Morgan Harrington Murder: Helpful Hunters May Hunt Her Killer

Posted by BOC Staff | Alex Harrington,Dan Harrington,Gil Harrington,Morgan Harrington,Murdered | Wednesday 27 January 2010 8:33 pm

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Abemarle County, VA– On the 100 acre parcel of the over 700 acre farm owned by Nancy and David Bass where Morgan Harrington’s remains were recovered yesterday, there may be clues of the furry variety that lead to the identity of Morgan’s murderer.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a source inside the investigation has told that questions raised here regarding private deer hunting on the farm have been verified by Virginia State Police.

Anchorage Farm owners do allow some private hunting members and maintains a list of those individuals permitted to do so. 

From the time Morgan disappeared and presumably ended up in the hayfield, both archery and firearm deer seasons were in full swing.

Big Brother, or in this case Uncle Buck, was watching.


Blink, what is that ugly azz thing you say?

It might be sweet Morgan’s Ruth Cooper.

The Cuddeback Scouting Camera with Video and Infared technologies from Cabelas. This is one example of tree trunk and tree stand cutting edge technology that is motion activated with high resolution images on several settings.

Not to be outdone: The Moultrie Game Spy, which you can use to watch your prey like a surveillance screen in real time. 

This is another example of the varieties that were in place the night of October 17th.

Morgan was found in a field, almost smack dab in the middle of surrounding tree line’s loaded with tree stands and tree cameras.

She was found without her camera and necklace; both of which have not been located to date. 

VSP has been provided the list of known hunters at Anchorage Farm, and are in the process of interviewing them.

If you have hunted the property this season, VSP would appreciate a call:(434) 352-3467



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  1. belika says:

    And, IF, I am on the right way, could it had been that HE did what he did, and came back to the arena right after, re-entered the concert, so his alibi had been made – “I was all the time at the concert, I have hundreds of witnesses to confirm it”…

  2. M. says:

    Just one more thought on accessing the field: The killer would have to know that he could traverse the property without getting stuck. The last thing he would want is to have his vehicle caught in a ditch, in mud, whatever. In the dark on a damp night, it seems risky to me. This is assuming that the killer was thinking his actions through – it could be, being young and rash and needing to act urgently, he never considered the possibility of getting stuck. Once he was able to get into the field & get out, and days passed with him getting away with it, the more comfortable he got that he did get away with it.

  3. J2K says:

    alexandra -


  4. Chad says:

    @red Hill:

    No, I took no offense. I apolly to you! Perhaps I was a little snippy. So sorry! I can tell you be “a good guy. ” You are right, I am so involved in this case in a caring way, and I truly love this site. I probably do spend too much time here, when I myself should be tending to other things. like working, etc…..
    I know, the events probably are not related. It is pretty odd though, you do have to admit, that these things happened.
    On another thread, after hearing of Morgan being found, the sheriff, fire, and bomb, Sherlock said it best, when he said he feels like he is in a Mel Gibson movie! Indeed!

    I live so far away, and I still am trying to put together a visual on things, so any local tib bits you can provide is good. Us non locals rely heavily on photos, maps and word desriptions.

  5. Ragdoll says:

    @ Red Hill…..

    PLEASE DON’T BACK OUT! Your posts have been enlightening and have helped create a mental image for many of us who don’t know the area. Your contributions have been invaluable. No doubts! xo

  6. Chad says:


    So sorry you are feeling blue. You need some serious relief friend. If sudafed isn’t working, may I suggest Generic Actifed? It works GREAT for me. That will dry eveything up, and relieve pressure. FEEL better.
    We’ll behave, promise.

    Lol, I am going to hold y’all to that.

  7. mjh says:

    Red Hill local,

    I, for one, am very glad that you are here. You have been very informative, and knowing the land there makes your posts/opinions very valuable. I read everything you say with great interest. I have never seen anywhere that you have disrespected anyone, and do not understand why offense was taken at your comment.

    Chad is also very well respected here. I also read her posts with great interest, and feel that she has added a lot of good information/theories here. I do agree that the fire needs to be investigated, as it does seem too close for comfort in my honest opinion. It could be related somehow. The suicide is also of interest. I agree, too many coincidences.

    Chad: You seem like a very nice person, I value your opinion, and I do not mean any disrespect at all. But, if I may, I would like to point out a comment in your post, directed to Red Hill:

    “I dunno know. @ red Hill thinks they are all independent coincidences.
    Red Hill can you bash down my theory and tell me that they are all not connected to Morgans case? I hope you or someone will, because if these events are all related, and they very well could be. This is really getting scary for Charlottesville.”

    His response:

    “@Chad – Interesting thoughts about the PI, but I really think you’re trying to make too much of completely independent incidents. I am COMPLETELY new to the investigative website, and am only here because it happened in my old stomping grounds. I do know the community, county, and surrounding counties for that matter. I just really think everyone has had wayyy too much time to over-analyze “possibilities” while the killing itself was most likely a bad one-on-one situation. I tossed out all the serial killer ideas when the body was found where it was. Only, and I mean ONLY, someone familiar with the farm would have taken her/body there.”

    Personally, I did not find this response to sound offensive at all. Three months IS a long time for people to be throwing around possibilities and theories. We have all speculated on many things. I do not think Red Hill was trying to be disrespectful or offensive at all. You asked him directly to “bash down your theory”.

    I know this is probably not my place, but I feel that you are BOTH very valuable to this site, and I was very happy when Red Hill joined in.

    Red Hill, I hope you don’t back out too far. I find what you have to say very interesting and valuable to this site.

    I’m sorry that any of the contributors here was offended. But, I honestly don’t think anything said was meant to offend.

    Thank you very kind mjh, we are all good in the hood now.

  8. belika says:

    And… *If* I am on the right way… could it be that HE took Morgan in her car… Because I noticed somewhere Dr. Harrington answering:”…No. The car was CLEAN…”

    How *Clean*?

    Could they all together had taken the car and washer it all over before having taken her to Dr. Harrington’s place?

    And could it be that it was with him that Morgan left her seat, or going to him, after her *friend* gave her a kiss on the cheek, *not knowing exactly* where Morgan was going to …

  9. sueK says:

    Does anyone else remember reports of a boot and something else being found in a dumpster behind a market during or around the time of the big search?

    It was a local market.

  10. Red Hill local says:

    Just popped back in and I’m fine with it all. No apologies needed Chad and I appreciate everyone’s comments about my “local” insights. Besides, knowing how B is, she HAS already checked me out in detail ;)

  11. lakeluver says:

    Sorry Blink,
    Here is the link (i’m a poet and i don’t know it)

    p.s. hope you have rested and are feeling better.

  12. Ragdoll says:

    Blink, sinus infections suck. My son gets them often. If you’re not getting relief, you may need some antibiotics. Don’t hold off on seeing a dr. and getting some rest!

    It’s ok to take a break and heal ~hug~ We’ll all be here waiting for ya.

  13. Rob says:

    Cooper, terrific post, and I agree. I’m puzzled by some of the comments that continue to suggest an Ex- Boyfriend. Mr Harrington has said he believes the person is local and unknown to Morgan. This has been my belief since the get go. This type of abductor / killer will be the most difficult to find, but I believe he will be found eventually. It will take every bit of forensic and technical data, along with a tip that may come from an unlikely source.

    Statistics reveal that the unknown killer is always the most difficult to find. And that’s simply because there are no connections to the victim.

    I have read so many touching and eloquent posts directed toward the Harrington’s yet, I see that many do not believe that he is correct in his assumptions. Mr Harrington has much more knowledge than any of us. This is his daughter and the police are keeping him abreast of all developments.

    The police also possess hinky meters and if someone was giving them the run-around – they would know it. The police have interviewed her friends and associates many times – I think they know as much as they can from those sources. They have many tools to determine if someone is telling the truth. I’m not sure how so many think her friends are involved either. I realize that we all don’t read the same articles in the same way and words often have a differing effect on us. But to suggest that after-all this time that her friends are concealing something that would prohibit Morgan’s killer from being discovered is – well, not on my radar. It is most likely that the police have repeatedly told her friends to remain quiet, not to share what they know, and not to disclose their conversations – less it hurt the case and chances of finding Morgan’s killer. It’s only logical and I don’t believe there is some conspiracy involved here at all. Personally, I could not leave Charlottesville without everyone that I arrived with – but again, there must be some explanation that we are not yet aware.

    My personal belief is that this is a white male – age 22 to 35. Lives with-in 2 miles of the discovery site, probably drives an off-road type truck, knows the area due to living nearby, was in the arena area simply because that’s where the action was that night and there was something different and different people in town. It attracted him, and I don’t think he was going to the concert. I believe he just went there with the intention of cruising around and happened upon Morgan. Guys cruise for girls. He was just there and it was a chance encounter. I could be wrong – but that’s how it looks to me. I also do not believe that Morgan was killed at this location, but simply placed there as a quick and convenient disposal site.

    I also think there COULD BE people on this board who may know him even though they don’t realize it. (I’m not suggesting that anyone is keeping info from the police) It happens like that in many cases. Charlottesville is a small community and most people are somehow connected to everyone through someone – 6 degrees if you will. When the perp is discovered, people often say – ‘I knew so and so from high-school and he was a little weird all the way back then’.. or ‘my sister knew him once and thought he was a little strange’ or still yet – ‘I knew him a long time ago and I can’t believe he did this – it’s totally out of character for him’.

    I feel this is a lone killer – I don’t believe this is a gang of boys or a conspiracy that involves a cop that killed himself. Recently there was another case in a very small community where a little girl was murdered and a police officer killed himself due to health problems. It’s one of those “odd coincidences” that occur in very high profile cases. These occur and people are correct to wonder – but if there is nothing to connect – it’s just time to move on to something more relevant in my opinion.

    I hope today is the day that we all see an arrest.

  14. RU Mom says:

    Blink, have you tried a Neti Pot? They really, really do work. If you don’t know what I am talking about, just google a video on youtube. It will show you how to use it. Appears gross, but I assure you, there is much relief and it is safe. Only saline solution is used. I have also seen it being used to help prevent flu.

    TY acho suggested the same, appreciate it

  15. localcvillegirl says:

    All this going back and forth between threads is hurting my finger.

    Red Hill (I’m the one who saw you posting over at the Hook and asked you to come over…so please keep checking in when you can, it really helps to have you here), do you think there is talk going on down at the Crossroads Store? It’s not the old-timey country store that it used to be, but seems like locals still do hang out. Maybe there would be talk of any recent thefts…are you talking farm thefts, B? Like tools or small things that might go unreported?

    Can someone remind me of the connection to Crozet? I’m all ears when Crozet is mentioned, but I seem to remember only that LE *was around* Brownsville Store in the early days after Morgan disappeared. Like they were checking out a spot where they may have left a car and got into one car for the ride in to town. It was not here that Morgan met up with her JMU friends…her 2:00 phone call to her Dad came from Harrisonburg, right?

    Is there a BG in Crozet is what I’m asking.

  16. Sin City says:

    Blink, Does anyone have any idea how long it will take for LE to process evidence at the site? In other words, will we all be waiting weeks before we know the POI?

  17. J2K says:

    B -
    Ha! A “B” movie indeed. (skyler and I are aready working on the screenplay for “Soroity Sows.”)

    As far as your Sudafed-inspired points last night, well-taken:
    “… I do not believe it was random, thus causing the single worst cosmic bad luck in a few short moments our dear Morgan could have. Can it happen that way? It can, and you may be right, but imo that means we have a -lying in wait- predator and a highly organized offender, which I do not believe this is…”

    Here’s the thing about “lying in wait” – what would the BG have been waiting for? There was a one-in-million chance she would find herself isolated from her companions and barred from the arena halfway though a concert she planned for half-a-year. No one could have known in advance that she was gonna land outside without her keys or access to her car. And the “luring” theory simply does not hold water – she could not have been convinced to meet someone outside in a *total vaccuum* – someone, e.g. door security, textee, witnesses, friend inside, (or, hello! – phone record) would know her intentions/predicament once outside. (No, I do not think that leaving the show was her original plan; those tix were expensive.)

    So, that leaves her unexpected discharge into the night, around 8:30 p.m., as the first opportunity for MH to contact/makes plans with someone other than the three people she attended the show with. *That* is why it seems random that she dead less than two hours later.

    I have an easily debunkable theory about this next one B, but I’ma toss it out anyway -
    (you noted:) “Assumption: Morgans card was used or attempted to be used following her disappearance= who does that?”

    I don’t know who would be that stupid, but it’s possible that the driver of her car, DC, had her credit card for gas, and the trio/duo stopped on the way home to fill up, so her card was used – just not by MH or BG. In Dr. Harrington answering the FM board’s question about her card use, he may have known there was *activity* after the disappearance, but he may also have known by whom and chose not to say.
    Regardless, it *was* noted by LE that her debit card was in her wallet, thus *if* anything was charged to her name that night, it was either MH before TOD, DC/SS/AM on the way home from the show, or perp using her debit on the way to toss her purse with debit inside/perp never touching her purse as she had sropped it in the lot, but taking a theoretical “emergency” credit-card stored that night in her boot/bra/skirt-pocket off her person.

    B continues:
    “… Admittedly, my theory of a targeted, known to her offender, is asking one to believe there is an individual so brazen to methodically plan and execute the abduction and murder of Morgan with no ‘screaming’ pingback to their identity, which is accomplished in a few hours.”

    Eggggg-zactly. The “plan” would have had to have been hatched within less than an hour of her unanticipated exit from the concert, or within about 30 minutes of picking her up in the RV lot or on Copeley. That leaves very little room for being “methodical,” if you ask me.

    Now this, B, took me aback:
    “I go back to this- Lt Rader is emphatic the friends and she had no plans to meet up after the concert.”

    So, the Friends… lied? AM’s sister (and I think SS, too) was/were quoted as saying they thought she would “come back,” and didn’t think MH would “leave them there.” Also, this would cast a suspicious light on their claim to have waited for MH at her car post-show before driving back to JMU. This implied to me they weren’t really sure what she did after getting stuck outside, but thought she’d be at the car when they got there, or that they could reach her by phone and meet her wherever she was in town with her car for the trip back over to JMU.

    They’ve also allegedly told people AM and SS drove back to UVA the next morning to scan the streets/JPJ lot for her. (This is just repeated hearsay, though.)

    I would be curious as to AM’s outgoing phone calls post-11:30 that night and the next morning. Call after call to MH’s phone and any messages left on her vmail from Friends she was with would have told LE exactly what the Friends knew/did not know. In other words, LE has *always* (well, since examining their phone records anyway) been fully aware of the level of knowledge the friends she was with had about her whaerabouts that night. Wish they would share…

    belika -
    “… could it had been that HE did what he did, and came back to the arena right after, re-entered the concert, so his alibi had been made…”

    No re-entry at the JPJ, belika.

    yoshi, Emily -
    Thank you… ya makin’ me blush over here.

  18. belika says:

    And… if the above goes right… Was that in Crozet where that *before or after concert party* took place?

  19. Chad says:

    O Chad-
    Thinking of you and willing you strength.

  20. Cooper says:

    Morning Everyone. To Blink and Cvilleconcerned:
    Blink I should have corrected you yesterday but am recovering from some minor surgery. I am female LE. Cooper is my cat and I love him so much I used him as my screen name. Sorry I should have mentioned it when you called me “Kind Sir” ; ) but was involved in discussing the case and didn’t think it important at the time…kind of gave me a giggle. That being said. I just want to clarify that I am only making deductions based on the location of the body, purse, cellphone etc…ALL OTHER ELEMENTS IMO ARE UP TO SPECULATION AT THIS POINT.
    The dump site tells us things about the killer. Mainly that he is local but also that he is connected to it in some way. He’s been there before and never thought she would ever be found there. He is afraid now that she has been discovered and he is near by IMO.
    He very well could have known her…
    Or he might know friends of hers…
    or it could have been random…
    but he is connected to that place in one way or another…that has to be considered a fact at this point.
    To Cvilleconcerned_ I appreciate that you live in the area and are able to see the land first hand. I am basing my opinions on what LE and the owner of the property have been saying about the location. The owner stated in an interview that he could not get to this spot with his pick up truck that it would take a tractor and he was genuinely mystified as to how the body got there. LE said the same thing…that you could not reach this spot in a pickup truck. If LE and the owner are mistaken then that widens the suspect pool A LITTLE. But they will no doubt still be able to find the path of entry as the spot is so remote, and I agree, it could be possible to make it a certain distance with a regular pick up truck and walk the rest of it. All things LE probably has reconstructed by now. College students/student are a distinct possibility at this time. People who would have been in that parking lot interacting with Morgan. I am not in anyway saying you are wrong. My focus is the dump site and the people that had access to it. We have now gone from a pool of suspects that could be anyone…to a handful of suspects that have knowledge and access to that spot.
    My only point is, that if the piece of land is not accessible by any other means than a tractor or some other sort of ATV…etc…(as LE and the owner were saying) then the back way would be more practical AND IT DOES EXIST. No matter. Either way there will be evidence that leads the police down the path that the killer took and since the killer did not think that she would be found…then it will most likely lead to where he is or at least point them in the right direction. This happens a lot in crimes like this. The offender wants to dispose of the victim in a place where he can keep an eye on her and yes, blink…IMO in most cases like that the offender knows the victim.

    I have read and re-read Red Hill’s ( no red-undancy jokes please, ba dum bump)posts. He has a very strong command of both this land and the thought process of someone that is looking to use it.

    I am convinced the access was from the development because our own Cville has also driven it personally.

    I think 29 was his best chance of being seen, so not optimum. Could he drive his pickup up along the tree line? Sure.

    But he never did any other time, so why now, in the dark, with mushy tire tracks in the wake to be viewed at daylight. He needs a hint of light to check if she is visible. But then he must go out that way to explain the tracks, in the light. Nope.

    Also, because I think this person has hunting knowledge or access to it, I think he selected the location based on Wind direction as it related to other hunters as well. She would be (excuse me for the graphic) be perpetually downwind of all of them.

    Maybe he borrows a tree stand at daybreak, has his look, and disappears out the back. Where’s the deer decoy again?

    If I am hearing what I think I am hearing over the last 2 days:

    1. “she was gone before the end of the concert.”
    possible translation: We know this because the person we know murdered her was accounted for by around 11:30 pm.
    He needed to be back to dump her purse in the melee and to be seen by her friends and act perfectly normal.
    Which they would, because she was due to be with new guy. She was intercepted by jilted and they argued in the lot where she turned to go get back in. Could not. Remember my thoughts on embarassing public man-sodes? She sets her purse on the whoevers car and in her rage of indignation she starts toward the bridge, thumb outstretched. He is parked there and the displays are to piss him off for ruining her night. Probably many previous nights.

    He pulls up next to her and says, listen, its raining, you have nowhere else to go, let’s chat or get a drink till the concert is over, and oh yeah, you dropped your purse, get in. “cept the battery had been removed already, cover back on so as not to alarm.

    “It is not someone she knows.”
    Because we believe his alibi, he was seen as outlined above, OR temporary false security.

    I cant make random fit. It could turn out that way, but If it does, I may need to change my profession.

    No necklace:
    who the eff gave that to you, the new BF?
    You wearing the necklace I gave you as my do not dump me gift to go out with new guy?

    (I think it is possible Morgan told Gil Alex gave her the necklace for obvious reasons, she adored her brother, and he adored her, I have never seen a single pic of it on her, or anything like that, so it was either from jilted or new guy, but Morgan was not ready to share that info.)

    No camera:
    Possible someone recovered when purse dropped, or left in the bathroom, cant be ruled out on it’s own.
    Possibly discarded by perp.

    JMHO, I dont think I have said a single new thing?

  21. Mom3.0 says:

    Red Hill,
    Hello. Please do not back out. I think your posts were brilliant. I especially learned alot through the back in forth between yourself and Cooper.
    Most of us here have no investigative backgrounds either. I think you have quickly become part of BOC. Your insights are invaluable,your posts thought provoking and from the heart. We need you here for so much more than your knowledge of the land. My friend, Chad, did not mean to offend you. Chad cares so much sometimes, that it is hard to look at things objectively. Please, except Chad’s apology and rejoin the conversation.

    Red Hill you are needed and wanted. I instantly liked you, as did everyone, you are a good guy.

  22. alexandra says:

    How did the girls know their Designated Driver for the evening? He is/was Morgan Nichols boyfriend? and he used one of Dr. Harrington’s tickets? Or did he have his own ticket? There were 4 tickets right?. Why was it said that his seating was in a different place?
    J2k, no sarcasm. I sit here with mouth open and eyes wide.
    Swift Justice for Morgan!

  23. susanm says:

    wait,enquirer,says a phonecall from a field,car parked near field,transactions made shortly after.It appears then that your theory has changed: to sheknewhim,and the transactions were made before tod not after?

  24. Mom3.0 says:

    Chad, my friend, I am so sorry to hear about your Dad’s troubles. You and your family will be in my prayers. I too think the fire andwith the rest needs to be looked into. You were right to ask Red Hill opinion. Be strong Chad we need you, your family needs you and what would I ever do with out you? You are always here to offer help and encouragement. Thank you,friend.

    Lovely, Yoshi, thank you for your kind words.

    Dar, I very much appreciate you letting me know what happened, from your perspective. Thank you. I too feel awful. Let’s move forward together in trying to figure out what happened to beautiful shiny Morgan. The Harrington’s need our help and support.

    Cooper, glad you made it to this thread. Your insights are most welcomed.

    J2K you continue to amaze me. Still trying to catch up.

    Enquirer, thank you for your perspective.

    roageo,thanks for the links,as mouse said could you please describe as I am unable to access. TIA

    My condolences to the sheriff’s family and friends.

  25. Cooper says:

    To Red Hill…Good Morning! I am basing my speculation as to how the killer would have taken Morgan to that site based on what the farmer and the police said about the land not being accessible by pick up truck. (See previous post) You certainly could be right. My point is the the killer is somewhere near by and that the dump site will be his undoing. LE is figuring out the route he took as we speak which will at worst take them down the correct path and head them in the right direction or at best lead to his front door, provide tire tracks and other information as to his identity. I AM interested in your input as you live there and have knowledge of the property. My point was that if a special vehicle was necessary to gain access to that spot then the back way seems the better more clandestine route.
    Other than the location of the body and what it means as to WHERE the killer was at that time…IMO all other things are deduction and speculation at this point and all could be possible. I was asked to speculate and that is what I did but I know this could go anywhere from here. Of one thing I am 100% sure. He made a huge mistake leaving Morgan in that field. It is leading LE straight to him right now. A very lucky break.

  26. Chad says:

    @RED Hill Mom.3, Mjh, Blink,

    Red, I hope you will accept my apolly. So sorry Red. I over reacted. (falls on sword) I hope we are go to go.
    Mom and all thanks for your kind words.I too, consider you all friends. Your all amazing. I do not have an invetigative background at all. I am glad that you all feel that my input is valuable. Yesterday was overload day for me.

    Thanks for all the well wishers for my dad. He is big and strong, and I hope he recovers with no further complications and set backs.

    Have a great day all, and I hope as each minute passes, we are all that more closer to an arrest.

  27. mary says:

    1.Comment by LDS — October 31, 2009 @ 11:19 pm
    Blink, your article says they picked up friend in CROZET to go to concert, newspapers are saying Harrisonburg. Which is it? Thanks in advance!
    That is based on an address we were given, if the car was not where we were told, it could have been in Harrisonburg.

    1.Comment by LDS — October 31, 2009 @ 11:40 pm
    So much confusing info re: this story . . . LE says friend drove MORGAN’S car to Arena, her parents say it wasn’t Morgan’s car but a friends. Interesting – did someone provide you with an address in Crozet? I actually live in the area and Crozet and Harrisonburg are NOT close to one another. Interesting someone would provide you with a Crozet address. More info on that?

    I think someone has stated that early reports may be the most correct or something like that. That whole mix-up with where the car was and who drove was very puzzling at the beginning. After going back and looking at this, I think it’s entirely possible they stopped off in Crozet for whatever reason. It looks like it’s only 30 minutes from where her body was found to Crozet. Could someone have followed her car from there to Charlottesville?

    It seems to me there are really only 2 possibilities here:
    1) Sex predator unknown to Morgan who took advantage of the situation. The placement of the body seems to point to this and it is an eerie thing IMO that where the body was found is almost in this RSO’s backyard.
    2) Ex-boyfriend with violent streak. Could be who she was texting, why she was crying, how she ended up outside. Maybe they met up before the concert and they argued and that’s why she was reportedly agitated on the way to the concert. This answers so many questions regarding the friends laissez faire attitude about her being outside the arena and getting a ride. They knew who she was with.

    I honestly do not know and am having a hard time based on what we know. If I was a betting gal, my money would be on the RSO.

    Is it possible that he IS the ex-boyfriend? That would tie it up nicely for me. I don’t really think so but ya never know.

  28. J2K says:

    Mom3.0 -
    I addressed you on the other thread not realizing you had popped by here. (And yes – my fingers were getting an aerobics workout last night… Still spinning myself in circles, though.)

  29. Cooper says:

    Hi Wigmouse! #294_ Thank you for the question. JIMO the site is too remote to try and force a live person to navigate and maintain his control over her in the dark. No doubt it is possible, but the location, with the tall grass and it’s difficulty to reach is more characteristic of a dumping site. I have learned to never say never especially in a case this bizarre though. I am also reasoning that if she was taken for the purpose of assaulting and murdering, or even if it was an accident (perhaps he gave her drugs…even a date rape drug and it caused her to pass) all of these things usually happen almost immediately after abduction and it is not necessary to take a victim to such a complicated and uncomfortable location to commit these acts. If an abductor wants to keep a victim for a length of time they usually have a place in mind that is available and within close proximity to them and it’s usually indoors. All that being said I will not say that it is not possible because all things are possible at this point…it would be unusual under these circumstances is all.
    ; )

  30. Cooper says:

    Must go out for a while…will check in later…best to all.

  31. Mom3.0 says:

    I believe Morgan either excepted a ride from a friend or from a very handsome,non threatening looking Good Samaritan. Someone that quickly would have had her trust,because of charm or perhaps reminded her of an old boyfriend.
    Friend at 20 is a broad term. J2k , I think Morgan’s circle of friends is a great deal wider than 15. She went to parties, concerts, festivals, she was on FB,MS. She knew people from her father, her brother, her work during the summer.,her bus rides,her different high schools and from her church. A friend of a friend IS a friend at 20.

    I do not know what The Harrington’s know regarding the person who offered Morgan a ride. But as a parent, I have to tell you, I could not allow myself to believe anyone that knew my daughter,could possible hurt her in anyway. They may not want to believe it. Remember,they too were adamant that Morgan would not be HH. As I parent, I too can say that this would be (and was/still is )what I believed. Accepting a ride is far different than actively seeking a ride with anyone who would see your thumb extended.

    I am not sure what to think about Morgan’s boots possibly missing. Until confirmation I will say ,haltingly, that an animal could have removed her from her boots,dragging her could have removed her boots.

    If I were in a fight for my life, I would use my spikey boots as a weapon, perhaps Morgan tried, and the killer removed them. Or he thought of this and took them from her beforehand. If there was rape involved(sorry so hard to type that) it is a crime of control not sex,he could have done this without taking shoes, but again she would have used them as a weapon. If it was rape because of spurned advances I think he still would have removed her shoes,especially after she kicked him a couple of times.

    This brings me back to someone she knows or felt comfortable with. She would have let her guard down, made herself comfortable at first. She had been walking/standing for a long while,1st thing I do when I am safe,warm, comfortable is take off my shoes. She was safe in his car out of the rain on her way to a party, relatives house friend? She would have took off her shoes to get her feet warm and to relieve the pain.

  32. Cooper says:

    Good Morning Mom 3.0! Thank you and I must thank everyone for the warm reception. What a smart and insightful group of people.
    BLINK…the cameras will be a valuable resource no matter who the killer is or where he came from…can’t wait to see what is in them!!! Very exciting news.
    Now to pick up my meds…lol
    ; )

  33. bob-dog says:

    Comment by RU Mom — January 29, 2010 @ 11:39 am
    “Blink, have you tried a Neti Pot? They really, really do work. If you don’t know what I am talking about, just google a video on youtube. It will show you how to use it. Appears gross, but I assure you, there is much relief and it is safe. Only saline solution is used. I have also seen it being used to help prevent flu.”

    “TY acho suggested the same, appreciate it”

    O/T — Warning to Blink: Neti pots are helpful — if you use them correctly. I call mine the “nose bidet” and nearly drowned the first time I tried to use it! (Felt like I was being waterboarded, but I was able to stop pouring.) **LOL**

    I live near a natural foods co-op that sells everything in bulk, so I bought a little baggie of sea salt (too cheap to buy an entire box). When I used the bidet it burned like crazy, and when I licked my lips — it tasted sweet. I mistook a little baggie of sugar for the little baggie of sea salt. Duh. Be advised: Sugar does *not* help with sinus infections.

    When I finally figured out how to use it and used the correct ingredients, it helped a lot.

    Blink, hope you feel better soon.

  34. susanm says:

    i just want to send condolences to everyone who reads here,and especially to those who read here that were somewhat close to morgan & friends to uva,the bb players, and to all of virginia ,especially charlottesville. this has been quite a journey,but we didnt give up,as much as i have cried on the west coast ,i am sure those closer have been affected/cried harder,and those that read here because of similar events in their life, a special condolence for you too.a warm hug from me to all!

  35. roageo says:

    *** Mouse ***

    Join Facebook. :) It’s easy , free, and you can ‘browse’ and learn soooo much about the ‘players’. Oh, and you can use your ‘mouse’ name there, too, if you wish.

  36. Gizmar says:

    Long time lurker here but first time poster. never really posted as I was overwhelmed by everyones smarts and research abilities. As I followed this case almost daily even during travels overseas, I always felt a perp would be found before the body of sweet Morgan, probably my ignorant thinking. As events have unfolded I am filled with grief for the Harrington family but am grateful they at least have some closure.
    Watching them on the today show really got to me, such strength and eloquency during such difficult times. Justice will prevail hopefully sooner rather than later and the BG will pay for what hes done.
    Blink, my hat off to you, not only are you caring and smart but you make BOC be a united and welcoming community, and even with misunderstandings and ocasional spats, in the end everyone is here for a reason, and finding justice for morgan is it. Thanks for all you do Blink, through yoru posts and comments one can not only sense your skills but also your warmth.
    To all the Blinkers, you are awesome and your thoughts , theories and research blow my mind away! keep up the good work .

  37. Blink says:


    Blink Bionics not working, must seek a Shaman. Talk amongst yourselves and I will see you later.


  38. Mony says:

    Is the a website that you can check to see current arrests? TIA

  39. Jon Guillot says:

    Blink, sorry to hear about your sinus woes! As a many-year sufferer of recurrent sinus infections, I took so many anti-biotics that most became ineffective for me. I tried the NetiPot–with some success– (and know a lady who markets a ceramic version called BettiPot), but if I have an infection starting to cook I now rely on NeillMed, which uses a plastic squeeze bottle and pre-packed buffered salt solution to really get up in there and clean bad gunk out. Starter kits, at CVS and other chains, about $10-12, might get you less cheesed about feelin’ crummy.

    But can anyone do something for me: after Googlemapping the site where Morgan was found until I was google-eyed,I’ve been doing the terrier thing, digging at something that was put in my head by Blink, J to the K, Observer, Mom 3.0 … I could probably cite many more of you. Anyway, I came to something that, IMO, might tilt the whole inquiry into who/how/why in a direction very different from where I–and maybe the whole board– had seemed headed.

    But I can’t (so far)find an answer to this one question: does Dr. Harrington have a close relative (brother/cousin/?)named Paul G. Harrington?

    Believe me, no ill reflection on Dr. & Mrs Harrington or Morgan is in my head.

    I simply ask the board because this MIGHT change much, but might also, if the answer is, “No such relation,” be just another of the many weird, Mel-Gibson-flick-or-crime-thriller coincidences that we’ve seen too many of in this case. TIA.

  40. Boz says:

    You’all are really something. You may solve this thing at BOC. I would not be the least bit surprised. Keep up the great comments. I’ve been reading all comments and it seems like no one knows who gave Morgan her necklace, right? Or did I miss that?

    My two cents: Does anyone out there think there could be a possibility LE could find out who purchased the Swarovski necklace? Could they approach it from BOTH the buyer and seller records. It looks like a chain link design. Could there have been that many of them sold in that area during the time the first person noticed it? Maybe contact Swarvoski to see how many of these were sold a month before Morgan disappeared? Or canvas local stores to see who purchased one of these? Maybe that’s already been thought of. If not, I’d like to offer the suggestion. Just maybe, they’ll find the person who gave it to her.

  41. Enquirer says:

    #330 – Blink I completely understand. I do have confidence in the information I have available to me, but completely agree with your stance on this. But as you well know, unless it’s officially released by VSP, you can’t take it as fact.

    It is possible that I have made an error in judgement in posting some of this info. It’s been an interesting few months for me, a shattered wrist has temporarily taken me away from work that I love. This has however given me time to look at cases (informally) outside of my area (and in this case the country that i am currently residing in, but this city is one I have spent extended periods of time in before). Of the couple of cases that I have read up on during my forced time off, and talked to old associates of mine on, this one has struck a cord with me more than others. I can not explain why.

    I have seen some horrific circumstances in my time (one in particular last year will stay with me for some time) but never have I seen a family of the victim that has inspired such empathy, passion and feeling of loss in me. I have often related to the feeling of loss with a family, but never this level of admiration.

    The Harringtons are truly blessed with a gift that not many families of victims can call on. I can only hope they continue to use this gift in the future to help those who will suffer similar loss in the coming years.

  42. Mom3.0 says:

    J2k, Great point, I must admit hadn’t thought of DD unnamed protected using debit card later,having access because of gas bought. Very plausible. Dan would still keep confidential,very plausible. Don’t forget Dan DD,and Dee, Dee stated they were all going to a party together until “actually someones missing” came up- I found your other post,left comment for you there also. LOL
    Did you see my comment #379?

    Cooper, WOW, much respect to you. You must have been very good at your chosen profession. Very very good analysis. I surely hope you are correct,when you said dump site will lead right back to perp.
    Look forward to your return. Feel better, ma’am .

    Bob-dog, thanks for the laugh sugar/ Yikes!

    Gizmar, welcome to BOC and congrats on making out of lurkingdom. Glad to have you here with us.

    Blink please,take care. We will be on our best behavior.

  43. Red Hill local says:

    Cooper, been busy and didn’t see your post. I was given coordinates for where the body was found 37.98483860692609, -78.6160746216774. However, when I look at the tent photo in the other thread, it appears the tarps and dig site are below these coordinates, down the hill, where the fence divides the pasture from the bottomland hayfield. The last 50-75 yards of that hillside would be the steepest leading to the bottom and therefore difficult to reach by truck(Bass’s statement). One of the reasons for me saying the perp came in thru off 29 thru Anchorage was the coordinate location. He could have easily driven the majority of the way, across the field along the woodline, and dragged the body the rest of the way, downhill, thru the open field. I had a hard time thinking someone would enter off Red Hill Rd, open the almost always closed gate, drive up the bottom 3/4 mi, and then drag the body 75 uphill thru the woods only to leave it exposed in the open field(sure, the broomsage is mid-thigh but there’s still no cover except that.

    But, if the body was found at the fence or very closeby, entry off of Red Hill Rd could have been possible. Risky, yes, but possible. There’s a fair amount of traffic on the road, and people will call 911 re:poaching in a flash. Yes, whomever took that route, had to have done it before, and most likely WAS a hunter or a poacher knowledgeable of the area, not one of the students renting the house, presently or in the past. I doubt they’d have ever had reason to drive up that bottom and risk getting stuck. The bottomland would have been wetter, softer, and more likely to get stuck, so they “knew” what they were doing.

    I rule out using an ATV to “carry” the body in. Just too much involved either in loading/unloading, or too risky being caught riding on the state road. Not to mention they are typically much louder than say a pickup.

    I’m still not quite comfortable accepting entry off of Chopin, just too risky IMO, but the exact location of the body might sway me otherwise.

  44. Enquirer says:

    @susanm no i do not believe sheknewhim. It is possible that sheknewofhim, but i doubt that personally.

    I believe transactions were made post event. However, it’s possible that during the ride a purchase may of been made by Morgan hence LEs interest in her cards.

    I really do doubt that our BG used Morgans card after leaving the field.

    For what ever reason I do believe that our man went back to the arena that night.

  45. Angie says:

    I have an idea – I’d like to know what everyone else thinks. I would like to do something to honor Morgan’s memory. I was thinking along the lines of an annual conference to teach young women how to be safe. For ex: we could have someone demonstrate simple self defense techniques, teach women to not run with headphones, excuse me, earbuds, (my 16 yr old daughter would say, “noone calls them headphones anymore”), etc. I have alot of ideas but won’t list them all here unless someone wants to hear them. Also, to teach young mothers how to keep their children safe when outside playing, sleeping at night, etc. I had a list when my daughter was younger and she wanted to sleep over someone’s house and the other parents thought that I was nuts! But,she wasn;t going to anyone’s sleepover unless they answered all of my questions satisfactorily. I wanted to make sure my daughter knew all of the exits in case of fire, made sure that they locked all of their doors and windows at night, etc. But, back to my conference idea. It seems like common sense to me, but I hear things that happen to people all of the time and I think that they need to be educated about such things. We could honor Morgan and do it in her memory. This beautiful, young woman had so much to give and for some reason she has touched my heart so deeply. I remember the night that she went missing. I live in Williamsburg and my daughter went with some friends to BUsch Gardens to Hollow Scream and I was so on edge. It was the first time that she was going alone with friends. Usually my husband and I or her friends parents would go to the park and they could go do their thing while we did ours. We all had cell phones to stay in constant touch. I was so nervous about her being grabbed or something. She called about 45 min after arriving and she was coming home sick. (She had come down with the swine flu). I told her to tell her friend to call her mother and let her know that she was going to be their alone. She said “She won’t be alone we met some other kids from school.” I said, Have her call her mom and tell her that you are coming home sick. Valuable info for a mom I thought. Then my daughter wanted to walk out alone to where her dad would be picking her up. I didn’t like that idea, but her friends were in line for awhile for some ride and she didn’t want them to have to leave. However, I heard them offering to walk her out to the car! They are younger than Morgan’s friends – I could never get over that they let her leave alone. I stayed on the phone with my daughter until she got in the car with her father. I know that I am paranoid. I worked for several years in MA Superior court probation dept. I could write a book. This was when I was single. I never went out with a guy until I checked his record! I wish I could still do that for my daughter. My prayers have been with the Harringtons since day one. I would love to do whatever we can to honor their daughter. She must never be forgotten!

  46. juliemooly says:

    Some observations:

    The loss of the purse could have nothing to do with Morgan’s demise. If morgan dropped her purse before she ended up on the Copeley road bridge, a random person could have picked it up, tried to use her card and not succeeded (no knowledge of P.I.N., over limit?) and that person could have gotten disgusted with not being able to get money out and just dropped it back in the lot where they found it instead of turning it in, just to avoid being seen with it since they felt guilty for trying to rip someone off. If this is the case, it’s sad, because this person may have seen something important related to Morgan, but never called it in. If they had never been in trouble with the law they wouldn’t have prints on file.

    Also, back in November when I participated in the search for Morgan, I seem to recall being told her black boots had a solid, relatively low (2 1/2 inch or less) chunk heel, NOT a spike heel. Morgan could have reasonably been marched through the woods for 100 yards or so in that type of boot. I have some like it and wear them when I want to look good but be comfortable and reasonably warm. If animal activity could have moved Morgan’s remains, it is conceivable that, due to decomposition, the boots could have stayed behind in the place she was dropped, perhaps in the woods, whether a few or several yards away, and thereby Mr. Bass would have seen toes.

    comment by M.:
    “The killer would have to know that he could traverse the property without getting stuck.” It had been very dry here and lovely sunny weather up until the weekend of the concert, so the ground would have been pretty firm. Also, he could have driven up to a treel line and then marched or carried Morgan to the farm. It doesn’t have to be an
    all-or-nothing proposition.

    belika, Morgan’s friends were picked up in Harrisonburg, not Crozet. As far as I know, any stop pre-concert in Crozet is speculation, unless someone can correct me. I have not been able to glean any information about Crozet from known facts in this case, but people on this site hint at things, so someone has theories or persons of interest that they arent’ sharing details about for whatever reason.

    Cooper I love your posts. They are so clear and definitive I like to re-read them for their clarity.

    Comment by J2K: “No re-entry at the JPJ, belika.”. Not so, if he had more than one ticket, and just scanned one at his first arrival, then one at his return, but this would imply a level of premeditation and successful execution of a plan that defies the odds. But not impossible, I guess.

    When Mr. Bass states that the site where Morgan was found could not be reached by car, he could be thinking from the perspective of “from his house to the site”, not “from anywhere to the site” simply because he doesn’t have to think that way. He drives up his road in a car to his house, and then leaves from his house to go out onto his property for the most part, I’m assuming, on foot or off-road vehicle. Any large landholders will correct me if I am wrong. Do you access your properties from perimiters, and how often per year? There has been a lot of development out there and there could be paths even he isn’t familiar with.

  47. Amanda850 says:

    Blink – hope you start feeling better soon!

  48. belika says:

    re: J2K
    “belika -
    “… could it had been that HE did what he did, and came back to the arena right after, re-entered the concert, so his alibi had been made…”

    No re-entry at the JPJ, belika.”

    Sure. Not for Morgan, trying to re-enter. But for someone that knows someone special, of the security guys, or had a second ticket, or knew someone from the musician’s team…

    I was thinking of that girl Dee, that was spotted on some video from the concert, dressed and looking like Morgan…

    According to some posts around… They had quite many friends in common…

    Perhaps, it is just me reading too much conspiracy books, but, could it be that some of the *friends* had a *plan* for it all, made long in advance…

    And a plan how to support each other after…
    Because, J2K, I know stories of people not only re-entering – no-re-entry Metallica concerts, but breaking-in /without being noticed by security guards, nor spotted by cameras/places of much higher security level…

  49. DaisyGirl says:

    “My apologies in advance for offending anyone with this post, but they left her there. They had parties. SS dressed like a zombie 2 weeks later.”

    When someone asked Angie Miller on FB (Aunt of Maggie Herrick) why the girls were partying two weeks after Morgan went missing she said because the girls believe Morgan will come home safe. The thread has since been taken down, but at the time I thought this was a very unusual comment. Now after what you are saying Blink, it makes a little more sense. Is that why they had such a non chalant attitude at her search? Because at the time, they didn’t feel as though a search was necessary?

    Also, you believe she knew him, but in another thread you say random group of guys-one perp. I could be reading it wrong. Can you clarify what you mean by random? Do you mean she radomly happened upon a group of guys or one guy that she had previously met?

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