he cannot bring it up at trial.

Let’s all be thankful we will not be hearing “If it was in the trunk and in the dump it must be junk” for months.

As an aside, this is exactly why a criminal defense attorney in his 3rd year of practice is not permitted to take a capital case on his own. Out of the gazillion motions to suppress this, that and the other thing, you would think one out of 11 lawyers might have had their hand up at a meeting and asked:

“How can we even be sure this is the bag that came from the Pontiac when there is a car in the same lot at the same time where there is no question a dead person was in it?”

“Did anyone think to ask Mr. Burch for the name and registration information of the suicide victim so we can see if he eats Velveeta Mac and Cheese?”

“Um, Ms. Baden, I know you’re all up in alleles to your elbows, but I was wondering, if someone tried to clean the trunk, why would they leave paper towels with body fluid in the trunk? There is nothing that ties our client specifically to this particular garbage found in an abandoned vehicle, maybe we should think about trying to get it tossed?”

“Has anybody had Dominic Casey or whatever his name is Hoover nab some trash from any of those friends they have been stalking for months?”

I trust my point, albeit offered in the snarktacular, outlines how the lack of the defense to prep their expert for another bite at this evidentiary “apple” is astounding.

$275K does not go as far as it used to I guess.

Dr. Huntington refers to a corpse discovered in his report. As he is a forensic entomologist, I have to say, I find this curious as a descriptor in the very report he is most specific about what he might see or might not see in a decompositional event.

Skeletal remains vs. a corpse is big deal in an experts opinion.

Because Dr. Haskell had not been sent the trunk vacumings for examination from the Sunfire until this past December, his amended report was not available at Dr. Huntington’s deposition.

You will notice the laissez faire way I just said that. Similar to the way it was released, really. Smushed in the middle pages of the most recent discovery release.

B O M B S H E L L (potentially)

In Dr. Haskell’s amended report, for the first time he has examined the vacumings from the trunk.

What is critically important in his report and is invisible to the naked eye, unless one goes “discovery diving”, is that the samples Dr. Haskell examined came from two separate and distinct intervals and collections.

J-60135 yielding a hair with a root bulb, and significant entomological finding, consistent with contact with decomposing carrion were found in the sweepings A F T E R the trunk lining was removed, months later.  Analysis on the hair has not been released.

Sweeping from the trunk liner, July 2008= ZZZZZZZZZZ

Sweepings from the trunk sans liner January 2, 2009= BAM

Dr. Huntington and no-doubt THE BAEZ LAW FIRM will not be thrilled to know he has unwittingly supported the testimony of State’s witness and former PhD board member, Dr. Haskell.  He says there should be dead flies and dead maggots underneath the liner.

Now we know, there are.

I’m an insect who dreamt he was a man and loved it. But now the dream is over… and the insect is awake…

Seth Brundle

Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced.

~Terence McKenna

Not to be confused with her fictional and botanically correct character in former Denver Attorney Stephanie Kane’s book, Seeds of Doubt, Dr. Jane Haskett Bock is anything but a “tough ‘ole broad.”

Admittedly, I am pro prosecution in the case against Casey Anthony, so when I review or analyze expert depositions or what I would call “case critical” witnesses, I find it helpful to dislike them, hopefully, intensely.

Dr. Bock is an uber accomplished retired professor, gifted researcher, scientist and educator.  Not only do I NOT dislike her, under normal circumstances, I would call her for consults on cases and take her classes.

Candidly, I have no idea why she is sitting in the pews at the wrong side of this wedding.

In an article published in 2008, she is described as a “Crime Fighter”, with very good reason.

Not long after the body was found, Bock’s phone rang once again. Could she use scraps of plants from a suspect’s car to determine his recent whereabouts? The police had combed the Toyota belonging to Mirabal’s husband, Matthew, and collected fresh plant material from the carpet, pedals, windshield wipers, and wheel wells. Bock visited the crime scene in Left Hand Canyon, where she skirted the still-visible gore to collect samples of plants from the surrounding forest. Back at the university, she identified both sets of samples, looking for common species.

Although Dr. Brock is a “grass roots”(pun intended) participant in Necrosearch International, some of her recent depositions as an expert witness for the defense, seems to belie the organization’s protocols.

Utilizing the multidisciplinary approach to scientific specificity as it relates to finding clandestine graves would seem to me to be necessary.

What the hell did I just say?

I said, the bone person, the plant person, the bug person, the investigator, and yes, the canines on her team, and frankly on any team, work in tandem.  In her deposition, Dr. Bock explains she prefers that scientists work independently in their field of expertise.

What was particularly troubling to me about Dr. Bock’s observations and assertions was that she openly admitted she has never reviewed the Crime Scene Technicians Field Reports nor has she reviewed any of the FBI analysis reports from the crime scene, the trunk, or the Anthony home.

(pppppsssst, there is botanical evidence and analysis from all 3 of those I think someone might want to * p e r u s e*  prior to testifying)

Here are just a few notes from the field that may help:

In fairness to Dr. Bock, she has stated that her findings would not enable her to offer an opinion as to how long Caylee Anthony’s remains were located in the 8900 block of Suburban Drive.

However, I sincerely wonder if that is not the defense’s goal in the first place.

What would be the point of that Blink?

Necessity, for starters.  They need a counter to Dr. Hall, who literally on-site at the recovery scene identified several non-indigenous trees, plants and vines without so much as a protractor.

(Yes, I know a Forensic Botanist is not identifying the green stuff with a protractor, hopefully you got a chuckle and can identify with my angst whilst I am swinging through the vines of this subject matter.)

For the most part, Dr. Bock agrees with Dr. Hall’s classifications, and what she is unsure of she laments she wishes she could have been able to visit the recovery scene intact, prior to removal of a substantive amount of vegetation; no doubt from her days of working for the criminal prosecution team in the bulk of her previous casework as an expert witness.

What was staggering to me, was that Dr. Bock was given very little to work with from The Baez Law Firm, in the first place.  I was also struck that during her deposition where defense team member Dorothy Clay Simms attended and was apparently under the impression she gets paid “per objection”; Ms. Simms admitted she herself had never before seen the photo evidence being reviewed and asked to have copies sent to her.  WOW. Perhaps that explains the recently installed turnstile at the firm’s front door.

One of my favorite exchanges during a deposition of a witness in this case to date:

In over thirty years, Dr. Bock admits she has never observed roots growing though a skeleton or actual human remains recovered outside, unburied.

None of which were of a child, and none were scattered over a “dank” and densely vegetated swamp of over 75 sq ft area, with variances in elevation and soils where bones were found in up to 4′ of muck and leaf litter.

I admit I cannot keep a poinsettia alive past January, but it would seem to me that it is reasonable to conclude that Caylee Anthony’s remains did not dig themselves into varying levels of silt, soil and vines the week prior to their discovery.

In August 2008, Fay, the first tropical storm in history to make landfall four separate times from August 18th through August 20th more than likely concealed little Caylee’s remains which Roy Kronk feared he had discovered a week earlier.  It was clear from Dr. Bock’s deposition that she was either unaware of this information or did not find the relevance of the swamp being deeply flooded in certain areas from August through November of 2008 to be relevant to the fact that there appeared to be only one season of leaf litter on surface areas.

Dr. Bock went on to say that a great deal of her case knowledge has been supplemented by her daughter’s addiction to TruTV.  It would be my sincere pleasure if someone that is close to Dr. Bock, who in my opinion is a fantastic example of an extraordinary scientist and educator with an impressive body life-long body of work, would pretty please tell her this is not the hot house for her species.

In theatrical terms:

Seymour Krelborn, Jose Baez may be Mr. Mushnik, but Casey Anthony is no flower, although she could play the role of Audrey II without needing a script.  Don’t feed her.

Copy Editor: Madeline Tanner

Contributing Editors:  Madeline Tanner, Jaqueline Beaufort

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  1. cindeefromwisconsin says:

    Since we are the topic of the bugs,two books I read come to mind that really helped me to understand what bugs show up when during the whole process.
    Blow Fly by Patricia Cornwell and Body Farm by the same author. It is written for the lay person to understand.

    great suggestion.

  2. chica says:

    Clerk of Courts: Casey Anthony trial could be “canceled or suspended”
    Orange County Clerk of Courts Lydia Gardner says threatened cuts to her budget could put Casey Anthony trial in jeopardy.
    By Anthony Colarossi, Orlando Sentinel
    11:28 AM EDT, March 17, 2011 … 7509.story

    It doesn’t look like their will be a plea?

    and your the kindest moderator with so much compassion and patience.

  3. chica says:

    and I can’t get out of my mind what baez said at a news conference.

    he said that:
    someday we will understand what the baez smirk was all about!
    like he realy is some big shot that we care to dignifty!

  4. chica says:

    your welcomed! know what comes to mind? (not verbatim but ya get my drift) cindy saying in her piece she wrote for the memorial. She said that when all this is over! we will all go on with our lives and possibly not remember caylee.

    I am here to tell ya like church lady on saturday night live! lol

    I will never forget caylee! this little girl and her case has forever impacted me! I am out and about and if I see a lil girl that looks like her I think what would caylee be doing right now! we know she would have started school most likely had playmates! something she knew nothing of!! sad! no I will never forget caylee cindy!! I didnt forget her when she needed us why would I forget her than!! you are speaking for yourself not me!!

  5. MJ says:

    I really think the States experts will be able to explain their views in a way that jurors can understand. they know their testimony is critical,not a pizzing match to prove their credentials by talking in over technical terms.
    Sometimes it seems like the defense likes to confuse people with extreme possibilities instead of the simple a leads to b and then c occurs.
    That’s my hope anyway!

  6. IMOIMO says:

    Blink, just skimmed over to Orlando Sentinel… they’re mentioning that due to cuts that her trial could be “canceled or suspended”… when they say canceled… what exactly does that mean? Here is a link to where I just read, if I may post it.,0,6609794.story

  7. USTWIN57 says:

    Perhaps Bozo & Company should take up reading. HAHAHAHA, Maybe KC will pass her expertice knowledge off to them, since she is in charge. She made a “HUGE” mistake on directing this call, didn’t she!

  8. chica says:

    Key Ruling Expected In Casey Case
    Perry Expected To Rule On Evidence Motion
    POSTED: 12:39 pm EDT March 17, 2011
    UPDATED: 12:46 pm EDT March 17, 2011
    ORLANDO, Fla. — A key ruling is expected in the case against Casey Anthony.

    Judge Belvin Perry is expected to decide whether to toss out evidence collected by prosectutors

  9. chelsea1515 says:

    I’ve been trying to find a list of the Defense witnesses but can only come up with the State’s list. Just wondered if there were any character witnesses for Casey or whether it is just stuffed full of ‘experts’ trying to make a name for themselves. Would appreciate a link if there is one please.

  10. chelsea1515 says:

    Just watched video of Casey speaking to Lee from Jail, saying she was read her rights! I believe the date was 9 days after her first arrest.
    What will this mean for the Prosecution Blink? Melich swore on oath that he hadn’t read her rights at any time. Is she lying? (again!)

    The Miranda issue is a well known inmate topic, she is as honest here as she was about the “kidnapping” of her daughter. The start of her “law drawer” perhaps.

    The girls car, wreaking of death, was not even impounded until after she was arrested, they ran her story down, with her help and participation until it “ran out”.

    I am not concerned about this motion. As I said in the piece, I was shocked they did not move to suppress the trash. Rookie error, imo. Glad to have it

  11. annals says:

    Hi Chelsea.

    I couldn’t find the Defense Witness List (that doesn’t mean there isn’t one posted on the internet).

    The defense filed a motion late last year to exclude any testimony of Casey’s past lying and stealing. The State did not contest this except to stipulate; any lies and theft directly relating to the case. In essence, the State wants to use any statements made by Casey or anything committed by Casey since June 15, 2008, but they will not bring up bad acts before that date, except…

    if the Defense calls a witness specifically opening the door to Casey’s past; the State will then be allowed to cross examine that witness. So, no, there will be no character witnesses for Casey. because that would open the door for the State to expose past bad deeds.

    This does not apply to the penalty phase.

  12. SOTT says:


    Thank you so much for this piece. I am not a terribly intelligent person and will have to re-read this piece one, two or three more times to fully digest all this information. After the first read-through, I can say that what jumped out at me the most (if I truly understood what you were saying, that is) is to not become so worried about how the defense and their expert witnesses are refuting discovery that has been made public to date, but to be confident in what has NOT been released. You’ve once again restored my faith that there WILL be justice for Precious Caylee.

    ok, now I know many here have already said this, but I am going to reiterate the centiment and add my 2 cents….I am SO miffed, puzzled, disgusted, etc. at how this family has all but forgotten about Caylee and have “rallied” around “the boss”. I am truly truly DISGUSTED by their behaviour. In the Court room, they sit on the defense side, BEHIND the very person that is accues of having killed their own Grandchild. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS !!! Has anyone ever heard of this before?!?! Don’t families of the victim sit behind the side of the prosecution ?!?!?! I know, I know, they don’t want to upset ‘the queen’ (sorry, but sometimes I just can’t even type her name). The parents are thirsting for ANY form of acknowledgement from her, as though THEY are asking forgiveness from HER. She will barely acknowledge them, because (I believe)deep down, she blames THEM for her even BEING in this position in the first place….’if my mom hadn’t called 911, if my dad hadn’t testified before the Grand Jury, I wouldn’t be here. I don’t care how much it costs or how many people are destroyed in the process, we are all going to meet here as often as possible, and I am going to delight in the pain and suffering I am causing everyone…’ (all just my opinion/thoughts when I see her in Court staring blankly, or fussing with her clothes, hair, or flirting with her “boys”).

    I realize that this is a unique situation, with the grandparents being related to both the accused and the victim, but COME ON! At this point, it seems that they (the Prosecution), along with everyone here, are the only ones who have a heartfelt concern for justice for Caylee. If I had the means, I would be there for the trial and be sitting on Caylee’s side, behind the Prosecution. I am wounded beyond words when I see Caylee’s grandparents sitting behind the accused. This is a big statement that they are making, without saying a word.

    Ok, sorry, but I had to get some of that off my chest.

    Mom3.0….as usual, great post! (need I say more?. Hope the fam is better soon!

    Blinker, thanks again for a great piece!

  13. chica says:

    goodnight all! hope tomorrow bring us the judges decision.

  14. Ragdoll says:

    SOTT and to all the others doubting their intelligence, this is a heavy piece! I’m on my 4th read and still ingesting the fine details myself. This isn’t about a lack of intelligence. For me, this is deep read, one of Blink et al’s finest piece. I may not grasp it in it’s entireity <—- is that a word????….but, it's pieces like these that remind me that no stone is left unturned.

    Blink brought up a point that I couldn't articulate nearly as effective, but I often wondered too….how can they not address Casey's involvement? Squashing every bit of evidence isn't strategic but merely points more and more to Casey's guilt.

    How would a 'competent' lawyer defend Casey? This is the most mind boggling of all the defense's strategies. We all will never forget that Baez once stated, ON TV MIND YOU, that when all of this comes out, the truth will be revealed on why this was an accident. So she was involved? So he's aware Casey was present at the time of Caylee's death?

    No way on God's green earth, will Baez's defense career flourish after this fiasco. His ego is another contributing factor to Casey's guilt. He's as much to blame as are the lies and antics of the Anthony's, her own lies, etc.

    My son is beckoning me to go to school….LOL!

    TGIF my friends! XO

  15. Carolyn S. from Maryland says:

    Blink, I had wondered about the trash bag in the dumpster being possible to exclude because of the very real probability that it was contaminated while in the dumpster. As I was thinking about this, I considered that instead of a rookie mistake, it could be a desperate gamble. without the trash bag, there is NO chance to convince even one jury member that the smell was coming from rotting garbage. No trash = no rotting garbage. What was the source of the smell? They would have to go with dead squirrels. they have used the trash bag in the media repeatedly to imply that there was rotting meat in the back of the car. I think the trash bag is the only card they have to try to establish that the odor was something other than Caylee’s body. It is not a stong card, but it is the only play they have.

  16. chica says:


    PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:08 pm
    Looks like Jose Baez has bought the website domain name “Kathi Belich” .com

    could it be possible baez did buy this and if so what can happen?
    in trouble with the FB if it is proven to be him?

  17. chica says:

    Wesh is reporting that Judge Perry will allow All Of Casey’s Statements – oh happy day! … etail.html

  18. chica says:

    Order Denying Motion to Suppress Statements To “Agents Of State”

    Order Denying Motion to Suppress Statements To Law Enforcement

  19. chica says:

    Chloroform evidence

    Perry did deny the state’s motion to toss out a defense motion, which asked the court to dismiss scientific findings of “high amounts of chloroform” in the trunk of Casey Anthony’s car.

    The defense has argued the chloroform findings are “absolutely 100% false and constitute a fraud on the American public and potential jury pool of Miss Anthony.”

    The defense’s motion to exclude the chloroform evidence will be heard at a “Frye hearing,” referring to the so-called “Frye test,” which deals with admitting new scientific evidence in the courtroom and determining whether the evidence has “gained general acceptance.”

    This story is developing. Check back for updates.

  20. chelsea1515 says:

    I have to cut my visits to Blinkoncrime down a bit, I am grinding my teeth so badly and at the back of my mind is…..Must catch the news, Judge Perry may come back with his ruling today….. Oh crikey, hope Melich isn’t in trouble…Wow it’s hot today 88 degrees (I’m on holiday in Florida from UK), hope Casey is sweating buckets… Oh thank you, thank you, JBP, all her lies and evil demeanour are to be seen by the Jury…. I am going to be a wreck by May!! I feel so much better after JBP ruling as I feel that to someone who hasn’t followed the case from the beginning might be hard pushed to believe a young mother could even contemplate smacking a pretty 2 year old let alone drugging, taping her mouth and nose and driving around with her decomposing body in her car. If I ever doubt myself, I just re-watch Casey’s prison video with her parents and realize I am watching pure evil. Bet she doesn’t sleep well tonight but who knows, she seems to live on a different planet to us mere mortals. Just going to read Blinks article for the 5th time just to comfort myself that if Casey’s own words don’t incriminate her enough the facts will.

  21. Mom3.0 says:

    Thanks for the link to the radio show Blink- great job, as usual-thanks for the reality check on the Casey case..and nothing being a “slam dunk” Sometimes it is hard to admit that this case is mostly circumstantial.

    SOTT- thanks- great comments everyone.

    Today’s news-
    Today, a day before Casey Anthony’s birthday, Judge Perry handed down his decisions on the motions to suppress.

    HJP ruled that Casey’s statements will come in -I wonder if the jury will feel the same about Casey’s truthfulness as Lee did, when he said (pp) I believe everything my sister says….

    Hearing/ seeing Casey’s indifference, demeanor, and inconsistencies will damage her credibility and image in the jury’s minds IMO. They will see her as she was, not how she is now made up to be.

    They will hear her version/s of what supposedly happened to Caylee, from her own lips, and no matter what the Defense ‘dream team’ puts on at trial- it will be held up to Casey’s own words-

    Kronk…what about the nanny?
    Accident? ….What about Universal & monster /cold blooded murder vs- scared young mother that made a mistake and cares?…. George & Lee had something to do with it?….. Well they seem pretty helpful and devastated in the tapes.Over-bearing mother?… what about her timidness in the jail visits…who ruled who? ….

    Ugly-coping…forgetfulness?…what about the lies… (pp)I talked to her for just a moment/ minute…she said, hi mommy…and she talked about her book and shoes..the 911 calls…the calls home…the jail visits…the dorm… we’re the same little person…the lack of tears..the laughing…the napping…the reading…the “helpful” clues…the in my gut she is still okay… …he is my boyfriend…oh well…all anyone cares about is Caylee….surprise surprise…

    I know this case for the most part is circumstantial…Casey WAS lucky Blink – she managed to have a 31 day headstart, just like you said. In that time IMO she did her best to get rid of any evidence of her crime…her words/statements/lies showed the truth thru the lies,her words as HJP wrote, show herr consciousness of guilt- today HJP ruled the jury will be allowed to hear it all for themselves…

    Maybe Casey’s luck has finally ran out?

    IMO Today’s rulings are devastating to the Defense. The jury will get to weigh some pretty damaging evidence, Casey’s own statements and the expert root/plant growth findings…. Now on to the Frye hearings. Will the jury get to see/hear the chloroform evidence? The sniffer evidence? The hair evidence? The stain evidence ect?

    Keeping my fingers crossed…the more evidence allowed in, the better hope of justice prevailing in this case, and the better hope of Casey’s family finally knowing the whole truth and nothing but the truth, for Caylee’s sake, and their own… if the whole truth comes out at trial- then they won’t be able to say they never knew….and Caylee will IMO, finally be able to rest in peace- knowing her ‘story’ was told- and that her family knows the truth- her mother included.

    All JMO

  22. Mom3.0 says:

    last thought should have cont with: her mother included… they will have to face the truth-
    even though IMO Casey will most likely just go on denying/lying. Sigh… they probably all will, but the truth will have already came out through the evidence.

  23. chica says:

    One of the key investigators, Cpl. Eric Edwards, said he was intrigued that Casey talked about Caylee in the past tense. He then began butting heads with defense attorney’s when Jose Baez tried to get him to admit there was no evidence of abuse on Caylee.

    Edwards answered, “I can’t see her bagging herself up and hopping down the road and jumping in there herself. Someone had something to do with it. There had to be child abuse somewhere, Jose.”

  24. annals says:

    Orlando Sentinel; 3-18-2011 release of Depositions in Anthony Case:

    Todd Macaluso makes naked appearance in Sgt John Allen deposition.

    See pages 5 & 6:,0,7308808.story?page=5

    You saw it here: A http://www.blinkoncrime exclusive!

    I have not had the opportunity to laugh in this case in a while, Sgt. Allen’s comments on it during the deposition killed me.

  25. Midwest Mom says:


    Please clarify, this car had to have been thoroughly processed, this was high profile, they needed something on casey, no newbies doing the sweeps.

    nothing was found under the truck liner in 2008, but in 2009 after caylee was found, voila! there is a hair bulb and dead flies and dead maggots everywhere? a trail was missed in 2008? This is not processing for me..

    I got alot to catch up on and it is not starting out to well. LOL

    To date, there has been only one sweeping of the trunk with the liner removed from the vehicle as I understand the recent report. The sweeps from July 2008 the liner had not been removed yet.

    The ento evidence from the car, sans the sweepings, was processed more than once, because it was put in storage, tightly sealed, and as bugs will do, they continued to “cycle”.

    It was revisited for a few reasons, one the ento evidence was “light” because the trunk had been cleaned. In the presence of Gerardo Bloise, Dr. Lee found additional hair specimens in the car. It was reported and mis-stated however.

    To my knowledge, the bulk of the add’l hairs located occurred AFTER that exam by the defense team and were actually collected by Bloise. It was necessitated by Dr. Lee locating add’l evidence however.

    On January 2, the car was being moved from the evidence bay to the storage unit, that was the final sweep.

    The chain of evidence and intake procedures in this intake is sound, imo.

  26. chica says:

    good morning everyone
    50 days left till trial.

    Happy Birthday in Jail to Casey, with much respect and love to her daughter, I say I am more optimistic than ever she will never have another one outside the klink.

    I have been very careful to try my best not to have joy at the pain of others, but having studied the recovery scene and corresponding reports over the last 2 days has renewed my want to vomit and I pray for what this jury is going to be subject to seeing.

    If anyone out there has any pull with Casey, I would think yesterday’s ruling, the equivalent of a pre-trial hail Mary, might warrant a visit.


  27. Teri says:

    Blink: Regarding your comment:

    If anyone out there has any pull with Casey, I would think yesterday’s ruling, the equivalent of a pre-trial hail Mary, might warrant a visit.


    Do you really think there could be a plea deal? I thought that shipped had sailed? Is it even a possibility?

    There is always an opportunity for a plea change and deal, I doubt highly at this point however that the defense would be willing to proffer anything but improper burial, lying to LE, etc.

    If they were smart, and let’s say for the sake of argument, that Caylee died in some sort of accident and Casey covered it up? And when I say accident, I mean, unequivocally Casey could and would explain in detail what happened and it satisfied the known evidence in the case to the prosecutors.

    If they positioned it that Casey was also sensitive to the $361K the trial was about to cost the taxpayers of Florida, I do believe that she might get a deal.

    25-life, with possibility of parole, so no, doubtful they will not do what they should and their gamble will cost their client her life behind bars at a minimum.

    O, and her parents will have the distinct position of helping her with that, and abandoning all love and respect they had for their granddaughter in the process.

    Truly despicable.

  28. Mom3.0 says:

    Chica and annals thanks for the links.

    Tonight is the night of the “SuperMoon” the closest biggest moon to Earth, since 1993 IIRC- some have been worried that its appearance is some sort of omen for disaster- I say fear not- Its just The Universe sending Casey a BIG message for her birthday-j/k

    Speaking of mooning….
    Blink- amazing comments I loved the reference to Macaluso running naked on the Beach- I remember your very funny article- Extra Extra-
    thanks for posting the link again.

    They are up mom 3.0, I am losing the battle of moderating by handheld apparently.

    My beloved Daddy’s 70th Birthday Celebration was yesterday and the Supermoon was fitting.

    PS Blink 2 of my comments from yesterday have gone missing-can you see them…should I repost?

  29. chica says:

    thanks blink
    for commenting and your so right it sickens me too! the poor jury and if they have never experienced any such thing as this it will make em real sick!!


  30. OhioSheryl says:

    Snipped from Blinks prior post: 25-life, with possibility of parole, so no, doubtful they will not do what they should and their gamble will cost their client her life behind bars at a minimum.

    The word “gamble” is exactly how I see the defense case from the beginning which makes me draw on the word “ego”.

    Their “ego” prevents them from entering a plea.

    The defense has openly acknowledged in court and the media that they in fact read the blogs, so we know that they are knowledgeable of bloggers opinions of what the defense should do.

    Since the defense has chosen to not plea, most bloggers are now happy to see this go to trial and in my own little attitude I want to see a trial just to be able to have that one moment of pleasure when the guilty verdict is read. Let’s see that ego gamble then!

    1. Casey had no priors, no activity in the system prior to this, period.

    2. Truthfully, had she not stolen from Amy, and just from her Mom and Gram, she likely never would have been prosecuted for the economic crimes.

    Jose Baez has admitted in open court that his client and he received well over $275K for the defense of this case. That payment agreement has never been disclosed, and since I have personal knowledge that it’s intention was to fund her defense in exchange for exclusive rights, I have no idea how that is not a “bad faith” and conflict of interest issue.

    The Florida Bar needs to evaluate this at a minimum.

  31. chica says:

    someone posted this on the hinky I though how sneaky and desperate the defense is to get people to do free work.

    This week I had an encounter with a woman who has known my family for decades and was best friends with my daughter throughout school. We were catching up and she mentioned her fiancee was in his 2nd year of law school at Barry University in Orlando (main campus in Miami, never heard of it). She said he had just recently applied for an internship with “that Chin San attorney, you know, that Casey case”. Yeah, that was her quote. I had to do my own cross examination of her to figure out she meant Cheney Mason. She knew nothing about the case or even the names of the attorneys and she’s local. But, the interesting thing is she said Chin San (I love typing that) is going around to all the law schools looking for FREE interns to work 10 hours a week on the Casey case. I am hoping the fiancee is picked as one of the freebies and I can get more info on what they’re up to. I know, confidentiality and all that but, one can dream. Also interesting that it wasn’t Baez, just Mason. Perhaps behind the scenes it’s only Mason that’s working the case.

  32. chica says:

    this is intersting

    Simon Barrett Radio Show – Blog Talk Radio (internet radio)

    Today (Sunday): 4:00 p.m. EDT/ 3:00 p.m. CDT
    Subject: Casey Anthony – Killer Mother?

    Direct Link to Show: … ler-mother
    Blog Talk Radio – Simon Barrett Radio Show

  33. chica says: … hony-case/
    what’s next in the casey case!

  34. chica says:

    Kathi Belic with maya derkovic:

    EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW PT. 1: Fellow Casey Inmate Talks To WFTV

    EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW PT. 2: Fellow Casey Inmate Talks To WFTV

  35. chica says:

    photo’s of Casey I had seen all of them… It is from a channel 10 Tampa news site and shows 10 photos of her in her Party Mode…. Photo # 5 or 6 shows a guys hand helping her pull down her pants … She was showin off her shamrock tattoo I guess but definately showed off alot more then necessary…. !! … ore_Photos

  36. chica says:

    have you all seen this yet?

    Case against Casey: Scoop about the shovel
    By Jacqueline Fell, Reporter
    Last Updated: Sunday, March 20, 2011 4:10 PM … the-shovel

    Brian Burner deposition: … r-0319.pdf


    I heart u, I cannot figure out why none of your links work. I see you are having the same problem on SM- can you please look into this dear lady?


  37. chica says:

    If Caylee had a chance, drumming as an analogy to living, and loving life– and apparently she did like to drum, as any 23 month old would.

    Val, I hope you don’t mind this link back for Caylee.

    Enjoy! … r_embedded

    And for more– what happens when a child can reach their third birthday, the Hinky-linky: … #more-6449

  38. SOTT says:


    I have a question, and I’ll completely understand if you don’t post this as it is rather morbid, but I just have a bad feeling about this…..Is it true that inmates aren’t allowed to have any type of objects in their cell that can be used as an instrument to committ suicide? If so, wouldn’t hair length fall under that category?

    Potentially, yes, but one would have to be on psych watch.

  39. chica says:

    The Dark Side of Caylee’s Life … lees-life/

    “The following article was written with the assistance of Dr. Christopher C. Green MD, PhD. Dr. Green is Assistant Dean, China/Asia-Pacific, for Wayne State School of Medicine.”

    “The bones whispered on page 19 of Caylee’s autopsy report”….

  40. chica says:


    Mon Frier-

    Last request, please no more all caps. Thank you for being open to learn- I cannot tell you how much I respect that.

  41. Mom3.0 says:

    Thanks for all the information and links Chica- I remember that article from Val- so sad-

    IRT your links not working Chica…I have found that if you take a link that was posted from a different blog directly…it will not paste properly…you have to click on the link yourself, then recopy it directly from the original source,not the one posted from the blog…. IDK why that is…Hope this helps.

    –I was doing some research on decomposition and ran across this interesting information:

    *warning Graphic*

    Saponification is a processes that can slow down the rate of decay and lengthen the putrefaction process for years. This process has also been called adipocere or grave wax. In humid, warm conditions, saponification may be seen on the body in the form of an oily, waxy yellowish–white substance. This process occurs in the fats of animals and humans when ester bonds, such as those in triglycerides, are exposed to a chemical base. In this case, water from moisture in the environment acts as the chemical base and breaks the ester bonds of triglycerides of fat deposits. [10] When these bonds break, fatty acids are released, which can form new bonds. What these free fatty acids bond to can influence the rate of decay and the characteristics of the waxy substance formed. [3] This is aided by putrefactive bacteria, such as Clostridium perfringens, to help make fat turn into a soapy substance. [11]

    At this stage, the maggot mass starts to decrease as most of the maggots have reached their third molt and will start to leave the body in order to pupate in the soil.[4] These maggots may live along side the larvae and adults of carrion beetles (family Silphidae) and the skin beetles


    With the news that additional bug evid3nce was found, and due to the fact that grave wax was possibly found I thought having a reference point to the stages of decomp and bug info ect would be helpful.

    All JMO

    Thanks Mom 3.0- it is.

    I have been studying this and ancillary data, all components of what is called establishing post mortem interval. I find myself with yet another mancrush- Dr. Bill Bass. Most is too graphic to post here, but I do intend to gather a list of “study materials” prior to trial.

    I am not a scientist, I am an analyst, and as I bandy about my day when I have a second or drive-time, I am listening to a lecture or thesis presentation on my Ipod that has in awe of the discipline the real “Body Farmer’s” have provided the science of forensics as a whole.

    Please do not think me arrogant to say that during my learning curve, I realized I have been far to worried about the “unknown” vs. “known”.

    Casey Anthony, is going to spend the rest of her natural life in prison, or she is going to be sentenced to death; that is the outcome, period.

    The rest is services rendered and static.

    Almost ready to buy me that Mama doll in advance.

    If someone upstairs could arrange to “earmuff” sweet Caylee, that would be great.


  42. chica says:

    SOTT says:
    March 17, 2011 at 9:36 pm
    I totally loved your comment! you hit the nail on te head as far as how you perceive this inmate and her family. I think many of us share the same feeling that you do. Its unbelievable how they have begged for scraps of her attention in light of the inmate killing their only granddaughter. It makes me just as ill to see how they lie and destroy peoples lives to make a futile attempt to set this inmate free!! listening to Maya’s interview with Kathi Belch!! sure shed a lot of light on this case very interesting! Casey called her mom choice names each time she returned from court! never spoke ill of her dad and brother!! supposedly they molested her!! unbelievable huh!!!
    anyways great comment.

  43. chica says:

    blink just in case the hinky link didnt work!


    Because Val is my dear pal, and I respect her work, I am only posting this.

    The excerpts you posted exceed fair use, and I believe Val’s piece should be reviewed in it’s entirety.

    I know, I know, all these rules, we will get there friend, and your heart is always in the right place, for Caylee.

  44. chica says:

    03/21/2011 Notice of Provision of Supplemental Discovery

  45. Eloise says:

    I couldnt get that link to work Chica, but were you directing us to this site?

  46. semo68 says:

    If someone upstairs could arrange to “earmuff” sweet Caylee that would be great.


    It breaks my heart to think of her seeing and hearing all that has gone on since the moment her “mother” decided to snuff out her life. Her own family abandoning her. The only love she knew in her short life. Caylee loved Nanna and Jojo with all her heart and soul. I believe that. I believe that they loved her too.

    I personally am hoping and praying that Nanna & Jojo have a “come to Jesus” moment before the trial.

    And believe that Miss Caylee is knowing only peace, light and joy from our Lord. She is not experiencing any of the pain, anger and angst that we are.

  47. Sandra says:

    If Casey had said it was an accident instead of all the dumb lies she could have salvaged some life out of the horrible crime.Not that she deserves a break. Sometimes I think she just lost it on Caylee after the horrible argument with her mother. I think she was actually planning on killing her parents with her serches and all. She had told a girl friend the house would soon be hers and they could be room-mates. I also think Zanny the nanny was Zanax. Called Zanny sometimes. I think that she druged her and left her places to party, but I think her death was most likely an accidentby chocking her in a rage.She said she was kidnapped I think the duct tape was after the fact to make it look like someone kidnapped her and covered her mouth like you see in the movies. I don’t know why Cindy and George did not just take the child knowing Casey was a liar and not to be trusted. It was like they thought if she had Caylee she could not be up to all the drugs and parties, but it backfired. Casey was resentful being stuck with a kid. She thought she was all that and deserved to free. They said their was a book opened up to tantrums in Caseys room I think she just lost it or overdosed her so she could escape all the drama for a while and found her dead. Do not think she set out to kill Caylee. She still a waste of oxygen and deserves the death penalty for all that has gone on and all the lies. Guess nobody will ever know what really happened.

  48. myers says:

    In what direction is Jose going? Now that all her statements will come into play about Zanaida, how are they going to explain that lie. After they lose to the bug experts, what in the hell will be there defense. Do they need one or can they just go with the flow and try their best to plant reasonable doubt and how will they do that.

    Casey, you need to put the yellow tablet and pen down because honey it sure ain’t helping ya win your rediculous motions. It may make you feel smart and that is about it.

    Blink, do you think the prosecution went through the process of putting the same items that were in the trash bag and put it to the test to see what type of odor it would create in the back of a trunk in the heat.

    Another thing, I just can’t get around Caylee being wrapped in her winnie the pooh blanket. Was that just a blanket or was it the comforter? If it were some sort of decorative comforter, why would the babysitter have that. To me that is something that would have been in the home and went directly towards the wrapping of that baby.

    This case is so obvious but yet so confusing.

    So let me get this straight, Were there bugs found with the remains that will prove the time she was put there?

  49. Mom3.0 says:

    Blink- I do not think you are arrogant in the least. I would very much like to know more of your studies but understand that it is sensitive and graphic information that does not necessarily belong on BOC- I fully understand that it is a site for the victims and their families.

    To tell you the truth, I never thought any of the forensic stuff would interest me at all-but I am fascinated by the science and work that goes on behind the scenes in these investigations, and how much information and evidence can be found.

    You had me worried as of late… I am glad that you have decided to share your thoughts that Casey will spend the rest of her life in jail or get the DP– and that the evidence presented, is what is important. – Some days I get scared that Casey may walk due to a technicality or because of a juror’s misplaced reasonable doubt-

    But then I think no way- Casey’s callousness and narcissistic need to think only of herself- her lies and the LACK of evidence,(meaning she tried to clean up her crime and then go merrily about her life)will be her downfall. Accident? No way.

    I think there is enough evidence to show that she planned to rid herself of Caylee- in a cruel and vindictive way-once she thought Caylee was no longer her guaranteed free ride without question in the Anthony household- “What has been given can be taken away….”

    I am hoping the Prosecution will be successful in The Frye Hearings- I know this evidence is important. Do you have any thoughts on how JPerry will rule, Blink?

    All JMO

    PS-Blink- I am Looking forward to the day “mamma” doll sits on your desk- and I am sure Heaven will provide the most comfortable earmuffs for little Caylee-


  50. Ragdoll says:

    For the record, Mom3.0 speaks for a lot of us! Blink, if arrogance is the equivalent of passion, determination and rebellion against EVIL and those who commit, then I’d say you’re worthy of praises. In your own arena, you float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. You are needed, your gifts are needed AND if you hadn’t answered your calling, many victims would be left in the past; their deaths in vain.

    Love and light <3

    love and light back atcha.

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