Dr. Phil Show Hosts Missing Portland Child Kyron Horman’s Step Mom Terri Horman Over Two Episodes

I have been covering this case since Kyron Horman disappeared from Skyline School in June, 2010.    Like most missing persons cases I have covered in the past,  I am of the strong opinion that best efforts at the truth are the only way to propel investigations that, similarly to Kyron’s, have gone cold for one reason or another.   This approach has worked in resolving some of my previous cases.    I am proud of that.  I remain steadfast to the integrity involved in those and future cases.

Over the past 10 months (or so) I have been developing an updated series on Kyron’s case to include my multiple interviews with Kyron’s step-mom,  Terri Horman.   Needless to say as she was the subject of at least three simultaneous cases before an Oregon court and remains a person of interest by the agency investigating her sons disappearance, this has been an arduous and sometimes delicate journey.    Ms. Horman’s experiences during the ongoing investigation of the disappearance of Kyron Horman are critically important to propelling his case and with great hope- finding the truth about what happened to this cherubic and innocent child.    There are dozens of sources,  collateral interviews, forensic experts and legal analysts that also contribute to my series and have done so because of their belief that my motivation is to bring to light information and opinions in such a way that would almost “require” a focused review of Kyron’s case and the likely shaking of that proverbial tree everyone talks about.

Set to publish about 6-ish weeks ago I was asked to postpone the first installment of the series, which I did.  I subsequently learned Ms. Horman was participating in the Dr. Phil program after she completed taping.  Dr. Phils producers were well aware that Ms. Horman had interviewed with me extensively, and anticipated my series would be publishing information that was not known to the public previously in the days prior to her scheduled episode.    When Ms. Horman conveyed to me that she feels obligated to speak out about “her son” in any national medium that will have her,   I most certainly respected that.  I still do.

While Dr. Phil seems like a gregarious fellow for sure,   I have zero interest in being associated with his program, nor do I believe his shows content is designed to do any furtherance of investigation or truth.  There is much concern (although I have no affiliation to the show whatsoever) that the timing of the publication of my series on the Kyron Horman matter might be interpreted differently or inadvertently contribute to the programs content or audience reactions.     Not what I signed on for.   A missing 7 year old boy six years running is not a framework for entertaining a target audience.   He is not fodder for online social media bully campaigns- yet it occurs.

I will be publishing my series on Kyron’s case at a later date, in it’s entirety with no editing adjustments as a result of any of the appearances on Dr. Phil.   I appreciate your patience and your understanding.   Feel free to discuss the show below.


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  1. Rose says:

    I suppose if Hensen-Storm could have been aroused by a prepubescent male, his residential son age 7-11 would have been his opportunistic target. I can find if his father worked with any police ureau. One suspects that’s perhaps why no charges with 2007 report or the 2 girls being touched on the below water (insert T-word).

  2. Rose says:

    that’s caN’T find his father’s employment

  3. A Texas Grandfather says:


    I agree with your post about the laxity of following good procedures at Skyline. I also believe that the trail for finding Kyron begins at the school. The school managed to protect their lack of responsibility for the safety of Kyron and the other children by immediately hiring lawyers.

    The school was able to deflect a proper investigation by sending LE in a direction away from itself. The bio parents allowed this to happen by not using the media to shed light on the schools position.

    It was also reported that the school allowed important records to be destroyed. True or false? I don’t know. If true, those records could contain valuable information about SZ and their activities.

  4. T. Ruth says:

    Here’s a photo of the car storm was driving and was found left in LA somewhere on his way to Mexico, A silver, 2002 Volkswagen Jetta with an Oregon license plate 931 DVE.


  5. T. Ruth says:

    Rose says:
    June 23, 2015 at 1:15 am

    the way he tried to “run away” to Mexico
    but used his father’s name & passport & girlfriend’s car
    seems disorganized to me. The newspaper said
    his girlfriend was traveling in Thailand btw.

    Different girlfriend by then Rose. It was her silver Jetta found at LAX.


    I don’t remember seeing this comment from Blink. Whose car was it? I always thought it was one of his parent’s car?

  6. T. Ruth says:

    One of the roads that LE was asking for video on was Laidlaw road, which just happens to be where Storm’s school was. I always assumed LE was asking about these roads to try to verify Terri’s account and timeline.

    Did TMH travel on Laidlaw Rd. on June 3rd or 4th?


  7. T. Ruth says:

    If I may ask, can Terri tell us what carnival that was and what year it took place in her photo of Kyron with whom we believe is Storm?

    I will address in piece- I had info on that prior to our interviews.

  8. Rose says:

    I thought Desiree had maybe brought her associate under control.
    No FB hate speech since Nov 1. No half clad baby pics.
    just appropriate morning and evening pic salutes (well, it’s bedtime
    goid nites, but imo that could be titillating to SZ, so I relabel as evening).
    But like a certain Twitter account holder, on message doesn’t
    last long, and her hate speech returned to FB today. At least one byproduct of the
    election may be FB gets some regulation of fake news sites if only
    from internal employee dissatisfaction and pressure.

  9. Rose says:

    hits the ear as realistically descriptive

  10. erose says:

    Watch the banner change pictures on the Stroller Middle School site, then tell me what you think about the one with the teacher’s “mug shots.” From a school that should think they dropped the ball on this guy, I don’t think it’s appropriate.


  11. Rose says:

    This is very on point wrt random FB sites spreading unfiltered false information about cases such as Kyron’s. Those concerned about hate sites promulgating untruths could direct their concerns to VPs mentioned in the article–not to Zuckerberg who is Denial Central, apparently.

    “…wondering how to stop the distribution of false information.”


  12. Rose says:

    Krafve = the Night shift sgt in 2010

    in my federal job, night shift is where Admin put problem personnel or folks who garnered punishment
    for a stupid blooper.

    From that to head of Task Force in the Fall 2010. Tsk tsk.

  13. thatkewlgirl says:

    @ TMH says:
    November 9, 2016 at 5:21 pm
    Edited by Blink ( thank you T)

    TMH was parked facing West.

    Did TMH continue to drive west when leaving? Or did she do a ‘Y’ turn and go back the way she came?

    Not following.

  14. thatkewlgirl says:

    @ Rose says:
    November 10, 2016 at 3:37 pm
    @TKG. The witness saw the truck at 8:31 and
    Terri left at least 10 min later if not after that,
    so not a turnaround imo.
    Witness time might be off

  15. MockingbirdSings says:

    Blink –
    I haven’t seen this question yet:

    Will Trump be deporting Rudy and Anselmo (if he’s still here), and anyone else involved in some way with any of your cases?

    I know you can’t tell the future, but based on what he’s saying today, it appears they might qualify for his first few million to be deported. I wonder if any deals made will stand against Trump’s deportation movement.

    Have you any concerns in this respect?

    I don’t think this was a political question and therefore I am hopeful nobody else will- so I will answer that to my knowledge, I do not know what an official Trump administration plan looks like for deporting non US citizens and/or citizens with State level agreements ( I question the legality of in the first place). No idea.


  16. Rose says:

    I don’t think it was a political Q, and it is a good Q. Brietbart Bannon is his chief strategist, so while Ryan said today deportations are not his priority, I bet Bannon will develop a strategy. Imo Portland area is the last place he’ll start. He’ll start in red states.

  17. Rose says:

    @TKG. true but blink said everything else neighbor reported that could be
    corroborated proved factually accurate. I imagine she/he knew the timing
    was just before the first bell.

  18. Rose says:

    @erose. they all seem to be holding a plaque and I suspect it says support the first amendment read a banned book like the banner says and are each holding up the banned book they recommend. Really stupid for a website backgrounder.

  19. Rose says:

    btw mbs there is an administrative deportation
    process which the Executive Branch must follow.

  20. Rose says:


    To change the statutes, Congress must change them.
    Ryan said not a priority. He doesnt want to lose the House in
    2 yrs. I think Sanchez-Estradas are safe. Have no convictions.

  21. MockingbirdSings says:

    MockingbirdSings says:
    November 13, 2016 at 4:47 pm
    Thank you. It was definitely not meant to be a political question.
    He said they will start by deporting illegals with anything criminal on their record. It occurred to me to think of Rudy and Anselmo, but also to think of possible informants and others who might want to bargain for the right to stay here and out of jail. It will be interesting to see what happens from that perspective.

    Well there are some legal issues with that concept, especially if they are serving time.

  22. MockingbirdSings says:

    erose says:
    November 13, 2016 at 1:39 am
    Watch the banner change pictures on the Stroller Middle School site, then tell me what you think about the one with the teacher’s “mug shots.” From a school that should think they dropped the ball on this guy, I don’t think it’s appropriate.

    @erose –
    Even without the context we are discussing, and of course, I don’t know what their intention was, I still find it neither humorous nor professional. I would have refused to be photographed that way. I’d sooner have worn a football helmet or rabbit ears!

  23. Rose says:

    this investigation sure mimics the public posture of DA Underhill
    as well as the ineptitude of mcso personnel.
    essentially revictimizing the victims while creating their own victim

  24. Rose says:

    the “5th victîm’s” theory the NJ killer was in LE made sense imo.
    Beginning in 03/12, the detective assigned to kyron, Yandell, had his hands full with
    OVERT (p3), covering 4 towns and unincorporated Multnomah County..
    this seems hispanic targeted in practice. much of the doj grant money
    prob goes to the catholic charities advocate hire and services. Even if Yandell
    was “relentless, agressive” the nature of OVERT LE work in those areas left little
    time. probably a lot of it cooling ones heels in Court awaiting hearings.

  25. Rose says:

    Almost seems like Staton always assigned personnel unlikely
    to really solve the case.

  26. Rose says:

    ot reads like an ept depiction of this serial killer “documentary”
    I would like to think if Blink were their docu consultant it would’ve fared better.
    But they made what they wanted to make.

    It took me a few years and about 100 hours, lol, but I came to the conclusion I will never, ever contribute to program on one of my cases- OR comment as a consultant on others unless I can be guaranteed an unedited appearance or control of same. I am not interested in entertainment of a true crime case for the sake of entertainment, if that makes sense. The lack of integrity is stunning, imo.

  27. Rose says:

    here are the mcso union shop heads.
    breaks down to those Reese put in charge of work units.

    Of interest is the promoted-to-Inspector (& Captn) Gulberg who
    previously it seems was in charge of river boat fleet maintenance.

  28. A Texas Grandfather says:


    In order for Trump’s immigration plan to work, there are several things that must be accomplished.

    The border must be secured with new construction of a wall in places and new electronic surveillance equipment where walls will not work. That will take some time.

    IMO there must also be a roll-back of the 1965 legislation to the concepts acted during the 1920′s. For most of a generation immigration was around a million a year from countries who sent people who had skills and views that could integrate quickly into our society.

    The I.C.E. unit of Border Patrol is very understaffed. It will have to be doubled and tripled for a period of time. The courts need to be guided in their role of giving the illegals a hearing on their status.

    Sanctuary cities will have to be cut-off from all federal funding and this may take some legislation to make it happen.

    Although the plan is to stop illegals from entering our country and removing those who do not belong it will take years to make it happen. We have a lot of people who are visa over-stays that need to be removed. The much quoted figure of 11 million illegals is false. The real number is closer to 30 or 40 million.

    It will take two terms in office for Donald Trump to accomplish his goal. He may be able to build the wall and other devices to secure the border in a year by dividing the job into sectors with qualified contractors working as fast as possible.

    One of the things that has held up the wall are land owners along the American side who do not want an effective wall. These people have used their county government to stop construction, particularly in the Texas border segment which is the longest sector.

  29. erose says:

    Just a follow up on the banner to MBS and Rose whose opinions I respect, so am glad you are supportive. Initially I thought trivial, but I posted because I think the school that employed a child pornographer doing prison time would be a little more sensitive to the issue and not characterize their teachers that way. I have seen it in humorous settings, county fairs, etc., but Logan Storm should be an awareness that Stoller keeps front and center, same as child abduction is with Skyline, IMO rant.

    MBS, You posted about how a teacher’s time cannot always be accurately accounted for, so interesting, both with LS and Skyline. I went to the Stroller site to see when school starts for the middle school-ers.

    Blink alludes to LS being a consideration (right word?) in Kyron’s case. Perhaps did Kyron’s investigation lead LE to LS, and the girlfriend’s accounting came as an after thought. Was LS photographing kids, IOW was he a casting director for child porn?

    And Rose, it did not escape my notice that you posted the “Rate My Teacher” on him. All the kids “love” that creep.

  30. erose says:

    o/t to paraphrase the statistician on Showtime’s “The Circus”… This will not be as bad as we fear, nor as great as we hope. Politics.

    Brilliant. I would borrow it (and may) if I were about discussing politics with anyone these days, but I’m not, lol.

  31. Rose says:

    right blink. no deportation til time is served.
    It’s clear Trump’s promises re immigration cannot take effect without
    new Congrssional statutes (signed by Pres & after upheld by
    Supremes). House Repub leadership essentially said no this week
    and Senate cannot get there.

    sorry ATG: my hearing of pres-elect, and Congress’ majority =
    there’ll be no wall, some fence.

    ICE, US Marshalls, and Admin law judges (ALJs) would need substantial budget for
    much much more personnel, and a cost cutting Congress won’t go there.
    Without House-led Sequestration decimating Federal LE agencies, doubtless
    Federal agencies could’ve done much more the last 8 yrs with deportations.
    This budget (de)appropriation will not change.

    local LE with detention power and jail-hold ability will not cooperate
    (see today’s LAPD chief statement & Staton former statement).

    My own position off the top of my head is we should return to country quotas of yore, adding a fast track for highly gifted, or highly educated and skilled, ie phd physicists or economists, conservatory musician types etc, and requiring current aliens in the US wishing to immigrate to register for permanent resident or a worker visa in line as if applying in their home country, without requiring repatriation, but barring work until their approval comes up in turn with their country of origin apps per quota.

    Imo in Oregon the Estradas and their associates are mega safe as Congress will not embark on Trump’s “promises.” (for which he can blame them in 3 yrs). Not a Chief Strategist priority either. I don’t think this was a hispanic’s crime anyway.

    Don’t forget the Russian gangs in Portland btw.

  32. Rose says:

    @Blink. do you have some timetable or
    watermarks/indicia by which you will publish yr SZ research?

    No. What are you seeing?

  33. thatkewlgirl says:

    @Did TMH continue to drive west when leaving? Or did she do a ‘Y’ turn and go back the way she came?

    Not following.

    TH parked along the side of the road. Did she pull out in the same direction and continue on that way, or did she turn around, using the access road to back the truck in (via a ‘Y’ shaped turn) and return back the way she had come before they toured the fair?

  34. Rose says:

    I got Anselmo confused with able small businessman Jaime.
    Anselmo was convicted of both statutory rape (and deporttd) then
    in 2013 his conviction for illegal reentry was affirmed.
    I do not remember how he was connected to this case other
    than he resided in Oregln (Eugene), shared Rudy’s last
    name, and was on a Marshall hold in 2010, but that was connected
    to his own criminal cases. Anyway, regardless of any election mbs,
    by statute he’s deported when sentence is complete, just as he was previously.

  35. Rose says:

    this says Oregon is a sanctuary State, so there was no real threat to Rudy anyway from an immigration infraction

  36. Rose says:

    Logan Storm strikes me as haplessly disorganized in the commission (and failure to cover up) of the crimes for which he was convicted, and dependent on parents and girlfriends for support and shelter. How does that reconcile with a highly organized SZ? Rhetorical until the piece comes.

  37. A Texas Grandfather says:


    I was not saying Trump would have success in my reply to MBS. I was just stating that building the wall and other things necessary for meeting his immigration problem would take some time.

    Whether he will be successful or not is a long way in the future.

    Your concept of having application for visas is the correct one. However, presently school visas are handed out like candy. Those would have to be curtailed.

  38. erose says:

    Rudy, Jaimie and Anselmo survived the 3.2 million Obama Admin. deportations, so chances are they will survive Trump’s as well, since his first wave is estimated around 3M, and the second wave doubtful to come to fruition, IMO.

    The larger take away for me is the fear factor in so much as Rudy lied/agreed to a made up story about the MFH due to threats of deportation. IMO, it is in their best interests to have legal standing whether by visa or citizenship so that their (Rudy, Jaimie, Anselmo) status is not something that can be used against them. I would put Anselmo on Trump’s first round list, though, and surprised he didn’t go out in Obama’s 3.2M.


    While full data from 2015 and 2016 isn’t available, if those years keep pace with previous ones, about 3.2 million people will have been deported under the Obama administration.


  39. Rose says:

    @erose. Usually HS starts first, then Middle,
    then Eled to allow for bus deployment.
    Blink used the word “factor.” idk if she
    meant a theoretical (imo consideration),
    a possible (bcz he’d met Terri’s boys),
    or an actual known factor.
    One wonders which MS Storm’s 11yo was
    enrolled in? Probably where they had
    previously resided earlier in his eled career.
    Perhaps Skyline?

  40. thatkewlgirl says:

    I still cannot rule out Adam Brown. (The Wendy’s guy).

    He was known to be on parole, and unsupervised in the area. He targets children, especially boys. He is an especially diabolic sexual sadist, proven when he inflicted the HIV virus via injections on his prior victims in Roseburg. This man is ballsy enough to have walked into the school (his attack at a public restaurant proves that), and tho maybe not organized, he may have just been a lucky SZ on that particular day when those left to tend the chicks were busy elsewhere…

  41. Harelycolt says:

    Just my opinion, Trump will build that wall & it will come in under budget & on time.

  42. Rose says:

    OT @ATG. Respect you greatly and your opinions. Only OT because no case news of any kind, I guess until The Piece.

    to put yr mind at ease re student visas, an anecdote. In GB2 lst term,
    a friend bragged to me her LD new college grad had a great job with a closein VA defense contractor–a major one among the defense stocks rising in the last week. All he had to do was call colleges and substantiate the student visa owner(s) were not only registered but actually attending classes. She loved that if they were not, all he had to do was pass it to another gov’t contractor to act on and physically track down the person and deal with it. In a year he was supervising 6 others doing the same job, as were many others employed by this contractor. This is quite institutionalized, well funded in defense contracts to Beltway bandits, and very effective. His qualifications? Both parents worked in Pentagon and he played golf…and his father played golf at Army-Navy Club with contractor employees. So the US is spending lots of money on this, but not directly. Students are well tracked wrt actual enrollment and class attendance. Secondly, public (and other) universities rely heavily on foreign tuition paying students to subsidize state tuition; a cut back on visas and public colleges would be in UUGE trouble. I will say more than one Muslim girl has been attacked in the last week on my daughter’s campus in hate crimes. Finally, my daughter resides as one of 3-4 Americans in an ecumenical international student housing (3 br apts). An apt mate is Hindu, India (getting MBA); there are Muslims from all countries, Catholics, Christians, Buddhists, etc. and many many countries. A number of residents are getting PhDs, are research scientists, asst profs, graduate level engineers and business majors. It has been a rich experience for her. In her 2nd year, she lived in the dorm for premed, high honors…most of her friends were males from India. The US needs to ensure there are no barriers or stigmas or fear attached to study by high flying foreigners from any country or faith as a visa or emotional barrier to participation in academia. The last thing we need is for many of these students to return to the days when Russia etc was attracting them. Anyway, the US is safer thanks to Beltway Bandit contractors tracking foreign students than Middle Eastern and Asian students are on our campuses now imo.

  43. Rose says:

    last OT, and this one is more political, but as for me the election is over and done. But what I found I attribute to the curiosity and skills posters on this site inspire in me.

    when I heard Comey ate out at a certain McLean eatery, I was reminded he lives in Cheney, Freeh, Scalia Powell neighborhood. Freeh interested me due to Penn State and Baylor. I thot they might be friends, or go to the same Catholic church or something. So I used my Blink training. To my great surprise, I found Comey does have a very close attachment, a man whom he called a “mentor,” of a number of decades, and in whose career and actual job positions he later walked in his own career. They have been very close personally and professionally for ages. So, I have no doubt if Comey’s landland, or burner phones, records of the last year were subpoenaed, calls to and from this leadership campaign advisor would have occurred from time to time. I would love to see Comey subpoenaed under oath about the content of any such calls with this campaign “volunteer,” but alas, that is Neverland. Who’s gonna subpoena the FBI Dir’s phone records? Not this Congress’ staff on say the Judiciary committee. What amazes me is the entire DC press corps must have known of this closeness and never wrote about it while addressing “the Letters.”

  44. Rose says:

    As Zusman cheers his WW coverage and solicits donations, the glaring coverage absences from 2010-2016 are the local blackouts on the local (and State) judiciary, the local DA Office, Horman case coverage, the State AGs office but for the brouhaha with the criminal div-chief investigator investigating its own Civil Rights head which no OR media could ignore. Imo in 2016 ODea and Staton were on a political hit list or WW wouldn’t have “investigated.”

  45. Rose says:

    I do have one more politically-related observation. About the importance of history.
    I listened for over an hour to Comey’s career mentor Monday on a WSJ CSpan.
    He waxed eloquent about foreign policy and int’l economics, neither of which are his fields.
    an historical era came to mind. I looked that political party
    of the mid 1800s up and was amazed to see the 2 major populist appeals
    were immigrants and a minority religion, catholicism.

  46. Rose says:

    headline sucks, young newbie Eder:
    I chose to believe TMH was not pointing to her id of the
    abductor but to msco’s investigatory process failures.
    No way jose a white truck dude at 7-11 the morning of asking
    heh where’s a school was the highly organized abductor
    familiar with the school layout inside and outside.

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