BREAKING NEWS: Jesse Matthew Abduction of Hannah Graham also linked to Morgan Harrington Murder

BREAKING NEWS- sources inside the investigation of both the murder of Morgan Dana Harrington and the abduction with the intent to defile of 2nd year student at UVA, Hannah Graham  have confirmed to S. Christina Stoy, Editor in Chief of that DNA belonging to Jesse Leroy Matthew, Jr matches the DNA link to that of a wanted suspect in the Harrington murder.

Further tests are being conducted to connect Mr. Matthew to a 2005 Fairfax sexual assault as well.

This is a developing story,  please check back for updates.


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  1. N. Cahela says:

    Do you know if Morgan’s friends that were with her that night have spoken publicly since the connection to Matthew has been made? If not, do you think they will do so?

    have not and I do not believe they will.

  2. dda says:

    I have definitely assumed he acted alone if for no other reason than thinking otherwise scares me more than anything else. Opening my mind to that possibility is very difficult but surely has to be done. Yet another reason I guess that I did not pursue working for the fbi after law school. Funny, off topic story but I had an initial phone meeting with the special agent in charge in sc at the time…he was also a lawyer. And after much interest on both sides, I asked if I could take time off from basic training to horse show, and I also asked if I had to carry gun because I didn’t like guns. So, the answers were respectively no and yes, but he did point out that he had only been shot at once during a bank robbery. And that was the end of that for me…

  3. lizzy says:

    dda says:
    September 30, 2014 at 2:32 pm

    Throwing one more thing at ya- Although I do agree with you that ultimately aggravators will present in the charges against Matthew- I think people are assuming he has acted alone in any and all crimes. I don’t believe that so far.


    Thank you. Makes me feel more sane. But also more afraid.

  4. GraceintheHills says:

    Saleha says:
    September 29, 2014 at 8:07 pm

    “I did also note at JM’s hearing where he complained about his clothing being taken from him and wanting it back. Was there something of Hannah’s there? Or something with her DNA? Now we know part of the reason he was fleeing (most likely to Mexico) was because he knew LE would connect him to Morgan.”
    @Saleha: When booked into jail the detainee has to remove his street clothes and is given a county issue jumpsuit or scrubs he is required to wear while detained. He is not allowed to transfer anything from his street clothes and all items in his street clothes’ pockets are taken out and inventoried by jail staff and placed in “property” where they are stored. In general, when one has a high profile detainee like JM, arrested for what may become a capital crime, that detainee is housed in a single cell and is considered at risk for harming himself. The MD covering the jail will put the detainee on suicide watch and take his jumpsuit and mattress away (both can be shredded by inmates and used to hang themselves). Some jails use “suicide blankets” which are very difficult to shred until jail staff/MD are convinced the detainee is not going to harm himself. It sounds like this jail simply takes the detainee’s clothing while he is on watch.
    erose says:
    September 30, 2014 at 10:10 am

    Wondering if the whole Sept/Oct time trigger has something to do with football season.
    @erose, it is also when all the students are back on campus from their summer vacations. Streets are always more crowded in the fall in a college town.

    Blink says, Lastly- I do not think Matthew is a psychopath whatsoever-BPD leaning to sociopath likely. He hears voices, of that I am sure.

    Hi Blink,
    What do you mean when you say “he hears voices, of that I am sure.”

    I mean that imo, he has auditory hallucinations.

  5. susanm says:

    I watched hln coverage just now and I am confused about the dna ,i thought dna was dna no matter where it came from. The dna recovered from Morgan t shirt was blood ,but now I am wondering if that is true ,cuz morgans blood was on the tshirt ,but I thought for sure it was his blood , for a match to the Fairfax case.Idk but like Georgia dad I am worried this guy will be well defended, or I hate to say it ,but is something up,i am getting the feeling ,someone does not want morgan’s case prosecuted.does Champios still hold a lot of sway in the Campos need for the national attention morgans case would bring or is there someone else connected and being protected.You guys really think there’s someone else ,Wow!i can’t wait to see how this unfolds. If there are others ,then I suggest they made the call reporting sketch in lexing.,as a deterrent, how would Champios handle others ,squash it ,advise his client not to tell or advise him to give them up.they got to take his dna when he booked into jail on felony ,right,but they also should have been able to get it from his house ,so ,that’s hair,cheek swab in jail ,and the fbi should’ve drawn his blood in Texas. I don’t get it but I hope there is a lot of transparency.i don’t think this dude has ever had a girlfriend and I don’t think he finishes the rape until maybe after theyre unconscious.i have o sympathy, unless he was just a dumb helper, doubt it.

  6. Rose says:

    @Blink. wrt ” Rose- there is significant history in this area in the Commonwealth Atty sector and they do things very differently than you are used to seeing in some of my cases.”
    agree 100% wrt CA; that’s what I was trying to hint.
    Imo the defense attorney is the harmless affable good ol VA boy type who’d make me
    want to move if he sat at my table at one of those hotel CEU sessions or the Annual Mtg.

  7. Anita says:

    What was the deal with that first guy seen on surveillance following Hannah? He said he was just concerned about her, which I thought was a little creepy.

  8. Cat says:

    Lastly- I do not think Matthew is a psychopath whatsoever- BPD leaning to sociopath likely. He hears voices, of that I am sure.


    Are you asserting that he is psychotic, or has psychotic episodes? Hearing voices, not being grounded in reality, would typically result in disorganized patterns of criminal behavior. Hiding bodies, alluding capture for a crime spree that has spanned over a decade, “facadeing” a generally normal demeanor during that time to not arouse suspicion (he held a job, had friends who believed he was generally normal, etc.), would contradict a psychotic. He also presented an organized “method” of criminal behavior, isolation, incapacitation, concealment of aftermath etc. Being psychotic also “toes” the line of mentally ill in legal terms, which is significant, but I could NEVER see it ever being proven here in litigation.

    To clarify further, psychopaths and Sociopaths may generally be interchangeable terms depending on which “school” of thought you originate from. I assume you are speaking from the criminologist point of view, as opposed to the psychiatric one where they are often, and correctly, transposed.

    That’s correct CAT- from a criminologist perspective with specificity training re the Sexually Motivated Offender and Homicidal motivations of same- and of course overall field of study in that regard. My only psych internships are PTSD oriented- which may or may not be relevant here. In fairness, I do consider some information that has not been made public and cannot be -by me. I have never interviewed JLM nor have I reviewed any psych evaluations for him- I was strictly responding to your characterization of him as a psychopath.

    Referencing for discussion just the rape angle here- why I do not believe JLM is a psychopath nor psychotic (side note here- there are many offenders that are diagnosed as psychopaths that DO NOT incur a psychotic episode while committing their crimes- they are not mutually exclusive)
    1. Falls below general baseline IQ
    2. Special Education Instruction very early, continued through HS, had to change.
    3. He has not held a job per se- the opposite, there is a significant lapse in his employment history and training overall. Peers openly discussing his inappropriate “ness”
    4. When this shakes out- I think we will find that JLM crimes are extremely disorganized- impulsive, compulsive and opportunity based- not the serial predator continuum of a psychopath.
    5. Patent risk orientation- He was on no less than 6 cameras I am aware of, and one of those we literally saw his neck on a swivel when Hannah passed on the opposite side. He was seen publicly with Hannah, and I am willing to bet Morgan.
    6. I would offer that JLM is a serial rapist and the outcome of some of them is death, based on the instant circumstances of the offense- as in, condition of the victim, whether or not he drugged them, the degree with which they fought back whether that entails physical resistance or antagonistic language, etc. I do not believe he is a serial killer as some are opining- as his MOTIVATION. There are going to be up to a dozen victims and some that got away. The reasons they did will be very telling.
    7. Poverty and addictive paternal environment cursors- I subscribe to the theory that psychopaths are born that way. Sociopaths in a large degree fall under the “product of environment” or lack thereof school of thought.

    I agree with you that the psychiatric perspective (generally)
    transposes psychopath and sociopath but technically, under the broader term ( Axis II) Anti-Social Borderline Personality Disorder. My training, education and experience leads me to believe that there are some shared traits, but stark differences when attempting to profile an offender. This is a great article in support:

    For anyone interested in reading or researching this:
    I recommend:
    Without Conscience… Robert D. Hare Phd

    Lastly- Mr. Matthew may not be the lone offender here- I personally do not believe that has been ruled out, and once again, if he is a serial offender as we suspect, based on empirical data- it is unlikely there is not a compliant victim, co-conspirator in some form, or someone who is not aware of Mr. Matthew’s rape career. This does not occur in a vaccum for 14 years.

  9. Saleha says:

    Has anyone brought up the possibility of her being left in the old tunnel system in downtown Charlottesville?

  10. Curious says:

    Does anyone know where he (JLM) worked betrween 2009 (Morgan Harrington case) and 2012 when he started work at UVa Hospital?


  11. Curious says:

    I live i Charlottesville and I am personally aware of 3 young ladies he’s been in close physical contact with in the past 2 weeks- 2 years. Just curious where he worked before this.

  12. Ragdoll says:

    Just finished reading through the link (can’t find it :P ) that Blink suggested we go back to. The history of Anchorage Farms is chilling. Not sure where Jefferson’s Monticello estate in relations to AF, but same county. I found this….and thought it to be too prophetic, imho. #UniversityofVirginia


    Jefferson took Tufton, and the slaves leased with it, back into his own hands in 1809 when he retired. In 1817 he leased most of his farming fields to his grandson Thomas Jefferson Randolph, along with sixty slaves, including Bagwell, Minerva, and some of their children. At Jefferson’s death in 1826 they were living at Tufton. Bagwell was given an assessed value of $50 and Minerva, then only fifty-five, was declared worth “Nothing.” At the January 1827 sale of slaves and furnishings, Thomas Jefferson Randolph bought Bagwell and Minerva (for $120), as well as their four youngest children; he bought their daughter Virginia and her family from the estate in 1829 (Jefferson had given him their daughter Bec in 1812). Their oldest child, Ursula, was sold to the University of Virginia professor George Blaetterman at the 1827 sale.

    What are the chances Hannah is located somewhere near AF, Monticello or historically related real estate?

    God, bring Hannah home <3

  13. Anita says:

    Not sure why my first post never made it, but I’ll ask my question again and elaborate.

    Has there been anymore on the first guy who was seen on surveillance following Hannah? I was a little suspicious of his story that he was merely concerned about her. If there’s a possibility that JM wasn’t acting alone, I would hope they’d question him further.

  14. kfb221 says:

    This story, especially the video, gave me chills. I feel in my gut that he used a similar ploy with Morgan and Hannah. Maybe he had even given them a ride before, and so they recognized him when he appeared again.

  15. A Texas Grandfather says:

    CentVa Native Away

    In response to your reference to Gil Harrington’s remark about the fall of the year and football for the abduction acts I am thinking the reason behind it is JM was nothing without football.

    He lost his opportunity to play at Liberty University because of the rape or attempted rape. The young woman could have been blond that began his journey into evil. By constantly searching for young women of college age he may in his warped mind be repeatedly punishing the woman by punishing all those who he can take advantage of. That is the prime reason I suggested in an earlier post that LE must go back to the beginning at Liberty University. One a perp like JM kills, they are likely to continue that behavior.

    Did he work alone in these abductions? Maybe sometimes, but I like Blink have always believed that more than one was involved, particularly in regards to Morgan and maybe with Hanna as well since the other guy was caught in some of the video at the mall.

    I also think that LE in Virginia will now take steps to exclude the public regarding case progress. I hope that does not happen.

  16. Kerry says:

    When is JLM’s bday? Just wondering if the time of each offense is linked to a significant life event? Bday, divorce, a death of someone he was close too?

  17. Kerry says:

    LE has said no connection to RAT or Alexis Murphy, Do you believe that to be true Blink?


  18. Jane says:

    Blink – what exactly do you know about JM’s old girlfriend? Is she talking? I would think she knows a lot more than she knows and can fill in a lot of gaps. Where is she? OT – I’m watching Homicide Hunter – Joe Kenda – I LOVE him. Getting ready to order lifesize cardboard Joe to put in my kitchen. We can have coffee every morning!

    LOL. Um, Okkkay. I am going to be limited in what I can discuss as we develop an update here, I know you understand.

  19. Chris says:

    Blink, can you confirm (or can you confirm if you can confirm) whether Bonnie Santiago’s disappearance this summer is being investigated as related to Matthew? It seems like a lot of the searches last week were on Carter’s Mountain, where Santiago was last seen.

    I can say that right now- the way investigators with open cases work when a potential serial offender is believed to be in their area- is that it is nothing short of a feeding frenzy at first. This is not an insult- they would be negligent if they did not run down any possible connections.

    Let me be the first to say that the next thing we are going to hear is that investigators in the Lane Bryant slayings are in contact with CVille

    But that is not my understanding of why the deluge on Carter’s.


  20. Kerry says:

    Any connection w JLM , IYO, to Sarah Clarke? This one seems the most obvious considering time/place/opportunity, your thoughts Blink?

    None. Although I spent several hours running it down to come to that conclusion.

  21. Eloise says:

    Looks like they are continuing to expand the search for possible connections to JLM. I live nearby, and I sadly don’t recall details about these girls having disappeared. :(

  22. Eloise says:

    Oh the heart..

    Broken an restored in a few short minutes. The grace of the Harrington’s is a wordly blessing.


  23. JR says:

    Wow. Just wow…funny this 5 year pattern seems to be a theme among these guys (ie. Joran VanderSloot)
    Its like they lay low for self preservation and then once they’re comfortable thinking they got away with it, they can’t help but do it again… like “it ain’t no thang”.

  24. alexandra says:

    Blink, do you know if he was driving a cab on the night of October 17, 2009? Are they checking some king of a log from the cab company? Do you think he picked Morgan up on the bridge, as a cab driver?

  25. Curious says:

    Where did JM work from 2009-2012?

  26. Judi says:

    Had the victim followed through with the rape charges back at Lynchburg and had he been found guilty, his DNA would have been on file, and he would have been a RSO. As such, his life from that point on would have been completely different, hopefully not being able to get the taxi job or the UVA job, he wouldn’t have been coaching the boys football team, and, I’m thinking, Morgan, Hannah and others to be yet found I believe, would all still be alive, possibly. The subsequent series of events would have all been altered.

    I am not placing blame anywhere other than on the evil POS himself. The blame rests solely on his head (and anyone who may have helped him). No victim is ever to blame. What I am trying to stress is the importance of reporting it and following through. It is so important to have the strength to forge ahead and not be scared, embarrassed, pressured, or whatever the individual case may be. Especially at a young age and in a school environment, which I am sure would bring a mixed bag of emotions and peer pressure. But, a serial offender could be in the midst of being born, as in this case. Rise above the fear and pressure, have more self respect in that no body should get away violating another like that, and in doing so, Save the Next Girl!

  27. Marchmallow says:

    Matthew apparently has offered rides to UVA students when he was not driving a taxi.

    “In April 2010, UVA student Meredith Gilmore was trying to get a ride to the Foxfield Races, but all of the Yellow Cab taxis were taken. She says Matthew pulled up to the UVA Chapel, where her group of friends was waiting, introduced himself as LJ and offered them a ride at a flat rate.

    “I think looking back on the situation, what scares me the most is that we were so ready to trust someone without thinking twice about his credentials as a taxi driver or was he actually on duty at the time, that we got in the car just because he was jovial and was friendly and had that demeanor and we needed a ride somewhere just like Morgan, just like Hannah,” Gilmore said.

    Gilmore also added that she remembers Matthew giving all the people in the car his number in case they ever needed a ride.”

  28. SkepticSleuth says:

    I’m sure all have seen this already, but I couldn’t help but notice the marks/wounds on his arms in one of the photos… this photo was taken in April of 2010, 6 months after Morgan disappeared… I have no idea how long things take to heal… but if it is something deep or a significant amount of layers though, I would assume it would take a minute. It’s probably nothing, but just an observation.

  29. MsLiberty says:

    First, a message to BOC, I’m not sure I am using the same name as on the Morgan sites. Sadly, it’s been so long ago.

    I agree with posters who are connecting the vicious acts allegedly committed by JLM,Jr to football season. I know nothing about whether or not he was NFL material. I had never heard of him here locally and I don’t follow Liberty football. He could have been a star, or maybe only in his own mind. Regardless, that dream came to a crashing end when he was accused of rape and he was forced to leave Liberty. Christopher Newport obviously was a failure for him as an alternative.

    Since he is only the accused at this point, I won’t say this is what happened with Mr. Matthew, only that this is what I can see as being a possibility if a young man has the capability of violent anger and sees himself as a victim. My hypothetical young man and a young woman begin an evening leading to activities that at the beginning have the consent of both parties or at least that’s what he perceives as being the situation. Later, he’s accused of rape and even though he’s not charged, he’s punished by his school and worst still to him, sees the destruction of the wealthy future he had foreseen for himself. He becomes the victim, even if he was totally at fault for what happened. Each year, when September rolls around, he’s reminded of what could haven been and his anger builds until he can’t control himself. Outwardly, he doesn’t display his anger, but inside he’s seething. He maybe commits acts in other areas, almost being caught at least once so he changes his looks in the easiest way possible. Eventually he returns home and turns his anger locally. He targets young women in his hometown or close by because they are convenient. Added to the anger against his former school could be anger against the local college because they passed over him, failed to recognize his football talents, didn’t offer him a scholarship. He becomes a predator, looking for college aged women in his own town because that’s the type he blames for the derailing of his dreams. In his mind, he did nothing wrong, it’s these college girl types who have caused him to have a sucky life. He’s large, but gives the impression of not being threatening. He becomes a predator of opportunity, looking for young women who are alone, even with others nearby, and in someway, vulnerable and not fully conscious of their own safety. Maybe years pass between victims because the opportunity he’s looking for doesn’t come along. When he does finally encounter the girl he sees as the right one, he “befriends” her and when it’s too late, he strikes.

    Why did LE feel it necessary to do a modified version of the sketch prepared at the time of the Fairfax attack? If JLM,jr is the perpetrator, the original sketch is so much more accurate. I don’t think anyone would have connected the second sketch with Mr. Matthew, the age doesn’t look right, the weight is far off.

  30. CentVA Native Away says:


    I gave to agree with you- and his patterns seem to back up this premise- is that fall is the season of association with football and his inner demons. I’m sure JLM and these cases will be the subject of case studies across many disciplines. There are so many facets of his psychological profile that will be of great interest to researchers in the fields of education, psychology, urban planning, gender studies, and, of course, law enforcement as well as the legal field.

    He is such a dangerous guy, not only because of his size and strength, but because, by all accounts, he comes across as harmless and trustworthy. Not sophisticated, but still a focused sociopath. I hope that investigators across jurisdictions take their time and cooperate in comparing notes with one another.

  31. A Texas Grandfather says:

    Fox cable news interviewed Dr. Michael Baden regarding this case. He stated that he had information that LE was currently looking at twelve or thirteen cases of missing or murdered young women beginning with the cases at Liberty University. He also stated that he believed LE had obtained some indication of other crimes by JM from the searches of his apartment and auto.

    They also need to search the homes of all his family members. This should include any residence they occupied from the time he was in high school. Particularly those in the North Garden and Red Hill areas.

    JM may have family that are not in the immediate C’ville area. Those people need to be interviewed by someone familiar with the dates of particular crimes.

  32. Ode says:

    Gonna think on that, thank you Ode

  33. Rose says:

    Did you mean he hears voices literally or figuratively?
    If latter, not former, antisocial personality disorder
    fits the propensity to violence.
    If a parent observes a “volunteer” coach with no athletic coaching
    background or background in the sport to speak of and “red flags” “takes over”
    due to being an avid volunteer as the sole coach of a girls’ college
    club team, what are the general resources where a parent can run
    background checks? Tho, if like Jesse, with no priors, who is to know?

    Yes, the latter. Got nothing I can share to back it up at the moment, just my spidey.

  34. Brenda says:

    Hi Blink, I wonder why you feel Matthews did not act alone? Based on his size and fact the “big strong man” preyed on small women no doubt he could have overpowered them without any issue.

    Morgan’s dad worked across the street from where I did when she went missing, so I’ve followed her case closely. What is most disturbing (to me) is how sadistic this killer is. Not only did he kill Morgan, but her bones had been shattered, so her death was likely extremely violent and painful which is so heartbreaking :<(

    Read an article from a recent interview of a girl who accepted a taxi ride from him. Her friends were with her fortunately, but she said Matthews gave all of them his phone number to call on if they ever needed a lift. She described him as "friendly" and "jovial". That is darn scary! How many more stories will come out of close call with this guy?? How many victims without voice is he responsible for?

  35. Rose7 says:

    SMs is saying the abduction hearing for LJ is not going to happen … postponed until December 4th.
    I guess the defense knows this is going to be a really big case.
    Maybe LJ is considering telling them where Hannah before the police find her?

  36. Rose says:

    personally I think it will be revealed
    he is an equal season opportunistic offender.
    Sorrow for his mother.


  37. Rose says:

    Based on the reports of violence &
    injuries, imo bottom line the psychological
    issue is violent sadism.

    As far as sadism goes, as a staff
    member I can remember gentle types
    being sadistic to patients on the night shift
    or when they were not under observation.
    It’s a power/confinement thing. (These girls were
    functionally confined.)

  38. Ode says:

    Marchmallow says:

    October 1, 2014 at 8:54 am

    Matthew apparently has offered rides to UVA students when he was not driving a taxi

    Gilmore also added that she remembers Matthew giving all the people in the car his number in case they ever needed a ride.”
    Did he have business cards saying “Call Jesse if you ever need a ride.
    Don’t take a chance out alone when your drinking. Call Jesse I will come get you. Did he pull up to his victims and say do you need a ride. Look I am not a creep…her is my business card no worries. I am cheaper than a taxi.

    I need to go back and look at the Fairfax attack. Was there not some mention that he asked the victim if she needed a ride? I also remember something about other attempted attacks possibly near a bus stop in the Fairfax area at the same time in 200

  39. Ode says:


  40. Brenda says:

    Blink, haven’t posted for years. Became so obsessed with blogging had to give it up back then. So if there’s anything in my previous post that shouldn’t be on the site let me know any “boundaries’ and I’ll follow them since it wasn’t approved…. Thanks!

  41. Becky says:

    MsLiberty says: “Why did LE feel it necessary to do a modified version of the sketch prepared at the time of the Fairfax attack? If JLM,jr is the perpetrator, the original sketch is so much more accurate. I don’t think anyone would have connected the second sketch with Mr. Matthew, the age doesn’t look right, the weight is far off. ”

    Agreed. I don’t think it looks like him at all. Something that is very confusing to me – if DNA from the 2005 Fairfax rape (with photo of Sketch) was in CODIS, and DNA found in the Morgan Harrington case matched the DNA of Sketch, then wouldn’t DNA from any other females whose remains were recovered (i.e., Cassandra Morton) that matched the Sketch DNA already have been known? I ask because I have read today that JM is being looked at for the Cassandra Morton case and the cases of 2 girls missing near CNU in 2003 (not sure if their remains were recovered). Wouldn’t DNA from these cases and others already have been in CODIS, so if all of them matched JM’s DNA, it would have been known a long time ago that there is a serial abductor/rapist/murderer on the loose? Why is it necessary to go back check it now? I understand going back and checking cases where the poor girls haven’t been found. Also, what exactly does “forensic link” mean? Not DNA?

    Your assuming their is potential suspect DNA recovered from any of those cases in a form acceptable for submission to CODIS- I would not assume that.

  42. GraceintheHills says:

    Anita says:
    September 30, 2014 at 6:35 pm

    Not sure why my first post never made it, but I’ll ask my question again and elaborate.

    Has there been anymore on the first guy who was seen on surveillance following Hannah? I was a little suspicious of his story that he was merely concerned about her. If there’s a possibility that JM wasn’t acting alone, I would hope they’d question him further.
    Hi Anita, no doubt LE questioned this WM witness, but, if LE felt this witness was involved, imo, we would have seen search warrants executed or at least some type of activity going on with this witness. Instead, after more witnesses came forward, we watched the investigation shift to the BM who was last seen with Hannah. We saw the BM’s car and apartment being searched, we learned he was charged with abduction w/intent to defile Hannah, and we learned the BM fled across state lines in an effort to avoid apprehension. Now, we are hearing that LE is looking into possible links with other cases in that area. Unless the WM is mentioned again, he is off my radar. Just my two cents worth.

  43. HokieHeart says:

    I saw this news report that investigators were looking to see if there was any link between JM and the Childs/Metzler case. Do you think there’s a chance he could have been involved? This case always seemed so out of place to me, but doesn’t really seem to match up with the Harrington & Graham cases.

    I do not. Although I will say that is a case dear to my heart, and investigators would do well to release information to progress it.

  44. Josie says:

    So Blink, do you know where he lived and worked between 2003 when he left CNU and 2007 when he starting cabbing. Was he living and/or working in the Fairfax area during this time?

    Yes. He had access to Fairfax during the times in question.

  45. Ode says:

    If I was looking at other cases I would look around Super Bowl time.

  46. Ode says:

    I would also look around NFL Draft time.

  47. Ingrid says:

    Very informative link in regards to possible link of JLM to the

    I respectfully disagree Ingrid- that site has no idea what it is talking about and several have been ruled out.


  48. HokieHeart says:

    Thank you! It is a heartbreaking case, and I hope progress and justice will be found for them soon. Maybe looking into these unsolved cases, although possibly not tied to JM, will bring fresh perspectives and new leads.

  49. Wes says:

    Ode, while football season may be a trigger for his crimes, since JM was only a HS/college player I don’t think the timing of the Super Bowl or NFL draft would relate to him.

    I do think his football career suddenly coming to a halt in Sept/Oct at Liberty and CNU has something to do with the timing of his attacks.

  50. Becky says:

    Your assuming their is potential suspect DNA recovered from any of those cases in a form acceptable for submission to CODIS- I would not assume that.

    Understood. Thank you for clearing that up. I don’t know what’s worse, that 1 person could be responsible for all or most of the unsolved missing/murdered female crimes in this and the surrounding areas, or that there are several dangerous predators in close proximity.

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