Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: New Discovery Released Includes FBI Lab Results

Orlando, FL– This morning the 9th Circuit State Attorney’s Office released over 1000 documents  in the latest batch of discovery previously given to the defense team representing Casey Anthony.

The documents are expected to include FBI lab reports that are critical to the case; some of which had been “leaked” to the press last week.

In the first part of the release, the information seems to focus on Dominick Casey’s report of “threat asessment” or cheat sheet as he referred to it. He specifically mentions the knife Leonard Padilla keeps in a sheath in the rear waistline of his pants. He also alleges one of the detectives in the case is having an affair with reporter Jessica D’onofrio.

In an e-mail sent to Cindy Anthony on Feb. 2 at 4:38 a.m., the private investigator tells her: “I found out tonight that Jessica Denofrio [sic] is having an affair with one of the Detectives at OCSO. Have not found out which Detective it is yet but working on finding out.”

Blinkoncrime will be updating links to information as it is released.




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  1. Doselady says:

    Richard Grund doesn’t talk about nephilim. That email is from Cindy to Dominic Casey. Page 91 of 100.

  2. Norm says:

    Brad Conway to Release More Evidence in Anthony Case

    Brad Conway says information raise Questions

    why is Conway releaseing information that was given to the prosecution? i thought his job was to do work for Cindy and George not create doubt? he said it was information the state should have released today….i didn’t think he was an attorney for the criminal case!?!?! please i’m dumb someone help me

  3. westsidehudson says:

    # 38-Kleat

    If this Zenaida was such a sinister underworld type of character, and she had a lot of money, and children in tow, why would she need to squat in an empty apartment? Couldn’t she just use an alias and pay for a place? If she had been squatting, how could she have lived in the apartment with no electricity with children? If the electric was on, wouldn’t the managers of the apartment notice the usage? Clearly, they would have had to at least consume and use water. That would have had to be taken note of by the meter readers, and the managers.

  4. Norm says:

    also he doesn’t reprsent casey anthony

  5. westsidehudson says:

    #89 Chicagojudy

    Yep, I’ll cosign your last sentiment. I wonder if this is what Tony Padilla was referring to that he didn’t want to discuss further.
    Maybe Blink can at least ask him if this is the comprehensive info on RG, or if there is more to come.

  6. lily says:

    The computer store guy? This is the scoop on him . . .

    Inexplicably, Thompson waited until July 22, 2009 to tell police.

    James Thompson said he saw Casey Anthony walking ten feet in front of Caylee at a Casselberry Walmart.

    “To think I was one of the last people to see Caylee alive,” Thompson said in his statement. “It bothers me constantly.”

    Thompson, who is on the state witness list, would not comment on his statement.

    Is this another freak inserting himself into this case as a ‘player’? This is becoming a pattern with these missing/murdered/abused children stories. The only thing this stuff does is hurt the fight for the TRUTH. It is becoming almost impossible between family intervention and outsider intervention on both this case and Haleigh Cummings to fight for justice for these babies. I’m beyond frustrated today (obviously).

  7. westsidehudson says:

    WKMG’s Louis Bolden looked at the family’s finances and noted that the clan had financial problems before Casey’s arrest. Bolden highlighted that Brad Conway, George and Cindy’s attorney, is volunteering his services. But in the documents released today, a page from a contract with private investigator Dominic Casey is left out, Bolden said. “We still don’t know how Dominic Casey is being paid,” Bolden said.

  8. suz says:

    Another unrelated e-mail between FBI officials discusses hair found inside Casey Anthony’s car that is microscopically similar to Caylee’s. The e-mail states it is different from Casey Anthony’s hair.

    The e-mail author, from the FBI’s Trace Evidence Unit, also stated, “. . . I can’t say absolutely that the hair came from a dead body but it is consistent . . . ”,0,3058472.story

    page 34 of this doc— orange county only processed the trunk of the car, not the whole car

    Plus the fbi destroys all evidence of the heart shaped sticker and gets their own dna on the duct tape, and maybe sees an outline of a body they won’t swear to being there.

    Is Andrea Lyon licking her lips over this?

  9. todd in tulsa says:

    So, Spindy and Mr.Casey kept “tabs” on everyone. Who does she think she is, Richard Nixon?

  10. lily says:

    Ok – I’m stumped – what is Brad Conway up to? (on

    The attorney for Casey Anthony’s parents said he will release evidence that raises “serious questions about the case” on Wednesday.

    Brad Conway said the evidence he intends to release contains information the state “should have released today, but didn’t.”

    Well he got a hearing on the autopsy release he had no standing in, why not?
    Being facetious, yes, but I am not sure why he would be in a position to release anything the state did not.

  11. Kleat says:

    wsh, re #98, I’d agree with you entirely, except for the ‘fact’ that Zanny babysitter, spent all her extra housing money on taking Caylee to theme parks, character breakfast-sez and the beach, feeding, clothing her and probably taking her to a doctor and paying medical bills if she had a little accident or problem that happens with kids, like an ear infection or near drowning while she was doing her 31 days of hard nanny duty to teach Casey a lesson.

    Yeah– makes as much sense as a lot of this stuff.

    Wonder what Brad will be releasing, but dirt that Cindy shipped his way but not yet released in a doc dump?

  12. Kleat says:

    wsh, Dominic Casey has a ‘contingency agreement’– one must ask ‘contingent’ on what?? Returning the baby safely home?? That did not happen and he still works for George and wife. On a successful outcome of trial for Casey?? That is a long way off, and a lot of work and expense to keep working for free until Casey is free and clear.

    Contingency– on money coming in, on deals providing the profits, on pond scum skimming opportunities. He’s probably getting paid just like Cindy and George profit.

  13. Kleat says:

    (maybe one day he can sell his story and make an ‘enough to retire and leave the country’ ‘contingency fee’. Say, how would the IRS handle ‘contingency’, or ‘money in kind’ type of payments, and would he be able to spread the income over a period of years? Write most of it off then call payment for interviews, ‘photo licencing fees’?

    Hope the IRS can keep tabs on the money that the courts can not.

  14. westsidehudson says:


    Copy it tonight Brad. I have an open mind.

    How did you receive copies that were not released to the public yet?

    Not Brad, but I am guessing his clients may have supplied them while narrowly avoiding a court date last time.
    I have an open mind as well.

  15. Lisa says:

    Why would Brad Conway be doing this? It isn’t his place and Casey is not his client! The only thing I can think of of he is Cindy’s “whipping boy” and does anything she wants. Good grief these people are insane!

  16. westsidehudson says:

    # 105

    Should be interesting. You know Brad’s clients have done so much more damage than good. I honestly do have an open mind. If Cindy wouldn’t have made statements about Casey being “mother of the year, etc ” and stuck with something like Casey has had issues but I don’t believe she’s capable of this, it might not have caused the anger that has erupted at them and Casey. I think that the immediate start of the nonprofit has also been problematic for them also.

  17. Olive says:

    OK, Brad Conway is going to be releasing evidence tomorrow….some things he felt the state should have released today, but didn’t.

    Why is Brad releasing evidence in this case and not Baez? He has nothing to do with this case, he is George and Cindy’s lawyer, they have not been charged with anything related to this case….I don’t understand. Help!

  18. westsidehudson says:

    Maybe he is being paid through their nonprofit that is supposed to support searches for missing children, thus why he was still searching for Caylee in 2009? Perhaps, his payment is contingent upon donations to the nonprofit. Maybe the lisencing fees that come from news programs like 48 hrs are not paid directly to the Anthonys, but to the nonprofit instead. Thus, Conway may be strictly accurate about “the Anthonys not receiving payment”

  19. Olive says:

    I should have refreshed my page first….I see the answer to my question. My apologies.

  20. westsidehudson says:


    “Not Brad, but I am guessing his clients may have supplied them while narrowly avoiding a court date last time.
    I have an open mind as well.

    But they are not legal recipients of discovery either.
    If they want to release their own investigative work product, they can do that whenever they want. Otherwise, is Citizen Kane handing over all of his discovery to Conway and Rosebud? Is that legal?

    Yes WSH, but read his quote- He is saying he is going to release what the SA chose not to. How would he know?

  21. cindeefromwisconsin says:

    Correct me if I am wrong. Isn’t the defense something like 2 to 3 document dumps ahead of the public? Could Conway be releasing things from those document dumps to counteract any negativity that was released today, ie stain in trunk

  22. Gypsy DD says:

    Well another doc drop and more damning evidence against Casey and the whole A team. I knew in my heart that Cindy was this despicable..but seeing the emails and the banned list for the Memorial service for Caylee was reprehensible. Who, preface this with in their right mind, when planning a Memorial for their murdered beloved granddaughter decides instead of grieving to take the time and construct a list who is worthy to attend and memorialize her and who is banned?

    Second thought…who cleans a car trunk when it smells like a dead body and there is an outline of a toddler’s body in the trunk..and your beloved granddaughter is missing?

    Third thought is who tries to throw anyone that remotely knew their daughter under the bus..rather then face the fact their granddaughter is dead at the hands of their daughter? What kind of person still wants to convict an innocent person so they can see their daughter they know is guilty go free? And what kind of person is ,2 months after the Memorial, still trying to convince the public that Caylee may be alive? Add in they are wearing her cremation jewelry….sick..sick..sick.


  23. Lisa says:

    Will what Brad is about to do be considered Obstruction of Justice?

  24. ChicagoJudy says:

    OT… if Nancy Grace doesn’t stop with the hyperbole, I’m really going to throw this mouse through tv screen! That woman is like fingernails on a chalk board. It’s a stain Nancy! There’s nothing that proves it’s Caylee’s body in a fetal position! oy

  25. todd in tulsa says:

    I almost wish I hadn’t read the statement by the computer salesman. THE IDIOT MOM, WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE ADULT, DOES A ROLE-REVERSAL BY FEELING LEFT-OUT OF THE SPOTLIGHT FOR 5 SECONDS, AND THROWS A TANTRUM?!? I have a 5 year old daughter, and just to think of that scenario…….makes me ill. Blink, I have read some of the past document releases that have stated about numerous times police were called to the A’s home. My question to that would be, how in the world, with so many disturbances, how could Child Protective Services not be called in situations like that, where there’s a child involved? I would just think it would be standard operating procedure?

  26. chica says:

    makes me sad that little caylee would have to open her own big heavy door!! It hurts me to visualize it!!!
    her mother Jealous of anyone giving her daughter any attention. CAN YOU IMAGINE LITTLE CAYLEES FEAR AT BEING ALONE WITH HER!!!!

    Yet these grandparents display no love or memory of caylee!! they are money hungry!!they didnt love her evidenced by their behaviour and support to the killer their daughter the mother of little caylee.
    breaks my heart to think of the mental and physical abuse that caylee was subjected too~~
    who would go to the extremes that she does to dig dirt on anyone especialy investigators and anyone who is working to get justice for little caylee..
    makes me wonder how rick plasea and his mother are faring these days? alex the father in a nursing home watching cindy parade all over the tv spewing vemon. what normal person would go from website blog to website blogs like a madwoman !!! DOES SHE NOT SLEEP AT NIGHT… I VISUALIZE HER ON HER COMPUTER CHOMPING AT HER KEYBOARD BURNING RUBBER ON HER COMPUTER!!!
    Not one of the anthonys are honest nor do they posess any kind of integrity. the truth will come out I have faith .
    when all this is over and casey sits on death row!! than what will cindy and george.. lee do? I have never seen nothing like it. Sindee is pure evil……didnt they just get baptized!!! they shouldda stayed under water longer…. thanks blink and everyone here for joining in the fight for justice for our little angel . SEEMS like we love this child more than casey or the anthonys did . we will continue to seek justice…. I have a headache and my heartaches for caylee and what she endured with those evil lunatic people.. rest in peace caylee. you are our sunshine!!!

  27. georgiamom says:

    I don’t understand why you believe there will be fingerprint evidence. On page 8368, in a letter from Hassell’s office to the SA, answer #19 about ‘fingerprints’ states “(a-e) The FBI did not receive Latent Lifts in this case.” What do you make of this?

  28. ChicagoJudy says:

    Just checked again. Pretty sure the nephilim posts were written by Richard Grund. Second pdf doc above.

  29. artgal16 says:

    The lawyers seem to believe that the photo of the outline in the trunk
    will not be admitted in court.

  30. ChicagoJudy says:

    I have to go along with all the other Blinkers who don’t understand Brad Conway’s involvement. Somebody tell me what I’missing… I thought it was the State of Florida v Casey M. Anthony. But since Conway’s inserted himself and his clients right in the middle, I think the state needs to start going after them in addition to Casey. Why and how could he (and his clients) possibly have the right to get involved in any of this? Can someone explain that to me please? Thanx.

  31. Alice says:

    Gavi, (#93)

    Thanks for your post. I have been really saddened and disgusted by this case, but it is your post that brought me to tears for the first time.
    I am going to go hug my daughters (17 and 15) who are still my babies, and thank God for them as I do every night.

    Alice, welcome and my babies will always be my babies as well. I will never get it, and my attempts to do so in an effort to educate will be elusive for that reason. I can live with that.

  32. Kleat says:

    Blink, to Lily’s question and your comment re: Brad’s history of stepping into a case he has no position on– could this be his desire to be ‘Judge’ coming through? Making decisions on a case he’s attaching himself to for clients who are not defendants? Just because he represents parents of the accused, does not mean that there can be no conflict of interest between his clients and the defense’s client.

    Brad does not speak for Casey, yet he is releasing information to the public, he can not do this without the direction of George and wife, to do so. Why can’t all lawyers, such as those for any of the many witnesses, start to release information in the form of public documents, to the media? Chaos– with all these people who have lawyers out there.

  33. MsEnscene says:

    # 93 Gavnella: Much of media attention is focused on the “shape” of the stain. Drives me crazy! As you noted, there is something in the docs where a note from an FBI Quantico lab supervisor calls it “speculative” when a tech underling suggests that the stain is in the shape of a child in a fetal position. What are we doing here? Some kind of Rorschach testing? Talk about forest and trees!

    I think this is going to be like a gnat buzzing around my head much as is the continual replay of Cindy calling the dead-body smell a 19 day-old rotting pizza in the Fla. sun! Will anyone in the media just say, “Shut up, Cindy! There was no pizza in the trunk! No pizza!”

    I am saying enough with the shape of the stain, already. Much more important things in the docs to obsess about–like how many people Cindy tries to incriminate in the death of her grandchild. (Sigh. Think it’s time for me to give it up until the trial. If only…)

  34. Kleat says:

    Re: Brad’s very own DOCDUMP coming tomorrow, of things the state should have released:

    I wonder if this information will not be any ‘new’ emails or documents, but what we already have in today’s documents, but with Brad ‘filling in redactions’?

    Wondering this because of the obvious redaction that the Anthony’s might want to ‘explain’ and just can’t keep still until they do explain.

    To one example, page 8005 (first pdf Blink link):

    Email from Dom Casey to Lee Anthony subject line: ‘FW: Email for Lee – Offer of Internship…”

    We do NOT know who this email was forwarded from originally– it might have been forwarded from someone else in the D&A Investigations, but ‘D’ is the principal, so maybe it’s an email that bounced around a bit, and D is made a contact for Lee, or more likely, providing just a letter of reference or providing a sponsorship for the internship, which is being copied back to Lee as a courtesy.

    I’m betting that tomorrow, Brad’s clients will be sharing the contents of this email with the public, if not doing the same for other ‘redactions’ in today’s dump.

    In this internship example, the ONLY unredacted portion is too incomplete to be the original–

    it reads: “Lee, offer of Sponsorship for: Private Investigator Internship …”

    What say we get the rest of this tomorrow from Mr. and Mrs, George Anthony?

    (betting brad fills in some redactions as directed by his clients– they always seem to need to put their spin on things when someone else takes the media spotlight)

  35. nursejean says:

    in response to post 89 the opposite of misogynist is a misandrist-in other words a ManHater hope this helps

  36. Gavriella says:

    Thanks Blink, and Yippee!! I’m the 100,000 visitor for the upteenth time! Hooray! ER ….

    But anyway, regarding Conway, this can’t be much of anything. If it were, surely it would have been utilized by now to get her out of jail, not to negate the fact that Blabbermouth Cindy, who’s always trying to saintify (it’s not in the dictionary) her darling daughter, would be blasting this exonerating information all over the airways! Well, maybe not, considering the fact that the longer Casey remains in jail, the more money there is to be made.

    I’m guessing that whatever it is that Conway has to release will be little more than sworn statements from interested (if not paid for) parties who’d attest to her exemplory character or where-abouts at the times in question. These sworn statements could have been hand delivered or sent registered or certified to assure a signature of receipt by LE, the State Attorney or even the Court. This happens, but as far as I know few and far between are given any consideration. Conway would have copies of these documents/testimonies to present to the public, deeming them “evidentiary” while accusing the state of withholding the same. This may all be far fetched, but I can’t imagine what he has to offer that they wouldn’t have tried to use to exonerate her, already. Unless, as many have eluded to, they actually prefer her to remain in jail.

    Just my opinion.

  37. Gavriella says:

    P.S. Perhaps Dominic is taking payment in trade? Choke. Gag. X that, as I’m sure he’s providing Sin-D services out of the goodness of his heart.

  38. Amanda850 says:

    Two things…

    1. Re: nephillim. They were the result of angels “fornicating” with humans.(genesis 6:4). The angels were condemned for eternity and placed in “chains of darkness” in the dungeons of hell. (2 peter 2:4). Serious nutjob comment by Cindy for sure. No idea what she meant by that reference.

    2. Comment #80 – what if the stain in the trunk was left behind by the cleaning of the area by chemicals which destroyed any bodily fluids but themselves left a kind of signature? Just a thought…

    Oh and blink and blinksters… You rock my socks off!!! Love this place!!!

  39. Amanda850 says:

    Two things…

    1. Re: nephillim. They were the result of -the offspring of- angels “fornicating” with humans.(genesis 6:4). The angels were condemned for eternity and placed in “chains of darkness” in the dungeons of hell. (2 peter 2:4). Serious nutjob comment by Cindy for sure. No idea what she meant by that reference.

    2. Comment #80 – what if the stain in the trunk was left behind by the cleaning of the area by chemicals which destroyed any bodily fluids but themselves left a kind of signature? Just a thought…

    Oh and blink and blinksters… You rock my socks off!!! Love this place!!!

    Ok, for the record, No. 1 creeps me out. I do NOT get that

  40. R.L. Haley says:

    Im so.. I dont even know how to put it …the stain in the trunk,a Grandmothers actions Blink can a lawyer defend the theory that their client is insane but wont admit to it,from a defence point I mean,is that the only leg left to stand on for her at this point? Are their any legs left, should we look forward to more defence BS storys and delays…. florida sure is spending money.

  41. Kleat says:

    Blink that last post was a big DUH!!! (for obvious reasons so if you would care to remove, cause dummie me didn’t remember the rest was in attachment… oops)

    Your speculation of the reasons for Lee joining ‘the team’ officially, as an ‘investigator’ is very interesting and maybe, there will be a little more revealed by Brad as he helps the state out with his revelations.

    What might be worth documenting, is the D&A tasks and their dates that implicate who he was or was not working for. The July 7th 2009 email from Dom C to has attachments of possible Zenaida persons located.

    He asks Cindy “Attached picture of a ‘Zenaida’ I have located… can this be shown to Casey for ID purposes? … Dominic”

    Wasn’t Dom Casey’s testimony recently, that he was STILL working for Casey and also that he was still working for Baez (contradicted that later of course). But if he was working for Casey, why does he have to go through Cindy to get permission to speak to his client, a represented individual, when he could simply go to her lawyer to get the photo to Casey?

    This is one strange convoluted business relationship.

  42. Kleat says:

    Wanda Wery is still ‘involved’ as of July 5, 2009, helping Cindy to shut down a Caylee Marie myspace website. (8031)

    How does Dominic have the power to take down Myspace pages? Does this come from trademarking Caylee’s name?

  43. Kleat says:

    Who was the toddler who was cremated at George and wife’s demands over and above the ‘press release’ of Baez about his client’s official wishes. (best defense is to destroy the body, can now raise the question of a still live Caylee and no one will ever be able to check– why did they allow Cindy to cremate the baby??)

  44. Kleat says:

    what kind of lawyers use and for their confidential communications? Unless they want the emails to get leaked eventually? Cindy sends the lawyers info trying to get the state attny’s office and the media in trouble for leaking GJ about Casey, Apr. 24, 2009) Jose Baez B. Conway Law

    (Pg 8046)

  45. Kleat says:

    Blink, what do you make of the connection made by Dominic Casey and the Anthony’s to Haleigh Marie Cumming’s case, with his letter regarding both Caylee Marie and Haleigh Marie and his ‘subject: William Murtaugh’?

    (and he sends it cc: to brad’s ‘’ address)

    Could the Anthony’s have found a way to attach Caylee to Haleigh by relating them to the same perp as one more way to help Casey? And could this be the reason the media savy Anthony’s were so involved with ‘helping’ the Cummings?

  46. Kleat says:

    Bekki Sowerby = Todd Black/Gil Cabot female version (the FBI investigator who blew Cabot’s cover in California, said Cabot had a female voice/persona in his repertoire)

  47. Kleat says:

    That was a question–

  48. Kleat says:

    Another question: Timer 55 formal letter to Cindy with an explanation of Timer55. Dominic uses the specific example of Internet Relay Chat to detail how this works– on IRC. Did Casey use IRC? (ie: the example is Dalnet) Does IM work the same way?

    The assumption in Dom’s letter is that someone was setting Casey up. Vs Casey using it for her own purposes.

  49. todd in tulsa says:

    Blink, if Baez and the whole ‘dream team’ are so convinced of Crasey’s “innocence”, then why aren’t they pushing to get this trial moving, instead of just providing empty words and nothing to back them up with? I would think if that were the case, they’d be presenting their arguments and “proof” to the judge or whatever, and at the very least, able to get a bond hearing.

  50. Olive says:

    Sources: Duct Tape At Crime Scene, Anthony Home Don’t Match

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